Blog reaches 7

imageObama Conspiracy Theories celebrates its 7th birthday today, and I expect that within a month or two, the 4000th article will be published.

My motto for the blog might be “there’s always something” because the birther issue, which should have faded years ago, just keeps finding something to keep it going, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse’s antics being the most prominent, followed by the candidacy of the foreign-born Ted Cruz for President.

One can only imagine what the world would be like without birthers. Except for a few of us (and a few of them), I suspect that things wouldn’t be much different. A few of the birthers succeeded in really messing up their lives over this issue, and a few of the anti-birthers improved theirs, and made some friends along the way.

Looking ahead we have:

  • The decision on Joe Arpaio’s contempt of court trial. No date is set for the decision, but I’m thinking about the December-January time frame. I doubt that there is much of interest to birthers that will come out of it. A criminal referral is possible and that starts a new process with a new judge.
  • Arpaio faces another election next year.
  • The 2016 presidential election has two interesting features: a candidate with an eligibility challenge, and a birther—Donald Trump.

That looks like a pretty thin list, but “there’s always something.”

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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25 Responses to Blog reaches 7

  1. alg says:

    Congrats Doc! I really enjoy visiting your blog. It’s a neighborhood of reason and rationality in an otherwise universe of blather and nonsense.

  2. Lupin says:

    Many Happy Returns! With the Trumpster’s antics, we should have a merry year ahead.

  3. HistorianDude says:

    Happy Blorthday, Doc! It has been a joy to be part of your little community!

  4. SFJEFF says:

    Happy Conspirator Day!

    7 years ago I was looking for information on the Birther insanity, after I first heard mention of it on the radio- and eventually stumbled across your wonderful attempt to bring the rational to the irrational.

    While I doubt we ever convinced a single Birther to change his or her previously held conviction about this President- I think its akin to convincing a Penguin to fly- I enjoyed having a place where rational people could meet, exchange rational ideas- and mock Birthers.

    And soooo many times your site has been a resource to my response to idiotic Birthers(I know- redundant).

    Hey- maybe it would be fun to have a “Top 10 Birther Moments” in the last 7 years?

    My suggestion for #1 would be the day that President Obama held his press conference showing his certified photocopy of his birth certificate- and all of the Birthers who said that they needed to see a ‘real’ BC with doctor’s signature etc- promptly said it was not acceptable.

  5. Pete says:

    Congratulations on the 7th anniversary.

    And thanks for your contribution to America. For 7 years, you’ve stood up for truth and sanity against the idiotic mob. You’ve helped preserve American ideals of truth and justice, and helped make our country a better place. My hat’s off to you, sir.

    And yes, the list is thin. That’s as it should be at this point. The coming year-and-a-month is the wind-down year. This is the wrap-up lap of an 8-year marathon.

  6. ellen says:

    Congratulations on your 7th anniversary and upcoming 4,000th article.

  7. Jim says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY OCT! You may not have changed many of the hard-core birther minds, but your hard work and constant striving for the truth have prevented many a person from falling into the birther mind trap. Keep up the good fight and enjoy retirement! 😀

  8. Joey says:

    This blog is singlehandedly responsible for the election and reelection of Barack Obama and sending the evil forces of the birther cult to ignominious defeat.

  9. AgRod says:

    Congrulations! Long time lurker (a few posts here and there) but thanks to all for such a great blog that provides a great education.

    I still wonder how any reaonsable person can come to this blog and then BR and actually decide we are the nuts!

  10. Curious George says:

    Congrats on reaching 7 years. You have provided an excellent service thoroughly exposing the insanity of Birther lies and paranoia. Well done Doc.

  11. Pete says:

    I still wonder how any reaonsable person can come to this blog and then BR and actually decide we are the nuts!

    You can be informed, you can be sane, you can be honest, or you can be a birther. Pick any three.

    To break this down:

    Informed sane honest not-birther: Is possible.

    Informed sane dis-honest birther: Is possible.

    Informed in-sane honest birther: Is possible.

    Un-informed sane honest birther: Is possible.

    Informed sane honest birther: Is not possible.

  12. Pete says:

    I think about the only “chink” in that is that it IS possible to be informed, sane, honest, and maintain that a person such as Ted Cruz (born in Canada) is ineligible. It’s a minority opinion, and would likely fail if put to a legal test, but it’s not insane.

    I was referring to the “mainstream” birther claims that Barack Obama is ineligible either by virtue of having a forged birth certificate/ having been born in Kenya or wherever, or by virtue of not having two US citizen parents (which are also claims that people like Marco Rubio are ineligible).

  13. That’s true in theory, but in the cases where I have seen an actual argument that Cruz is ineligible, it follows from the claim that a natural born citizen must have two citizen parents and be born in the country. The single exception to that was a ballot challenge just recently in New Hampshire.

    Pete: I think about the only “chink” in that is that it IS possible to be informed, sane, honest, and maintain that a person such as Ted Cruz (born in Canada) is ineligible.

  14. Part of it is that some birthers have developed an immunity to my blog. If they read “Dr. Conspiracy is a continual liar” at BR, then they will not be inclined to believe what I have written. If they say that “all the media is hiding the issue, or covering for Obama” then the references I make to news reports are discounted. If they hear that the courts are corrupt, afraid of Obama, or all supporting Obama, then any citation that I make to a legal outcome can be ignored. If they hear that the Wikipedia is run by a bunch of communist liberals, then my links there just prove that I’m a communist liberal. If they have a general distrust of authority, then my citations to authority don’t mean much.

    Birthers and I lack common ground.

    AgRod: I still wonder how any reaonsable person can come to this blog and then BR and actually decide we are the nuts!

  15. There are a few.

    SFJEFF: While I doubt we ever convinced a single Birther to change his or her previously held conviction about this President-

  16. I’m still working on the birth certificate

    — Sheriff Joe Arpaio
    Interview by Alan Colmes, December 9, 2015

  17. I may be lacking in real news, but I’m never at a loss for a quote of the day.

  18. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Birthers and I lack common ground.

    Yes, sanity. They’re nuts.

    Great job, Doc.

  19. The only birther/anti-birther blog that allows me to post the truth which is that the birth certificate if forged. Thanks, Doc!

  20. CRJ says:

    Hat-Tip Doc
    No getting around it, that’s a lot of work for next to nothing pay .

    The Treasure of Friends last long

    I’ve enjoyed your talents in writing, design, and ingenuity in integration

  21. Joey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    The only birther/anti-birther blog that allows me to post the truth which is that the birth certificate if forged. Thanks, Doc!

    Forgery is a crime. When there is an allegation of a crime, a law enforcement investigation turns purported evidence over to a prosecuting attorney. In most jurisdictions the prosecutor will evaluate the purported evidence and if it appears solid convene a Grand Jury panel of average citizens to see if they concur that the evidence is probative enough to issue indictments.
    That has never happened with Barack Obama’s birth certificate over that last eight years. Just because someone posts on a blog that a crime has been committed doesn’t make it so.

  22. And, just because someone claims there’s an ongoing investigation doesn’t make it so.

    Joey: Forgery is a crime. When there is an allegation of a crime, a law enforcement investigation turns purported evidence over to a prosecuting attorney. In most jurisdictions the prosecutor will evaluate the purported evidence and if it appears solid convene a Grand Jury panel of average citizens to see if they concur that the evidence is probative enough to issue indictments.
    That has never happened with Barack Obama’s birth certificate over that last eight years. Just because someone posts on a blog that a crime has been committed doesn’t make it so.

  23. dunstvangeet says:

    Please do not feed the troll.


  24. Pete says:

    Obviously, there was no (real) investigation because there was no crime.

    But we all know that already.

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