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Continuing Bob’s comment about Rambo Ike at BR from the previous open thread…
Here’s what RI said:
and this is my reply
Nice reply!
I especially like the part where you turn his own standard for “hating America” back on him. I have always considered a lot of Birthers seditionists at heart. They never got over Obama being elected so they wanted to subvert the election through a perversion of the justice system or otherwise undermine his legitimacy through outright lies about either his birthplace or the requirements for holding office.
Same here.
The term “chauvinistic” was basically invented by & for the French; yet we are generally constantly critical of our country.
Besides things change: my own views of the US in the 1950s and 00s is pretty dismal; OTOH like many I feel great appreciation for the strides made in the 60s and 70s and 90s.
To love America blindly and without discernment is to not love it at all.
Right-wing buffoons don’t love America, they idolize it which is very different.
Someone with more patience than I have should explain to Dumbo Ike that not just France but England, Spain, Italy,/labor governments at one time and another and Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Israel (the list goes on and on) have all had socialist/social-democratic/labor governments at one time or another and made up the bulwark of America’s allies.
His inability to grasp this is just one more indication of his general ignorance.
One of my pet peeves is the misapplication of the “sour grapes” figure of speech (as if it were interchangeable with “sore loser”). I appreciate your metaphor originalism, Doc! 🙂
By the way, and for the record: I never told Ikey-poo that I swing both ways (maybe in his dreams?). NOT THAT THERE’S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!
It was interesting, especially because of who the reporter is, Sharyl Atkisson (your web link misspelled her name). I mentioned her briefly in a footnote to my article:
One of the examples she gave, of the author trying to correct the Wikipedia article on his own book, was engineered to shock the listener, but anyone who actually understands what the Wikipedia is and how it works, would not be surprised in the least. Atkisson was either sloppy in her research or deliberately trying to mislead by using it. Those corrections were rejected under the “no original research” rule. It certainly wasn’t an example of astroturfing, or deliberate suppression of the truth. Fact for the Wikipedia means referenceable. What that author was trying to do is akin to a drug company citing its own internal report in support of an efficacy claim.
Yes, powerful interests try to create trends on social media through the appearance of a groundswell of support by using fake accounts. I’ve talked about identity management software to help this process. And yes, organizations are not always what the appear to be. What troubles me are the comments that appeared below your TEDx video basically saying “I knew the Wikipedia was fake all along.” That would be a totally incorrect conclusion to draw from the story.
Nevertheless, there are real crackpots, nuts and conspiracy theorists out there, and the vast majority of debunking is legitimate. To now say that you can just reject all mainstream news sources, medical journals and the Wikipedia, and instead rely on whatever rubs your prejudices the right way, would be a recipe for disaster.
I was very much impressed by something that Peggy Noonan wrote in the Wall Street Journal in 2011. She said:
“Here is the fact of the age: People believe nothing. They think everything is spin and lies. The minute a government says A is true, half the people on Earth know A is a lie. And when people believe nothing, as we know, they will believe anything. We faked the moon landing, there was a second gunman in Dallas, the World Trade Center was blown up in a U.S.-Zionist conspiracy, Hitler grew old in Argentina.”
BR has an article up from the P&E on the topic (if you can call the typical rambling birther article on one topic) of Dennis Montgomery having evidence about the birth certificate. I left this reply:
“Perhaps Zullo BELIEVED that Montgomery had something of value which according to emails that came into evidence in the Melendres case Montgomery never delivered. I mean, look at the email from Zullo to Larry Klayman April 16, 2015 about Montgomery’s failure to deliver promised material for the CCP:
“‘…as of last month he was one week away from completion. That week as others came and went. Open ended e mails of promises of continued efforts simple (sic) are no longer reliable given history.’
“Before that Zullo wrote to Montgomery:
“‘… the idea that once again we are at the mercy of you or your circumstance is not going to be something we will be able to contend with much longer. On my end of this you were compensated $10,000 from a charitable organization for a service and software that I have yet to receive in any worthwhile or usable configuration. I will not allow this organization to be victimized.”‘
“So maybe the victim of a con man believes that he will get what he paid for, even though deadline after deadline passed and he got nothing. OK, nothing amazing in someone getting swindled and not wanting to admit it.
“And of course the birthers continue to BELIEVE that Mike Zullo will deliver something, even though the deadline passed two years ago. (Remember the March Reveal?)
“The observant reader of the timeline and the testimony in the Melendres case notes that the March reveal was exactly what Montgomery didn’t deliver, and the “legal hurdles” were the unsuccessful attempts to get the con man immunity for something unrelated.
“It’s hard to admit that you’re a victim, that you’ve been made a fool of, that you’ve been HAD. FWIW, admitting your mistakes is the first step in getting on with your life.
“I hope my comment demoralizes you as much as you deserve.”
Read more at http://www.birtherreport.com/2016/05/report-sheriff-arpaio-confidential.html#chROmeS8aAYSIvxf.99
Sadly, he isn’t alone.
On the CBS news show Face the Nation on Sunday, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin said that socialism never works, and as examples he cited the Soviet Union and Cuba, two communist countries.
The moderator, of course, failed to correct him, leaving the impression that there is no difference between socialism and communism.
I’m watching the real time episode with Wayne allyn root and he didn’t go birther. He got slapped down multiple times
Quite a while back I had a ‘conversation’ with someone on a different forum. This ‘person’ insisted that Lolo Soetoro took his step son Barack Obama to Indonesia so he could be indoctrinated in Communism and, of course, Radical Mooslimism.
I pointed out that in the 18 months prior to Obama’s arrival in Indonesia at the age of 5 (or 6, I forget now) they had just murdered close to a half million Communists, suspected Communists, relatives of Communists, people who looked cross-eyed at their neighbor and therefore must have been Communists, etc (with the CIA’s help/support/encouragement of course). Not a very good environment for a budding Maoist or Stalinist trainee. Also Catholic schools don’t usually teach Islam, radical or not.
The guy is still around spouting conspiracy nonsense and other crap (I’m guessing its his hobby to be a dick on the internet), but at least he has shut up about this stuff.
reference astroturf from video, almost all of the stuff on the web shows evidence of personal attacks on posters by one side or the other.
Calling names seem to exist in all the web.
Yes, but when I call someone a right-wing nut job crackpot conspiracy theorist, it’s grass roots, not AstroTurf.
Fox News Latino reports that the Supreme Court declined to hear the Walter Wagner eligibility challenge from Texas.
BR message again: This website is temporarily unavailable, please try again later.
Anybody else?
I think that if you enter http://birtherreport.blogspot.com, it will always work.
I left this comment on Birther Report:
As a public service to those who are having sporadic failures accessing Birther Report, I suggest trying http://birtherreport.blogspot.com. This should work 100% of the time and is a workaround you can use until the management here fixes their DNS configuration (which is why you’re having problems in the first place).
And as a further service to save you time: I am not a communist, I am not gay, and I am not suffering from a social disease.
Read more at http://www.birtherreport.com/2016/06/huff-puff-article-ii-eligibility.html#EUPGOgbiJMeGLLdC.99
It’s up again. Thanks for info which I have saved to OneNote. The last time BR was not accessible for three + weeks.
I went to BR on my iPad. I could open the latest article (Huffington Post article on Supreme Court), but when I clicked on the article about Arpaio, I got the temporary unavailable message. I hit the backspace and it reconnected to the HuffPo article. Other articles also opened but not the Arpaio article.
Doc, I see you have a new article on http://www.gerbilreport.com/ .
Well, Arpaio, John, et al must be thrilled with their führer’s recent promotion of racial/ethnic profiling and contempt of Article III courts.
Trump rants that the federal court judge presiding over one of his Trump U cases must recuse himself because he is Mexican-American (or as Trump says, “Mexican”). Mind you, there are no Mexican or Mexican-American related issues in the case. Oh yeah, and Trump’s lawyers have not filed any recusal motion.
According to Trump, any Mexican-American judge has an inherent conflict of interest with him. He explained, “I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest.” Trump points to the judge’s membership in the Latino bar association as evidence of bias because the bar association’s name includes the term “la raza”. (La Raza Lawyers Association)
Anyhow, I guess we can envision how he’d go about nominating federal court judges…
As I’ve said before he’d probably end up picking Judge Reinhold, the actor
I suppose that if a judge presiding over your case would be a former KKK member you would just assume that he is going to treat your case like a member of the ACLU.
Inherent biases exist in most people , even Jurists, and therefore it may be proper for a plaintiff or defendant to request the jurist recuse from the trial
Just like attorneys on both sides reject jury members for inherent biases should not the attorneys protect their cases by requesting recusal from apparent biases based upon the outside conduct of the jurists.
I agree with Trump. As long as there is a questionable motive on the judge’s part, Trump should be allowed a new trial. Actually, he should have protested prior to the trial, which I’m sure he did.
That’s a great way to guarantee that no one would ever get convicted of anything, ever again, under any circumstances…..
He didn’t. He shouldn’t be allowed a new trial. I’m surprised he didn’t ask the judge to recuse himself since the judge is anti-scam and Trump U was running a scam.
There hasn’t been a trial. The trial is scheduled to begin on November 28, 2016.
There is nothing questionable about the judge, who has had an exemplary career (much of which involved prosecuting Mexican drug cartels). Trump dislikes him because Trump is a racist.
Trump also is being sued in New York State over his “university” but that lawsuit has received less publicity than the San Diego lawsuit.
There hasn’t been a trial — Trump wants the judge to find in his favor without any trial at all (i.e., via a summary judgment). The judge properly denied Trump’s motion for summary judgment, and so there will be a trial. If Trump thought the judge was wrong, he could have appealed it. If Trump had a reasonable basis for thinking the judge has a “questionable motive”, he could have filed a motion to have the judge disqualified off the case. One would think that, after being involved in 3500 lawsuits, Trump would have a clue about how this stuff works.
A judge’s race, ethnicity, or sex is not a basis for getting rid of a judge. That’s because we have a Constitution and other laws about such things. All Trump is doing is publicly slandering and attempting to intimidate a federal court judge, and trying to incite others to do the same.
In NY, Trump has a female judge who also denied him summary judgment. Maybe we should expect Trump to accuse her of an inherent conflict of interest with him because she is female and he supports misogynistic policies.
You’re absolutely right, and Arpaio, at the start of the Melendres case did just that. He requested recusal of the judge assigned, and that is how he got Judge Snow.
But bias works two ways. Surely you would agree that it would be improper for a defendant to keep asking for recusals of the judges assigned to his case until he got one he felt would be biased IN FAVOR of him. That’s why the statute Arpaio used to replace the first judge in the Melendres case can only be used one time.
I suggest you read the articles, discussion, and links on this site the first time the recusal of Snow was requested. You might learn quite a lot. This court filing might also prove informative:
Let me add that there is nothing with a judge being biased against a party SO LONG AS that bias arises through the testimony and evidence in the case, and not outside sources.
That’s different, because KKK membership is evidence of racial bias. But absent such membership, one cannot have a judge disqualified just because he is a white Protestant.
(And your reference to the ACLU is nonsensical).
I take that back — she denied NY’s summary judgment motion. Maybe that’s because the ladies love Trump! (not!)
Dana Milbank has an opinion piece in the Washington Post about Trump being the new leader of the GOP, and in the middle has an interesting partial list of conspiracy theories Trump has espoused. Of course, there is a substantial intersection with topics covered here.
I know this is the angle that most commenters (here and elsewhere) have focused on, but I don’t think it’s correct — in fact, I think it’s another example of Trump’s fine instinct for misdirection.
Trump fears that he’s got vulnerability in being seen as a con man, and the latest release of documents — just a few days ago — cast him in a very bad light.
So what does he do? Of course he blames the judge, who has handed him several legal setbacks. On what grounds? Simple — the judge has Mexican roots. Trump’s building a wall. Very convenient.
And it suits his purposes perfectly. Among his base, he would much rather be known as a racist than a con man. And he has succeeded by getting all of us to talk about his racism rather than the pile of fraud-related documents.
I clicked on Doc. C’s link and still got the Temporarily Unavailable message.
Yep, the blogspot link gave me the same error
Gallups on Hagmann and Hagmann Show
I was in a motel room in South Florida getting ready to preach a conference, I turned on the television as I was getting dressed I heard with my own ears and saw Hillary Clinton on camera say, she was… she was furious that this guy was gaining all this traction, she said, “well my campaign we have information that Barack Obama is not even eligible he’s not even qualified to be … not even eligible not qualified, she said he’s not eligible we’ve got documentation that’s going to completely rail…railroad, derail, excuse me, his campaign and she said “I’ll be releasing that information in the next four days.”
There was this on Dennis Montgomery @37:15
He’s [Montgomery] saying look, look at all this information that we get from this program and right here in your county. And there were other allegations about uh you know breaking in and tapping in to various things. And so that opened up a whole deeper, darker newer thing. But in this whole process, Montgomery also supplied information; get this guys, about the birth certificate and who might have been involved and how it was done and what it was all about.
There is a difference between using peremptory challenges to excuse a prospective juror during voir dire (jury selection) and asking for a judge to recuse. Recussal is up to the judge but a decision not to recuse may be grounds for appeal if bias is demonstrated.
You need an actual trial to demonstratei bias. The Trump U, trial was delayed by this judge until after the general election so as not to interfere with the electoral process.
Simply being a member of an ethnic group is not grounds for a bias recussal.
Here’s some world’s-tiniest-violin sad news: apparently the bottom has fallen out of the Obama-hatin’ market.
WorldNetDaily Begs for Money to Head Off ‘Existential Threat’
One tidbit I enjoyed: earlier this year, in a bid to bail out his sinking ship, Farah had apparently hired two reporters from the Washington Times, but one of them has already bailed. So WND does have a niche to fill: it’s where you go when you fall lower than the Washington Times.
They have a new article up how the 9th Circuit may ride to Arpaio’s rescue because Montgmery filed something about removing Judge Snow.
Talk about grasping at straws.
Since he’s running for Pres., Trump’s between a rock and a hard place because people love to scream racism. Hindsight being 20/20, I’m sure he knows he should have protested prior.
Here are some of the theories taken from that article (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/its-official-the-gop-is-now-the-party-of-trump/2016/06/03/5f449ba8-2984-11e6-a3c4-0724e8e24f3f_story.html) and I’ve taken the liberty of numbering them:
1. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered.
2. Rafael Cruz, Ted’s father, was involved in the JFK assassination.
3. President Obama’s wedding ring is inscribed “There is no god but Allah.”
4. Bill Ayers wrote “Dreams From My Father.”
5. Obama was born “Barry Soetero.”
6. The Hawaii official who verified Obama’s birth certificate was murdered.
7. Clinton administration official Vincent Foster’s suicide was really a murder.
8. A demonstrator who rushed the stage at one of Trump’s rallies has ties to the Islamic State.
9. The Islamic State pays the cellphone bills of Syrian refugees.
10. Trump is being persecuted by the Internal Revenue Service because he’s a “strong Christian.”
11. The government has falsified statistics on unemployment, Ebola, refugees, health insurance and immigration.
12. Global warming is a hoax created by the Chinese.
13. Vaccines cause autism.
RE: 5 and 7. I don’t know if Obama was born Barry Soetoro. I do know that in 1977, he was known by the middle name of Allen and the last name of Owens. Vince Foster was murdered by me with Hillary Clinton, Mike Volin, and Nancy Pelosi watching.
Just for the record, I did call Snow’s office and told a secretary that I was the Obama birth certificate forger. This was because Mike ZulloMoore, Mike Volin, and Arpaio’s offices weren’t responding. This is not saying that Snow ever got the message either.
At this time in history, with the questions of documentation at an all time high, I think this argumentation of bias should be ruled in favor of Trump. After all, he is front and center in the fight to block illegal infiltration into our country which come primarily from Central and South America and everybody, including that judge, is well aware of this.
Seriously, to avoid potential conflict, why didn’t they assign a judge who would not be in question. To detract from Trump’s voters?
But the case has nothing to do with documentation.
I have an idea: If Trump is so sure that the judge has ruled unfairly against him, why not simply appeal those rulings?
Making a public issue of the judge’s ethnicity seems like the choice of someone who doesn’t want to talk about the underlying issue, the law suits over his fraudulent “university.”
How can anyone ever be sure about another person’s views on illegal immigration unless that person has made public statements concerning the issue? There are tens of millions of white people who favor immigration reform and are against a wall and there are many Mexican Americans who are in favor of building a wall.
Look at Sheriff Arpaio. He got a Mexican-American judge to recuse herself because the judge’s sister is a Latino rights activist. Then Sheriff Arpaio ended up with a white, Republican Mormon, Judge Snow, who has proven to be the bane of the Sheriff’s existence and very well may be the cause of Sheriff Arpaio being found guilty of crimes.
Absolutely agreed. It’s not that Trump is a racist. He may or may not be that.
It’s that he’s a con man. And as a con man, he’d much rather be labeled a racist (true or not) than be exposed for the far more important what-he-is.
I am in the process of moving status.obamaconspiracy.org to a hew hosting company. This is a cost-cutting move. The move will be completed no later than July 19.
One debate surrounding Trump is whether his outrageous behavior is strategy. If it is, then it has been very effective at co-opting the news cycle. The other view is that Trump is suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, which also explains such outrageous behavior.
I think we have a view into that question through the lens of the Manafort-Lewandowski conflict. Lewandowski represents the let-Trump-be-Trump approach, while Manafort has been trying to press for a more presidential manner.
But what is the Manafort alternative — for Trump to address the issues of the day in a thoughtful, nuanced way, showing a solid understanding of our domestic and global situations and letting principle guide him toward rational, constructive solutions?
I think it’s clear that that is simply a fantasy. Trump is not capable of playing that role at this time — certainly not with anything like the effectiveness that the Real Trump approach had in the primaries.
One is free, I suppose, to refer to his outrageous behavior as a strategy, but for Trump, his decision is tightly constrained by his limited capacities. Even if he is not diagnosable as having NPD, his options are few.
Did Trump admit he was not born in the US?
In an interview with Jake Tapper of CNN, Trump was discussing Judge Curiel’s background when he said.
“He’s of Mexican heritage, and he’s very proud of it, as I am of where I come from.”
Interesting choice of words. Reminds me of some of things birthers said about Michelle Obama’s statements on the President’s home country.
IMO, Trump’s malignant narcissistic personality disorder has been evident since childhood, and as a young man he developed his outrageous strategies and tactics while under the tutelage of Roy Cohn. The more I read about Cohn, the more I recognize Cohn in Trump–it’s uncanny.
when there should be a choice between qualified candidates, why then are the present candidates so vilified?
Trump. a successful business man is claimed to be an ego-centric buffoon, ego manic, and women hater, or chaser, or whatever.
Hillary, an attorney, is claimed to be a lying scum, murderer, and old hag trying to look and act young, and running a scam foundation.
Sanders, a socialist, communist, and being unable to hold a job in his life,
And , yet each one of them vouched for as being the answer to the country’s woes and guaranteed to solve America’s problem and bring peace and jobs to the USA.
Of which one of these splendid candidates do you expect to bring peace , jobs, justice, etc. to the America that we desire to live in.
You’re portraying each of the candidates as he or she would be described by their fiercest critics. I doubt that you’d find many individuals who would consider all three descriptions accurate.
You could of course describe each from the point of view of their supporters and get a very different picture.
That’s why we have elections. We’ll see what the electorate decides.
Your question presumes that US presidents bring “peace , jobs, justice, etc.” The president alone doesn’t do these things, and I cannot predict what the world will be like under any of the current candidates. Here are some thoughts:
Trump is far out of the mainstream of conventional thinking, domestically and internationally, and his radical views, and his volatile character, are the most unpredictable of all. It could be that Congress and world leaders will cower before Trump’s bargaining skills,and business acumen, and Trump might improve trade deals, and shift costs. Just as the “American brand” soared after the election of Obama, I think the “American brand” would tank after the election of a President Trump. How it would play out is anyone’s guess. So far Trump hasn’t provided a plan of how he’s going to help the people who hope he’ll help them, and I think his supporters may have a terminal case of wishful thinking. And if he really is suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, we could be in for very rough times.
Bernie Sanders has identified what he sees as a endemic problems in the economy with individuals accumulating lots of debt for medical bills and college tuition. He, along with most Americans, believes that someone who works 40 hours a week should’t be below the poverty level. His plan is to attack those specific problems, and pay for it by taxing people who have more money that I can imagine. (The Walton family alone has a net worth equal to the total of the bottom 42% of the population.) People in those astronomical income categories do not create the same economic activity per dollar than those at the bottom. So it is certainly plausible that a Sanders program (Medicare for all, free public college tuition) would relieve much economic misery and stimulate the economy. Sanders is weak on foreign policy.
Clinton, who is more centrist, is also more predictable. She has detailed policy proposals.
Comparing Clinton and Trump negatives what strikes me is that Trump negatives go directly to his ability to lead the country. It would be scary to have a president who was mean-spirited, vindictive, irrational and thin skinned. Whatever you believe about the long list of charges brought against Clinton, none of them really make a difference in her ability to govern effectively, her temperament and her experience.
The difficulty that the next president will have is Congress. Congress basically prevented Obama from carrying out much of his program. They took it as their job to make him fail. Without a radical change in Congress, we’d see the same result with Clinton or Sanders. Trump, who doesn’t seem to have a plan, would have more success in doing nothing than a Democrat trying to do something.
Voting for Trump is like being in serious financial trouble and deciding to solve the problem by robbing a bank and holding hostages. Either you get a lot of money, or a sniper shoots you dead.
Sanders is not a communist. He describes himself as a democratic socialist, which is distinct from socialist. Sanders does not believe in the social ownership of the means of production.
Which proves Trump doesn’t even know the birther scene very well. He just took some soundbite and replayed what he understood (maybe his earpiece malfunctioned again?).
Birthers claim Obama was born in Kenya as Barack (or Barry) Obama and then *adopted* by Lolo Soetoro (and thus becoming Barry Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen, and losing his US citizenship, yadda yadda).
Again, scary thought that the US President would not even be able to properly understand the conspiracy theories he’s spewing. No matter if it’s just tactics or if he’s really severely lacking in brain functionality, if the results are indistinguishable, it doesn’t matter.
Off topic…Furtive just outed herself in the BR comments section.
[Moved to the Open Thread. Doc]
Why so she did, although I must admit that it took a few seconds to see it.I sent her an email (I already had her email address 👿 )about what she did, and I would ask folks not to say her name out loud here. While making a broad pass of the Internet about Furtive (not using her real name) I found that she is “blocked indefinitely from editing Wikipedia” (2010). That’s gotta hurt.
DumboIke can’t give up trying to prove that Trump was right when he lied and said that Hillary started the Birther movement. He posted this comment .
Dumbo is so desperate that he is linking Carl Gallups whom even DumboIke admits is a pathological liar. Unfortunately for DumboIke none of the linked videos confirm that Hillary ever said Obama was born outside the US.
The videos contain journalists making errors like the bumbling Chris Matthews saying Hillary said that Obama was born in Indonesia. (she never said that). Another video is an interview by Andrea Mitchell of Ben Smith from Politico. Smith said “Hillary supporters” had circulated rumors that Obama was born in Kenya or was a Muslim. The only direct quote in any of the videos is a 60 minutes interview with Hillary Clinton where she is asked if she thinks Obama is a Muslim and she says emphatically no.
Knowing what I know, I had pretty much guessed “Furtive’s” identity. This just brings me closer to confirming it.
In the Gallups article that he cites, Gallups says he saw Hillary on TV say she would release documents showing Obama was not eligible.
Obviously if any such TV interview was real it would have been plastered all over sites like birtherreports or freerepublic.
Dr. Conspiracy, Yes indeed there are big difference between the candidates and you may be right.
But there is no way to eliminate poverty in the USA, there is no way to prevent homelessness, there is no way to provide everyone with a home, or housing, due to the basic difference in the humanity of USA.
A steady influx of new citizens requires more and more governmental outlay, which allows the government to increase taxes on the people to get the fund, or makes the government print money and inflate the economy.
You can not get 40 hour weeks and wages unless you can expand production, which is difficult in the USA due to the use of foreign labor in here, or abroad,
You can not educate everyone to the level of BA due to the differences in intelligence in the population,
And the development of robotics is affecting the employment of citizens in the country.
Proud words and election promises will not solve those problems.
Vote for whom you think will help the country and society and hope that you will be correct.
It all turns out to be similar to the old question, Should the policeman shoot the person threatening your family with a gun before or after the person shoots his weapon?
Whoever wins the election will be in that position in some way or another.
Gallups probably saw thousands and thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheering when they learned Obama was born in Kenya.
I’m sure he also saw in the Keyes debate that Obama said he wasn’t born in America.
Inflation is at historic lows. You’re talking plain nonsense.
The keys to reducing poverty, in my view, are threefold:
1) Reduce the number of people entering poverty due to bankruptcy for medical expenses.
2) Reduce the debt load for college tuition
3) Strengthen the middle class which is the engine of consumption, employment and societal stability.
What I outlined is consistent with Sanders’ program.
No candidate is suggesting that everyone go to college, or that someone who doesn’t meet entrance requirements should be admitted. Even you should know better.,
Not exactly fictional President Camacho’s “three-point plan that’s going to fix everything,” but it reminds me of an article I read this morning:
Makers of “Idiocracy” To Launch Anti-Trump Ads
Current US Inflation Rate
The latest inflation rate for the United States is 1.1% through the 12 months ended April 2016, as published by the US government on May 17, 2016. The next update is scheduled for release on June 16, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. ET. It will offer the rate of inflation over the 12 months ended May 2016.
Trader Jack: “You can not educate everyone to the level of BA due to the differences in intelligence in the population,”
Do you really think that a person needs a Bachelor’s degree to not be homeless or above the poverty line? There are millions of Americans with a high school diploma or less who rent or own their apartments or homes and have incomes above the poverty line.
We may not ever totally eliminate homelessness and poverty but we sure can reduce the rate and real numbers of people who are poor and/or homeless.
The first full month of the Obama administration (February, 2009) the U.S. unemployment rate was 8.3%. In May, 2016 it was 4.7%.
.dr, c. my house, without any changes in it has increased in market value 3000 percent n 50 years and you think that inflation has not happened, minimum wage has increased about 1,000 percent, and more people are finding it hard to pay the bills because they are so heavily indebted.
No inflation pshaw.
as to poverty is defined by the state has people whose income is below a certain percentage of the median income, and the median income rises the poverty level also raises
“According to the American Enterprise Institute, research has shown that income and intelligence are related. In a 1998 study, Charles Murray compared the earnings of 733 full sibling pairs with differing intelligence quotients (IQs). He referred to the sample as utopian in that the sampled pairs were raised in families with virtually no illegitimacy, divorce or poverty. The average earnings of sampled individuals with an IQ of under 75 was $11,000, compared to $16,000 for those with an IQ between 75 and 90, $23,000 for those with an IQ between 90 and 110, $27,000 for those with an IQ between 110 and 125, and $38,000 for those with an IQ above 125.[63][64] Murray’s work on IQ has been criticized by Stephen Jay Gould, Loïc Wacquant and others.[65][66
No,, I am saying that is wrong to believe that all the people who want to go to college and collect the loan fund to do so, may not be qualified to compete with the student body attending that school.
My son scored 1410 on the sat, and when he got to Cal he found that the math class was composed of 1500 scoring student,s
the standard iq for college education is about 115 which is about the middle of the bell curve for intelligence in humans.
Which basically means that about one-half of the population will have trouble in college.
The Power of Birthers: A Tragedy in Three Acts
Act I, 2008: Obama, on the verge of victory, is challenged by birthers, goes on to win handily against McCain
Act II, 2012: Obama, facing four more years of challenges by birthers, goes on to win re-election handily against Romney
Act III, 2016: Obama, still under siege from the mighty power that is birtherdom, finds himself the first second-term president in decades to enjoy “the popularity to be a potent force on the campaign trail, and to have an invitation from the candidate running to succeed him to be a major presence there.”
Contrasting Bush43’s 20% approval rating and near-invisibility in McCain’s election cycle to Obama’s 50% approval rating and his upcoming influence in the Clinton campaign, against the world’s most notorious birther:
“Obama Is Eager to Hit the Stump for Hillary Clinton and Shred Donald Trump”
It would be a service to everyone that if you didn’t have a clue what you’re talking about, that you not talk.
Because of the social democratic programs and their impact on the U.S. economy (such as the Earned Income Tax Credit), we greatly lessen the effects of poverty on a majority of those in the lowest quintile of household incomes.
From Forbes Magazine: “The True Poverty Rate Is 4.5%, not 14.5%”
At the height of the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was 25%, today its 4.7%.
35 occupations paying at least $55,000 a year that don’t require a Bachelor’s Degree:
Median Household Income in 2015 was $53,657.
First of all, nobody has claimed that inflation has not happened. However, the current rate of inflation is historically low, and even over the past 50 years it has not come close to the 3000% increase in value which you claim your house has enjoyed.
The Federal minimum wage 50 years ago was $1.25/hour. Currently it is $7.25/hour. How does that compute to a 1000 percent increase?
While both may be involved, I think the available evidence best supports the latter. For the most part.
If you calculate that $1.25 in 1966 equates to $9.29 today (source: http://www.dollartimes.com/inflation/inflation.php?amount=1&year=1966), the minimum wage actually decreased.
Here’s a chart showing historic rates of inflation from 1914 to April, 2016:
The worst inflation ever was in 1920, nearly 24%. In April it was 1.13%
Who said there was no inflation? Doc only said we were at a historic low inflation rate.
And inflation is rising and predicted to increase to a point where Obama’s woman at the Fed, Janet Yellen may have to postpone her plan to raise interest rates.
For the fun of it, I predict:
Clinton: 65%
Trump: 31%
Dems sweep both Houses.
I’m willing to take bets.
Birther math is so tricky, it goes right under the head of most people. It works like this: a decrease of 21.96% (see M, Magic) equals a 480% increase, which rounds up to 1,000%, just as “never, ever in a million frickin’ years” rounds down to “any day now.”
I need to mow some grass.
Speaking of lost causes…. anyone heard anything from dear old Orly lately?
She’s out stumping for Trump, at a rally in Temecula. She’s focusing on stirring up hatred for blacks, Latinos and immigrants.
I also suspect that she may be serving malware again. While I was there on her site, the page switched to a page that looked like an Adobe page to download the latest version of Adobe Flash, and in particular the file Flash:Player.exe. The red flag was that the Adobe-looking page was not at Adobe.com.My AV didn’t flag the exe as malware, but I submitted it for analysis anyway.
Who is this “Orly” of whom you speak? Isn’t Orly the secondary airport in Paris?
So now that Trump is the presumptive nominee, I trust all the birthers are thoroughly vetting him much like they did with President Obama? They have asked for his birth certificate, his long form birth certificate, his college records, his original birth certificate for examination by forensic document experts, and his social security number?
I hear his middle name is actually “Cthulhu”, and that’s why he isn’t releasing his super-duper-long form birth certificate. He needs to refute this. Sad!
“But there’s no such thing as a super-duper…”
“Can you prove that there isn’t?!”
At least with the Ted Cruz flavor of birtherism, it could be attributed to an understandable mistake. He was born in Canada; this is undisputed fact. Until this year, I too thought that anyone born outside the U.S. couldn’t be a natural born citizen. I’d been saying that if Obama had been just 2 years older, he’d have been born in pre-statehood Hawaii and not a natural born citizen.
In other news Terry Trussell got his comeuppance today. http://thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=8907 It doesn’t look like he brought his toothbrush to court.
For those not following the case, back in 2014, Terry Trussell, aged 70, formed a “people’s grand jury” in Dixie County, Florida, and filed a very official-looking true bill with the County against various state and county officials.
Eventually Trussell was charged with ten counts of Criminal Actions under Color of Law or through use of Simulated Legal Process
This might be filed under the sovereign citizen topic.
Like Barack and Michelle Obama, false rumors of disbarment follow Hillary Clinton. Her license lapsed when she failed to meet continuing education requirements.
American-born person kills 50 in gay bar. Taitz tweets therefore we must exclude Syrian refugees.
Meanwhile, Trump plagiarizes tweet:
To me, that still sounds inappropriately critical — saying it happened when she failed to meet requirements at least suggests a punitive action.
FactCheck describes it by saying that “in 1994, while working for the Public Allies project in Chicago, Obama voluntarily had her license placed on ‘inactive’ status.”
WND suggests Clinton pick Obama as her VP; shows ignorance of the U.S. Constitution.
I was talking about Hillary Clinton.
Oops! My mistake.
It is really not any different than Mario after the Kerchner suit letting his license go into administrative suspension because he had not paid into the pro bono fund. When he wanted to practice again for the 2012 challenges, he just paid the fee and he was free to again make a fool of himself in court.
Except even if he were born in pre-Statehood Hawaii, he’d be a natural born citizen. VP Charles Curtis was born in Kansas Territory. Barry Goldwater, Republican candidate for president, was born in Arizona Territory.
Do you have a link to the status of Apuzzo’s license?
According to the current NJ Attorney Index he is currently active.
The administratively ineligible lists for failing to pay the annual assessment to the New Jersey Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection does not have past year reports available, so I cannot link right now to where he was ineligible previously and when he was reinstated, though I did at the time notice he was reinstated before the 2012 challenges started. I assumed he had basically retired after the Kerchner case but paid the assessment later so he could practice during the 2012 challenges.
I was incorrect above when I said it was the pro bono fee. Memory was hazy.
Happy Bithday Sheriff Joe Arpaio. 84 years and still singing “My Way.”
Enjoy your birthday celebration today before Judge Snow holds you accountable for all of your misdeeds.
I think Apuzzo has essentially retired. However, he did work on least three non-birther cases in 2010. (He also worked on a non-birther case in 2015.)
But I would be curious to see Apuzzo’s dates in ineligibility.
I may have mentioned it here or on TFB when I first noticed it so a search might prove helpful. I am generally confident that his time ineligible was when he had no active birther cases (can’t speak for others). I think I may have checked at some point in 2014 and 2015 but he had remained active.
Archived versions of the New Jersey page are in the Web Archive.
The results are in from the file presented by Orly Taitz’ web site. It contained Trojan:Win32/Kovter.