The occasional open thread: 4000th article edition

It happened that the Open Thread is the 4,000th published article here at Obama Conspiracy Theories. I think it’s appropriate, since commenters are an important element on this community, and have contributed the bulk of its content.

Put your Obama conspiracy comments that don’t relate to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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65 Responses to The occasional open thread: 4000th article edition

  1. Dave B. says:

    Golly, and if I only had something worthwhile to say…

  2. CRJ says:

    IN ALL Seriousness but Unreported

    Threatened by their own doubts of self-esteem, Anti-Birthers were busy Friday scrambling to make appointments with their Therapist due to the flood of Media poured out on the Birther Movement which they felt threatening.

    Torn between the decisions to couch complaints in Racism, Xenophobia, and a rare form of Zealotry known as MaoNPutn their mouths twisted and foamed in tourette-like-fit displays amplified by their microphones.

    They struggled with hypervenilation citing Trump in a conspiracy to cut off oxygen and threatening to win the hearts and minds of the Delegates of New York which could threaten the progress of the 18 Trillion dollar debt they were confused about with the Lottery.

    Obamacare noticed a 13% Rise in Doctor appointments and a run on anti-axiety medication as phone ☎ companies noticed an overage on callers trying to make claims on their Doctors in the heightened panic attacks most Mainstream Media Reporters suffered.

    Stories spewed out of the Elected Officials respected by Democrats and Rhinos echoing the shattered dreams of Reporters that the Principle of [natural born Citizen] was unsettled in the U.S. Supreme Court while reporters were busy trying to find the brown-bag they’d stashed receipts in of October 2015 U.S. Supreme Court Case 14-9396 they tossed in the trash unreported.

    Nearly 98% of the Main Stream Media Reporters complained of Esotropia while reading Birther Headlines from telepromters once thought to provide the bonus in their bank accounts in a direct deposit from the White House on ISIS Avenue.

    Struggling to get talking points for stories from everyone without standing on the natural born Citizen clause, they worried the same ole witnesses wouldn’t have anything new to say.

    They brought in a big gun of Constitutional Authority Mr. Geraldo Rivera to cite the retraction of the [natural born Citizen] language of the 1790 Naturalization Act, and the implementation of [Citizen] in corresponding 1795 Act while mimicking the deer-in-the-headlights stare as he asked “Why?”to the children like reporters in school admiring their Super-Hero come to visit.

    Protons were seen exiting the ears of the Reporters and the Simulated Large Hadron Collider CMS particle detector reportedly started up spontaneously racheting up the grid-based computer network infrastructure connecting 140 computing centers in 35 countries.

    Red Cruz in desperation to quell the MainStream filibuster of his constitutional eligibility hired Birthers as Captains of Industry to fruitcup their once loyal colleges with promises of Obama-like-Libyan-joy in carpet bombing the deserts of Arabia to light up the sand like the 4th of July.

    Stay Tuned for the next report

  3. What a shame that Judy dropped his usual poop in this 4000th article.

  4. Notorial Dissent says:

    He basically siad the same thing as Dolly, only he can’t be succinct to save himself.

    Reality Check:
    What a shame that Judy dropped his usual poop in this 4000th article.

  5. Sam the Centipede says:

    Has anybody ever pointed out that Judy appears to be one of the most monumental buffoons in the birther world? I am happy that in my ordinary life I never meet people quite as deluded, unfunny, idiotic and racist as him. I guess the only birthers equally insanely buffoonish as Judy are crazy Nancy Owens and babbling bonkers Chris Strunk.

  6. Notorial Dissent says:

    It has been pointed out to him innumerable times, usually in words of one or two syllables at most so that he wouldn’t get confused, all to no apparent effect. It may have to do with his inability to read and comprehend simple English, but you can only dumb some things down so far.

  7. CRJ says:

    Just a little light heartedness, hopefully no serious feelings hurt guys.
    Thanks for the laughs

    You might consider checking out Obama’s White House Media Correspondents Dinners Galas for more alienated humor.

  8. bob says:

    Sam the Centipede:
    Has anybody ever pointed out that Judy appears to be one of the most monumental buffoons in the birther world? I am happy that in my ordinary life I never meet people quite as deluded, unfunny, idiotic and racist as him. I guess the only birthers equally insanely buffoonish as Judy are crazy Nancy Owens and babbling bonkers Chris Strunk.

    What is really sad is that Judy wastes so much time here accomplishing nothing. Which would be his life to waste … except for the part where he claims to be poor and a parent. He pities himself because he can’t afford Christmas presents, but chooses to spend his time, not on worthwhile priorities, but instead here amusing himself and no one else.

  9. Readership here is up around 10% over the past 30 days, and the percentage of new vs returning visitors is up as well. I presume this is from Google searches for Ted Cruz eligibility.

  10. Dave B. says:

    It’s like 2012 all of a sudden.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Readership here is up around 10% over the past 30 days, and the percentage of new vs returning visitors is up as well. I presume this is from Google searches for Ted Cruz eligibility.

  11. I withdraw the comment below. I can’t, from Google Analytics data, say that this is the case. In fact, Google Analytics is hiding almost all keyword data from the site statistics.

    I posted the December 23 Site Statistics and they were pathetic. The big jump started around January 5 which about when Trump went birther. What I don’t get, though, is that Google reports on the “landing page” don’t list any of the Trump articles (except that they would be on the home page which accounts for about 27% of traffic). The second most popular page over the last 30 days is the Debunker’s Guide (22%) and beyond that are pages ranking 1.85% or less, none of which were published since 2013! And, believe it or not (and I tend not to believe it), Google reports the #4 landing page on this site with 152 sessions (at 1.3%) is:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I presume this is from Google searches for Ted Cruz eligibility.

  12. Sam the Centipede says:

    bob: What is really sad is that Judy wastes so much time here accomplishing nothing.Which would be his life to waste … except for the part where he claims to be poor and a parent.He pities himself because he can’t afford Christmas presents, but chooses to spend his time, not on worthwhile priorities, but instead here amusing himself and no one else.

    It is a mystery why a few idiot birthers (Judy, john) continue to post nonsense in a forum whose owner and commenters are wholly unsympathetic to their view, and where their posts are eviscerated ruthlessly (except when their posts are ignored for their repetitious wrongness). Perhaps they see themselves as missionaries to the misinformed? But more probable, I think, is that here they get a civilized (if robust) response whereas they are ignored by their fellow haters.

    How Judy cannot understand the “CASE CLOSED” status of his action is also a mystery. One would expect that someone capable of getting a petition into SCOTUS would have the brains to understand the response, but apparently not. As his absurd plan of having the Senate request (or compel?) the Supreme Court to reopen his dead case demonstrated, his rambling assertions about the Constitution are founded on a failure to understand even its most basic formulas for the governance of the country.

    I will never understand these people. I am thankful that my mind is so unlike theirs.

  13. It appears that the URL no longer works–times out. Only is working.

  14. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Readership here is up around 10% over the past 30 days, and the percentage of new vs returning visitors is up as well. I presume this is from Google searches for Ted Cruz eligibility.

    Unfortunately, CRJ’s constant barrage of comments has likely reduced my reading here. Between his lack of readable formatting and reality, I am left with having to find comments that are on a subject other than Cody. Oh well.

  15. bgansel9 says:

    Let’s talk about something relevant and not the constant whining of CRJ because SCOTUS refused to hear his case.

  16. bgansel9 says:

    I’ve seen several people say that Congress should settle this. I don’t personally trust Congress to settle this (and I’m of the opinion that until some hard opinion is set by a governing authority that Cruz is most likely eligible)…. I think SCOTUS needs to settle this.

  17. donna says:

    Tea Party SOTU Response

    Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root.


    The remarkable irony is that I am the college classmate of President Barack Obama, Columbia University, Class of ’83. We graduated on the same day, from the same college 33 years ago. And we’ve never had anything in common, ever again.

  18. Northland10 says:

    Tea Party SOTU Response

    Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root.

    The remarkable irony is that I am the college classmate of President Barack Obama, Columbia University, Class of ’83. We graduated on the same day, from the same college 33 years ago. And we’ve never had anything in common, ever again.

    So much for his claim that nobody every knew Obama at Columbia and therefore, Obama really did not go there.

    Tea Party ethics on parade.

  19. Could it have been my confession to the Obama birth certificate forgeries and officials coming off of Christmas vacation?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I withdraw the comment below. I can’t, from Google Analytics data, say that this is the case. In fact, Google Analytics is hiding almost all keyword data from the site statistics.

    I posted the December 23 Site Statistics and they were pathetic. The big jump started around January 5 which about when Trump went birther. What I don’t get, though, is that Google reports on the “landing page” don’t list any of the Trump articles (except that they would be on the home page which accounts for about 27% of traffic). The second most popular page over the last 30 days is the Debunker’s Guide (22%) and beyond that are pages ranking 1.85% or less, none of which were published since 2013! And, believe it or not (and I tend not to believe it), Google reports the #4 landing page on this site with 152 sessions (at 1.3%) is:

  20. Impossible. Obama was still working for Pablo Escobar’s Medellin Cartel at this time.

    donna: The

  21. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Impossible. Obama was still working for Pablo Escobar’s Medellin Cartel at this time.

    At no time did you or Obama work for the cartel.

  22. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Tea Party SOTU Response

    Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root.


    The remarkable irony is that I am the college classmate of President Barack Obama, Columbia University, Class of ’83. We graduated on the same day, from the same college 33 years ago. And we’ve never had anything in common, ever again.

    I wonder how long before the real AARP sues him?

  23. bgansel9 says:

    I have a question, just out of curiosity: At the time that Ted Cruz’s father came to the U.S. (on a student visa? That’s what his wiki says, although the birthdate on the Wiki seems to correlate with a Bienvenido Cruz from Miami who died in 2012, born on the same date as the Wiki, and traveled to the U.S. at about the same time – lived in Miami…. Look up Bienvenido Gregorio Cruz Birthdate 22 March, 1939 in Havana, Cuba in )

    Would a Student Visa (if Raphael actually had one) automatically make him a U.S. National? I’m just trying to determine which section of Title VIII, Section 1401 Ted Cruz’s citizenship falls under.

  24. Dave B. says:

    No, not for nationality purposes. Barring the action of some treaty to that effect, a person who is not a US national cannot become one without becoming at the same time a US citizen. Generally speaking, a person who is a national, but not a citizen of the United States is a person born in American Samoa.

    Judge Graber discusses US non-citizen nationality in Perdomo-Padilla v. Ashcroft:

    For purposes not directly related to nationality, which seems like an odd notion to begin with, the term has been interpreted to have other meanings.

    bgansel9: Would a Student Visa (if Raphael actually had one) automatically make him a U.S. National? I’m just trying to determine which section of Title VIII, Section 1401 Ted Cruz’s citizenship falls under.

  25. Did.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: At no time did you or Obama work for the cartel.

  26. I wasn’t able to open John Woodman’s blog today. Has it been down lately? I was looking for some information on nbc there.

  27. gorefan says:

    Rubio motion to dismiss in Florida – Michael Voeltz’s fourth attempt at Vattel.

    Motion to Dismiss

    Gabriela Prado of Holtzman, Vogel, Josefiak, Torchinsky, PLLC, represents Rubio.

  28. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Did not

  29. Dave B. says:

    I didn’t have any trouble going to a page there from a google search yesterday.

    Reality Check:
    I wasn’t able to open John Woodman’s blog today. Has it been down lately? I was looking for some information on nbc there.

  30. gorefan says:

    Reality Check: I wasn’t able to open John Woodman’s blog today

    Not working for me either. From a link at this age or a Google search.

  31. gorefan says:

    Rubio’s motion to dismiss link is not working but you can get there by going here

    And entering Voeltz, Michael in the last name, first name boxes.

  32. I uploaded Rubio’s motion to dismiss to SCRIBD.

    It’s well done IMO.

    gorefan: Rubio’s motion to dismiss link is not working but you can get there by going here

  33. gorefan says:

    Reality Check: I uploaded Rubio’s motion to dismiss to SCRIBD.

    Thanks for that. i keep forgetting that the Bower County Court website doesn’t allow direct links to a search results. Although it seemed to work when I tried the link.

    As to her motion – she could have added more recent case law and mention that Voeltz filed the same argument three times in Florida. she only mentioned the first one.

    I also question her statement that six (6) previous Presidents would be ineligible under the two citizen parent rule. I don’t see where she names them and I count Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams, Jackson, Arthur, Obama. And possible Wilson.

    But that aside I was impressed with most of her research.

  34. justlw says:

    The GOP debate is currently sinking into an amazing quagmire of birther muck.

  35. I didn’t watch it, but reports today that the birther exchange went on for seven minutes.

    The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward revenge. (pithy quote stolen from somewhere)

    justlw: The GOP debate is currently sinking into an amazing quagmire of birther muck.

  36. Is there a link to this?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I didn’t watch it, but reports today that the birther exchange went on for seven minutes.

    The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward revenge. (pithy quote stolen from somewhere)

  37. Google is your friend.

    Nancy R Owens: Is there a link to this?

  38. I have added a new item on the blog’s Features page. It is a link to an archive of older articles by month with a count of articles in each month.

  39. Linda Tripp on now.

    My tweet:

    @am970TheAnswer Monica Lou N Is Key is an actress for true victim. Semen was from ’82. No love 4 Bill Clinton. Plea for help from Castros.

    I was approached by Mike Volin in late 90’s.

    Everyone is asking, why is Bill Clinton shaking?

  40. Scientist says:

    i was musing today about the Singularity. For those who don’t know what it is, it is the prediction by Ray Kurzweil and others that sometime in the not-too-distant future (aroound 2040) computer algorithms will be smarter than humans. Once that occurs, it would be foolish to entrust critical decisions to a dumb human rather than a smart machine. Any country that did so would be rapidly left in the dust. So, given that, what would constitute a natural born algoriithm-one made by a US company? One written in the US? One written only by US citizens (assuming that programs could be written without Indian H1-Bs)?

  41. Dave B. says:

    Now here’s an interesting case:
    I hadn’t heard of that one. That one could get REAL interesting.

  42. Thanks. I read it and found it interesting, but I overlooked the first time that it is a current case. To this layman, the decision seemed carefully reasoned.

    I see that a motion to the 5th Circuit for a re-hearing en banc was denied December 1. If I understand the rules, the Government has 90 days to appeal to the Supreme Court from the date of the Amended judgment, 10/30/2015, or the end of this month.

    Dave B.: Now here’s an interesting case

  43. Dave B. says:

    This could be a mess of trumpily huge proportions. If the remedy is, as the 5th Circuit suggests, to apply the requirement for citizen mothers to citizen fathers, thousands of persons would be affected, and yet another set of anomalies in US citizenship law would be created.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Thanks. I read it and found it interesting, but I overlooked the first time that it is a current case. To this layman, the decision seemed carefully reasoned.

    I see that a motion to the 5th Circuit for a re-hearing en banc was denied December 1. If I understand the rules, the Government has 90 days to appeal to the Supreme Court from the date of the Amended judgment, 10/30/2015, or the end of this month.

  44. My Google alerts are flooding in with news articles on Cruz eligibility.

  45. bgansel9 says:

    With the “depending on the way the courts have interpreted…” stuff going on here, this is getting confusing.

    If Eleanor Darragh spent her youth in Delaware, and married a Cuban man (Raphael Cruz) and went to Canada to work on seismic indicators, and got pregnant and had a child, would she be required to file an “American Citizen Born Abroad” document, and if so, where is it? Is it missing? Has is been located? Does anyone know?

  46. Notorial Dissent says:

    There was/is NO requirement for it, it is suggested, but not required, and there most likely is none. She was already fully an adult having been born and lived in the US all her life and two or three times married by the time Cruz was born, so the only part of the statute that applied to her was the part about her being a US citizen, which she was. The only critical points here are that she was a US citizen, she was Cruz’ mother, they returned to the US after he was born, and he grew up here, not in Canada and not in Cuba. By the law of the time he was/is a US citizen, and depending on interpretation a NBC, which is now the current argument.

    With the “depending on the way the courts have interpreted…” stuff going on here, this is getting confusing.

    If Eleanor Darragh spent her youth in Delaware, and married a Cuban man (Raphael Cruz) and went to Canada to work on seismic indicators, and got pregnant and had a child, would she be required to file an “American Citizen Born Abroad” document, and if so, where is it? Is it missing? Has is been located? Does anyone know?

  47. Sudoku says:

    Glen Beck, via “The Blsze” is hawking s generator to “…prepare for the Obama blackouts”.

  48. justlw says:

    Offering legal procedural advice to someone who has argued cases before the Supreme Court strikes me as being kinda like someone offering Trump advice on how to say squicky things about his daughter.

    Such Dunning. Very Kruger.

  49. Dave B. says:

    Ted Cruz just came up a whole bunch of notches in my estimation:
    Best thing he’s ever said. By very, very far, unfortunately.

  50. justlw says:

    Dave B.: Best thing he’s ever said.

    My jaw, it is dropped. A genuine stance by Cruz, devoid of any detectable traces of gamesmanship. I would not have thought it possible.

  51. Rickey says:

    The editors of National Review have published a scathing editorial about Trump.

  52. Dave B. says:

    I just noticed that “The Joe Show” has been added to Amazon Prime videos.

  53. CRJ says:

    Good Point, it is a little crazy when you can’t steal at Walmart because camera’s are set up everywhere, but no one is watching the White House #SCOTUS

    ~SHOPLIFTING the White House is Stealing ~No Bank too Big to Fail or Individual too Big to Jail-

    Shoplifting is a crime most people would recognize as wrong. Taking someone’s property that isn’t yours is not right. As I was at the throne in Walmart brainstorming a political post, my head cocked to the right as I read the sign staring me in the face. “Shoplifting is Stealing. It’s a crime. Even if it’s your first offense, you could be punished with a lengthy prison term and a substantial monetary fine, plus a record that will haunt you for the rest of your life. “What”, I thought, “made the Office of the President any less valuable to the U.S. Supreme Court than anything sold at Walmart?”

  54. Lani says:

    Reading a shoplifting warning in a Walmart toilet is not equivalent to an education in law.

  55. I invite comments on the articles. I invite comments on something else SOMEWHERE ELSE, that being the Open Thread where I moved the comment preceding. If you persist in spamming the articles with off-topic material, you will be put in moderation and your comments will not appear until approved, whenever I get around to it.

    CRJ: Good Point, it is a little crazy when you can’t steal at Walmart because camera’s are set up everywhere

  56. Why Are You Ignorant ? says:

    You can have your disturbed opinion regarding NBC..but this following opinion presents a more profound view of how the Creator provided Americans with rights that no other nation in the history of the world has provided to its citizens.

    The American monarchs rule themselves! And the founders took steps to assure that the monarchs right to rule themselves was not corruptible; therefore doing the best that they could do, they created the NBC clause to protect their rights as monarchs as explained below,

    You need to seek help to organize your brain because to most observers your brain cells are diffused resulting in you being categorized as a “scatter brained” sub human,

    You need therapy to coalesce those wandering brain cells…,in order for your brain to be able to develop a mind that can properly reason.

    For your info there are other views of who is being challenged for their Potus bona fides.

    [Moved from “The Return of the birther bill” to the Open Thread. Doc]

  57. If you had read further on this site you would see articles on eligibility challenges to other candidates.

    As for my brain, I like it just like it is. They canceled the Mensa meeting today because of weather. 🙄

    Why Are You Ignorant ?: You need therapy to coalesce those wandering brain cells…,in order for your brain to be able to develop a mind that can properly reason.

    For your info there are other views of who is being challenged for their Potus bona fides.

  58. Dave B. says:

    I don’t know, most observers observing that single exchange might observe that the other way around.

    Why Are You Ignorant ?: You need to seek help to organize your brain because to most observers your brain cells are diffused resulting in you being categorized as a “scatter brained” sub human,

  59. justlw says:

    Why Are You Ignorant ?: For your info there are other views of who is being challenged for their Potus bona fides.

    Rubio is not qualified since “natural born citizen” means God because the Declaration of Independence. Thank you, Alan Keyes.

  60. “One year left for Obama’s Deranged Critics” New Orleans Time Picayune

    A title after my own heart.

    Author Jarvis DeBerry wrote:

    “According to the Urban Dictionary, a website that keeps up with slang and neologisms, “Obama Derangement Syndrome” is the “acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements — nay — the very existence of Barack Obama.””

    DeBerry also pointed out something that had completely slipped by me. Obama began his last year in office last Wednesday.

  61. Dave B. says:

    I just tripped over this piece of fallen birther sky:
    The mind reels.

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