The occasional open thread: A world without birthers edition

Put your Obama conspiracy comments, utopian or otherwise, that don’t relate to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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73 Responses to The occasional open thread: A world without birthers edition

  1. WHAT A DIFFERENCE A FEW YEARS MAKE? RECAP 9/11/11 Obama’s MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY Check #DonaldTrump out now Mr. Obama he’s come ALONG WAYS from the insults you poised at the White House correspondence dinner 2011. Check the Vid.

    Former Vice President Dick Cheney just called Obama “Mr.Obama” #Birthers knew it all along.

    #SCOTUS #Democrats #Republicans #DemDebate #HillaryClinton #DonaldTrump #JillStein #GaryJohnson #CRJ2016

    VP Dick Cheney calls Obama “Mr.”

    Do you think Mr. Trump is settling up as “The Tables Turn”?

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I am NOT speaking figuratively. If he’s elected, his policies are gonna get people killed.

    Maybe you should ask Obama how the killing goes in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan,Iraq, Orlando, San Bernardino, Dallas, Chicago?

  2. Thrifty says:

    So now Dick Cheney is a Birther because he called the president with the title “Mister” instead of “President”?

    Pretty sure people have been doing that for as long as there have been presidents. It’s a social faux pas at best, a sign of intentional disrespect at worst. Doesn’t have a thing to do with the addresser’s thoughts on the president’s legitimacy.

  3. I’ve never put much stock in name calling.

    Cody Robert Judy: Former Vice President Dick Cheney just called Obama “Mr.Obama”

  4. JD Sue says:


    You mean 9/11/01, on Cheney’s watch.

  5. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’ve never put much stock in name calling.

    I don’t think referring to the President as “Mr.Obama” is name calling. The NY Times Manual of Style and Usage accepts both “President Obama” and “Mr. Obama”. The normal practice is to use “President Obama” for the first reference in the article and “Mr. Obama” for subsequent ones.

  6. Rickey says:

    Cody Robert Judy:

    Former Vice President Dick Cheney just called Obama “Mr.Obama” #Birthers knew it all along.

    Why should anyone care what Dick Cheney says? He is a despicable human being. And speaking of killing, how many people were killed during Cheney’s Iraq War?

  7. Curious George says:

    Hillary’s health, not looking good when leaving 911 memorial service today.

  8. RanTalbott says:

    red-diaper-baby 1942: One can’t choose to “believe” or “disbelieve” in gravity — or, for that matter, in evolution or anthropogenic climate change.

    Sure one can. Choosing to disbelieve in gravity tends to have immediate evolutionary consequences, so we don’t see too much of it these days 😉

    But there are lots of unsubstantiated, and even counterfactual, beliefs that persist, and even get passed along to the next generation.

    As Neitzsche (almost) said: That belief which does not kill me lets my faith grow stronger…

  9. bob says:

    Cody Robert Judy:
    Former Vice President Dick Cheney just called Obama “Mr.Obama”

    Because he thinks titles are important, he shall now always be referred to as ex-con Judy.

  10. Arthur B. says:

    CNN Breaking News:

    Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, her doctor says.

  11. bob: Because he thinks titles are important, he shall now always be referred to as ex-con Judy.

    That’s pretty regular here anyway. . BUT still better than Hillary Clinton.

    BREAKING NEWS! HILLARY GOES DOWN 9/11/16 COMMEMORATING her abandonment of those who went down at Benghazi 9/11/12

    Stiff #HillaryClinton HealthHazard 9 11 Emergency Slow Motion
    #Democrats #DemDebate @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump
    You’d feel sorry for her if she didn’t Lie in the cover it ups. Remember Secretary. JOHN MCCAINs 5000 pages of Medical Records? Hillary’s released 1. All the same can you imagine 4 years of this if she were elected?

    Watch Entire Vid Collection 1-3




    Dr Report online evidence 10 signs of Parkinson’s

  12. A lot of that going around.

    Arthur B.: Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, her doctor says.

  13. John McCain didn’t exactly release those records. He let reporters come look at them, but not take pictures, nor make copies. Then they were closed back up never to be seen again.

    Cody Robert Judy: JOHN MCCAINs 5000 pages of Medical Records?

  14. Rickey says:

    Cody Robert Judy:

    Remember Secretary. JOHN MCCAINs 5000 pages of Medical Records?

    John McCain is a secretary? I had no idea.

    Hillary’s released 1.

    It was a two-page letter, but then facts have never been your strong suit.

    When are you going to release your medical records?

  15. Dave B. says:

    I feel obligated to nominate at least part of this comment for quote of the day:

    “Obama clearly was not born in the United States and he still wouldn’t be eligible to be president even if he was. His Hawaii birth certificate has a Connecticut social security number. Obama doesn’t have an authentic birth certificate. Plus, his African family already guarantee he was born in Kenya.

    Every act he signed should be rescinded.”

    –commenter Mark Stott at Real Clear Politics

    I by no means, however, expect Doc’s standards to be as low as mine are.

  16. justlw says:

    His Hawaii birth certificate has a Connecticut social security number.

    That’s certainly some high-grade commenting, right there.

  17. Thrifty says:

    Judy: important note.

    #These #Symbols @Do #Nothing #On #This @Site

  18. gorefan says:

    Judy: important note.

    #These #Symbols @Do #Nothing #On #This @Site


  19. Constitutional Issues in the 2016 Campaign: Luther College Professor Michael Engelhardt gives lecture Sept. 15

  20. Thrifty says:

    I heard that Donald Trump, on hearing Hillary Clinton’s pneumonia, said that she hopes she gets well soon and takes no pleasure in her illness. He didn’t boast or try to make it about himself.

    I think Donald Trump actually managed to say something that shocks me.

  21. bob says:

    Judy: important note.

    #These #Symbols @Do #Nothing #On #This @Site

    Ex-con Judy is lazy: He pastes these comments onto Facebook, where they do have purposes.

  22. He’ll probably walk it back, like he did his level-headed comment on transgendered persons and public restrooms.

    Thrifty: I think Donald Trump actually managed to say something that shocks me.

  23. Well, they do a little. If you perform a Google search on “#nothing” in this site, you’ll only get instances with the hash tag.

    Thrifty: #These #Symbols @Do #Nothing #On #This @Site

  24. justlw says:

    Thrifty: He didn’t boast or try to make it about himself.

    Clearly an “Android” comment, not an “iPhone” one.

  25. I just dropped by Birther Report to scan the headlines. Not a peep on the topic of “Hillary Clinton: Mother of the birthers”

  26. Dave B. says:

    Boy is it ever. The superduper secret document deputy with the OCRDS wants to talk about the Selective Service registration and social security number now. Doesn’t seem to notice that his “actual” PIKA stamp is also missing part or all of some characters.

    W. Kevin Vicklund: Hook baited…

  27. roadburner says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I just dropped by Birther Report to scan the headlines. Not a peep on the topic of “Hillary Clinton: Mother of the birthers”

    i think bob has realised that `any day now’ is not coming, and is getting tired of all the `we told you so!’ comments and has run away.

    either that or he’s still trying to unbox his new server 😀

  28. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I just dropped by Birther Report to scan the headlines.

    Something the owner of the site hasn’t done in quite some time.
    I’m starting to think its a case like Smith’s blog, where one of his flunkies has taken over sparse updating duties. Its a good cross section of where birtherism is at. People still speak of it, but the movement as a whole is like the very last bits of decomposing flesh on a long buried skeleton.

  29. Dave B. says:

    I just can’t tell any more. Trump, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi and Joel Gilbert all in the same story. With Superman.

    If THIS was Borowitz, it would make more sense.

  30. RanTalbott says:

    Dave B.: With Superman.

    Oh, definitely not Superman: DC Comics has a Superportfolio of trademarks and copyrights, and their Superlawyers will Supersue your ass into Superpenury if you infringe any of them. 😉

    I wonder whether that’s what they’re actually running on the billboard, or just a rough mockup: it looks like something a high school kid would tweet to make fun of a braggart. Complete with a photo whose facial expression says “I’m so embarrassed to be put in this position”.

  31. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    Currency defacing whine bag Mike Volin is now begging anyone who is still at BR to help him “finish the job”, by signing up for his even more pathetic birther blog, lol.

  32. Convicted criminal Mike Volin…..

    Andrew Vrba, PmG.:
    Currency defacing whine bag Mike Volin is now begging anyone who is still at BR to help him “finish the job”, by signing up for his even more pathetic birther blog, lol.

  33. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check:
    Convicted criminal Mike Volin…..

    LOL I heard a birther today tell me that gallups said in July there were going to release the results of the investigation real soon

  34. Let’s see… July, August, September. Wow real soon is NOW.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: LOL I heard a birther today tell me that gallups said in July there were going to release the results of the investigation real soon

  35. So things are going to be really complicated for me for the rest of this month, not bad complicated, just complicated. One complication, if I ever nail it down, will be of interest to the blog. It’s the one I alluded to a few weeks back, and is taking longer than expected.

  36. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I checked Birdboy’s ID profile. He was last active 9 weeks ago. Guess he flew the coup.

  37. Pete says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG.: People still speak of [birtherism], but the movement as a whole is like the very last bits of decomposing flesh on a long buried skeleton.

    Good assessment.

  38. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Let’s see… July, August, September. Wow real soon is NOW.

    So Ike is trying to claim he had a back and forth with you claiming there were over 50 instances of the n-word being used on this site in the logs you checked. How many were by actual regulars or in articles and not just birthers using it?

  39. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    Pete: Good assessment.

    I am enjoying scavenging for the “Oh God! this was all for nothing! All of it! We’ll never expose him now!” posts, because I’ve been finding some littered through out! Yeah. Some of them finally realized that they wasted eight years of their lives, destroying relationships with family and friends, and at the end of the day, there was no pay off.

  40. RanTalbott says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Guess he flew the coup.

    I saw what you did there 🙂

    Or maybe someone convinced him that “civil war” requires the participants to be civil, a standard he could never attain.

  41. There are 62 comments on the site using the “N” word as of today.

    Generally the word is used by regular commenters on the site, either using it to describe a racist attitude from a third party, or citing something said elsewhere.

    There are a few examples from birthers using it. Mario Apuzzo used the term in one of his comments quoting a regular on the blog.

    I used the term once and a black commenter found it offensive. I didn’t use it in reference to an individual, but it’s probably the only time the word was used on the site in a way not described above.

    Readers interested in my response to someone about allowing words on the site might want to read this comment:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: So Ike is trying to claim he had a back and forth with you claiming there were over 50 instances of the n-word being used on this site in the logs you checked. How many were by actual regulars or in articles and not just birthers using it?

  42. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    A whole 62 instances over how many years? I’m sure if one scoured birther sites we would find more frequency

  43. Dave B. says:

    I don’t think that’s going to end up looking like a great idea.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    Oh God the billboard is up

  44. Pete says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG.: I am enjoying scavenging for the “Oh God! this was all for nothing! All of it! We’ll never expose him now!” posts, because I’ve been finding some littered through out! Yeah. Some of them finally realized that they wasted eight years of their lives, destroying relationships with family and friends, and at the end of the day, there was no pay off.

    Maybe you could make up a compilation and sell it as a Sweet Birther Tears Collection. Or at least publish a “best of.”

  45. Char the Deplorable says:

    It ain’t over. Illary ain’t dun sung.

  46. Dave says:

    There’s a nice story over at US News & World Report today, ‘Birthers’ say Trump statement doesn’t matter. It has quotes from Taitz, Arpaio, and Zullo.

  47. Dave B. says:

    Oh man. Zullo:
    “We’re saying the document presented as a PDF file is not authentic and points to manipulation and under federal law, that would be a forgery of a vital statistics document,” he said.
    Zullo said he’s paying for the work of the overseas forensics team, and that Hawaii state officials are not in the crosshairs of the probe.”

    That must be some “federal law.” Why do I suspect this “overseas forensics team” is run by a Nigerian prince?

    There’s a nice story over at US News & World Report today, ‘Birthers’ say Trump statement doesn’t matter. It has quotes from Taitz, Arpaio, and Zullo.

  48. I know a detective in Kenya who would promise him anything.

    Dave B.: That must be some “federal law.” Why do I suspect this “overseas forensics team” is run by a Nigerian prince?

  49. Nancy Owens says:

    Supposedly, she’s breathing her last.

    Char the Deplorable:
    It ain’t over. Illary ain’t dun sung.

  50. gorefan says:

    Dave B.: under federal law, that would be a forgery of a vital statistics document,

    Not what he said earlier:

  51. Jacob Blaustein says:

    I am very confused about this dudes comments.
    Anybody got any ideas about what this dude is saying about the certificate?

  52. Jacob Blaustein says:

    I am very confused about this dudes comments.
    Does anybody got any ideas about what this dude is saying about the certificate?

  53. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    Oh man, Bruce over at Smith’s ghost town of a site has embraced full on Wimp Lo mode! He’s on some crazed rant about how the Trump being forced to tell the truth about Obama will be the medias undoing, and some other weird stuff. I guess it was all finally too much for old Bruce.

    I’d say that I pity him, but that would be a bald face lie, and I’m not john.

  54. Dave B. says:

    I seem to remember a past America in which being a pure unfettered dumbass wasn’t enough to make one a quotable authority on something, but then that could just be the rose-colored glasses of hindsight. You know what they say, things ain’t what they used to be– and they never were.

    gorefan: Not what he said earlier:

  55. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Oh God the billboard is up

    Anyone in NYC who can confirm that it looks as amateurish as the online preview suggested it would?

    If you read the AdWeek article, there’s a link on the sidebar to a story about a guy who offers a service (which may or may not be a joke) to check your logo idea for unnoticed similarities to genitalia. There are a few examples that are hilarious.

  56. Nancy Owens says:

    [Content Redacted

    Nancy, I am not going to allow you to accuse a private individual of a crime on my blog. Any such comments will be deleted. Doc]

  57. RanTalbott says:

    Dave B.: The truly despicable Human Eggplant weighs in–

    I’d call that “weighing out” 😉

    Looks like he doesn’t want to get birther stink all over his new character assassination attempt.

  58. Nancy Owens says:

    Moving on.

    Sunday September 18, 2016
    Prepare for the Unexpected!
    by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

    The patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers and the Russian Federation now have direct proof that yesterday’s CIA and Israeli Mossad bombing of Syrian soldiers was to prevent the Syrian army from attacking ISIS terrorists who were operating in Syria.

    Note: Patriotic Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran, Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat of Hawaii, is now in possession of this evidence and will call for a full Congressional investigation of this TREASON, which will lead all the way back to the TREASON committed on 9/11, which, of course, triggered the creation of the modern day U.S. martial law state.

    We can now also divulge that yesterday’s terrorist Psy Op in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota were triggered by the NAZI Paperclip Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after news that a pending emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council was about to begin in which the evidence of the U.S. government’s collaboration with the ISIS terrorists would be presented to the UN Security Council by the Russian Federation.

    It will all come out eventually and it sounds like it’s about to happen.

    Nancy Owens:
    [Content Redacted

    Nancy, I am not going to allow you to accuse a private individual of a crime on my blog. Any such comments will be deleted. Doc]

  59. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    It looks like Larry Klayman continues to tilt at windmills.

    I’m just waiting for him to get his Jack Thompson moment, where he bothers one judge too many.

  60. gorefan says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG.: I’m just waiting for him to get his Jack Thompson moment, where he bothers one judge too many.

    Is this the same officer?

  61. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    gorefan: Is this the same officer?

    I was referring to ex-attorney Jack Thompson, one of the last great “Video games are making our children evil!” crusaders. His antics got him disbarred by the Florida Supreme Court.

  62. Keith says:

    An interesting take on a possible post politics career:

    Pibgorn: Wahoo Terminal

  63. Dave B. says:

    Moderation can be so weird. Apparently, the word “wanking” triggers automatic moderation and removal of a comment over at the Daily Caller. Substitute the word “pedantic,” and everything’s fine.

  64. New book:

    “A Field Guide to Lies: Critical Thinking in the Information Age” by neuroscientist Daniel Levitin.

    Haven’t read it yet.

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