The occasional open thread: the end is just the beginning

Put your Obama conspiracy comments that don’t relate to the current articles here on this, the last official occasional open thread. This thread will close in four weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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198 Responses to The occasional open thread: the end is just the beginning

  1. I invite the members of the Surprise Arizona Tea Party to once again step up and be patriots.

    Will the Surprise, AZ Tea Party Petition Sheriff Penzone to Look into Trump’s Possible Treason?

  2. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    It looks like there is but one to three people still posting at BR. It’s like watching scavengers trying to pick over a scrap heap that everyone else has already had a go at, or any given Kmart on a weekday. One of them just posts once a day, counting down Obama’s remaining time in office, while desperately trying to sound big and bad.

  3. Pete says:

    Will this be the last thread alive?

  4. donna says:

    For those concerned with privacy, i suggest you opt-out of this site:

    This website lets anyone access your personal information for free

  5. J.D. Sue says:

    Reality Check: I invite the members of the Surprise Arizona Tea Party to once again step up and be patriots.

    Will the Surprise, AZ Tea Party Petition Sheriff Penzone to Look into Trump’s Possible Treason?



  6. Whether open threads will continue after the closing of the site to new articles is an open question. Comments?

  7. I’m working on one final debunking article dealing with the date stamps. I’m going to dust off my degree in mathematics and do a rare appearance as an expert.

  8. I see that my watch list members furtive and selfsovereign Yesterday selfsovereign, bob68 and 22tula215 posted. Born Texas posted on the 10th:

    “And here we are just days away from Trump , a b_i_r_t_h_e_r, from taking office. The obunghole trolls have been dispatched and are now questioning their very existence. Hitlery has gone down in a flaming mess and people like conman are empty shells of their former selves and wonder what’s to become of them. Fear not, you are now ALL my children and I shall lead you onto the path of righteousness. You will be punished when you are bad and you will be rewarded when you are good. Come children, come, and we will see to your education. That is all. ”

    Someone thinks they are the deity.

    You have to go all the way back to the 8th to find someone else, TonyUnplugged commenting.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    It looks like there is but one to three people still posting at BR. It’s like watching scavengers trying to pick over a scrap heap that everyone else has already had a go at, or any given Kmart on a weekday. One of them just posts once a day, counting down Obama’s remaining time in office, while desperately trying to sound big and bad.


    CNN conservative political commentator and radio host Ben Ferguson criticized Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) on Saturday afternoon for describing Donald Trump as an “illegitimate president.”

    Ferguson said it was “unprecedented” for Lewis to say “I don’t believe Donald Trump is a legitimate president.”

    “I can’t imagine the fallout, the backfire that you would have if a Republican ever implied that about Barack Obama or Bill Clinton or JFK or anyone else for that matter,” he continued.

  10. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Whether open threads will continue after the closing of the site to new articles is an open question. Comments?

    I see a benefit to keeping an open thread. It will be nice to be able to comment in six months when Trump and the Congress have done absolutely nothing for birthers.

  11. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    CNN conservative political commentator and radio host Ben Ferguson criticized Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) on Saturday afternoon for describing Donald Trump as an “illegitimate president.”

    Ferguson said it was “unprecedented” for Lewis to say “I don’t believe Donald Trump is a legitimate president.”

    “I can’t imagine the fallout, the backfire that you would have if a Republican ever implied that about Barack Obama or Bill Clinton or JFK or anyone else for that matter,” he continued.

    Reince Priebus made a similar claim today.

  12. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    – – –

    Rickey: Reince Priebus made a similar claim today.

    From the transcript:

    STEPHANOPOULOS: We just had Senator Sanders on the program, he did not question the legitimacy of the president-elect. He said he is going to attend the inauguration, but he did say it was right to bring up questions like this because of Donald Trump’s past and questioning the legitimacy of Barack Obama with those years and years of the questions of where he was born.

    PRIEBUS: Donald Trump has made it clear that certainly over the last few years that President Obama was born in Hawaii. But the point is…

    STEPHANOPOULOS: Not until the end of the campaign.

    PRIEBUS: But hang on a second, George, we’re not questioning the legitimacy of the outcome of the election. You didn’t have Republicans questioning whether or not Obama legitimately beat John McCain in 2008.

    For a person that is a champion of voter rights to question whether or not Donald Trump legitimately won an election or not is an incredible position to take five days before an inauguration. And so…

    STEPHANOPOULOS: Some Democrats have made that — some Democrats have made that — including David Axelrod have made that point at all, but it is a fact that Donald Trump was questioning whether President Obama was eligible to serve as a president under the constitution?

    PRIEBUS: And many people were, George. But that issue has been resolved for years now, and it’s been resolved for at least two years in Donald Trump’s mind. And to bring that up as justification for John Lewis questioning the legitimacy of a democratic activity that is — has been around since the beginning of our country is wrong.

    STEPHANOPOULOS: Just a factual point, he didn’t stop raising those questions — he didn’t stop raising those questions until late in this campaign, not two years.

    PRIEBUS: But look, George, that’s not the point. The point is not where Barack Obama was born, the point is is that we’ve got congressmen on the Democratic side of the aisle that are questioning the legitimacy of President-elect Trump who won in an electoral landslide. That’s the issue. That’s where the outrage should be, not old news, but the fact that we are preparing for the transfer of power. and we have been working with President Obama, hand in glove, and I think that they — including the president — should step up and get his people in line and tell them to grow up and accept the fact that they lost the election.

  13. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Whether open threads will continue after the closing of the site to new articles is an open question. Comments?

    It would be nice to check in especially if any debunking takes place.

  14. J.D. Sue says:

    “Whether open threads will continue after the closing of the site to new articles is an open question. Comments?”

    YES, to maintaining an open thread!

  15. Priebus seems to have forgotten the 226 failed Birther lawsuits and Joe Apraio’s 64 month investigation of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

    J.D. Sue: Dr. Conspiracy:

  16. Rickey says:

    Reality Check:
    Priebus seems to have forgotten the 226 failed Birther lawsuits and Joe Apraio’s 64 month investigation of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

    Back in 2010 WND listed more than a dozen prominent Republicans who expressed doubts about Obama’s citizenship.

  17. Pete says:

    Reince Priebus would make Bernie Madoff blush.

  18. J.D. Sue says:

    Reality Check: Priebus seems to have forgotten the 226 failed Birther lawsuits and Joe Apraio’s 64 month investigation of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

    And he seems to have a warped sense of time. He says it’s been at least 2 years since Trump accepted that President Obama was born in the US. But it wasn’t until mid-Sept 2016.

  19. Pete says:

    I would rest my case, but you already rested it.

  20. J.D. Sue says:

    From my heart to all of yours, on this Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:

  21. The way I might put it:

    The choice in the 2016 election was not between two deeply-flawed candidates, but whether in 4 years we would still have the opportunity to correct our mistake.

    J.D. Sue: A must read:

  22. pumpernickel832 says:

    I’m in favor of keeping the Open Thread.

    I’d also like to express my gratitude to ‘Dr Conspiracy’ for detailing the birther madness all these years, and for giving me and others a place to go for rational and factual explanations.

    And I’m very appreciative of the immense amount of time and expertise regarding law, lawsuits, legal precedents, trials, etc. contributed by Doc and those who post here.

    Thank you, and I sincerely hope that the site will continue even if it’s in a more limited fashion than in the past.

  23. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Once Trump is sworn in, I consider birtherism’s utter failure officially complete. As it was all just a pitiful attempt to force Obama out of office before his time was actually up. I was considering migrating to Fogbow, but I’ll probably just stick to my new online hangouts at the Atari Age forum and the official RetroPie forum. As well as working on a planned movie serial hosting show project.

  24. donna says:

    Doc: Whether open threads will continue after the closing of the site to new articles is an open question. Comments?

    What a great thought. I was going to suggest Doc-Anon for those of us who would like to remain together and need a safe place to opine about the birther-in-chief.

    Would Trump’s tax returns reveal the money spent on investigators he sent to HI?

    At his first press conference in nearly 6 months, Trump refused to allow CNN’s Jim Acosta to ask a question, referring to CNN as FAKE NEWS. The next reporter to ask a question was from Breitbart.

    Is this what Trump is forecasting …. more FAKE NEWS from his supporters and conspiracy theorists? When will his buddy, the CEO of the National Inquirer, replace real news?

    President Obama just dropped in on Josh Earnest’s final press conference and referred to Josh as “always courteous”. Will we ever hear that again?

    In April 2015, Josh was voted the best White House press secretary by over 70 journalists.

    The journalists were asked:

    Before entering office, what’s one thing the new president should know about the White House press corps?

    One reply:

    “Reporters always get the last word because they write it.” —Andrei K. Sitov, TASS News Agency of Russia

    Tass is owned by the Government of Russia.

  25. Dave B. says:

    From my own selfish perspective, I’d love that. If you want to leave all this behind, though, it’s your red wagon.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Whether open threads will continue after the closing of the site to new articles is an open question. Comments?

  26. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The way I see it, if the thread stays open indefinitely, after the site is abandoned, it’ll be those of us who stay, vs what ever birther remnants decide to set up house.

  27. Arthur B. says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Whether open threads will continue after the closing of the site to new articles is an open question. Comments?

    For me, it would be wonderful if you kept giving us the opportunity to participate in open threads, and maybe even joined in yourself from time to time, without having the pressure of coming up with new articles.

    But that would still be something of a burden on you. I join the others in expressing gratitude for the superb site that you have maintained all these years, and at this point I’d be happy to see you do what’s best for you.

  28. Joey says:

    Arthur B.: For me, it would be wonderful if you kept giving us the opportunity to participate in open threads, and maybe even joined in yourself from time to time, without having the pressure of coming up with new articles.

    But that would still be something of a burden on you. I join the others in expressing gratitude for the superb site that you have maintained all these years, and at this point I’d be happy to see you do what’s best for you.

    Arthur B. sure speaks for me.
    Instead of resorting to mopin’
    There’d remain a thread that was open.

  29. justlw says:

    Stop me if you’ve heard this one before:

    People Are Sharing Fake Pictures Of Bikers For Trump Heading To The Inauguration

    (and +1 for keeping an open thread!)

  30. OK, so maintaining the open thread is not a big deal. I get an alert on my Google Calendar, and it just takes less than 5 minutes to post one. I’ll keep it going for a while and see if it keeps being used.

  31. Cody Judy says:

    Reality Check: My only suggestion would be to ask someone else to stamp the certificates.

    Probably best done by a women too, about the same build.

    May Loretta Fuddy R.I.P

    Betcha Ms. Valerie Jarrett might help ya out?

  32. Dave B. says:

    Yay for Doc!

  33. Crustacean says:

    A sense of decency is a sign of intelligence. And you wonder why no one voted for you…

    Cody Judy: Probably best done by a women too, about the same build.
    May Loretta Fuddy R.I.P
    Betcha Ms. Valerie Jarrett might help ya out?

  34. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m finding “self sovereign”‘s daily BR posts to be kind of amusing. He’s counting down until Trump is in office, by doing these threaty chest poundings aimed directly at Obama. Yeah, as if the President is actually taking time out of his very busy schedule to read some third rate blog that’s been abandoned for several months. And if he did, he would probably be like “Lol. Who’s THIS turd?” That’s pretty much my opinion of Self sovereign too. Well all birthers to be honest. Turds, the lot of them.

  35. Arthur B. says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’ll keep it going for a while and see if it keeps being used.

    Thanks, that will make the transition far less traumatic.

    It moves me to wax poetic:

    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a gerbil.

  36. bob says:

    Talk about Obama Conspiracy Theories: 10 Right-Wing Predictions About Obama That Never Came True.

    Klayman is mentioned only once.

  37. Rickey says:

    Cody Judy: Probably best done by a women too, about the same build.

    May Loretta Fuddy R.I.P

    I see that you are determined to leave us as dumb and ignorant as when you first arrived.

    Loretta Fuddy was the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health. She was never a registrar, so she never signed or stamped any birth certificates.

  38. I don’t think he even registered to receive write-in votes in any state. It was probably because it would actually cost money to do that thus depleting the Happy Meal fund.

    In addition to his many character flaws, no one voted for ex-con Judy in 2016 because he appeared on no ballot.

  39. “President Obama Pees His Birth Certificate In Russian Into Snow On The White House Lawn”

  40. The “final article” will auto-post at noon.

  41. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Arthur B.: This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a gerbil.

    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a black guy but with an orange dimwit.

  42. J.D. Sue says:

    Maybe this has been pointed out already, but I just realized that the very last article on Birther Report was posted on the very same day that Trump first said President Obama was born in the US (9/16/2016).

    Today I started thinking about those nasty BR birthers when I saw the following in the New York Post’s gossip page.

    Advisors urge Trump to dance with Caitlyn Jenner at the Inauguration:

    “The image of Trump dancing with Caitlyn would send a strong message that he supports gay rights and trans rights,” the Republican said. “A picture is worth a thousand tweets.”

  43. Rickey says:

    Reality Check:
    I don’t think he even registered to receive write-in votes in any state. It was probably because it would actually cost money to do that thus depleting the Happy Meal fund.

    Yes, 34 states require that a candidate declare as a write-in candidate. Without it, any write-in votes for that person aren’t counted.

    A friend of mine who hates Hillary announced that he had cast a write-in vote for Bernie. I had to inform him that he literally threw his vote away because Bernie never declared as a write-in candidate in Florida (or anywhere else, as far as I know).

    Judy never qualified as a presidential candidate pursuant to the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, so he didn’t make the official list of write-in candidates, which can be found here:

    Even if Judy voted for himself it was not counted, because Utah is one of the 34 states that require a write-in presidential candidate to file some paperwork in advance of an election. A write-in candidate must file a declaration of candidacy with the lieutenant governor no later than 60 days before the general election.

  44. roadburner says:

    i’m surprised that considering the strong rejection of trump, that no-one has hashtagged the simplest form of protest for the parade – turning their backs as he passes.

    but so far i’ve not seen one #turnyourback yet

  45. Something went viral and I missed it.


  46. Phoenix (aka Paper) says:

    I note that we start a new presidency with a birther president who arguably at least in spirit may not meet the qualifications of the office, or who is a case study of someone skirting dangers the Constitution was intended to prevent—in the very ways the birthers were all in a tizzy about during the last eight years.

    As we know, the natural born citizen requirement, no matter how defined, arose out of concern about foreign influence, but the new president, despite being natural born, is trotting straight ahead into the foreign influence swamp. He seems a good example of why the NBC clause is effectively obsolete and could be changed to just require normal citizenship (with a minimum residency). His natural born citizenship hasn’t stopped him.

    I mean, 1) he is on track to break the Emoluments Clause as early as noon today; 2) his strange stance viz. Russia, and his known dealings there, never mind further speculation, are all begging the question of foreign influence; and 3) to top it off, as a separate matter, he arguably is under thirty-five years of age (character-wise).

    Birthers should be the first people opposed to this presidency’s already existing behaviors, if they are worried about foreign influence or want to support the intentions of the founders or the spirit of the qualifications to be president. Unfortunately, I know all too well by long personal experience that birthers are among this new president’s hardest hard-core supporters.

    We now have a birther president who, despite being natural born himself, nonetheless already challenges the very principle behind the Natural Born Citizenship requirement—being tainted by foreign influence!

  47. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    roadburner: but so far i’ve not seen one #turnyourback yet

    One Twitter user used it in late 2016, I’ve RT’d it.

  48. J.D. Sue says:

    Vive la résistance!

  49. Arthur B. says:

    Can someone explain to me the situation with the cabinet? Is John Kerry still Secretary of State? Is Loretta Lynch still Attorney General? Or are these posts vacant?

  50. Joey says:

    Arthur B.:
    Can someone explain to me the situation with the cabinet? Is John Kerry still Secretary of State? Is Loretta Lynch still Attorney General? Or are these posts vacant?

    I believe that it depends on whether they submitted resignations that were accepted by Trump. It is traditional to resign at the end of the term of the president who nominated a person to the cabinet. If and when Trump accepts the resignations, the posts are vacant until someone is confirmed.

  51. Arthur B. says:

    Joey: I believe that it depends…

    I think you’re right about that. But do you know what our actual current situation is?

  52. Oh no. I have to find a new home page!

  53. Arthur B. says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Oh no. I have to find a new home page!

    What’s that about?

  54. was yours?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Oh no. I have to find a new home page!

  55. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Sure America elected a talking off-brand Cheeto who has no idea what he’s doing, but I take comfort in knowing that birthers were gonna lose, no matter who won.

    I dunno how many more posts I’ll be doing here, so I’ll just direct this next part at Cody, Nancy, Ike and any other birther losers who happen to be lurking around:

    Its over. You lost. Get on with your pathetic existences, be sure to let the smash you in the face on the way out.

  56. Joey says:

    Arthur B.: I think you’re right about that. But do you know what our actual current situation is?

    They are both still in office until Trump accepts their resignatiobs (if he hasn’t already).

  57. Phoenix (aka Paper) says:

    Re: the Secretary of State position

    Until a new Secretary of State is appointed, the

    State Department Under Secretary for Political Affairs Tom Shannon is acting secretary

    Until an appointment goes through,

    Joey: I believe that it depends on whether they submitted resignations that were accepted by Trump. It is traditional to resign at the end of the term of the president who nominated a person to the cabinet. If and when Trump accepts the resignations, the posts are vacant until someone is confirmed.

  58. Phoenix (aka Paper) says:

    Re: Attorney General

    Sally Q. Yates became the Acting Attorney General on January 20, 2017.

    until an appointment goes through

    Joey: I believe that it depends on whether they submitted resignations that were accepted by Trump. It is traditional to resign at the end of the term of the president who nominated a person to the cabinet. If and when Trump accepts the resignations, the posts are vacant until someone is confirmed.

  59. Joey says:

    Phoenix (aka Paper):
    Re: Attorney General

    Sally Q. Yates became the Acting Attorney General on January 20, 2017.

    until an appointment goes through


  60. Arthur B. says:

    Phoenix (aka Paper): Re: the Secretary of State position … Tom Shannon … Re: Attorney General …Sally Q. Yates …

    Thanks from me too!

  61. donna says:

    Former President Barack Obama’s Twitter handle is now @POTUS44, and all the posts he tweeted will be archived there. If you were following @POTUS while Obama was president, you and his other 13.8 million followers are now automatically following his new account @POTUS44. Obama’s account @BarackObama is also still active.

    “If you’re tired of arguing with strangers on the Internet, try talking with one of them in real life. If something needs fixing, then lace up your shoes and do some organizing. If you’re disappointed by your elected officials, grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and run for office yourself. Show up. Dive in. Stay at it.”

    – President Barack Obama

    Doc, you have stayed at it. Thank you for all you have done and also for maintaining an “open thread”

  62. Pete says:

    I noted elsewhere that Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate PDF has now moved to:

    Generally, anything and everything that was at yesterday is now archived at today.

  63. made it to my links bar but not as my home page.

  64. Good to know. In anticipation of today, the link to Obama’s birth certificate on the Quick Reference widget (lower right) was redirected to the Wayback Machine a couple of weeks ago.

    But there are probably lots of links that need fixing right now.

    Pete: I noted elsewhere that Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate PDF has now moved to:

  65. Top four reasons for low turnout at the inauguration

    1- Truck broke down
    2- Ankle monitors
    3- Cant read maps
    4- Flight delays at Moscow airport:

  66. All the known broken URL’s on the blog have been fixed.

  67. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    As this all comes to an end, I want to reflect on my favorite idiot birther, Falcon.

    Back in November of 2012, right before the election. He laid out a prophecy, that once Romney won, all hell would break loose on Obama, all those who elected him, and all left leaning folks in general. We would be rounded up, tried for treason and summarily executed. Well, here we are over four years later, and I’m not feeling very executed. Do any of you? And be honest. The Romero Law of 1968 states that any undead people are required to make their undeadness known to the public.

    Falcon disappeared the moment Trump left the birther movement to twist in the wind, and hasn’t been seen online since, at least not on anything linked to his Intense debate username. He dropped out at the exact same time the guy who ran BR did, which to me at the very least, adds some validity to the theory that he was a sock-puppet of the site’s owner.

  68. The Fogbow folks had pretty much settled on Bob Nelson of North Carolina as the proprietor of Birther Report. Like many others, Nelson was also outed by Orly Taitz, along with one “Thomas Washington” that I always thought wasn’t a true name.

    Falcon is reliably identified as RGB of Pennsylvania and his personal history is well fleshed out. I suppose BR could have been a joint affair.

    Sometime around February of 2015 there were was a bevy of comments at BR deleted by the moderator (from Gerbil Falcon and Joe Mannix) followed by one from Falcon:

    “How is that your business? And how do you know that BR had anything to do with anything I do?”

    At that time Falcon was convinced that Joe Mannix was really Mike Zullo. The Mannix comment (which was from the fake Mannix, Joe Manmix) is lost.

    Screen clip from 2/17/2015 at 11:37 am

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: He dropped out at the exact same time the guy who ran BR did, which to me at the very least, adds some validity to the theory that he was a sock-puppet of the site’s owner.

  69. I think there is solid evidence that at least one admin at BR is Bob Nelson. I found a Bob Nelson was using the moniker ORYR at some right wing sites like Patriot Action Network. Also, when Blogger shut them down for malware they set up a fund raising campaign to buy their own server and it was directed to a PayPal account owned by Bob Nelson.

    Also, I think there were two Joe Mannix’s at BR. I never thought either one was Mike Zullo.

  70. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Now that Trump has redone the white house website just wanted to point out to the birthers:

    Says born in Hawaii.

  71. There were 4 distinct email addresses under individuals who posted as Joe Mannix at BR.

    One of them posted here under the alias Ernst Stavro Blofeld and Covert Informant.
    Another of them also posted here and at BR under the alias Serpico. I suspect who this is, a supporter of Orly Taitz.
    The third is the one with “joe_manmix” for an Intensedebate profile.
    The fourth is the one with the “joe_mannix” Intensedebate profile. This may be Serpico also under a different email address.

    One of them, I believe, used (not necessarily owned) the PhotoBucket account “firewaller” that contains research documents into Obama conspiracy issues.

    My speculation is that Serpico posts as BP2 at Free Republic, but this is hardly confirmed.

    Reality Check:
    I think there were two Joe Mannix’s at BR. I never thought either one was Mike Zullo.

  72. Old fake news story about Alexandra Hill admitting Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery is on YouTube as “Breaking news” in December of 2016

  73. donna says:

    “‘Alternative Facts’ Are Lies”

    Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, said Sunday that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer did not lie when he claimed Saturday that Trump’s inauguration boasted “the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period,” despite evidence to the contrary.

    “Paving the way of this situation are movements like the birther movement that was embraced by Donald Trump,” Chicago Sun-Times Washington Bureau Chief Lynn Sweet explained. “So if they want to look at the foundation of where this started, they could look in the mirror.”

    Politifact: Pants on Fire

    “That was the largest audience to witness an inauguration, period.”

    January 4, 2017: Sean Spicer: Lying to media not acceptable

    The folks at Merriam-Webster didn’t go for it. They took to Twitter to slam down the idea and put on the dictionary definition of facts.

  74. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: My speculation is that Serpico posts as BP2 at Free Republic, but this is hardly confirmed.

    I thought BP2 was bushpilot, e.vattel, etc.

  75. I was shocked by this old article of mine listing anti-Obama books for sale:

  76. Another thing that puts Falcon close to BR management is his knowledge of Foggy’s IP address at BR:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Falcon disappeared the moment Trump left the birther movement to twist in the wind, and hasn’t been seen online since, at least not on anything linked to his Intense debate username. He dropped out at the exact same time the guy who ran BR did, which to me at the very least, adds some validity to the theory that he was a sock-puppet of the site’s owner.

  77. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I was shocked by this old article of mine listing anti-Obama books for sale:

    I was interested to see Wayne Allyn Root’s book on this list. I looked it up and he recommended investing in precious metals to hedge against the coming “Obamageddon.”

    When his book was published in the spring of 2013 gold was selling at about $1600/ounce. A year ago it was down to $1046/ounce. It’s bounced back a bit in the past year, but is still about $400/ounce below where it was in the spring of 2013.

  78. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I was shocked by this old article of mine listing anti-Obama books for sale:

    The Obama Timeline continues to be one of the funniest on the list. Don Fredrick did very little research and gets most of his birther memes wrong. I tangoed with him on Amazon for a while until he ran away.

  79. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Another think that puts Falcon close to BR management is his knowledge of Foggy’s IP address at BR:

    Yup! I remember that. Foggy owned Falcon so hard, the kids who disavowed him as their father felt it.
    On a completely unrelated note, apparently if you order something pricey, Amazon will actually deliver on a Sunday! Who knew?

  80. Joey says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Yup! I remember that. Foggy owned Falcon so hard, the kids who disavowed him as their father felt it.
    On a completely unrelated note, apparently if you order something pricey, Amazon will actually deliver on a Sunday! Who knew?

    I’ve had Amazon deliver cheap items on a Sunday.

  81. It came to my attention a few months ago that I misunderstood the definition of the word “crank.” I thought it meant the same thing as “crackpot.” I am replacing the word in older articles on the site.

    And when looking to make those corrections, I found that 150 articles used the word “crank.” I think I used it too much.

  82. Northland10 says:

    A local Lutheran church in the area could have used you last fall. They had a break-in in what appears to be related to some other church break-ins. We also have coyotes in the area.

    Dr. Conspiracy on a previous post:
    This article was good fun back in 2014. It had nothing to do with birthers. The real story is that there was a theft at our church, and a couple of days prior I had installed a wildlife camera at the church to see if we had a problem with coyotes. I didn’t catch any coyotes, but I did catch the car of the thief. I told my pastor and he gave me the name of the detective who was investigating the case.

  83. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Thanks to the Richard Nixon Presidential Library for pointing out that the Obama Library’s website is now live:

  84. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    P&E seems to be focusing on “correcting” things that happened during Obama’s tenure as our President, rather than smear any more birther nonsense around. Maybe Sharon finally gets that it’s a dry well. Taitz seems to have given on it as well. She’s far more interested in giving Trump’s bottom a proper tongue buffing. It looks like the endgame they’re all having to settling for is “Trump will erase Obama’s legacy!”

  85. bob says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: P&E seems to be focusing on “correcting” things that happened during Obama’s tenure as our President, rather than smear any more birther nonsense around.

    Rondeau has breathlessly written a few stories about the WTP petition on to restore Lakin’s glory to him.

    And Rondeau has also written several stories about Zullo’s final presser, as well as the various statements he (and Gallups) made after it.

  86. gorefan says:

    bob: Rondeau has breathlessly written a few stories about the WTP petition on to restore Lakin’s glory to him.

    And Rondeau has also written several stories about Zullo’s final presser, as well as the various statements he (and Gallups) made after it.

    The first petition called for Trump to release his taxes, the second for him to divest from his businesses, the third to resign. I have a feeling the White House will be getting rid of the We the People petitioning website or just ignoring it.

  87. Pete says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It came to my attention a few months ago that I misunderstood the definition of the word “crank.” I thought it meant the same thing as “crackpot.” I am replacing the word in older articles on the site.

    And when looking to make those corrections, I found that 150 articles used the word “crank.” I think I used it too much.

    The dictionary I just consulted does list crackpot as a synonym, along with loony, fruitcake, nutcase, nutjob, and kook.

  88. Hah! Well I can stop worrying about that.

    Pete: The dictionary I just consulted does list crackpot as a synonym, along with loony, fruitcake, nutcase, nutjob, and kook.

  89. I have changed the comment auto-close setting from 2 to 4 weeks. That will apply to this and future open threads. The next open thread will open on February 12.

  90. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    And when looking to make those corrections, I found that 150 articles used the word “crank.” I think I used it too much.

    If you were going to change them, you would need to consider context. You might not want the article to explain how old ditto machines required a user to turn a crackpot.

  91. I’ve been binge-watching Sword Art Online.

  92. Dave B. says:

    Being a belt-and-suspenders kind of guy (that’s American suspenders), I usually use both terms, to cover any subtle distinctions there might be between them. It also gives people the choice of which one they think I’m calling them. That’s me being nice.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Hah! Well I can stop worrying about that.

    Pete: The dictionary I just consulted does list crackpot as a synonym, along with loony, fruitcake, nutcase, nutjob, and kook.

  93. Dave B. says:

    How about the 500 thing?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I have changed the comment auto-close setting from 2 to 4 weeks. That will apply to this and future open threads. The next open thread will open on February 12.

  94. I don’t think that exists anymore. But I am not anticipating that kind of activity.

    Dave B.: How about the 500 thing?

  95. justlw says:

    Reality Check: Top four reasons for low turnout at the inauguration

    My response to a “them fotos were FAYKED” post:

    It was raining.

    The dog ate them.

    The crowd was from Canada; you wouldn’t know them.

    Half the crowd was wearing invisibility cloaks.

    Trump’s magnetic personality actually flung large portions of the crowd into the Reflecting Pool.

    There was a second, much yuger, crowd, just behind the camera.

    On Trump’s home planet, staying away is the greatest sign of respect.

    It was a really, really skinny crowd, and they all coincidentally turned edge-on to the camera just before the shutter snap.

    They were all wearing white, and blended into the plastic.

    Trump knew it would be a bother, and personally called everyone and asked them to stay home.

    Every “person” you see in the crowd was actually three people in a trench coat.


    Everyone was all hungover from the amazing “The Piano Guys” concert and overslept.

    The lying liberal press brought big sheets of plastic to cover the crowd with.

    Kellyanne heard the phrase, “Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came?” and got both inspired and confused, and tried to make it happen with the inauguration.


    Best prank ever: “Quick, everyone hide!”

  96. justlw says:

    Arthur B.: I think you’re right about that. But do you know what our actual current situation is?

    By coincidence, I was looking something else up last night, and I wound up on the Wikipedia page for the presidential line of succession, which turns out to show the status for all the offices in the line (assuming it’s being kept up to date, and I would bet it is):

    United States presidential line of succession§Current order

  97. justlw says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Something went viral and I missed it.


    I’ve seen this a couple of times, and it bugs me that I can’t make out which “______ Report” is there in the lower left quadrant of shame. (Not “Gerbil”, obviously)

  98. What I saw was a bunch of snowflakes locking arms and not allowing Trump’s supporters into the area. I loved watching this one big dude who was protecting the supporters by snatching two people, arms locked, backwards. A lot of these “Pathetic Hillary Crybabies” are gay and don’t realize that there is a immunization for AIDS. Well Hillary and Bill know. But, that’s not something they’re ever going to share with the people they love oh so dearly. Do you think this is why Trump raided the Center For Disease Control? I do. Wake up, people. For the record, I called the FBI on Hillary just before the election.

    justlw: My response to a “them fotos were FAYKED” post:

    It was raining.

    The dog ate them.

    The crowd was from Canada; you wouldn’t know them.

    Half the crowd was wearing invisibility cloaks.

    Trump’s magnetic personality actually flung large portions of the crowd into the Reflecting Pool.

    There was a second, much yuger, crowd, just behind the camera.

    On Trump’s home planet, staying away is the greatest sign of respect.

    It was a really, really skinny crowd, and they all coincidentally turned edge-on to the camera just before the shutter snap.

    They were all wearing white, and blended into the plastic.

    Trump knew it would be a bother, and personally called everyone and asked them to stay home.

    Every “person” you see in the crowd was actually three people in a trench coat.


    Everyone was all hungover from the amazing “The Piano Guys” concert and overslept.

    The lying liberal press brought big sheets of plastic to cover the crowd with.

    Kellyanne heard the phrase, “Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came?” and got both inspired and confused, and tried to make it happen with the inauguration.


    Best prank ever: “Quick, everyone hide!”

  99. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    “It was cold! There was significant shrinkage!”

    justlw: My response to a “them fotos were FAYKED” post:

    It was raining.

    The dog ate them.

    The crowd was from Canada; you wouldn’t know them.

    Half the crowd was wearing invisibility cloaks.

    Trump’s magnetic personality actually flung large portions of the crowd into the Reflecting Pool.

    There was a second, much yuger, crowd, just behind the camera.

    On Trump’s home planet, staying away is the greatest sign of respect.

    It was a really, really skinny crowd, and they all coincidentally turned edge-on to the camera just before the shutter snap.

    They were all wearing white, and blended into the plastic.

    Trump knew it would be a bother, and personally called everyone and asked them to stay home.

    Every “person” you see in the crowd was actually three people in a trench coat.


    Everyone was all hungover from the amazing “The Piano Guys” concert and overslept.

    The lying liberal press brought big sheets of plastic to cover the crowd with.

    Kellyanne heard the phrase, “Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came?” and got both inspired and confused, and tried to make it happen with the inauguration.


    Best prank ever: “Quick, everyone hide!”

  100. Rickey says:

    In case anyone hasn’t caught it the old “Hollister v. Indonesian Citizenship Law” thread, Doc C. received a copy of Stanley Ann Dunham’s 1981 passport application, which proves that she was still a U.S. citizen notwithstanding her marriage to Lolo Soetero. Although they were divorced in 1980, the application shows that her previous U.S. passport was issued in 1976, when they were still married and living together in Indonesia.

  101. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Now that the post mortem is over, its time for me to hit the old dusty trail. I met some very bright and intelligent people here.(As well as a few poster children for the dangers of eating lead paint chips!)

    Aside from the entertainment of watching birthers try and fail to peddle their garbage, I actually got something out of my time here, a much better understanding of how our government and legal system operate, via seeing Doc and the others completely destroy each and every birther argument with facts, evidence and deeply detailed explanations illustrating how and why the bunk was wrong!

    Lupin already did the Hitchhiker’s Guide bit, so I’m just gonna borrow from one of Tom Baker’s many botched Little Britain outros: Good Bees!

    Judy – I will never believe you were a confirmed Presidential candidate, also go die in a fire.
    Nancy – I will never believe you forged any document, or killed any person. Feel free to join Judy.

  102. I got into a tangle on YouTube this week with one of those who claims Obama was an Indonesian citizen, because foreigners have to become citizens to stay in the country. I cited the old Hollister thread.

    I read through those comments on the Hollister thread and noted the outstanding issue of proof that Dunham had never become an Indonesian citizen, so I updated that article, and added a comment (I can add comments through another interface even after they are closed).

    I have passport records from 1965, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1981 and 1986; however, I didn’t have them way back in 2009 when that article was written.

    Rickey: In case anyone hasn’t caught it the old “Hollister v. Indonesian Citizenship Law” thread, Doc C. received a copy of Stanley Ann Dunham’s 1981 passport application, which proves that she was still a U.S. citizen notwithstanding her marriage to Lolo Soetero.

  103. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    I have passport records from 1965, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1981 and 1986; however, I didn’t have them way back in 2009 when that article was written.

    I don’t remember if I’ve seen the 1965 records, but is there any indication that Obama’s mother had a passport prior to 1965?

  104. Pete says:

    Happy trails to you, Andrew.

  105. Unfortunately, it appears that during one of The Fogbows’ reloads, all the thread numbers changed, so all hyperlinks to the Fogbow on the blog now point to something else. As a result I have removed all links to Fogbow threads on this blog.

    For anyone that runs a website that they think has any persistent useful information on it, I recommend this article from 1998 I found on the web, whose URI hasn’t changed.

    Cool URIs Don’t Change

  106. While the 1970 application indicates that a passport was previously issued in 1965, no record of the 1965 passport application or issuance was forthcoming from the Department of State. The issuance record should exist as a permanent record, according to government documents. The Department of State, through two FOIA requests, and two appeals, failed to produce this record, and failed to offer any explanation of why they couldn’t find it. They stretched the process out for 7 years with delays.

    They also represented (and probably truthfully) that no record exists prior to 1965. The problem is that if they cannot produce a record that we know existed, how can we draw the inference that a prior record never existed from their inability to find one?

    That whole affair leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

    Rickey: I don’t remember if I’ve seen the 1965 records, but is there any indication that Obama’s mother had a passport prior to 1965?

  107. Yes, that is too bad.

    The Fogbow could have been a much better repository for historical information than it is for various reasons that are not all Foggy’s fault. The two major ones were the name change to the Fogbow from Politijab and the change to IP Board software and back to PHPBB. Those hosed a lot of things.

    That’s why forums tend to be good for discussing current issues but lousy for archiving historical data.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Unfortunately, it appears that during one of The Fogbows’ reloads, all the thread numbers changed, so all hyperlinks to the Fogbow on the blog now point to something else. As a result I have removed all links to Fogbow threads on this blog.

  108. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: At that time Falcon was convinced that Joe Mannix was really Mike Zullo. The Mannix comment (which was from the fake Mannix, Joe Manmix) is lost.

    Mike Connors, who played Joe Mannix died yesterday at the age of 91. RIP

  109. I published an article at Blog or Die! on undocumented alien voters:

  110. A blog like this is a little better for archiving historical data and I have put a great deal of time into trying to make it useful for that purpose. My articles have “permanent” links that wouldn’t change should I move the blog (and I probably will move it from VPS.NET to Dreamhost in the next few months to save $20 a month).

    I tried to get some interest in a Wiki, but it didn’t catch on.

    Reality Check: That’s why forums tend to be good for discussing current issues but lousy for archiving historical data.

  111. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Gallups reports the Obama’s are getting a divorce:

    She mus have found some look-alike to pose with her when they landed in the British Virign Islands.

    I need to find that part of the Bible that encourages spreading false rumors, or any rumor-mongering.

  112. Some of my Friends on Facebook, after contemplating Donald Trump, are starting to say nice things about George W. Bush. Trump, however, may not be so scary after all:

  113. Rickey says:

    Northland10: She mus have found some look-alike to pose with her when they landed in the British Virign Islands.

    One of Nancy’s body doubles?

  114. I find it fascinating that every day in every way Donald Trump is turning out to be the executive order issuing Constitution ignoring tyrant that the Birthers thought wrongheadedly that President Obama was.

    Of course they are probably fine because his EO’s are like all directed at brown people and not he real patriots.

  115. Pete says:

    Yeah, they’re fine with that.

  116. Arthur B. says:

    OK, pardon my fantasies here. But CNN reports:

    “Former President Barack Obama criticized President Donald Trump’s executive order curbing immigration in a statement Monday, backing protesters who have taken to the nation’s airports to express their displeasure with Trump’s action on Friday.

    “This is the first time Obama, who ceded power to Trump 10 days ago, has weighed in on a policy matter since leaving office and it breaks with an unwritten rule that former presidents refrain from criticizing the current White House occupant.”

    Now, if the former Pres. becomes more active in the anti-Trump movement, I’m wondering if one of the pushbacks against him will be a resurgence of birtherism — after all, I think it’s safe to assume that a reasonable number of Trumpistas are also birthers, and they may feel that the new power structure will offer them support.

    And the point of this fantasy is: Will this signal a need for a revived Obama Conspiracy Theories?

  117. Dave B. says:

    So ever since Trump won the election, I’ve been thinking about what the White House Correspondents’ Dinner would be like this year. April 29. I never thought it was going to be a very… sympathetic kind of event, but after the last week, I figured it’s liable to be downright hostile. And after the last couple of days, I’m wondering if he’ll make it to the end of April. He may be going after the Harrison record.

  118. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    While the 1970 application indicates that a passport was previously issued in 1965, no record of the 1965 passport application or issuance was forthcoming from the Department of State. The issuance record should exist as a permanent record, according to government documents. The Department of State, through two FOIA requests, and two appeals, failed to produce this record, and failed to offer any explanation of why they couldn’t find it. They stretched the process out for 7 years with delays.

    Thanks. That refreshes my memory.

    They also represented (and probably truthfully) that no record exists prior to 1965. The problem is that if they cannot produce a record that we know existed, how can we draw the inference that a prior record never existed from their inability to find one?

    That whole affair leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

    If we could see her 1965 application it would show if she had a prior passport, which she apparently did not have.

    It can be quite frustrating. When I received the SS-5 for Barrington Smith (Bari Shabazz), they redacted the names of his parents because I had no evidence that they are dead. I couldn’t find evidence that they are alive or dead because I don’t know their names. Catch-22 in practice.

  119. Later, Snowflake.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Now that the post mortem is over, its time for me to hit the old dusty trail. I met some very bright and intelligent people here.(As well as a few poster children for the dangers of eating lead paint chips!)

    Aside from the entertainment of watching birthers try and fail to peddle their garbage, I actually got something out of my time here, a much better understanding of how our government and legal system operate, via seeing Doc and the others completely destroy each and every birther argument with facts, evidence and deeply detailed explanations illustrating how and why the bunk was wrong!

    Lupin already did the Hitchhiker’s Guide bit, so I’m just gonna borrow from one of Tom Baker’s many botched Little Britain outros: Good Bees!

    Judy – I will never believe you were a confirmed Presidential candidate, also go die in a fire.
    Nancy – I will never believe you forged any document, or killed any person. Feel free to join Judy.

  120. Said from one sister lying scumbag to another?

    Nancy Ruth Owens, The Obama Forger:
    She’s a badass for sure. Does she scare ya’ll that much?

  121. Wow! I take that as a compliment. If only….

    Reality Check:
    Said from one sister lying scumbag to another?

  122. bob says:

    In perhaps the weirdest puff piece ever, Klayman explains how Jesus encouraged him to become a vexatious barnacle.

  123. I always thought of Klayman more as a hemorrhoid than a barnacle.

    In perhaps the weirdest puff piece ever, Klayman explains how Jesus encouraged him to become a vexatious barnacle.

  124. justlw says:

    Jerome Corsi

    With ALEX JONES I will head INFOWARS DC News Bureau & apply to be White House Correspondent for INFOWARS – I’m excited about the opportunity

  125. Rickey says:

    Jerome Corsi

    With ALEX JONES I will head INFOWARS DC News Bureau & apply to be White House Correspondent for INFOWARS – I’m excited about the opportunity

    Media Matters has a pretty good summary of Corsi’s outrageous claims over the years.

  126. Pete says:

    Jerome Corsi

    With ALEX JONES I will head INFOWARS DC News Bureau & apply to be White House Correspondent for INFOWARS – I’m excited about the opportunity

    Whatever I have to say probably isn’t printable.

  127. Of course Corsi was probably the only Birther ever to tell the truth about the Cold Case Posse when he said they were creating evidence. 😆

    Pete: Whatever I have to say probably isn’t printable.

  128. Pete says:

    They certainly were.

  129. trader jack says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: That whole affair leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

    Not enough to convince you that you could not trust the government to tell the truth when they wanted to lie


  130. Such a conclusion would be a fallacy of generalization.

    Back in the box.

    trader jack: Not enough to convince you that you could not trust the government to tell the truth when they wanted to lie

  131. justlw says:

    OK, here’s the new “I was taught two-parent citizenship in school” (or, the new “Berenstein Bears”, for you kids):

    Rembert Browne

    yearly reminder that half the country was incorrectly taught that eli whitney was black

    6:25 AM – 1 Feb 2017

    My best guess: people are conflating him with George Washington Carver?

  132. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    OK, here’s the new “I was taught two-parent citizenship in school” (or, the new “Berenstein Bears”, for you kids):

    Rembert Browne

    yearly reminder that half the country was incorrectly taught that eli whitney was black

    6:25 AM – 1 Feb 2017

    My best guess: people are conflating him with George Washington Carver?

    While Eli was white, he got the idea from a black slave known as Sam, who inveted a comb to separate the seeds. Eli mechanized the process. So that’s probably the origin.

  133. justlw says:

    The first reference to this I found, at the University of Houston, had this appended to it: “As it turns out, the story of Whitney getting his cotton gin idea from Sam is probably apocryphal.”

    However, what is true is that devices to remove seeds from cotton have existed for millenia, so his contribution was more additive than a sudden leap from manual methods to complete mechanization.

    As an aside: “Probably apocryphal” is an interesting phrase.

  134. Pete says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Such a conclusion would be a fallacy of generalization.

    Back in the box.

    Jack in the box!

  135. Rickey says:

    OK, here’s the new “I was taught two-parent citizenship in school” (or, the new “Berenstein Bears”, for you kids):

    Rembert Browne

    yearly reminder that half the country was incorrectly taught that eli whitney was black

    6:25 AM – 1 Feb 2017

    My best guess: people are conflating him with George Washington Carver?

    Somehow I doubt than anyone was taught that Eli Whitney is black. He went to Yale, graduating in 1792. The first black student at Yale was James Pennington in 1834.

    Whitney also died in New Haven. Whitney Avenue runs from New Haven north to Cheshire, Connecticut.

  136. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Such a conclusion would be a fallacy of generalization.

    Back in the box.

    Occam’s Razor tells us that if the State Department says that it can’t find the 1965 passport application, it probably means that they can’t find it.

    Jack’s Razor tells him that if the State Department says that it can’t find the 1965 passport application, the State Department is lying.

    Now that the State Department is being run by Trump, I suggest that Jack file his own Freedom of Information request and see what kind of response he gets.

  137. Keith says:

    Rickey: Somehow I doubt than anyone was taught that Eli Whitney is black. He went to Yale, graduating in 1792. The first black student at Yale was James Pennington in 1834.

    Whitney also died in New Haven. Whitney Avenue runs from New Haven north to Cheshire, Connecticut.

    I, for one, was never taught any such thing. It really sounds like one of those assertions that sound just barely believable enough to the ‘basket of deplorables’ that they would pick up on it as some conspiracy that everyone else was being victimized by (never them of course).

    As an aside, my ancestors practically founded New Haven Connecticut. They built and ran the river ferry for generations.

  138. Notorial Dissent says:

    Now what I can believe is that whoever came up with this either slept through, skipped, or otherwise wasn’t paying attention in American History when they were in school a long time ago, and then suddenly “remembered” this. kind of how a lot of them “remember” how the constitution works.

  139. bob says:

    Stop me if you’ve heard this one: Klayman is suing Obama.

    For $3.45M. Because someone yelled at Klayman at the airport.

  140. Rickey says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    Now what I can believe is that whoever came up with this either slept through, skipped, or otherwise wasn’t paying attention in American History when they were in school a long time ago, and then suddenly “remembered” this. kind of how a lot of them “remember” how the constitution works.

    You could be talking about Trump. He doesn’t know who Frederick Douglass was.

  141. gorefan says:

    bob: Stop me if you’ve heard this one

    The complaint:

  142. Keith says:

    There was just an hour long program on the Australian Radio National on the topic of “Agnotology” (see Wikipedia: Agnotology) – the study of and making of “ignorance”. Fascinating that there is actually an academic study of this stuff.

    Here’s a link to the podcast: Agnotology: understanding our ignorance

    And the transcript is here.

    I can’t decide if the Eli Whitney thing is a social experiment or a bald faced racist attempt to implant false memories.

  143. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    Open letter to Larry Klayman:

    You are a racist!

    (see page 12 of the complaint)

  144. Indeed. This PoS excuse for an attorney needs to be sanctioned and disbarred.

    W. Kevin Vicklund:
    Open letter to Larry Klayman:

    You are a racist!

    (see page 12 of the complaint)

  145. Northland10 says:

    Reality Check:
    Indeed. This PoS excuse for an attorney needs to be sanctioned and disbarred.

    The DC Attorney Discipline System is taking its sweet time. Wasn’t the hearing something like 2 years ago?

    Unfortunately, disbarment will only have a partial impact. He is pro se in some of his cases, so he can continue to do that, until a court tires of him.

  146. J.D. Sue says:

    I can see how airport scenes like this would cause Larry Klayman severe emotional distress:

  147. J.D. Sue says:

    Speaking of Larry Klayman, he is saying the the Democrats shouldn’t complain about a stolen seat on the Supreme Court, since the CIA killed Scalia. Citing the National Inquirer, he speculated that the CIA sent a prostitute to Scalia to poison him.

  148. Rickey says:

    Trump has been president for two weeks. He has threatened to invade Mexico, has issued a Muslim ban, and has called for an investigation into non-existent illegal voting, but he has said nothing about Obama’s birth certificate.

  149. Notorial Dissent says:

    You forgot the insulting the Australian PM, and threatening the Mexican President, on top of the whole ignoring the constitution and due process and various court orders thing. And I’m sure thee are other little tidbits I’ve missed. Oh, and the threatening war with Iran, little things.

    Trump has been president for two weeks. He has threatened to invade Mexico, has issued a Muslim ban, and has called for an investigation into non-existent illegal voting, but he has said nothing about Obama’s birth certificate.

  150. Yes, there is more. He is working on getting us into a war with China over islands in the South China Sea.

    Notorial Dissent: And I’m sure thee are other little tidbits I’ve missed. Oh, and the threatening war with Iran, little things.

  151. Picked up this fantastic blog at The Fogbow:

  152. Dave B. says:

    I really like this one, too–

    It’s not only informative, it’s refreshing to see how they bring humanity back into the discussion.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Picked up this fantastic blog at The Fogbow:

  153. Rickey says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    You forgot the insulting the Australian PM, and threatening the Mexican President, on top of the whole ignoring the constitution and due process and various court orders thing. And I’m sure thee are other little tidbits I’ve missed. Oh, and the threatening war with Iran, little things.

    I was trying to be concise!

    And today Trump called Judge Robart, who was appointed by George W. Bush, a “so-called” judge.

  154. RanTalbott says:

    justlw: I will head INFOWARS DC News Bureau & apply to be White House Correspondent for INFOWARS – I’m excited about the opportunity

    Don’t tell him that all the Lizard People were Obama appointees, and have already moved on: it’d spoil the surprise.

  155. Keith says:

    Reality Check:
    Yes, there is more. He is working on getting us into a war with China over islands in the South China Sea.

    Don’t forget that he’s going on a $30mil 3 day vacation after being on the job for 2 weeks.

    How many times did he object to President Obama’s holidays?

    Is there a Presidential vacation day counter web site somewhere?

  156. It’s not exactly a vacation. He will be tweeting the whole time.

    Keith: Don’t forget that he’s going on a $30mil 3 day vacation after being on the job for 2 weeks.

  157. J.D. Sue says:

    Well, yesterday I looked at Orly Taitz’s site and, predictably, I saw content that is anti-immigrant and aligned with Putin talking points. But I couldn’t see much, because her site almost immediately attacked my Chrome and made it completely dysfunctional until my techie fella finally was able to resolve it for me. That’s it, Orly, I’ll never look at your diseased site again!

    Anyhow, although there are too many awful things about Taitz to list here, one of my pet peeves is that she gives an absolutely awful impression of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union. It especially pisses me off because I am the grandchild of Jewish immigrants from the Ukraine, Romania, and Lithuania, and I was raised with values completely antithetical to the “values” Taitz tries to sell.

    So, here is an open letter, signed by 1,102 Soviet Jewish refugees who were resettled in America, imploring Trump to resettle refugees from Syria, Central America, and throughout the world. Their words touch my heart and remind me of my grandparents.

  158. RanTalbott says:

    Keith: Is there a Presidential vacation day counter web site somewhere?

    There’s a reporter at WaPo (or maybe the NY Times) who tracks them as a hobby. He was often referenced in news articles and fact-check entries when RWNJs claimed that Obama took more vacations than Bush. Alas, I can’t remember his name.

  159. Northland10 says:

    J.D. Sue: So, here is an open letter, signed by 1,102 Soviet Jewish refugees who were resettled in America, imploring Trump to resettle refugees from Syria, Central America, and throughout the world. Their words touch my heart and remind me of my grandparents.

    Thanks for this.

  160. justlw says:

    People are making fun of this, and I all I can think is: “Orly only wishes she’d ever managed to draw a crowd this large.”

  161. I found several articles that compared Obama with W because the RWNJ’s complained so much about President Obama every time he took a vacation. They stopped around 2014 because W had taken more at every point in their presidencies.

    It’s all pretty silly anyway since the President’s office is always with him. At least that was true up through the last President.

    RanTalbott: There’s a reporter at WaPo (or maybe the NY Times) who tracks them as a hobby.

  162. Rickey says:

    Reality Check:
    I found several articles that compared Obama with W because the RWNJ’s complained so much about President Obama every time he took a vacation. They stopped around 2014 because W had taken more at every point in their presidencies.

    It’s all pretty silly anyway since the President’s office is always with him. At least that was true up through the last President.

    It’s the hypocrisy which is annoying. The reality is that the president can’t go anywhere without it costing the taxpayers a lot of money.

  163. We need to make sure this White House petition smokes the one that Gary Wilmott put up to pardon Terry Lakin:

    To explain to the American people why President Donald J. Trump is such a needy little bitch.

    It’s ahead by over 300 signatures even though Wilmott’s had a two day head start.

  164. justlw says:

    Rickey: The reality is that the president can’t go anywhere without it costing the taxpayers a lot of money.

    If they stay in the DC area, it’s a lot cheaper, since you don’t have to fire up the 747. Say, if you relax by golfing at local courses, or do most of your vacationing at Camp David.

    I would guess that Obama’s R&R bill totals up to a lot less than the frequent trips to Crawford or what may become the weekly shuttle to Mar-a-Lago.

  165. J.D. Sue says:

    Although I could never pity Grover Norquist, I can’t help but consider his troubles. He finally got the answer to his “prayers”, a “Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States.” And yet, he is perceived by the so-called president’s gang as a Muslim Brotherhood spy because he married a Muslim Palestinian woman. Oh the tangled web they weave….

  166. Well, Obama Conspiracy Theories finally got hacked.

    A routine security scan found a malicious file. I doubt that it was actually doing anything, but it has been deleted and the administrator passwords changed to some really long ugly things.

    So far as I know, site operation was not affected.

  167. Mine was a google alert titled, “Mike Zullo.” It looked like a typical news feed so I clicked on it not having updated my one month MacAfee protection that came with my new PC. I won’t make that mistake again.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well, Obama Conspiracy Theories finally got hacked.

    A routine security scan found a malicious file. I doubt that it was actually doing anything, but it has been deleted and the administrator passwords changed to some really long ugly things.

    So far as I know, site operation was not affected.

  168. I use Windows Defender from Microsoft. It’s free and has worked well for me.

    Nancy Owens, The Obama Forger: ot having updated my one month MacAfee protection that came with my new PC.

  169. Keith says:

    AVG free is a solid performer.

  170. Lots of people are reporting PC attacks via what seems like regular web sites. Do ya’ll remember when Orly’s site had all of those virus/trojans?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I use Windows Defender from Microsoft. It’s free and has worked well for me.

  171. Avast! is another good free AV program. You just have to ignore the constant nagging to upgrade to the paid version.

    AVG free is a solid performer.

  172. Sef says:

    Nancy Owens, The Obama Forger: Lots of people are reporting PC attacks

    I doubt the class “lots of people” includes many Linux users.

  173. Rickey says:

    Nancy Owens, The Obama Forger:
    Lots of people are reporting PC attacks via what seems like regular web sites. Do ya’ll remember when Orly’s site had all of those virus/trojans?

    Attacks happen all the time. The key is to prevent them from being successful.

    Nobody should operate a computer without a strong firewall and good anti-virus and anti-malware programs.

  174. Rickey says:

    The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals refused to reverse Judge Robart’s restraining order on Trump’s travel ban by a 3-0 vote. One of the judges was appointed by George W. Bush.

    Trump’s Justice Department argued that the Federal Courts have no jurisdiction to review Trump’s order. “There is no precedent to support this claimed unreviewability, which runs contrary to the fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy,” the judges wrote.

  175. J.D. Sue says:

    Rickey: The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals refused to reverse Judge Robart’s restraining order on Trump’s travel ban by a 3-0 vote. One of the judges was appointed by George W. Bush.

    Here is a copy of the opinion.

  176. Rickey says:

    J.D. Sue: —

    Here is a copy of the opinion.

    One of the judges is on senior status, which debunks Judy’s notion that the judge who dismissed his case is retired.

  177. One of the Ninth Circuit judges asked sua sponte for a poll as to whether the Court should review en banc. I don’t think it will succeed.

  178. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Illinois law proposed to make Obama’s birthday a state holiday.



  179. J.D. Sue says:

    Reality Check: One of the Ninth Circuit judges asked sua sponte for a poll as to whether the Court should review en banc. I don’t think it will succeed.


    It will be interesting to see the parties’ briefs. The order provides:

    “A sua sponte en banc call having been made, the parties are instructed to file simultaneous briefs setting forth their respective positions on whether this matter should be reconsidered en banc. The briefs should be filed on or before 11:00 a.m., Pacific time, on Thursday, February 16.”

    Here is a summary of the 9th Cir.’s en banc procedures:

  180. donna says:

    It has been reported that one of Trump’s options is to drag this thing out until Grosuch is one of the supremes.

    Far be it for Trump to admit that he is wrong.

    Is Trump receiving any assistance from his Federal Judge sister?

    An informative article from Garrett Epps. He teaches constitutional law and creative writing for law students at the University of Baltimore.

    Regarding the en banc, “[that’s where cast-iron comes into it. The opinion is well crafted, measured in tone, and grounded in caselaw. A judge on the fence might hesitate to brush it aside.”

  181. Rickey says:

    As we begin the fourth week of Trump’s presidency, he still hasn’t said a word about Obama’s eligibility. And he never will.

  182. This blog fit me pretty well because I had lots of material to report, and debunking is a technical topic I can do.

    General political writing is a very different thing, and I don’t do that well, at least not yet, without more practice.

    So I am practicing to the empty room at Dr. Con’s Leftist Propaganda Blog, with the article #MostDivisivePresidentEver.

  183. bob says:

    As we begin the fourth week of Trump’s presidency, he still hasn’t said a word about Obama’s eligibility. And he never will.

    Birthers are funny: Some are willing to give him 100 days; others, 200 days; still others, 4 years.

  184. KKKarl Galloops says tRump will address the Birther stuff in his second term.

    bob: Birthers are funny: Some are willing to give him 100 days; others, 200 days; still others, 4 years.

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