Is Obama Hitler’s grandson?

I give some of the birther stories scant coverage, and that includes anything by Martha Trowbridge.  She does get the occasional article as when she said some silly stuff about me back in 2012. Her birther shtick was that Barack Obama is really someone named Bâri′ Shabazz, and that his real mother is Jo Ann Newman and his father was Malcolm X.

Trowbridge has been connecting the dots, and come up  with the amazing that Bari (President Obama) is actually the grandson of Adolph Hitler. Of course there are some problems with that story, not the least of which is the fact that there’s no record of Adolph Hitler fathering any children (outside the movies).  Trowbridge seems have pulled back from Ms. Newman as Obama’s mother, reverting to Obama’s true mother, whom she write is actually the daughter of Hitler and Eva Braun. Trowbridge writes:

If you’ve been wondering why America Under A.k.a. Obama increasing resembles Hitler’s Reign of Terror over the German people, if you’ve noticed how the American Government is swiftly assuming the ugly shape of Third Reich National Socialism, if you’ve been witnessing international events with signature Nazi treachery, viciousness, and retaliation, time to meet a baby girl from three-quarters of a century ago.

Birther luminaries such as Mario Apuzzo have said that Trowbridge’s accusations demand urgent investigation.

Trowbridge gets mixed reviews from the birthers, including this positive one from Nathan Bickel on his “Moral Matters” web site.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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18 Responses to Is Obama Hitler’s grandson?

  1. Notorial Dissent says:

    I think Martha really really needs to have her anti-psychotics upped drastically, and her internet privileges terminated.

  2. Rickey says:

    You may recall that some years back I saw the driving record of Bari Shabazz. He was born in 1959 and died in 1994. He had a New York driver’s license, which showed that he was five or six inches shorter than President Obama. It’s difficult for someone who is 6-1″ to pass himself off as being only 5-7″ tall, even at the DMV.

    Anyway, I know Bari’s SSN, so I may order a copy of his SS-5 and find out who his parents were and where he was born. If his father’s name was Hitler, Trowbridge may be on to something!

  3. Jim says:

    According to Martha’s research I’m either Obama’s second cousin or Ted Nugent’s missing half-brother. Family get-togethers will be a bit tense.

  4. Lupin says:

    I don’t know how many of you have actually been in a country living under a totalitarian or fascist regime…

    My own experience is that of visiting Spain in 1970-72 when Franco was still kicking, and let me tell you, Trowbridge’s comparison is asinine, meaningless and (like those who compare their latest bugaboo to the holocaust or slavery) deeply insulting to those who actually lived under such conditions.

  5. red-diaper-baby 1942 says:

    Lupin, I lived for nine years in Prague, in what was then Stalinist Czechoslovakia, from 1948 to 1957. I was a little girl and then a teenager at the time; my family were American expats, exiled due to the HUAC witchhunt. I attended the regular public primary and secondary schools. I know only too well what it’s like, and I agree with you absolutely.
    I’m currently living in one of the Scandinavian social democracies (= welfare states). Having experienced all three social systems — totalitarian communism, American small-government capitalism and social democracy, I can say without hesitation that this is by far the best way human beings have yet invented for governing themselves and their societies. It’s not perfect — what is? But its flaws are to a certain extent self-correcting.
    What a shame these societies are nowadays increasingly shifting toward a pernicious neo-liberalist position, and — what’s worse — that the European policy of open borders is being dismantled. Within Scandinavia, the borders have been open for half a century; none of us have needed a passport to travel between Finland, Sweden and Denmark. Last week they slammed shut.
    As for Trowbridge and the other birthers — well, we all need a bit of entertainment now and then!

  6. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Just more click-bait stuff behind a paywall to fleece the last remaining dollars off gullible idjits.

    Given the “quality” of Trowbridge’s previous “research”, there’s a 100% chance this is nothing but nice fan fiction with not a smidgen of actual evidence.

    Remember her “son of Malcolm X” claims? Those consisted of long fabulations about “Jo Ann Newman” and that woman’s alleged life story (which basically read like a novel because there was no evidence given for anything), plus the observation that Obama’s glasses on one photo appear to be the same ones Malcolm X wore (which is the only thing that would, loosely speaking, qualify as “attempt at evidence”).

    So paying money to read more of the same is like paying a grifter to tell me next week’s lottery numbers. Except with the lottery numbers, I actually have a chance of a return on investment.

  7. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Jim: According to Martha’s research I’m either Obama’s second cousin or Ted Nugent’s missing half-brother.

    I feel tempted to send Martha a copy of “All You Zombies”. Maybe afterwards, she’s gonna claim Obama is not just Hitler’s grandson, but also Hitler’s father and mother.

  8. Oh, boy. Trowbridge is full of ****. Obama spent his teen years in South Florida.

  9. I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of irony meter needles hit the upper peg, and then snapped off. I fear something terrible has happened.

    Nancy R Owens: Oh, boy. Trowbridge is full of ****. Obama spent his teen years in South Florida.

  10. Arthur says:

    Nancy R Owens: I fail to see the irony.

    Oh, the irony.

  11. Dave B. says:

    Nor is this just a coincidence.

    Arthur: Oh, the irony.

  12. ArthurWankspittle says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of irony meter needles hit the upper peg, and then snapped off. I fear something terrible has happened.

    I’m surprised at you Doc, you haven’t applied the “Nancy R Owens” patch to your irony meter?

  13. Yoda says:

    The Magic M (not logged in):
    Just more click-bait stuff behind a paywall to fleece the last remaining dollars off gullible idjits.

    Given the “quality” of Trowbridge’s previous “research”, there’s a 100% chance this is nothing but nice fan fiction with not a smidgen of actual evidence.

    Remember her “son of Malcolm X” claims? Those consisted of long fabulations about “Jo Ann Newman” and that woman’s alleged life story (which basically read like a novel because there was no evidence given for anything), plus the observation that Obama’s glasses on one photo appear to be the same ones Malcolm X wore (which is the only thing that would, loosely speaking, qualify as “attempt at evidence”).

    So paying money to read more of the same is like paying a grifter to tell me next week’s lottery numbers. Except with the lottery numbers, I actually have a chance of a return on investment.

    She still claims that the President is Malcolm X’s son. Now, she is claiming that his mother was the daughter of Hitler and Eva Braun.

  14. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    Sorry, I thought I was posting in a different thread.

  15. Comments regarding NRO’s alternate version of history were moved to the Open Thread.

    W. Kevin Vicklund: Sorry, I thought I was posting in a different thread.

  16. Notorial Dissent says:

    The problem is that for every patch they come out with, she comes out with a way around.

    ArthurWankspittle: I’m surprised at you Doc, you haven’t applied the “Nancy R Owens” patch to your irony meter?

  17. JJ says:

    I suppose we will also say that Trudeau really isn’t Castro’s son when his mother used to visit Cuba and enjoyed Castro’s Company even bringing her son! By the way, there are pictures

  18. Norma says:

    I don’t dismiss the idea that there may some truth, meaning there could be some relation. I have noticed that Merkel loves to give “Bari” a lot of affection by way of hugs and kisses. Could they be related?

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