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- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Press
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – White House
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I get updates from the security company that supplies a plug-in I use here on the blog, and some of their information is of general interest, like this article on the Election Hack.
It is interesting to note that the particular malware attack used by the alleged Russian hackers wouldn’t have worked on this site. What is of more concern is their conclusion that the evidence released by the FBI doesn’t point a conclusive finger at the Russians.
Apropos of the quote of the day, an attorney I know posted on Facebook yesterday that he read “somewhere” that 19 of the last 22 Security Council resolutions were anti-Israel, which to him means that the U.N. is anti-Israel.
I pointed out to him that all of the Security Council resolutions which passed in 2016 are readily available online. Of the 76 resolutions passed in 2016, only two have anything to do with Israel.
He is not a birther, but like birthers he responds to correction with deafening silence.
One might suspect that any site where Lawrence Sellin writes, that looks like a news site, is a fake news site.
His latest at “Accuracy in Media” is:
Russian Hacking Report like Obama’s Birth Certificate “Poorly Done.”
As I was playing through Resident Evil 1 for the umpteenth time(HD Remaster this go around), it occurred to me that I was still being more productive with my time, than any birther has ever been with theirs.
why is it a concern that it did NOT point a conclusive finger at the Russians?
You do know that NSA hacks, or attempts to hack every country in the world, don’t you?
You do know that the USA probably attempts to influence every election in the world , it the think it is necessary
It is a concern that the Administration says one thing, and the FBI report doesn’t solidly confirm it.
I personally do think the Russians hacked the DNC based on other reports, but the FBI report doesn’t contain the smoking gun, per the experts commenting on it.
Zullo was on WOBC, and it is like it is 2012 all over again: “Be patient”; “more to come”; etc.
And of course the birthers lapped it all up.
Once people have been suckered by a con man, he can drag them on pretty much forever.
They will even protest as he’s dragged away, having stripped them of everything they had.
Boggles the mind, but it’s fairly true.
The root of that is that people will go to the grave insisting that they were not conned. Their self respect is worth more than their wallet. Its a very hard thing to admit.
I wonder how ex-investigator Zullo plans on grifting without an elected official to attach himself to.
You actually believe any political administration these days?
Cities , states, counties, and a lot of other things are in serious financial trouble and are trying to lie their way out of it.
Are you going to believe the Trump administration, or the FBI or the DNC or the RNC after what has been disclosed?
In my retirement from the blog, perhaps I could start the Dunning-Kruger foundation with Donald “I know more than the generals” Trump as its poster child.
A shameless plug for my blog since this one is closing:
The end of Birtherism?
I’d never seen this before but Data Doctors’ Ken Colburn did an analysis of the birther claims.
He did his own test using an employee’s Arizona birth certificate and he ended up getting 40 layers.
Some poor sap who thinks Trey Gowdy should take a look at Obama’s birth certificate led me to this one:
“Carl Gallups, a former law enforcement officer, author, commentator and radio host who was deputized for limited communications responsibilities by Arpaio, explained why the forgery matters.”
I didn’t know he was a superduper secret gossip deputy. Don’t see how that fits in with the conditions of the statute, either.
I’ve seen at least a few comments in news stories pointing out that, being primarily a domestic law enforcement organization, the FBI leans toward a “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard of proof needed for criminal prosecution. When the intel community says “confident”, it’s acknowledging a small possibility (single-digit percentage) that they’re wrong, because they usually have to base their conclusions at least in part on information from people who could be mistaken or deliberately trying to deceive them.
[As an aside that I hope will spare someone some grief: I have a problem with my phone that Verizon said needed a factory reset. I did the google backup routine, and discovered after the fact that it lied: it didn’t save any of the stuff that it said it had. No contacts, no settings, no user data. The only thing it remembered was the list of the few additional apps I’d installed. And it didn’t save their data like it said it had. So I haven’t been active here because I’m spending hours piecing together what I can from other sources. Be warned that it also “upgraded” some of the built-in apps to newer versions that don’t work as well.
To add insult to injury: the factory reset didn’t fix the problem 😡 ]
Arpaio gave Gallups a vanity badge around a year ago. Gallups claimed it allowed him to divulge more about the “investigation.”
As for the WND article, Arpaio filed a brief in the 9th Circuit challenging the contempt finding. Big whoop.
The declassified DNI report on the Russian hacking/interference has just been released. Here it is: https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICA_2017_01.pdf
J.D. Sue: The declassified DNI report on the Russian hacking/interference has just been released.
Is this the last declassified DNI report we will ever see?
Donald J. Trump
I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it.
11:51 AM – 6 Jan 2017
Here is the statement from Trump about the meeting:
Here are the judgments of the FBI, CIA, and NSA:
Amazing how Trump is lying about what is in this report–as if we can’t read it.
Trump has taken to twitter to whine about the leak report. You know, for eight years the right has been mocking Obama as a “wimp”, but I don’t ever recall him constantly complaining on social media, every time he thought someone slighted him.
Rachel Maddow theorized last night that he didn’t realize that the declassified version was coming out, or maybe that it was, but wouldn’t contradict him so blatantly.
She also reported that he’s asking Congress to investigate how NBC got “an exclusive look” at the classified report. Except they didn’t: they just got an anonymous source to confirm a report in the WaPo that our intelligence people had intercepted something suggesting that the Russians were celebrating his win.
This begs the question of whether he realizes that, if he really believes such a crime occurred, he’s supposed to ask the FBI to investigate it, not Congress. Perhaps, as a gesture of reconciliation, we should all chip in and buy him a high school civics textbook as a White Housewarming gift 😉
Alas, though, it stopped being “amazing” that he would lie like that many months ago. The only reason this one might make the top ten is that he did it after being elected. And even the it wouldn’t top his announcement last September that he was giving up birthering. His hotel still can’t rent out that meeting room because they haven’t been able to get rid of the stench of the BS he filled it with.
I think he did realize it, but his unspoken motto is, “who ya gonna believe, me or your lying eyes”.
‘He Blatantly, Overtly, Bluntly, Simply Lied’: Maddow on Trump’s Statement About Intelligence Report
VIDEO: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/he-blatantly-overtly-bluntly-simply-lied-maddow-on-trumps-statement-about-intelligence-report/
You claimed natural and native could not possibly be related. Was that a denial.
” What I didn’t do was to conspire with anyone to make a forgery, and of course Obama’s birth certificate wasn’t forged in the first place. ”
Interpreting your statement indicates that you did forge a birth certificate, but did not, in doing so, conspire with anyone to do the possible criminal act!
a little snicker there as I type it
and Obama’s birth certificate can not be forged as it is just a copy of an birth record that can , or can not, be an accurate birth record, as it is unavailable for public scrutiny. And , accordingly, may be inaccurate in the information that it contains.
And , to add a touch of humor to the discussion, you are confessing that you are, or were, a TROLL at those sites.
Amazing when you think about the whole thing , isn’t it
I wiped my website clean and started over:
All birthers have left, is to waste the rest of their lives hoping that Obama is “held accountable” after leaving office. That doesn’t even happen to Ex-Presidents who actually did something to be held accountable for. But they are a lot who are used to clinging onto dreams that died before they were even born.
They’ll keep going on about putting congressmen “on notice” for not obeying their craziness, which has about the same effect as me casting magic missile. Sure, I can roll a natural 20 followed by another(unlike all those times I rolled a 1 and then a 20…), but outside of my little game, said spell has zero consequence.
I think that’s birtherism in a nutshell isn’t it? Its a little group, that gets together and makes all these fanciful scenarios, that while sounding big and impressive, affect nothing at all in the real world. Its all some naff, off-brand RPG that almost no one is playing any more, made by a publisher that no longer exists.
No. A troll posts solely to stir up controversy, to commandeer the conversation, and turn the discussion to be about the Troll rather than whatever the forum is about. I never did that.
Simply posting under an alternate identity is not being a Troll.
No, I didn’t.
I pointed out that native born and natural-born have almost identical definitions in the OED.
Unsurprisingly, your reading-comprehension skills are on par with your ability to tell the truth, that is, nonexistent.
Your woeful misunderstanding of how government records work, as well as your baseless speculation, is evidence of only your inability to tell the truth.
How would Trader Jack go about proving that the information contained on the original birth certificate is inaccurate?
Why would “public scrutiny” make any difference? The “public” are not experts in document analysis.
If anyone with expertise in examining forged or altered documents wanted to inspect the original, Hawaii statutes permit that to happen via an order from a judge.
You take your allegations of forgery or inaccurate data to a judge and convince them that there is reasonable suspicion that the original document is inaccurate and that a court order for its release for inspection is warranted…easy-peasy!
Making a copy of something is not forgery unless there is an intention to pass it off as the real thing.
Doc made it very clear that the birth certificate image which he created was his conception of what Obama’s LFBC likely looked like. So you can take your snicker and stuff it.
Something to do with the bright red letters spelling out the word “RECONSTRUCTION”
Hard to believe it’s just 12 more days.
If you know the difference between a noun and an adjective it might help you see the difference,.
“Native” and “natural” are both nouns and adjectives.
I want to know where trader jack was in January of 1947.
I’d rather contract C-diff than visit that or anything else you run.
Less than two weeks. I wonder how much stupid crap Trump can do and say in that time. I’d wager, quite a lot.
And to think, that jack claims to have a fancy degree.
David Dunning weighs in:
Apparently this petition to have Trump declared incompetent was just dismissed:
I see the decision quoted here:
but as a mental health case, it’s not available at the Palm Beach County eCaseView page.
So what?
Mitt Romney’s had the word VOID written all over it and HE thought that was real enough.
Feel free to wander off with Obliged Friend to some corner of the internet and I’m sure he’d be happy to educate you about things like “Natural Kind” and how only Anglo-Saxons can be President.
Your corner may get a little crowded since he has as many sock puppets as you.
Bob68 at the P&E:
“Not long after Obama’s forged birth certificate was displayed on the White House website the Israel Science and Technology department also determined the BC is a lousy forgery:
My reply (in moderation):
“The Israel Science and Technology web site is just one guy, a chemist. It is not a department of anything. If you look at his reasoning, you will see 6-year-old long discredited claims.”
I’m not sure why Bob gave a URL from the Google cache. The page is still on the web.
Thanks, Doc. It really bugged me how the birthers tried to hold that drek out as coming from some Israeli “department.”
In1947 was racing my hot rod Ford on a big banked one mile track in California where my younger brother beat me in the big race.
He can’t prove it, and he’s a habitual liar.
It is impossible for anyone posting on this site PROVE anything!
I can not even prove that statement.
PROOF requires that the proponent’s statemenst are agreed to by the opponent, and that will never happen on this site
“native and natural-born are not similar as native used in that sentence is a noun and
natural-born is an adjective
/ˈnaCH(ə)rəl ˈˌb’rn/
adjective: natural-born
having a specified innate characteristic or ability.
“Glen was a natural-born sailor”
having a position by birth.”
The main difference between jack’s lies and say Weekly World News, is that the latter’s lies are actually amusing.
Ah. Here it is.
So you ADMIT that you were still in California in January of 1947.
Name “Elizabeth Short” mean anything to you?
Feel free to retain a lawyer before answering. I mean, at this point, it’s way beyond suspicious.
The word “native” can be used as both an adjective and a noun.
This can be done with a lot of words. “Birther.” “Racist.” And so on.
Those interested in the truth will never agree with your lies.
Trader Jack has made some really stupid statements. I vote for this one to be considered his most ignorant, that is until the next one comes along.
No Trader Jack, proof does not require the agreement of the opponent. For example, Dylann Roof does not agree that there is proof that he should be the first person to receive the federal death penalty for committing hate crimes. Dylann Roof believes that he acted in self-defense against genocide being committed against the white race.
Twelve women and men on his jury believe that there is proof of Dylann Roof committing nine premeditated murders with bias as a motive. Dylann Roof is sentenced to die.
Our republic has established standards of proof that are constitutionally agreed to: beyond a reasonable doubt and by a preponderance of the evidence.
Going out on top!
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama’s job performance. Thirty-nine percent (39%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 37% of who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 28% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of +9.
Didn’t go out on top:
Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?
Jan. 9-11, 2009
Approve: 34%
Disapprove: 61%
No opinion: 5%
That’s why I laugh at the morons who think Obama is going down as a terrible President and worse than George W. Bush. What are they smoking or drinking?
Don’t you realze that the polls were wrong about Trump therefore they are wrong about Obama being 25 points better than Bush? 🙂
Forget about the fact that national public opinion polls are linked to the popular vote not the Electoral College and Clinton beat Trump by 2 points and 2.8 million votes in the popular vote.
I assume folks will get the HuffPo’s joke: Alabama Wins Electoral College, Declared National Champion:
*golf clap* Well met, HuffPo. Well met.
So a thought occurs. Right now Arpaio is experiencing what all Birther big shots fear the most: Complete public irrelevance. Without his badge, he’s just a crazy and pathetic old man. He’s on equal footing with the likes of trader jack and the rest of the losers.
Arpaio does have the likes of Corsi and Gallups on speed dial. So if Arpaio is ever feeling blue about being a disgraced former sheriff facing federal charges, he can always ask his like-minded nutters to publish meaningless puff pieces.
That’s good to know. When you are convicted of having committed the Black Dahlia murder, you can simply tell the jury that you don’t agree so nothing has been proven
Then f$#@ing leave already. Go play with the remaining lead paint eaters at BR. They’ll listen to your bunk wholeheartedly.
“Trump didn’t believe birther conspiracy theories, son-in-law reportedly says”
“Donald Trump’s son-in-law told acquaintances the president-elect didn’t really believe his own claims that President Barack Obama was born outside the U.S., New York magazine reported.
“Back when Trump continuously peddled birther conspiracy theories, a person who spoke with Jared Kushner said the son-in-law assured that Trump didn’t really believe it, according to the magazine. Despite suggesting the contrary for years, Trump eventually admitted he believed the president was born in America.”
I’m being copied on interesting email exchange dealing with analysis of similarities between Obama’s birth certificate. In fact one from 1959 has been found that has what appears to be the identical angle in the date stamp and that of Ah’nee and Obama. I guess these angles are more common than Mike Zullo thought.
The Fogbow is back up after reloading the database, which had been corrupted. 3 days of posts lost.
Mark Gillar on WOBC Blogtalk show said that the Trump administration will be investigating the birth certificate but they may not get around to it until Trump’s second term in office. LOL.
Doc. C. “I guess these angles are more common than Mike Zullo thought.”
There only eight or nine examples of 1960s era certificates to examine that three of them have date stamps with apparently the same angle suggest it is not uncommon.
And that makes sense as the location of the stamps (box 20 and box 22) is fairly narrow which creates a narrow range of angles. Obviously they wouldn’t place a stamp at 90 degrees to the box.
While I was in chat last night I mentioned that Zullo had said that the Italian firm FORLAB had confirmed the LFBC PDF file was made by scanning on a Xerox WorkCentre 7655. Volin of course didn’t believe me and asked for a link. I wrote that Zullo had said this on the Hagmann report. He still didn’t believe me so he called Zullo and Zullo told him (off the air) that yes the PDF file came from a Xerox 7655 but that the paper document that was scanned was a forgery.
Is this a newly found BC? I think Alan is 1963 and Peters? is 1962.
It’s this one that WND posted. Coats is 1962.
Doc. – Google Chrome is giving me a message “This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources”.
Also quote button is not working for me.
Yes, Edith Coats is the one I was thinking about.
There are
2 from 1959 (one pre-statehood and one post-statehood)
5 from 1961 (Ah’Nee, Nordyke’s, Obama, “Negro”)
1 from 1962 (Coats)
1 from 1963 (Alan)
IIRC, Doc knows of a sixth 1961 BC for a non-hospital birth.
Quote button is working and the “script” message is gone.
Gillar said to ignore the Obots (who are panicking, BTW), and then spent most of time … complaining about the debunking.
For someone who claims the Obots are irrelevant, it is obvious that Gillar spends a lot of time reading here.
Widespread phishing attack directed at experienced technical users.
Hmmm. There was a certificate found on Ancestry.com that I redacted the fool out of. Not sure about it now.
Last night, Gillar asked, “Why do we care what the Obots say?” … and then unleashed ten minutes of butthurt about this article Doc wrote in 2013.
Gillar is so whiny he can’t even say “Doc Conspiracy”; he says “the blogger in the cowboy hat.” (“I won’t call him Doc because he doesn’t have a Ph.D.”)
I’m hoping that one more bombshell debunking will come to fruition before I shut down.
The problem with Zullo’s latest, and all of his other essays, is that he has no methodology. He just makes stuff up, misrepresents his sources, inflates his expertise and generally gets away with it.
On YouTube people say that it’s solidly proven that the certificate is a forgery based on the Zullo video. They say that because Zullo told them it was proven, despite the fact that they see with their own eyes that Zullo and Gillar are misrepresenting the images.
I liked the whole “We won” meme. We won because we says so. Meanwhile back in the real world, President Obama will leave office and always be considered the 44th President of the United States.
He referred to it at least twice. He really came unglued about it.
Last week on WOBC blogtalk Zullo admitted that the “birth certificate numbers out of sequence is sign of forgery” is false.
I wonder if the article “Zullo lied to the Alabama Supreme Court” had anything to do with him bring it up.
It was an Apuzzian effort of onanism.
Reminds me of Zullo saying that the Obots were of no concern and then talking about them for an extended period.
I must say, that 2013 article really did put Gillar in a bad place.
Zullo Admits the Obots Were Correct All Along
In Zullo speak of course. 😆
Mario would have been proud.
BTW, Gillar has been promising a “birther ball” where they can “gloat over our victory” since at least 2014.
Gillar keeps saying that the 7655 can not make a clipping maskand he is right. That was known since 2013. It was Preview that created the clipping mask. And Preview is listed in the PDF metadata.
Makes you wonder about Forlabs
Holy mother of god these people are stupid. I thought I heard him talking about that. To be honest at this point I can’t stand to listen to that sniveling, lying weasel more than a minute or two at a time. Both NBC and I outlined in detail the workflow that caused both the clipping mask and the white border. All he had to do was read our blogs or watch my video.
Here’s a scary thought: Between Arpaio, Zullo, Corsi, Gallups, and Gillar, I would say Gillar is probably the smartest and most articulate.
Yeah, it does. I wonder more about how much Zullo is bastardizing what FORLAB really said. Zullo loves to hide behind confidentiality as if any of this garbage every makes it into a court room.
Obama surprised the hell out of Biden and awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
I’ll wonder about Zullo before I wonder about ForLabs.
Probably the deadliest, too. They guy could kill with that monotone.
just a thought….
given the revelations from the buzzfeed article (to be taken with a pinch of salt to say the very least), does that make trump a goldwater republican?
Sadly, I find that the relief at discovering that we’re not about to hand over the keys to the nuclear car to a gullible dimwit who makes Michelle Bachmann look like a Nobel laureate is outweighed by the confirmation that he may literally be the sleaziest con man in recorded history. 🙁
I removed the password from this old article:
With the thinnest skin.
You dope, and you really are, you must know that I don’t read or post birther report, as they always support the fraudulent birth certificate beliefs.
I post on this and Amazon as that is where the believer in HDOH post and where it is easy to point out that birth certificate, true or fake, if certified does not indicate that the health agency can guarantee the truth of the information on the birth record, unless they create the birth record
And that if an agency can create, amend, alter, or correct filed birth records then the chance of a birth certificate showing incorrect information is greater than otherwise, and makes the solid belief in the truth of the birth records suspect.
Oh, I admit it is quite like challenging a religious doctrine and has little or no effect on the true believers.
And as an old Navy sailor, insults do not hurt the body or ego of a man that has served with a bunch of foul-mouthed, sometimes drunk, and sometimes irate sailors the insults are nothing at all,
But continue with your golden showers and have fun in life, but remember that I am the one providing your golden showers and be sure to keep you mouth shut.
The golden showers that I am referring to is not the one you think it is, but is the one in the form of dollars from your employers, who might now support a different president
Here are 3 conspiracies fer ya:
As David Ignatius was speaking to Chris Matthews and just as he said the word Russia, the feed froze in a loop where he was repeating Russia, Russia, Russia over and over again.
About 10 minutes into the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing for GOP Rep. Mike Pompeo the room went dark during Sen. Mark Warner’s opening statement.
“Chairman [Richard] Burr and I have committed to conduct a review of the intelligence supporting the Intelligence Community’s assessment that Russia, at the direction of President Vladimir Putin–” Warner (D-Va.) said around 10:14 am when the blackout hit.
C-SPAN confirmed Thursday afternoon that its online feed had been temporarily interrupted by the Kremlin-backed news outfit RT, formerly known as Russia Today.
Thanks to Doc and the rest of you guys who have lent your time and expertise and commitment to truth by debunking the birthers’ slander and disinformation campaign.
Lately, it has been the birthers themselves who have debunked their greatest lie of all, i.e., the lie that they give a damn about hostile foreign influence!
Their entire “press conference” (which it wasn’t, since a real press conferencing involves conferring, that is, allowing the press to actually talk to them and ask questions) was nothing more than a load of awkwardly-spread bullsh*t.
But we knew that already.
Were you drunk the night that Georgette Bauerdorf died? Were you irate?
Except you never served. And the length and tone of that post telegraphs that I did get under your skin, you habitually lying piece of garbage. Stolen valor types like you are disgusting filth. You owe it to the men and women of our armed forces, who actually did serve in combat, to come clean. You’re Birther scum, so you won’t though.
Do you question the accuracy of your own birth certificate?
Welcome to Introduction to Vital Records.
All vital records work that way, yet you peddle lies and innuendo about one particular individual’s.
One week left for Obama’s presidency, yet not a single “patriot” is locked up in a FEMA camp and nobody has come to confiscate their guns. The keys to the government have not been turned over to Kenya (although Trump may be planning to turn them over to Putin).
The Dow Jones Industrial Average was at 7,949 on the day of Obama’s inauguration in 2009. Today it is at 19,913. The unemployment rate was 9.3% when he took office, and today it is 4.7%.
In 2008 there were 617 U.S. combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2016 there were 33.
I could go on, but you get the point.
Do you actually think that the average person would ever consider their birth certificate being true or false?
Before the event of computers almost all copies of birth certificates were photocopies , and before that was available, they were copied by hand, and I suppose, that before that , they were not even made.
If there is such a thing as a government program to protect witnesses , then you would have to admit that fake birth certificates are used today with the assistance of the governmental agencies.
Does that not enable a sane person to realize that any particular copy of a birth certificate might not be an accurate reflections of the birth and identity of a carrier of such a birth certificate?
Why is there such a reluctance to admit that possibility, and to ignore the facts, yes, facts that the US Government stated that birth certificate fraud is such a problem?
Why the Obama must be true because it is a certified copy of a recorded document, a snip from a newspaper exists, a governor said there was some information on record that they can not show the public, and not much else is available and it must be considered to be absolute truth!
Oh, well, it continues to amuse me. LOL
Oh, I agree with those statements but also know during those 8 years millions of people have lost their jobs, homes, and are unable to find work, and the country has gone deeper into debt by about $10,000,000,000,000.
The US government has attempted to overthrow 4 governments in the world, and has provided arms to Syria that have killed millions of Syrians and caused a flight from the country of Syria by refugees. And that may have caused the deaths of Americans here in our country.
Ignore that at your risk!
and now it becomes necessary for the public to never question the document on file as vital records because they are in the hands of the government, must be true, and to question them is improper.
Oh, to think that the inhabitants of this country are so simple.
Oh,, come ,, you can do better than that! I guess your religious upbringing has limited your ability to really curse!
Go to confession and admit your sins and God will forgive you
Oh, for heavens sake, if RT can control the webs like that , start learning Russian!
:Lawyers lie to the court as part of their technique, only , as it is phrased as opinion, it is just considered to be tactics.
The lawyers are seldom questioned on their opinions, just like the jurists issue opinions based upon their opinion of the facts. they can be over-ruled but never asked the question about how they arrived at their opinion
Trader Jack fails to acknowledge that the State of Hawaii has verified the authenticity, the accuracy and the originality of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and their
verifications are backed up by the corroborating evidence of “Health Bureau Statistics” data which was published in the Honolulu Advertiser newspaper on August 13, 1961. So if there was an alteration, and amendment or a late filing, it occurred between August 8, 1961 when the birth certificate was officially registered with the Health Bureau and August 13, 1961 when notice of the birth certificate was published publicly.
Trader Jack has a firm grasp on the obvious, any birth certificate can be inaccurate but any alleged inaccuracy has to be proven and that hasn’t happened with Barack Obama’s birth certificate since it was first seen online on June 7, 2008.
“Asking questions” without a factual basis for the questions is a form of lying. A form at which you (and your ilk) excel.
I just now stumbled upon this blog. The sad Truth is though, that I could’ve used information presented here, that wouldn’t have changed the opinion of the idiots that I’ve dealt with the last 8 years.
Clearly spoken by someone who exposure to the law has been confined to Law & Order reruns.
You are truly claiming that the Obama presidency ought to be called into question because of the witness protection program?
Let the record show that when directly questioned as to whether he was drunk, or irate, on the night that Georgette Bauerdorf died, trader jack refused to answer the question.
Why are potential murderers allowed to comment here?
Let the record be corrected to say that Trader Jack’s reply didn’t pass the site’s editorial guidelines. But the one word that I will pass is the word “probably.”
Unsurprisingly, you are wrong once again.
First of all, nearly all of the job loss occurred during the last years of the Bush Administration. In January, 2009 the number of employed civilians totaled 142,099,000. In December, 2016 the number of employed civilians totaled 152,111,000. That’s an increase of more than 10 million jobs under the Obama Administration.
Hey, I learned a lot of law watching Law & Order. I could probably skip the first 10 minutes of law school. But I learned a lot more reading judicial opinions slapping down birther lawsuits.
You first twat rocket. Confess how you’re a habitual liar, who never honorably served this country. Also, it’s go to, not goto. This ain’t GwBasic.
13.Personal attacks directed against other commenters are prohibited. This includes any threat explicit, veiled, ambiguous or implied. Any comment advocating violence against anyone is prohibited. Things like that will get you banned. Commenters whose sole purpose is to pick a fight will be banned.
14.Posting personal information about private individuals is prohibited.
15.No commenter shall demand personal information from another. Instances of this may result in redaction of the comment, deletion of the comment, or in extreme cases moderation or banning of the commenter.
Hey, how about that?
there really is an policy for this site. LOL
But, of course, I do not violate it at all. lOL
“Trader Jack fails to acknowledge that the State of Hawaii has verified the authenticity, the accuracy and the originality of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and their
verifications are backed up by the corroborating evidence of “Health Bureau Statistics” data which was published in the Honolulu Advertiser newspaper on August 13, 1961. So if there was an alteration, and amendment or a late filing, it occurred between August 8, 1961 when the birth certificate was officially registered with the Health Bureau and August 13, 1961 when notice of the birth certificate was published publicly.
Trader Jack has a firm grasp on the obvious, any birth certificate can be inaccurate but any alleged inaccuracy has to be proven and that hasn’t happened with Barack Obama’s birth certificate since it was first seen online on June 7, 2008.”
You make it too easy.
Hawaii has not, and will never issue authentication of the information on the LFBC, period!
For example, the name father is Barack Hussein Obama who was named as the father, which may or may not, be true, as the information was only verified by the mother, and there is no indication on the LFBC that pair were married, is there?
So the HDOH would have to take the word of a teenager that the father named was the only possible father.
You can authenticate that statement, but not the fact of paternal paternity as that is simply imputed by the birth certificate.
Wash your mouth out with soap.
I didn’t realize that the Constitution includes a pre-requisite that a natural-born citizen must have parents who are married to one another.
Regardless, Hawaii subsequently issued a divorce to Stanley Ann Obama from Barack Hussein Obama, and marriage is a pre-requisite for a divorce.
Which is irrelevant to Obama’s eligibility. His father could have been Barack Hussein Obama, Frank Marshall Davis, Malcolm X, or Trader Jack. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that he was born in the United States, and the birth certificate proves that he was born in Hawaii.
Again, Welcome to Introduction to Vital Records.
Traderjack’s birth certificate, assuming he has one, will authenticate information that he born. It will not verify he born with a brain.
Thin skinned as your Furher I see. I’ll only back off from dogging your pathetic lying ass, if/when Doc tells me I crossed the line, and not a moment before. You can’t even fight your own battles without crying for intervention.
Well the much filthier Assembler joke I had lined up wouldn’t have worked with that syntax.
Yes, I have a certificate from March of 1961 that has a street address for the place of birth. A physician signed the form. I cannot say what was at that address in 1961. It’s commercial property today. Also the address differs from the usual address of the mother.
Interestingly, the certificate appears to have been typed on the same model typewriter that typed President Obama’s certificate. It also has the same general angle in the dates, rising on the left and falling on the right.
Are there any typed number “8”s? Is the certificate number visible? Was it late March?
Doc. C – if the certificate number is visible is it between 002740 and 004240?
Was the person born within Honolulu city limits?
In preparation for the future use of the blog, I have added an Archives widget to the right sidebar
And do you know why?
Because someone took a hand stamp, put it more or less straight in their hand, placed the paper more or less straight in front of them, swung their arm to the left to place the first stamp, and then swung their arm to the right, while maintaining the same grip on the stamp, and then placed the second stamp.
It’s an entirely natural motion for someone whose job it is to place two stamps, one to the left and the other to the right, on a single sheet of paper.
The state of Hawaii has verified the data on the Obama birth certificate and those verifications, under the laws of that state confirm “the fact of birth.” (Hawaii Revised Statute §338-14.3).
That is all that matters. Eligibility to be president under Article II, Section 1 depends on place of birth, date of birth and 14 years of residence in the United States.
Trader Jack has forgotten that Barack Hussein Obama Senior acknowledged paternity of the child who is his namesake to the Immigration and Naturalzation Service during his Student Visa interview with INS officer Willam Wood which was conducted on August 31, 1961.
Barack Hussein Obama Senior also acknowledged paternity in the Dunham-Obama divorce decree.
I’ve had some fun browsing through the December 2008 articles and comments. I had forgotten that Cort Wrotnowski once posted comments here.
Doc you might want to add this to the archive if not there already. It is a good example of race of father not meeting any special category.
Other than Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. acknowledging paternity of Barack, Jr., you only need look at the picture of another son of his, Barack’s half brother, Mark Obama Ndesandjo. They definitely look alike and undoubtedly share the same father, meaning Barack Obama, Jr. is the biological son of Barack Obama, Sr. despite all the nonsense about Frank Marshall Davis, Malcolm X, and anyone else the birthers have ridiculously claimed to be his father.
No offense but I won’t engage in the “looks like” meme. Its too close to the birthers’ “looks like” theories that you mention, plus the spiritual leader of the Subud movement.