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My Other Blogs
My father knew one of the astronauts.
Has anyone else noticed that NRO is branching out on her nuttiness? She has posted the following on LiveLeak: Priceless!!
Wow this is even crazier than usual
So what? Lots of people have known astronauts.
I ran in a cross-country meeting against a school that one of the one of the first astronauts to orbit the moon graduated from.
That knowledge and four Australian dollars will get you a darn fine cup of coffee in Melbourne.
My father knew one of the astronaut who was in the Space Shuttle Challenger mission.
I survived the Challenger mission.
Phil Berg’s obamacrimes domain name has expired.
Isn’t he an Uber driver now?
Is that true? If so, next time I’m in Philly, I’ll take SEPTA.
So what? Lots of people knew the astronauts who were involved in Challenger mission.
That’s nothing! I know where the O-Rings were made.
Rod Class hasn’t as yet announced to the world that his suit in the NC Industrial Commission has been tossed with prejudice. For those interested here is the order: . You may need to use public/public as UN/PW to access it. Interestingly, the order was signed on 8/22, Rod had an AIB Radio show on 8/23, and he should have received notice of the order no later than 8/24. He has been very quiet of late. One of these days someone will explain to him that his PAG and bounty hunter fantasies are just that.
Today at work, I found out one of the guys who works around me is a Trump supporter. I was trying to do some work and he was engaging another guy in some discussion about politics. One of the most memorable things he said was something like “Trump’s got the vote, but Clinton is gonna win, because the system is rigged”.
There was a lot of other standard pro-Trump babble that I won’t repeat here because you’ve all heard it before. At least this Trump supporter isn’t a complete jerk like the last Trump supporter I worked with.
Class has had his fantasies knocked down any number of times and he just puts his fingers in his ears and refuses to listen.
OK, Doc, how do I get into BR? It’s been over two weeks now so I’m giving up on waiting.
IIRC, he was booted from Uber because customers complained about him birtherin’ while driving.
I have noticed that many of the people that I work with just assume everyone is a Republican. I was driving back from lunch today with a couple of other engineers and the conversation somehow got politics. One of the guys said “well even the Democrats know that Hillary is as guilty as sin on the emails”. I said “well I don;t know that and I think the email scandal is total bullshit. Nothing classified was compromised or leaked.”. There was a long silence. He then changed the subject to the budget to the high debt Obama has run up. I told him that no one cared about the debt when Bush was in office.
Donald J. Trump accepts invitation to meet with Mexican President. Joe Arpaio may be on the trip too. Via MSNBC @ approx. 11:45 this evening.
Looks like Joe is a key adviser of the Trump campaign now.
It is explained in this comment:
i’m glad you note deference to “proper” religion(s).
hey, this is something interesting that i’ve been revisiting.
What’s interesting about it? Seems trite and derivative to me. All those attempts were related to the Republicans wanting Ahhnold to be able to run, Yes, that’s right, there was a time they LOVED him. Then he had the unmitigated gall to say that climate change is real. They dumped him after that.
I hope they get stopped by the Mexican equivalent of Shurfjoke, then brought up on, dare I say, trumped up charges!
If Only!
Some of the attempts to change the 22nd Amendment were intended to make foreign-born adoptees eligible. Sen. Don Nickles (R – OK) sponsored such a bill in 2004.
I stand corrected.
Rod Class had an AIB Radio show this morning to announce the NC Industrial Commission decision. As usual he says “This was not a loss, ladies and gentlemen”. Sounds like his wife has been trying to make him see reality, but he is talking about a divorce so he can play. Without Sharon’s restraint a body bag may be in Rod’s future.
If Only!
Mexican President disputes Trump’s account of meeting
Mad Orly has widened her definition of “statistical tie” to mean that Clinton leads Trump by 4 points or less (previously the threshold was Clinton leading by 1 point). Her reasoning is that, since most polls have a margin of error of 4 points, a Clinton +4 result is actually a Clinton +0 result. Kinda forgetting, I guess, that those margins swing both ways, and that it could actually be a Clinton +8 result. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the margin of error vary from poll to poll?
As always, Trump being ahead by any amount, even as little as 1 point, counts as “Trump leading”.
Statistically speaking, if you average 10 polls, each with an MOE of +/- 4 points, the combined sample size will be very large and the MOE will be much lower, possibly as little as +/- 1 point.
Which I think is the exact opposite of what Orly is doing. She is applying her 4 bonus points toward Trump on the RCP poll averages that favor Clinton. If a poll favors Trump, she of course applies no margin of error.
US Military Files Writ on Clinton Bush Crimes With Supreme Court! Wow!
New “natural born citizen” article from the Wisconsin Law Review:
Mike Pence comments on birthright citizenship:
Froot Loops or Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs? You decide…
“I think the law is very settled on that question for generations of natural-born American citizens,” the Indiana governor said Thursday on CNN.”
Somebody better alert Mario and he can send Pence a 10,000 word rant on why he is wrong.
Comment: Anyone can file a piece of garbage with the Supreme Court.
Comment: The Supreme Court is not a court of first instance, except in legal disputes between two states and legal disputes between the United States and a state.
So if anyone purporting to represent the U.S. military has filed a writ with the Supreme Court, it will go straight into the circular file.
Somebody’s going all Elk v. Wilkins in the comments over there.
The Case From Hell is burning its way to the Supreme Court:
You expected Orly to use valid methodology? Why should she start now?
I was unaware of their citation to St. George Tucker.
With the Senate continuing to refuse to confirm a replacement for Scalia this could end up as another 4-4 tie.
Yeah that was something new. Strange i don’t recall Mario ever mentioning it.
Here is the entire footnote 12:
St. George Tucker Footnote 12
Jon Polito passed away.
He was brilliant in Miller’s Crossing.
Always put one in the brain.
Clever article:
Black outreach only a birther could love at Florida Today.
I stumbled across this YouTube video of Barack Obama in 1995 talking about his book, “Dreams from My Father.” Besides showing that Obama can speak effectively without a teleprompter, I found it interesting that he identified “Frank” in the book as the poet Frank Marshall Davis. So that tidbit was never a secret.
The video itself is impressive.
And many of the comments are, as usual, unhinged.
Trump on Whether He’s Still a Birther: ‘I Don’t Talk About It Anymore’
And the beat goes on ……………
Maybe during Trump’s birther investigation some deep dark Universe Shattering information came up and he has to clear several legal hurdles before he can reveal it. Or something like that.
I wish the press would at least box him in a little on it … like, e.g., ask Mike Pence or Rudy Giuliani, “Do you personally have any doubt about Pres. Obama’s natural born citizenship?”
Arthur B.: I wish the press would at least box him in a little on it … like, e.g., ask Mike Pence or Rudy Giuliani, “Do you personally have any doubt about Pres. Obama’s natural born citizenship?”
Funny you should mention that:
Trump surrogate: Black voters think there are ‘legitimate questions about the birth certificate’
A day after Trump visited a black church in Detroit, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Sunday had insisted to CNN that no apology was necessary for falsely suggesting that Obama was not an U.S. citizen.
Appearing later on MSNBC, (Paris) Dennard agreed with Giuliani.
“I believe that if truth be told, it was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton campaign in ’08 who started this whisper campaign about President Obama,” Dennard insisted.
Instead of winding down, the birther issue seems to be ramping up.
“The truth is that Donald Trump has been instructed not to talk about his belief that President Obama was not really born in the United States because it will cost him votes.”
“The American people deserve to know the real Donald Trump, which is why it is critical that NBC News’ Lester Holt ask Trump about his birtherism at the first presidential debate.”
If I’m debating a Trump supporter would it be wrong to prohibit them from digging up any links or videos of Hillary or President Obama doing the same thing I’m complaining about Trump doing?
Would it OK to just say to them address what Trump is doing or shut up?
I don’t care what Obama or Hillary did. It’s not relevant.
OK, maybe it’s just me. But did you see the clip of Hillary on the plane, telling the press, “I am so happy to have all of you with me. I have just been waiting for this moment.”
There was clearly sarcasm in it — she’s been avoiding the press like the plague.
But isn’t going before the cameras and saying the opposite of what you really mean a poor tactic for someone with a credibility problem?
I think frequency is relevant. None of us are perfect. For example, all politicians occasionally change their position on one or another issue. Trump changes his positions several times a day on multiple issues.
It would be the equivalent of a complete alcoholic who is seldom sober saying I can’t mention that because I had a glass of wine with dinner.
Is it just me or everytime Trump says something outlandish or takes criticism for something, are there people who do an internet search to find proof of Clinton or Obama doing the same thing? For example, when Trump made that “Second Amendment” remark a few weeks ago, did someone look up “Clinton calling for opponent’s assassination”?
Is that how the game is played?
Yeah, it’s how the game is played. But unless you account for the frequency of the act, like an alcoholic vs a glass of wine at dinner, it’s a dumb game.
If you want to annoy the Trump fans, tell them Tom Brady sucks because you once saw him throw an interception. Then when they “One interception, what about all the great passes he’s thrown?”, you can just say, “Yes, we really should judge a player by their entire career, not just one bad play, shouldn’t we?”
Did anyone else see Ann Coulter bomb at the Rob Lowe roast? It was terrible.
Link for Rikker?
The roast is currently airing on Comedy Central, several times between now and Sunday.
I don’t know as I would say she bombed, as much as got carpet bombed. I can’t imagine what overwhelming bit of self delusion made her thing that was going to be a safe venue for her. She is pretty roundly detested by most of Hollywood, as well as by most non-Fox watchers, and when you get a collection of people together who make a living making fun of people, fish in a rain barrel. On top of that, she has NO sense of humor and doesn’t cope well with not having control. They let her have it full bore. I would say this is a case what you sew, so shall you reap,
Many years ago, I was dragged along to a meeting at UC San Diego, related to a foundation that was hosted there. The sales rep and I met with a couple of people from the foundation, so it was a pretty small meeting. One of the foundation peeps brought some slides she took on a business trip she once went on.
So that’s how I met Sally Ride.
I wonder, was it one o’ those “out of this world” business trips?
Just some snaps she took out the window of her vehicle. NBD.
One has to wonder if birthers will now disown Pence. Maybe this will put some seed of doubt into them that Trump isn’t really a birther.
Xerox 7655 refurbished, on eBay for $3299 + $300 shipping.
Apparently Ben Carson thinks Trump should apologize, which has some folks ALL stirred up.
I’m making a point of sharing this video:
Produced by, a Republicans for Clinton group. It’s a very effective piece. As an aside, you see a brief bit of a man driving a self-driving Tesla car. This is because the former head of communications for Tesla Motors is working for the anti-Trump group.
Here’s one for $2000 + shipping. If you mouse over the images – it had a software update on July 28, 2015. i wonder if that fixed the issue with changing characters.
David Farrar’s longing wistfully for yet another extra-constitutional requirement for the presidency:
“I would hope, whomever is elected by the People’s vote, their presidential electors insist that a physical and mental examination be preformed on their winning presidential candidate prior to casting their votes”
I guess the idea that voters might not do as he would like them to is just unacceptable to him.
I’ve never been banned so quick as these guys did it.
They’re a pretty nasty bunch.
They sure can’t handle any alternative points of view. Really swift how the guy says “I’ll take that as a yes” after banning me.
It’s been weird these last few days seeing some of the really old stuff being brought up all over again.
yep I think i was banned there as well as weaselzippers. The admin tried challenging me in email on weaselzippers with the birther nonsense. When I tore apart each and every birther claim he got upset and blocked me
They banned me too. Bad case of group think over there. I do ban folks sometimes, but I don’t go back and delete every comment they ever made, like Newsbusters did to me. Clearly they are trying to promote a point of view independently of its actual merits.