Arpaio endorses Trump

Well, he would, wouldn’t he?

imageWith a monumental yawn of non-surprise, I report that the birther Sheriff of Maricopa County, the man who left rape cases uninvestigated to focus on rounding up undocumented day laborers, has endorsed fellow birther Donald Trump for president in an appearance in Iowa yesterday.

Listen to this interview by CNN where Arpaio is grilled over his birther connections with Trump.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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21 Responses to Arpaio endorses Trump

  1. Benji Franklin says:

    The CNN interview with Jake Tapper and Joe boggles the (sane) mind, insofar as Joe is allowed to assert that the online image posted by the White House, is a “fraudulent document”, but is not required to specify what the legal “fraud” is committed by the very existence of the repeatedly, OFFICIALLY factually VERIFIED image’s content, when it is only made available to the public for general informational purposes.

    The Birther crowd, including Trump, exemplifies the right-wing nut job menace to the Constitution that I think exceeds many others – a habit of behavior that approaches anarchy by simply redefining words. ‘Fraudulent Document’

    Birthers often claim Obama is “ineligible” to the Presidency (or alternatively should be impeached and imprisoned or hung) because he has broken an imaginary law which they so strongly THINK should exist, that they generally believe it really does exist.

    They, essentially, say he won a second term by displaying to the general public, something less (anything less) than his original birth certificate or a state-certified and stamped likeness created by a process each Birther should be empowered to exclusively specify, with INDVIDUALl chain-of-custody-guaranteed certified postal delivery to as many as a hundred million potential voters.

    Never mind that Obama’s eligibility proving vital information would not change by their demanded method of delivery!

    And forget vote totals; if one voter’s copy of Obama’s BC ends up in the Post Office’s dead-letter office, THEN OBAMA STOLE THE ELECTION and deserves to be hung twice. Why twice? I suppose because then you don’t need a legitimate reason?

  2. CRJ says:

    @Doc [ who left rape cases uninvestigated to focus on rounding up undocumented day laborers, ]
    Perhaps you have not correlated the serious danger of criminal behavior from illegal foreigners and aliens that a border Sheriff undoubtedly must deal with? Its a problem nationally though.

    The Center for Immigration Studies, an anti-illegal immigration group, cites criminal statistics from certain counties, like Maricopa County, Arizona, where 22 percent of felons are illegal immigrants;

    These cases are listed as a demonstration that better prevention of illegal immigration is a public safety issue even though these cases are not representative of the [illegal alien population in general.] These cases refer to crimes other than terrorism.

    December 2015 — A 40-year-old illegal alien, Michael Rodriguez Garcia, was sentenced to four life terms for the rape and sodomy of two children in Alabama. (Breitbart News, December 19, 2015)

    November 2015 — Humberto Erazo-Medrano and Ricardo Castaneda, two illegal aliens, were arrested and charged with second-degree promoting prostitution in Alabama. The bond for each man is set at $100,000. (Gadsden Times, November 2, 2015)

    October 2015 — Marco Hernandez Ramirez, a 34-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for killing a couple and their 5-year-old daughter in a car crash. (Athens Banner-Herald, October 14, 2015)
    September 2015 — An illegal alien from Mexico, Martin Margarito-Casimiro, was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison for kidnapping a man in Texas. (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, September 24, 2015)

    August 2015 — Jose Angel Villarreal-Sanchez, a 42-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was convicted of possessing a firearm in Texas. According to federal law, illegal aliens are not permitted to possess firearms. Three baggies of cocaine were also found hidden in his backyard. Villarreal-Sanchez is expected to be sentenced in December. He could face up to 10 years in federal prison and a possible $250,000 fine. (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, August 11, 2015)

    July 2015 — Ever Olivos-Gutierrez, an illegal visa overstayer, was convicted of second degree murder in Colorado for the death he caused while driving intoxicated. It was the fourth time since 2000 he had been arrested for DUI, but there was no record of immigration authorities ever being notified. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. (Denver Channel 7)

    June 2015 — A Salvadoran, Mauricio Hernandez, convicted of rape and murder of the baby born to his victim was sentenced to 50 years in prison in Texas and faces deportation when he has served his sentence. (The Dallas Morning News, June 5, 2015)

    May 2015 — A Salvadoran, Julio C. Saravia, faces deportation following a prison sentence of 29 years for rape of a minor, to which he pled guilty in Virginia.

    May 2015 — Two Mexicans, Juan Hernandez-Sanchez and (FNU) Canela-Perez, pled guilty in Portland, Oregon and were sentenced to seven years in state prison for distribution of methamphetamines and heroin. (Oregonian, May 14, 2015)

    May 2015 — Zeng Liang Chen and Dong Biao Lin, illegal aliens from China, were convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison in New Jersey. (, May 5, 2015)

    May 2015 —Bernabe Flores, a Mexican illegal alien, pled guilty to first-degree rape in California and was sentenced to eight years in prison. (Times-Herald Record, May 7, 2015)

    April 2015 — Victor Garzon-Alvarez, a Mexican illegal alien pled guilty and was sentenced in New Jersey to 14 years in prison for murder. (, April 22, 2015)

    April 2015 — Sergio Quezada Lopez, a Mexican illegal alien who had been deported four times, was sentenced in Oregon to 15 years in prison for a heroin overdose death. His brother, Gerardo Chalke Lopez, also a previously deported alien, was earlier sentenced to 18 years in prison on the same charges. (Oregonian, April 29, 2015)

    April 2015 — Three illegal aliens, Uriel Ramirez-Perez, Darwin Zuniga-Rocha, and Eliseo Mateo Perez, pled guilty to first-degree sexual abuse (rape) in New York and were sentenced to time served in jail and will be deported. (Daily News, April 29, 2015)

    March 2015 — Javier Guerrero Molina, a Mexican illegal alien, was sentenced in federal court in Jacksonville, Florida to 10 years imprisonment for attempting to transport a minor to engage in sexual activity. Guerrero said he had entered the United States illegally in 1999 or 2000. (Dept. of Justice, Middle District of Florida, March 30, 2015)

    March 2015 — An Idaho judge sentenced Phuong Hoang Le, a Vietnamese illegal alien, to prison for 36 months. Le was convicted of possession of a stolen car and stolen credit card. The judge commented, “Stealing cars and credit cards strike at the hearts of average middle class citizens.” The prosecutor said that Le had 10 prior felony convictions, but that according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, he is not likely to be deported because if Le were to be deported to Vietnam “he would be killed.” ( — March 25, 2015)

    March 2015 — Luis Daniel Cabrera-Guzman, a Mexican illegal alien, was sentenced in Kansas City to two years in federal prison for conspiracy to produce and distribute false and counterfeit identification documents that were sold to illegal aliens. He had previously been deported twice in 2009. Four other Mexican illegal aliens have pled guilty to the same conspiracy and await sentencing. (Kansas City infozine, March 25, 2015)

    February 2015 — Sergio Cobaruvias-Romero, an illegal alien from Mexico, was convicted of possessing with intent to distribute drugs in Texas. He was found with 20 bundles of methamphetamine weighing 46 pounds and four bundles of heroine weighing 13 pounds. He was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison. (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, February 17, 2015)

    January 2015 — Jaime Gerardo Serrano-Villegas, a 28-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was convicted of transporting illegal aliens. He assisted in moving a boat filled with illegal aliens and faces up to 10 years in federal prison. (U.S. Department of Justice, Southern District of Texas, January 14, 2015)

  3. CRJ says:

    Benji Franklin: The Birther crowd, including Trump, exemplifies the right-wing nut job menace to the Constitution that I think exceeds many others – a habit of behavior that approaches anarchy by simply redefining words. ‘Fraudulent Document’

    What are you recommending? All Birthers be hung twice?

    The complaint you have would and is much better served by the U.S. Supreme Court. Unfortunately, the advocate of Amicus Curiae is non existent among Anti-Birthers contributing to the unresolved problem many Constitutional Scholars are alluding to now.

    Example APRIL 27 Amicus Curiae invitation Judy v. Obama 14-9396

    I think Anti-Birthers should pony up [their silence] in Court as a [Contribution] to the Problems they seem to Claim is the result of a pleadings [to the Courts] civilly when Standing was understood.

    Essentially, this is like complaining and whining about a problem you have done nothing to Solve but everything to avoid or evade.

    If ANYTHING Anti-Birthers in expressing anxiety about Trump must look at their Silence on the Qualification Question in Court as the powering jet Fuel that has propelled Donald J. Trump to #1 in the Polls.

    If the Question had been handled Legally by SCOTUS the fuel would not be there. It would be settled.

  4. Arthur B. says:

    CRJ: Essentially, this is like complaining and whining about a problem you have done nothing to Solve but everything to avoid or evade.

    Your accusations seem to be sadly misdirected.

    If Arpaio truly has evidence showing that the LFBC is a fraudulent document, then by not releasing it he becomes the one complaining and whining about a problem he has done nothing to solve but everything to avoid or evade.

    Let him lay out the evidence and make his case. Until then, the legal situation is this: There are at least five State of Hawaii documents stating that Pres. Obama was born in Honolulu, and not a single piece of competent legal evidence casting doubt on any of them.

    Anyone who treats Arpaio’s fact-free claims as if they were evidence-based runs the very real risk of appearing delusional.

  5. CRJ says:

    Arthur B.: Your accusations seem to be sadly misdirected

    Relying on my ability to prove a negative is not winning either or settling. Imagine just for one instance Obama responding to #SCOTUS Case 14-9396 in the AFFIRMATIVE and hope the COURT would consider hearing and defining for the modern USA the Term [natural born Citizen] for the benefit of every now, and future voting Citizen(?)

    Wouldn’t that be a positive directive that was really concerned; as well releasing any document the COURT would consider relevant or questionable of foreign affiliation.

    Obama has refused this opportunity. In a sense he has coward to the Transparency he himself promised. He has let you down in this as well as me.

    Any assertion that I am somehow negligent for bringing something settled is wholly and soundly defeated by all the Constitutional Scholars who also have varying opinions.

    Obama’s position does not reflect the respect to American Voters that my Writ brings to them through the SCOTUS Court.

  6. Arthur B. says:

    CRJ: Imagine just for one instance Obama responding to #SCOTUS Case 14-9396 in the AFFIRMATIVE and hope the COURT would consider hearing and defining for the modern USA the Term [natural born Citizen] for the benefit of every now, and future voting Citizen(?)

    No, you are changing the subject and avoiding the subject that I raised.

    The documents prove that Pres. Obama was born in Hawaii, and Arpaio’s claims of fraudulence are entirely unsupported.

    Do you dispute that? And, if so, on what evidence do you base your position?

    Note: I am asking you to cite competent legal evidence. Conjecture and innuendo do not count.

  7. CRJ says:

    Arthur B.: The documents prove that Pres. Obama was born in Hawaii, and Arpaio’s claims of fraudulence are entirely unsupported.

    Your witness relies entirely on Documents being authenticated by witnesses for Hawaii. , one of which has been killed three different ways according to the same Officials in Hawaii you have so much Faith in.

    Your call for Arpaio to release his info if he has any is entirely relevant to other investigations. Without a Prosecutor you know you have won, however the evidence I could subpoena as a Prosecutor would be entirely different.

    Sound Familiar?

    [Yet many conservatives worry that even if the bureau comes up with sufficient evidence that Clinton broke the law, the Justice Department will decline to press charges. In response, some have pressed for a special prosecutor to be appointed, or for the FBI to pledge to release whatever evidence it digs up. ]

    Why don’t you ask me what I would subpoena if I had the authority?

    I have a really bad feeling if Trump becomes President, Obama and his Signiture on EVERYTHING will be made moot, including Supreme Court nominees.

    The result will ultimately be a delayed investigation rather than one that could have been purposeful and saved time and money. Obama’s Legacy is mildewing in the Fridge for 7 years so far. It stinks and will be discarded as the Worst in all of America’s History!

    That’s going to be his Legacy. Watch and See.

    It may be the circumstance that Fraud was evaded from investigation and Prosecution on the Left, but because of the Extremes used the Right will simply and have simply bided their time.

    The result is not Balanced and Your enjoyment of Trump or Cruz will likely contrast your enthusiasm for Obama: which means if you’ve enjoyed the last 7 years you now have 7 years of unhappiness coming.

  8. Scientist says:

    CRJ, where were you born? I say you were born in Mexico. I bet you $100 you can’t satisfy me that you weren’t. Please don’t show a birth certificate as I will not believe it; it is fraudulent. Go on and try.

  9. CRJ says:

    Scientist: CRJ, where were you born? I say you were born in Mexico. I bet you $100 you can’t satisfy me that you weren’t. Please don’t show a birth certificate as I will not believe it; it is fraudulent. Go on and try.

    As I said, the Resulting lack of investigation and evasion has not served us well as it has acted like a strong bashing tide on the bank holding up our Government. Wil it be swept away by this because of the refusal of the SCOTUS and CONGRESS to cut through it as they did with Nixon?

    Governor Abercrombie’s interesting words:

    “It was actually[ written], I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives,[ written down],” Abercrombie said.
    For seemingly the first time, Abercrombie frankly acknowledged that presidential politics motivated his search for Obama birth records, implying that failure to resolve the questions that remain unanswered about the president’s birth and early life may damage his chance for re-election.


    The NEXT administration very easily could disqualify SCOTUS JUSTICES nominated by an illegal Constitutionally unqualified President. Sotomayor and Kagan could lose their offices based on not being nominated by a Qualified President.

    This would allow the next President to nominate potentially 5 JUSTICES, those 2 and 3 others likely retiring. Imagine that, and tell me it’s not important to be Transparent.The Democrats have no answer for that in the House or Senate right now being in the Minority.

    These Facts should Terrify Democrats who have bet the ENTIRE HOUSE of Government on OBAMA. Not good or wise.

  10. Arthur B. says:

    CRJ: Your witness relies entirely on Documents being authenticated by witnesses for Hawaii. , one of which has been killed three different ways according to the same Officials in Hawaii you have so much Faith in.

    My witness? What on earth are you talking about?

    Our legal system attaches great weight to state documents. They are considered very strong evidence. I’ve asked you what contrary evidence you have and you have come up with none.

    That’s why, from a legal point of view, the President’s place of birth is an uncontested fact — 100% of the legally admissible evidence is on one side. All the rest is just blustery talk.

  11. CRJ says:

    Arthur B.: Our legal system attaches great weight to state documents. They are considered very strong evidence. I’ve asked you what contrary evidence you have and you have come up with none.

    State Documents
    13 Nurses found guilty of FRAUD in degrees of State Licences.

    [That is why hijackers were able to obtain driver’s licenses or motor vehicle ID cards from Florida, New Jersey, and Virginia. It is reasonable to assume they showed them on September 11 to board the four planes they eventually used to kill more than 3,000 people in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. The horror of these acts shocked the public into the realization that the government has lost control over who is admitted to the United States and is often unable to find those who reside here illegally.]

    The List of State Officials committing Crimes in Office is long and we’ll known.

  12. Scientist says:

    CRJ:Assorted nonsense unrelated to the question


  13. Arthur B. says:

    CRJ: State Documents…

    LOL! As I said, you have not come up with a single piece of evidence concerning Pres. Obama’s birth documents.

    Be serious. No one doubts that some people are guilty of murder. Does that suggest that you are a murderer? Of course not. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

    And state documents are presumed truthful until proven otherwise. So far you are batting precisely zero.

  14. RanTalbott says:

    Benji Franklin: but is not required to specify what the legal “fraud” is committed

    It’s sometimes amusing to ask birfoons the musical question “Exactly which chapter and section of which legal code do you claim is being violated?”. They don’t like being reminded that, after 4 years of “investigation”, Arpaio can’t even identify the “crime” he’s “investigating”.

    btw, I don’t know why they picked that video for the CNN story, but I’m 98% certain that that interview was done at least 3 months ago. I remember the gerbils making a minor fuss about it.

  15. Curious George says:

    Arthur B:

    “And state documents are presumed truthful until proven otherwise. So far you are batting precisely zero.”

    Prima facie evidence, Mr. Judy.

  16. Scientist says:

    CRJ: State Documents
    13 Nurses found guilty of FRAUD in degrees of State Licences.

    If a state-issued birth certificate is insufficient, how would anyone establish where they were born? I suppose now that everyone films everything in their lives and posts it on Facebook, maybe it won’t be a problem for those born today, but what about those of us born a few decades ago?

  17. RanTalbott says:

    CRJ: one of which has been killed three different ways according to the same Officials in Hawaii you have so much Faith in.

    Nope: none of the officials who verified Obama’s documents also made an official statement about the cause of Fuddy’s death.

    CRJ: Why don’t you ask me what I would subpoena if I had the authority?

    Because we don'[t give the northern end of a southbound rat. That was run over by a truck.

    CRJ:I have a really bad feeling if Trump becomes President, Obama and his Signiture on EVERYTHING will be made moot, including Supreme Court nominees.

    That’s because you lack the modest mental horsepower necessary to understand the dozens of repeated explanations of the De Facto Officer Doctrine that have been presented over the last several years.

  18. Rickey says:

    CRJ: State Documents
    13 Nurses found guilty of FRAUD in degrees of State Licences.

    You’re comparing apples and oranges. The states licenses (not licences – we don’t live in Great Britain, you know) which were issued by Massachusetts were real, legitimate licenses. They were issued erroneously, but they were real.

    There is nothing in that story to suggest that anyone produced forged documents. The nurses claimed that they were licensed in states where they were not, but there is no suggestion that they produced forged licenses. It appears that the private company which Massachusetts hired to verify the credentials of the applicants feel down on the job..

  19. John Reilly says:

    CRJ: The List of State Officials committing Crimes in Office is long and we’ll known.

    List of people who are convicted terrorists who threatened to kill 3,000 churchgoers:

    1. Cody Robert Judy

    List of people who do not know the difference between “well” and “we’ll”:

    1. Cody Robert Judy

  20. Keith says:

    John Reilly: List of people who do not know the difference between “well” and “we’ll”:

    1. Cody Robert Judy

    To be fair, you’ve redacted a few million persons from that last list.

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