If he wants to file a frivolous lawsuit, he can file a frivolous lawsuit.
And that is really the whole story. Cruz was on the Hugh Hewitt talk radio program, and gave that response to a question from Hewitt whether Trump had standing to bring a lawsuit over Cruz’ eligibility to become president.
Cruz, who has impressive legal credentials, dodged [ignored, blew off, sidestepped] the substantive question of standing (that he might well have had something worthwhile to say about) and instead called Trump’s bluff. And hey, nobody likes a frivolous lawsuit.
I found out about it at Mediaite.
According to Vox, paperwork has been filed in an eligibility lawsuit in the Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago:
Filed by a Carson supporter:
From the article:
“The Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago has agreed to hear a lawsuit on Sen. Ted Cruz’s eligibility for president — virtually ensuring that the issue dominates the news in the runup to the South Carolina primary.”
Somebody could just as well have written that as a joke.
What authority could they possibly have in such a matter.?
Stay tuned. If this Raw Story article is correct, the judge said she didn’t know if she had jurisdiction, and asked the parties to present arguments on March 1st. Plaintiff is representing himself pro se, so good luck with that. I wonder if there is a local birther attorney who wants to take up the cause.
The frivolous lawsuit was not about eligibility to become president…
Trump said Cruz lied about something (maybe prolife) so Trump threatened a defamation lawsuit…. Cruz got all excited about being able to depose Trump if he sued…
Sluffy, I’m not sure what you’re on, but I would suggest a change, quickly. You are quite simply wrong. If you can’t be bothered to actually read the articles which contradict what you are claiming, the don’t bother to post.
Notorial. Wrong about what?
What am I on ? (10mg Lininopril) … Less than you I’d wager… if you think I’m mistaken about an issue there are better ways to inform than authoring an insulting personal attack… like is all too common at BR…
Ted Cruz Dares Donald Trump To File ‘Frivolous’ Lawsuit Over Abortion Ad.
Cruz in a press conference today. “Even in the annals of frivolous lawsuits, this takes the cake.”
On Tuesday, a lawyer for Trump sent the Cruz campaign a cease-and-desist letter saying that Cruz’s campaign ad “Supreme Trust” is “completely disingenuous” and “replete with outright lies, false, defamatory and destructive statements and downright fabrications.”
“I look forward to any lawsuit and let me note by the way, one of the things I look forward to most of all is deposing Donald Trump. And for that particular endeavor I may not use outside counsel. I may take the deposition myself. And I will say this: Whether in a deposition or in a court of law, getting Donald Trump under oath, under penalty of perjury, answering these questions? Well I’ll point out it didn’t work very well for Bill Clinton. Donald Trump does not want to be under oath answering questions about his own record because his position quite simply is that anyone who points to his record is somehow lying,” Cruz said.
If Trump filed a defamation suite,’Frivolous’ would fit…
‘Frivolous’ would not be the word I use for a presidential eligibility challenge.
I’d like to see that go to court and be settled once and for all.
Did Cruz refer to a challenge of his eligibility as ‘Frivolous’ .. if he did I haven’t seen it.
I think because what started as a threat to file a defamation complaint unless Cruz apologized and was called ‘Frivolous’…. the ‘Frivolous’ part has carried over when defamation morphed to the eligibility question.
… or ‘Frivolous’ tested well in focus groups and became Cruz’s new word of the day..
oh yeah, you still drinking too much… I got no advice.
The confusion here is that Cruz made two remarks, one calling an eligibility lawsuit frivolous in the Hewitt interview, and one calling a defamation lawsuit frivolous at a press conference. My article is about the former. Here is the transcript from the Hewitt interview where Cruz calls it frivolous:
Cruz also directly called a threatened defamation suit frivolous, as reported at Breitbart:
Someone seeing either of the two articles might be inclined to think the other view (minus quotations) was in error. I myself was confused, and this reply has gone through 4 versions.
Chronologically, Cruz first started with the frivolous tag in reply to the threatened defamation suit… I don’t read Breibart, I saw the video’s on MSM broadcasts..
The threat of Standing came after Cruz refused to apologize to Thump for what Trump said were lies and defamation.
No. Cruz has only “directly” called a threatened defamation suit frivolous.
…. and I’ll be picky here and press the issue just because…
The question was:
“…do you agree with me on the standing issue? And would you welcome him filing that suit?”
In his answer he only speaks about the defamation threat, calls it frivolous and explains its frivolity.
By the time he get gets pressed into answering the question on Standing:
Cruz finally says:
“Look, that question would surely be litigated if he filed that lawsuit. I think the lawsuit would be frivolous”….
He just “thinks” it would be “frivolous”… not that it would be.
and he doesn’t even swing at softball slow pitch “would you welcome him filing that suit?”
Wishy washy and lacking the giddyness when compared to how he addresses a defamation suit in which he leaves no doubt of its Frivolousness…. with visions of depositions dancing in his head….
Once a word or slogan works well for these guys, they’ll use it at every opportunity. Cruz got hung up on Feckless for awhile too, as did Christy and a few others…
So, I think Cruz doesn’t really think that a person with standing (that’s what all the Obama birthsuits lacked and why they failed to go anywhere) and filing suit is Frivolous… it just rolled off his forked tongue because talking points he locked in about the defamation Frivolousness.