Obama charged in federal court with treason

H/t to the OC Weekly newspaper for this jewel of a nonsensical Internet rumor. They’ve been a special source of birther news because they cover the area where Orly Taitz, dentist, attorney, and 24/7 birther, lives.

They report that the venerable debunker of Internet rumors, Snopes.com, tracked down a story floating around that Obama had been charged in federal court with treason, and it led to none other than Orly Taitz (pictured right), who has used that word in some of her court filings. I wrote about a Taitz treason charge against Obama in June of 2014. Taitz has also threatened the Supreme Court with treason charges too.

I’ve not been able to find the instance where Taitz used the “T” word in court and the judge responded, “Treason?” If someone remembers, leave a comment and I’ll add it to the article.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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26 Responses to Obama charged in federal court with treason

  1. gorefan says:

    I had never heard of item 7 in the Kennedy list of treason before but found this story that explains it.


    Sounds very similar to the made up stories of President Obama.

  2. It reminds me of the story that George Washington was born in England based on a sentence in an English book printed in 1780.


    gorefan: Sounds very similar to the made up stories of President Obama.

  3. justlw says:

    I had never heard of item 7 in the Kennedy list of treason before but found this story that explains it.


    Sounds very similar to the made up stories of President Obama.

    What makes that page awesome and on point is that the bulk of it is Clark Clifford explaining in detail what a load of dingo’s kidneys the rumor was — wrapped in the page owner’s ignoring this and insisting that it’s true.

  4. Krosis says:

    Attorney Dr. Orly Taitz, DDS Esq. ™ should immediately intervene in the Arpaio contempt case and demand that since Arpaio’s subordinates admitted that the information in their investigation was junk, all donations to Arpaio regarding the birth certificate should immediately be turned over to Dr. Taitz, who, unlike this fraud Arpaio, fights 24/7/365 against the Usurper ™.

  5. Daniel says:

    //who, unlike this fraud Arpaio, fights 24/7/365 against the Usurper ™.//

    You really think Taintz is a good guy fighting a usurper, even after all this time do you Krosis?

    That’s so cute….

  6. Daniel says:

    And yes I know it’s our old pal Krosis spoofing the birthers lol

  7. Dave says:

    FYI The open thread is not presently open.

  8. chancery says:

    Off Topic (I don’t see an open thread):

    Doc, I hope that you and your family are safe and dry, or at least safe.

  9. Sluffy1 says:

    The pictured handbill/flyer/wanted poster originated and was passed out in Dallas prior and during the Presidents visit on 11/22/63… Texas sucks

  10. Nightflyer says:

    Notice that the Warren Commission had to waste time on that flier. The people who made it may not have been embarrassed by its timing — I’m sure they were delighted by JFK’s death — but they were probably quite nervous that they (instead of Kennedy) might wind up in the dock.

    Not an irony I can appreciate.

  11. bob says:

    Taitz is reporting that (as predicted) the 9th Circuit has cancelled her upcoming oral arugment in Grinols.

    The case will be submitted on the briefs on Oct. 20. The 9th’s affirmance should be issued within a month of that.

  12. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Good for the 9th circuit. They know a feckless moron when they see one.

  13. Kate says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Good for the 9th circuit. They know a feckless moron when they see one.

    What’s to argue? The issues are moot. Only an ignorant, f’ing moron like Taitz would fail to see this or acknowledge it. It’s par for the course for the ‘Principles of Orlylaw’ Real attorneys predicted this outcome a couple months ago, but it didn’t stop Orly from begging for donations for the case and for her traveling expenses, reminding all her supporters to come to court.

  14. Pete says:

    Now, now. People are fond of beating up on the birthers, but I for one believe they are closer than ever to the realization of their dreams.

    In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict Barack Obama will cease to be President within a year and a half.

    When it happens, remember: you read it here first!

  15. Keith says:

    Pete: When it happens, remember: you read it here first!

    No sir, un-uh.

    I read it here first.

  16. Kate says:

    Keith: No sir, un-uh.

    I read it here first.

    Don’t get ahead of yourselves or count out Orly’s supporters. There is a group of them about to be led in protest by someone who must be a VIP, as the poster goes by the name of Captain Barnett.

    We know how successful Orly’s previous protests have been. This one may attain double digits!

  17. Pete says:

    Kate: We know how successful Orly’s previous protests have been. This one may attain double digits!

    Would this qualify as a MEGAprotest?

    Speaking of which, maybe birthers should put together a Million Moron March.

  18. Keith says:

    Pete: Would this qualify as a MEGAprotest?

    ME-EGOprotest maybe?

    Speaking of which, maybe birthers should put together a Million Moran March.

    Fixed it for you

  19. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    bob: The 9th’s affirmance should be issued within a month of that.

    Then cue the petition for rehearing en banc, motion for reconsideration, petition for recusal of the entire court and referral to Judgment Day.

    [As a funny factoid, the German term for Judgment Day is “Jüngstes Gericht”, literally “Youngest Court”, so we sometimes jokingly refer hopeless cases to that one.]

  20. Nightflyer says:

    I’ll follow Orly Taitz anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity.

  21. Pete says:

    Keith: Fixed it for you

    Morans of the world, untie!

    Speaking of which, aren’t we about due for another round of MCSO follies?

  22. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    Pete: Morans of the world, untie!

    Speaking of which, aren’t we about due for another round of MCSO follies?

    As well as a new episode of “Stupid legal advice from john”.

  23. bob says:

    Taitz voluntarily(!) dismissed her last remaining trial-level case containing birther allegations.

  24. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Taitz voluntarily(!) dismissed her last remaining trial-level case containing birther allegations.

    I’m guessing that she’s either realized no matter how many times she tries, she’s never going to succeed, or she’s pulled this one because she’s thought of something even more incredibly stupid to try.

  25. Keith says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I’m guessing that she’s either realized no matter how many times she tries, she’s never going to succeed, or she’s pulled this one because she’s thought of something even more incredibly stupid to try.

    Or perhaps her doctors have finally found the right medication combination and her husband has managed to get her to take them on a regular basis.

  26. Nightflyer says:

    She’s busy getting ready to become Donald Trump’s Attorney General.

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