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“Hillary at Death’s Door” doesn’t seem like it’s poised to have the longevity (as it were) of birferism, but then again, I would have never imagined birferism having the longevity of birferism.
Anyway, American Thinker‘s made their foray into a relatively new and certainly exciting conspiracy market, and oh lord is it awful. Starts with just a soupçon of anti-Semitism, because why not?, and keeps sinking lower.
Dr. Lisa Bardack’s Faustian Bargain
Obama’s Long, Frustrating And Fruitless Campaign To Kill Birtherism – Huffington Post
I dunno about that. I think it should be relatively easy to drag out its efficaciousness until, you know, she actually dies.
Hey yo! Only 126 days until Obama is frogmarched out of the White House.
Today, the last of the birther cases (2016 Election Edition) will be considered by SCOTUS. On next Monday, they will announce “cert denied” (or other such case ending verbiage), dashing all the hopes of the convicted felon and domestic terrorist Cody Robert Judy.
The Court calendar doesn’t show a conference until October 7th but the case docket shows the case assigned to conference today. I suspect the results won’t be out for a day or two. This must be the conference where they handle all the cases filed over the summer break.
The article is full of holes.
For one thing, Dr. Bardack never wrote that Clinton’s acute anti-coagulation therapy involved Coumadin. Most likely Clinton was treated with Heparin, and it generally take a week or less for Heparin to dissolve a blood clot. Warfarin (the generic version of Coumadin) is taken to prevent the recurrence of blood clots after they have been dissolved.
Second, why did the author ask for a comment about the safety of Coumadin from Dr. Wolf, a radiologist, instead of from a doctor who actually treats patients who take Coumadin/Warfarin? Probably because Dr. Wolf is a well-known Republican Tea Party activist who ran against Senator Pat Roberts in the Kansas primary in 2014.
The article’s emphasis about the potential dangers of Warfarin is a red herring. The study involved veterans who are 75 years and older, and notes that one of the risk factors they had was “highly variable levels of warfarin in the blood.” People who take Warfarin are supposed to get their blood tested once a month. If the level of Warfarin in the blood gets too low, it becomes less effective at preventing blood clots; if it gets too high, it increases the risk of intracranial bleeding. Many of the veterans who had intracranial bleeding likely either were taking too much Warfarin, or were not getting their blood tested regularly, or a combination of both.
The article does point out that Dr. Bardack works for Caremount Medical (formerly Mount Kisco Medical Group), but fails to mention that the owner of Caremount Medical is Dr. Scott Hayworth. Dr. Hayworth’s wife is Nan Hayworth, a Tea Party Republican who served one term in the House of Representatives. The Hayworths would not tolerate it if Dr. Bardack were writing false medical reports for Hillary Clinton.
Yep, the Long Conference is always held the last week of September even though the October term doesn’t officially start until the first Monday of October, when the Orders list from the Long Conference is announced.
Which appeal is it?
Elliott v Cruz from Pennsylvania. Mario Apuzzo is listed as the attorney on this appeal. He has been working with Elliott all along but apparently either didn’t try or couldn’t find a sponsor to practice in Pennsylvania. Since he is a member of the bar at the Supreme Court he could represent Elliott there.
Clinton really using the trump birther logic in his taxes that he must be hiding something that there must be something in there.
And trump brings up Sidney Blumenthal claiming he went birther
IMO, she absolutely destroyed Trump. Stock futures agree; they were down before the debate and up quite a bit after.
Body language counts more than the words-he fidgeted like a 12 year old in a boring class, he constantly drank water. She was calm and collected.
As one-sided a debate as one could imagine.
Someone needs to tell this man he did not get the President to release his birth certificate, because then Senator Obama released it before he even became president.
Well, I’ve been having fun playing with a birther, who was going on the “Obama’s real father is Frank Marshall Davis” thread. I gave them a choice. I started out by proving that the pictures were actually taken in 1958, and that if the woman really was Stanley Ann Dunham, that would make her 15 at the time of taking, so I asked them if they were going to turn themselves in for possession of child porn…
You can read the conversation here: https://disqus.com/home/discussion/breitbartproduction/hillary_clinton_original_birther_links_to_obama_8216born_in_kenya8217_pamphlet_in_campaign_fundraise/#comment-2920424898
It was a hoot. He actually admitted that he’d much rather think that he possessed child pornography, than give up the conspiracy theory that is proven false.
Agreed. He also was loud, belligerent, obnoxious and rude.
Trump clearly has a serious medical problem, what with his continuous sniffling. Has he never heard of antihistamines?
Dr. Howard Dean, admittedly not the most unbiased source, openly speculated that Trump was coked up.
Some other talking head opined that it was a classic symptom of a deviated septum. I have a deviated septum and I do indeed sniff rather great deal more than I would like in polite company (though I only vaguely tied the two together).
I wondering why nobody ever discovered this obviously debilitating malady before now? What else is he hiding by not releasing his medical records.
“I say nothing”: Birther godfather Donald Trump refuses to apologize to African-Americans, Obama in first debate
– Salon article
Even Lester Holt didn’t seem to get that. When he asked about it, he said that Obama released his birth certificate in 2011.
Trump is blaming his pitifully poor performance on his microphone. And he is denying that he was sniffling.
That wasn’t a debate, it was a beating. A glorious, one-sided ass whooping. For the record: I’m voting for a third party candidate, but it was nice to see Trump get put in his place on live national TV.
It seems like a lot of his problem last night was he thought his shorthand comments would be understandable by one and all. He kept hammering the name “Sidney Blumenthal”, for example — a name that would have made contextual sense to anyone who follows birther minutiae, if you can imagine such people existing.
And speaking of which, has anyone unearthed the context behind this one?
This was apparently supposed to be quite the zinger, but I haven’t seen word one about it. He doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy who’s into setting time-delayed traps. Is this a real knee-slapper in alt-right circles?
I think he’s going to have a harder time of it the next debate. I got the impression Hillary was going easy on him and testing the waters, seeing which buttons were worth pushing.
something that has come up since is rather interesting – trump has said he will release his tax returns if Hillary releases the 33,000 missing e-mails.
funny, because I thought he said he couldn’t release his tax returns due to him having an audit…..
Also on the long conference’s agenda is Walter Fitzpatrick’s petition stemming from his last criminal conviction.
Unless the “October Surprise” is that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both ISIS collaborators, a third-party candidate has zero chance of winning this election. You must really dislike Clinton, but have you thought about the possibility of Donald Trump as POTUS? I mean, really thought about it? Imagine Joe Arpaio running the Justice Department, or Sarah Palin in charge of the DoED. Can you honestly say that the negatives of Hillary and Donald are comparable, or even on the same order of magnitude? Misha posted in another thread a link to an excellent John Oliver presentation that compares the scandals dogging these two nominees. In the race for Worst Person Ever, it’s not even close.
Andrew, you are obviously a rational, sane person, so of course you would never vote for Trump. But your vote for a third-party candidate would be essentially a half-vote for Trump. If Trump wins this election by half a vote, I’m blaming you!! 🙂
Maybe he was watching old movies for debate prep and got confused with “Behind The Green Door”?
A couple commentators have pointed it out, such as Joy Reid, but I haven’t seen anyone challenge him on it while he is saying it. It is understandable because he throws so much deception out there at once, and you pick your battles and you may not be fully immersed in all the details at every second. Mostly they focus on how Trump kept up his birther antics for the last five years after President Obama asked Hawaii to release a long form version. That is good, too. I just go right to the root, that in fact the President’s birth certificate was released before birtherism even got off the ground.
Holt at least wouldn’t let the birther issue slip past unchallenged. That was good.
“Having said all that, why aren’t I 50 points ahead, you might ask.”
The alt-right are trying to paint that as an angry, baffled rant, rather than a rhetorical question setting up her argument exhorting the group to be vocal supporters, by only including the middle clause.
Anybody read Scott Adams’ post on birtherism?
It’s frustrating that there’s a popular misconception that the COLB wasn’t the real birth certificate or was somehow insufficient.
Especially when you consider that Trump, in an effort to prove his transparency, first released his souvenir certicate, which is insufficient. After the laughter subsided, Trump released his COLB, and people pointed out it has about as much information as Obama’s COLB. Only then did Trump release his own long certificate.
Jonah Goldberg’s (author of two anti-liberal books) article in the Los Angeles Times 9-21-16 says that “He (Obama) could have released his birth certificate as early as 2008 when the Mephistophelean Clinton henchman Sid Blumenthal was whispering in reporters’ ears. But he didn’t for years — in part because he knew the conspiracy theory would galvanize his base.”
This is an out and out lie, as most readers of this site are well aware. On June 27, 2008, Politifact published Obama’s ‘short form’ birth certificate, as did Factcheck.org on Aug 21, 2008. The fact is that birthers claimed it wasn’t a real birth certificate, and kept up the clamor over it until Obama finally got an exemption from Hawaii to obtain his ‘long form’ certificate, which was published in 2011, and which still wasn’t accepted by ‘some people’, Trump famously being a very vocal part of that.
I was screaming profanities at the TV during the debate last night while Trump was talking about his part in the birther controversy.
I have come to the conclusion that there are lot of people who are stupid beyond repair and it is a waste of time to deal with them. Every Birther is included in that group.
I think that excuse might be wearing thin, given how much it’s been rebutted.
The “deleted emails” excuse is a brilliant replacement: he knows that she can’t release them, because they’re, um…. deleted. That one might last him through the election.
AFAIK no one complained that Mitt Romney’s birth certificate was a short form without a hospital named or a doctor listed. Same with Cruz’s Canadian birth certificate.
Cruz is the definition of spineless. That’s the only explanation I can come up with for him to support a man who took very personal shots at his family. Even Glenn Beck reamed him for it. Let that sink in a moment! When the least insane person in the room is Glenn Beck, you know something universe warpingly strange has just happened.
I think somebody finally passed around the “Don’t worry, we can impeach him” e-mail to Cruz. Nobody ever talks to the poor guy.
Money; Trump is renting Cruz’s email list.
Marius and David Farrar both chimed in in comments over here:
“Paul Smith” quotes paragraph 212. Somebody needs to quote paragraph 214 back at him if they have access. I’m tired of registering comment accounts at websites I’ll never go to more than once.
I got him. I love it when these clowns use constitution.org as a reference for their “Law of Nations” quote, and I can turn right around and use the same website for a reference saying they’re wrong.
Most journalists are not nearly as conversant about birtherism as the people who have been frequenting this blog since 2008, an none of them are as conversant as Doc C.
I am pleased to say the the YouGov pollsters have put out a “quick poll” on who people are voting for in the 2016 presidential election, and they picked me to answer the question. Yes friends, I will “definitely vote” in the 2016 election and I definitely will not vote for any birther.
There are several very knowledgeable individuals on this topic who impress me with the depth of their knowledge. I wouldn’t speculate which would get the best score on a birther trivia contest.
Good job.
Yes, I should have said that there a few as conversant as you – Reality Check and Loren Collins to name just a couple. And all of us who have spent a lot of time here know a helluva lot more about birtherism than most journalists, who still seem to believe that “born in Kenya” and “forged birth certificate” are the only arguments the birthers have.
I got to tell another pollster I’d never heard of Donald Trump yesterday. Man, do I love doing that.
David Farrar told me over there “Nobody is saying a person has to be born of two U.S. citizen parents.”
On a trial basis, the Twitter feed has been removed from the blog. Similar results can be found by going to twitter.com and searching for #birther. Some browsers based on WebKit are having problems with the blog, and I think the Twitter widget may be the cause.
I approve of that message! Viewing this blog on my phone and trying to scroll past the Twitter feed, I probably looked like a frustrated Fruit Ninja player. Thanks, Doc!
Please, Doc, I’m blushing… 😉
SCOTUS granted cert. in eight cases today. And neither Elliott nor Fitzpatrick made the cut.
Expect the cert. denial list on Monday.
Maybe Mario will get a win and get Cruz kicked off the ballot!!
Is the custom that they announce all the grants first, then all the denials?
I’d actually like to see this issue settled by the Court (though probably not via Mario, since he tends to screw it up). It’s not moot, since Cruz may try again in 2020. And there’s a good chance that the Court’s decision would iunclude language that shuts down the inevitable questions about other children of immigrants like Rubio and Haley.
The author of that birther question article must be a real piece of work.
Yes (generally speaking; there are some minor exceptions).
This particular suit is moot. (There are, however, exceptions to the mootness doctrine.) If Cruz runs again, new suits can be filed then.
It is extremely unlikely that SCOTUS would ever grant cert. in a case where the lower courts found the candidate to be eligible (as was the case with Cruz).
With the Twitter feed gone, the blog works better in my browser too:
Not all, but everything that presents a new question and isn’t being summarily sent back (for example, a GVR wouldn’t be announced until Monday, even though it technically is a grant). The birther case isn’t a good candidate for a GVR, and there wasn’t a recent ruling that would have bearing on the question asked. So yeah, ink up that DENINED stamp.
Holy crud, Doc!! Are you on Elon Musk’s spacesip(X) to Mars right now??
I drive a 2002 Saturn. To quote Phil Hartman, as the unfrozen caveman lawyer: Your world frightens and confuses me!
I found a potential candidate for “The Bad” list.
Thats the same old line I had to put a knife into at ATS the other day. The ‘bio’ was printed in a brochure handed out at trade fairs. The President had no reason to know of its existense. How could he correct that piece of paper short of visiting every lit agent in tge world with a giant bottle of white out? And how is writing 2 books, releasing 2 birth certificates, and giving countless interviews refusing to set the record straight for 25 years or whatever.
While waiting for Fogbow – Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Moore suspended without pay for rest of term.
Interesting: Moore will be prohibited from running (due to his age) when his term expires. So he’s off forever. An article I read, however, said that the deciding body was not unanimous in whether to remove him.
Seems weird since it has the same effect as removal. If he was removed would governor name a replacement or hold special election?
Apparently governor wil appoint a replacement.
I think this is the order:
If anything, it seems worse than removal because there’s no way for him to somehow get back on following removal.
Removal requires unanimity, and I doubt we’ll ever know why it wasn’t unanimous.
Do we know if all nine members voted for conviction on all six counts but disagreed on removal versus suspension?
Great news on Roy Moore. Good riddance to the rubbish.
Foggy tweeted this 4 hours ago:
In answer to my own question, the order says Moore was unanimously found to be guilty.
A Tesla? Clear proof that you are on Soros’ payroll. :>)
I keep seeing it too. People just assume that the book authors sent bios to the publisher who changed nothing before publishing it. And, Obama, was laughing at them by giving a clue years before running for POTUS.
Just in time to run for governor.
Above Top Secret
One of many wonderful self-refuting assertions:
Except, well, they didn’t. It would appear that basically nobody saw it until Breitbart discovered it a couple of years ago.
Meanwhile, all the interviews Obama gave when he was elected president of Harvard Law Review, in much more visible places like major newspapers, magazines, and the AP, all said he was born in Hawaii. As did his two books.
But I still see as recently as this week yohos who claim, repeatedly, that this blurb was “on the back cover of his book!” Sure — can you provide an image of that back cover? No? How about that.
Also enjoyed this…
“Now, few people today, including me and Donald Trump, question the apparent fact that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii USA.”
Oh yes? Let’s see how good you are about not questioning that “apparent” fact:
“it then was a tacit admission that he was born in Kenya…”
“Why do the Kenyan Parliamentary minutes of November 5, 2008 state…”
“Why did First Lady, Michelle Obama say candidly some years ago in a recorded speech that Kenya is her husband’s home country?”
Hmm, it’s almost like the author is trying to have it both ways. Anything else?
“Did Barack Obama want to have it both ways?”
Trickle-Down Birtherism: Crowd Wants Birther Answers About Iranian-American Candidate
Birtherism isn’t just for Barack Obama.
They would be hard pressed to produce any book written by Obama in 1991.
Phil Berg, back in the news:
“After Berg’s law license was suspended for misconduct in 2013 and he lost his right to practice before the Supreme Court the following year, he began working for ride-sharing services in the greater Philadelphia area. He currently works as a driver for Lyft, which he told TPM provides him an opportunity to share his thoughts with riders about Obama’s Kenyan roots and schooling in Indonesia.”
Isn’t that like infowars?
I’ve heard that too. They claim it was on the first edition of 5000 prints of Dreams from my Father. I’ve also heard it was on the harvard law review publication and on their blog. It’s like birther telephone.
Wasn’t Berg fired from Uber for Birthering while driving?
That article’s better than most on the Muslim rumors vs. birther rumors, but it refers to Berg as “Pennsylvania’s former deputy attorney general,” which is a bit misleading. Last time I counted, there were over two hundred deputy attorney general positions in Pennsylvania, on six levels, with the lowest level being one step up from law clerk. I have no idea at what level Berg was employed.
Well sorta yes and no. I don’t really know how Infowars operates, no idea about commenters and so on. It is certainly a conspiracy honey pot, and Jones has been in the past a ‘featured’ blogster published by ATS. Maybe that where he got his start, I dunno.
ATS has dozens of forums to discuss just about anything you want to discuss, from web page design to how do I report my next door neighbor, the grey lizard alien to the FBI. Its got a few regulars who put up periodic challenges to ‘disprove’ intelligent design, or to push the ‘Electric Universe’ hypothesis and worship at the foot of Tesla while trashing Einstein… etc, etc, etc. There commenting policy is really quite open to any idea or its counter idea. They don’t allow flame wars or discussion of illegal drugs or dragging threads too far off topic.
But the same discussions come up over and over and over and over and over and the contrarians just will not acknowledge answers to their questions and ignore counter questions.
Some discussions are quite fun, others are just plain stupid, and most are just uninteresting (to me). I don’t get involved too much, but there are some topics where I just can’t let the idiots spread their rubbish without a counter.
Birtherism finds new people to annoy:
I used to hear Alex Jones on WWCR on the shortwave back in the 90’s. The guy’s wrecked his voice with that incessant ranting.
LOL I used to listen to WWCR also. There were some real kooks on the station. Remember when their transmitter burned down?
Vaguely. It’s those real kooks I remember most of all. Brother Stair (Blow a trumpet in Zion!!!), Texe Marrs (man, that guy was certifiable), Bo Gritz, David J. Smith, Ted Gunderson, Mark Koernke, Pete Peters, Jack McLamb, Bill Cooper. A…troubled crew, in more ways than one.
I was listening one day and this radio preacher came on– I forget his name– and started talking about a planned Chinese invasion from Mexico, using “frogmen” in San Diego. Sounded kind of familiar, and then it hit me– I’d read the story. In the Weekly World News. He was reading it on the air.
Birthers didn’t just spring into existence from nothing in 2008.
No, the nuts have been around a long time. I remember listening to Garner Ted Armstrong on AM radio as a kid.
I used to catch him on the television. A lot of those nuts fell out of the Herbert W. Armstrong tree.
Reality Check:
No, the nuts have been around a long time. I remember listening to Garner Ted Armstrong on AM radio as a kid.
Didn’t Garner Ted have a falling out with daddy Herbert W.?
Oh yeah. On theology and Ted’s lifestyle, too.
At first I thought “So what, he’ll just run again.”, when I read that Moore would be suspended for the rest of his term, but then I read that according to Alabama law, he’ll be too old to be put on the ballot by the time the suspension is over.
So, just so long as no one is dumb enough to elected him to an even higher office, his political career is over. I’m sure WND or Faux Noise will hire him in a second though. They can never have enough blustery old white dudes, who are out of touch with reality.
Gah; missed that. Adams is certainly trying to make a big dent in the burgeoning gadfly market.
Yes, because you can’t use the same type of attack for different reasons.
There was no “festival of cognitive dissonance,” because despite Adams’ peashooter attempt at framing the conversation, no one took him up on it. The consensus remains that Trump birfed, and that the underlying tone of the birther movement was an attack on Obama’s “otherness”.
Although Ted Cruz was mainly a target of opportunity, an idea flung out and then dropped, there was still an underlying “otherness”, not having overtly to do with Canada, but his family’s status as recent immigrants.
There was also an aspect of collateral damage in there, too; there had been 8 years of eligibility nonsense, and a cadre of birthers realized they needed to make at least some show of concern to justify their ranting.
Moore is already a frontrunner for the Alabama governorship.
Perhaps Adams “overlooked” that Cruz is a Hispanic surname, with curtails nicely with Trump’s anti-Mexican sentiment.
Paul Penzone’s suing Arpaio for defamation–
I caught Jones on shortwave about a year ago. I’ve been too busy to get any shortwave listening time in of late, plus too much RFI in the house. Winter is coming and there is a local park behind a hill that’s very radio quiet.
When someone says “Liberals just say someone is racist when they’re losing the argument” what’s a good response?
pointing out that if that is all they have to come back with, then you have probably hit the nail squarely on the head.
“Then please provide a plausible non-racist explanation for [the subject’s] words and actions.”
“Hillary Clinton is North Korean.”
You heard it here first, or rather second; first was on Saturday Night Live, from the mouth of Kate McKinnon/Kellyanne Conway.
Just mark it down, to remember eight years from now exactly where it started.
LeBron James endorsed Hillary with a wonderfully written editorial.
” I see a straight line from the announcement of Sarah Palin as the vice-presidential nominee to what we see today in Donald Trump, the emergence of the Freedom Caucus, the tea party, and the shift in the center of gravity for the Republican Party. Whether that changes, I think, will depend in part on the outcome of this election, but it’s also going to depend on the degree of self-reflection inside the Republican Party. There have been at least a couple of other times that I’ve said confidently that the fever is going to have to break, but it just seems to get worse.”
— Barack Obama
Elliot v. Cruz: cert denied
Cue the CRJ meltdown in 5…4…3…
Unfortunately, well depending on how you look at it, my sense is that the current GOP largely exists as a party with blinders on, fingers in their ears and chanting “we’re gonna win it this time, fer sure…”. I think self-reflection, introspection, and let’s NOT forget common sense has fled in stark terror from the GOP all inclusive tent. I don’t think the introspection and self-reflection are happening or are going to happen, because the few functioning adults left don’t want to look at or contemplate the rot and degeneration that has taken hold within them. They know it’s there, it’s been there for quite some time, they just don’t want to look at it or admit, since then they might have to do something about it. They haven’t learned from the last two attempts and I doubt they are going to learn form this one. One can always hope, but that doesn’t mean it’ll ever happen. LaRump is just the outward manifestation of the inner rot and despoilation.
Walter Fitzpatrick’s appeal against Tennessee was also on the denied list.
Righteous indignation for Rharon our breathless girl reporter in 5…4…3…
Hey Doc, did you catch that patented new term they came up with over at the New American?
““birtherism” — which is better described as birth-certificate realism (BCR)”
And he was so excited about both the debate and the SCOTUS conference.
#Birthers 16-13 DENIED 100’s of Cases against Obama should NOT have been denied based on lack of[Standing][Political Questn Doctrine]
As usual, you don’t know what you are talking about.
Elliott v. Cruz wasn’t denied because of lack of standing or the political question doctrine. Since the lawsuit was brought in state court, standing was never an issue. Cruz did raise the political question doctrine, but the trial court ruled that it did not apply. In fact, the trial court ruled on the merits of the case:
“Having extensively reviewed all articles cited in this opinion, as well as many others, this Court holds, consistent with the common law precedent and statutory history, that a ‘natural born citizen’ includes any person who is a United States citizen from birth. Accordingly, because he was a citizen of the United States from birth, Ted Cruz is eligible to serve as President of the United States, and the objection filed by Carmen Elliott to the Nomination Petition of Ted Cruz is denied.”
Obviously all eight of the current Supreme Court justices agreed, since none of them called for a response from Cruz.
Phil Berg’s got his website back up. Says there “Obama was born not in Hawaii, but in Mumbai, Kenya, Africa.”
So not Mombasa?
Gee, he could at least have picked a location in Kenya rather than India.
Should any of you be interested in participating in the YouGov polls, you may register at this link:
For each one that does (and completes 4 surveys), I get 4,000 points!
If comments weren’t closed on his article, I’d tell him about it.
As my dear ol’ departed Pappy used to say “If your enemy is in the process of shootin’ hisself in the foot, don’t interrupt him”.
Now I wouldn’t classify Berg as an ‘enemy’ necessarily, and whatever he’s shooting is blanks, but you get the drift anyway.
You know, folks are just trying to put way more stuff in this birther bag than it’ll hold. It’s like “birther” is the new pumpkin spice or something.
As referenced at the P&E and the new and improved Fogbow
Surprise Tea Party Patriots Meeting September 20, 2016
Minutes by Dale Brooks
They [Arapio/Zullo] were assured by Kapalani Medical Center Head Doctor that Obama wasn’t born there
Gee, I wonder who that “head doctor” might be? The website for Hawaii Pacific Health, which runs Kapiʻolani Medical Center for Women and Children, doesn’t list a Chief Medical Officer for the hospital.
Well I reckon “Head Doctor” could mean a lot of different things. I worked on building a power plant back in the late ’70’s where they were making everybody and his dog some kind of engineer. It got to where the laborers who went around grinding welds on handrails were “Grinding engineers.” Maaaaaybe the Head Doctor is whoever looks after the head. Nautical-like.
Or maybe they’re just mixed up, and got being told they ought to go see a head doctor confused with the Head Doctor saying something.
…and in other news, the conference given by Assange this morning that alex jones claimed one of his sources said was going to reveal something `devastating’ about Hillary clinton, turned out to be…..
exactly what he said he was going to say, and nothing about Clinton!
the alex jones fanbois are already spinning it that he was threatened, paid off, offered a deal, etc in the normal way that happens when the latest smoking gun turns into a damp squib.
i must admit to enjoying jones’s performance on his live feed, showing anger and annoyance at being kept up until 5am for nothing at all
couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!
Maybe Zullo is confused and actually asked his own head doctor.
In hospitals the highest-ranking doctor is usually called the Chief Medical Officer or the Chief of Staff.
This reminds me of the claims in 2008 about the imminent release of the supposed Michelle Obama “whitey” tape, which of course never materialized.
I don’t doubt that Wikileaks has something which will be released before Election Day, but at this point I feel certain that it will be too little and too late to be of much help to Trump.
Assange fails. Begs for money instead:
Assange Trolls, Has Bush/Nancy Owens Intel…KGB Info Meant For Jeb Bush Presidency?
Jones’s meltdown was effing glorious! XD
Stay safe and dry Doc.
I go more with:
“as scripture says: … ‘If your enemy is hungry, give him bread; If he’s thirsty, give him water. So doing you will heap coals upon his head.’ Don’t let evil conquer you: let it be you in your goodness who conquer evil”
— Jesus
Thanks, Keith. It looks like Hurricane Matthew will miss the upstate where I live.
Well, the VP debate is scheduled for later tonight. But the GOP has already posted a review of the debate performances and declared Pence the winner.
Apparently Wiley Drake wants the very few people who ever heard of him in the first place to remember who he is.
He claims that he ‘knew the man in the White House wasn’t Barrack Obama, but Barry Soetoro’ in 2008. I thought the man in the White House in 2008 was George W. Bush.
Huh. Learn something new every day.
Let me guess Assange is from clewiston as well?
Some crap science from a crap scientist:
Scientifically speaking, that article reads as though it were translated from Russian by someone who speaks neither Russian nor English.
Terry Krepel wrote about Hodges in 2012.
Because D. C. Clothesline contains so much birther material (even Shrimpton’s CIA DNA test), I have added it to the Bad links below.
More about Birther Arpaio from Phoenix. What a bafoon.
And it’s taken them this long to tumble to that??
Didn’t that “breaking news” come out during the hearings in the Spring?
The media are slow on the uptake.
I think they knew Pence was going to lie his ass off so it didn’t matter what Tim Kaine said Pence was going to win.
Yes indeed. The Phoenix New Times covered this back when the news was current. But, nobody put Arpaio’s feet to the fire on camera until now. It was worth it to watch Arpaio slither away when he refused to answer questions about the money he gave to Montgomery.
That would have been worth the wait. I think it also indicates that he has maybe finally reached his sell by date, they wouldn’t have done this the last time around.