Trump: Most birthers are great Americans

In 2011, Donald Trump gave an interview to Greta Van Susteren on Fox News. He said (quote courtesy of the New York Times):

A birther is a person that wants — these are great Americans in many cases, in most cases — they want to see the president was born in this country. They want to see the president actually has a birth certificate.

Who knew?

The Times article linked above speculates on how Fox News might change now that Roger Ailes has stepped down.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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16 Responses to Trump: Most birthers are great Americans

  1. Scientist says:

    Here is all one really needs to know about the petulant, infantile man known as Donald Drumpf

    I can’t say whether some birthers are great Americans. I can say with certainty that Drumpf is NOT one.

  2. scott e says:

    which one of you is the DARPA guy ? heh…

  3. In 2008 I didn’t have a problem with Obama being President. It’s knowing who pulls his strings (Cuba/Russia) that has me deeply concerned.

    Cuba’s Ted Cruz was proof of that.

    Wave after wave after wave of the Hispanic New World Order immigrants, backed by Russia, should make people pause.

    I believe Trump is sincere in stopping it, finally.

  4. None of us is the DARPA guy.

    scott e: which one of you is the DARPA guy ? heh…

  5. scott e says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    None of us is the DARPA guy.

    i had to laugh, even i thought that was pretty outrageous, and i know you guys.

  6. Arthur says:

    Nancy Ruth Owens Jones: Wave after wave after wave of the Hispanic New World Order immigrants, backed by Russia, should make people pause.

    I believe Trump is sincere in stopping it, finally.

    Nancy, of all Republican candidates, Trump alone was in favor of deeper ties with Russia. Now, as the nominee, he pressured the platform committe to go soft on Russia. Google “Republican platform and Russia” and you can more about this. Here’s an excerpt from an article in The New Yorker,

    “. . .after almost two weeks of Conventions, there is one area of Republican foreign policy that Trump has completely reinvented in his image: the Party’s posture toward Russia. There is almost no issue on which Trump has been more consistent than his interest in strengthening ties with Vladimir Putin and clearing away the obstacles that have hindered the U.S.-Russia relationship.”

    If you’re concerned about Russian influence on immigration, Donald Trump is not the person to look to for relief.

  7. I have two picket Constitutions, one from the ACLU, and the other from Civitan.

    Scientist: Thanks to a truly great American, the pocket Constitution is top-10 on Amazon

  8. And Zullo bought that outrageous Montgomery report, evidenced by his allusions to it on the Gallups radio show.

    scott e: i had to laugh, even i thought that was pretty outrageous, and i know you guys.

  9. Thrifty says:

    I’m still waiting for Birthers to apply even 1/10th the scrutiny to Trump’s birth as they did to Obama’s.

  10. Rickey says:

    I’m still waiting for Birthers to apply even 1/10th the scrutiny to Trump’s birth as they did to Obama’s.

    And when are they going to demand that he release his college records?

  11. Rickey: And when are they going to demand that he release his college records?

    No no no. Not important. Remember, the GOP narrative on Donald Trump is that he is a self-made man, who pulled himself up by his own heroic efforts to become a squillionaire. Now, Barack Obama…he clearly needed an education because he wanted to be a community organizer, or a Constitutional law professor. Or something wonkish and not Real. But he must have cheated because…his middle name!

  12. Scientist says:

    Graham Shevlin: Remember, the GOP narrative on Donald Trump is that he is a self-made man, who pulled himself up by his own heroic efforts to become a squillionaire.

    Except Drumpf himself has frequently cited the fact that he graduated from the Wharton School of Finance at Penn s evidence of his hhhuuugggee brilliance, though he got a Bachelor’s in Economics (interesting because almost every economist thinks his ideas will plunge us into a very deep recession), not an MBA, which they are more famous for.

    And he claims to have been “a great student there”, something which many classmates have disputed.

  13. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy Ruth Owens Jones:
    In 2008 I didn’t have a problem with Obama being President. It’s knowing who pulls his strings (Cuba/Russia) that has me deeply concerned.

    Cuba’s Ted Cruz was proof of that.

    Wave after wave after wave of the Hispanic New World Order immigrants, backed by Russia, should make people pause.

    I believe Trump is sincere in stopping it, finally.

    No not in 2008 you didn’t. Somewhere around 2010 was when you started making up stories about him being your brother and forging birth certificates. It all makes sense now. That’s also after you went full blown racist.

  14. RanTalbott says:

    Scientist: though he got a Bachelor’s in Economics

    One has to wonder how.

    During his announcement speech he claimed that the previous quarter’s GDP was “below zero”. Now, that might have been a mere slip of the tongue in referring to GDP growth, but he went on to say “Who ever heard of this? It’s never below zero”.

    The man wants to be in charge of the nation’s economic policy, and he doesn’t even know what the basic business cycle is.

  15. I can’t criticize Trump wanting better relations with Russia. It just seems odd following all the investment Russians have made in Trump properties.

    Arthur: If you’re concerned about Russian influence on immigration, Donald Trump is not the person to look to for relief.

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