The Washington Post has a new article up, titled “Finally. Someone who thinks like me.” The article is about someone who came to believe that Obama’s probably a gay Muslim from Kenya whose wife is a man, and on and on. They believe they have found a soul mate in Donald Trump.
I don’t think the poor lady is a dishonest businessman like Trump, but you can see in this article how a Trump supporter might have come to support the man.
Although the article doesn’t explicitly state she believes conspiracy theories about Scalia’s death, I love this part about her boyfriend near the end:
“Kevin was asleep on the couch with a pillow over his head”
So did anyone notice that the Trump tax returns published by the NY Times had the first 2 figures on the $ 909 million loss not lining up with the other figures. Turns out that the accountant’s software could only enter losses up to $ 9,999,999, so he had to type the first 2 figures in manually. Stuff like that happens in the real world. But imagine what the birthers would make of that if it were a document of Obama’s.
Susanne Craig, the reporter who was mailed the leaked Trump tax return pages, was on TV this morning, and was asked whether she knew the identity of the source.
Her response? “No comment.”
After reading the article, I’d say Nancy Owens has a soul mate in Pennsylvania.
Didn’t something like that used to be on their license plates? “You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania.”
“You’ve Got a Friend in Pennsylvania” debuted in 1980.
“I don’t think the poor lady is a dishonest businessman like Trump”
I read the entire story. No, she’s merely unhinged like Trump.
Get Douglas Vogt on the job! Consult Reed Hayes! Mike Zullo must launch an investigation! Clearly this is a fraudulent forgery perpetrated by Donald Trump trying to hide, oh, some facts!
This brought to you by the slime mold that in a petri dish that I use to mimic birther brain processes.
Also note that he paid himself only $6,108 in wages, meaning that he paid nearly nothing into Social Security.
His interest income of $7.4 million seems impressive until you consider that he claims to be a billionaire. In 1995 large negotiable certificates of deposit were paying about 8%, so the principal value of his interest-bearing investments was perhaps $100 million.
This mayor won’t stop posting racist Obama memes. He won’t resign, either:
“I think the age of Trump has given a license for this kind of activity,” Mauck said.”
“One of the memes shows a group of orangutans in a wheelbarrow. “Aww … moving day at the Whitehouse has finally arrived,” it says.”
“Probably the most inflammatory one was about President Obama. It shows a picture of actor Clint Eastwood in the film “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” — and a noose. “Barry, this rope is for you,” the caption says, referring to a nickname for the first black president. “You wanna bring that empty chair over here!”
One of his supporters posted her name with the theme (((*))). The triple parentheses are code for white supremacists and anti-Semites.
Business owners paying themselves a ridiculously small wage is fairly standard, though he is pushing it bigly (as Trump would say). The IRS is supposed to crack down on this, but rarely if ever does. The state doesn’t care, since unemployment is the only wage tax in NY and that probably maxed out at that level in 1995.
As far as his interest earnings, his assets were his buildings and he probably didn’t hold much cash. The interesting thing is I have heard analyses that say that had he took the money his father left him and put it in an S & P 500 fund it would be worth more today than even the inflated net worth he claims. I don’t know, but it’s possible.
You don’t consider income tax on wages a “wage tax”?
I read that Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX is paid the minimum wage.
If we’re talking about, say, an S-corp, the business’s income is taxed on the owner’s personal return. What Scientist is talking about are payroll taxes, like FICA or unemployment tax, that are paid on W-2 wages. The owner is supposed to take a “reasonable” wage, to wit: if you were to hire someone to do the owner’s job, what would be a reasonable salary. I don’t think $6,108 is a reasonable salary for anyone. On the other hand, if the business is a loser – y’know, like pretty much all of Donald Trump’s endeavors – the owner’s salary requirement is supposed to go away. That said, I have heard of tax courts imposing payroll taxes on an owner’s distributions even when the business was in the red (doesn’t make any sense to me, but as my boss often tells me, don’t try to make sense of tax law). The IRS may not crack down on this “bigly” (tee-hee), but I always warn my clients not to take a bunch of s-corp distributions or “loan” payments (wink wink) without taking sufficient W-2 wages, because the IRS could call all of those distributions wages and take their pound of payroll tax flesh. And if it’s really bad, they could strip the corporate protection from the biz altogether.
But to be fair to Donald, he has been known to use the phrase “big league”, so I think it’s possible he may have been unfairly criticized for saying “bigly”.
It’s true. And he never even took the money.
Based on California’s minimum wage of $9/hour, and Musk’s compensation of $37,584, he averaged 80.3 hours per week in 2015. Man, is that guy running a sweatshop, or what!! Making your minimum-wage earners work that many hours a week must be against the law! 🙂
Parade float-maker apologizes (sort of) for depicting Trump executing Clinton in electric chair – The float also featured an Easter Island head painted black with a black face and a sign that identified it as President Obama.
When Steve Jobs returned to Apple after his ouster, his salary was $1/year. This lasted from 1997 to 2011. Of course he got options that ended up being worth many billions.
I have an S-corp and my accountant told me the same thing.
And Trump’s accountant, Jack Mitnick, says Trump was no genius about his taxes. Mitnick prepared the returns and Trump signed them. End of story
And one of the “moochers” her own ilk usually claims to hate. Hard-working Americans pay $$$ so she has time to pursue her hatred of everything, including reality, 24/7.
If anyone is a poster child for “cracking down on welfare”, she is.
I read that too and I think a mental hospital was a good place for this woman.
Mark Cuban (a real billionaire who doubts that Trump is a billionaire) has said that he believes that Trump’s assets are mostly not liquid. Valuing real estate can be very subjective. And we don’t know how many of his real estate holdings are encumbered.
Hi doc C, Been a while. Here’s a link that will show a film made by auma obama called by A Journey in black and white.
She made a documentary of Barack’s early and first vist to Kenya. Please watch. The are many references and clear images of a young Barack ( who comes across as brilliant) and a his fiance. We may agree later that it is indeed an M Robinson. He’s already wearing a ring!
At one point a family member discussing Kenyan values expresses displeasure. I think this my be the purpose of thins thread.
btw trump, really? egh
I predict Trump will not concede. I believe Roger Stone and Steve Bannon will advise him to make a speech, that the election was rigged.
I feel this will trigger militias that rallied in Nevada and Oregon, and be more than threatening violence.
Clinton was president during Waco, and was elected president in the 1992 election; he was successfully campaigning during Ruby Ridge.
I copied these from Slate. My favorite screen name there is “Atlas Shirked.”
“I hope you all get out and vote”
said Donald J. Trump, in a note
as his throat was still sore
because two nights before
He had Pepe the Frog in his throat
There once lived a troll in a dump
Whose fortunes had hit quite a slump
He’d wasted his life
And blamed “other” for strife
So now he’ll be voting for Trump.
Samantha Bee’s show did a fascinating presentation on this.
“Trump and his supporters are absolutely terrified of riggers.”
Voting for Hillary 15 times? Really, Donald?
Works for me. Where do I sign up? Shoot, 15 times is way too little to vote against Trump. More! More!
I can’t predict Trump’s reaction one way or the other. He’s been pretty mercurial the whole time.
I think there will DEFINITELY be people planning violent attacks, but I have a lot of faith in our law enforcement agencies to keep the peace.
I recently knew a Trump supporter, and I remember him saying “Hillary will win, even though Donald Trump has the votes, because the system is so rigged”.
I think a lot of Trump supporters love Trump so much, and hate Clinton so much, that they can’t fathom more than a handful of people actually voting for her. The only rational explanation for a Clinton victory would be voter fraud.
There are always supporters of a given candidate that can’t fathom people voting for the other candidate. I know some disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporters who, though they don’t exactly cry “fraud”, they do say that American Democracy itself is a sham, and that the system was rigged against Sanders.
There are probably also a decent number of fairly rational Trump VOTERS who aren’t particularly SUPPORTERS. These are people who really just voting against Clinton instead of for Trump per se.
That was a fun piece. The correspondents kinda fast-talked the Trump supporters into revealing their own flawed logic. In a nutshell, you just kept hearing “If Trump loses, which he won’t, it will be because of a rigged election.”
That’s exactly how I feel.
To John, Nancy and other Trump supporters here: I have already voted for Hilary three times.
Trump: Feds Are Letting Immigrants ‘Pour Into The Country’ To Vote
I hope you’re just being facetious on that.
I actually mailed in my absentee ballot on Monday, with a vote for Hillary Clinton, plus some votes on down ticket local offices I really felt strongly about, and some where I didn’t really know the candidates or the office enough to have a strong opinion so I went kinda randomly. I went absentee because I’m moving to Indiana next week, and won’t be in the state until after the registration deadline passes. Except I also mailed in a registration form for Indiana last week… So I might be registered to vote in two states. That’s of questionable legality and ethics so I think maybe I’ll just stay home on election day.
How long does it take from Green Card to US citizenship?
I voted for Hillary Clinton once, and Hilary (my other cat) twice in two different “Most beautiful Siamese” contests.
My favorite comment on
“I’m OK with at least a couple more pouring in. This crew replacing my roof is really behind schedule.”
I knew that one. 5 years.
From the comments in “Donald Trump Is Setting a Time Bomb”
“urging his soldiers to return home to plant crops and to move on with their lives.” Quite the opposite. After he loses the election, he will return to egging on the pitchfork-waving mob with even more self-justification. The biggest problem with this? They don’t really have pitchforks, they have guns. Lots of guns. And they’re enraged beyond reason.
“Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz on Friday night became the first sitting Republican member of Congress to pull his support of Donald Trump in the wake of sexually aggressive remarks by the GOP presidential nominee.”
“Chaffetz, the House Oversight Committee chairman, made the announcement in an interview with CNN affiliate KSTU.
“‘I’m out. I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. It is some of the most abhorrent and offensive comments that you can possibly imagine,’ Chaffetz said.”
IIRC, it’s three years if you are married to a U.S. citizen.
I’ve already got Clinton winning FL, OH, and PA. NC probably. Trumps done like a dinner.
I am pretty sure Chaffetz and Huntsman just stuck a fork in him in Utah and Arizona.
Trump is looking like he just might make a play for Dukakis’ record.
These Republicans should go down with their ship, shouldn’t they? It’s not like Trump isn’t constitutionally qualified to be the Groper-in-Chief, right?
Arizona I could buy; it’s right leaning but not very much. Still. there is no chance Utah goes for a Democrat. I know Trump is pretty unpopular among the heavily Mormon population there, but I have a feeling the net effect might be lower voter turnout in Utah (because voters can’t bear to vote for either Clinton or Trump), but still not enough to swing it to Clinton.
I just wish this stupid election would be over with already.
The thinking on Utah is that McMullin is a Mormon and may do pretty well there. Johnson may also get quite a few votes, since he’s from a neighboring state and there is a libertarian streak in Utah. With all that splitting, Hillary could sneak through.
OK, here’s my proposed town hall question:
Was Nancy O’Dell’s furniture paid for by the Trump Foundation?
Inquiring minds want to know!
McCain’s finally had it, too:
“Trump’s behavior this week, concluding with the disclosure of his demeaning comments about women and his boasts about sexual assaults, make it impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy,” McCain said.
But high profile jerks like Donald Trump have been around for a while. Citizen Trump is nothing new; Candidate Trump is a sad new threshold. President Trump would be a terrifyng disaster. But I think that as a private citizen, Trump won’t be much more dangerous than Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage or any other hard right troublemaker.
i wish I could say that the Republicans abandoning Trump were showing moral courage, but I think it’s much more banal. They now see there is no way he can win and have decided that it is not to their benefit to be associated with his train wreck of a campaign.
Add Condoleezza Rice to the growing list.
“Enough! Donald Trump should not be President. He should withdraw,”
Trump fans on Facebook are freaking out.
I don’t know, but many people are saying, very important people and very smart people are saying that Trump is not his father’s son. I don’t know, I was not there, but people are saying these things. I’m sure his mom was a nice lady, but you never know, if it’s true, it’s a disgrace. What a shame. But, I don’t know, I have no proof. I’ll send my private investigators to find out, and we’ll all know. You can thank me later.
Beck denies being “responsible” for planned massacre at office of group he demonized
Here’s my treatment of Glenn Beck:
Will you be here all week?
Inside Trump Tower, an Increasingly Upset and Alone Donald Trump
I would think he is well beyond upset at this point, livid, furious, frothign at the mouth, chewing the carpets, now that I could get behind. How dare anyone question his wonderfulness and superiority.
Right now, he’s trotting out various women who have made accusations against Bill Clinton. He appears to believe this is 1998.
Something else worth considering: Those voters who stick with their third-party choices (Johnson or Stein) can still choose D or R candidates for Congress.
They may be a factor in determining Senate and House control. Has anyone seen this issue addressed?
I haven’t seen any specific analyses of how Stein and Johnson might affect the Congressional races, but Nate Silver says that the Democrats now have a 57.8% chance of taking control of the Senate.
That number is subject to change, and he updates it several times each day.
Yes, I’ve been following that, and I expect the Dems to take the Senate. I guess my question was really geared more toward the House, about which David Wasserman at 538 says:
“If Democrats’ seat share continues to lag their national vote share by about 4 percentage points in 2016, the party might need to win about 8 percent more votes than Republicans nationally just to reach the barest possible majority of 218 seats.
“It’s very possible Clinton could achieve that margin of victory…”
I’m wondering how the calculation that Dems need 8% more than Reps might be affected by the addition (on either side) of the third-party voters.
I’m voting for McGinty:
‘Unprecedented’ Rift Among Republicans Puts Party’s Survival in Limbo, Experts Say
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of people.
Trump Supporter Tells Mike Pence She’s ‘Ready For A Revolution’ If Hillary Clinton Wins
Don’t forgive the Republicans who sold their souls and backed Donald Trump
NY Trump Supporter Arrested After Threatening To Beat Black Woman
“Todd Warnken, 55, was asked to leave the store after “being disruptive inside,” Albany police spokesman Steve Smith told the newspaper. On his way out, Warnken allegedly harassed a black woman waiting for a taxi, calling her a racial slur and threatening her physically.
“Trump is going to win and if you don’t like it I’m going to beat your ass,” he yelled, according to Smith.
Warnken was arrested near the grocery store and charged with misdemeanor aggravated harassment, the newspaper reported.”
misha-Believe it or not, I was at that exact store yesterday,. But I’m much better looking than that guy…
As I wrote above, Clinton was president during Waco and Oklahoma City, and was elected president in the 1992 election; he was successfully campaigning during Ruby Ridge.
Trump has poured gasoline on the fire. “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people—maybe there is, I don’t know.”
Sharron Angle: “And you know, I’m hoping that we’re not getting to Second Amendment remedies. I hope the vote will be the cure for the Harry Reid problems.”
Trump is looking very Bill Cosby-ish by the day.
Re: Trump’s alleged rape of his estranged wife, Ivana, I was on a jury that sent a guy to Dannemora for 20 years for that exact same crime. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
Cosby at least has better hair, otherwise, yeah. You know what they say, safety in numbers, and if LaRump can drag Clinton issues up out of the weeds, there is no reason that his past can’t start showing back up, and with them coming forward in groups, it makes it harder for him to threaten and bully or ignore and sweep under teh carpet. Donny really shouldn’t have started down this path.
Trump fires back on Twitter as his campaign continues to crumble over sexual assault allegations
Trump keeps fiddling with Twitter as his campaign burns.
NYT’s attorney sent a great letter in response to Trump’s threat to sue the NYT for libel.
I read it. Bravo!
My fears have been realized: “Mr. Stone hedged when asked whether he would advise Mr. Trump — should he lose in November — to concede the election and accept its legitimacy.”
“Mr. Trump’s claims seem to be resonating among his supporters. At a campaign stop in Iowa on Tuesday, a woman stood up and, her voice quavering, said she feared “voter fraud” before offering a stark call to action to Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, Mr. Trump’s running mate.
“If Hillary Clinton gets in, I myself, I’m ready for a revolution because we can’t have her in,” the woman said.”
Trump stupidly wouldn’t allow his campaign to run opposition research on Trump. No wonder his campaign keeps getting caught off guard by how horrible he is.
Oh, how times have changed since Christine Keeler.
Sef October 13, 2016 at 5:24 pm (Quote) #
Oh, how times have changed since Christine Keeler.
Oh, for the good ole days of Huntley and Brinkley.
Or Dave Garroway and Jack Lescoulie.
Sef, I’m 68, 69 in February, baby boomers rule. LOL
Some of us have an in utero memory of FDR.
I don’t remember FDR, but I have a vague memory of Edward R. Murrow.
Oh for someone with one tenth the cojones of Murrow and Fred Friendly, the gravitas of Cronkite, and the erudition of Huntley and Brinkley.
Maybe late to the party, but some folks are actually starting to see that they may well have been more enabler than reporter.
Yeah, well, better late than never, as long as it isn’t TOO late.
For journalists covering Trump, a Murrow moment
Armed Trump Supporters Protest In Front Of Democrat’s Campaign Office
New Jersey Muslim Center Defaced With ‘Donald Trump,’ Racist Graffiti
3 Held in Bomb Plot Against Somalis in Kansas
“If she’s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That’s how I feel about it,” Dan Bowman, a Trump supporter, told The Boston Globe last week. “We’re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that’s what it takes. There’s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that’s what it’s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.”
Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It’s Time To Bring Out ‘Pitchforks And Torches’
Every day, in every way I am more and more convinced that DNA’s Golgafrincham B Ark hypothesis is correct.
3 suspects in Kansas anti-Somali plot sought a ‘bloodbath’
Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies
And if Trump doesn’t win, some are even openly talking about violent rebellion and assassination, as fantastical and unhinged as that may seem.
“If she’s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That’s how I feel about it,” Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old contractor, said of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. “We’re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that’s what it takes. There’s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that’s what it’s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.”
Sinclair Lewis’ “It Can’t Happen Here”:
Armed Trump Supporters Protest In Front Of Democrat’s Campaign Office
Trump Seems To Question, Yet Again, Whether Obama Is A Legitimate President
He put quotation marks around the word “president” when speaking about Obama.
Sorry for the redundancy. I wrote some things twice for emphasis.
LaRump doesn’t have to pretend any more so the old habits are coming back fast. Like this is a surprise to anyone with an IQ above room temperature.