This is the counterintuitive conclusion of an NBC News poll released today. The poll first shows stark differences between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to beliefs about where Barack Obama was born. More than 80% of Democrats say Obama was born in the US, compared to 27% on the Republican side. (Even that number for Democrats is disturbing to me.)
We’ve always understood that the birther demographic was inversely related to education level and skewed towards older Southern white males. The NBC poll probed how well informed the respondents were, and surprisingly found no significant difference in birther beliefs between Republican respondents who were called “politically knowledgeable” based on answering some factual political questions correctly and those who did not. I think the methodology of finding knowledgeable respondents is pretty sloppy. One of the three questions is about whether the US deficit is higher now than it was in the 90’s. Any Republican would say that it was higher, whether it actually was or not. I got 98% on the citizenship test, but I couldn’t answer that question for sure. [The deficit in the last full federal fiscal year, 2015, was $439 billion. The average deficit in the 1990’s was $134 billion, lower largely because of the surpluses under Clinton. The deficit now is lower than it was in the 1980s.]
New poll about President Obama’s birth place.
Speaking of surprising Polls here’s one suggestioning there will be Hell to pay if Hillary lies to Democrats about her health.
The Truth hasnt been totally abandoned by the D Party. They may have just missed FBI Director Comey’s Testimony under oath to Congress, or haven’t figured out Clinton was lying to them in Order to win the Primary the whole Time!
Do you believe Hillary is Unstable? A new Poll indicates Democrats don’t like being Lied to about the Health of a Candidate even more than Republicans.
Interestingly, Democrats (62%) believe even more strongly than Republicans (58%) and voters not affiliated with either major party (57%) that presidential candidates should release their recent medial records. Most Republicans (59%) favor release of the most recent tax returns, but they’re less supportive than Democrats (77%) and unaffiliateds (63%) are.
TRUMPS PHENOMENA STILL REST w BIRTHERS and [the fact that more Republicans currently think that the president was not born in the U.S. and that this belief does not depend on how knowledgeable they are about politics is surprising] to Democrats. Still Republican’s refuse in large part to support Legal Efforts to resolve the Principle in the U.S. Supreme Court.
This makes them rich economical supporters for lowering taxes but cheap skates on Constitutional Principles fought hard for by D Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy who also opposed McCain, Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal in a Bi Partisan stand for the Principle.
Wait-a-minute! Republicans are leading the charge with more Unqualified Candidates for President than Democrats. Look for Democrats to come unglued about this Constitutional Principle in 5, 4, 3 ,2, 1 (shhhhh just as soon as Obama’s gone)
Judy, who is was never a candidate in 2016 because he appeared on no ballots and received no votes, “fought” for nothing; he engages only in attention-seeking behavior.
As evidenced by Judy — yet again — making the conversation about himself.
Some people are smart, but Bob’s comment was just plain stupid although he’s a smart guy. That happens.
Cody Robert Judy recognized by the Federal Election Commission of the United States of America. as a Candidate for United States President.
Just because Democratic Party Chairmen Debbie Wasserman Schultz was disgraced and resigned for the impropriety especially surrounding her endorsement and bias treatment of Hillary Rodham Clinton in a nefarious and bigoted endorsement that prohibited by sever discrimination my Candidacy along with others including Senator Bernie Sanders , Sen. Jim Webb, Gov. Martin O’Marley, and Gov. Lincoln Chafee doesn’t mean you have to get in the trough like a pig and wallow in the mire Bob.
I’m made Doc’s list of Birthers A-Z ,am the Only Candidate in America representing a Bi Partisan Stand in Federal Court for the Qualifications of the Office of President in 15 Cases across the United States of America; including CA., UT., CO, PA , GA., NH, NY., and DC including 2 in the United States Supreme Court.
I’ve traveled the highway of this Country from sea to shining sea campaigning, shaking hands and otherwise articulating my Campaign Platform as a Choice for Americans.
I’ve written a published book with my Campaign message, published a Blog , Published a Website, done Interviews, of my journeys, and sacrificed my time, talent, and fortunes same as any other Candidate, and I’ve done it in 2008, 2012, and now this 2016 Election cycle.
You disrespect me, yourself, and the Choice of Americans in such a disparaging comment, and I would beg your restriction and frankly your apology Sir, as a gentleman of our great Republic.
His comment was dead on. You make every thread about yourself.
No one disputes that Judy is a birther. That Judy brags about wasting scarce judicial resources with his frivolity is only further proof of how horrible he is.
And filing a singular online form does not make one a candidate; the FEC received such submissions for fictional characters. It is an indication of only someone filling out a form, nothing more.
Despite all his whining, Judy still cannot refute that in 2016 he appeared on no ballots, and received no votes. His “candidacy” exists only as a function of his ego.
And — yet again — an otherwise interesting conversation was hijacked by Judy’s desperate need for attention.
Filing with the FEC does not a candidate make, just someone willing to part with the filing fee. You actually have to get on a ballot, somewhere, and actually get votes to be a candidate. You didn’t, you aren’t.
There’s not even a filing fee. Judy only mailed this letter. That’s the totality of his “candidacy.” Yet Judy thinks this means that FEC considers him a serious candidate, and not one of the other hundreds of loons who did the exact same thing.
Ministerial acceptance by a government agency is a trivial act. It is akin to birthers who take great pride in the act of filing a lawsuit. They boast, as if it is an accomplishment. Do they also want medals for tying their shoes?
I stand corrected, on the other hand he had to shell out for postage and we keep hearing how broke he is.
I think I will follow suit and register my cat, aka RC Radio cat as a candidate. She once meowed on the air so she has broadcast experience. Even though we had to put her down two years ago I can guarantee that she is more intelligent and likable than CRJ.
According to the instructions for the form, you need to file with the FEC when your campaign has brought in $5,000. Since Cody has never filed any reports, it is safe to assume he has no campaign contributions. He fails to realize that the purpose of the FEC is to administer campaign finance law. That is all they are concerned about.
Fewer felony convictions, I’m also guessing.
Nowhere in Article I does it exclude cats. Was the cat born in the US? Is it 35 in cat years?
She was a good cat all her life. (If you don’t count the times she scratched me when I rubbed her tummy).
I heard she was dealing catnip all over the neighborhood. Maybe just a rumor, but you should do due dilligence before you get too far down the track.
I would advise against that. There is already one cat running, Limberbutt McCubbins, and you wouldn’t want to dilute the cat vote.
Well, if you took a poll of 1742 registered voters, I bet a significant number would respond that Judy is not a birther.
If you polled 1742 registered voters, they would more likely respond WTF is Judy and why should I care what she’s doing?
In another thread he admitted that he hasn’t received enough in donations to require him to file a report.
It is believed that he spent most of his donations on Happy Meals. He certainly didn’t spend any money on building a readable web site.