Tim Blixseth, former billionaire and associate of Dennis Montgomery, was recorded by Mike Zullo, and that recording was played in court today in the Melendres v. Arpaio trial of Arpaio for contempt of court.
BOTG reports that in the recording, Blixseth said that both Hillary Clinton’s and Mitt Romney’s birth certificates had been altered to distract from alterations of Obama’s birth certificate.
Mitt Romney did release his birth certificate to Reuters back in May of 2012, showing that he was born in Michigan. If there was any discussion of it being altered, I failed to run across it. A cursory Internet search did not find any mention of Clinton releasing her certificate.
Learn more tonight at 9 on a special report from Reality Check Radio.
nancy owens’ been busy, hasn’t she?
At first, I misunderstood. Nancy posted at Gerbil Report that Zullo had started answering questions. So I raced to Lemons’ Twitter feed for details.
But I see what you mean now.
I remember a lot of discussion about Romney’s BC alterations. They were plain as the nose on Jimmy Durante’s face.
It was altered to say VOID all over it. My Michigan BC doesn’t say that. Romney’s is obviously a fraudulent, fake forgery.
On the tapes it is clear that Bixleth has confused Romney for McCain and birth certificate for passport records.