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- Congressional Research Service report on presidential eligibility
- Donald, You're FIred! – FactCheck.org
- Hawaii Department of Health Obama FAQ
- Hawaii verification of birth certificate
- Jack Ryan document collection on Scribd
- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Press
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – White House
- Obama Certification of Live Birth
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I’m leaving in the morning for Baltimore to participate in The Fogbow meetup. Some excellent folks will be there, including some who comment here.
Birtherism as a topic of interest at The Fogbow has waned along with the relevance of that movement. They’re more interested nowadays in the domestic paper terrorists known as Sovereign Citizens.
Birtherism hasn’t waned. It’s just been heavily censored. I still can’t blog on BirtherReport or Fogbow.
Nothing is depressing if it is causing conversations of one sort or another!
Just spotted this QOTD candidate in the twitfeed sidebar, from @DynaMoChen:
Have fun in Baltimore. If you meet any birfoons, be sure to be gracious, and congratulate what will probably be their one and only victory: getting Cruz out of the race (you just know he would have stuck it out until the convention if they hadn’t armed Trump with The Shocking Proof™) 😉
Colon cancer
the Holocaust
Panic comes from Klayman & Montgomery.
Arpaio appeal shot down in U.S. District Court.
Does anybody else see something suspiciously familiar in this article?
Scam PACs Drawing FEC attention
Hint: check out the accompanying image.
Is the FEC getting ready to spring a surprise on one of our friends?
Edit: I gotta add that I have been extremely suspicious about where the money that is funneled into PAC’s is actually going for a long time. Back during Arpaio’s last election run he was using the birther crap to milk donors for everything they were worth, and I figured it was just going straight into his retirement fund. Of course Doc said he couldn’t do it, but this guy Mackenzie seems to have it figured out… just pay it out to ‘contractors’ that are controlled by you and maybe go 2 or 3 levels deep and you have successfully laundered all that money. Of course Mackenzie is under scrutiny, but I bet there are lots of others who aren’t.
My recollection is that AZ law says unspent campaign funds get turned into personal property when you leave politics. The common practice is to use them like PAC money, but it’s not required. So they can, in effect, become a “retirement fund”.
I thought this was interesting:
Donald Trump’s mob connections.
From Resgans Ghost over at Birther Report:
“Well, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Volin and others, there is documented proof that these Senators and Congressmen received sheriff’s kits, informing them of Obama’s crimes, and they did NOTHING. So here’s the deal Trump’s gonna work out: the worst of them (Pelosi, Reid, McConnell, Ryan, etc) are going to PRISON. The rest can play ball and look like heroes when the country gets back on track, or JOIN the others on the damned GALLOWS. That’s how serious Trump is about saving this country. He knows it involves more than just changing policy, it involves opening the windows and airing out the STINK left from the Communists who almost succeeded in destroying the USA from within.
And you can take what I’m saying to the BANK. That goes for Dr. Con and all the other miscreants and trolls who have been haunting this site all these years, trying their best to demoralize you. You never let it happen! God bless you guys! God bless my heroes, BR, Mike Volin, and the many, many people who have never given up! You WILL be vindicated and SOON!”
These people are just as absurd as Corporal Mike Zullo and his non affidavit, affidavit produced for the Alabama Supreme Court. That had about as much impact as someone whistling in the dark.
Interesting article. I had forgotten about his connection with Roy Cohn.
like the word “racist” the word racism is used by parties to emphasize their personal beliefs. You may hate many people and still not be doing it in a racist sort of way People during wars hated the Japanese and thought they were an inferior race of people, they hated the Huns and thought they were a superior people, they hated the middle east arabs and thought they were an inferior people, And in all of those items the race content of the people hated were various.
the news is full of racist, and racism, comments, on all sides of the problem. Some love the President because he is black, and some dislike him because he is black, it is all personal opinion, and racism is on both sides of the situation.
Ignore those types of comments.
With all due respect to the Daily Kos, The Onion saw the link in this year’s GOP presidential campaign, between the Shrieking White-Hot Sphere of Pure Rage and the Horrible Lurking Fog of Racism, way back in 2012. Can these guys predict the future or what!
OK, to be fair, Trump hasn’t chosen a running mate yet, but the Horrible Lurking Fog has got to be the frontrunner.
Walter Fitzpatrick filed a cert. petition.
I’m sure even our resident SCOTUS “expert” Judy knows how this will end.
And then there was the three-hour meeting with Nixon that Trump denied having.
Irion is a “real attorney” insomuch that Mario Apuzzo is also a real attorney. (Orly Taitz, too.)
Irion has managed to have 2 cert petitions at SCOTUS where a response was requested, before being denied.
ETA, looks like he came in just under the wire.
Article on cheating on the California bar.
The two cases were related: they both involved banning high-school students from wearing confederate-flag apparel.
But, yes, better “results” than Apuzzo, Taitz, etc., have ever received from SCOTUS.
I hadn’t heard about that, Doc. Do you have more info on this? Wouldn’t it be cool if Nixon taped it?
The story from Nixon’s people is that he was enlisting Trump’s help in acquiring an apartment.
All I know is, Nixon’s meeting with Elvis Presley was turned into a movie. Pray that no one gets any ideas about making a sequel.
Since I am not able to tear Ramboike a new one at BR (due to my having been banned from commenting there), I’ll call him on his BS here. I know you read comments here, Ike, so open wide for today’s medicine.
Ramboike says: “Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the (House Judiciary Committee’s Watergate investigation) committee… When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff…”
Is that so, Ike? Then how do you explain this quote from Mr. Zeifman?
“If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her.”
Please enlighten us, Ramboike! How is it possible for Zeifman to have fired Ms. Rodham if he didn’t have the authority to do so?
Y’know, being a lying ignoramus is no way to go through life, Ike. Please try harder.
You know, Doc, you could have a Trump Conspiracy Theories site and just do the ones he brings up himself.
I picked up the story here:
A new video I posted today about the Clintons and the Vince Foster murder:
I’m starting to think along the lines of Ken Starr.
That doesn’t look likely to me:
An unlikely voice recently bemoaned the decline of civility in presidential politics, warned that “deep anger” was fueling an “almost radical populism” and sang the praises of former President Bill Clinton — particularly his “redemptive” years of philanthropic work since leaving the White House.
The voice was that of Kenneth W. Starr, the former Whitewater independent counsel, whose Javert-like pursuit of Mr. Clinton in the 1990s helped bring a new intensity to partisan warfare and led to the impeachment of a president for only the second time in the nation’s history.
…and more, at http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/25/us/politics/ken-starr-impeachment-bill-clinton.html
Yeah, but he’s gonna be out of a job in a couple of days for doing what good ol’ boys always do when faced with the choice of following the law or protecting their star football players. And that has to appeal to the Trumpster. And who better than Starr to play ‘bad cop’ smear artiste. The guy has made a career out of smearing Clinton and extracting taxpayer dollars while doing it.
Starr is right up Trump’s alley.
Starr wouldn’t be the first person to dump on the Trump and then ‘pretend’ to like him afterwards.
Things that make you go hmmm.
Bob Nelson, putative publisher of Birther Report, has the same initials as the acronym for Right Wing Nut Job.
Wayne Allyn Root is scheduled to be a guest on Real Time With Bill Maher on HBO Friday night, 10:00 p.m. EDT (and repeated multiple times during the following week).
Interesting article about Trump’s property taxes.
“Most likely” hermaphroditic, Ike? You are obviously not a carcinologist, my friend! Most of us crustaceans have separate sexes. Sure, we have some freaky cousins, like barnacles, who swing both ways, but that’s just how Goddess made them – you got a problem with that? Did you know that some crustaceans can even change their gender during their lifespan? Comes in handy if the line for the ladies’ room is just too long! Of course, if you are unfortunate enough to be a North Carolina isopod, you’re out of luck.
I want to call attention to the rather bizarre comment from RamboIke that is todan’s Quote of the Day:
Follow-up on the topic: Who were the 1st Birthers
According the comments at Dr Con’s leftist propaganda site, the Obots have conceded to the fact it was Clinton, her campaign workers & supporters, that were the original Birthers.
Case closed
— ramboike
— Comment at Birther Report
I think the comment may have been deleted from BR, but it remains on Ike’s Intense Debate Profile from sometime around May 10.
I just posted on BirtherReport for the first time in years. Change is in the air.
Since Birther Report’s apparent reason for existence in the first place will be gone in less than 8 months, I would say that it is.
I have discovered a new birther forum: the message boards on Predictit markets that have anything to do with Trump.
Not at all: they’re looking forward to President Trump prosecuting him and the entire Complicit Congress™, and having mass public hangings.
Or maybe it was shooting them out of a cannon into Gitmo.
Something like that…
The thing about Trump is that nobody knows what he really believes. There’s no reason to think that Trump actually believes the birther myth, and it is extreme wishful thinking to say that Trump will do anything to investigate or prosecute Obama’s eligibility.
Well, yeah. But these are birthers, who make the Red Queen look like a rock-ribbed skeptic. I’m sure there are still some who believe in A/Z Day (If I’d thought of it a while back, I probably could have made a small fortune selling red pens in glass cases to keep by their monitors, so they’d be ready to mark their calendars when it happened 😉 ).
To the latest meme floating around Facebook, just in time for Memorial Day is attacking Obama for apologizing for Hiroshima. “Remember Pearl Harbor” they say. “Obama didn’t apologize,” I say.
They seem to forget that President Reagan visited a Germany military cemetery where Nazi SS soldiers were buried.
I see where Ken Starr is having his own problems with a sex scandal at Baylor University.
Trump University promo where he says he is going to hand pick the professors.
Trump’s deposition in the Trump University lawsuit where he doesn’t recognize the names, pictures or voices of any of the people who taught at Trump University.
Ah, but that just shows his integrity and the genius of his adaptability: when he realized he didn’t have time to pick the teachers, he delegated it to avoid letting down the
suckersstudents, ‘cuz that’s what real leaders do.I don’t know if there are any birthers other than Hermitian who still believe that Barack Obama is really Bari Shabazz, the love child of Malcolm X and Jo Ann Newman. Several months ago I submitted a FOIA request to the National Personnel Records Center for the military records of Bari Shabazz after it was confirmed that he was a U.S. Marine stationed in Hawaii when he was involved in an auto accident in Honolulu in 1982.
I did not receive his full record, because I do not have the written consent of his next of kin, but the information I received pretty much puts the final nail in the coffin of the Shabazz theory, which was put forward by Martha Trowbridge, Mario Apuzzo, and other birthers.
Bari M Shabazz went on active duty in the U.S. Marines on June 29, 1978, roughly two months before Barack Obama began his senior year at the Punahou School in Honolulu. That Obama was a high school senior during the 1978-1979 school year is well documented by stories about him playing on the school basketball team and his presence in the 1979 yearbook. How he could have been in high school in Hawaii and at Parris Island in South Carolina at the same time is something that birthers cannot answer. Shabazz was discharged from the Marines on March 29, 1985. There was no interruption in his active service. His highest rank was Corporal. He received the Marksman Award, two Good Conduct medals, a Letter of Commendation, and a Letter of Appreciation. His last duty station was in Quantico, VA. but in the early 1980s he was assigned as a clerk to a radio battalion in Hawaii.
We had previously learned that during his time in the Marines he had his name legally changed from Barrington Hugh Smith (his birth name) to Bari M. Shabazz. He obviously informed the Marines of the name change because he was discharged as Bari M. Shabazz. He died in 1994.
The most objective statement one could make about the Hiroshima (and even more so the Nagasaki) bombings is that they were then, and still are today, deeply controversial.
Japan has apologized for its war crimes (with various degrees of nuances, but still):
I see no reason why the US shouldn’t also apologize.
Yeah, that’s what I mean; he needs a new job. His qualifications and experience make him perfect for the Trump VP position. Maybe even overqualified.
Isn’t the football coaching slot open?
You may be right about Trump not going after the eligibility problems, but the DOJ may be in trouble if Trump appoints Gowdy as AG. Letting Gowdy in among the legal files would be interesting
I don’t know what “legal files” you think exist. All the legal files I know of say Obama was born in Hawaii. Gowdy himself wrote:
“Like you, I believe the Constitution must be our nation’s guiding document, including its provisions specifying the requirements that must be met for an individual to hold the office of President. President Obama was qualified to run for this office by the Federal Election Commission, and courts have dismissed all lawsuits challenging his status as a natural born citizen of the United States. As such, I believe President Obama to be the legitimately elected leader of our nation.”
Gowdy certainly looks qualified to be AG, except for his partisan bent.
Lupin, you certainly have a knack for driving Dumbo Ike insane. (See his latest at BR).
I think there could be a good discussion on whether an apology to Japan is warranted or what good it would do over 70 years later. One fact does remain though. The United States is the only country on the planet to have used nuclear weapons in war. We can’t put that genie back in the bottle.
Trump solves California water shortage.
For background:
Romanian hacker pleaded guilty in US court:
Another one bites the dust.
Ike told me I should thank him for all his help. I was particularly proud of my comeback:
“I can count all the useful help you’ve given me on the fingers of one hand, after the unfortunate fireworks accident.”
Federal Judge Hanen in Brownsville finds hidden conspiracy somewhere in the halls of government, and issues bizarre order.
Did Orly Taitz unhinge him?
Dumbo Ike (I like that nickname) would benefit from reading some history books, William Shirer’s for example. His understanding of issues seems to be mostly drawn from cartoons.
That IS a good repartie!
What on Earth does he mean by “help”???
But not this one I take it…
BimboLick is also unhappy with the poster at BR asking why the “Surprise Tea Party”, an organization that used the rally cry of “Taxed Enough Already”, is so enamoured of OurPieHole, a man whose actions have resulted in at least 200 million dollars in fines etc and associated increase in taxes and degradation of services in Maricopa County.
Of course for Bimbo, his response is that it’s all due to Obama’s seekret gay lieberal commie nazi mooslem agenda. When it’s then pointed out that this list of Arapio nefarious activity goes back at LEAST to 2003 much spluttering ensues.
Oh and he is not to pleased when his recurring and regular slurs about Obot gayness are raised as possible indicators of severely closeted behaviour…….
But it is up to the citizens of Arizona to decide whether what Arapio has done is harmful, or helpful, to the Law Enforcement of Arizona and that is what matters.
it really doesn’t matter what you, or I, think about him He is not our problem
Over at Birther Report, commenter Gen_Z notes:
But it matters what Judge Snow thinks, wouldn’t you say?
So, do tell “traderjack” exactly how is concern over the egregious, blatant criminal acts that violate constitutional rights of Americans by a man supposed to uphold same NOT “our problem”.
It is not up to the citizens of Arizona to decide whether Arpaio may violate people’s Fourth Amendment rights.
I’m pretty sure that it is now up to U.S. District Court Judge Snow to decide that.
At today’s court hearing:
“Arpaio and Chief Deputy Jerry Sheridan admitted to violating the court order, but insisted it was not intentional.
Snow said those who were detained by deputies solely on suspicion of being in the country illegally should be paid $1,000 for the first hour of detention and $200 for every 20 minutes thereafter.”
And if the judge makes a criminal referral it will be up to another judge and/or jury.
Here is a link to the newly-unsealed Trump University documents that were released today,