Arpaio, trailing in the polls, says the birth certificate investigation is not over

Arpaio trailing in polls for his re-election bid in Maricopa County is something new. In a recent poll result released by his opponent Paul Penzone and reported by News 12, Arpaio loses 44 – 48%.

And for something that is in no way new, Sheriff Arpaio, once again questioned by the media about his attempts to prove Barack Obama’s birth certificate a fraud, replied in  Politico interview that the investigation is not over. (It’s not going to be over as long as Sheriff Joe needs campaign contributions.)

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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21 Responses to Arpaio, trailing in the polls, says the birth certificate investigation is not over

  1. Curious George says:

    Shurf Joe is in the political fight of his life. His support is declining and his financial war chest is rapidly being used up. Criminal referrals are a real possibility. His department is in a shambles. His posse is faltering with numbers down nearly 80% from the good old days. The question of fraud against the MCSO and Shurf Joe as a result of the Seattle Operation hangs over the department. Will there be an ivestigation into the reported fraud by Arpaio’s agents involved in the Seattle Operation? What will reopened and new IA investigations uncover in Arpaio’s department? Will his Chief Deputy be fired? The perfect storm exists for the election of a new sheriff. But, are the brain dead voters of Maricopa County too stubborn to admit that it’s time for a new sheriff?

  2. Melendres Plaintiffs are calling for just that.

    Curious George: Will his Chief Deputy be fired?

  3. Curious George says:

    The politico audio reveals once again, Joe Arpaio says that he knows nothing about computers and then says that all one needs to do is look at the Obama birth certificate to know that it’s a fake. That simple line of thought shows how completely incompetent and dangerous Sheriff Arpaio is as a lawman. Just looking at things without any knowledge is what got Arpaio in the mess he’s in with the federal court. His office ignored a court ordered injunction and then proceeded to detain and or arrest people of color without any knowledge that the person had committed a crime. His office looked at people of color and he could tell that they were in this country, illegally. That kind of thinking represents the most incompetent, unlawful form of law enforcement imaginable and represents a threat to the constitutional rights of everyone in Maricopa county.

  4. Pete says:

    It’s time for Shurf Joke to go.

  5. Pete says:

    Actually, I’m starting to get the feeling that in 4-1/2 months, Joe Arpaio’s birth certificate “investigation” will be over for good.

  6. Will that mean Carl Gall-oops fake deputy’s badge won’t be good any longer?

    Actually, I’m starting to get the feeling that in 4-1/2 months, Joe Arpaio’s birth certificate “investigation” will be over for good.

  7. Yeah, and everyone Arpaio put in jail will be freed, and all fines refunded. Seems like I read something like that on Birther Report.

    Reality Check: Will that mean Carl Gall-oops fake deputy’s badge won’t be good any longer?

  8. donna says:

    Trump’s political godfather

    Joe Arpaio, America’s most controversial sheriff, talks to ‘Off Message’ about what he taught Donald Trump about politics.

  9. aarrgghh says:

    all we gotta do is sit back and wait … sorta like we’ve been doing for eight years! whoo-hoo!

    drypowder: “me thinks the delay has to do with waiting for Trump to become the next POTUS and then the indictments will fly”

    knarf: “when zero’s out of office, only THEN can the full force (or fullER, anyway .. ) of justice be unleashed on them both … AND the whole obama administration .. eric holder, et al. So those of us who think this way are content to just sit back and wait for the inevitable. Father, we ask Your protective hand on both Donald Trump and Joe Arpaio, in Jesus’ name, amen”

    knarf: “obumbles is still “president” and can still “pardon” … but can do nothing after inauguration … THAT’S the reason for delay. Be patient, stock up on beer and popcorn … We’re about to have a collective beer fart in both their faces”

    little jeremiah: “It will be a lot easier for authorities to open up the case/s of criminal wrongdoing including identity fraud, agasint 0bola once he is out of office and Trump is in. I fully expect such to happen.”

  10. Before they can go forward with any indictments, they will have to figure out how to spell Obama’s name. I fear that is an insurmountable obstacle for folks like that.

    aarrgghh: all we gotta do is sit back and wait … sorta like we’ve been doing for eight years! whoo-hoo!

  11. JD Reed says:

    all we gotta do is sit back and wait … sorta like we’ve been doing for eight years! whoo-hoo!

    drypowder: “me thinks the delay has to do with waiting for Trump to become the next POTUS and then the indictments will fly”

    aargh, and dry powder, indictments will fly as soon as pigs fly. 7.5 years and you still haven’t learned.
    He’ll so freeze first.

    knarf: “when zero’s out of office, only THEN can the full force (or fullER, anyway .. ) of justice be unleashed on them both … AND the whole obama administration .. eric holder, et al. So those of us who think this way are content to just sit back and wait for the inevitable. Father, we ask Your protective hand on both Donald Trump and Joe Arpaio, in Jesus’ name, amen”

    knarf: “obumbles is still “president” and can still “pardon” … but can do nothing after inauguration … THAT’S the reason for delay. Be patient, stock up on beer and popcorn … We’re about to have a collective beer fart in both their faces”

    little jeremiah: “It will be a lot easier for authorities to open up the case/s of criminal wrongdoing including identity fraud, agasint 0bola once he is out of office and Trump is in. I fully expect such to happen.”

    all we gotta do is sit back and wait … sorta like we’ve been doing for eight years! whoo-hoo!

    drypowder: “me thinks the delay has to do with waiting for Trump to become the next POTUS and then the indictments will fly”

    knarf: “when zero’s out of office, only THEN can the full force (or fullER, anyway .. ) of justice be unleashed on them both … AND the whole obama administration .. eric holder, et al. So those of us who think this way are content to just sit back and wait for the inevitable. Father, we ask Your protective hand on both Donald Trump and Joe Arpaio, in Jesus’ name, amen”

    knarf: “obumbles is still “president” and can still “pardon” … but can do nothing after inauguration … THAT’S the reason for delay. Be patient, stock up on beer and popcorn … We’re about to have a collective beer fart in both their faces”

    little jeremiah: “It will be a lot easier for authorities to open up the case/s of criminal wrongdoing including identity fraud, agasint 0bola once he is out of office and Trump is in. I fully expect such to happen.”

    aarrgghh and dry powder, indictments will fly as soon as pigs take wing. 7 1/2 years and you guys still haven’t learned. But ’tis true that there are none so blind as will not see. Stock up on dark glasses, guys!

  12. Northland10 says:

    JD Reed:
    aarrgghh and dry powder, indictments will fly as soon as pigs take wing. 71/2 years and you guys still haven’t learned.But ’tis true that there are none so blind as will not see. Stock up on dark glasses, guys!

    Fyi, AArghh is a long-time anti-birther. He was sarcastically repeating stuff from Free Republic.

  13. Pete says:

    Hopefully in 4-1/2 months, people of good will everywhere will be celebrating:

    * The end of Joe Arpaio’s career as sheriff of Maricopa County
    * The end of Donald Trump’s presidential political career
    * And a nice farewell to birtherism, the stupidest s*** to hit American politics, possibly ever, but at least in at least within memory of the last several decades.

  14. Crustacean says:

    And before they do that, they’ve got a few more insurmountable tasks to take on. Top 5:

    5) Figuring out which anti-patriot government agency their neighbor secretly spies for (DARPA?). That new Prius couldn’t possibly be a coincidence!

    4) Background check for daughter’s boyfriend. Why is his hair so curly and dark?

    3) Convincing all those skeptics that Emmerich de Vattel wrote the US Constitution.

    2) So many firearms to stockpile; so little time!

    1) “Toughest Sheriff in the World” fan fiction is harder to write than you’d think!

    Dr. Conspiracy: Before they can go forward with any indictments, they will have to figure out how to spell Obama’s name.

  15. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Before they can go forward with any indictments, they will have to figure out how to spell Obama’s name. I fear that is an insurmountable obstacle for folks like that.

    Somebody should tell them that Obama’s plan is to resign effective on December 31. Biden will then become president and pardon Obama before Inauguration Day.

    That will make their heads explode.

  16. Joey says:

    Rickey: Somebody should tell them that Obama’s plan is to resign effective on December 31. Biden will then become president and pardon Obama before Inauguration Day.

    That will make their heads explode.

    I just don’t have the heart to educate them about the five year federal Statute of Limitations which starts ticking from when the alleged crime was alleged to have been perpetrated.

  17. Rickey says:

    Joey: I just don’t have the heart to educate them about the five year federal Statute of Limitations which starts ticking from when the alleged crime was alleged to have been perpetrated.

    And of course they still can’t identify a specific Federal statute which Obama has supposedly violated.

    I remember that there was a birther posting here who claimed to have Zullo’s ear. I prompted him several times to ask Zullo to identify the law which Obama supposedly broke, but he never had an answer.

  18. JD Reed says:

    Northland10: Fyi, AArghh is a long-time anti-birther.He was sarcastically repeating stuff from Free Republic.

    Sorry Aarrhghh! Thought your handle was familiar, and didn’t sound birther-ish. But I didn’t check.

  19. Joey says:

    Rickey: And of course they still can’t identify a specific Federal statute which Obama has supposedly violated.

    I remember that there was a birther posting here who claimed to have Zullo’s ear. I prompted him several times to ask Zullo to identify the law which Obama supposedly broke, but he never had an answer.

    I can help the birthers with that and I am not an attorney!
    18 U.S. Code § 1028 – Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information

    a) Whoever, in a circumstance described in subsection (c) of this section—
    (1) knowingly and without lawful authority produces an identification document, authentication feature, or a false identification document;
    c) circumstance referred to in subsection (a) of this section is that—
    (1) the identification document, authentication feature, or false identification document is or appears to be issued by or under the authority of the United States or a sponsoring entity of an event designated as a special event of national significance or the document-making implement is designed or suited for making such an identification document, authentication feature, or false identification document;

    All they ever needed was a prosecuting attorney and a Grand Jury…but it never happened.
    Oh well.

  20. aarrgghh says:

    JD Reed: Sorry Aarrhghh! Thought your handle was familiar, and didn’t sound birther-ish. But I didn’t check.

    you can blame birfers for living at such nathan poe levels of credulity.

  21. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Curious George: His posse is faltering with numbers down nearly 80% from the good old days.

    I see a work-creation program for birthers coming up. “Tired of hanging around BR with nothing ever happenin’? Join the Joe Posse – digging up dirt* on the black guy since 2008!

    * (Inside a glass bowl with a spoon.)

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