Obama’s minions

MinionBirthers call them Obots (when they are being nice), often expressing the idea that the truth of their conspiracy theories is self-evident, so that anyone who disagrees is either blinded by bias, or a paid opponent, a shill. I get called a shill a lot when I comment on YouTube, a particularly nasty venue. Just as Bill Ayers says he never got paid for ghostwriting “Dreams from My Father,” I never got paid for defending Obama on the Internet (Birthers regularly claim that I defend Obama, but I don’t see it that way. I debunk claims that are false. I can’t help the fact that the birthers are the ones who are wrong.)

I was interested in the particular minion pictured here because, according to the sign, its name is “Kevin” like mine. I was standing next to “Kevin” for a couple of hours ringing the bell for the Salvation Army.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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119 Responses to Obama’s minions

  1. I quit giving to SA. They are a homophobic organization. My money goes to more worthy recpients.

  2. SA in our area provides a lot of social services for the homeless, but I hear your complaint. I ring the bell for them because it’s a project of our local Civitan Club. My main charitable focus is Habitat for Humanity.

    Reality Check:
    I quit giving to SA. They are a homophobic organization.My money goes to more worthy recpients.

  3. Curious George says:

    The Salvation Army is a tremendous organization.

  4. Lupin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    SA in our area provides a lot of social services for the homeless, but I hear your complaint. I ring the bell for them because it’s a project of our local Civitan Club. My main charitable focus is Habitat for Humanity.

    I have the same problem with the Church in general. They do a lot of good on a individual basis (in our region) but I can’t stand them as an organization. We do have a charity called “Restaus du Coeur” (basically, food banks for people in need) which is totally non-religious 9it was started by the comedian Coluche) to which we give liberally.

  5. H. Keith says:

    Churches in Australia are mired in the pig muck of protecting pedofile clerics. That is all of them Anglicans, Roman Catholics, Salvos, Jewish, all of them (OK maybe the Muslims and the Hindus are clear, dunno). We are talking at the institutional organization level – many individuals are saints. But they all should lose their social license to run schools. If the NCAA can kill the SMU athletics for lack of organizational control so can civilized society deny these guys the chance to just move to the next parish when people start asking questions.

    I don’t donate the the Salvos anymore. I don’t care that they also do good work. The organization (in Australia) protected predators and ran from their responsibilites. Not good enough for a secular organisation, and not good enough for a faith organisation.

    I donate to Medecins Sans Frontieres, Fred Hollows Foundation, and Habitat.

  6. I track Habitat volunteer days so that I can take the mileage deduction on my federal income tax. This year I’ll have about 900 hours, and that is a lot of time. Then I remembered that I estimate that i spent MORE time each year working on this blog than that for the first few years. Blogging time was closer to 1,000 hours per year. With Habitat I can point to a couple dozen houses with families that I helped build. Here I can point to 4,193 blog posts. In any case in the future, so long as the body holds out, there will be more building than blogging.

  7. Commendable Doc. I know SA has one of the lowest expense ratios going too. It’s just a personal choice we made

    1000 hours. Wow, I know I spent a lot of time on the show, research, and blogging but not that much. You provided a great resource. I’m not sure how many minds you changed but you may have turned around some potential Birthers who didn’t know anything or were just curious about something they’d heard.

    One thing I have never heard is a Birther offer an apology. They pushed lie upon lie and after they had been all knocked down they moved on to more lies or slinked off. They acted as if there was nothing racist about the Birthers questioning the birth documents of a black candidate even when there was never anything wrong with any of the documents.

    Brian Reilly at least admitted the CCP investigation was a sham after Zullo took it over. I never heard him apologize to President Obama or his supporters for playing a part in starting it though.

  8. alg says:

    I used to do XMAS bell ringing on behalf of the Salvation Army as a former volunteer for my Kiwanis Club. I have since moved and joined Rotary in my current home and our club does not do bell ringing.

    I’m not a big fan of the SA, but the very visible act of volunteering and giving during the holiday season at various shopping venues is just a plain thing good to do.

    Though I know the SA operates with some challenging rules – they are a faith-based organization – they still do remarkably good things for the homeless and destitute all over the world. Consequently, I always put a little bit of cash in the bucket whenever I see them.

  9. Dave B. says:

    Never heard him address claiming that “The Lord’s hand is in this project,” either.

    Reality Check: Brian Reilly at least admitted the CCP investigation was a sham after Zullo took it over. I never heard him apologize to President Obama or his supporters for playing a part in starting it though.

  10. Curious George says:

    I used to do XMAS bell ringing on behalf of the Salvation Army as a former volunteer for my Kiwanis Club.I have since moved and joined Rotary in my current home and our club does not do bell ringing.

    I’m not a big fan of the SA, but the very visible act of volunteering and giving during the holiday season at various shopping venues is just a plain thing good to do.

    Though I know the SA operates with some challenging rules – they are a faith-based organization – they still do remarkably good things for the homeless and destitute all over the world.Consequently, I always put a little bit of cash in the bucket whenever I see them.

    I like the fact that the Salvation Army during the holiday season feeds 10s of thousands of people in need, regardless of their faith or lack of faith. It’s donated money well spent. The SA files IRS form 990 unlike the Cold Case Posse.

    I enjoyed Kiwanis.

  11. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    I like the Minions, but when it comes to hoards of strange little unintelligible whatsits, my favorites are the Rabbids.

  12. Thanks! I had never seen that. Truly amazing. No I have never heard Reilly address that. I suppose God was doing really well until he assigned Zullo to the project. Who knew God was a racist Birther? I could have told God that using that liar Corsi was a mistake too.

    Dave B.:
    Never heard him address claiming that “The Lord’s hand is in this project,” either.

  13. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check: They acted as if there was nothing racist about the Birthers questioning the birth documents of a black candidate even when there was never anything wrong with any of the documents.

    I had a birther on YouTube just call Michelle Obama an ape and then whined when I called her racist

  14. Rickey says:

    I donate monthly to Child Fund International. I have been sponsoring a child in the Philippines for a dozen years.

  15. trader jack says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I had a birther on YouTube just call Michelle Obama an ape and then whined when I called her racist

    calling one person of a race an ape is not racist, it would be racist to say that all of a particular race are apes

    Who-ever made that statement might actually like some of the race of that individual called an ape.

    In fact, if I recall properly, there was a movie called, “the human ape” , or was it TARZAN , the human ape.

  16. Some of the comments on that page are priceless. They sure like to wrap themselves up in God. They have the LaVoy Finicum toilet brand there too.

    Dave B.:
    Never heard him address claiming that “The Lord’s hand is in this project,” either.

  17. Curious George says:

    USA Today, Top Stories of the Year by state. Arpaio and Zullo in the news.


  18. Brian Reilly obviously reads the comments here. He left this comment at the blog that Dave B. linked:

    Brian Reilly says:
    December 27, 2016 at 4:26 pm

    Sometimes, the good Lord takes us in a very different direction than what is expected.

    When I asked for the investigation into the question of the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate, I never would have guessed that the investigation would ultimately shine a light onto the questionable workings and actions of Maricopa County Sheriff, Joe Arpaio. The investigation that should have concluded in May of 2012, with the issuance of the Obama Verification of Birth, by the state of Hawaii, to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, continued until the recent Cold Case Posse press conference held on December 15, 2016. The fact that the Cold Case Posse never approached the Maricopa County Prosecuting Attorney, since 2012, with any criminal evidence also brings into question the credibility of the final announcement made, on December 15, 2016, by the Cold Case Posse, that the Obama birth certificate is a computer generated forgery.

    Previously, in 2012, the Cold Case Posse evidence was informally reviewed by Maricopa County Prosecutor, William Montgomery who classified the Cold Case Posse evidence as “speculation.” The so called investigation, ultimately turned into an apparent publicity and fund raising gimmick for Arpaio, Arpaio is famous here in Maricopa County, Arizona for his political dog and pony shows. In my opinion, the December 15, 2016 press conference was necessary for Arpaio to “save face” as the new, incoming sheriff, Paul Penzone had stated that the ongoing birth certificate investigation would be closed down when he becomes the new sheriff in January, 2017.

    In November of 2016, Sheriff Joe Arpaio lost his bid for reelection by nearly 13% of the vote, while spending nearly 10 million dollars in the process and outspending George Soros by nearly 5 to 1. Arpaio is now also facing a criminal contempt of court charge for allegedly, intentionally violating a federal court ordered injunction for 18 months. The court expenses up to this point regarding this one case alone (Melendres v. Arpaio) have cost the Maricopa County taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. Our real estate taxes have also increased because of the Arpaio court costs.

    For those of you who were expecting different results, I can assure you that I am satisfied that President Obama’s birth certificate data is genuine as depicted as a PDF and displayed on the White House website on April 27, 2011.

    While I don’t agree with President Obama ‘s politics, the truth is, President Obama was born in America. And finally, President-elect Donald Trump is also in agreement with this assessment.

    It is not exactly an apology for his Birthering but a good start. It’s too bad Brian couldn’t lower himself to comment here. I doubt anyone at the NCRenegade cesspool gives a flip.

    Brian: Maybe God didn’t take you in a different direction. Maybe he didn’t give a crap about racist Birthers in the first place? Have you considered that?

  19. Pete says:

    God’s direction was always on the side of decency and the truth.

    So no matter how they wrapped themselves in the flag, and screamed that they were for “the truth,” God was against birthers from the start.

  20. Dave B. says:

    I think he did good to comment over there. Kind of helps set the record straight where it originated. If anybody’s paying attention over there, he’ll catch hell for it. To me, the whole thing is a cautionary tale: if you rationalize the things you do with self-righteousness, they better be righteous things, through and through.

    Reality Check: It is not exactly an apology for his Birthering but a good start. It’s too bad Brian couldn’t lower himself to comment here. I doubt anyone at the NCRenegade cesspool gives a flip.

    Brian: Maybe God didn’t take you in a different direction. Maybe he didn’t give a crap about racist Birthers in the first place? Have you considered that?

  21. Keith says:

    Reality Check: It’s too bad Brian couldn’t lower himself to comment here.

    Brian has posted here and contributed several ‘guest’ essays as well.

    He has been straight forward in his dealings with the Doc and given insight into the historical insider comings and goings above and beyond what we fundamentally had any right to expect.

    But you know that RC, and I think you are being unnecessarily unfair with that remark.

  22. I don’t not believe Mr. Reilly has participated in comments section here or at the Fogbow (at least under his own name). He has supplied a few guest articles that Doc was gracious enough to publish. He has answered selected questions through Doc on those articles.

    I was being a bit sarcastic about the fact that Mr. Reilly would choose to post at the obscure NC Renegade blog when it was really triggered by a discussion here about his prior Birtherism and lack of remorse. If you consider that criticism to be unfair then so be it.

    Although he was never a guest he has called my show several times and taken a few questions. I am thankful for that.

  23. Brian left three comments here under this 2012 article:


    That was before his epiphany about the Cold Case Posse.

    Reality Check: I don’t not believe Mr. Reilly has participated in comments section here or at the Fogbow (at least under his own name).

  24. Cody Judy says:

    That is a GREAT Picture Doc! ❤ I loved it!


    Minions of course go apocalyptically crazy if their evil leader is killed AND their search for just the right one is legendary. It’s in their genetic make-up to follow the most narristic evil mad crazy leader they can find.


    [It is shown in Minions that they have existed since the beginning of life on Earth, and desire above all else to serve the most terrible of villains]

    My son and I had fun painting our Pumpkins as evil Minions this year also featured in my Tweet about Anti-Birthers refusing Expert Forensic Evidense.

    I thought today about all of the ridicule I receive here about my Cases on defending Art. II., Sect. 1, C-5, of the COTUS and wondered kind of dreamily:

    If anti-Birthers ( which include most MSM Pundits) had ANY regrets about not writing or producing any positive stories about Birthers? In particular, those of mine that represented Standing as a Presidential Candidate suffering harm and damages by the violation of my Civil or Political Rights to run a fair race with the COTUS Standard Qualification- American Allegiance by birth place and parents ?

    As I mulled this thought around, I mused , would Donald Trump have won IF the U.S. Supreme Court had heard Judy v. Obama 12-5276 filed in 2012, or even 14-9396 filed in 2014?

    Think about ALL the Steam taken out of Trump’s Train?

    He would not have been the Birther Leader because it would have been irrelevant if an actual Presidential Candidate beat him to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    I’ve thought about all the juice, steam, and fuel that The Anti Birther Argument created, being used even in the Presidential Debates and literally hundreds of stories with multiple networks teamed up in tandem on this issue… but no decision called for or propositioned by MSM Sources to SCOTUS.

    It all worked for Trump’s narrative with the Public. Trump said, All the MSM was corrupt and were Minions for Obama.

    Yet.., there the Cases were like jewels set before the U.S. Supreme Court and they ( the Justices) sneered at them which protected Trump’s narrative.

    I think the COTUS is very important to all Americans and the refusal to HEAR the Cases ( regardless of the decision) would have helped Democrats appear more neutral with the COTUS rather then smugly bias and discriminatory on the forma pauperis finding of 14-9396.

    I think you could give argument that SCOTUS’s refusal to HEAR gave Trump the fuel to win. , which interfered with the 2016 Election.

  25. bob says:

    Cody Judy:
    If anti-Birthers( which include most MSM Pundits) had ANY regrets about not writing or producing any positive stories about Birthers?

    No: birthers are loathsome people who inflicted their own wounds.

    In particular, those of mine that represented Standing as a Presidential Candidate suffering harm and damages by the violation of my Civil or PoliticalRights to run a fair race with the COTUS Standard Qualification- American Allegiance by birth place and parents ?

    Of course ex-con Judy dreams of being famous, but there is nothing noteworthy about a delusional narcissist wasting judicial resources on frivolity.

    As I mulled this thought around, I mused , would Donald Trump have won IF the U.S. Supreme Court had heard Judy v. Obama 12-5276 filed in 2012, or even 14-9396 filed in 2014?

    There was no point in SCOTUS even entertaining ex-con Judy’s wastes of cases; there is certainly no indication SCOTUS would have ruled differently than every other court in every other birther case.

    I’ve thought about all the juice, steam, and fuel that The Anti Birther Argument created, being used even in the Presidential Debates and literally hundreds of stories with multiple networks teamed up in tandem on this issue… but no decision called for or propositioned by MSM Sources to SCOTUS.

    Because everyone knew it was a ridiculous position, which is why even Trump abandoned it.

    Yet.., there the Cases were like jewels set before the U.S. Supreme Court and they ( the Justices) sneered at them which protected Trump’s narrative.

    Only birthers would consider their polished turds to be jewels.

    I think the COTUS is very important to all Americans and the refusal to HEAR the Cases ( regardless of the decision) would have helped Democrats appear more neutral with the COTUS rather then smugly bias and discriminatory on the forma pauperis finding of 14-9396.

    Over a year later and ex-con Judy still cannot understand that SCOTUS refused his IFP application because he filled it out incorrectly.

    I think you could give argument that SCOTUS’s refusal to HEAR gave Trump the fuel to win. , which interfered with the 2016 Election.

    Of course: It isn’t the birthers’ shortcomings that led to SCOTUS repeatedly rejecting their cases. Of course.

  26. Joey says:

    Mr. Judy may not be aware that when any one of the nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices is intrigued by a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, they request a brief in opposition to help the Justice decide on whether to vote yes on granting the Writ.
    Not one of the Justices ever requested a brief in opposition from Barack Obama’s attorneys. None of them was ever intrigued.
    Obama eligibility at the Supreme Court of the United States
    1) Anderson v. Obama (Cert* Denied)
    2) Barnett, et. al. v. Obama, et. al. (Cert Denied)
    3)Barnett v Padilla (Cert Denied)
    4) Berg v. Obama, et. al. (Stay Denied & Cert Denied)
    5) Beverly v. Federal Elections Commission (Cert Denied)
    6) Craig v. United States (Cert Denied)
    7) Donofrio v. Wells (Application for Stay Denied)
    8) Dummett, et. al. v Padilla (Cert Denied)
    9) Fair v. Walker (Cert Denied)
    10) Farrar v. Obama & Kemp (App. For Stay & Cert Denied)
    11) Herbert v. United States, et. al. (Cert Denied)
    12)) Hollister v. Soetoro (Cert Denied)
    13) Judy v. Obama, et. al. (Application for IFP status Denied, case closed)
    14) Kerchner, et. al. v. Obama, et. al. (Cert Denied)
    15) Keyes v. CA. Secretary of State Bowen (Cert Denied)
    16) Lightfoot v. CA. Secretary of State Bowen (Stay Denied)
    17) Noonan v. CA. Secretary of State Bowen (Stay Denied)
    18) Paige v. Vermont (Cert Denied)
    19) Purpura v. Sibelius (Cert Denied)
    20) Rhodes v. Mac Donald (Injunction & Cert Denied)
    21) Schneller v. Cortes (Emergency relief & Cert Denied)
    22) ex. rel. Sibley v. Obama (Cert Denied)
    23) Sibley v. DC Board of Elections (Cert Denied )
    24) In re: Voeltz (Cert. Denied, Petition for a Writ of Mandamus, Denied)
    25) Vogt v. Obama/In re: Vogt (Cert Denied)
    26) Welden v. Obama (Cert Denied)
    27) Wrotnowski v. Bysiewicz (Application for Stay Denied)
    *”Cert”= A Petition for a “Writ of Certiorari” which is a request for an appeal to be heard before the Court. It takes four Justices to agree to grant a Cert Petition, known as “The Rule of Four”.

  27. trader jack says:

    bob: No: birthers are loathsome people who inflicted their own wounds

    If you said that about a minority it would be considered improper, why do you think it is proper to denigrate any group of people?

  28. Joey says:

    “Over a year later and ex-con Judy still cannot understand that SCOTUS refused his IFP application because he filled it out incorrectly.”

    Attention to detail is a skill best learned in good law schools. It has not been a strong suit of birthers appearing in courts. Filling out forms correctly and in a timely fashion and effecting proper service have been particularly difficult for birthers.

    There is a reason why only a select few attorneys appear before the Supreme Court of the United States: “An attorney wishing to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States must apply to do so, must be admitted to the bar of the highest court of a state, must be sponsored by two attorneys already admitted to the Supreme Court bar, must pay a fee and must take either a spoken or written oath.”

  29. I don’t think I would have known who “Brian” was then.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Brian left three comments here under this 2012 article:


    That was before his epiphany about the Cold Case Posse.

  30. Yoda says:

    trader jack: Think

    Are you seriously comparing a race or religion with people who are willfully ignorant liars by choice?


  31. scott e says:

    call… “them” obots ??
    “Et tu, Brute?”

  32. Yoda says:

    trader jack: calling one person of a race an ape is not racist, it would be racist to say that all of a particular race are apes

    Who-ever made that statement might actually like some of the race of that individual called an ape.

    In fact, if I recall properly, there was a movie called, “the human ape” , or was it TARZAN , the human ape.

    Are you serious? Using something that has been historically racist to describe a person of that race is ALWAYS racist. ALWAYS.

  33. It is proper to denigrate a group of people for their beliefs is those beliefs are demonstrably false.

    trader jack: If you said that about a minority it would be considered improper, why do you think it is proper to denigrate any group of people?

  34. Northland10 says:

    trader jack: If you said that about a minority it would be considered improper, why do you think it is proper to denigrate any group of people?

    Birthers are denigrated due to their actions and baseless claims, not their race, creed, color, orientation or socio-economic status.

  35. bob says:

    trader jack: If you said that about a minority it would be considered improper

    Good thing I didn’t! But thanks for trying to put words in my mouth by changing the context.

    why do you think it is proper to denigrate any group of people?

    If you don’t want to be ridiculed, the first step is to stop saying ridiculous things.

  36. Cody Judy says:

    bob: Over a year later and ex-con Judy still cannot understand that SCOTUS refused his IFP application because he filled it out incorrectly.

    I think you could give argument that SCOTUS’s refusal to HEAR gave Trump the fuel to win. , which interfered with the 2016 Election.

    Of course: It isn’t the birthers’ shortcomings that led to SCOTUS repeatedly rejecting their cases. Of course.

    Sponge Bob rehearses ill fated FAKE NEWS as Court has duty to return any Motion of IFP filled out incompletely and ask Petitioner to resubmit properly.

    Sponge Bob forgets Motion for IFP was filled out correctly for two lower courts from which the Case sprang in Utah Federal District Court and Denver 10th Circuit Court of Appeals- also within the same YEAR! Forma Pauperis Federal Motions ask for a Years rehearsal of income.

    What’s really amazing is to understand the history of forma pauperis in U.S. Supreme Court Case 12-5276 and the fact it was not dismissed for improperly filling out a Motion for forma pauperis. You know it’s just wind Bob’s Blowing.

    Sponge Bob regurgitation sounds like a shill of bias Doc complains about, that or a fart bag stinking up the whole house when it explodes. Get your anti-birther fart bag here which is just a bunch of stinky wind. Just be careful about letting one go off in your house.


    Natural Born Citizen


    bob: If you don’t want to be ridiculed, the first step is to stop saying ridiculous things.

  37. Northland10 says:

    trader jack: calling one person of a race an ape is not racist, it would be racist to say that all of a particular race are apes

    Who-ever made that statement might actually like some of the race of that individual called an ape.

    In fact, if I recall properly, there was a movie called, “the human ape” , or was it TARZAN , the human ape.

    You will let us know when you get to China?

  38. “Them” obviously refers to the article’s title, “Obama’s minions.”

    scott e: call… “them” obots ??

  39. Joey says:

    Judy v Obama
    Supreme Court Docket
    Jun 22 2015 The motion of petitioner for leave to proceed in forma pauperis is denied. Petitioner is allowed until July 13, 2015, within which to pay the docketing fee required by Rule 38(a) and to submit a petition in compliance with Rule 33.1 of the Rules of this Court.

    Is Cody Judy seriously trying to tell us that he couldn’t afford (or borrow) a freaking $300 filing fee and yet he wanted to challenge the President of the United States?

  40. Rickey says:

    trader jack: If you said that about a minority it would be considered improper, why do you think it is proper to denigrate any group of people?

    “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Chew on that for a while.

  41. Rickey says:


    Is Cody Judy seriously trying to tell us that he couldn’t afford (or borrow) a freaking $300 filing fee and yet he wanted to challenge the President of the United States?

    Judy still professes that he accomplished something because none of his cases were denied because of standing.

    Two of his cases were filed in state courts, and he has been told repeatedly that standing is an issue only in Federal court cases.

    In his one Federal court case, the defendants never filed an Answer, so the issue of standing was not raised. That case was dismissed sua sponte when the Court read his Complaint and determined that it was frivolous and failed to state a cognizable claim.

  42. Joey says:

    Ricky: “Judy still professes that he accomplished something because none of his cases were denied because of standing.”

    That’s a Pyrrhic victory if ever there was one since Article III Standing is a federal court issue and many (scores) Obama eligibility lawsuits were heard and tried in state courts.

  43. bob says:

    Cody Judy: Sponge Bob rehearses ill fated FAKE NEWS

    Oh, the irony.

    Court has duty to return any Motion of IFP filled out incompletely and ask Petitioner to resubmit properly.

    In the real world, courts often do reject improperly submitted paperwork. Parties who do not then properly submit paperwork do so at their peril. They may, for example, then have their IFP status denied and then have their case closed for failing to pay the filing fee.

    Sponge Bob forgets Motion for IFP was filled out correctly for two lower courts from which the Case sprang in Utah Federal District Court and Denver 10th Circuit Court of Appeals- also within the same YEAR!

    Ex-con Judy continues to peddle his lie that SCOTUS was somehow obligated to accept applications filed in lower courts, despite his repeated inability to state a law or rule that would require SCOTUS to do so.

    What’s really amazing is to understand the history of forma pauperis in U.S. Supreme Court Case 12-5276 and the fact it was not dismissed for improperly filling out a Motion for forma pauperis.

    And no one has said otherwise: As the docket plainly shows, ex-con Judy’s IFP application was denied (because he couldn’t fill it out properly), and his case was closed because he didn’t fix the problems with the application (or pay the filing fee).

    Sponge Bob regurgitation sounds like a shill of bias Doc complains about, that or a fart bag stinking up the whole house when it explodes. Get your anti-birther fart bag here which is just a bunch of stinky wind. Just be careful about letting one go off in your house.

    Ex-con Judy is fifty years old and yet he talks (and spells) like a five year old. “Sad.”

    And — yet again — ex-con Judy derails a conversation by making it all about him.

    * * *

    Joey: Is Cody Judy seriously trying to tell us that he couldn’t afford (or borrow) a freaking $300 filing fee and yet he wanted to challenge the President of the United States?

    Oh, yes; that is exactly what ex-con Judy believes. Ex-con Judy imagines a war against the poor because ex-con Judy lacks the courage to accept responsibility for his mistakes.

  44. Looking at the photo, I was reminded that birther opinions as to the number of Obama operatives are inflated. [Duck]

  45. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Looking at the photo, I was reminded that birther opinions as to the number of Obama operatives are inflated.

    It’s also suspicious you do not specifically state which of the two Kevins in the picture you are. 😉

  46. Sam the Centipede says:

    The Magic M (not logged in): It’s also suspicious you do not specifically state which of the two Kevins in the picture you are.

    One of them is clearly a forgery.

  47. Joey says:

    “Oh, yes; that is exactly what ex-con Judy believes. Ex-con Judy imagines a war against the poor because ex-con Judy lacks the courage to accept responsibility for his mistakes.”
    Cody Judy wanted to challenge Barack Obama for national office yet he couldn’t raise $300 to pay a SCOTUS filing fee or get like-minded birther cultists to chip in for duplicating costs. In 2008 Barack Obama raised $745 million for his presidential campaign.

  48. Did Judy ever publish a copy of the letter he got from SCOTUS telling him his IFP application was hosed?

  49. Dave B. says:

    Thorough, expert analysis shows that one was used as the source for forging the other.

    Sam the Centipede: One of them is clearly a forgery.

  50. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dave B.:
    Thorough, expert analysis showsthat one was used as the source for forging the other.

    Meaning Paid shill Mark Gillar came up with it.

  51. Dave B. says:

    Wheels within wheels, man.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Meaning Paid shill Mark Gillar came up with it.

  52. Notorial Dissent says:

    I think the issues were not only that ex-con Judy couldn’t follow simple directions and fill out a form properly, or correct it when politely asked, ex-con Judy also could not raise the filing fee, and he couldn’t raise the cost, $3-4,000, of having his documents properly printed and bound and sent to the court.

    On a brighter note, he saved himself the $4500 or so dollars he didn’t have to begin with on a case that was DOA regardless. After having lost at every level up to the Supreme Court the likelihood of it gaining any traction there, particularly since it was all pointless poorly written gibberish anyway, was vanishingly less than none.

    And as ever, ex-con Judy is a self aggrandizing lying liar.

  53. Rickey says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    I think the issues were not only that ex-con Judy couldn’t follow simple directions and fill out a form properly, or correct it when politely asked, ex-con Judy also could not raise the filing fee, and he couldn’t raise the cost, $3-4,000, of having his documents properly printed and bound and sent to the court.

    On a brighter note, he saved himself the $4500 or so dollars he didn’t have to begin with on a case that was DOA regardless. After having lost at every level up to the Supreme Court the likelihood of it gaining any traction there, particularly since it was all pointless poorly written gibberish anyway, was vanishingly less than none.

    And he never, ever learns from his mistakes.

    His cert petition was doomed from the get-go because he failed to address the reasons for which his lawsuit was dismissed by the lower court. Instead of addressing those reasons and buttressing his position with citations to case law, he chose to re-argue his case. This was pointed out to him many times, but it was always deflected by the “cone of silence” in which he envelops himself whenever he is criticized

    Of course, even if he had prepared a proper cert petition, he still would have lost because nobody outside of the birther community believes in Judy’s mythical two-citizen parent requirement.

  54. bob says:

    Reality Check:
    Did Judy ever publish a copy of the letter he got from SCOTUS telling him his IFP application was hosed?

    The SCOTUS clerk explained the deficiencies in ex-con Judy’s application, and ex-con Judy responded with a “YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!” rant. SCOTUS’ ultimate denial, therefore, was entirely predictable.

  55. Judy’s argument seems to be that because the lower courts overlooked the rules and granted IFP status (only to deny his moronic case) that SCOTUS should bend the rules for him because he is a special snowflake. With thinking like that I can see why he is a such a dismal failure in life.

    bob: The SCOTUS clerk explained the deficiencies in ex-con Judy’s application, and ex-con Judy responded with a “YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!” rant.SCOTUS’ ultimate denial, therefore, was entirely predictable.

  56. scott e says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    “Them” obviously refers to the article’s title, “Obama’s minions.”

    they, but you’re still an obot though right ? i mean, you’re one of the main guys.

  57. Notorial Dissent says:

    Not to mention that all Cody did in his alleged appeal was repeat the same untenable nonsense that he lost on in the lower courts, that was based almost entirely on non-law and fantasy. He never addressed why the lower courts were wrong, which is after all what an appeal is all about, but rather just repeated the same nonsense. It was almost like he didn’t have a clue about what he was doing. Oh, wait, we’re talking about Cody our resident convicted felon, so that’s rhetorical isn’t it.

  58. Mr. Reilly’s comment has disappeared.

    Dave B.:
    I think he did good to comment over there.Kind of helps set the record straight where it originated.If anybody’s paying attention over there, he’ll catch hell for it.To me, the whole thing is a cautionary tale:if you rationalize the things you do with self-righteousness, they better be righteous things, through and through.

  59. It depends on what you mean by “Obot.” I accept the label if it is defined by a person who actively opposes birther conspiracy theories and crackpot legal theories on the Internet. If it refers to someone who does Obama’s bidding (i.e. “minion”), then I reject the label because neither I, nor anyone I know has ever received any direction from Obama, the White House, the Democratic Party, Democratic operative, or any other organization. My blogging and commenting are wholly self-directed.

    scott e: they, but you’re still an obot though right ? i mean, you’re one of the main guys.

  60. I wonder how long my comments on the PPSimmons YouTube video will stay around.

    Reality Check: Mr. Reilly’s comment has disappeared.

  61. Cody Judy says:

    Notorial Dissent: On a brighter note, he saved himself the $4500 or so dollars he didn’t have to begin with on a case that was DOA regardless.

    #waronpoor was right and what a horror show it is.
    Let’s everyone here know Justice was denied very factually on a discriminatory income basis.

    All your talk about DOA is more fart bag wind. It’s unprovable and delusional.

    The Court Docs Testify against the DOA argument.
    I know it is most embarrassing. . Especially for Democrats who are in the Obama led-discrimination against the poor, elitist in their con-script.

    We see by intelligence that the Record shows a God awful discrimination against the poor, and by comments here a willingness to distort Truth, conspire against and use all manner of pajoratives against those who are poor.

    Motion for more Time

    Motion for Review

    It literally shows all the discrimination in open rebellion against Truth. It is painful in the site of Justice, Truth and Honor. It helps us understand the Despots and Tyrants of yor, which gave the sparkling spirits to and of and for our Declaration of Independence.

    Yes, Injustice must be suffered by God’s own words, that Justice might be made known.

    We see the Country has elected a change the Establishment of the Democratic Party testified would NEVER happen.

    We see here the deep rooted reason as Corruption and pious, an affront to the American.

  62. bob says:

    Cody Judy: #waronpoor was right and what a horror show it is.
    Let’s everyone here know Justice was denied very factually on a discriminatory income basis.

    Ex-con Judy continues his lies: Ex-con Judy fails to show that his IFP application was denied for any other reason than the simple fact that he couldn’t fill it out properly.

    In three weeks, Doc is going to shut down the comments here. Ex-con Judy will have to comfort himself with spreading his shopworn, uninteresting, unbelievable lies on Facebook, YouTube, and his blog.

    All your talk about DOA is more fart bag wind. It’s unprovable and delusional.

    Oh, the irony.

  63. Cody Judy says:

    bob: In three weeks, Doc is going to shut down the comments here.

    Doc has worked hard in all he’s done. Let me say Publically, I do hope we can all be friends here. I am accustom to a road less traveled. God has made me a strong mountain climbing goat.


    I hope you guys all have a wonderful and Happy New Year!

  64. bob says:

    Cody Judy: I do hope we can all be friends here.

    I make it a point to not befriend unrepentant, lying domestic terrorists. And birthers.

  65. Rickey says:

    Cody Judy: God has made me a strong mountain climbing goat.

    You’re as stubborn as a goat, I’ll give you that. Whether God is to blame is above my pay grade.

  66. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    God is not to blame for your adult type 2 onset retardation, Judy.

  67. trader jack says:

    Do you think that posters will ever stop the vilification of other posters on these threads?


    Synonyms for ex-con

    noun person who breaks the law

    bad actorstar
    black marketeerstar
    inside personstar
    slippery eele

    Don’t know how those extra letters go added to the words as I cut and pasted from source.

    Who, on this board does not meet one of these “ex-con” synonyms ?

    Can we stop this insulting behavior.

    Probably not

  68. bob says:

    trader jack:
    Do you think that posters will ever stopthe vilification of other posters on these threads?

    As there’s no indication that certain posters will ever cease their villainous behavior, the answer to your question is “no.”

    Who, on this board does not meet one of these “ex-con” synonyms ?

    Synonyms have similar meanings, not identical ones. As some of us strive for precision in their word choice, ex-con is reserved for those who have a felony conviction (and have served prison time).

    But if you want to refer to yourself as an ex-con, knock yourself out.

  69. Pete says:

    The thing that astonishes me (somewhat, at least) is that long after every single birther allegation has been completely and totally disproved (except for the recent claims by Arpaio and Zullo, but those are now obvious and proven bullcrap as well), and long after Arpaio, Zullo, Corsi, Gillar and others have been PROVEN to be liars, we’re still arguing and debating the same d*mn crap over and over.

    Why? Because some people prefer fantasy to reality.

    It’s over, birthers. You bought into a fantasy that was only taking place in your own minds (and in the sleight of hand of perpetrators like Corsi and Zullo) from the first place.

    There was never anything there.

    And all of us argued over literally nothing, for 8 years.

    That’s a depressing thought. But at least those of us who debunked the nonsense stood up for the truth and helped keep lies and fantasies from taking over any more than they did.

  70. Northland10 says:

    trader jack:
    Who, on this board does not meet one of these “ex-con” synonyms ?

    Can we stop this insulting behavior.

    I don’t meet the criteria.

    When possible, it may be best to judge commenters do and say here and not just the person or their past issues. Therefore, any opinion I might have that somebody on this board has attempted to be deceptive and untruthful is based on their actions.

    So what do you think? Does that sound fair, Helen, Jacko?

  71. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    trader jack:
    Do you think that posters will ever stopthe vilification of other posters on these threads?


    Synonyms for ex-con

    noun person who breaks the law

    bad actorstar
    black marketeerstar
    inside personstar
    slippery eele

    Don’t know how those extra letters go added to the words as I cut and pasted from source.

    Who, on this board does not meet one of these “ex-con” synonyms ?

    Can we stop this insulting behavior.

    Probably not

    Not for you. I’ll continue slinging insults at you, until one of us is dead. And I’ve never been convicted of anything, so I can’t very well be an ex-con, can I? Any other bright ideas, Criswell? Judy was a convicted felon, hence why ex-con fits him.

  72. Rickey says:

    trader jack:

    Who, on this board does not meet one of these “ex-con” synonyms ?

    I don’t. I’ve never been charged with a crime, much less convicted of one.

    Can you say the same for yourself?

    Besides, since when is it vilification to call an unrepentant ex-convict an “ex-con?” Cody Robert Judy was convicted of aggravated assault and aggravated burglary in 1993 and he was in prison until 1999. To this day he refuses to accept responsibility for his actions.

    The man who terrorized students and President Howard W. Hunter at a BYU fireside nearly seven years ago will be granted his freedom today.


  73. Joey says:

    One of Trader Jack’s birther heroes is convicted forger, con man and parole/probation violator Lucas Daniel Smith.
    Poor old gullible Trader still maintains that Lucas D. Smith went to Kenya and brought back a real Kenyan birth certificate for Barack Obama.
    Trader Jack’s comments are frequently insults to my intelligence.

  74. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Joey: Trader Jack’s comments are frequently insults to my intelligence.

    That’s because jack is nothing more than a troll. He’s been doing the same routine on Amazon for the last 5 years or so.

  75. trader jack says:

    One of Trader Jack’s birther heroes is convicted forger, con man and parole/probation violator Lucas Daniel Smith.
    Poor old gullible Trader still maintains that Lucas D. Smith went to Kenya and brought back a real Kenyan birth certificate for Barack Obama.
    Trader Jack’s comments are frequently insults to my intelligence.

    My heroes are not on the web, but most of them are underground, or at the bottom of the ocean. There are no heroes on the web, what there is a bunch of people who are entertaining themselves, and there are no heroes on this site, that I am aware of

    I did my tour in ww2 and there might be some younger veterans here.

  76. trader jack says:

    Rickey: I don’t. I’ve never been charged with a crime, much less convicted of one.

    Can you say the same for yourself?

    Besides, since when is it vilification to call an unrepentant ex-convict an “ex-con?” Cody Robert Judy was convicted of aggravated assault and aggravated burglary in 1993 and he was in prison until 1999. To this day he refuses to accept responsibility for his actions.

    The man who terrorized students and President Howard W. Hunter at a BYU fireside nearly seven years ago will be granted his freedom today.


    of course I have broken laws , freely, but remain un-convicted, and un-tried, but I am still guilty of the crimes, am I not.

    I have also broken most of the 10 commandments, and , only age stops me from doing so again


  77. trader jack says:

    One of Trader Jack’s birther heroes is convicted forger, con man and parole/probation violator Lucas Daniel Smith.
    Poor old gullible Trader still maintains that Lucas D. Smith went to Kenya and brought back a real Kenyan birth certificate for Barack Obama.
    Trader Jack’s comments are frequently insults to my intelligence.

    I doubt that anything could insult your intelligence, and I don’t know or care if Smith went to Kenya or not, Or whether the attorney went to Fuddy and got 2 birth certificates and refuses to show both of them.

  78. trader jack says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: That’s because jack is nothing more than a troll.He’s been doing the same routine on Amazon for the last 5 years or so.

    Rickey: I don’t. I’ve never been charged with a crime, much less convicted of one.

    Can you say the same for yourself?

    Besides, since when is it vilification to call an unrepentant ex-convict an “ex-con?” Cody Robert Judy was convicted of aggravated assault and aggravated burglary in 1993 and he was in prison until 1999. To this day he refuses to accept responsibility for his actions.

    The man who terrorized students and President Howard W. Hunter at a BYU fireside nearly seven years ago will be granted his freedom today.


    You never have to accept responsibility for an action if you have been convicted of it, and served your term!

    You have paid the penalty for the crime , still paying the penalty and there is nothing that says you have to repent for the crime, As it may be fully justified in your mind, and nothing can change your belief

    and you have been doing the same things for the last 9 years!

  79. Joey says:

    trader jack: My heroes are not on the web, but most of them are underground, or at the bottom of the ocean. There are no heroes on the web, what there is a bunch of people who are entertaining themselves, and there are no heroes on this site, that I am aware of

    I did my tour in ww2 and there might be some younger veterans here.

    You left out the word “BIRTHER” which came before “heroes.” So you completely changed the context for your little rant.
    Have you or have you not advocated for Lucas D. Smith’s “Kenyan” birth certificate?

  80. Joey says:

    trader jack: I doubt that anything could insult your intelligence, and I don’t know or care if Smith went to Kenya or not, Or whether the attorney went to Fuddy and got 2 birth certificates and refuses to show both of them.

    If you’re not interested in the issue, why are you here?

  81. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    trader jack: I doubt that anything could insult your intelligence

    You existing insults mine. I have you pegged as a stolen valor case too.

  82. Rickey says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: You existing insults mine. I have you pegged as a stolen valor case too.

    Trader Jack’s idiocy is both exhaustive and exhausting.

  83. trader jack says:

    Rickey: I don’t. I’ve never been charged with a crime, much less convicted of one.

    Can you say the same for yourself?

    Besides, since when is it vilification to call an unrepentant ex-convict an “ex-con?” Cody Robert Judy was convicted of aggravated assault and aggravated burglary in 1993 and he was in prison until 1999. To this day he refuses to accept responsibility for his actions.

    The man who terrorized students and President Howard W. Hunter at a BYU fireside nearly seven years ago will be granted his freedom today.


    read that darn url you posted, He apologized for his actions and stated that in the article.

    Hatred confuses the mind and should be controlled if at all possible

  84. trader jack says:

    Joey: If you’re not interested in the issue, why are you here?

    Obviously to present the other side of the discussion to contradict the misinformation presented by posters.

  85. trader jack says:

    Joey: You left out the word “BIRTHER” which came before “heroes.” So you completely changed the context for your little rant.
    Have you or have you not advocated for Lucas D. Smith’s “Kenyan” birth certificate?

    I consider the Kenyan bc in exactly the same way that you consider the hdoh bc, to whit, a certified copy of a governmental document that can not be proven wrong without access to the original.

    It is possible to claim them both right , both wrong, and the devil take the hindmost.

    All seem , now, to agree that you can not determine the forgery with out access to the original, but most want to not apply that standard to the Kenyan bc for obvious reasons.

  86. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Rickey: Trader Jack’s idiocy is both exhaustive and exhausting.

    He and john are just being salty bitches, because we’re at the end of the road and all they have to show for it, is a whole lotta nothing.

  87. The scroll wheel is your friend.

    Rickey: Trader Jack’s idiocy is both exhaustive and exhausting.

  88. scott e says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It depends on what you mean by “Obot.” I accept the label if it is defined by a person who actively opposes birther conspiracy theories and crackpot legal theories on the Internet. If it refers to someone who does Obama’s bidding (i.e. “minion”), then I reject the label because neither I, nor anyone I know has ever received any direction from Obama, the White House, the Democratic Party, Democratic operative, or any other organization. My blogging and commenting are wholly self-directed.

    still, wouldn’t the obot part love to have a peek at the original.

  89. Of course I’d like to see it, and if Obama ever puts his birth certificate his presidential library, I’ll go visit. But seeing it is not a matter of curiosity because I’ve seen pictures of it. I’ve seen pictures of the Constitution too, but I still went to see a draft in Philadelphia. It’s being a part of history.

    Oh, if by the “original” you mean the copy in Hawaii’s vault, then no. That’s not of any interest.

    scott e: still, wouldn’t the obot part love to have a peek at the original.

  90. dunstvangeet says:

    trader jack: I consider the Kenyan bc in exactly the same way that you consider the hdoh bc, to whit, a certified copy of a governmental document that can not be proven wrong without access to the original.

    Actually, it can be proven wrong. There are multiple instances of the information on the birth certificate that can be proven wrong. That’s also not considering the source of the document, being an convicted forger. Trust me, any lawyer would be able to shread Lucas Smith’s birth certificate from any reliability within 2 minutes just by going over Lucas Smith’s history. But let’s take a look at what’s exactly on the birth certificate.

    1. The dates of the parents birth. Don’t you find it odd that Stanley Ann Dunham’s birthdate is complete (month-day-year), but Barack Hussein Obama I’s birth date is just the year?

    2. The person signing the birth certificate on the birth certificate is spelled “Helton Maganga”. According to his linked in page, he spells his name “Heltan Maganga”. How many people do you know would not only have a stamp misspelling their name, but also misspell it in their own signature?

    3. Heltan Maganga wasn’t even the chief administrator of the Hospital that this reports to be from at the time that the certificate is dated. He only took over as Chief Administrator in June of 2009, and was not Chief Administrator in February when the certificate is dated.

    4. The date formats are all in Month-Day-Year formats, instead of the Day-Month-Year format that Kenya actually uses for dates (being a former British colony). And don’t state that they use both, because then how would someone know whether 8/4/1961 meant August 4th, 1961 or April 8th, 1961.

    5. The place that he supposedly got this birth certificate is also a little fishy. It’s supposedly issued by the hospital that he says that Obama was born in (we’ll get into the idocy of Obama being born at Coast Province Hospital later). Usually vital statistic documents are actually maintained by the government, not the individual hospital. For instance, the Hawaii Department of Health maintains all the birth certificates for Hawaii. If I want a birth certificate in the state that I was born in, I have to go down to my State government. I’m assuming that you have to do the same. Even this website says that you have to contact the government registrar (not the hospital) to obtain a replacement birth certificate: http://legalbeagle.com/5127430-obtain-kenyan-birth-certificate-mail.html

    6. The person who supplied this certificate is literally someone who has been convicted of forgery in the State of Iowa. Lucas Daniel Smith was actually convicted of forgery (at least 4 separate counts) dating back between 1998 and 2004. He’s admitted on this blog of committing felonies here that involved Fraud. I could literally tear him up on the stand, and see that his birth certificate is of no evidentary value. He’s admitted on this blog of trying to sell his Kidney for $200,000 (a Felony under Federal Law). He then tried to sell this document (it didn’t actually work out). Even his story of how he obtained the birth certificate involves him admitting to felonies under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (Bribing an official to give him a copy).

    So, yes, it is easy to prove that Lucas Smith’s birth certificate is false and a forgery. There’s nothing indicating that the Hawaiian birth certificate is a forgery, and in fact, has been verified by the Hawaii Department of Health at least 3 separate times.

    All seem , now, to agree that you can not determine the forgery with out access to the original, but most want to not apply that standard to the Kenyan bc for obvious reasons.

    And you do not want to apply the same standard that you’ve applied to the Obama birth certificate to the Lucas Smith forgery. If Obama had a birth certificate that misspelled Alvin Onaka’s name (in both the stamp, and the signature), had dates in the wrong format, was stamped at a time that Alvin Onaka wasn’t even the registrar, and then had weird stuff like only having the year of birth for the father, but the full birth date for the mother, you would never accept it as proof of birth.

    Yet, Lucas Smith, a convicted forger, comes forward with a birth certificate that has major problems with the information on it, and you treat it as valid as a birth certificate that has been verified by the Hawaii State Government at least 3 separate times?

  91. bob says:

    And, of course, any government agency would accept President Obama’s birth certificate, and none would accept Smith’s trash.

    Leading me to conclude traderjack hates America.

  92. Rickey says:

    trader jack: Obviously to present the other side of the discussion to contradict the misinformation presented by posters.

    But that would require you to disown nearly all of your own posts.

  93. Rickey says:

    trader jack: read that darn url you posted, He apologized for his actions and stated that in the article.

    That was in 1999. During the years he has been posting on this blog Judy has consistently denied that he did anything wrong and he insists that he was wrongly imprisoned.

  94. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The scroll wheel is your friend.

    True, but I have this compulsion to correct error wherever I see it.

  95. Rickey says:


    Yet, Lucas Smith, a convicted forger, comes forward with a birth certificate that has major problems with the information on it, and you treat it as valid as a birth certificate that has been verified by the Hawaii State Government at least 3 separate times?

    And let’s not forget that when Smith was challenged to produce evidence that he ever set foot in Kenya, he produced nothing.

  96. Pete says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I consider the Kenyan bc in exactly the same way that you consider the hdoh bc, to whit, a certified copy of a governmental document that can not be proven wrong without access to the original.

    I continue to be astonished that the road was ever traveled, and that such people still plead the case of nothing.

    It’s like people spending their time arguing on the internet that the moon is actually made of cheese.

    “Yes, it’s cheese! It really is! We have all this evidence that the moon is made of cheese!”

    Still, statistically, in a country of more than 300 million people, you would expect a few such fruitcakes to exist.

    Unfortunately, the various deceptions promoted by birthers are just plausible enough that a significant number of Americans actually believe them.

  97. dunstvangeet says:

    Now, Traderjack, let’s get into the idiocy of Stanley Ann Dunham, supposedly going to visit the father’s family (her supposed reason for being there), and instead of going to her the father’s family village, heading in the opposite direction.

    In 1961, the only international airport in Kenya was in Nairobi, right in the middle of the country. Mombasa didn’t have an international airport. So, now that we’ve established that in order to visit Kenya, she would have had to have gone into Nairobi we can move on from there.

    Obama’s family’s village (Nyang’oma Kolego) is on the far western part of Kenya. Mombasa is in the Far Eastern portion of Kenya. For what you’re stating to happen, Stanley Ann Dunham would have had to gone in the exact opposite direction from her supposed destination. So, my other question to you is that why would Obama’s mother, who was in Kenya supposedly to visit her new husband’s family, go in the exact opposite direction? It would be like flying into Kansas City, looking to make your way to Los Angeles. Instead of going to L.A., you end up in New York.

  98. Pete says:

    Like everything else birther-related, this has been gone over and shown to be total bullsh*t, years ago.

    There’s not the faintest evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham traveled to Kenya in 1961.

    The whole idea of her having made such a trip and given birth to her baby in a Kenyan hospital is ridiculous.

    It boggles the imagination to fantasize any 18-year-old, even today (she had not yet turned 19) spending the vast amounts of money and time it would take to go and give birth to her firstborn child in Kenya.

    And that’s today. Kenya of 1961, more than 55 years ago, was a far, far more primitive place medically than it is now.

    Where would she get the thousands of dollars (equivalent in today’s money) that ANY trip to Kenya would’ve cost? From her parents?

    “Hey, mom, dad, I’m 6 months pregnant. I’d really like to go travel down the dirt African roads to a small village in Kenya around the time the baby’s due. Would you like to contribute several thousand dollars to the cause?”

    Give me a break.

    And ignore of course the fact that Obama’s father is documented to have been in Hawaii on the date of Barack’s birth.

    The sheer effing stupidity of such an idea aside, we even have compelling and official documentation that show clearly that Stanley Ann Dunham did NOT fly back from Kenya to the United States at any time between July 1, 1961 and June 30, 1962.

    Why? Because NO American citizen did. Not one.


    As always, even the slightest amount of factual digging shows how idiotic and transparently false birther claims are, and how long they’ve been completely debunked.

    Which explains again why birthers are so disliked around here.

  99. Northland10 says:

    dunstvangeet: Now, Traderjack, let’s get into the idiocy of Stanley Ann Dunham, supposedly going to visit the father’s family (her supposed reason for being there), and instead of going to her the father’s family village, heading in the opposite direction.

    When I used visit family in northwest Kansas, I used to take the train to western Nebraska or fly into Denver and drive from there. Silly me did not realize that I should fly into Kansas City, because everything’s up to date in Kansas City, and then drive to Hannibal.

    Now, I happen to have family in Kansas City area, and we have roots in Hannibal, but, ironically, they are not on the same side of family as my relatives in northwest Kansas.

  100. Joey says:

    trader jack: I consider the Kenyan bc in exactly the same way that you consider the hdoh bc, to whit, a certified copy of a governmental document that can not be proven wrong without access to the original.

    It is possible to claim them both right , both wrong, and the devil take the hindmost.

    All seem , now, to agree that you can not determine the forgery with out access to the original, but most want to not apply that standard to the Kenyan bc for obvious reasons.

    A significant distinction between the two pieces of paper is that the Obama Certified birth certificate has been introduced as evidence in courts of law by attorneys representing Barack Obama and the Lucas D. Smith forgery has not been introduced as evidence because intelligent people understand that its a fake (it was even debunked by Jerome Corsi).
    Obviously Trader Jack is not an intelligent person.

  101. Joey says:

    scott e: still, wouldn’t the obot part love to have a peek at the original.

    I’m perfectly satisfied with having seen the copy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate which was posted on the Internet for the whole wide world to see four months before the election in June of 2008. Barack Obama was the first presidential candidate to release his official state birth certificate to the public.
    When he posted the pdf image of the long form in 2011, that was just a campaign tactic to make his political opponents look stupid.
    If anyone wants or needs to see the original, they can go to a court of law and convince a judge that there is a legitimate reason to inspect the original. That is permitted under Hawaii Revised Statute 338-18.

  102. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    scott e: still, wouldn’t the obot part love to have a peek at the original.

    Not really what more can it tell us that the certified copy hasn’t already? You’ll never get the “original” just as you’ll never see your original.

  103. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Rickey: And let’s not forget that when Smith was challenged to produce evidence that he ever set foot in Kenya, he produced nothing.

    And called everyone else gay.

  104. Rickey says:

    scott e: still, wouldn’t the obot part love to have a peek at the original.

    I’d like to have a peek at Trump’s original birth certificate. What do you suppose the chances of that happening are?

  105. Pete says:

    scott e: scott e

    Well, heck. I’ll take scott e up on his offer of a peek at the original, hand-signed, typewritten document.

    If they’ve actually kept the original pieces of paper filed away somewhere. I’m not sure whether the original pieces of paper still exist for such birth certificates, or whether they were all shredded or tossed in the fire once they were scanned into the HDOH’s records system, decades ago.

    I mean, we’ve talked about the original for years now. It’d be fun to see the original piece of paper, run my fingers over the indentations from the pens, and think, “This signature was put here all those decades ago by an 18-year-old named Stanley Ann, who didn’t have the faintest clue that the baby she just gave birth to would one day grow up to be President of the United States. And she had no idea how many people would make fools of themselves speculating over this very piece of paper.”

    So yeah. I’d certainly take a peek at the original.

    Not because I have the slightest doubt of its existence. But because it’s a historic document. And unlike many, it’s a document that no one knew people would one day argue about it.

  106. Joey says:

    Pete: Well, heck. I’ll take scott e up on his offer of a peek at the original, hand-signed, typewritten document.

    If they’ve actually kept the original pieces of paper filed away somewhere. I’m not sure whether the original pieces of paper still exist for such birth certificates, or whether they were all shredded or tossed in the fire once they were scanned into the HDOH’s records system, decades ago.

    I mean, we’ve talked about the original for years now. It’d be fun to see the original piece of paper, run my fingers over the indentations from the pens, and think, “This signature was put here all those decades ago by an 18-year-old named Stanley Ann, who didn’t have the faintest clue that the baby she just gave birth to would one day grow up to be President of the United States. And she had no idea how many people would make fools of themselves speculating over this very piece of paper.”

    So yeah. I’d certainly take a peek at the original.

    Not because I have the slightest doubt of its existence. But because it’s a historic document. And unlike many, it’s a document that no one knew people would one day argue about it.

    The Hawaii Department of Health confirmed in 2008 that they have Barack Obama’s original birth certificate.

    For Immediate Release: October 31, 2008
    “There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate. State law (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record.
    “Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.
    “No state official, including Governor Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawai‘i.”

    Then in 2011 Fox News Channel did an investigation and found that the Obama birth certficate is kept in the office safe of the Hawaii Registrar for security reasons.
    “Obama birth certificate moved to a more secure location months ago”

  107. Pete says:

    Ah, yes. I forgot about Fukino having seen the original doc.

    And I didn’t know they were keeping it in a safe.

    So yeah, it would be kinda fun to hold the original.

  108. Arthur B. says:

    Pete: Ah, yes. I forgot about Fukino having seen the original doc.

    And I didn’t know they were keeping it in a safe.

    I’m confused. Isn’t that the doc that was scanned to create the LFBC and the notorious PDEF?

  109. Joey says:

    Arthur B.: I’m confused. Isn’t that the doc that was scanned to create the LFBC and the notorious PDEF?

    Funny, when you wrote “doc” I thought you meant that someone scanned Dr. Fukino!
    Yes, that’s the “doc”ument!
    The 2011 Hawaii Department of Health press release said the following: “On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama‟s request, Director Fuddy personally witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the copies.”

  110. Pete says:

    Arthur B.: I’m confused. Isn’t that the doc that was scanned to create the LFBC and the notorious PDEF?

    I’m not sure offhand what their exact system is. I think they scanned or photographed all the original documents long ago? And then they just computer-print the scanned or photographed digital image onto a sheet of security paper, add a date stamp and the official Registrar’s stamp, and there ya go – official copy.

    I seem to recall they had an earlier system. Maybe they did away with that entirely, and now just drag out the original paper document and photocopy it onto security paper?

    Maybe Dr C can enlighten us as to the exact technologies used, as I’m sure he has some more specific knowledge of this.

    In any event, the long form is by special request only. Standard is the short form, which is just a fancy printout of the information in their computer records, with similar stamps and seals.

  111. Keith says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: And called everyone else gay.

    And ADMITTED that he was a pedophile in posts on this site, claiming that he was in San Salvador or Haiti or somewhere where the ‘legal age of consent was 13’ or some such rot. When it was pointed out to him that nowhere in the world, and certainly in the country he claimed to be resident in, was the legal age of consent 13 and that information was readily available on the web, he disappeared for a long, long, time. I’m not sure he has ever been back since, but maybe.

  112. Keith says:

    Pete: If they’ve actually kept the original pieces of paper filed away somewhere.

    Of course they have. The 2012 document is a photocopy of that original piece of paper.

  113. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Keith: And ADMITTED that he was a pedophile in posts on this site, claiming that he was in San Salvador or Haiti or somewhere where the ‘legal age of consent was 13’ or some such rot. When it was pointed out to him that nowhere in the world, and certainly in the country he claimed to be resident in, was the legal age of consent 13 and that information was readily available on the web, he disappeared for a long, long, time. I’m not sure he has ever been back since, but maybe.

    It was in Dominican Republic his favorite spot. He then tried to tell me if I saw those girls who were young I’d want them too. He’s sick. He was doing this all while he had a wife.

  114. gorefan says:

    Pete: I’m not sure offhand what their exact system is

    The DOH told Ivan Zatkovich that they created the certified copies by placing the original paper copy which is in a bound volume onto a special copier and copied it onto green security paper.

  115. Pete says:

    Okay. So it appears that the official procedure, at least in 2011, for a LFCB, was: Go to the record books and photocopy the original onto security paper.

    Pretty simple.

  116. And reduce it to about 78%

    Okay. So it appears that the official procedure, at least in 2011, for a LFCB, was: Go to the record books and photocopy the original onto security paper.

    Pretty simple.

  117. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    Sounds to me like Smith screeching about that whole pizzagate nonsense out of some latent sense of guilt then. He knows he’s a monster.

  118. The “official” procedure was not to do it in the first place.

    Pete: Okay. So it appears that the official procedure, at least in 2011, for a LFCB, was: Go to the record books and photocopy the original onto security paper.

  119. suranis1 says:

    I think you could get a non certified photocopy if you were applying for a grant due to native Hawaiian ancestry, but it would not be certified, and it would come with an official Hawaiian cert like the one Obama showed in 2007.

    So you could get a photocopy without the stamp, basically. I think a freeper called Danae succeeded in getting that at some point, at which point the birthers started adding the word “certified” to their demands for “a copy of his long form Birth certificate.” You know, becasue they knew he could possibly get an uncertified copy, so they always demanded what they knew was impossible to provide.

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