Mike Zullo, true believer

imageI asked Brian Reilly on the RC Radio Show last night whether he thinks that Mike Zullo (pictured right, in the heyday of the Obama birth certificate investigation) really believes that Dennis Montgomery has the data to support his CIA/DOJ conspiracy allegations, even though he never actually produced the proof. Brian said that he does.

Today in reading through a chain of emails made public in the Melendres case, I found confirmation of that. Here is what Zullo wrote to Montgomery on May 22, 2015:

Dennis I want you to know that I do believe you have what you say and if I ever have to testify that is exactly what I’m going to say.

This is despite repeated emails from Zullo to Montgomery saying that the former NSA consultants found Montgomery’s material a “total fraud” and Zullo complaining that Montgomery had provided nothing. This is why I call Zullo a “true believer” in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

In another part of the email exchange, Montgomery says:

For the amount of money MCSO has spent on the judges court order in the Melendres case, maybe they should have spent some to expose the DOJ and their involvement in Covington.

What is curious is Zullo’s brief reply: “Not even U will know.”

More Melendres press coverage:

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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15 Responses to Mike Zullo, true believer

  1. Dave B. says:

    Yeah, but he could lie to Montgomery just as easily as he’s lied to everybody else.

  2. I find it intensely ironic that Zullo was doing to the birthers the same thing that Montgomery was doing to him. The only difference is that Zullo probably believed that he would eventually make the birthers whole. Still the psychology of belief seems very similar.

  3. Pete says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I find it intensely ironic that Zullo was doing to the birthers the same thing that Montgomery was doing to him.

    Neither Zullo, nor Montgomery, nor Arpaio, have any character. That’s putting it mildly.

    They deserve each other.

  4. RanTalbott says:

    This is just too funny: the gerbils are now treating Montgomery’s con about the BC being forged by Brennan as though it were real. 😛

    You can’t be more of a “true believer” than someone who swallows a con man’s spiel after he’s been unmasked as a serial fraudster.

  5. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The only difference is that Zullo probably believed that he would eventually make the birthers whole.

    That’s a pretty huge difference. I haven’t been shy about saying, for years now, that I believed Zullo was a cynical con man who ought to be prosecuted. But what I’ve seen lately suggests that I badly overestimated his intelligence, and he’s just another gullible victim, like the guy at the tenth level of a pyramid scheme who ropes in people at the eleventh level. Some of the people at the eleventh level might claim he’s “evil”, but he’s merely a fellow idiot who got in the sucker line faster.

    However, I remain open to the possibility that he’s actually a better con man than I thought, and is just playing dumb to get off the hook: he is, after all, a car salesman 😉

  6. Birthers are the ultimate contrarians.

    RanTalbott: This is just too funny: the gerbils are now treating Montgomery’s con about the BC being forged by Brennan as though it were real.

  7. John Reilly says:

    As the great philosopher, Forrest Gump, said, “You can’t fix stupid.”

  8. bob says:

    Judy has decided his one unsolicited question made him a “featured caller” on RC’s show.

  9. alg says:

    RanTalbott: That’s a pretty huge difference. I haven’t been shy about saying, for years now, that I believed Zullo was a cynical con man who ought to be prosecuted. But what I’ve seen lately suggests that I badly overestimated his intelligence…

    I’ve never thought Zullo was in this for the money – frankly, I doubt his involvement in the MCSO CCP has been particularly lucrative. It’s about Zullo being an important person. It’s also about being truly gullible and not very smart.

    Even today Mike Zullo is incapable of recognizing what a fool he’s made of himself. After all of this birther stuff, Zullo’s measure of his importance is that he’s now a key witness in a contempt of court trial about a corrupt public official and could, himself, soon be facing criminal charges.

  10. Dave B. says:

    I think the record of flat-out lying is a little hard to ignore.

    RanTalbott: That’s a pretty huge difference. I haven’t been shy about saying, for years now, that I believed Zullo was a cynical con man who ought to be prosecuted. But what I’ve seen lately suggests that I badly overestimated his intelligence, and he’s just another gullible victim, like the guy at the tenth level of a pyramid scheme who ropes in people at the eleventh level. Some of the people at the eleventh level might claim he’s “evil”, but he’s merely a fellow idiot who got in the sucker line faster.

    However, I remain open to the possibility that he’s actually a better con man than I thought, and is just playing dumb to get off the hook: he is, after all, a car salesman 😉

  11. gorefan says:

    RanTalbott: That’s a pretty huge difference. I haven’t been shy about saying, for years now, that I believed Zullo was a cynical con man who ought to be prosecuted. But what I’ve seen lately suggests that I badly overestimated his intelligence, and he’s just another gullible victim, like the guy at the tenth level of a pyramid scheme who ropes in people at the eleventh level. Some of the people at the eleventh level might claim he’s “evil”, but he’s merely a fellow idiot who got in the sucker line faster.

    However, I remain open to the possibility that he’s actually a better con man than I thought, and is just playing dumb to get off the hook: he is, after all, a car salesman 😉

    He reminds me of this guy.


  12. gorefan says:

    More info on Zullo’s trip to see Judge Lamberth.


    “Mr. Montgomery brought information with him,” Zullo said. “I seem to recall the flowchart being handed to [Lamberth], I don’t remember anything else.”

    Selective memory. The flowchart blows his whole we weren’t investigating Snow meme.

  13. aarrgghh says:

    resident gerbil Fast&Furious, speaking for all his fellow musky habitrail inmates:

    “It pisses me off that Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo are the people who have to testify under oath and not Barack Obama and John Brennan et al.”

    those who don’t understand the legal system, who try to game the legal system, often become examples of the legal system.

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