The recent article “NSFW: Birther Report Public Statement Regarding American News Media And Obama’s Article II Ineligibility” at Birther Report warns: “NOTE: if you are easily offended do not read beyond this point,” but readers with any sense of decency would have been offended already by the graphic that preceded the warning. I have chosen a less-offensive leading graphic for my differently-toned article.
If anything, the news media and social media have all too many kittens, and I am genuinely concerned about the lack of independence in the media due to its conglomeration and ownership by large corporations. (See the book “935 Lies: The Future of Truth and the Decline of America’s Moral Integrity” on the decline of investigative journalism.) That said, I cannot fault the big picture coverage by the media of the topic of Obama’s Article II eligibility.
Obama’s eligibility itself was no story at all. A few journalists probed the issue, for example CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 program went to Hawaii and did some reports. Dr. Fukino’s statements on Obama’s documentation were enough to satisfy reasonable doubters, and there was never any justification to follow birthers down the rabbit hole of suspicions and conspiracy theories. Their “evidence” fell apart under scrutiny, so there was no reason to report it. The media also, from time to time, consulted legal experts on the “natural born citizen” question and received answers in line with a longstanding legal consensus. Obama was eligible, and if there was any question, it was quickly settled.
The Birthers complained bitterly about the lack of media coverage, but as I documented early on at this blog, there were multiple media reports almost every day for years on Birthers. AC 360 gave Terry Lakin and his attorney the opportunity to make their case on CNN. What Birthers really objected to was that the media didn’t agree with them. That disagreement is inherent in the system because news organization have standards of verifiability, while Birthers run off bias and belief. What a birther believes is not news, and what somebody on the Internet surmises is not an expert opinion. Birther opinion does not qualify as news and what little novelty they represented did not warrant in-depth coverage.
What the media did not, I think, come to terms with was the Birther Movement itself. They reported that it was big, but few tried to answer the critical question of “why.” They didn’t try to trace the money to see whether Birtherism was a well-funded smear campaign or a loose grass roots movement motivated by bias against people like Barack Obama. I cannot think of any media reports that could be titled, “Who are the Birthers?”
[Update: I missed a story at CBS news, “Who are the birthers?” from 2009.]
So while I would have liked to have seem more targeted coverage of the Birther Movement, overall I think the American media got it about right, and gave them enough airtime. Obama was elected twice, so apparently the truth was out there.
In the last post I sure noticed some wonderful thoughts:
@Kate [“If you have a roof over your head, food in the fridge, clothes on your back and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet and some spare change, you are among the 8% wealthy in the world.
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are blessed that you’re not among the million people that won’t survive the week.
If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment or torture or suffered the pangs of starvation, you’re more fortunate than 500 million people alive and suffering.
If you can read this message, you’re more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read it at all.]
These might be the sweetest words related to me this year Kate. Really thank you if you are reading this!
Opinions of the Media certainly have shaped Politicians that I call ” Pundit Politicians” of Opinion for which I Tweeted regarding their OPINIONs v. Empathy.
#merrychristmaseverybody #CRJ2016 #Democrats #DemDebate #StockingStuffer #SCOTUS #Birther
So, I got my rent paid, food, clothing, shelter, and health. These are indeed very BIG blessings I’m thankful for now.
I’m grateful for the kindness of other people to my children for I’m unable to buy them or anyone a single Christmas gift to open Tomorrow. It is my love to give that is a bit of a tinge, but this also is a pride I must have been called to forsake.
In those terms, this is the poorest Christmas I’ve ever experienced in my entire 50 yr. Life.
Confused about the cruelty of Justice in the U.S. Supreme Court in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 , as well the unconditional disparagement of those so perpetuated in an actual delusion of this Justice in the United States.
Are you happy about this or confused also?
Marking those of little and meager sustenance as unworthy of Justice, and by their own fault dispised of God, whilst not objecting with a little finger the generational theft of 10 Trillion dollars laid upon those children’s backs in the last 7 years we see such hope in?
May God Bless you all with the wonderful lessons of being heard as you have heard me. May God Bless you with the wonderful lessons of winning the fight as I have won. May God Bless you with the praise of the Nation in the Republic for which we stand and may God Bless you with speedy trials .. As you have me in your fruited kindness.
Remember Oh Remember as the Lord’s Love runs over you in the shower of his living lessons HOLY BIBLE Romans 4:14
[For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:
V.15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.]
That mighty blessing that we being under the Law shall see what we have not understood; and also that which was plainly shown to us but that we refused, having its real effect upon us that we had thought to escape by means of kicking the can down the road.
A debt most miserable to pay come to our door; most evil snakes we can no longer stay. Their bite only nauseating but creating a wish for death that runs away.
Thank you Doc for all you have done, and the blessings we are about to receive.
A situation for which you have no one to blame but yourself.
I agree you are confused about a great many things.
I am happy you are getting the justice you deserve, I don’t much care that you don’t like it. Your dripping and moaning about your manufactured persecution is expected, and irrelevant.
Which you and other birthers have added to in a great measure with your vain and self-serving frivolous lawsuits over an imagined slight and manufactured false patriotism, which have cost honest taxpayers millions of dollars in wasted court time.
There’s nothing more ironic than a person like you quoting the Bible.
I recall Christ having a lot of things to say about people like you.
Matthew 7:21-23
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Luke 18:9-14
9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:
10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.
11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
Matthew 7:15-20
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
It’s possible to escape from poverty, but you won’t do it by birfing.
Your family is more important than being a candidate for President who’s (let’s be frank here) never even going to appear on a ballot in any one of the 50 states of the Union, let alone have the slightest hope of actually being elected.
Your family is far more important than fighting useless court battles, like the one that every single regular poster here (with the possible exception of Nancy Owens) advised you, quite correctly and rightly) that you never had a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.
Here’s my Christmas gift to you: my words.
You don’t win by persevering in things that don’t work. Winners don’t persevere in doing the same things that don’t work. Winners win by finding out what doesn’t work, letting go of it, moving on, and finding what will work. And persevering in THAT.
There comes a time to admit that something failed, let go of it, and move on.
It seems to me that perhaps your failed lawsuit and your failed Presidential campaign have both been distractions from failures in other areas of your life. As long as you could fantasize that you might win a case at the US Supreme Court, or be elected President, then you could hide from the pain of your failure to make a good living, be as good a parent as you could be, and so forth.
Just because you’ve failed in the past doesn’t mean you must always do so. Learn whatever you can about succeeding. Pay attention to those around you who are doing well financially. In a nutshell: Get as good a job as you can, even though it’s not as good a job as you want. Work it every day. Be faithful. Do a better job than your co-workers. In time you will get a bit better job. Work your way up the ladder.
You don’t have to be involved in national politics to be significant. Fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. What does it matter if strangers recognize your name? It doesn’t. The people who matter are family. If you’re significant to them, then you’re significant.
And if you don’t take care of them, then fame doesn’t matter anyway.
Be a man. A man provides for his own. In that you can be confident and take pride. But it’s going to take work. It’s going to take giving up on certain fantasies.
Be a man. You can do it.
Here’s my New Year’s prayer for you, for me, and for everyone here:
There are two things in life: Our circumstances, and our decisions. God has granted that, almost always, our decisions can and do, eventually, overrule our circumstances.
Lord, we ask for favorable circumstances, but far more than that, help us make wiser decisions in 2016 than we made in 2015.
That’s my prayer for you.
Merry Christmas to you, and to all here. Now let’s go and make wiser decisions in 2016.
Although it has been pointed out to him several times, Judy has refused to acknowledge that SCOTUS granted in forma pauperis status to several petitioners the same week his motion was denied.
Since it appears that SCOTUS denied his motion for reasons other than his petition being frivolous, one can only speculate that Judy’s motion was poorly framed and lacked the proper documentation about his financial situation. That speculation has only been fueled by Judy’s refusal to post a copy of his application.
And of course his cert petition would have been denied in any event. Much of it was indecipherable, and the rest was badly argued. He seems to have forgotten that the respondents did not even deem it to be worthy of a response.
if i were in that situation, i’d have cancelled my internet connection and had at least something to buy them a couple of small gifts with.
`woe is me, but i need to have my daily ego fix’
You might consider a career in writing nasty fortune cookies.
Given the number of similar birther cases to reached the Court, perhaps his was even more frivolous than the theirs.
My personal opinion is that what the court saw was a VERY poorly written and worded bit of word salad that they, specifically the clerks, could parse not one cognizable bit of substance out of, was not written in anything like proper format, and really didn’t include anything for them to rule on. It would probably have helped a great deal if Judy had at least attempted to follow the submission and pleading and filing rules, which we all know he didn’t, of course then he’d have had to have had something to appeal, which he didn’t. At least the mess I read through certainly didn’t read like a serious appeal or request for cert, and I rather suspect that it got all the respect and consideration it deserved. Which is to say NONE!
Could be. The court’s rules don’t mention how they handle extremely frivolous petitions!
Or, as Notorial Dissent suggests, perhaps they tossed it because they couldn’t make head or tail of it.
As I said previously, having wasted the time to actually try and read the thing, it really wasn’t an appeal, at least of anything the court would have had jurisdiction over, and I don’t think that drooling mess constituted a request for cert either, since it didn’t really refer back to any case before the court, he was trying to get them to actually retry what had already failed abjectly twice already rather than rule on the lower courts decisions. So I submit it was neither a valid appeal nor request for cert and thus did not meet the filing requirements to be considered. It was basically poorly collated word salad and that was all, and probably more than enough to remove it from consideration.
Judy has taken everyone’s suggestions on how he could improve his life … and ignored them. His Twitter, Facebook, blog, etc., is full of his usual whining lies about SCOTUS, natural-born citizen, the same old same old. He is even reduced to wishing himself a happy birthday.
Cody Robert Judy, do yourself and your family a favor and get some professional help. Stop wasting your time and money on useless lawsuits, incomprehensible blog contributions, utterly stupid YouTube musical performances, and running for an elective office that will remain forever beyond your grasp. Then, once you are treated for and able to manage your illness, get a job.
Well.. The Belted Earls have spoken. . know my friends that I receive integrity for integrity. I receive honor for honor. I take correction gladly and look for the kernels of Truth of what you have said, like.. How does Doc put it, ” like looking for gold coins in a mud bucket”? If you feel you’ve given valuable information then of course I’m rich with your advice.
@Pete Thank you for your considered thoughts and advice. Of course I just love ya Buddy because through all the horse crap and buckets of slop in this world, I feel your interest is more than arbitrary. I feel your interest is of one whom understands the wisdom in following when the odds are high against you. Of course your advice and Christmas Wish make perfectly good sense and I sincerely thank you for that.
[Stop wasting your time and money on useless lawsuits, incomprehensible blog contributions, utterly stupid YouTube musical performances, and running for an elective office that will remain forever beyond your grasp. Then, once you are treated for and able to manage your illness, get a job.]
Written like a true fat-cat Republican. .or are you just one of the new Neo-Con Celebrity Democrats who don’t give a rat’s tail for anyone who hasn’t had a gift-horse to ride into the arena on? Alg.. What is that? Some kind of reguritated garbage? The stuff you see flowing out of the garbage disposal. Why don’t you try getting a decent handle like, I don’t know, UncleNasty?
To all you Pricks who recommend a “job” does it come as any surprise over the last 8 years I’ve not taken a dime of assisted living, not a single food stamp, not a dime of federal health care, not a cent of Government subsidy minus a couple of law suit filing fees? Now, I did fork out for the McCain Law Suit $450. .so don’t go saying I haven’t ever paid on a legal petition.
At the time I did that I actually only had a Post Office Box and was living in the road in a work trailer. That meant money that would have gone for rent could be given to the Court, which it was.
@Bob [ He is even reduced to wishing himself a happy birthday.] Really Bob? You might understand FB has suspended my account for Posting the last two weeks (Third Time in last month and a half 2 weeks at a Time) and limited my account information to others .. Just happened To include my birthday time. Not that my private party was canceled. It was very nice and my post on FB a simple “Thank You” as my time was limited to many others and my condolences recognized to FB Friends who really didn’t understand what was going on. The lemon and peanut Cake was REALLY good! YOu should try that.
@Notorial Dissent @Rickey @Doc @Daniel
[Could be. The court’s rules don’t mention how they handle extremely frivolous petitions!]
[ My personal opinion is that what the court saw was a VERY poorly written and worded bit of word salad ]
[perhaps his was even more frivolous than the theirs.]
[one can only speculate that Judy’s motion was poorly framed and lacked the proper documentation about his financial situation]
[I am happy you are getting the justice you deserve, I don’t much care that you don’t like it. Your dripping and moaning about your manufactured persecution is expected, and irrelevant.]
Just to let you know I’ve read what you wrote. What is the Great Concensus and how is the Conspiracy you ALL SUBSCRIBE to accounted?
This might be the BIGGEST CLUE for you all that your wrong.. And in the Wrong and objecting for the wrong. Now, there is no sin in calling a Foul a Foul. There is no account which we should be sharing common ground on than this. .but you refuse common sense thus exposing yourselves as tools of the devil.
Driving the other day the thought came to me, what a delightful recognition of righteousness it was the U.S. Supreme Court has denied Forma Pauperis without reason, and in contradiction of two lower Courts.
It certainly doesn’t add up that two lower Courts, the District Court Magistrate as well the esteemed Panel of Judges certifying the Appeal in the Tenth Circuit could READ my word-salad Motion for Forma Pauperis in the same 12 month calendar year.. But you state as a “conspiracy theory” the U.S. Supreme Court could not?
This is a witness of your own grandiosity and delusion in front of ALL man kind. This is much more sinful to the Lord for it is a dilberate spite of the poor. It represents the meanest, cruelest form of elitism is engrained in your hearts.
It would have been a much better Claim to have granted Forma Pauperis and Denied Cert, than to have embellished your own Falses and Fraud by picking the poor in an afront to God in front of ALL man-kind in the TV.
YOU recall Mr. Romney’s blunder in the private meeting recorded by the help in secret then released stating in affect those of us who were poor were stupid or less than the Elite? It was a sign of the End.
[ There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean, the president starts off with 48, 49, 48—he starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. And he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people—I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.]
So it is with you.
Of course ALL THE WORLD sees your derision and your confusion.. Speculation.. Fretted Minds and unsubstantiated ability to reason.
Why.. ? Why is there a Rule 39.8 granting an understanding of frivolous , abusive, excessive filings and yet this was not “Employed” by the SCOTUS Court. Why? Why was CRJ’s Motion for FP Status granted by two lower Courts but denied by the U.S. Supreme Court?
To answer the confusion you resort to WILD CONSPIRACIES that rival Obama being the extract of sperm by some Indonesian Guru in the Sabat Cult Loretta Fuddy was the USA National Chair of and his mama belonged to; now deceased being two that would have set there eyes on the Truth.
I am reminded that many Saints died for the Truth being called exactly what you have called me. Yet, even the FACTS of Forma Pauperis witness to your own delusions and promotions of Conspiracy.
You are all out of the way now and in need of recognizing this shall not be afforded to you as Righteousness but has only served in polluting your good records. You must turn with all speed and defend me in the Truth before it is fixed and judgement of He above us all is administered to you in the Blessings I’ve reccomnended.
They will come to you and they will be grievous to bear. I do not wish anything to you but joy and happiness. You are my brothers in the Lord, and I recognize the goodness in you.
Correction [At the time I did that I actually only had a Post Office Box and was living in the road in a work trailer. ]
I was living in a TENT working out of a truck for my Employer. I was gone quite a bit out working for my family and would stay in the tent to save money for the family instead of staying in motels.
@Daniel [A situation for which you have no one to blame but yourself.]
Actually I could blame Climate Change, but I’m just not going there. Haha haha.
Of course you know Utah has received a huge amount of snow over the last 2 weeks. I’m employed as a door-to-door salesman and inclement weather greatly affects the highs and lows of my commission only employment.
I guess it is much more my own fault to complain without informing you with all details. It’s a hard battle I fight in being positive. Forgive me for that. I’d hope you would take my complaint as a friend and simply acknowledge by a ministerial presence, then anything.
Of course, the reason I was so low on funds was on a out-purchasing-product to sell combined with three feet of snow dumped the last two weeks.
The difficulty was extreme. I was out door-to-door in a blizzard Thursday till past dark trying to remedy my circumstances but didn’t get any sales much to do with people being stocked up or actually broke themselves due to their indulgences for Christmas.
I have faced the circumstance before every year, but weather hit pretty hard after a big purchase and I just got stuck. We had good, shelter, clothing, health, so a lot to be grateful for. I used my birthday gift money to remedy a couple of late gifts my youngest was thrilled over. . but that did happen after Christmas.
His Mom had him for Christmas this year and he was got quite ably, which ended up being good. I had him last year., and it was better.
Christmas 2014
This Christmas was indeed rich in understanding “needs” and “wants” are different and I’m grateful for that lesson and one to teach and explain to my son also. Having bills paid and not going in debt for Christmas is a good discipline.
What? You had a tent? You lucky b*st*ard. I would have killed for a tent when I was your age. I had to use newspapers, and even then, there were holes in it because someone had clipped the coupons.
NEWSPAPER…!, We used to dream of newspaper…
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o’clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing “Hallelujah…….
But you try and tell the young people today that… and they won’t believe ya…..
My 6 yr old has asked me more than once, ” Dad, why do you want to be President so bad? Why do you work at that?”
Try explaining that to a little boy., 😕
Well son,. I really don’t give a rat’s tail about being President. If I was President it would only last 8 years at the longest.
It has much more to do with assuring you opportunity when you’re grown then about fulfilling something I want. I don’t want to be President. However, if I have to be in Order for you to have the same opportunity I did, I would be President.. For You.
Just occasionally I feel compelled to expand your Views on the Defense of our Children’s Futures in Freedom and Liberty I’m engaged in and feel very important. Just poppy-talk , trivial pursuit , and pretty much wholly contemptable to you I know, because it’s a battle happening now for their circumstances 30 years from now and it’s difficult for you to see 2 weeks ahead let alone years.
The answer to every question is ” Its your Fault” when it comes to Reason. I’m not unfamiliar with the Focus on Stage in comparison to being in the audience or backstage as most here are.
The easy answer is, ‘Re:It’s your Fault” which begs the question; Why bother to answer?”
The considered answer must always be not for any reason of importance in this Life necessarily: But it could be. The words that are written here will echo Truth to you someday, and without them you’d be stuck in your own messes.
This is the reason we need Jesus Christ. Its not a want, it’s a need. The Judgement of Equality and Justice for ALL, cannot be perverted. If we don’t call upon his name for our sins, we must suffer them ourselves.. Which caused him the greatest of us all to tremble in pain and bleed from every pour.
God Bless You
Given the amount of whining you do here about what you consider “unfair treatment”, I’d say you’ve lost that battle.
POISON? We would have killed for a lump of poison to eat. We got gruel made of nuclear waste and dirt. And that was when we were lucky enough to get anything at all. And after we worked three double shifts every day being subjected to medical experiments designed by people who thought the Nazis coddled their subjects. Afterwards mom would torture us to death and harvest our organs which dad would replace with dead animal parts and then reanimate us with bolts of lightning.
We longed of being able to pay to go to a nice mill job and feast on a whole lump of poison. How posh.
Wow…..musta struck a nerve.
For the record, Cody, I am a slightly left of center life-long Democrat who has had a steady job of some kind since I was a kid in junior high school. No gift horses or silver platters were ever handed to me. These days I live quite comfortably, but only because I worked hard and made good choices.
Seriously Cody, your contributions here belie a certain mental health problem that requires your prompt and sustained attention.
Just when I’m about to feel sorry for him, he posts another avalanche of passive-aggressive, self pitying nonsense. I’d wish him good luck, but he wouldn’t know what to do with it.
How noble: Judy wastes taxpayers’ money twice: both by avoiding filing fees, and then by diverting precious judicial resources to dispose of his frivolous nonsense.
Judy on Facebook (on his “suspended” account) wished himself a happy birthday. And on Twitter Judy wished himself a happy birthday, and twice complimented himself on his hard testicles. (If this condition persists, see a doctor.)
Judy continues to not understand that SCOTUS is not bound by lower courts’ rulings; that is the whole point of an appellate court.
Judy continues not post the original IFP application he filed with SCOTUS; given his illiteracy shown here, it is easy to assume that he just filed a word salad with SCOTUS, which would easily explain its rejection.
Because Judy is at least delusional; most likely mentally ill. But instead of acknowledging reality, Judy is going to burden his son with his problems. I don’t feel sorry for Judy because he is the cause of most of his problems (yet he refuses to do anything constructive), but I do feel sorry for his children.
@Bob [Judy continues to not understand that SCOTUS is not bound by lower courts’ rulings]
Ok., ok., ok 👌 given you guys medical expertise and psychological Degrees , it really surprised me that you wouldn’t question the Psychological Conditions of SCOTUS Justices who would:
1- Deny a Forma Pauperis Grant sustained by two Lower Courts, one a full 10th Circuit Court Panel.
2- in the same Calendar Year.
I mean I know we have differences, but this is like Regular Math verses Common Core Math where you excuse the common answer for something so obtuse you actually make it hard to understand.
It really makes you all seem excuse the Term “Way out there”, ” Coocoo-Nuts” , Out-to-Lunch”, worthy of retracting all your Degrees because your incompetent.
There is a line drawn here for Pass and Fail and guys are really Failing the Easy Test.
Of course SCOTUS can do what they want? Haha
That’s why they have RULES governing Procedure.
You see they can’t really do what they want. They have RULES.. and INCOMPETENCE would be one of those lines of Failure.
You know, when 2+2 no longer equals 4. That would be a good time to Remove Justices of the SCOTUS which in my Case seems the Case.
Of course they Granted some Forma Pauperis Motions, which then might give way to accessing a POLITICAL CORRUPTION charge against the Justices.
Of course this would have to take place in a Trump Administration as the MSM has labeled him the Birther King that could easily happen and he would have the Political Duty to recommend to a Republican Controlled House and Senate an entire new SCOTUS.
YOU KNOW you say these things can’t come back to haunt you.. But they really can. This could actually happen in about a year!
I’m reading “2015 U.S. Supreme Court Judy v. Obama Writ Certiorari ” on Scribd. Read more:
Hillary’s getting her garden ate by the FBI and new Reuters says 59% Of America think she’s lieing about the National Security Breach with her emails.
I mean, there’s woman who lie all day long, but they still want their husbands to tell them the TRUTH. . SO, in the voting booth they pull for Trump, but they will Poll for Hillary. You watch.
You know that little statement I made underscoring the importance of SCOTUS Hearing this Case being hinged on the very existence of the Court?
We could see #SCOTUS saying to themselves in a year.. CRJ was right.. We didn’t listen.. We didn’t think it possible, but LOOK at what’s happening to us.
Billions of Dollars in Campaign Contributions and it’s still UNRESOLVED?
With two SCOTUS cases 14-9396 and 12-5276 that included a Presidential Candidate.
You know SCOTUS has the Power to hear Cases limited to 1 question of those proposed and quite often regulate BIG Questions through little nothing cases.
I’d say with a Trump Administration and the Country in Anti Establishment mode they had better start paying attention to the chance after chance they have been given.
They sure as hell won’t tell a Republican Congress and President ” We never had a crack at that Principle issue, because those Case Numbers are not going away.
They are seen as Litigated by a lot of People
My interest is more than arbitrary. I’d be pleased to see you do well in life and your children do well too.
I think probably most of the folks here, even some you don’t particularly like, would be happy to see you do well, too. Some folks are more gruff than others. It’s also kind of easy to lose patience when you give someone pretty decent advice, and it somehow doesn’t seem to sink in.
Speaking of which, I actually do think you have a written communication issue that may be a symptom of some condition, and that you should try and find out whether that’s actually the case. It’s generally better to be sure about health-related issues.
I certainly applaud your wanting your 6-year-old son to have opportunity when he grows up. But I don’t think running for President is going to be your best approach. I really think you should focus your time and attention on earning a decent living, spending time with your family and being a good dad, actively teaching him about life and making wise decisions, and being involved in his education. All of this takes time, effort and attention.
If you can really teach your son to make wise decisions, do well in school and college, and build life-enhancing habits (such as a strong work ethic), to be a moral person, and stay out of trouble with drugs, women and dangerous toys… he’ll find his own opportunity.
SCOTUS is under no obligation to explain its decision.
However, if you are going to ask us why your motion was denied, you should post a copy of it so we can try to tell you where you went wrong.
Why won’t you let us see a copy of your motion? What are you hiding?
The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton.
Judy still fails to understand that SCOTUS is not bound by the decision of the lower courts.
There are many possible, reasonable reasons why SCOTUS would deny an IFP application. The most likely being that it was Judy’s usual incomprehensible word salad. Yet Judy refuses to post a copy of the original IFP application that he filed with SCOTUS.
Given the choice between illiterate Judy again failing, or imagining a vast conspiracy involving SCOTUS, it is easy to conclude the former is the more likely reason.
Judy continues to fail to understand that it was in the same calendar year is a meaningless factlet.
“Could,” as usual, is doing all the work in that sentence.
I think it is safe to say everyone here would like to see Judy do something useful with his life, and do what he can to ensure the best life for his children.
Various people here gave Judy sincere, heartfelt, helpful advice, and Judy ignored it. Judy continues to think that he is a legitimate candidate, and he continues to whine about his properly dismissed frivolous lawsuits. Judy continues to put his energy in efforts that will not help him or his family; he is not giving them the best possible chance in life.
And one does not need a professional degree to recognize Judy’s obvious signs of possible mental incapacity, yet he ignores the honest suggestions that he seek a professional’s help, who could properly diagnose him.
@Rickey [ The FBI is not investigating Hillary Clinton.]
Of course Hillary Clinton is not under investigation by the FBI, it was a [referal] of her “use” of that private email server that is central to an investigation the FBI won’t talk about while it’s underway. We get it!
The FBI is working on a referral given to us by inspectors general in connection with former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server,” Comey said. “As you also know about the FBI, we don’t talk about our investigations while we are doing them.
Comey said politics will play no role in his investigation because Clinton is running for president again.
[“If you know my folks, you know they don’t give a rip about politics]
@Bob [ There are many possible, reasonable reasons why SCOTUS would deny an IFP application. The most likely being that it was ..]
Bob goes for a Wild Ride down the Bumble Conspiracy Rollercoaster !!!
Thinking that Judy’s well-documented illiteracy alone is the reason for the denial is, by definition, not a conspiracy.
It is Judy who imagines a vast conspiracy when a simpler reason exists. Meanwhile: Judy again neglects his family by wasting his energy on a fruitless endeavor that has already past and will not be undone.
Judy’s ego condemns his children’s future, which is truly sad.
Well, you obviously don’t get it because in your prior note you claimed that Clinton “is getting her garden ate by the FBI.”
The FBI is investigating whether anyone hacked into Clinton’s e-mails. As the New York Daily News story explains, if anyone hacked into her e-mails it would be the hackers who would be charged with crimes, not Clinton. There is no allegation that she committed a crime. She violated no laws by using a private e-mail server. In fact, her predecessor, Colin Powell, also used a private e-mail server.
Did you bother the read the link you posted? It doesn’t support your arguments at all. It only raises the question of whether Cruz’ birth in Canada disqualifies him from holding the office of president. It has nothing to do with the fact that his father was not a U.S. citizen.
Does anyone else think that Mr. Judy’s connection to reality, as tenuous as it was, is becoming even more frayed?
As compared to when Judy thought terrorizing thousands was a good idea?
And yet you CHOSE to waste $450 on a stupid, forlorn, frivolous law suit instead of using it to support your family, buy food, school clothes, birthday presents, whatever.
Don’t cry for me Argentina, I know how to burn money while my family suffers – its all in the balm, bomb, BoM, bum, bumpity bump bump bump.
Luxzury! Luxzury, I tells ya. We had nought but a box in the middle of the road and we had to clean the road every morning before going down mine.
If you are so adamant that SCOTUS should agree with the lower courts, why do you bother asking them to disagree?
I think we can all agree that the one who deserves our compassion here is Judy’s son.
Gotta agree. It’s clear that Cody Robert Judy has been an utterly irresponsible father pursuing the quixotic gratification of his own inflated and delusional ego over the best interests and well-being of his son.
@Keith [If you are so adamant that SCOTUS should agree with the lower courts, why do you bother asking them to disagree?]
Well I think if we look at what Doc wrote we see some hints-
[That disagreement is inherent in the system because news organization have standards of [verifiability], while [anti] birthers run off bias and belief. What a [anti]birther believes is not news, and what somebody on the Internet surmises is not an expert opinion. [anti]Birther opinion does not qualify as news and what little novelty they represented did not warrant in depth coverage.]
My emphasis added.
Many here are able to point fingers at me and express their opinions and beliefs. In regards to a Forma Pauperis Motion, which represents really a mathmatical equation for the Courts consideration.
This mathematical equation at best is the least subject to Opinion that a Court might consider and is much more regulated on Facts of a mathematical equation- the kind of Standard Doc refered to as ” verifiability”.
Now another point of consideration is understanding the the U.S. Supreme Court GRANTED basically the same Forma Pauperis Motion in Judy v. Obama 12-5276.
This FACT puts the U.S. Supreme Court at further odds with itself in just 3 years. The two Lower Court grants of Forma Pauperis are consistent with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in 2012.
Really the only changes where my son’s age and the miles on my car were greater which does not constitute a greater windfall of income, but really represents a deteriation, adjusting inflation, and price increases.
These FACTS are not just tough to swallow, but point to serious infirmity, incompitency, or worse.
A deliberate discrimination that is based contrary to the Constitution, the likes of which you guys care so much about.
Imagine if you will the U.S. Supreme Court announcing tomorrow that Same-Sex Marriage, only legalised a short time ago was illegal? What would be the reaction?
Well.. I can on a pretty sure assumption state the couple who was just married looks at the U.S. Supreme Court and says, “What?! You just said it was legal a few months ago!!!”
My Forma Pauperis Motion is a parallel to that same situation or circumstance. It defies reason, logic, competency and travels to the far away galaxy of beliefs, opinions, Bob and Pete’s medical experience as Professionals warrant.
The context of the Certiorari must be set aside. The Motion for Informa Pauperis is Its own. We can’t or should not mix the two, accept as the Court Ruled allow in for instance disallowing based on Rule 39.8.
Now, for those who can not understand this, we must seriously consider reasons of infirmity, or learning disability, something that would consider a much greater sympathy and care of elementary soundness.
This is certainly not the Standard we seek for those sitting in the seats of the U.S. Supreme Court. Bob and Pete are not in those seats so their opinions and beliefs are not scrutinised at the same level of expectation.
That’s why I have said, understanding all these FACTS should really put EVERYONE of sound mind on my side, and place those apposed in kind of a below first grade intelligence level.
Again – 3 Courts. .the Lower District Coutry ; The 10th Circuit; The U.S. Supreme Court in 2012-13, and the key fact Rule 39.8 was not Employed.
These are elementary my friends and should greatly concern is all.
To regulate these validated concerns to ( @Bob”whining or well-documented illiteracy alone” @Alg “inflated and delusional ego ” ; @Keith ” stupid, forlorn, frivolous law suit” @Slartibartfast-a frayed or tenuous grip on reality”), trivial complaint is grossly negligible of serious reflection.
Now.,, if we are all just about pranks and jokes.. Of course let’s consider “The Bumble” as reflecting the reality here. 😂
Except the anti-birthers don’t operate on bias and belief.
If Judy was sincere about verifiability, he would post his IFP application, so anyone could verify it.
“Basically the same” is not the same as “the same.”
Except they are four different IFP applications, and people are being asked to take Judy’s word that they are the same.
So Judy says. But Judy refuses to provide the means to verity this, and anti-birthers don’t rely on belief.
Or a much more plausible, less conspiratorial scenario: Judy submitted his usual word salad to the SCOTUS.
“If,” as usual, is doing all the work in that sentence.
Except it is not because Judy withholds the information for anyone to come to that conclusion.
One does not need to be a medical professional to see that Judy desperately ought to consult a medical professional — if not for his own sake, then for the sake of his children.
Before Judy starts calling people stupid, he might want to first get his own house in order and learn how to spell, and learn how to form understandable sentences.
Meanwhile, Judy wastes yet more time and energy on a lost, already over cause (at the expense of his children’s well being), and continues to abuse Doc’s good nature by turning yet another article’s comments section into a discussion about him.
@Bob [ Except the anti-birthers don’t operate on bias and belief.]
Your own comments, in this Post alone, bare out otherwise.
@Bob [If Judy was sincere about verifiability, he would post his IFP application, so anyone could verify it.]
I’ve shown you 3 Courts that GRANTED it. This should suffice.
@Bob [Except they are four different IFP applications, and people are being asked to take Judy’s word that they are the same.]
That’s True, and I have affirmed to you the particular changes in my son’s age, the miles on my car, the inflation consideration., and oh don’t forget I even posted for you Bank Statements in the SCOTUS Review of Forma Pauperis.
I’m reading “IFP Reconsideration Review Judy v. Obama 14-9396” on Scribd. Read more:
@Bob [ One does no need to be a medical professional to see ..] medical impairments. Bob’s unhinged opinion gets grander dismissing the need for medical professional showing his own mis calculations and slide on reality.
Like the Movie Title parlays ,One does not need to be a medical professional to see “It’s all about Bob”
Short for [B]arack [Ob]ama 😂
Yet another meaningless, unsupported assertion from Judy.
It doesn’t suffice because Judy refuses to show the actual IFP application that is the subject of his pointless whining.
Which is not the same as the actual IFP application that Judy, for some unfathomable reason, refuses to disclose.
Yet more incomprehensibleness from Judy, thus further showing the need for Judy to seek medical attention. Judy getting the help he needs is the least a parent could do for a child.
It doesn’t concern us in the least because you still refuse to let us see the application for in forma pauperis which you filed with SCOTUS.
I guarantee you that if you show us your application, and it turns out that you filled it out properly and included the required documentation, and you provided convincing evidence that you could not afford to pay the filing fee, we will say so.
On the other hand, if you screwed it up, or if you failed to provide the required documentation, we likewise will say so.
It’s up to you. Either prove that you did it correctly or stop your whining.
Yes, and three previous courts, despite having granted you IFP, which in my opinion they shouldn’t have, tossed your POS filing. Each upper court confirming the lower in rejection and dismissal. Why do you think the SCT would have done any different, except that they didn’t accept your IFP? In reality, all they did was confirm what the lower courts had down without wasting the time of having to attempt parsing your poorly composed word salad.
My personal suspicion, from having read, and wasted the time doing so, the hot mess Judy calls an appeal, that the IFP was magnitudes worse and they refused on those grounds alone. The court expects clear and concise, something they never have or ever will get from Judy.
You get NO sympathy from me.
@Notorial Dissent [which in my opinion they shouldn’t have, ]
Exactly.. Your opinion and Bob’s.
As long as you get your way. It’s infintile.
[ In reality, all they did was confirm what the lower courts had down without wasting the time of having to attempt parsing your poorly composed word salad.]
Yes.. Of course. With your opinion or sense of justice Rule 39.8 not employed makes no sense, but the Court is not bound to their own Rules.
Don’t you see what a perversion you are representing? I don’t think you do. The Court instituted the Rule for reason.
Yet you defy the reason in an ideologic preference of chaos.
Sympathy from you is not what I’ve sought. What I have sought is a sense of reality,reason, and law. That is certainly VOID.
No doubt your care is also VOID, the progress you seek is Trump. I’m simply a clarification of what your seeing and reaping.
It’s not stupid.. It’s very logical which I’ve always found in the patience of God. If I learned anything in prison it was far more patience then anti Birthers have with Birthers.
This is your weakness. Time is no longer your friend. It’s mine.
[ My personal suspicion, ..] AGAIN anti #Birther conspiracy. You see the role is changing as you grapple with what you see but can’t understand quite clearly?
There is no rule which says that SCOTUS can only refuse IFP status pursuant to Rule 39.8.
Rule 39.8 applies to petitioners who otherwise would be eligible for IFP status but will not get it because they filed frivolous petitions.
Since SCOTUS did not cite 39.8 when denying your application for IFP status, it is obvious that you were denied for other reasons. You were required to comply with Rules 21, 29 and 33.2; we have no idea if you complied with those rules because you have refused to let us see your application.
As I said before, either put up or stop whining about it.
@Rickey [ Since SCOTUS did not cite 39.8 when denying your application for IFP status, it is obvious that you were denied for other reasons. You were required to comply with Rules 21, 29 and 33.2; we have no idea if you complied with those rules because you have refused to let us see your application.]
That is simply just not True. If I was in violation of any of those Rules, the Denial would state that paricular, just like it would if I was in violation of Rile 39.8.
That is the procedure and practise of Law. I’ve been out of compliance with a Rule before and been notified of it in a Court Order. That is elementary. It is also confirmed by the Court clerks.
[ either put up or stop whining about it.]
I’m sorry you consider our entire American Revolution “whining” about injustices and the practice of illegal arbitrary and malevolent decisions and judgements.
Of course this is the perception of those unable to understand injustice. The common sense escapes them in their own cozy complacency.
I’m happy you have reached such a wonderful place in your life where Justice for All is not something you concern yourself with.
You live to point out my errors. .yet the Courts highest Justices have errored right in front of your face!
What are you doing about it? Where is your Petition to the Court., where is your letter?
No Rule violations Cited in Forma Pauperis Denial
CRJ Forma Pauperis rejection noticed in Business Watchdog
The denial of Judy’s frivolous lawsuit was in no way similar to the American Revolution, and Judy insults the Founders by comparing himself to them.
Judy says SCOTUS’ error is before our collective faces, but that’s not true: Judy continues to not understand that no one is going to accept his naked assertion that he properly filled out his IFP application. To convince people, Judy needs to first show the actual IFP application. Judy not only refuses to do so, Judy refuses to explain why he won’t.
Instead, Judy continues to abuse Doc’s good nature and, narcissistic like, Judy ruins yet another discussion by making it all about him.
@Bob [Instead, Judy continues to abuse Doc’s good nature and, narcissistic like, Judy ruins yet another discussion by making it all about him.]
I’m very sorry to hear this. Of course Doc is of a great goodness in nature. .and my answering questions asked by folks on his Blog I hope seen as being polite without straying to far off topic as best as I can.
As this Post directly takes in the question of Facts and Fiction, Beliefs and Opinions, Conspiracies and Stories, even history and our modern day problems, Doc has in fact stated he is not comfortable with my Posting my detailed Forma Pauperis Form.
This then is an understanding and respect I have for Doc’s comment made a few Posts back, much more so then Bob’s assertion and abusive words are indicative of truth.
Of course Bob is a nice person and we all know he says stuff a little off the cuff. , but I generally appreciate his desire to be thorough. That is nothing to disparage, and I hope any comment I’ve made about Bob is taken against that.
Of course Law is greatly respected because of this property. This of course is the reason I’ve endeavored to let everyone know the lack of Respect shown in and for the lower District Courts granting the Forma Pauperis as well as a Panel of Justices in the 10th Circuit Court.
I have much more respect for these Many Justices then Bob’s integrity and dismissive remarks towards them as they are on my side in this particularly.
Indeed, the U.S. Supreme Court Justices in 2012 were also.
This is a Witness of OUTSTANDING Support for me in this consideration and disparaging it is a little crazy and most people could understand why I think.
Justice should be all of our consideration for which or who of us would enjoy walking into a Bank and finding an injustice upon our account?
I don’t recall this. Doc, is it accurate?
And, Cody, can we assume that if Doc okays it, you will finally post it for all to see?
Maybe, if Mr. Judy and Doc were willing, he could email the document to Doc who could redact all of the information (addresses, etc.) that he wasn’t comfortable publishing.
Actually I agree with Doc on this. It serves no purpose or added evidence to the decisions everyone can see made by several Courts of Law including the U.S. Supreme Court 2012-2013 Review Decisions.
What could possibly be the Result? Would I have the commitment of your support? In what? Your sympathies? Your financial support for the Office of President? What?
If we look at the facts and evidence on this matter we have a very CLEAR legal picture.
Rag-Tag Forces considered then and now.
[After crossing the Delaware River on Christmas night in 1776, Washington’s Continental Army surprised the Hessians who were staying in what is now the Old Barracks Museum and in other homes throughout Trenton. He re-crossed again four days later to confront the full brunt of the British Army led by General Charles Cornwallis. And the American rag-tag forces’ twin victories in those battles spurred our nation on to victory, and ought to give each of us cause for encouragement in light of contemporary challenges arguably far less serious than those our Revolution faced in Southern New Jersey 238 years ago.
Washington himself saw the hand of Providence at work in his Christmas crossing. An abiding faith can go a long way, even in darkest moments.]
Cody Robert Judy has faced the critisim of being Rag-Tag in his stand for the [ natural born Citizen] qualification embedded in the Constitution for and as a National Defense of and for our entire Country from those who felt the entitlements of the Office were to Destroy a unique American Culture, Sovereignty, and Home Country.
An assault upon the Constitution’s requirements as well an assault upon the American Pocketbook, 10 Trillion during Obama’s tenure, was more to be celebrated in a 17 day Hawaiian vacation for Christmas by Obama costing tax payers 8 Million Dollars while Cody Robert Judy was having a Denial of Forma Pauperis without ryme or reason as a reward for his defense of our Country’s national security dished out by the SCOTUS with absolutely no violation of Court Ruled acerted.
Contrasting a granted 2012 decision for Forma Pauperis, the 2014 SCOTUS Justices neither recognised their own decision in conflict of 2012, but also did not notice an in-house collaboration against supporting decisions granting Forma Pauperis by the District Court and the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.
The derision of Justice palatable as the fog of the British Army soon to be defeated by Washington’s perserverance through the fog of the river.
I myself don’t really understand what the Remedy would be, but if there was one proposed I have not understood it from this group.
The other consideration is the Standard of Granting Forma Pauperis by SCOTUS as well as other COURTS.
How does anyone know this. I furnished Bank Records that clearly show I had no $4300.00 to print and file fees.
Doc has stated that he would be uncomfortable Judy posting his IFP application on this site. Judy is, of course, able to post the application on his own blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, or YouTube account. But Judy doesn’t do this trivial act because he prefers to whine about imagined injustices.
Judy continues to not understand that they were different applications, and that SCOTUS is not required to follow the lower courts’ determinations. Respect has nothing to do with it.
Judy’s mindreading again fails him as I have great respect for the courts generally, and these courts particularly, as they properly dismissed Judy’s suit, and also labeled it as frivolous.
Judy engages in time travel when he imagines the previous granting of different applications indicates present approval for the most recent application.
The IFP application is the only evidence of Judy’s imaginary injustice. Yet Judy is refusing to post the piece needed to support his fantasies.
People would then be open to the idea that SCOTUS got it wrong. But only if Judy can show SCOTUS got it wrong, and he refuses to post the one piece of evidence necessary to do that. Because Judy enjoys his imaginary martyrdom more.
Judy insults the American Revolution and Founders when he compares them to himself and this natural-born nonsense.
Judy again fails to understand that they were different applications, and each application is judged separately.
Judy’s remedy is to let it go, move on, and be a better parent to his children (which may include Judy seeking the advice of a medical professional).
I can’t track down Doc’s comment yet, but I did recover @Bob’s comment embracing the knowledge I didn’t have the money.
@Bob [ New question: Will Judy pay the required fees and costs before the court’s deadline?
I predict: No. Judy himself lacks the funds to pay the fees and costs, and he lacks the skills required to raise the money from others.]
The glee in @Bob’s prediction is palatable. But from it we also see a recognition ‘Judy does not have the money’
Indeed, @Bob prediction came true. The question remaining is was it one in which right prevailed and wrong failed?
To answer that everyone must ask themselves the question:
If I don’t have money should JUSTICE be withheld?
Heaven forbid the thought for it is a Judicial Corruption Endorsement.
While it may be perceived as “whining” , I think given the evidence I earned that right. .and you will hear about it the Rest of my Life. If that’s not OK with you, you better sign a petition to ban me from the Group and may God Bless you in your embrace of Judicial Corruption.
Judy can post it elsewhere should he decide to do so.
Yes, it is accurate. See here:
There is no glee to be had in Judy wasting judicial resources. Or Judy not realizing that he is wasting his life.
Because justice requires Judy to properly show the court that he lacks money. And Judy continues to not provide the piece of evidence that would show that his application was proper.
Except that Judy has provided no evidence. Especially the one piece that would actually prove Judy’s point.
What a waste of an already partially wasted life.
If Judy is threatening to spam Doc’s otherwise fine site, yes, please ban him.
OK, thanks.
So, Cody, what’s stopping you from posting it in some other accessible location?
Restating some of what I said before:
1. Review of ones case by the Supreme Court is not a right, but under the discretion of the court.
2. IFP can be denied if the court considers the petition frivolous.
3. Any filing at the Supreme Court, no matter now routine, uses up scarce judicial resources.
So basically, no matter what the Supreme Court did, Mr. Judy has no legal complaint, and his rights were not violated.
No one has asked me why I thought the U.S. Supreme Court would grant my 12-5276 and 2013 Review Forma Pauperis Motion and why 2014 14-9396 would be denide?
The answer actually lies in @Notorial Dissent’s comment:
[In reality, all they did was confirm what the lower courts had down without wasting the time of having to attempt parsing your poorly composed word salad.]
The presumption here is that as long as you have a case that is easily dismissed SCOTUS will grant you Forma Pauperis.., but if you have a Case they see could not be dismissed easily, they deny you Forma Pauperis.
In the 12-5276 Case it originated out of a [Ballot Challenge] in the Democratic Primary of Georgia. This is more easily dismissed as a State Function the Court would like to give a little leeway to in flexibility. And of course the 2012-’13 Election was deliberately placed after the Denial of Cert decision in spite of it coming in plenty of time before, if a real concern for the voting rights of Americans were seen.
Contrasting that with the 14-9396 Certiorari, which was a Civil Rights Federal Law Suit and Congressional Act violation , as well exposing concrete motive for the Lower Courts Dismissals, we see ‘word-salad’ though beloved by this Blog in description of anything I’ve ever wrote is popular, this bowl of soup has a lot more meat in it.
If the TWO cases are compared 14-9396 has much more collateral to it and Legal Force.
It is therefore much to the chagrin of Justice more easily denide in Reason through an alternative consideration of Denieing Forma Pauperis.
This mirrors somewhat a confirmation that the reason Forma Pauperis was denide had to do with the merit of the Certioari to begin with.
Unjudicially however, that is not the way Petitions should be handled. Separate Motions require separate judgements.. Unless an Abuse such as Rule 39.8 is easily recognizable and then that is noted as reason by the Court.
Of course it is not so noticed on mine.
@Doc [Yes, it is accurate. See here:]
Re: This then is an understanding and respect I have for Doc’s comment made a few Posts back in being somewhat reserved about my Posting Forma Pauperis Motion]
Thanks Doc.
You know I respect Doc’s knowledge about this subject for many many reasons the least of which would be his [expertise ] in the computer world.
Of course it’s a temptation for me based on some proof a few here state as worthy.
The negative affect of [identity theft] is a much greater concern as the details of really everything in your Life make up that Report. It far exceeds the report required by the FEC in Federal Candidates for President’s estimations of assets and income.
So, for all the goading of @Bob , the consideration for others, my own family, must take precedent. This can have a far greater impact on those I love for a far longer time than any short term benefit from @ Bob’s relief to torture me about it. Haha haha
While it’s a tactic of debate I assure everyone here only a dumb-a*s would do it and @ Bob is no dumb*ss
Identity theft is was not my concern, although it is a valid one. My concern was hosting private information of this nature.
Certainly Mr. Judy could redact addresses, social-security numbers, account numbers, bank names and anything else that would leave him vulnerable to identity theft. I just don’t want to host it. He has a blog of his own, on which he can do what he wants.
That really doesn’t make much sense. The Supreme Court doesn’t “dismiss cases.” They either decide to hear them, or they don’t. They never give a reason or enter into the details of a case when they don’t hear it.
In fact the truth would seem to be the opposite of what you said. If a case were facially frivolous, IFP is less likely to be granted.
@Doc [IFP can be denied if the court considers the petition frivolous. ][Mr. Judy has no legal complaint, and his rights were not violated.]
Of course IF a case is deemed frivolous the Court marks that as the REASON the Court is DENYING the Forma Pauperis, the Court will always designate that by stating in the Denial of the Motion Rule 39.8.
Therefore, Mr. Judy’s Motion of Forma Pauperis not being so noticed by Rule 39.8, his Certiorari was not deemed Frivolous by the U.S. Supreme Court, but rather something they simply chose not to see.,ie. to avoid.., hide, cover-up.
Mr. Judy’s rights were in fact violated by the Failure to grant Forma Pauperis seen as the justification of not seeing the Certiorari, avoiding it, covering it up with dirt, refusing the obvious, wholly contemptible, Judicially Corrupt.
Therefore, Mr, Judy’s Denial of Forma Pauperis Motion substantiated the “whining” Mr. Judy.. But no one cares or can do anything about it in this Group so disparaging the boy seems justified.
Clearly illustrated here.
If we look at the facts and evidence on this matter we have a very CLEAR legal picture.
Because no one cares. Because no one thinks any of Judy’s cases were meritorious.
In Judy’s opinion. The district court, however, dismissed it and labeled it frivolous. And the 10th Circuit affirmed that.
That assumes Judy properly completed his IFP application, and Judy fails to show that he did.
Judy, as usual, misses the point: No one is going to take a lying, unrepentant felon at his word; people are going to want to see the actual evidence of the purported judicial malfeasance. Does Judy think CNN, MSNBC, etc., would treat him with kid gloves? Judy begs for attention from the media, yet Judy would have no idea what to do with it if ever got it.
Judy’s concerns about identity theft are misplaced, as his IFP application is a publicly filed document. Literally anyone could request a copy from SCOTUS.
Judy is merely hiding behind familial concern when he doesn’t publish what he has already published to the world.
If Judy truly had familial concern, he would move on with life, and try to better his own. Instead, Judy chooses to waste his life (and theirs) by spamming Doc’s site.
And, as many have suggested, Judy could redact any personal identifying information that he felt the need to protect. Judy chooses not to do this simple task because he prefers to whine.
Judy assumes SCOTUS will always apply Rule 39.8 to frivolous petitions. But Judy’s assumptions are not reality.
With the most likely reason being Judy’s failure to complete it correctly. Judy could easily settle his matter, but he chooses not to.
Judy whines that his rights were violated, but he refuses to provide the supporting evidence. As Doc said, anti-birthers, unlike Judy and his ilk, don’t operate on belief (or bias).
No one cares because no one but Judy believes his rights were violated. Judy is correct, however, that no one here can do anything about it, so Judy is just wasting energy by complaining about it here.
@Bob [Judy’s concerns about identity theft are misplaced, as his IFP application is a publicly filed document. Literally anyone could request a copy from SCOTUS.]
No., It’s SEALED by The Court for the same reasons I’ve explained Bob. Of course anyone could request it, but would unlikely not see much more than Clinton’s heavily redacted national security breaches as emails.
@Bob [Because no one cares.] accept for Bob. I think we’d all admit Bob cares so much about Me, that he’d eat three meals a day while responding to me, chewing his food and violently hammering the key board.
If that isn’t a tail of perceived care, I’m not sure what constitutes care. Of course I became a custom to that sweet attention from Prison Guards 24/7 making the rounds and filing reports, so Bob doesn’t bother me that much.
I just keep a picture of a Sexy Woman in my mind whose name is Bob which helps me love his attention. (Funny😂)
@Bob [Does Judy think CNN, MSNBC, etc., would treat him with kid gloves? Judy begs for attention from the media, yet Judy would have no idea what to do with it if ever got it.]
I think that’s got a few kernels of Truth to it. That heat is not easy.
In point of fact, despite his lies and obfuscations, Judy did get a hearing, and a final one at that, from the Supreme Court. They chose to NOT hear or review his steaming pile of drivelous wordsalad as there was nothing there to review and nothing they disagreed with, no questions of law or procedure, and they let stand the Appeals Court ruling, which is to say they confirmed it and the lower court’s decisions in their entirety. Judy lost in all three venues. That is about as final as you can get.
Now as to why they denied his IFP, I suspect general ineptitude and deceit on his part, hallmarks of everything Judy, but in reality we’ll never know. The court isn’t obliged to explain themselves, isn’t obligated to grant IFP, and isn’t obligated to even hear a case, and they don’t have to give any reasons why. Cody can wah all he wants, but in the final analysis it’s over and he lost. My personal opinion being that there is no reason he shouldn’t have lost from the get go, but that’s just my opinion. I also don’t think he should have EVER received IFP from any court, stupidity and cupidity should be expensive, but again, just my opinion. The opinions that matter though are the ones from the district court, the Appeals court, and finally the Supreme Court, ALL OF WHICH SAY he lost.
@Notorial Dissent [ he lost ]
Of course , if the way he lost is of no concern of anyone’s then our Republic is also lost.
I don’t believe that’s the case.
Notorial Dissents comment does remind me of a game. It starts when I say it starts. It ends when I say it ends. And it’s your turn when I say it’s your turn. He unplugs the game when it’s your turn. Expands your complaint as “whining”, and loves the competition he created with his game.
The game is called,”I am King you are the slave servant”
It’s a little sick and twisted for the USA’s Republic. . but Mr Trump is going to love playing it.
Judy may believe his IFP application is under seal, but his assumptions are not reality. Perhaps Judy could cite the rule showing that it would be sealed.
Or, of course, just show the IFP application — redacted to Judy’s heart’s content.
Judy projects his beliefs and behaviors onto others.
Pathetically creepy or creepily pathetic?
Only Judy’s ego would equate his case not being heard with the loss of the Republic.
@Bob [ Perhaps Judy could cite the rule showing that it would be sealed.]
Go for it Bob.. It’s worth $5 at $1 per page at the most.. What the heck is stopping you? Show everyone you mean to back up your God aweful opinions about me. Do it!
Don’t tell me your opinion isn’t worth $5?
Do you need the Courts address?
1 First St NE, Washington, DC 20543
Judy asserts there’s no error in his IFP application, refuses to display even a redacted version it, and then demands that others pay to obtain it.
And then Judy wonders why no one takes his claims of imaginary injustice seriously.
Again, if the IFP was up to the quality of his other filings, it really isn’t any wonder. He hasn’t seemed to be able to evidence any ability to follow directions previously, so why presume he did so with the IFP.
@Notorial Dissent [He hasn’t seemed to be able to evidence any ability to follow directions previously, so why presume he did so with the IFP.]
[Evidenced] .. Apparently you’ve never tried getting [Case Numbers] in the U.S. Supreme Court? It actually takes following quite a few directions beginning at the District Court?
@Bob [and then demands that others pay to obtain it.
[And then Judy wonders why no one takes his claims of imaginary injustice seriously ]
Bob.. It’s public information,. I filed it. You are the public. Go get it if you’d like it. It’s already cost me quite a bit. What? Are you a free-loader Bob? Want everything delivered to you on yr bedstand? Lol 😂
Judy, I didn’t say you hadn’t filed your steaming piles with the court just that you hadn’t followed the rules, and you hadn’t, part of the reason you got rejected, repeatedly, and NO they don’t have to tell you what you got wrong, just that it wasn’t acceptable.
Getting back to what Doc wrote, that I thought was quite profound:
@Doc[What birthers really objected to was that the media didn’t agree with them. That disagreement is inherent in the system because news organization have standards of verifiability, while birthers run off bias and belief. What a birther believes is not news, and what somebody on the Internet surmises is not an expert opinion. Birther opinion does not qualify as news and what little novelty they represented did not warrant in depth coverage.]
What I see as the CLEAR difference is that truly it is the [ opinion and beliefs] of [anti Birthers ] that are subject to scrutinize with the Facts. And, it is expert opinion as well as the U.S. Constitution that testifies against their steaming pile of internet dribble.
For they declare Cruz and Rubio.. As well Obama to be U.S. [Citizens] at birth, and that they are also collectively [ natural born Citizens] eligible for the Office of President and Vice President.
This is said to be [anti Birther Fact] however it is [ Steaming Opinion and Belief] not Fact.
One only has to address and compare with Facts the capability for a dual Citizen to declare allegiance to either Country verses someone who is a [natural born Citizen] ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents who has no choice by Facts to choose without naturalization proceedings. This is WHY [Citizens at Birth] listed in Title 8 subsection 1401 (a-h) excludes the [natural born Citizen] ie.( Born in the U.S. to Citizen) Parents, and WHY it is considered a naturalization ACT of Congress.
WARNING at the new U.S. Embassy in Cuba.
Dual Citizens – Havana Cuba U.S. Embassy –
[ The Government of Cuba does not recognize the U.S. nationality of U.S. citizens who are Cuban-born or are the children of Cuban parents. These individuals will be treated solely as Cuban citizens and may be subject to a range of restrictions and obligations, including military service. ]
Found at:
What this means in Cruz and Rubio’s cases is their opportunity to be Cuban Citizens is extended by birth place and or parents.
Either one can get them a Cuban Citizenship with the perks. They also can become American citizens by birth and claim all the perks, accept the Office of the President and Vice President reserved for those [natural born Citizens] ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents who have no choice to do that.
A [natural born Citizen] has the U.S.A as their only Home Country. There is no other choice, like for instance Ted Cruz choosing to file papers to recind his Canadian Citizenship a couple of years ago.
That is why the Facts are not heard in Court. The anti Birthers got the drop on the Birthers. But what they dropped was a steaming pile of Citizen at Birth is also Dual Citizen; and certainly Dual Citizen is not [ natural born Citizen] with no other Country to call Home.
That is why FACTS are mine as a #Birther and the Constitution’s still right after two Centuries. [Citizen] at the Time of the Adoption of this Constitution or [natural born Citizen] ie Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.
It was a Distinquished Revolutionary Patriot [Citizen] the Country sought at its inception until [natural born Citizens] ie Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents could be raised up with no divided loyalties by birth place or Parents.
That is why the Facts are against anti Birthers who in their foolish opinions find no greater loyalty earned in the second generation of American Culture.
Who aspouse other cultures so highly they foolishly do not see an incentive of a two generation wall in the Office of President as a wise National Defense.
Who do not see the Fractured Loyalty of Dual Citizenship acting deep inside a person. For love or hate can both be less than neutral and be cause for concern in a fractured loyalty.
This is why Doc’s statement puts my children and all of our American Children at an undeniable greater risks for what amounts to a discrimination of American Culture. And you can take your opinions and beliefs about my defense for our children .. My Children.. And go straight to Hell with them.
You don’t think or see my defense and all my pleas and briefs and work as a Defense for my children? That’s opinion and belief is so far out in coo coo land I don’t recognize it as American.
That’s why it’s as easy to say…
What [anti] birthers really object to was when the media didn’t agree with them. That disagreement is inherent in the system is FALSE if it’s Tried and because news organization have slacked on standards of verifiability and [anti] birthers run off bias and belief.
What a [anti] birther believes is not news, and what somebody on the Internet surmises is not an expert opinion. [Anti] Birther opinion does not qualify as news and what little novelty they represented is proven false with investigation.
Judy writes a whole lotta nothing but ignores that around a dozen courts have already ruled that birth in the United States is sufficient for natural-born citizenship. The fact that courts have already so ruled trumps Judy’s fantastical beliefs about dual and natural-born citizenship.
Judy, as he likes to do, also transforms his (wrong) opinion into facts. Thankfully, Judy’s assumptions and beliefs are not reality.
That Judy thinks wasting his time internet espousing his already and repeatedly rejected beliefs somehow helps his children is truly sad. And, for that, I have compassion for Judy’s children being saddled with him.
You might be right about a lot of things Bob… and making your statements famous would certainly convey your sentiments to others, ..don’t you think? Something you can be proud of anyway. Hey, it’s Free Publicity for you and Doc’s Blog.
BETWEEN THE LIES Citizen at Birth v. Natural Born Citizen
#SCOTUS @politico @Drudge_Report_
It’s not like #SCOTUS or the MSM has a lot of free time to read Blogs or anything
I was reading CRJ’s resubmitted cert petition (linked by him earlier in the thread), and I am now 95%+ certain that he did, in fact, improperly fill out the form for his motion for in forma pauperis. I present to you his cover letter:
Note: I tried to preserve all of the formatting and errors, and I didn’t bother to transcribe the signature line.
By all appearances, on April 7th, the Clerk sent CRJ a letter noting that the motion for in forma pauperis was deficient in certain ways. CRJ, rather than correct the deficiencies, ranted at the Clerk and refused to resubmit. We can’t be sure without the April 7th letter, though.
Sadly, the underlining didn’t format; it really conveys the magnitude of Cody’s rage-quit.
Anyway, something I found funny when reading that. I offer this perfect example of cargo cult law:
and in the cover letter for the original submission for cert (also at the link):
I’m wondering what exactly CRJ thinks “held in abeyance” means. It is inconceivable that he meant it as it is properly used.
An apt title for Judy’s ignorant, illiterate lies. And contradicted by the brightest legal minds on the planet, which is why they (and not Judy) are regularly cited by the media.
* * *
Exactly; and I’m sure Judy will have some crazy excuse why he can’t post that either.
CRJ’s unintelligible rant above is a perfect example of Birthers’ argument to allow other countries laws to determine who is eligible to run for president of the United States. It’s a stupid idea and also not the law. Cuba could also pass laws which said that grandchildren of Cuban citizens are eligible to claim Cuban citizenship.
Any US born citizen is a natural born citizen. That’s well established law. Anyone born abroad and a citizen from birth is a natural born citizen and eligible until someone can get a court to rule otherwise and have such a ruling stand on appeal.
@W. Kevin Vicklund
W. Kevin Vicklund – thank you for researching and the opportunity at least to respond to your inquiry.
What was meant:
Held in abeyance – “Uncertainty” on wither the Court would actually use the Informa Pauperis Grant of the lower Courts making the MOTION for Forma Pauperis stapled on the front of the writ of certiorari redundant and unnecessary because it was in the SAME YEAR. The new Motion stapled to the Writ was a fresh one, validated with a signature, date of submission, and notarized. Its’ actually more ‘rare’ that an Appeal hits the Court all in the same year. If years go by of course a new Forma Pauperis is needed for subsequent years. I doubled up just to make sure.
There are some things that are unclear with the Rules of the SCOTUS such as is described.
For a very brief description on what happened which made the Letter your referring to necessary which perhaps is obvious, but needs confirmation. First, you’d have to go back to 12-5276 and see that I had submitted my Cert I think 8 or 9 times before it was given a case number. That can be researched on my Blog. if you’d like.
The frustration with that was really unbelievable as the Court would send my BOX of Copies back and it would cost me another $20 to return it.
The word ‘frustrating’ is used because for instance the Clerk would ‘assume’ a mistake and a reason the Cert could not yet be docketed because of a rule violation and that would be pointed out in the return letter from the Clerk. Of course fix the mistake, return it is how it normally goes. And I did make a couple of errors in that case warranting the return, however, after 8 times you start to get a very different picture of what is going on.
A delay was happening. That delay for 12-5276 actually included the exact timing of 3 or 4 other Georgia Case Appeals coming up to the SCOTUS. For instance, Returning my box of copies with no changes being made exactly as it was sent back to me and having it get a case number, is an indication of what?
The Clerks error? Whatever you want to call it.
So.., when the Box was returned to me, and the Clerk made several assertions about this not being dated, or signed, that were complete Fabrications, “HOLY sh*t is this really happening!”, with the highest court in the United States of America?” , comes to mind very readily.
Of course, nothing was amiss. The Motion for Forma Pauperis was signed and dated, and notarized properly as well as stapled to the Writ as is instructed.
That’s the back ground you can also catch up on Reported on my Blog.
Absolutely, nothing was amiss on 14-9396. No changes were necessary, it was returned, and properly given a Case Number, and the Court’s consideration and I’m sure you have seen the Twitter Picture I posted of the Review Denied.
Keep in mind, as I’ve stated, I have made numerous applications of Forma Pauperis, granted in 12-5276 in all THREE STAGES of the Court Proceeding and in 14-9396 in the Lower District Court as well as the 10th Circuit.
Of course these guys want to address it as word-dribble, but to the Court’s credit if something is really wrong like any signature or date or notary the Court will return your papers so you can comply with the Rules required.
Unsurprisingly, you are wrong again.
I was born in the United States to two citizen parents. However, my paternal grandmother was born in Ireland. Under Ireland’s laws, that means that I can, if I wish, apply for and receive Irish citizenship, thereby becoming a dual citizen of the United States and Ireland.
So I am a natural born citizen of the United States, yet I do have the choice to become a citizen of another country.
Another illustration of this (that directly and unequivocally contradicts Mr. Judy) is Spiro Agnew’s status as a natural born Greek citizen. It didn’t affect his natural born US citizenship one bit and no one has ever suggested that VP Agnew was ineligible.
Mr. Judy,
Regarding your IFP application, you are essentially asking the court for something (to waive your fees). The very fact that you are asking (and doing so formally) implies that the court is entitled to deny your request (otherwise it would have been a demand). Unless there is a law that should have forced the court to grant your application (and we all know there isn’t), all your whining about it now is just a sore loser crying over spilt milk. You tried (poorly) and you lost. Be a man and suck it up and move on. This denial and passive-aggressive whinging you’ve got going on is beyond pathetic.
In other words:
1. Judy didn’t properly submit an IFP application to SCOTUS.
2. Judy did misuse the phrase “held in abeyance,” as there was nothing for the court to abey at that point.
So, just as I, and several others, speculated, Judy didn’t follow the rules, they don’t apply to him he’s a special little flower and all, and his IFP got bounced, and instead of fixing the issue he whined some more and did nothing. He is now trying to dance around that little factoid and as usual failing miserably.
After wading through his latest codswallop posting, braincell damaging as it was, I remain convinced that he is truly as ignorant as he is stupid, a deadly and boring combination.
Note to Judy, there is exactly NO mention of or prohibition of dual citizenship in the Constitution. What there is is the term natural born citizen, which based on the prevailing common law (English) of the time meant born in the country, nothing more, nothing less, no mention of parents or other citizenship, there is NOWHERE a mention of having two citizen parents, or of having citizen parents at all, NADA, and the Supreme Court has said so as well as other Federal and state courts who have had to rule on the issue. You are both ignorant and WRONG. That is not opinion, that is fact, based on the court rulings. You don’t like it, tough! NO ONE CARES!!! As the law stands today, and has stood since the founding, if you were born in the US you are a natural born citizen, and if the law so dictates, so are the children of US citizens, regardless of where they happen to be born. Again, that is the law as it stands today, and pretty much as it has stood since the founding.
@Rickey [So I am a natural born citizen of the United States, yet I do have the choice to become a citizen of another country.]
Didn’t know that about Ireland. Post up that quote in their Law. You of course have a choice, either a run for President is sacrificed checking the box of being a Citizen of another Country could cause you trouble. We’ll see how Cruz fairs.
[the court for something (to waive your fees). The very fact that you are asking (and doing so formally) implies that the court is entitled to deny your request (otherwise it would have been a demand).]
The grounds for Denial being just in equality under the Law. Of course, any Judge can do anything including issuing a Ruling Order in my Case that you are a pathetic cockroach out to destroy the Constitution, however RULES of practices and procedures generally leave a level of Appeal on the merits.
This is why a Special Prosecutor has been summoned to investigate the atrocious disparaging ruling in the face of the mathematical equation being fullfilled for Forma Pauperis to be granted and it being denied in the face of reason. Of course you are not a pathetic cockroach, I’m just saying it would take you a long time to Appeal that Order and if your at the SCOTUS you probably have to go checks and balances to the Legislature, or if Mr Trump gets in the Executive Branch as President appeal for an Executive investigation by the State Department assisted by the FBI to submit IMPEACHMENT Articles to pry the weasels out. As the Birther King Trump, I don’t think would be opposed to that. Might be a short 12 months left for the Justices?
I will get to the bottom of this, but it may take Congress issueing a summons for the Supreme Court Justices to appear before Congress. Just takes Time.
@Notorial Dissent [there is exactly NO mention of or prohibition of dual citizenship in the Constitution. What there is is the term natural born citizen, ]
Same Thing. The Fact that [ natural born Citizen ] means [ born in the U.S. to Citize, Parents] illustrates very clearly no dual citizenship.
Those with dual citizenships or the application presented to them in Title 8 Nationals & Citizens at birth subsection 1401 (a-h) are naturalized under that action of Congress and are not [ natural born Citizens]
Only 1 Person needs to care., if I’m the one who does, and it’s right, I will win.
Mr. Judy,
You are arguing that Spiro Agnew was ineligible for the Vice Presidency, which I just pointed out to you a couple of comments up. Are you really so dim as to be unable to make such an obvious connection or are you just that practiced at lying?
Did no one ever try to teach you critical thinking skills or did they just fail epically?
Except that you lie, yet again. There is No and never has been a requirement for citizen parents, so the rest of your statement is equally a lie. A natural born citizen is simply one who is born in the country.
All of which is conditioned on Judy having properly filed his IFP application, and there’s no proof he did.
Judy can demand whatever he pleases, but no prosecutor has been summoned.
As usual, “might” is doing all the work.
There’s nothing at the bottom, just Judy wasting his life and squandering any hope his children might have had.
Any day now!
Except no court has ever said two citizen parents are required, and around a dozen have expressly birth in the United States is sufficient. Like other birthers, Judy refuses to acknowledge this reality.
The only person who cares what Judy says is … Judy.
But that’s not really true. Foreign citizenship relies solely on foreign law, and there is nothing preventing any American from being born a dual citizen of anywhere. I seem to recall Irish citizenship based on grandparents.
Do you know what Vattel said on that?
Ҥ 67. That the right to the succession ought not to depend on the judgment of a foreign power.
…As the nation has established the succession, to the nation alone belongs the power of acknowledging those who are capable of succeeding; and consequently, on its judgment and laws alone must depend the validity of the marriage of its sovereigns and the legitimacy of their birth,”
Yet the same folks who try to wrest a definition of natural born citizen from Vattel look to the laws of Cuba or Kenya, or the United Kingdom to figure out who can be president of the United States. This is why I have always doubted the sincerity of those who claim that they are defending the Constitution. All they are doing is attacking Obama (and now trying to cover it up by attacking Cruz).
I have yet to encounter a birther who approves of President Obama’s policies, or otherwise personally likes or admires him; it is the usual vitriol, hatred, and politicking by other means.
Unlike you, when I am asked to produce documentation I do so.
If one of your grandparents is an Irish citizen who was born in Ireland, but none of your parents was born in Ireland, you may become an Irish citizen. You will need to have your birth registered in the Foreign Births Register. If you are entitled to register, your Irish citizenship is effective from the date of registration.
My paternal grandmother was born in County Longford, circa 1890.
There is nothing in the Constitution which says that a natural born citizen who later becomes a dual citizen is ineligible to be President.
Be sure to get back to us when that special prosecutor is appointed. I’m on pins and needles!
Read the Constitution again. Only Congress can impeach a Supreme Court Justice. And how would you know which justices to impeach? It’s possible that four justices voted to grant you IFP.
By what authority can Congress force Supreme Court justices to appear before Congress? That would trample on the separation of powers. Please provide a citation, if you can.
James Madison and Thomas Jefferson (as President) disagree with you.
This has been pointed out to you several times before.
Actually, every one pretty much disagrees with him, but most particularly the courts whose opinion is the one that really really counts, and they have spoken, repeatedly, and loudly. Poor Judy truly an inconsequentiality, even in his own mind.
@Doc [ Yet the same folks who try to wrest a definition of natural born citizen from Vattel look to the laws of Cuba or Kenya, or the United Kingdom to figure out who can be president of the United States. This is why I have always doubted the sincerity of those who claim that they are defending the Constitution. All they are doing is attacking Obama (and now trying to cover it up by attacking Cruz).]
Don’t forget Doc, I sued McCain first. Racist argument falls flat again.
Judy v. McCain
Noticing other Countries policies such as Kenya, Cuba, or UK simply is a consideration of our own National Security. Do you want for example a Pres. Cruz tried or drafted by Cuba starting a World War. Cuba’s policy has no claim on an American [natural born Citizen] [ born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents]
Recognizing Woman’s right to Vote in America is the consideration in a progress of Parents in Vattell’s understanding of Father’s in France where when he wrote women could not vote. America is different and deserves and has earned a unique Culture Status in and apart from the world’s other Countries, entitled as Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.
In the highest 2 Offices, we claim that neutrality of love and or hate unfractured by place or Parents. Don’t forget U.S. Sen Res 511 states because McCain’s [Parents] and don’t forget Minor v. Happersett [ there are doubts to the others] speaking of those not born in the U.S. to Parents who are Citizens expressed as having no doubts as [ natural born Citizens].
@bob [I have yet to encounter a birther … or otherwise personally likes or admires him;]
“Oh my Hell., did you see the chip shot he made in Hawaii on vacation? That was totally awesome!” CRJ Quote
@Bob fibs again.
@Lupin [ James Madison and Thomas Jefferson (as President) disagree with you.]
For which it’s also been pointed out ([Citizen] at the Time of the Adoption of this Constitution) included those Revolutionary Patriot Citizens held in high regard for their acts of courage, bravery, and devoted loyalty to the new Nation might be honored with the consideration of the Office of President.
Natural Born Citizen’s would be the children born under the new Jurisdiction of the United States to those Citizens.
@Notorial Dissent -[ Poor Judy truly an inconsequentiality..,]
Further disparaging remarks as to the acknowledgment of Truth , Judy is poor, and a Denial of his Forma Pauperis Motion in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 an aggrieved injustice and notch credited to a dispicable #waronpoor in this Nation’s Justice Branch.
Shame! Shame! Dishonor! Outrage!
Hypocrites of Liberty and Justice for All!
@Rickey [Only Congress can impeach a Supreme Court Justice]
I think you answered your own question.
[By what authority can Congress force Supreme Court justices to appear before Congress? ]
It’s called BAD BEHAVIOR and would be illustrated by not allowing access to the Court[s] #SCOTUS denial of IFP, based upon unmeritorious , political, or unconstitutional actions.
If you believe that Congress is going to impeach any Supreme Court justices because you were denied IFP status, you are more delusional than you appear.
As I said before, you don’t even know which justices voted to deny your motion. So which ones would you impeach? All of them?
Samuel Chase was impeached by the House but was acquitted by the Senate. No Supreme Court justice has been removed from office by Congress.
Cuba has no jurisdiction over anyone outside of its own borders. What is Cuba going to do when Cruz ignores his induction notice? Come to D.C or Texas and arrest him?
Besides, you are such an ignoramus that you don’t even know Cuba’s compulsory military services law. It only applies to Cuban citizens between the ages of 17 and 28. Cruz is 45 years old.
I have no way of knowing if your suit of McCain was not just cover so that you could avoid a charge of racism. And what I said was not an “argument” in the first place.
@Rickey [It only applies to Cuban citizens between the ages of 17 and 28. Cruz is 45 years old.]
Well, that leaves the possibility Cruz is in fact a Mole. 1st Term Senator-Constitutional Law Professor.. Carpet Bomber.
Sent in after Obama armed the Religeous Establishment sect Muslims in the Arab Springs
Obama acts as Air Force for ISIS in Libya. A no-fly zone throughout Libya and started bombing Qaddafi’s forces. Seven months later, in October 2011, after an extended military campaign with sustained Western support, rebel forces conquered the country and shot Qaddafi dead.
ISIS building AIR FORCE in Libya
Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Armed by Obama
Obama is Wrong ISIL is Islamic
[ Let us be plain: President Obama’s (and Kerry’s) basic premise that America and its allies are fighting a deviant, un-Islamic ideology, which must, and can be delegitimized by gathering together the Sunni Arab world to pronounce it “un-Islamic,” simply underlines how little they “know” about ISIS — with which they are about to go to war.]
ISIS gets 1 Billion U.S. Hummers from U.S.
Apparently I’m the ignoramus unwilling to admit Obama has heavily favored and armed Muslims, and it just so happens Obama was raised Muslim in and from Indonesia and Kenya. His father and step father were somewhat influential figures in his life and book [Dreams of my Fathers]
I just don’t understand why Anti Birthers are so into Theocracies? Why they feel Obama has not heavily favored Religious Wars and particular establishments of Religion, aiding and abetting these Theocracies when evidence heavily suggest the opposite?
This thing you have against American Culture “Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents” being [natural born Citizen] is costing our Tax Payers Billions , suffering our children, and Damaging the Nation.
We are a Nation of many Religions. .but OBAMA arms one.. And it t’weren’t Mormons.
Re: your rant about Obama arming “Muslims”.
I think there are a lot of things that are either factually wrong or merely stupid about your argument, but I will just point out that I’d be far more likely to consider it if you could point out the difference(s) between Obama’s policies and Bush (1 or 2)’s or Clinton’s vis à vis the Arab States and the Middle East in General.
The US foreign policy(ies) in that respect are what they are (don’t get me started) but Obama’s are substantially no different than any of his predecessors.
I’d argue you’d have to go back to FDR to find a glimmer of difference in what has been a pretty monolithic, somewhat unprincipled and opportunistic foreign policy since the end of WWII.
Unsurprisingly, your rant has absolutely nothing to do with my point, which is that Ted Cruz is not eligible for conscription by Cuba (even if he had been born in Cuba to two Cuban parents).
As it has been repeated explained to Judy, two U.S. citizens is not a requirement for anything under U.S. law (or culture).
S.R. 511 is not legally binding, and S.R. 511 said McCain’s parents’ citizenship was sufficent — but not necessary — to confer natural-born citizenship.
Doubts (expressed in dicta) that were resolved by Wong Kim Ark.
Judy saying something nice about Obama only after I noted that no birther likes President Obama does not prove that I lied then, or ever. Judy’s contrary suggestion is yet another one of Judy’s lies.
Judy failed to properly complete his IFP application, so it is an “injustice” only against those who can’t follow directions.
Judy continues to provide no evidence of SCOTUS’ “BAD BEHAVIOR”; just more of his unsubstantiated whines.
As usual, “possibility” is doing all the work in that sentence.
There’s no evidence that any anti-birther is “into” theocracies.
Because neither Judy’s ignorance nor his imagination is evidence.
Two U.S. citizen parents is not part of “American Culture.”
Indeed. I am 100% anti-theocracy.