I was reading comments over at Birther Report, and I saw this one from “birtherprincess” (Miki Booth). She said:
One of the reasons I am a confidante of the sheriff and Mike is that anything told me in confidence stays that way. I can tell you that there WILL be a presser. At this point they are very close to having what they need for the presser. Whether the press here will carry it is anyone’s guess, right? Common sense should tell anyone that the breadth and scope of the fraud can only be CIA and who is the muzzle head of the CIA? Bingo! We’re screwed but were not dead yet.
That comment was “8 hours ago” at 10:20 PM, December 21, 2015. In my 2014 retrospective article, “That was the year that wasn’t: 2014 a retrospective” I wrote:
Great expectations of some great release of information from the Cold Case Posse to occur in March of 2014 flew around the birthersphere, but the so-called “March reveal” never happened. In the wake of that disappointment, Posse video guy Mark Gillar Tweeted in April: “Between now and the midterms, shocking revelations will be brought forward by Sheriff Joe.” In June, pop singer, birther activist and Cold Case Posse confidant Pat Boone pinned the time frame down even closer when he went on the record saying to Alan Colmes that the evidence that Obama’s birth certificate, the smoking gun, would be released by September. In July, Zullo spokesperson Carl Gallups said: “Been talking to Mike Zullo. Both the birth certificate and criminal investigations are still ongoing. Sheriff Arpaio is getting close to holding the press conference.” Expectations ran high for something before the November elections. Nothing happened.
I’ve always been fascinated by Zullo insiders, like Gillar, and Boone and Gallups—and now Miki Booth. They feel important because they are insiders, but it appears that they were selected because they can’t keep their mouths shut, for example Miki Booth saying she keeps confidences, in the same comment that she does everything but run up the flag pole confirmation that Zullo is still buying Dennis Montgomery’s unproven contention that former CIA director Brennan is responsible for Obama’s birth certificate that appears on the White House web site. Booth, I guess, is an ultimate insider since she had dinner with Zullo and his wife.
This past Wednesday I met with Sheriff Joe and was with him in the VIP Lounge of the Mesa Airport hanger up to the minute he was called to the podium to speak and open the Donald Trump rally. As you know he confirmed that the bc investigation is ongoing and Trump has that in common with him. That evening I had dinner with Mike Zullo and his wife at the home of my hosts Robert and Kathy Moore. We were at the rally from 7 in the morning as volunteers and worked side by side with secret service and the Mesa police. I have the photos to prove all of this.
Consider these comments at BR:
TonyUnplugged: “Did Robert Gibbs do it? If Sheriff Arpaio knows who created the forged birth certificate, he should announce the name even if the Arizona Attorney General refuses to file criminal charges. Historians need to know the truth otherwise the lying media will write their version of history.”
Miki Booth answers the question vaguely: “Common sense should tell anyone that the breadth and scope of the fraud can only be CIA and who is the muzzle head of the CIA? Bingo! ”
ZuluBravoTango comes right out with it: “No mystery. The name came out in the Melendrez case. It was former CIA director Brennan.”.
No decency and no good sense are the hallmarks of that crowd.
Maybe Miki could comment on Zullo’s attire at dinner. Was it the cute little dress with the ruby red slippers? 😆
Of course there will be a presser. It will be timed to occur just as Judge Snow is issuing his order in the Melendres contempt proceeding.
“One of the reasons I am a confidante of the sheriff and Mike is that anything told me in confidence stays that way. I can tell you that… [blah, blah, tells everything she thinks she knows].”
Amazing. Simply amazing.
This is what makes the birthers worth watching. They’re just so d*mn stupid.
To me it always feels somewhat embarrassing to interact with members of the birther cult. Its like making fun of the special education children on the short bus.
The thing is, I don’t think Miki is smart enough to know whether she’s part of the inner circle or not. There are days when I question if she is smart enough to know how to dress herself.
Guess poor Miki needs to read my article again…she still doesn’t realize she’s being used… http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2013/07/is-mike-zullo-running-a-scam-on-the-birthers/
“Look out for red flags. If you’ve already entered into a transaction with someone, keep an eye out for the following warning signs:
Secrecy – Are you asked not to tell anyone?
Jackpot just around the corner – The con artist is stringing you along while he or she collects more money from you (e.g. “Any day now…). Your own denial might allow this procrastination to go on far longer than common sense would allow, because you don’t want to face the possibility that you’ve been duped.
Procrastination turns into intimidation – When your patience runs thin and you begin to question the con artist’s credibility, you may end up getting treated like a traitor, or even a fool.”
Mr. Zullo’s red flags
A) Secrecy – Hidden reports only he and/or his cohorts have seen. Unknown VIPs. Vague evidence that no one but him and his partners are privy to until “the right time”.
B) Jackpot just around the corner – this is self-explanatory for Mr. Zullo’s situation, we’ve heard “Any day now” for so long from him, we just add that and “Send money” to every interview, presentation, and book selling he has.
C) Procrastination turns into intimidation – As we’ve seen, anyone who questions Mr. Zullo’s investigation is now called “obot” or “traitor” and shouted down by the “True Believers” (I call them the “Gullible”). These are what we call “unwitting accomplices”, not actually a part of the con, but victims who believe so much in the con that they act as surrogates in covering for the con man and assisting in the scam to attract other victims.”
So Miki, bad news…you’re not an insider, you’re a victim.
On September 22, 2014 Lawrence Sellin was on the Peter Boyles show and began the discussion that lead ultimately to the big Boyles/Gallups dust-up that fall. Sellin’s account (we now know) was spot on, proving he too was an “insider.” Sellin said:
The very next day, also on the Boyles show, Gallups denied Brennan’s involvement:
But as we learned in the Melendres testimony (and is now being intimated again by Booth) Brennan was supposedly involved after all.
I suppose it’s harder to keep the story straight when the whole thing was incoherent to begin with.
Not to mention a complete fabrication from start to finish, by barely literate amateurs.
Miki Booth’s climb to fame includes moving from prime suspect (according to Vogt) to that of a Zullo confidante. Now that’s progress!
Don’t forget: she’s a princess!
You know what would be funny? If Arpaio arrested Booth for forging Obama’s birth certificate and got her sent to prison for life.
Booth, I guess, is an ultimate insider since she had dinner with Zullo and his wife.
If this the first time Zullo’s wife has been mentioned? I don’t recall seeing anything about her previously.
She’s a “birfer princess.”
That’s a bit like being Possum Queen, except not 1/100th as prestigious.
Mr. Sellin left a comment via the site’s Contact Form:
“For the record, I was never a confidante of Sheriff Arpaio or the Cold Case Posse. What I reported on the September 22, 2014 Peter Boyles’ Show was simply information I had gathered from a number of sources regarding the lines of investigation. People can draw their own conclusions about what I said.”
As I recall Brennan’s name was brought into it by Tim Bixseth in the recorded conversation with Arpaio, Zullo and Mackiewicz. It seemed clear to me that Bixseth confused the birth certificate with the passport breach during the 2008 presidential campaign.
Does Brennan’s name come up anywhere else in the Melendres case record?
“So Miki, bad news…you’re not an insider, you’re a victim.”
Victimization seems to be a common occurrence according to Zullo. Judge Snow is a victim. Donald Trump is a victim. The MCSO is a victim. 151,000 Maricopa County residents are victims. 450,000 Arizona residents are victims. It looks like Miki has lots of company.