The day’s hearings leave us in suspense, with Judge G. Murray Snow stating that he is considering criminal referrals of Joe Arpaio, Gerald Sheridan, Capt. Bailey and Michele Iafrate. Yes, that last one was the MCSO’s attorney, who IIRC advised her clients not to disclose to the Court that they had confiscated IDs that they were under orders to produce.
Security was high with 7 US Marshals in attendance and social media reports of more outside. The courtroom itself was packed.
Protest signs, and even a custom Arpaio in prison garb balloon were on display outside the courthouse.

Photo credit: Bob Davidson (maybe)
The parties in the case have been negotiating recompense to the victims of illegal detention, and Judge Snow settled on $1,000 for the first hour plus $200 for every 20 minutes over, reports Megan Cassidy of the The Republic. $125,000 to $200,000 will be earmarked for notifying members of the Plaintiff class. Certain parts of the MCSO, particularly the Internal Affairs division may be taken into receivership.
Sheriff Joe appeared defeated sitting at the Defendant’s table, as he picked at his wedding ring.
Larry Klayman was in court for part of the morning, but then left. Mike Zullo did not appear. No definite date was set for final orders.
Follow this topic on Twitter under the hashtag #arpaiocontempt. News updates will be added to this article.
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It’s crystal clear, with irrefutable evidence, that Arpaio, Sheridan and likely others committed crimes.
If there isn’t a criminal referral, it’ll be a miscarriage of justice.
What, no purrrrs confurrence? No patriotic stand-off with the judge? No Second Civil War?
As usual with KKKlayman, all bark and no bite. And this time, not even the bark.
wot, no pink underwear? That balloon needs more work.
i said it before, and i’ll say it again – arpaio will pull a Pinochet and suddely become too ill and frail to stand trial.
as a point of interest, as it would be a criminal trial, would the MSCO be obliged to pay for his defense or not?
I think Arapio has already retained his own criminal attorneys and Maricopa County said they will not pay for a criminal defense of anyone who is referred on charges.
Also, that balloon was a brilliant idea. It was the money shot of the day.
New Lemon’s article at the PNT:
Not for his defense as it is criminal. But, I believe Maricopa County is on the hook for monetary fines and penalties coming out of a criminal finding. (IANAL)
Interesting video about Wikipedia and astroturf I saw today
Seems to be true about a lot of blogs
Anyone consider how in the world could anyone afford to build a balloon of
Arpaio who would not be a big political organization with a lot of money.
Seems to be a lot of money behind the scenes here somewhere.
Watch the video for a possible explanation.
As to the criminal referral, lol, you expect that anything will happen before 2020?
Arpaio has raised 8 million dollars for his re-election campaign.
Anyone who thinks fabricating a balloon requires “a lot of money” might want to rethink some other assumptions.
That’s an interesting video for several reasons; however, I would request that anyone who wishes to comment on it do so on the open thread, as it would lead this topic off in another direction.
Where can I get one? How much does it cost?
I bet Creatable Inflatables would be happy to help.
So, what effect, if any, do you see this case having on the Obama forgery investigation? Squelched? Or, wide open?
The Cold Case Posse investigation has been dead for over two years. I don’t see any change coming out of the Arpaio contempt finding. If anything, the disclosure that they were working with a known con man hurts the chances of it reviving.
The contempt proceedings, however, will give Gallups, Zullo, etc., an excuse to never fulfill all the “any day now!” promises they had made.
I can’t parse the words on that sign. Does it say “REMOVE ARPAIO NOT REFORM ARPAIO” or “NOT REMOVE ARPAIO REFORM ARPAIO” or… what? What is it trying to say?
The Sonoran News, a birther-friendly source (they supported Terry Lakin for example), put their own particular spin on the day’s hearing:
There is no “Obama forgery investigation,” and there never was. Seriously. Way seriously. There was only ever a corrupt, bent, twisted, d*mn-near-criminal attempt to dredge up plausible-sounding bullsh*t “evidence” for political purposes.
That should’ve been clear when the “Cold Case Posse” CLEARLY, IRREFUTABLY FABRICATED “EVIDENCE” to try and support their bullsh*t claims.
They didn’t fabricate evidence.
That’s my signature.
They did, however, keep the evidence in PDF form never producing the original paper document. Withholding evidence, perhaps?
Not investigating, definitely.
Mike Volin denying my video conversation probably pretending he doesn’t know me, definitely.
There is talk about filing charges against Volin.
For those who aren’t familiar with the video I’m talking about, here it is again:
Volin is a small fry. What would they charge him on? He hasn’t actually done anything besides pass bad checks.
The voices in your head do not constitute “talk.”
Either the Cold Case Posse fabricated evidence, or they presented fabricated evidence as verified fact. Either way, they showed their lack of integrity.
I have an idea where you “heard” about charges to be brought against Volin. It’s nonsense.
Another hearing has been set for the Melendres case according to orders filed today:
“ORDER setting a Hearing for 6/17/2016 at 1:30 PM in Courtroom 602, 401 West Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003 before Judge G Murray Snow. FURTHER ORDERED that if, after the Court’s review of the parties’ joint memorandum with respect to the issues raised regarding MCSO’s internal investigations, due 6/14/2016, the Court finds it unnecessary to hold the hearing set above, it will so inform the parties. Signed by Judge G Murray Snow on 6/3/2016.