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Those in the US, remember that today is the end Daylight Saving Time.
Agents in the FBI are right now seeking to topple the criminal corruption at the DOJ by targeting all the following individuals: Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, Assistant Attorney General Peter Kaznick, Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin, and Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell.
looks like we’re going to be hearing cries of `comey was threatened/paid off/made an offer’ in 3…2…1….
Says a report from Lyle J. Rapacki, the guy who made up all that stuff about widespread Satanic ritual abuse and claimed falsely to have postgraduate degrees and to be an ordained Episcopalian minister. He picks on Muslims these days.
Your article is a joke.
Birthers can’t take a joke, but they sure do believe in them.
What’s unacceptable among civilized nations is that roughly 30+% of your country’s population (the “alt.right”) wishes for the extermination or removal of the other 70%.
If this election showed anything is that they don’t truly care about Jesus, your Constitution, taxes, the economy, whatever else; their only meaningful agenda is your destruction.
This unraveling has also spread to England.
Only a TRUE JERK could create the following INSANITY.
“I get upset about con men defrauding the elderly, about rape and murder. I have a hard time getting excited about a private email server, and certainly do not understand how that is a threat to democracy.”
You need time in a STOCKADE jerko
I hope your estimate of the number of 30% is high but I can’t make a good case against that number.
Trump is a media created monster. He has been given as much as a billion dollars in free air time according to some estimates. He spokespersons like that despicable liar KellyAnne Conway are for the most part unchallenged.
Not sure how this will work out but this site has partnered with Slate and will be making projections before polls close tomorrow.
And this:
This is not even political. They are doing it purely for the money. They go right- wing and conspiracy because that audience is more gullible and therefore more profitable. They tried Bernie bottery but it didn’t deliver the clicks.
This is pathetic. How you hammer some sense into your XX % of lunatics, I don’t know, but you’ve got to find a way or things will only get worse.
This is not acceptable either:
No one is surprised that the FBI’s stunt amounted to nothing. To normal, reasonable humans it’s because there was nothing to be found in the first place. To unhinged, deranged kooks, its because “the fix is in”.
The Murdoch-owned NY Post today ran a story claiming that the Clinton Foundation paid for Chelsea’s wedding. The source? An e-mail from a Clinton Global Initiative man (who hates Chelsea) to John Podesta claiming that she used “foundation resources” for her wedding. No explanation of what those resources were, of course. It may have been something as benign as foundation employees helping with the wedding plans, and of course the e-mail does not say that any foundation money was involved.
Tomorrow’s the big day. I don’t know what I’ll do if Trump wins. I’m usually not so worried about elections but he is a REALLY rotten person and a bad leader who takes pride in ignorance.
Perhaps you should go back to whatever country you come from where they lock people up for political speech.
The other thing is, why was the media surprised to learn that some of Clinton’s e-mails were on her aide’s laptop? Any time you send or receive an e-mail there are at least two copies, the sender’s and the recipient’s. The surprising thing is that the FBI didn’t get a warrant for Humedin’s e-mails months ago.
I haven’t been to Orly’s site in a while, but I thought I would check it out on the morning of the election.
She’s been going especially mad with the cherry picking of polls. She has implored her followers to harass RealClearPolitics into adjusting their average to be pro-Trump for….. reasons I couldn’t exactly untangle. I think because like 3 out of 40 polls (among the whole pool of state and national polls) showed him ahead. Or something.
I take it he didn’t have a US IP address? 😆
Today feels sort of like Christmas Eve, in a twisted way. By the time I wake up tomorrow, hopefully all the anxiety of this election season will melt away.
Or, he knows more than you want him to know. He’s certainly not ignorant. For the record, I’m still waiting for Gideon’s sword to drop.
Agreed. Will Santa bring us a pony? (Perhaps a somewhat dishonest pony, but still: a pony!). Or will there just be a big pile of horse s— and a Ted Nugent LP under the tree?
I’m very confident. Nate Silver has Hillary carrying Florida, and if that happens the election will be over early tonight. The other good news is that she doesn’t need Florida.
“If only people with at least 4 grandparents born in America were voting, Trump would win in a 50-state landslide.” Ann Coulter, last night.
Yeah, Ann, and if my grandparents had wheels they’d be tea carts.
You’d be surprised how few people that would actually leave in America voting. For instance, let’s take myself. I’m about as lily-white as they come. I can trace my ancestry on 3 out of my 4 grandparents back to the Revolutionary war. One of my ancestors in my direct paternal line is a recognized patriot (Colonel in a New Jersey Regiment) by the Daughters of the American Revolution. I have no fewer than 3 other ancestors that I could trace my ancestry to that are recognized patriots (aka fought in the American Revolution). My paternal grandfather fought in World War II (Pacific Theater).
However, my paternal grandmother was born in Sweden, and immigrated here when she was 13 years old in 1921. According to Ann Coulter, my vote shouldn’t be worth as much as someone else’s, because all 4 of my Grandparents were not born in this country. That’s offensive.
I have a hunch that, somewhat ironically, this would favor black people. Since so many of them could probably trace their roots back to slavery, whereas a lot of us white folk trace it back to immigration, particularly in the early 20th century.
Are you looking at a different Nate Silver site than I am? They didn’t really predict much, particularly at the state level. They just released a bunch of probabilities. A 55% of taking a state doesn’t really convince me. It seems like they’re playing it vague so they can claim to be right after the election.
Remember, it’s not just that you can trace your roots back to slavery, but that all 4 of your grandparents were born here. If you have even one foreign grandparent, then you are too foreign for Ann Coulter. What she states is offensive on every level.
Reminds me of the “Pure Blood” standards that the Harry Potter books took out in their distopian regime. It depended on how many of your grandparents were wizards. And those were adapted by J.K. Rowling from the Nazi Germany laws on Jews, and who was a true German.
Trump would be disqualified, as both his maternal grandparents were born in Scotland and his paternal ones in Germany.
7:30 PM Eastern… the illogical part of my brain is panicking because it shows Trump 19/Clinton 3. Then the rational brain reminds me that only 3 states have actually closed their polls, and 2 of them are deep red states.
30 minutes until the polls close in Florida, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and a slew of other states.
God I hope this ends tonight. I couldn’t concentrate at work all day.
Yep, you’re full of it.
#Barack_Obama’s Fake Birth Certificate. Computer Analysis.
That “analysis” was debunked in 2011. The guy doesn’t have a clue how PDF documents get compressed by modern software.
Shurfjoke lost.
Midnight Eastern and it’s still up in the air. Hillary would win with Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, plus Nevada, but all except Nevada are still very close.
However, as Andrew reported Arpaio is out. He is trailing by more than 100,000 votes.
My country, my country.
This is an insane turnaround.
Arpaio lost but it looks like we have a President Trump. The racists won the big prize after all.
I can’t believe this is happening. And that all the forecasters got it so wrong.
Oh well. I guess worrying about the next 4 years isn’t constructive. I’d best go back to living my life.
As I read earlier on this year when I had a bad election experience, the sun will still rise tomorrow, the birds will still sing, and you will still get up and be breathing, kissing your loved ones and life will roll on. Keep living life.
I predict that if Trump wins, when asked if Obama is NBC, he’ll reply “I don’t know.”
Hilary Clinton will be harassed for four years.
I wasn’t terribly concerned when Trump won Florida and North Carolina, because Clinton took Virginia and all she had to do to prevail was win in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Nevada, and she was strongly favored in all of them. But then I got a sinking feeling when I heard that Russ Feingold lost the Senate race in Wisconsin. Nate Silver had given Feingold an 81.7% chance of winning. If the polls were so wrong about that race…
Then I discovered that my hot water heater has stopped putting out hot water. Not a good night!
I’ll try.
Easier said than done, believe me I know. 🙂
i had a feeling that was going to happen.
hey! will his first executive order be to seal all his records and tax records like president obama did?
Probably, but it will be ok becasue he is going it FOR AMERICA! BIG LEAGUE!
How were the polls and forecasters so wrong? My faith in that is totally off.
As for my personal strategy and advice on how to deal: I prefer a news blackout. I don’t watch the news, and I set up a series of filters using Leechblock plugin to block out sites. Burying my head in the sand like this may sound immature, but it’s really what works best for me.
Welcome to 1946. George Will called him “a bloviating ignoramus.”
Pence supports denial of service based on religious beliefs.
The warning sign was the acquittal of everyone in Oregon. I didn’t realize how deeply that jury nullification went.
And Jews like Adelson and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, helped Trump get there:
“And Jews like Adelson and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, helped Trump get there”
I feel you. But maybe it’s time to stop saying such things — I’ve already found “it’s the Rothschild’s fault” in left-leaning posts on Facebook this morning. We are at serious risk now, and with Israel going right wing, there is no where to go. G-d help us.
I guess we need to start practice saying “Merry Christmas” for Chanukah.
It’s from Haaretz: “The Jew haters are celebrating. And Jews – from Jared Kushner to Sheldon Adelson –helped it happen.”
Read more:
I had considered going to live on a kibbutz, but with Israel going right wing, I don’t know what’s going to happen to them.
I’m one of those left wing Jews like Ben Gurion and Golda Meir, who was a Marxist when she first went to Palestine. I read in Haaretz that a settler spokesman called J Street “worse than the kapos.” And I belong to J Street. Thanks.
With Trump and Pence, the two-state solution is dead forever. Israelis don’t care that Pence supports denial of service, based on religious beliefs. He supports the Settlers for biblical reasons, and that’s fine with them.
I also read in the NYT that the Canadian immigration website crashed several times because of the traffic. I’d be willing to go to Toronto, even with their 15% sales tax.
Sarah Palin just won.
What Germans really think about those Hitler-Trump comparisons
Scroll down for the video. This site will not let me post the video.
I haven’t said this yet on any of my “public” accounts, because at this point I want the opportunity:
If I know you voted for Trump, or even worse, that you voted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , don’t worry about me unfriending you on Facebook; I won’t.
What you should worry about is whether you’re a LinkedIn connection of mine and there’s even the slightest chance someone would contact me about you. I’ll be delighted to share what I think about your cognitive skills.
One positive I can see from all of this. I have a feeling the Militia groups will disappear for the next 4 years and be pretty quite. Maybe Al Bundy’s lesser known relatives will just fade into obscurity.
Sorry, I’m going to disagree. They are going to become bolder, and more confrontational.
No I think it’ll be like the bush years. They were quiet then. Then came back during Obama.
New article at Blog or Die!
It’s gotten pretty rough over there. My sister and mother made aliya in the 1990s, but left this year. The statement about J Street reflects how the left-of-center is treated in Israel now, and it’s getting worse. I just heard that Netanyahu is starting a state news service — yuk!. And there were so many terrorist stabbings in my mother’s “safe” town (Ra’anana) that we didn’t want her staying there anymore.
*sticks right index finger into mouth, pulls it out, raises it into the air* So, Doc…..still shutting down this blog? Or, keeping it open a while longer?
Basically, because the urban voter didn’t show up to the polls. Fewer people voted for Trump than voted for McCain or Romney, at least according to the graphic I saw. But a lot fewer voted for Clinton than voted for Obama.
All numbers taken from the New York Times website.
Trump: 60,058,552
McCain: 59,948,323
Romney: 59,134,475
So, more people voted for Trump, than voted for either McCain or Romney.
If Donald Trump takes some official action as president relative to Obama’s birth certificate, I would feel obligated to cover it. Also in the unlikely event that the Cold Case Posse issued some document or held an evidentiary press conference, I would probably open up for that too.
While I thought that I would miss nothing by shutting down the blog on January 20, the end of birther event was probably the election of Donald Trump.
But the electorate is larger, so I think it’s fair to say that Trump did essentially the same as McCain and Romney. The difference is that Hillary did significantly worse than Obama. Moreover, she actually outperformed him in several large red states like Texas, Georgia and Arizona, losing them by quite a bit less than he did. But what sealed her fate was that she did MUCH worse than Obama in the swing states, particularly PA, MI, WI and OH, all of which he won, the first 3 by quite a bit.
*licks finger again*
I sense the winds might be coming from a new direction now.
Huma Abedin in tears:
And, this video is starting to gain traction:
I’m pretty sure I know who “Vince Foster” really was.
I could not believe the polls that had Hillary in the double digits for PA, my home state. President Obama was much more popular, and he did not have such a large lead. I know my state and knew the numbers were not anywhere near the polling. I would not have been surprised had Hillary pulled out a win, but I knew the race was tight. Interesting that the Amish contributed to Trump’s win.
The Amish came out to vote for Trump in PA.
I have seen comments that the press was too lenient with Trump. The press gave him free reign, believing he would hang himself and be the easiest candidate for Hillary, a weak candidate, to beat. Wikileaks bears that out.
I understand most criticisms of Trump, but he won against significant odds. Although some of the Establishment came around at the end, they fought against his candidacy for most of the time. Research shows Trump got completely negative press. The debates were weighted against him. He campaigned hard until the last.
Some of the left is behaving exactly as Trump supporters were predicted to act in the face of a sure loss.
Oh, the Cubans voted Trump in Florida.
Why can’t we all just get along?
It is birthers’ fantasy that there will ever be some official action. And it will take the few remaining birthers a long time to realized they were used and then discarded.
I listened to Zullo and Gallups’ victory lap yesterday. The usual all gab and little substance. Drawing from past experience, what they said, and what they didn’t say, it will just be more of the same.
Arpaio and Zullo will present to the next administration their “report.” Then Gallups and Zullo will say they aren’t at liberty to say anything due to ongoing “investigation” by the administration. The reality is the “report” will be quietly round-filed, but Gallups and Zullo will (pointlessly) string this along for as long as possible with the usual periodic innuendo of “top officials” and “establishment VIPs” are “seriously considering” and “conducting further investigation.” In other words, more delay. Repeat until they move onto other issues, and no one remembers the birthers.
And that’s very disappointing to me, as I’m sure it is to a lot of people who voted for Clint (or even just against Trump).
However, imagine what would be going on right now if Trump had won the popular vote and lost the EV.
But… did the Russkies hack our voting system?
(My belief: most likely not.)
And, their report will go right into the trash where it belongs. Nobody’s even remotely taking them seriously anymore.
Having said that, we will have a #birther *gasp* in the White House come January.
As I learned with Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartel, “Anything is possible,” and “You never know.”
There probably would have been some factions acting out. Speculation is just that… speculation. Sixty millions voters are not KKK members, militia members, or any other hate group that you can name. Rightly or wrongly, they are angry with the status quo; they are angry about health care; they are angry that jobs are been outsourced; their wages are stagnant; they have been harmed in some fashion by illegal immigration, they were disgusted at the private servers and the destruction of evidence that would land the less powerful in hot water, …. It was a coalition, a cobbling of votes from all directions.
They will be just as angry in 4 years, because nothing will change. There are global forces, particularly technology, that are beyond anyone’s power to change. Were any factories to come back here (and quite a few actually have) they will be largely robotized and will generate a very modest number of jobs.
Here’s a fact that may surprise many-the best year for manufacturing in US history was 2015. Yes, that’s right, US manufacturers produced more value than ever before. But they did it with far fewer workers. Auto manufacturers are producing more cars in the US than ever yet employment is far lower than it was 30 years ago. Why? Robots. Fact.
I live in Philly’s Chinatown. James Carville described Pennsylvania as “They didn’t film The Deer Hunter there for nothing — the state has the second-highest concentration of NRA members, behind Texas.” Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, with Alabama in between.
Before the stroke, I rode my Honda bike to Lancaster County. It’s between 1864 and 1950. Also, Amish dairy farmers sell raw milk in the Reading Terminal Market. It’s a good way to get every microbe in the catalog.
You can tell the Mennonites from the Amish: Mennonites allow themselves “modern conveniences,” so you’ll see someone dressed as an Amish, but driving or using a mobile phone.
Leica cameras are made in Portugal. 49% of the assembly is done there; the chassis are then sent to Stuttgart, where 51% is completed. The cameras are then labelled “Made in Germany,” with an attendant breathtaking price. Leica plays the same game with their lenses. The elements and housings are made by Raytheon in Waltham, Massachusetts. Some elements are sourced from Canon. The parts are then shipped to Stuttgart. The public has the privilege of paying ~$6,000 for what Canon charges $649.
I am not from Phillie. Yes, NRA membership is strong in PA. Where I grew up, families having guns was common, particularly for hunting. Guns were part of life. I will not handle a gun until I receive proper training. Learning how to use a gun is near the top of my bucket list, not because I live in constant fear, but I want to learn.
I see Mennonites all the time at Walmart and other stores and yes, they tend more toward modern conveniences.
I think James Carville is one of the most savvy political commentators. I remember when Bush won against his prediction, he put a garbage can over his head. It was funny. I saw his face this past election night when results were coming in and knew Trump was going to win.
I’m thinking more along the lines of the candidate himself, who is already on record saying he thought the election was going to be rigged, and who went on a Twitter tirade against the EC in 2012 when he thought Romney had won the popular vote.
I agree that it was a coalition, but we already know that some elements of that coalition are prone to violence. There were already pro-Trump people arrested for plotting egregious acts before the election itself.
So yes, of course speculation. But speculation informed by past actions.
As far as the reasons for voting for Trump are concerned: I don’t see him as offering relief for health care, since his cohorts-to-be are not interested in fixing anything; they just want to burn down the ACA. I don’t see him addressing economic issues, since his supposed expertise is a Potemkin village, and the grownups in the room on economics are already on record that his plans spell disaster.
The private server is an at least as overblown story as Benghazi was, and with just as much similar past behavior by others — we in the IT business call it “Thursday”.
To net it out, the only promises he stands a chance of delivering on are the hate-based issues. That may not be what a lot of his voters voted for, but that’s what they’ll be getting. (See John Scalzi’s “Cinemax” analogy.)
You focused on one aspect. I agree that technology is changing the workforce. I am hoping to have a personal robot to help me in my twilight years. Unhappy people will always exist. The degree of happiness or unhappiness with a Trump administration will determine whether there will be a second term. Notice who did not turn out for Clinton in the same numbers: African Americans. A third Obama term was not enough of a draw.
Heath care is also a big part of the economy, no matter what system ends up in place. Additionally, eldercare is also on the rise. If you live into your 80’s and beyond, someone is likely to be caring for you to some extent, unless you can rely on family only. Most people cannot.
Another random datum: I see a lot of online reactions to the anti-Trump protests featuring various memes that add up to, “Oh, that’s cute. How are you going to have a revolution when we’re the ones with the guns?”
One company I focus on is Tesla which is rapidly expanding manufacturing both in California and Nevada, facilities which when finished will be the largest in the world. To make cars at an attractive price point, they have to not only use robots, but better and faster robots. There can be a boom in American manufacturing, but that doesn’t mean jobs. The high paying jobs will be in technology.
What’s left will be service jobs and construction.
The disruption to come has to become huge, and the demon will not be seen as the immigrant, but technology. Look up the origins of the word sabotage.
A lot of states seem to be like that.
I started watching Penn and Teller’s Showtime series “Bullsh!t” today on Amazon Prime. One of the early episodes was on alien abductions. Guess who is the first person I thought about when I watched that show? Come on Nancy; tell us where you got probed?
I recommend this:
Trump said he would slap a 35% tariff on cars made in Mexico, to force manufacturing back. Smith Corona closed its plant in Cortland, NY because no one buys typewriters anymore. The few that are still made, are from plants in India.
It’s 2016. Where’s My Flying Pizza?
Delivery drones are getting better at putting pies in the sky. Meet the entrepreneurs fighting to get hot food flown to your home.
Interesting. Okay, need to go back to responsible life now…
I have an Amazon distribution center fairly close to my home. I want drone deliveries.
Illinois is Chicago (almost entirely Democrats), and the rest of the state is like Missouri or Iowa. In local elections in Chicago, Democrats fight among themselves–all we need are primaries.
Same place as you. Only, I wasn’t asking for it. 😆
I have worked in southeastern Illinois. They worship the flag and guns 7 days a week and Jeebus on Sunday morning.They are less tolerant of minorities than what I find in south Louisiana and Houston. I knew a really bright young Hispanic man who moved there from Texas to work. He and his wife and could only take it for a year. He jumped at the chance to go back to the Galveston area.
Harley davidson have been doing that for years.
just checking where the various components are made can be a right eye-opener
The urban-rural divide is a global phenomenon- check out the Brexit vote in London vs the rest of England.
I’ve been to southern Illinois a few times as a lawyer visiting the horrible prisons they have down there. Most of the prisoners are people of color from Chicago, put there so their families (and lawyers) have to set aside at least two days of driving just for a visit. The locals treated me as the Jew-lawyer from the big city. Once I visited Menard Prison around Christmas. The guards made me take off my tiny gold star of David I wore around my neck. I told them it was no different than wearing a cross around my neck, but they insisted it was a gang symbol. So, I took my necklace off, raised it above my head to G-d, and loudly sang a Hebrew prayer while I spun around in circles. It was a “ritual” I made upon on the spot to annoy them. Lots of them hovered around with gaping eyes; I was hoping they at least momentarily feared that lighting might strike.
p,s, in southern Illinois, I saw confederate flags in front of a couple houses on the road. I distinctly took it as a warning.
One of the better arguments I’ve seen for voting Trump:
Hello, this both a desperate plea for assistance and a intelligence memorandum. For some inscrutable reason God has chosen me to be an Archangel. The Secret Telepathic Police perceived this fact when the STP detected my fantastic power in 1998. The STP have decided they want to commandeer my power by performing brain surgery on me to facilitate their direct access to my Archangel capacities. The STP have already hacked my brain using a combination of Telekinesis and Telepathy. Now I am ‘ connected ‘ which means the STP have synthetic eyesight and hearing through my senses plus the STP can deny me sleep plus induce artificial dreams. The STP persistently endeavor to drive me insane and/or provoke me into committing a felony either of which would result in the STP having me in custody which is a prerequisite for my brain surgery operation. If you have any sympathy for me or my plight or if you are concerned that the USA under President Obama has a secret police force operating on the domestic front against USA citizens please contact your congressman and VOTE TRUMP since Trump is anti STP and Hillary is pro STP. …. Stop the STP before the STP takes control of the USA government !!!
Who knew? Trump is really a “Paki”!
Doc can we expect a Trump Conspiracy Theory in our future?
“Although the channel said that it was not them that came up with the story but social media users, it has still left people in disbelief and angry at how a reputable news outlet could report such baseless stories as fact.”
Sounds reasonable to me.
Trump has done slightly better than McCain, who got 45.7% of the popular vote. Trump is at 47.3%, although he is likely to be down to 47% when all the votes are counted. Romney got 47.2% of the popular vote.
Clinton currently leads in the popular vote by 625,553.
“Sounds reasonable to me.”
Happy that your irony detector is working fine. 🙂
Trumpsters are beginning to feel like they’ve been had. He’s already walking back on some of the draconian garbage he promised those fools, and he’s not even in office yet. I still don’t trust him, probably never will, but it is nice to see the alt-right having a major case of buyer’s remorse.
Con men con the gullible.
He won’t bring back jobs. The options are the following:
1. Impose the tariffs he promised. Everything at WalMart goes up 30%. Trump voters won’t like it.
2. Jawbone CEOs to build a few factories here/ They will be staffed largely by robots and create a very limited number of jobs here. Trump voters won’t like that either.
3. There really is no option 3.
Deep in Virginia’s craggy coal country, they saw Trump as their only hope
Paul Ryan Isn’t Standing Behind Some Of Donald Trump’s Biggest Campaign Promises
JAKE TAPPER: …a lot of people including many conservatives are concerned that Steve Bannon who is the CEO of the Trump campaign and the chief executive of Breitbart News, that he used Breitbart News to — in their view, the view of conservatives, the view of Republicans — to mainstream white supremacist views, anti-Semitic views, racist views, do you have any concerns about Steve Bannon being in the White House?
PAUL RYAN: No. I’ve never met the guy. I don’t know Steve Bannon, so I have no concerns — I trust Donald’s judgment, I think he’s going to pick who he thinks will best serve him and I’m sure we will work well with whoever his chief of staff is, whoever his staff is.
For those in the UK, BBC Two has an episode in their “The Conspiracy Files” on Donald Trump that can be watched through this link:
“An investigation into how Donald Trump has used conspiracy theories to further his bid for the presidency.
“If Donald Trump loses his battle to become president, it is already clear that he will blame a conspiracy between the media and the political establishment to rig the election. And it won’t be the first time that Donald has pushed conspiracy theories to advance his political career. The latest episode of Conspiracy Files investigates how Trump championed the notorious ‘birther’ conspiracy – which aimed to prove that America’s first black president wasn’t eligible to serve, and that his birth certificate was false. It is a claim that was believed by up to 60% of Trump voters – even though Trump has now finally disowned it.
“To help defeat Ted Cruz during the Republican nomination race, Trump stirred stories about links between Cruz’s father and America’s most famous conspiracy, the assassination of JFK. And as Trump battles Hilary Clinton, he is focusing relentlessly on allegations that the Clintons have conspired to cover up crimes throughout their political careers.
“Conspiracy Files probes the murky world of US politics, which, since Watergate, has been fertile breeding ground for increasingly complex conspiracy theories.”
Politico – :Soros spends $2 million to defeat Arpaio
Arpaio himself raised $10 million.
That is Ryan’s modus operandi. Whenever he was asked about Trump’s most egregious remarks, he would claim that he hadn’t seen or heard them so he wouldn’t comment on them.
Trump does the same thing about David Duke – I never met the guy.
Yup. Personally, I’ve never met any of them. So what? The “I never met him” routine is fooling no one.
Absolutely! Assange was using KGB intel from the early 1980’s.
Associate Justice Ginsburg tells birther joke:
Julian Assange was ten years old in 1981.
Well, obviously some of the info has been handed to him.
Also, I found this at Intense Debate and thought I’d post it here:
1 hour ago @ Birther Report – Audio: Top Trump Advis… · 0 replies · +3 points
by Reagans_Ghost
Rest assured, the birther issue is NOT dead, despite Sheriff Joe losing his election. The files on the investigation, which he was desperately trying to get someone in congress to look at, will now be handed over to Trump’s justice Department. The Wikileaks email controversy is NOT over, and in fact, will be the key that leads to opening the mystery of Obama. Obama is going DOWN, right along with Hillary, and the birther issue is just going to be the cherry on top! Think about it, folks: we have a BIRTHER as President!!!! Don’t be dissuaded by Trump’s statement that Obama was born here. It means NOTHING. Just hold on for a few months more, and all will be revealed. God is good! P.S.–anybody know what happened to BR? God bless!
RE: Trump back-paddling. So, he is. It might be due to the potentially explosive “snowflakes” out there blocking roads and highways. Time will tell.
But, saying the Clinton’s are “Good People?!” Ugh.
Ok, Doc. It may just last a few months. But, there has been an very noticeable increase in birther stories here lately. For the record, I didn’t read this one yet.
I hope you weren’t set on hanging your hat up anytime soon. 😆
Me? I was counting on a complete break from the subject so that I can finally finish up a few projects that I have going on right now. Mainly writing.
A couple of months back I hinted about this big project that I was involved in. It didn’t quite work out as planned.
I was contacted by a filmmaker with the BBC who said that they were working on a documentary on conspiracy theories in America and focusing in particular on Donald Trump and his birtherism. They asked me if I would agree to be interviewed for the program. As time passed, the logistics of the interview kept being a problem, either getting me to New York, or them coming to South Carolina.
I provided a lot of background material for the documentary, and this web site provided information on some of the wacky birther theories that they had never heard of.
The end result was a program, which I believe is the “Conspiracy Theories” episode about Donald Trump on BBC 2 that aired in the UK right before the election. I haven’t figured out any way for folks outside of the UK to view it, and I haven’t seen it myself although they are supposed to be sending me a DVD.
I dodged my 15 minutes of fame.
Is this it?
Oh, Oh – Ivan Zatkovich says the halos are OCR.
Oh, wow. I just quickly skimmed through it. But, it looks interesting. Meet my two-time husband, RIvi. My guess is that it is a continuation of these documentaries:
Yeah, probably a good thing you dodged it.
I’ve been showing extended family members who voted Trump, the kinds of people he’s putting in his cabinet. “Lowering head in shame” seems to be the default response. Coupled with the fact that he’s already reneging on some of his promises, I relish in their buyer’s remorse. They fouled up the country to everyone else, so them not getting what they want out of it is a nice consolation prize.
A large proportion of Trump voters voted simply for “something different”. I will point out that cyanide is “something different” from what I normally eat, but I don’t plan on having a plate of it for dinner.
Report says, Soros dead:
You put a lot of effort into this blog and, unlike Birther Report, you didn’t block the birthers. So, what went wrong? I still haven’t had a chance to watch it past the first five minutes, for the record.
YES, that is it. David Thompson, the person I talked to, is listed in the credits, along with Ceri Isfryn, the producer, who I answered questions for via email.
Thank you very much!
Guy on CNN says birthers aren’t racist, because Chester Alan Arthur.
Any. Day. Now.
So a lawsuit has been filed against the electors who compose the Electoral College.
It will lose for the reasons stated in the district court’s decision in Taitz’s Grinols v. Obama.
Don’t believe what you read on fake news sites.
So? Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl:
I don’t know. Why are you asking me specifically? Did he live in South Florida?
I’m sure Glenn Beck must have because according to Nancy everyone has lived in Clewiston