At the December 15 press conference, Mike Zullo talked about an overlay created from the birth certificate of Johanna Ah’nee. I don’t have a link to that press conference video, and have to work for memory. (If anyone has a link, please leave a comment.) I seem to recall him saying “we created” or something like that regarding the overlay. It seems that “we” refers to anyone who sent him something, not to the official membership of the Cold Case Posse, which for all I know was just Mike Zullo. In the case of the overlay, it might actually be one that Doug Vogt sent him.
I have obtained a copy of the original overlay. The copy is courtesy of Mr. Vogt via Brian Reilly. This is a rare glimpse of a Cold Case Posse internal document. If this is the overlay described by Mike Zullo at his press conference, then it is the one Zullo looked at for two years without finding any similarities he could be sure of. It was only after Zullo adjusted the overlay to compensate for some distortion he claimed to have found, did 9 things line up.

One can see that the form alignment on the left side and across the top is pretty much exact, but that there is some skewing towards the bottom right. I don’t know the significance of the circles items, except that the “A” in August lines up pretty well.
While we’re looking at the bits and blips, here’s another image to ponder:

What you are looking at is a screenshot of the zoomed in Ah’Nee birth certificate, Box 5b. Notice that the “12” is sharp, but the “37” is pixelated. The image comes from the PDF file that Orly Taitz posted on her own web site. The Taitz PDF of the Ah’nee certificate has the same foreground/background division that we see in optimized PDF files such as the one the White House released of President Obama’s birth certificate. The Taitz PDF was created by “Adobe PSL 1.1e for Canon.”
For just a moment I thought that overlaid physician signature looked like “Monica Lewinsky.”
Link to PC
What it shows is that Zullo and Gillar are full of crap – again.
Do you have a copy of just the Ah’nee overlay without the President’s BC in the background?
I don’t.
If you mean just a copy of the Ah’Nee certificate, RC posted a good image on his blog:
Do you know his source?
I updated this article to include a detail from the Ah’nee certificate at the end, partly to see if it would be of any assistance to Trader Jack, who was concerned about the “R” in Barack not looking like the other letters in the name. Of course, the Taitz version of the Ah’nee certificate was created by different PDF software from the Obama certificate.
I’ve been avoiding using the Ah’Nee PDF to review the Gillar video since it was obviously compressed with MRC. I didn’t want to make the same mistake the birthers have been making.
The Johanna BC also a fake. *rofl* One thing about my gb being removed, my focus has greatly improved. So, is this the Zullo perjury you guys were referring to?
The Johanna Ah’Nee BC is forged. Oh, hence the computerized version.
Lyon’ Carl is now claiming that a whistleblower has been given immunity and is cooperating with the “investigation”.
Has Dennis Montgomery returned? Klayman loves to claim how Montgomery is a whistle-blower and has been given immunity from the FBI.
Funny how any immunity from the Sheriff on this would likely expire or become moot because the investigation, as far as the MCSO is concerned, would be over.
Me suspects Carl is making up stuff again. Such a righteous pastor he is.
It isn’t just “now”: Gallups has been making that claim for awhile. So this isn’t even a new lie.
Montgomery was given production immunity when he dumped his 50 hard drives into the FBI’s lap. That’s it; no other immunity from the FBI (or anyone else). I wouldn’t be surprised if Montgomery was continuing to “co-operate” with Zullo, but there’s no indication that the FBI (or any law enforcement agency other than the MCSO) is interested in what Zullo is selling.
Oh: Montgomery dumped his hard drives to prevent James Risen from examining them. Montgomery had sued Risen for defamation, but Risen was granted summary judgment because Montgomery couldn’t prove his computer programs worked as advertised. A fact Montgomery couldn’t prove because … he dumped his hard drives.
I think it is time to put some blame for Arpaio and Zullo’s sham investigation where it squarely belongs. I am talking about the Surprise Tea Party “Patriots”. I put “Patriots” in quotes because they aren’t. They are bunch of older privileged white folks who decided something was wrong with a black guy’s birth certificate. They petitioned their racist hero Joe Arpio to do something about it even though Hawaii had already verified the god damn fact that Barack Obama had been born there more ways than they could count.
Arpaio was more than happy to open an investigation because a handful of outraged white followers signed a petition. When has a public official embarked on such a ridiculous investigation based on such an absurd request? Aprio knew it was a legal dead end. He had no jurisdiction. He knew Obama was born in Hawaii., He knew there was nothing wrong with the birth certificate. Arpaio jumped on it because he saw the potential for campaign dollars satisfying the racist rantings of Birthers. And the dollars flowed.
The investigation didn’t go bad because of Zullo. It was rotten to the core from the beginning. It was never more than a public lynching requested by a group of outraged politically motivated Obama haters. It’s time we put some blame back where it belongs.
Some blame yes, but they were just part of a chain of lies going back to Jerome Corsi. Part of this is for-profit fake news.
They provided the cover for Arpaio. He played the “I am only doing what they asked me to do” card in almost every interview. The Birther movement wouldn’t have been a movement without Birthers. These same folks are bringing us Trump now.
The only people who believe that lie is birthers.
Finally, someone who agrees with me about Corsi..
I don’t understand your question. The HDOH didn’t create the PDF files. The “Taitz version of the Ah’nee certificate” is a PDF file.
Are you just being annoying, or is this an honest misunderstanding?
Really? Most of us here think Corsi is a liar.
Corsi makes pigs look clean.
No, he is saying that the PDF copy of Obama’s birth certificate was made with different software that the PDF copy of the Ah’nee birth certificate.
Neither PDF was made by the Hawaii Department of Health.
The original birth certificates for both were made with typewriters and handwriting instruments.
The certified copies of the originals were made with photocopiers.
The PDF copies were made from the photocopied certified copies.
It’s had to believe that after all these years there is still confusion about this.
No confusion on their part. Just a dishonest Birther agenda.
I will make eight observations about the overlaid certificates:
the typewriter(s) appear to be in good working order and maintenance from the quality of the typing and lack of peculiarities, and I believe the typeface itself is a Pica, someone who is familiar with typewriters could tell you the brand and series of typewriter, I can’t;
the typefaces are identical on both forms so the they were either typed on the same typewriter or same type of typewriter, there do not appear to be any letter or spacing differences which would lead to it not being the same typewriter;
the Ah‘Nee form was typed by someone familiar with the form and the typewriter, as the typed data is almost directly and consistently just above the box line throughout the form, so whoever typed it was familiar with both the typewriter and the alignment of the document to get the information lined up that well and consistently,
the Ah’Nee typist consistently goes for just above the box line and what would be the beginning of each box field, the Obama typist seems to be consistently aligned for the center of the box field and is off by one to two characters for starting in each box, which indicates to me they didn’t have the form aligned properly in the typewriter;
the manual signatures are what they are, and they are both pretty much on the line which is what someone signing the form would do;
the date stamped areas were done with what appears to be the same or same type of date stamp in that the type is identical near as I can determine, the placement being what you would expect with a manually applied stamp;
the serial/reception numbers show the same indications of being a manually applied stamp and indicates all the characteristics that would imply;
the local registrar signature is almost identical in form and placement which would indicate someone signing these by habit and being consistent about how they did it.