It seems appropriate amidst the confession of things I did do, that I might clear up what I didn’t do.
Obot operatives
I have had occasion to exchange emails in confidence with a number of persons, including many of those who publish disagreement with birthers. I’ve met a number of them at Fogbow events. Never, in any context, have I ever heard the slightest hint that any of these people had any connection to the Obama administration or campaign in relation to their anti-birther activity, or that anyone had been paid anything. I have certainly not been paid, nor gotten even so much as a “thank you” from the President or anyone connected to him (and wouldn’t expect such a thing). The whole “Jim Johnson Obot organization run out of the White House” conspiracy theory is ludicrous. If anything like that were going on, I would have heard about it.
The Jim Johnson Obot story was published by Jerome Corsi at WorldNetDaily, who fell, hook, line, and sinker, for an Obot prank (that I wasn’t involved in). Preparing for this story, I looked for a hyperlink to the WND article where Jerome Corsi made such a fool of himself, but I found something else that I hadn’t seen before, an article titled “’OBOTs’ admit lying in scheme to punk WND.” (The WND article crashed Chrome and tried to install something, so take care.) The article blames Bill Bryan for Corsi’s gullibility and what I was able to read of it seemed to gloss over the fact that Corsi was badly fooled.
Mike Zullo floated a claim that some of us worked for DARPA, but it wasn’t true. Later we would learn that story came from con man Dennis Montgomery based on a stupid error.
My own efforts to “punk the birthers” have been minor, the most significant was the Orly Taitz Super PAC mentioned in Part 1 of the Confession series. That was a little too successful in that it got included in Orly’s RICO claim in Mississippi. I didn’t know about the fake Bomford Obama birth certificate until after the fact. Beyond April Fools articles, that’s about it. Trying to fool people for more than a couple of minutes runs against the grain for me.
Birthers have accused various persons, including me, of hacking their computers. Mark McDaniel believes that someone hacked his and threatened me against releasing any of his stuff in my Confession series. (I don’t have any of your stuff, Mark.) The pseudonymous Dr. Deb (she accidentally showed her real name, Deb Curlette, in a BR comment) thinks I hacked hers. To my knowledge, no Obot has hacked anything, and I certainly have not. The last computer I hacked into was the Clemson University mainframe back in 1973. That’s when I learned an important lesson that I passed on to my sons: institutional security officials have no sense of humor. Malware is out there, but the Obots aren’t responsible.
Dr. Deb had a legitimate suspicion because comments I made at Birther Report were designed to show her that I knew her real name (aliases, address, LinkedIn profile and Facebook page) even before she dumped it for all to see. How that came about will be explained later, but for now I’ll just say that it I didn’t get it from her computer.
It was bizarre to be named personally as one of the conspirators in the alleged forgery of Barack Obama’s birth certificate, but that is what was disclosed in a filing before the US Supreme Court by Douglas Vogt.
Part of what he said was true. I did research, line by line, what goes onto a Hawaiian birth certificate and I made a reconstruction of what I thought Obama’s birth certificate would look like (this before it was actually released) and published it on this blog. And I did mysteriously update the reconstruction to make it better. What I didn’t do was to conspire with anyone to make a forgery, and of course Obama’s birth certificate wasn’t forged in the first place.
False flags
I never knew whether Barry Soetoro Esq. was for real or a troll. He got a lot of mileage out of claims that the horrific shooting incidents, such as the one at Sandy Hook, were in fact fake events, false flag operations, and even wove them into the Obama conspiracy narrative. BSE (not to be confused with bovine spongiform encephalopathy) wove me into the story, claiming that I was a medical examiner named Chris Kaufmann (click on image for more info):

I’m not Kaufmann, or Carver (whoever that is); I have lived in South Carolina since 1972.
Hawaii Department of Health
Birthers surprised me when they came up with the fact that the company I used to work for had done work for the Hawaii Department of Health. The contract, I think, was obtained before my company was purchased, and the contract didn’t deal with vital records, so I didn’t know anything about it. I attempted to get information on a couple of topics from the Hawaii Department of Health, but basically got nothing. So I had no other contact with the State of Hawaii.
Anything else?
I’m not gay, and a I’m not suffering from chronic heart failure or any other debilitating disease. I have never been diagnosed with a mental illness. I’m not a Communist. I don’t hate America. I pledged allegiance to the American flag just this past Friday. I’m not an agent of a foreign government. I’m not guilty of treason or anything like that. I do not have a photo of Barack Obama hanging on my wall, but I do have a framed picture of his birth certificate and I do have one of his birth certificate mugs on the shelf.
If anyone has any questions about things I didn’t do, leave them in a comment and I may update the article.
On Orly’s site now:
“I received message from wikileaks, they wanted to know where did I get info on Obama”
Anyone want to claim this prank?
Im just kicking myself for not thinking of it first!
“I’m not gay, and a I’m not suffering from chronic heart failure or any other debilitating disease. I have never been diagnosed with a mental illness. I’m not a Communist. I don’t hate America. I pledged allegiance to the American flag just this past Friday. I’m not an agent of a foreign government. I’m not guilty of treason or anything like that.”
A likely story, Doc. Your affection for gerbils has not gone unnoticed, 🙂
I added the Hawaii Department of Health section to the article.
Off-topic comments have been moved to the open thread.
Come on, Doc. We all know you were behind the Lindbergh baby kidnapping.
Have you ever spent time on a grassy knoll?
I think that forensic facial wrinkle identification is worthy of Reed Hayes and ForLabs.