Do you know what a birther is? 84 million do now

imageThere was a time when if someone asked me about my blogging, I would start by saying, “Do you know what a birther is?” I don’t do that anymore. Everybody seems to know by now, and if they didn’t, an estimated 84 million people who watched the Clinton – Trump debate Monday night heard about it. And those who didn’t watch the debate heard about it the next morning on morning news such as NPR’s Morning Edition:

LIASSON: When the debate turned to racial healing, Trump was asked by moderator Lester Holt about birtherism, the false accusation that President Obama was not born in the United States that launched Trump into the presidential race.


HOLT: The birth certificate was produced in 2011. You continued to tell the story and questioned the president’s legitimacy in 2012, ’13, ’14, ’15…

TRUMP: Yeah.

HOLT: …As recently as January. So the question is what changed your mind?

TRUMP: Well, nobody was pressing it. Nobody was caring much about it. I figured you’d asked the question tonight of course, but nobody was caring much about it. But I was the one that got him to produce the birth certificate, and I think I did a good job. Secretary Clinton also fought it. I mean, you know, now everybody in mainstream’s going to say, oh, that’s not true. Look, it’s true. Sidney Blumenthal sent the reporter. You just have to take a look at CNN the last week the interview with your former campaign manager, and she was involved. But just like she can’t bring back jobs, she can’t produce.

HOLT: I’m sorry. I’m just going to follow up and I will let you respond to that because there’s a lot there, but we’re talking about racial healing in this segment. What do you say to Americans…

TRUMP: Well, it was very – I say nothing. I say nothing because I was able to get him to produce it. He should have produced it a long time before. I say nothing.

It pains me that this tawdry little conspiracy theory that I write about has grown into a factor in the presidential election, but Birtherism’s importance today stems not from the merits of the theories themselves, rejected by every mainstream organization and court, but rather from the underlying biases, including the racial divide, that leads some Americans to embrace these rumors and to use them to internally validate their own prejudices.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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33 Responses to Do you know what a birther is? 84 million do now

  1. brygenon says:

    The commercial media has done an atrocious job reporting on Trump’s lies. For example, from the article: “The birth certificate was produced in 2011.” Actually Obama produced his perfectly good, perfectly legal, and perfectly ordinary Hawaiian birth certificate when first running for president in 2008. Reporters from inspected and photographed it. is part of the University of Pennsylvania, a top-tier Ivy League school, and Donald Trump’s own alma mater.

    The way a certain hateful faction tells the story, one might think Obama was the only U.S. president who did not show his birth certificate in the course of attaining the office. The truth is the opposite. Obama is the only one who did. Donald Trump was lying all along, and the media are still letting him get away with it.

    (There’s an enlargement of Reagan’s birth certificate at his Presidential Library, but it was produced after he was out of office; the original dates from 1944 when Reagan was 31 years old. Eisenhower’s birth certificate made minor news when he got one, for the first time, while running for president at the age of 62; there’s no record of him showing it publicly. Those are the only presidential birth certificates of which I’m aware, and if you know more, please cite.)

  2. john says:

    Well Trump is certainly right about this:

    “Well, nobody was pressing it. Nobody was caring much about it. I figured you’d asked the question tonight of course, but nobody was caring much about it.”

    Everyone knows about the Sheriff Arpaio investigation but the MainStream Media has never given it much attention. It appears Trump is right.

  3. Scientist says:

    john: Everyone knows about the Sheriff Arpaio investigation but the MainStream Media has never given it much attention. It appears Trump is right.

    Everyone? If you stopped 100 random people on the street anywhere outside Arizona, I doubt more than 10 would know the name Arpaio and I bet 0 would know anything about a birth certificate investigation. Why should any media waste time on it? Let Arpaio get an indictment (on what charge, I have no idea) and then maybe it’s news.

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    john: Everyone

    You birthers keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means.

  5. Dave B. says:

    I have often said that birthers are never more credible than when proclaiming what they don’t know; now I will have to add that they are just as credible when proclaiming their own irrelevance.

    Well Trump is certainly right about this:

    “Well, nobody was pressing it. Nobody was caring much about it. I figured you’d asked the question tonight of course, but nobody was caring much about it.”

    Everyone knows about the Sheriff Arpaio investigation but the MainStream Media has never given it much attention. It appears Trump is right.

  6. bob says:


    “Well, nobody was pressing it. Nobody was caring much about it. I figured you’d asked the question tonight of course, but nobody was caring much about it.”

    Nobody cares about President Obama’s undisputed Hawaiian birth. Many people care about Trump’s lack of judgment shown by peddling a conspiracy theory seeped in racism, or his inability to apologize or even acknowledge a mistake.

    Everyone knows about the Sheriff Arpaio investigation but the MainStream Media has never given it much attention.

    Because “everyone” knows it isn’t a real investigation — it is just a grift to separate suckers from their money.

  7. J.D. Reed says:

    Amen, Bob.

    Well Trump is certainly right about this:

    “Well, nobody was pressing it. Nobody was caring much about it. I figured you’d asked the question tonight of course, but nobody was caring much about it.”

    Everyone knows about the Sheriff Arpaio investigation but the MainStream Media has never given it much attention. It appears Trump is right.

  8. Sef says:

    brygenon: University of Pennsylvania, a top-tier Ivy League school, and Donald Trump’s own alma mater

    You mean he eschewed Trump U?

  9. The Arpaio investigation got some coverage when it started, but then when it never produced any results, it was forgotten, and rightly so.

    john: Everyone knows about the Sheriff Arpaio investigation but the MainStream Media has never given it much attention.

  10. Curious George says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The Arpaio investigation got some coverage when it started, but then when it never produced any results, it was forgotten, and rightly so.

    Unfortunately, Arpaio got really no attention because the weak link in his so-called investigation, other than himself was his lead investigator, Mike Zullo. No rational thinking mainstream reporter took Zullo seriously. Part of the problem for Zullo was also Sheriff Arpaio. The Phoenix news media had once too often witnessed Arpaio’s marketing extravaganzas. Why should they take anything seriously that Arpaio invents or produces? It can be summed up in one word…”credibility,” as in Arpaio has no credibility. Only the true believers got sucked in by Arpaio and believed his nonsense.

  11. Rickey says:

    Well Trump is certainly right about this:

    “Well, nobody was pressing it. Nobody was caring much about it. I figured you’d asked the question tonight of course, but nobody was caring much about it.”

    No, that is yet another lie by Trump. WND was pressing it, and we know that Trump was in regular contact with Farah. And it was well-publicized that Jerome Corsi was about to publish his book, “Where’s the Birth Certificate?”

  12. Agreed

    Dr. Conspiracy: Arpaio investigation got some coverage when it started, but then when it never produced any results. Birtherism’s importance today stems not from the merits of the theories themselves, rejected by every mainstream organization and court, but rather from the underlying biases, including the racial divide, that leads some Americans to embrace these rumors and to use them to internally validate their own prejudices.

    Thank you for the Info ❤👀❤ to 81 Million! I think to say what your saying another way; It’s that you regret those apposed to Birthers now clearly framed as “Race-Baiters” , thanks to Hillary Clinton and Moderator Lester Holt.

    It was really a testament of “Race-Card” when Hillary mentioned I think 3 times in a very short time that Birtherism amounted to a “Racist Lie” against the first black President.

    Anti Birthers lost any moral high ground they might have been clinging to on Principle as White McCain and Brown Cruz were cloaked over in Obama’s Blackness.

    But, that’s the Plan of divide and conquer. That’s exactly what Hillary’s doing and she knows it. The Racist have employed the BIGGEST piece of cheese they could put on the Trap for the Office of President.

    I really thought you guys would be so proud of Hillary Clinton and the culmination of the biggest televised event in modern History spotlighting Birthers as Black Racist in the Biggest Reality Lie fact checkers could hit away at like a softball thrown by Jimmy Kimmel.

    It’s perhaps a WITNESS of 81 Million Americans that the U.S. Supreme Court will be seen to have relocating the demise of their own Court exactly as I quoted to them in my Writ of Certiorari 14-9396.

    Look what they have created with their protection of Obama.. a flipping monster that’s set to chew them up and spit them out and wreck every city and town in America. It’s nitro and they must be proud about coming to the bully.

    But we know it’s never enough for a Bully. It’s gotta be more, bigger, and Obama’s getting his wish. You all just hope you have fire insurance because when Injustice rolls through you will pray for Justice but will find none. It’s destroyed itself.

    You’ll be on your own. You can thank yourselves and Obama.

    HILLARY FRAMES BIRTHERS and Trump says he did Obama a big you think favors were done?


    OR YouTube

  13. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    But just like she can’t bring back jobs, she can’t produce.

    What the heck does that even mean?

  14. RanTalbott says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): What the heck does that even mean?

    For a while now, Trump has been pushing the lie that Clinton and McCain “tried to get the birth certificate”, but he succeeded. So he must be truly amazing. Or made of wood. Or something.

    Another big lie s that getting the long form “finished it [birtherism]”. One of the reasons he ducked the press after his infomercial was that he didn’t want to ‘splain why he kept beating the birther horse for five years after he supposedly killed it.

  15. Sef says:

    Cody Robert Judy:

    Thank you for the Info to 81 Million! I think to say what your saying another way; It’s that you regret those apposed to Birthers now clearly framed as “Race-Baiters” , thanks to Hillary Clinton and Moderator Lester Holt.

    It was really a testament of “Race-Card” when Hillary mentioned I think 3 times in a very short time that Birtherism amounted to a “Racist Lie” against the first black President.

    Anti Birthers lost any moral high ground they might have been clinging to on Principle as White McCain and Brown Cruz were cloaked over in Obama’s Blackness.

    But, that’s the Plan of divide and conquer. That’s exactly what Hillary’s doing and she knows it.The Racist have employed the BIGGEST piece of cheese they could put on the Trap for the Office of President.

    I really thought you guys would be so proud of Hillary Clinton and the culmination of the biggest televised event in modern History spotlighting Birthers as Black Racist in the Biggest Reality Lie fact checkers could hit away at like a softball thrown by Jimmy Kimmel.

    It’s perhaps a WITNESS of 81 Million Americans that the U.S. Supreme Court will be seen to have relocating the demise of their own Court exactly as I quoted to them in my Writ of Certiorari 14-9396.

    Look what they have created with their protection of Obama.. a flipping monster that’s set to chew them up and spit them out and wreck every city and town in America. It’s nitro and they must be proud about coming to the bully.

    But we know it’s never enough for a Bully. It’s gotta be more, bigger, and Obama’s getting his wish. You all just hope you have fire insurance because when Injustice rolls through you will pray for Justice but will find none. It’s destroyed itself.

    You’ll be on your own. You can thank yourselves and Obama.

    HILLARY FRAMES BIRTHERS and Trump says he did Obama a big you think favors were done?


    OR YouTube

    When Drumpf says he did someone a “favor” it means he wants something in return. GLWT!

  16. Rickey says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): What the heck does that even mean?

    Typical CRJ word salad.

    He claims to be a candidate for president yet he is supporting Trump.

  17. bob says:

    Cody Robert Judy: Anti Birthers lost any moral high ground they might have been clinging to on Principle as White McCain and Brown Cruz were cloaked over in Obama’s Blackness.

    Except most birthers (and most everyone else) think McCain is eligible. Trump — like most birthers — made extraordinary demands of the first African American president, and challenged the eligibility of a major Hispanic candidate. (And birthers did themselves no favors by also challenging Rubio and Jindal.) Hence the claims of racism. (And confidential to ex con Judy: claiming you aren’t a racist because you challenged both “black” and “brown” people has the opposite effect.)

    Ex con Judy may believe that his ineffectual filing against McCain staves off claims that he is a racist. Others may believe that was merely a token effort designed to deflect claims of racism.

    It’s perhaps a WITNESS of 81 Million Americans that the U.S. Supreme Court will be seen to have relocating the demise of their own Court exactly as I quoted to them in my Writ of Certiorari 14-9396.

    It has been nearly a year since the court rejected ex con Judy’s error-ridden application (stemming from his frivolous lawsuit), yet he still does not understand that no one cares.

  18. Joey says:

    I don’t think that Cody Robert Judy understands that Barack Obama was ELECTED with 67% of the Electoral College vote in 2008 and that he was REELECTED with 62% of the votes of the Electors in 2012. That’s the way that the Constitution states that we select our presidents.
    Additionally his current Gallup Poll job approval rating for September 29, 2016 is:
    If there was any concern about Barack Obama’s Natural Born Citizenship, the Republicans who control both Houses of Congress would have held hearings on the subject. There has never been a single hearing held on President Obama’s eligibility.

  19. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Townhall article on what Trump should have said:

    One comment I thought was funny: Mere Marlo • 11 minutes ago
    Birther is a dead issue. BHO’s grandmother confirmed his birth in Kenya on National Television at his inauguration when she said “she was proud of him at his birth in Kenya……”. It doesn’t matter what Trump or anyone else thinks, BHO has been an illegal president for 8 years and has done his best to destroy America.

    They just make stuff up.

  20. bob says:

    Birthers also have amazing egos: they think their bumbling lot of cranks and felons have discovered legal and factual “secrets” that could undo Obama. They have widely distributed their information — to every member of Congress, every state Attorney General, every single sheriff. Yet not one bite.

    More reasonable people might conclude that they are simply wrong.

  21. Wallace Bernd says:

    I can’t seem to keep up with it all. I mean check this out: We know he’s Kenyan, I say go with it.

  22. Obama was born in Hawaii. The state department of health confirms it. You can go with that.

    Wallace Bernd: We know he’s Kenyan, I say go with it.

  23. If the commenter were on their meds, they wouldn’t have heard the voices.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: BHO’s grandmother confirmed his birth in Kenya on National Television

  24. Rickey says:

    Wallace Bernd:
    I can’t seem to keep up with it all. I mean check this out: We know he’s Kenyan, I say go with it.

    Absolutely. I’m sure that we all know women who, when they were 18 years old and pregnant with their first child, decided to leave their home, where they had access to first-class medical care, and traveled halfway across the world, at the cost of thousands of dollars, in order to give birth in a foreign country.

    Oh, wait…

  25. misha says:

    Wallace Bernd: We know he’s Kenyan, I say go with it.

    I debunk everything here:

    BTW, Cruz was born in Canada; McCain was born in Panama. You are just a sore loser, because a black man got to be president for two terms.

  26. Article at the Florida Times Union:

    “Fact Check: Trump; didn’t ‘finish’ the birther debate; he revived it”

    I rate it A+

  27. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I rate it A+

    I gave you two “likes.”

  28. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Article at the Florida Times Union:

    “Fact Check: Trump; didn’t ‘finish’ the birther debate; he revived it”

    I rate it A+

    You see that? It took David Farrar years to figure out the birth announcements in the papers weren’t private announcements paid for by parents or grandparents announcing a birth but rather they came from the health bureau information. Birthers are slow.

  29. Rickey says:

    misha: I debunk everything here:

    A brilliant analysis about the utter implausibility of Obama’s mother traveling to Kenya to give birth.

  30. misha says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Birthers are slow.

    V.e.r.y. slow.

  31. Arthur B. says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: It took David Farrar years to figure out the birth announcements in the papers weren’t private announcements paid for by parents or grandparents announcing a birth but rather they came from the health bureau information.

    But notice that he thinks it’s to his advantage, enabling him to say that the announcements are not independent corroborations of the birth certificate since both rely on data from the DoH.

    David (like many birthers) has no idea what prima facie means.

  32. brygenon says:

    Arthur B.: David (like many birthers) has no idea what prima facie means.

    The Constitution’s language is even stronger:

    “Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.” Article IV, Section 1

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