I was mildly amused the first time I heard the phrase “full birther.” It made me wonder what a half birther or a quarter birther was, following the example of the quarter, half, three quarter and full nelson wrestling holds.
What I found in practice was that the term “full birther” was not used in the literal sense to describe something like Victoria Jackson’s song, “Yes I’m a birther (and I’m really, really proud)” but rather some less specific birtheresque remark, sometimes posed as a question, or a qualification like “As far as I know.” Nowadays, “full birther” is not limited to Barack Obama, for example, those challenging the eligibility of Ted Cruz got the label far more often than Obama birthers.
The most recent example is found at Salon.com describing a Tweet from Ann Coulter criticizing Obama’s visit to Hiroshima, Japan, saying “For someone ‘born in Hawaii,’ you’d think Obama would prefer visiting Pearl Harbor.” A couple of quotation marks is sufficient to go full birther.
For someone "born in Hawaii," you’d think Obama would prefer visiting Pearl Harbor. pic.twitter.com/F3z1UwHVy9
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 27, 2016
Other people accused in the media of going “full birther”:
- John McCain
- Donald Trump
- Jennifer Granholm
- Breitbart News
- Fox News
- Mike Huckabee
- Boris Johnson (mayor of London)
- Katrina Pierson (spokesperson for Trump)
- Rush Limbaugh
- Rand Paul
- Prof. Charles E. Rice
- Democratic Twitter Account
- Ted Nugent
- Mitt Romney
- Sarah Palin
- Rep. Alan Grayson
- Alan West
Some 2,500 people died at Pearl Harbor, of whom 68 were civilians. On the other hand, civilian deaths at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were in the hundreds of thousands. Coulter’s attempt to. draw an equivalence is ridiculous and repugnant, and certainly fits with her grotesque style and with birtherism in general.
President Obama has visited Pearl Harbor
I think by our jaded standards, the use of scare quotes isn’t even full birther.
So was that comment by Ann Coulter, “conservative” “commentator” and “decent” “human being?”
It’s not enough to remember (whether it’s Hiroshima or Pearl Harbor), a nation should do more to insure it doesn’t happen again. I think today’s Japan is unlikely to be a threat to world peace, but lately, the % of support for Trump-for-president in the US gives pause for thought as far America is concerned.
Other people accused in the media of going “full birther”
Guess we need a definition in the Dictionary of Media? That’s the problem with the Birther Movement, your list of Birthers you prop up have no Standing, and they are not Real Birthers, having never contributed a single dime to Deal Action defined as Birther Action. They’re like fake decoys set up in the pond.. Being labeled for Speech and no action.
I can say, I’ve never received any Contributions from people you have called “Full Birthers” Here’s some qualifying Media I think.
[For example, a man named Cody Robert Judy sued the DNC in 2015 for allowing Barack Obama to appear on the ballot in 2008 and 2012. Judy believes Obama wasn’t born in America and is thus ineligible to serve as president. More importantly, Judy mounted his own ill-fated run for the presidency in 2012 (as a Democrat), and is running again in 2016. So, there you have it — he’s a candidate who’s sued the DNC, and a Democratic one to boot. Not surprisingly, the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed his lawsuit.]
[Judy is a prolific blogger, has written a book and his most prominent endeavor currently is a lawsuit he is trying to get before the U.S. Supreme Court declaring that Barack Obama is not legitimately president of the United States because he wasn’t born in the country.
Yep. He’s still banging that drum when even Trump has given up on it. Judy regularly sends out notices on his blog with “breaking news” about the lawsuit. Nothing has happened, of course. The breaking news is whenever he files a new motion.]
[That’s exactly what several groups of individuals did. Citizens bringing the complaints include David Farrar, Leah Lax, Thomas Malaren and Laurie Roth, represented by Taitz; David Weldon represented by attorney Van R. Irion of Liberty Legal Foundation; and Carl Swensson and Kevin Richard Powell, represented by J. Mark Hatfield. Cody Judy is raising a challenge because he also wants to be on the ballot.
Hatfield and Irion told WND the expected process is that Malihi will make a decision over the course of the next week whether Obama, without appearing or being represented at the hearing, documented his eligibility to the court’s satisfaction.]
[While the Obots.org web site seems pretty much out of business, I really enjoyed reading one of it’s articles on Donald Trump’s “presidential timber.” When it comes to selecting the person who sits next to the suitcase with the atomic bomb launch codes, I want someone who doesn’t easily lose their temper or do irrational things.
Photo of Cody JudyThere is another story about a suitcase and a bomb, and it involves 2012 Democratic presidential candidate and Georgia birther ballot challenger Cody Judy. ]
Man Doc, I’ll bet you never thought when you wrote ” I really enjoyed reading one of it’s articles on Donald Trump’s “presidential timber.” , that you’d be writing about next year’s GOP Nominee did you?
Kind of hard for you to believe the U.S. Supreme Court has backed Donald J. Trump’s Campaign by Denying a Motion for Forma Pauperis in Judy v. Obama 14-9396 isn’t it?
Part of the real secret is just how BIG the magical Birther Movement really is?
Most folks understand you gotta have Standing to take the issue to Court, none of the People you list had Standing, but looky looky what’s happened to The Trump Political Phenomena?
There is an undercurrent of vitriol running deep in this Country because.. What? Obama has governed so badly? Nope, that’s not it. It’s that he got away with it. . and that is the Root of the Anti- Establishment is it not?
So… What could the Court do if they wanted to make Trump look like a Fraud Birther, rather then the Real Deal?
That’s right. All they would have had to do was HEAR Judy v. Obama 14-9396 and Trump becomes the phoney Birther who said he had a big investigation in Hawaii finding unbelievable things, but didn’t file a single Birther ballot challenge against Ted Cruz, Didn’t support any Candidate with Standing with a single dollar..
What percentage of Trump’s Campaign leaves him for the Real Deal.. Hillary Clinton is nearly Toast calls for her to Drop Out are now heard in the NY Daily. [Democrats have a Death Wish] https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1196061067095341&id=510896692278452
Poll’s say Bernie Sanders beats Trump, but what happens if the Court finds ” delegitamacy ” actually meritorous? Bernie’s on the wrong side of a north bound jackass.
That is why I wrote Today that the U.S. Supreme Court may as well come out and endorsed Trump. They have paved his Campaign Highway in Gold!
It’s kind of cute that CRJ thinks any of that matters.
And I mean cute in a macabre, piteous, and sad kind of way.
Life isn’t fair.
It’s a symptom of the shrinking middle class, the great source of stability in the country. Bernie Sanders taps into the same frustration as Donald Trump, that people work hard and can’t get ahead. If people consider themselves well off and hopeful, then they will be conservative (as opposed to radical) in their voting. Today the people who represent the country’s wealth should be pretty satisfied, but their numbers are not electorally significant. As income inequality grows, we should expect move craziness in politics.
It is more than “kind of hard” to believe. It is impossible to believe because it never happened.
It took only 9 comments for Judy to turn this thread into one about Judy.
Prolific? Did you write that article yourself?
I suppose the next thread will be 8. Doc seriously can we at least remove the links he posts to his blog or twitter as they have nothing to do with the thread.
Some people are birthers because of their unnatural hatred for Obama. Some have an unnatural devotion to conspiracies. And some, like Judy and Owens, have an unnatural need to shamlessly attract attention to themselves. Judy is so desperate for attention that he would rather earn universal disparagement than be universally ignored.
I remind CRJ and everyone else that if you leave a URL in the Website box on a comment, then your name becomes a hyperlink to that URL. It’s not necessary to include a second copy in the comment itself.
I’ll try to pay more attention to off topic content and move it to the Open Thread. Normally I read very little of what CRJ writes, so I don’t notice whether it is off topic or not.
what part of Donald J. Trump didn’t you see in Doc’s list? Don’t sit your butt down on stools with wobbly legs, your bound to fall over making everyone have a good laugh.
You nailed that one like a split- hog! I really love ❤ you You!!!❤
Nope., that came from an enemy. You can gage your strength by enemies writing about you.
Actually I’ve only made 2 comments including this one.
Sacrifice is the greatest Honor.. Its been such a privilege to go without and sacrifice all I have so far for the U.S. Constitution.
I actually think it’s very fair! Look at the caliber of people you mentioned?
You have 10X’s more class!
Happy Memorial Day!!!!❤
SONG & Prayer Tribute My Memorial Day SongoftheDay “TheLionsShare” will always be a Tribute to MemorialDay The verses are about live events stories that really happened. The combat scenes are not staged but are Real. Democrats Republicans
I’ve always considered “Full Birther” to be a reference to this.
“You never go full retard!”
Only Judy thinks that he has gone without “for U.S. Constitution.” Judy simply has nothing to forgo due the incredibly bad choices he has made while seeking attention.
And, again, Judy has “difficulty” on making a comment that doesn’t involve Judy.
Don’t you ever get tired of shameless self promotion and being a complete and total loser? again you posted links to your own facebook page. This site isn’t about promoting yourself. Take it elsewhere. You’re just as bad as our other resident sociopath Nancy owens.
Judy fails to grasp the simple fact that his cert petition would have been denied even if he had been granted in forma pauperis status. His petition was an incomprehensible word salad which utterly failed to respond to the legal reasons for the decision to dismiss his lawsuit.
On top of the reality that 99% of all cert petitions are denied, even those written by lawyers or at least by someone literate.