The occasional open thread: Troll Hunter edition

Put your Obama conspiracy comments that don’t relate to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

Please do not feed the trolls.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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79 Responses to The occasional open thread: Troll Hunter edition

  1. So yesterday I wrote the “final article” for this blog, the “January reveal” if you will. It will probably get updated before 2017. If you have any lingering questions about me or the blog that you think ought to be included for posterity, you can reply here.

  2. Crustacean says:

    I think the questions that most of us would like to see answered are these, Doc:

    1) Boxers or briefs?

    2) If you had a time machine, would you kill baby Hiltler? *

    Juuuuuust kidding! Obviously, those are stupid questions that no one should ever be asked. Unless, of course, you’re running for President of the United States…

    *Seth Meyers had a funny take on that stupid question that Jeb Bush was (not) forced to answer: so a time traveler returns to the present day and boasts, “I just went back in time and killed baby Hitler,” to which the present-day people reply, “Baby WHO?” and “Wait, you just killed a BABY??”

  3. Jim says:

    What is the greatest accomplishment of this blog? (Other than getting me to sign up, of course) 😀

    If you could do one (or 2 or 3) things different in the first year of the blog, what would you have done?

    Are you going to invite guest commentary upon closing? There’s more than one poster on here I’d love to read wrap-ups from.

    Oh, and a before and after pic would be great to see if the blog aged you as much as the Presidency aged Obama.

  4. averagelawyer says:

    It was mentioned in jest (I hope) on another thread that perhaps Arpaio (sp?) would be Trump’s Attorney General, and it was noted he isn’t an attorney. There is no statutory requirement that the AG be an attorney. 28 USC 503. True, the AG’s statutory duties specifically include giving “advice and opinions on questions of law” to the President and other cabinet members (28 USC 511), which implies that being an attorney would be helpful, but no express requirement. On the other hand, the Solicitor General must be “learned in the law.” 28 USC 505. I read somewhere that for decades the section on the AG included the “learned in the law” language, but somewhere along the line it was dropped.

  5. Matt says:

    From the Confusing Natural Born Citizen thread (didn’t want to drift too far off topic there).

    Pete: This isn’t an activist site in the sense of trying to change things. Offhand, I can’t recall ever having heard a single poster here advocate for dropping the NBC requirement.

    Well allow me to be the first! (I agree this isn’t an activist site, I have never opined on this subject here before).

    But I do think it’s time to amend the NBC clause out of the Constitution. The circumstances of one’s birth have little, if anything, to do with one’s loyalty and patriotism to the nation.

    What two things do the below individuals have in common?

    Jonathan Pollard – US Navy intelligence analyst
    Walter Allen – West Virginia coal miner
    Robert Henry Best – journalist
    John Brown – slavery abolitionist
    Thomas Wilson Dorr – Rhode Island politician and reformer
    John Fries – Pennsylvania auctioneer
    Mildren Gillars (Axis Sally) – WW2 radio broadcaster
    Martin James Monti – WW2 Army Air Forces pilot
    William Bruce Mumford – resident of New Orleans
    Aaron Dwight Stevens – slavery abolitionist

    1. All of them were natural-born U.S. citizens, having been born in the United States.
    2. All of them were convicted of state or national treason.

    The Oklahoma City bomber was an NBC. So was John Anthony Walker of the Walker spy ring.

    On the other hand, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger, Madeleine Albright, and Henry Kissinger. Does anyone honestly question their patriotism? Kissinger enlisted in the US Army and was a huge asset because of his language skills, even though he was only a private. Canadian-born Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm moved to the US when she was 4. Is she under any more foreign influence than Ted Cruz?

    Let the American voters examine the candidate and determine for themselves if foreign influence should bar a candidate from the presidency.

  6. Matt says:

    Also, for a country that is working hard to eliminate discrimination, that clause sure is discriminatory 😛

  7. Dave B. says:

    I would certainly advocate for the inclusion of foreign-born adoptees, adopted as infants or small children. And I wouldn’t particularly oppose including naturalized citizens of long residence. If I’m going to be worried about anybody having a harmful influence on American governance, naturalized citizens are nowhere near the top of the list.

    Also, for a country that is working hard to eliminate discrimination, that clause sure is discriminatory 😛

  8. James M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: “January reveal”

    I hope the Big Reveal is that Dr. C was B.S.,Esq. trolling GR the whole time. 🙂

  9. Lupin says:

    If “john” is freaking out, he is not the only one:


  10. J.D. Sue says:

    Lupin: If “john” is freaking out, he is not the only one:


    Out of their ignorant minds!

    Land of the free, home of the brave…

  11. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Matt: On the other hand, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger, Madeleine Albright, and Henry Kissinger. Does anyone honestly question their patriotism?

    I’m not so sure. Remember, “anger is more useful than the spear“. 😉

  12. Lupin says:

    “Patriotism” isn’t quite the first word that comes to mind when I think of Kissinger; “war criminal” is more like it. But the point is well made.

  13. Arthur says:

    Barack Obama reveals his favorite conspiracy theory surrounding his presidency.

  14. bovril says:

    J.D. Sue: Out of their ignorant minds!
    Land of the free, home of the brave…

    I remember on one occasion travelling from Canada back to the US and you actually cleared US immigration in Canada.

    Showed my passport to the nice Canadian immigration officer, chat, how was Vancouver, did you have a nice time, stamp passport, have a nice day…..” Oh, you have to see my colleague from the USA to do the same thing…. As they say “welcome to the Land of the Free and Home of the Scared”….”

    US chap….. not amused by the comment….. 😎

  15. Lupin says:

    bovril: I remember on one occasion travelling from Canada back to the US and you actually cleared US immigration in Canada.

    The following is a true story:

    In or around 2007, a client and friend of mine, a celebrated Canadian (WASPish) cartoonist by the name of Jay Stephens, who lives in Toronto, and who had a cartoon show called SECRET SATURDAYS in development at the Cartoon Network, was called to Los Angeles by the Network to review the progress on his show.

    He cleared US immigration in Toronto. They threw him in a cell, denied him contact with his family and/or agents, attorneys etc. for 24 hours, until they let him go and forbade him more to less to ever enter the US.

    This because he had said (perhaps foolishly if proudly), “I’m going to work on my [tv] show” when asked the reason for his visit — notwithstanding that he had a return ticket for the following week, a wife and two kids in Toronto.

    Cartoon Network tried to move Heaven and Earth to get him removed from some kind of list, but I don’t think they were successful.

    Jay now hates the US of A.

  16. Sef says:

    bovril: I remember on one occasion travelling from Canada back to the US and you actually cleared US immigration in Canada.

    Showed my passport to the nice Canadian immigration officer, chat, how was Vancouver, did you have a nice time, stamp passport, have a nice day…..” Oh, you have to see my colleague from the USA to do the same thing…. As they say “welcome to the Land of the Free and Home of the Scared”….”

    US chap….. not amused by the comment…..

    Yes, BTDT! And once you get in the US area THERE ARE NO RESTROOMS. Make sure you have taken care of all the necessities beforehand.

  17. y_p_w says:

    bovril: I remember on one occasion travelling from Canada back to the US and you actually cleared US immigration in Canada.

    Showed my passport to the nice Canadian immigration officer, chat, how was Vancouver, did you have a nice time, stamp passport, have a nice day…..” Oh, you have to see my colleague from the USA to do the same thing…. As they say “welcome to the Land of the Free and Home of the Scared”….”

    US chap….. not amused by the comment….. 😎

    Depends on where you do it. There are a couple of ferry lines from Vancouver Island to Washington state, and US Customs does preclearance at those terminals. Since it’s not an airport, there’s no Canadian border agent there. It’s kind of a pain because they make you go through a regular Customs inspection once arriving in the US.

  18. Uh, no.

    James M: I hope the Big Reveal is that Dr. C was B.S.,Esq. trolling GR the whole time.

  19. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: So yesterday I wrote the “final article” for this blog, the “January reveal” if you will. It will probably get updated before 2017. If you have any lingering questions about me or the blog that you think ought to be included for posterity, you can reply here.

    Doc, I’d be interested to hear about anything you want to share about the experience of blogging in a world of birthers and anti-birthers. For example, the good, bad, and ugly people you’ve met; what kind of email you received; what it was like to be investigated by an out of state sheriff’s posse; did you ever feel threatened by any birthers–whatever information you can share that tells us about the behind-the-scenes experience that ran in parallel to the blog itself.

    And, if she’s interested in doing so, I would love to hear whatever Mrs. Conspiracy has to say.

  20. J.D. Sue says:

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
    “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
    With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    The New Colossus
    Emma Lazarus

    (the words that welcomed my grandparents who were fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe).

  21. You might be surprised at how few emails I have gotten from birthers. I published most of the notable ones in articles in the mailbag category:

    I also get a frequent email newsletter called the Rolls Report. I archive it, but I don’t read it. I think it’s the same stuff he posts at BIN:

    I passed on your request to Ms. Conspiracy, and she said she would consider it.

    J.D. Sue: Doc, I’d be interested to hear about anything you want to share about the experience of blogging in a world of birthers and anti-birthers. For example, the good, bad, and ugly people you’ve met; what kind of email you received; what it was like to be investigated by an out of state sheriff’s posse; did you ever feel threatened by any birthers–whatever information you can share that tells us about the behind-the-scenes experience that ran in parallel to the blog itself.

    And, if she’s interested in doing so, I would love to hear whatever Mrs. Conspiracy has to say.

  22. Darn, I did the “Open threat” thing again. Fixed.

  23. That one I will answer now. (1) Start it 5 months sooner. (2) Register the domain anonymously.

    Jim: If you could do one (or 2 or 3) things different in the first year of the blog, what would you have done?

  24. Sure. I always welcome guest commentary.

    Jim: Are you going to invite guest commentary upon closing? There’s more than one poster on here I’d love to read wrap-ups from.

  25. I am the forger. I know what happened, how, why, where, and when. I don’t appreciate the notion that somebody who is currently facing charges and who repeatedly took the fifth thinks that he can dictate who can and can not talk about this.

    I have also added the video of Mike Volin who asks me quite clearly, “Who asked you to forge it?”

    Volin knows I forged it. Why haven’t I been contacted? Why does he keep banning from his BlogTalk station? Is he facing charges also?

  26. Keith says:

    y_p_w: Depends on where you do it.There are a couple of ferry lines from Vancouver Island to Washington state, and US Customs does preclearance at those terminals.Since it’s not an airport, there’s no Canadian border agent there.It’s kind of a pain because they make you go through a regular Customs inspection once arriving in the US.

    My Vancouver Island experience was like this…

    I have USA passport of course, my wife has an Australian one. When we arrived in USA she was given some sort of receipt she was supposed to keep track of and hand in to USA immigration when she left. So we go here, we go there, we go everywhere. We rent a car in San Fransisco and drive to Seattle. In Seattle we take a Ferry to Victoria, spend a few days on the Island, then take a bus/ferry over to Vancouver, BC to visit friends and then fly from there to Hong Kong.

    Anyway, when we are getting on the ferry in Seattle we are required to go through Canadian customs. Neither of us has any trouble. But then my wife asks where is the USA immigration – she has to give them this receipt thingy – they do not exist at the ferry terminal – no presence at all. After much to-ing and fro-ing, the Canadians promise to hand it on the next time they see the Americans.

    We still don’t know to this day whether or not my wife has ever officially ‘left’ the USA.

  27. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I am the forger. I know what happened, how, why, where, and when. I don’t appreciate the notion that somebody who is currently facing charges and who repeatedly took the fifth thinks that he can dictate who can and can not talk about this.

    I have also added the video of Mike Volin who asks me quite clearly, “Who asked you to forge it?”

    Volin knows I forged it. Why haven’t I been contacted? Why does he keep banning from his BlogTalk station? Is he facing charges also?

    Earth to Nancy:

    You haven’t been contacted because nobody believes you.

  28. Pete says:

    Not even the birthers.

  29. Pete says:

    I’ll tell you what, though. If you could prove that, hell, Mike Zullo would wear the Biker Girl Corset from Frederick’s of Hollywood, peacock his mustache and pluck all his nose hairs out using a mummified gerbil foot.

  30. Umm….Earth to Ricky: The investigators are now being investigated.

    Rickey: Earth to Nancy:

    You haven’t been contacted because nobody believes you.

  31. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Funny side story:

    The other day a guy I was replying to on a German law forum exposed himself as birther (he seems to peddle many conspiracy theories on his blog, including “Obama BC = forgery because layers”, without doing much more than copy/paste stuff and saying “look at this!”, so I wouldn’t call him a real birther, just a run-of-the-mill conspiracy believer).

    I wasn’t surprised he also turned out to be completely ignorant and unwilling to learn about the law. He had received a cease-and-desist letter for copyright violation and basically stomped his foot like “I don’t care for what the law says, I only care for what I want the law to be”, despite my attempts to explain to him how he broke the law. If his case ever goes to court, I’m fetching the popcorn.

  32. Charter Communications is having a multi-state DNS issue, resulting in me being unable to connect this web site, although it can connect to lots of other. I fooled them. I’m here with Tor.

  33. Jim says:

    The Republican Presidential candidates are chiming in…

    Trump: “I will make Charter better”
    Carson: “It’s all about terrorist mind control”
    Cruz: “It’s all Obama’s fault”
    Huckabee:”Charter Communication has sinned!!! God has shut it down!”
    Christie: “We were just doing a traffic congestion test, I didn’t know about the nefarious reasons for bringing that internet traffic to a standstill!”

  34. Dave B. says:

    There’s a new website for the Foreign Affairs Manual:

  35. And, they also contact the forger….which they didn’t.

    bob: Nope: In a real investigations, law enforcement contacts the victim (to mitigate damages) and to see if the victim can help with the investigation.Arpaio didn’t do this.

    Also in real investigations, law enforcement agencies co-operate with other agencies.Arpaio didn’t do this.

    Arpaio’s actual defense was Montgomery gave them junk, and Montgomery was off-the-reservation with his junk evidence about Snow.

    1.The defense rested.No more evidence.
    2.Because that would be a stupid strategy.As there was no CIA investigation; that was the lie of con men.

  36. There has to be a forgery for there to be forger. Sorry Nancy.

    Nancy R Owens: And, they also contact the forger….which they didn’t.

  37. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Charter Communications is having a multi-state DNS issue, resulting in me being unable to connect this web site, although it can connect to lots of other. I fooled them. I’m here with Tor.

    Oh crap, how’s DrDebDrDeb gonna find you now?

  38. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Umm….Earth to Ricky: The investigators are now being investigated.

    They aren’t being investigated about the fact they haven’t contacted you. You asked why you haven’t been contacted, and I told you the reason.

    The only person who cares that you haven’t been contacted is you.

  39. Pete says:

    Reality Check:
    There has to be a forgery for there to be forger. Sorry Nancy.

    Or to put it another way, not only are you not the forger, the forger doesn’t exist.

    A forger doesn’t exist because the alleged forgery doesn’t exist.

    Since the forger doesn’t exist, it’s impossible for anyone to contact the forger.

    It’s no more possible to contact the forger than it is to contact Darth Vader.

  40. I have hardly any complaints about Charter Internet. Their problem appears to be fixed, and I shut Tor down.

    Jim: Trump: “I will make Charter better”

  41. “Fox News brings back Obama birther lies: Donald Trump, Dennis Miller and the revolting post-Paris sliming of the president”

  42. Aaron Klein hired by Breitbart News:

    Breitbart Hires Birther And Extremist Sympathizer To Run Its New Jerusalem Site

  43. I am the forger and a legitimate birth certificate has never been produced because there is none. According to Griselda Blanco, Hawaii was paid $50 for a blank certificate.

    Pete: Or to put it another way, not only are you not the forger, the forger doesn’t exist.

    A forger doesn’t exist because the alleged forgery doesn’t exist.

    Since the forger doesn’t exist, it’s impossible for anyone to contact the forger.

    It’s no more possible to contact the forger than it is to contact Darth Vader.

  44. Lupin says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I am the forger and a legitimate birth certificate has never been produced because there is none. According to Griselda Blanco, Hawaii was paid $50 for a blank certificate.

    No you’re not. You make everybody laugh. Even the birthers laugh at you.

  45. Yoda says:

    I listened to Lyin ‘ Carl on Fellatio Friday yesterday. I remember a while back that he claimed to know “almost everything” that Zullo knows about the “investigation”. Yesterday, he claimed that he only knew a “small” amount about it.

    Seems like Carl is trying to do a balancing act between continuing the con and distancing himself from it at the same time.

  46. dunstvangeet says:

    Please do not feed the trolls.

    You have two options with Nancy Owens…

    She’s either a troll, doing a performance piece, which in case you should just ignore her.

    She’s truly mentally ill, which responding to her is useless, and you should just ignore her.

    Please do not feed the trolls.

  47. Rickey says:

    Over at The Fogbow, Northland10 has noted that Taitz v. Burwell has been dismissed.

    “Given the evidence the Government has put in the record concerning the adequacy of HHS’s response to Taitz’s FOIA request and the paucity of evidence Taitz has provided to counter HHS’s position, the Court hereby GRANTS the Government’s motion for summary judgment.”

  48. Or, you can go to my website and think for yourself.

    Please do not feed the trolls.

    You have two options with Nancy Owens…

    She’s either a troll, doing a performance piece, which in case you should just ignore her.

    She’s truly mentally ill, which responding to her is useless, and you should just ignore her.

    Please do not feed the trolls.

  49. Dave B. says:

    Over at the American News, they’re really getting into the Christmas spirit with articles accusing Obama of Making War On Christmas, or Christians, by not letting the VA put up Christmas trees. Typical Christmasy comment:

    “You stupid Black Bastard………….you better come arrest me as there is NO way in hell that you will ever stop me from saying Merry Christmas, having a tree and playing Christmas Music. So you have a Merry Christmas you Muslim Son of a Bitch.”

  50. Dave B. says:

    Man, people come up with the doggonedest things. Here’s another one from over at the American News, at an article on how “Obama Utters One Sentence That Has All Of America Convinced That He Is A Muslim”:

    “His birth name was Barry, ( first name) by his caucasian mother, his biologiacal father was African American/Phillipean. His father left at a young age and his mother moved in with her parents, very short time later she started dating a Muslim faith man, short courtship married him, the three practiced the Muslim faith and then his name was changed to Barack Hussein Obama. I have read and read all the literature I can find on him. I am convinced 100% he is Muslim faith and dislikes America and his intend is to make America a Muslim nation.l would love to know who the very powerful /rich individuals that got him into office.I will never be convinced we Americans voted this NON AMERICAN citizen in to office? I truly believe he was born in Kenya where his Grandfather was stationed when his mother lived with her parents during lare half her pregancy. He may have been concieved in American but wasn’t born on U.S soil, some of you might think i’m nuts and this is far fetched, some of this is my beliefs, but the statements about his heritage/family it is documented.Proof is out there, check it out, EVERYONE pray for our country that one day other countries will fear us again and we become strong again. Ronald Reagan hope you send an angel our way.”

  51. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Umm….Earth to Ricky: The investigators are now being investigated.

    Lol the “investigators” never did any “investigating” and the only thing you’ve forged is your fictional stories

  52. The Cold Case Posse investigation of me consisted of Google searches.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Lol the “investigators” never did any “investigating” and the only thing you’ve forged is your fictional stories

  53. What Breitbart News called “Obama administration VA’s directive ” was a directive from one director at one VA facility, a directive later retracted. I have never considered a Christmas Tree a religious symbol, no more than Santa Claus.

    Dave B.: Over at the American News, they’re really getting into the Christmas spirit with articles accusing Obama of Making War On Christmas, or Christians, by not letting the VA put up Christmas trees.

  54. It sounds like a reaction to what Zullo told Rondeau:

    “The only people who are going to know what transpired as far as this certificate is concerned is going to be me and Montgomery. Nobody else can speak to this, and they shouldn’t.”

    Yoda: Seems like Carl is trying to do a balancing act between continuing the con and distancing himself from it at the same time.

  55. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The Cold Case Posse investigation of me consisted of Google searches.

    Oh I remember. It was a google search that went to a single source. They were completely incompetent.

  56. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    What Breitbart News called “Obama administration VA’s directive ” was a directive from one director at one VA facility, a directive later retracted. I have never considered a Christmas Tree a religious symbol, no more than Santa Claus.

    Isn’t American News a satire site?

  57. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    What Breitbart News called “Obama administration VA’s directive ” was a directive from one director at one VA facility, a directive later retracted. I have never considered a Christmas Tree a religious symbol, no more than Santa Claus.

    And the directive was based upon a misinterpretation of a V.A. directive that was issued during the George W. Bush administration..

  58. Keith says:

    Republicans: Obama is waging war on Thanksgiving

    GOP Opposes Obama on Turkey Pardons

    by a 27 point margin Republicans say they disapprove of the President’s executive order last year pardoning two Thanksgiving turkeys Macaroni and Cheese) instead of the customary one.

  59. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: My name is Nancy Ruth Owens and I forged Obama’s birth certificates for the Medellin Cartel in 1985.

    yeah sure. Just like you claimed you forged the short form in 1985 when that format didn’t exist back then.

  60. The paper existed.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: yeah sure.Just like you claimed you forged the short form in 1985 when that format didn’t exist back then.

  61. Jim says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I am the forger and a legitimate birth certificate has never been produced because there is none. According to Griselda Blanco, Hawaii was paid $50 for a blank certificate.

    See Nancy, that’s what your problem is. I’ve never seen my original BC, in fact most people haven’t because it is the property of the state they were born in and even forgery does no good because it’s not the bc in your possession that verifies its legality, it’s the records of the state that do it.

    However, if you’d been just a bit more intelligent, you could have had Obama out of office within 6 months. I can’t believe an expert forger like yourself didn’t think of it. You should have forged his college transcripts. The college could not have verified anything on your forgery because of privacy laws and you could have made Obama look as bad as you wanted. Think of all the publicity you could have gotten…”The Gal that Doomed Obama”.

    Oh well, too late now. You’ve burned all your bridges with the BC nonsense that is easily verified by the holder of the records. You coulda been a contender!

  62. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    The paper existed.

    No different paper different format. You screwed up in your fiction

  63. Dave B. says:

    From David Farrar, over at the New Hampshire Public Radio:
    “Truth is truth, not matter who makes it up.”

  64. I know you’d like to think that this is over. But, it isn’t.

    Jim: See Nancy, that’s what your problem is.I’ve never seen my original BC, in fact most people haven’t because it is the property of the state they were born in and even forgery does no good because it’s not the bc in your possession that verifies its legality, it’s the records of the state that do it.

    However, if you’d been just a bit more intelligent, you could have had Obama out of office within 6 months.I can’t believe an expert forger like yourself didn’t think of it.You should have forged his college transcripts.The college could not have verified anything on your forgery because of privacy laws and you could have made Obama look as bad as you wanted.Think of all the publicity you could have gotten…”The Gal that Doomed Obama”.

    Oh well, too late now.You’ve burned all your bridges with the BC nonsense that is easily verified by the holder of the records.You coulda been a contender!

  65. Jim says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I know you’d like to think that this is over. But, it isn’t.

    Over? Nancy, Nancy, Nancy…I just gave you new life! Work quick, fake your employment records to show you worked at the college, and you’ll be a STAR!!!

  66. ” fake your employment records to show you worked at the college,”

    You might want to slow down on whatever it is that you’re taking, Jim. This sounds like desperation to me.

    Jim: fake your employment records to show you worked at the college,

    Jim: Over?Nancy, Nancy, Nancy…I just gave you new life!Work quick, fake your employment records to show you worked at the college, and you’ll be a STAR!!!

  67. Daniel says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I know you’d like to think that this is over. But, it isn’t.

    It is for sane people.

  68. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Charter Communications is having a multi-state DNS issue, resulting in me being unable to connect this web site

    If something like that happens again, you can change your DNS server setup.

    On Linux, just edit /etc/resolv.conf

    For Windoze, you can use the GUI to change the TCP/IP properties to use your choice of servers instead of what you got via DHCP. A Google search for something like “windows change DNS host” will get step-by-step instructions.

  69. My DNS was OK. It was breaking down somewhere else.

    RanTalbott: If something like that happens again, you can change your DNS server setup.

    On Linux, just edit /etc/resolv.conf

    For Windoze, you can use the GUI to change the TCP/IP properties to use your choice of servers instead of what you got via DHCP. A Google search for something like “windows change DNS host” will get step-by-step instructions.

  70. I’d sort of gotten out of the habit of including photos in my articles. Lots of flat text is not as appealing, and I’ve also learned that photos with relevant alternate text improve search engine raking. I’m also putting some header tags in the HTML for longer articles, as that’s supposed to help with ranking too. I changed the header tag style. Please feel free to suggest a better font. This article has H2 tags:

  71. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: WaPo has an interesting article about Trump and the Birthers.

    Interesting, indeed: it says my theory about “Trump as cynical demagogue” is wrong, and Trump really is dumb enough to believe that hooey.

    It’s hard to decide which explanation is scarier.

  72. Birther Report has a new article up: “Super Tuesday: Five Presidential Candidates Face Eligibility Hearing; News Media Blackout Continues”

    And they’re right. There has been literally no news coverage of the NH eligibility challenges, except:

    NBC News
    ABC News
    Dallas Morning News
    Concord Monitor
    Washington Times
    National Joural
    Associated Press
    Obama Conspiracy Theories

  73. Rickey says:

    It’s being reported that the Planned Parenthood shooter in Colorado Springs said “no more baby parts” to the police and handed out anti-Obama pamphlets to his neighbors.

    He told one of his neighbors in South Carolina that he should put a metal roof on his house to keep the government from spying on him.

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