The additional open thread: Spring forward edition

In the USA, set your clocks forward and enjoy the open thread.

Obama Conspiracy Theories closed to new articles on January 20, 2017, as as the very presidential Barack Obama left office, and was replaced by someone completely different. The open thread is a place to leave comments and continue the discussion. This thread will close, and be replaced by another in 4 weeks.

If you have not had an approved comment here before, your comment will first go into moderation for subsequent review and approval.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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138 Responses to The additional open thread: Spring forward edition

  1. Mike Zullo responds to Malik Obama tweeted fake birth certificate.

    But really, they’re still talking about Obama’s birth certificate?

  2. bob says:

    And Dennis Montgomery! Zullo, Gallups, Klayman, and Montgomery collectively bring up Rondeau on a near-daily basis.

  3. I took a few minutes to comment on that article, pointing out the reasons we know the Kenyan certificate is a fake. The news stories just refer to it is a fake without supporting details.

    Dave B.: The other Obamas in Kenya are responding to Malik’s tweet, too:

  4. ZulloMoore lying again about JoAnn’Ee birth certificate at the 8:30 mark.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Mike Zullo responds to Malik Obama tweeted fake birth certificate.

    But really, they’re still talking about Obama’s birth certificate?

  5. Joey says:

    Do any of the experts here know when Barack Obama got his first U.S. passport? I remember that he was removed from his mother’s passport in the 1960s but is there proof of when he first received his very own passport?
    Now that he’s a private citizen again, would his passport history be available under an FOIA request?

  6. bob says:

    Joey: [B]ut is there proof of when he first received his very own passport?

    No later than 2009.

    Now that he’s a private citizen again, would his passport history be available under an FOIA request?

    No. No third-party FOIA requests for living people are granted (unless there is a waiver).

  7. gorefan says:

    Do any of the experts here know when Barack Obama got his first U.S. passport? I remember that he was removed from his mother’s passport in the 1960s but is there proof of when he first received his very own passport?
    Now that he’s a private citizen again, would his passport history be available under an FOIA request?

    Proof? No, but in his book Dreams of My Father there is a passage about arriving in Honolulu from Indonesia (Spring, 1979) and custom officer asking if he was an American and the ten year old handed him his passport.

  8. H. Keith says:

    gorefan: Proof? No, but in his book Dreams of My Father there is a passage about arriving in Honolulu from Indonesia (Spring, 1979) and custom officer asking if he was an American and the ten year old handed him his passport.

    He would have gotten his own when he was taken off his mother’s. He had to have a passport to return to Hawaii for school.

    Being President had nothing to do with FOIA rejections for his passport records. Such records are protected for ALL living persons President or not.

    Doc has more relevent experience with the issue of course.

  9. Joey says:

    gorefan: Proof? No, but in his book Dreams of My Father there is a passage about arriving in Honolulu from Indonesia (Spring, 1979) and custom officer asking if he was an American and the ten year old handed him his passport.

    Now THAT’s what I was looking for! Thanks Gorefan.
    Thanks everyone else for the info on living persns and FOIA requests. Now I understand how birthers were able to get Obama Senior’s INS files which they used to disparage him.
    I needed this nfo to fight with some birthers on yet another right wing blog.

  10. I came across a couple of interesting twitter statistics.

    Donald Trump: 26.5 million
    Barack Obama: 85.8 million

    Donald Trump: 42
    Barack Obama: 631 thousand

    Trump follows his family, his businesses and some conservative talking heads.

  11. bob says:’s registration has expired.

  12. It seems the Birther kingdom is rotting from the inside out. First the MCSO CCP goes extinct and now BR.

    bob:’s registration has expired.

  13. Keith says:

    Can’t remember if I posted this before or not.

    Nice takedown of WND at about the 2:40 mark.

    The Last Leg: How to spot fake news

  14. I wonder if Nelson is out of circulation.

    bob:’s registration has expired.

  15. That’s World News Daily, rather than WorldNetDaily.

    Keith: Nice takedown of WND at about the 2:40 mark.

  16. bob says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I wonder if Nelson is out of circulation.

    When Zullo was last on WOBC BTR, he said Nelson was fine, but Zullo didn’t explain why Nelson let his site go stale (or why Zullo let the CCP’s site go dark).

  17. While has expired another page, is still active. I suggest you all check it out.

    bob: When Zullo was last on WOBC BTR, he said Nelson was fine, but Zullo didn’t explain why Nelson let his site go stale (or why Zullo let the CCP’s site go dark).

  18. Again, Mike ZulloMoore and company are using fake evidence. How far can you go once that’s exposed? When people discover the truth, it’s time to stop the con job.

    bob: When Zullo was last on WOBC BTR, he said Nelson was fine, but Zullo didn’t explain why Nelson let his site go stale (or why Zullo let the CCP’s site go dark).

  19. Joey says:

    I think they might want to change their domain name to “”. There is no case.
    We are now at the three month mark since the last “press conference” and not one member of Congress has ever mentioned the “investigation.”

  20. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That’s World News Daily, rather than WorldNetDaily.




  21. gorefan says:

    Reality Check:
    While has expired another page, is still active. I suggest you all check it out.

    Coming Soon = Any Day Now

  22. donna says:

    Tweet du jour re the new HI decision on Trump’s Muslim ban:

    Ali Gharib‏ @Ali_Gharib

    In an epic act of trolling, a Hawaii judge is responding to Trump’s Muslim ban by showing him America’s birth certificate.
    3:50 PM – 15 Mar 2017

    Federal judge in Hawaii puts revised Trump travel ban on hold; Trump calls it ‘judicial overreach’

    New Fox Poll

    29. What’s the ONE thing that you really want President Trump to get done — the thing that would make you happy if he accomplished only that and nothing else? [RANDOMIZE]

    Create jobs 33%
    Destroy ISIS 23
    Cut taxes 10
    Put Constitutionalists on the Supreme Court 9
    Repeal and replace Obamacare 7
    Reduce federal regulations 3
    Build a border wall 3
    (Other/None of the above) 10
    (Don’t know) 2

  23. gorefan says:

    Anyone remember Steve Stockman. He was the Congressman who was onboard with the Zullo birth certificate until he suddenly wasn’t. He’s been arrested.

    “According to the complaint, in 2011 Stockman set up a non-profit called Life Without Limits in Las Vegas. A single contributor donated $350,000 to the charity, which Stockman then allegedly funneled back to himself through donations made by his employees.”

  24. Rickey says:

    Anyone remember Steve Stockman.He was the Congressman who was onboard with the Zullo birth certificate until he suddenly wasn’t.He’s been arrested.

    “According to the complaint, in 2011 Stockman set up a non-profit called Life Without Limits in Las Vegas. A single contributor donated $350,000 to the charity, which Stockman then allegedly funneled back to himself through donations made by his employees.”

    A “family values” Republican State Senator in Oklahoma was arrested yesterday and charged with child prostitution.

  25. Rickey says:

    CRJ Update:

    In his latest pity party Judy whines that he was sent to prison because of his “religious tenants” [sic] and he continues to be unapologetic about the fact that he terrified thousands of people. He also is moaning that he has had three failed marriages (gee, I wonder why?). He hates immigrants so he thinks that polygamy would be a good way to get more white babies in the U.S.

    He also believes that his book will one day be a New York Times best seller. And that pigs can fly.

  26. Joey says:

    Rickey: “In his latest pity party Judy whines that he was sent to prison because of his “religious tenants” [sic]

    I’ve always found that religious tenants are more likely to pay the rent on time.

  27. Here’s the brief article:

    “Yes, it’s true, Barack Obama, while president, bugged Donald Trump at the Trump Tower in New York. But it’s excusable.

    Obama keeps his birth certificate at his home in the top drawer of his night table. But one night, when he checked, it wasn’t there. As a result, he ordered bugs put up for two days at the Trump Tower, but Donald Trump never mentioned anything about Barack’s birth certificate, so Obama removed the bugs.

    After the bugs were gone, Trump happily told an aide, now fired, that he had burned the birth certificate. The identity of this aide is being withheld at his request.”

    H. Keith: Geo blocked. Why would that be?

  28. I read that article earlier today. I liked this part:

    I think it’s important to remember that the root cause of all this michegas is the fact that Trump is an emotionally unstable, fake news-loving nitwit, and that this specific outpouring of nitwittery has now consumed a lot of the time and energy of people on the government payroll who are, ostensibly, serious.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Trump’s ‘Wiretap’ Claims Are A Return To Those Old Birther Instincts

  29. Looks like it’s just a coming soon site. The domain was registered Jan. 24, 2017 with a proxy registrant name. also expired.

    On the other hand is an interesting site, but not birther related.

    I’m going to let expire.

    Reality Check: While has expired another page, is still active. I suggest you all check it out.

  30. Who ran that one? I’ve been to these websites a few times or so a month. Is that one run by Mike Volin?

    RE: Gerbil Report. That’s too bad. I was always hoping it would take off eventually since it’s tied to Intense Debate and deals with the birther issue.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Looks like it’s just a coming soon site. The domain was registered Jan. 24, 2017 with a proxy registrant name. also expired.

    On the other hand is an interesting site, but not birther related.

    I’m going to let expire.

  31. was the original name of BirtherReport

    Gerbil Report could never take off because it lacked content.

    Nancy Owens, The Obama Forger:

  32. So, what kind of content was it meant to showcase?

    Dr. Conspiracy: was the original name of BirtherReport

    Gerbil Report could never take off because it lacked content.

  33. J.D. Sue says:

    FYI, I stumbled upon a journalist’s blog that has nice handy-dandy timelines on Russian/Trump/Election stuff:

  34. bob says:

    Rondeau has several breathless reports about the “latest”: Corsi (on Inforwars, his new gig) “reported” that Zullo claims Montgomery claims that his secret (“junk”) data shows that Obama was snooping on Trump. And Zullo and Arpaio are ready to go to Congress with Montgomery’s data.

    Any day now!

  35. bob says:

    And, over at Smith’s blog, Bruce explains why now is the time to support Malik touting Smith’s fake birth certificate:

    THE OPPOSITION IS IN RETREAT. Dr. Conspiracy has now retired from managing the ‘Obama Conspiracy Theories’ website and the pathetic, tired and disorganized obots appear to be much less active than they were during Obama’s 8 year reign of terror.

    Thanks, Doc.

  36. Gerbil Report was a spoof of Birther Report. It had like a dozen articles total. To draw large numbers of visitors, you have to have new stuff almost every day.

    Nancy Owens, The Obama Forger: So, what kind of content was it meant to showcase?

  37. If we still had new articles, this latest Corsu/Zullo/Montgomery thing would be worthy of one.

    It’s neat how the conspiracy carnival barkers found a way to tie today’s news (claims of wiretaps at Trump Tower) to old discredited “junk” (Dennis Montgomery’s fake data). “Opportunist” is the word that comes to mind.

  38. bob says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It’s neat how the conspiracy carnival barkers found a way to tie today’s news (claims of wiretaps at Trump Tower) to old discredited “junk” (Dennis Montgomery’s fake data).

    It is also “neat” how, despite them repeatedly saying “OBAMA TAPPED TRUMP!!!,” Montgomery’s “data” “shows” that Trump was tapped by … George W. Bush.

  39. donna says:

    It’s astounding how many times the “birther issue” has been raised in connection with the “Obama had my “wires tapped'” issue. Over the years, when I have discussed the “birther issue” with many in my world, it was often dismissed. Yet here we are again!

    Trump’s ‘Wiretap’ Claims Are A Return To Those Old Birther Instincts

    FYI, “Fox News pulls Judge Napolitano over his Trump wiretap claims”.

  40. Notorial Dissent says:

    Remind me again, HOW OLD was the Montgomery garbage when the Shurf’s tech people determined it was garbage?? And he has proof that Trump was being wiretapped, yeah right!!!!

  41. I would agree with that, Katie.

    bob: It is also “neat” how, despite them repeatedly saying “OBAMA TAPPED TRUMP!!!,” Montgomery’s “data” “shows” that Trump was tapped by … George W. Bush.

  42. roadburner says:

    talking of websites going dark, it looks like reed hayes website has expired as well

  43. Dave B. says:

    Poor guy probably just wants to hide in a dark room after Zullo got ahold of him.

    talking of websites going dark, it looks like reed hayes website has expired as well

  44. For the record, I think Mike ZulloMoore might have been the one who hacked my files. He’s gotten active again and we all know he doesn’t really investigate anything.

  45. So I have been exchanging emails with a prominent birther who says, a tidal wave is coming, and some new proof/evidence that Obama’s birth certificate is forged.

    Forecasting has never been a birther strong suit.

  46. Do you have the reference for this?

    bob: It is also “neat” how, despite them repeatedly saying “OBAMA TAPPED TRUMP!!!,” Montgomery’s “data” “shows” that Trump was tapped by … George W. Bush.

  47. Rickey says:

    Cody Robert Judy is now available for speaking engagements. His fee is a mere $30,000-$75,000 plus expenses. He doesn’t say what you get for $75,000 that you don’t get for $30,000. Maybe he throws in a few of his steaks.

    I kid you not.

  48. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Do you have the reference for this?

    Didn’t Montgomery’s work with the government end before Obama was elected?

  49. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: a tidal wave is coming

    Sheriff’s kits 2.0?

  50. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Do you have the reference for this?

    Info Wars published a list of Trump businesses that are supposedly from the database. The latest is February, 2009.

    Basically the database looks like a phone book.

  51. bob says:

    gorefan: Basically the database looks like a phone book.

    Yes; and Corsi, Jones, Rondeau, Gallups, etc., are falling over themselves to praise Zullo’s amazing investigative skills because Zullo can verify that Trump Tower is, in fact, located at 725 5th Ave. 🙄

  52. Joey says:

    Nancy Owens, The Obama Forger:
    For the record, I think Mike ZulloMoore might have been the one who hacked my files. He’s gotten active again and we all know he doesn’t really investigate anything.

    If Zullo hacked your files that makes him a successful investigator of Nancy Owens, “the Obama Forger.”
    That would be the first time that Mike Zullo did anything impressive in birtherdom.

  53. gorefan says:

    bob: Yes; and Corsi, Jones, Rondeau, Gallups, etc., a

    Actually it looks a lot like one of Susan Daniels’ database affidavits from Orly’s various trials.

  54. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Cody Robert Judy is now available for speaking engagements. His fee is a mere $30,000-$75,000 plus expenses. He doesn’t say what you get for $75,000 that you don’t get for $30,000. Maybe he throws in a few of his steaks.

    What’s the definition of Politically rich?

  55. It was an email that was in my google email account that had been sent via “Google alerts” labeled ‘Mike Zullo.’ It looked like a regular news article so I opened it.

    Joey: If Zullo hacked your files that makes him a successful investigator of Nancy Owens, “the Obama Forger.”
    That would be the first time that Mike Zullo did anything impressive in birtherdom.

  56. bob says:

    Doc, who has retired, is nonetheless the focus of a recent blog post at Taitz’s site.

    Paul Irey wrote to Taitz:

    Statement just made to me from Dr. Conspiracy [ . . .]:“Even if Obama did forge his birth certificate in 2011, the statute of limitations has run out. (You did know that, right?)”

    Orly … this is not true … right?

    Taitz’s response:

    no, it did not, particularly in light of the fact that Obama committed fraud in occupying the position of the president till 2009 based on a stolen CT SSN and fabricated IDs and he is getting retirement money today, as a former president based on fabricated IDs.

    Nice try Mr. Obama. though, but no go!

    Follow up comments from others also state “there is no Statute of Limitations for the act of Treason” and “the Statute of Limitations on misdemeanor fraud, never mind felony fraud, in the District of Columbia has not yet expired.”

  57. The fact that Paul Irey would go to Orly Taitz for a legal opinion on anything tells you everything you need to know about Paul Irey.

    bob: Paul Irey wrote to Taitz:

    Statement just made to me from Dr. Conspiracy [ . . .]:“Even if Obama did forge his birth certificate in 2011, the statute of limitations has run out. (You did know that, right?)”

    Orly … this is not true … right?

  58. donna says:

    Trump earns Four Pinocchios for the Time Magazine interview

    Trump consistently astounds us with his inability to acknowledge that he repeatedly gets facts wrong and consistently misleads the American public with inaccurate, dubious claims. He earns Four Pinocchios for this interview

  59. Northland10 says:

    Reality Check:
    The fact that Paul Irey would go to Orly Taitz for a legal opinion on anything tells you everything you need to know about Paul Irey.

    Wasn’t he going to leave he country or something?

    I wonder if Irey is the prominent Birther having an email exchange with Doc. If so, the veracity of the “tidal wave” prediction has just dropped, which is actually impressive given most Birther predicitions already trend near .05%.

  60. Rickey says:

    Reality Check:
    The fact that Paul Irey would go to Orly Taitz for a legal opinion on anything tells you everything you need to know about Paul Irey.

    And even if the birth certificate was forged it wouldn’t be a crime because it was never used for an official purpose. That’s why Lucas Smith can’t be charged with a crime for the Kenyan birth certificate which he forged. It would have been a different matter if he had been able to sell it while passing it off as authentic.

    Orly still believes that Obama’s SSN was stolen from the non-existent Harrison Bounel.

  61. Pete says:

    Reality Check:
    The fact that Paul Irey would go to Orly Taitz for a legal opinion on anything tells you everything you need to know about Paul Irey.

    ^ This.

  62. Pete says:

    Rickey: And even if the birth certificate was forged it wouldn’t be a crime because…

    That may be true, but I don’t like going there, because 8 years of public discussion and analysis of the matter have shown clearly that – support from lying, grandstanding, sucker-playing Arizona political grifters aside – there simply isn’t the slightest actual credible evidence of any forgery, or Kenyan birth, or any other of the birther claims whatsoever.

    ALL available evidence is completely clear that birtherism is, and always was, a complete and total fantasy/ load of manure/ con job.

    From a factual point of view, birthers might as well have spent the last 8 years arguing that Batboy invented peanut butter.

  63. bob says:

    “According to Orly Taitz, I’m right,” convinced… no one ever.

  64. gorefan says:

    donna: Trump earns Four Pinocchios for the Time Magazine interview

    They redacted the interview of statements that were not verifiable true.

  65. donna says:

    gorefan: They redacted the interview of statements that were not verifiable true

    Politifact: Fact-checking Trump’s TIME interview on truths and falsehoods

    Here are some of Trump’s most egregious claims from the interview with TIME Washington Bureau Chief Michael Scherer on March 22. Many of the statements are things we’ve debunked again and again.

    Trump threatens to leave ObamaCare in place if Dyancare fails. (Quel dommage!)

    Q-POLL: Dyancare approval just 17%. Age 50-64: 62% Disapprove / 16% Approve

    Why should men pay for maternity care if they are 60? For one, Trump is 70 with a 10-year old son.

    Why should men pay for mammograms? I know 2 men who had breast cancer.

    Why should I pay for circumcisions, viagra, penis pumps, vasectomies and prostate cancer? (Prostate cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind lung cancer and colorectal cancer.)

    New CBO score: The legislation would reduce the deficit by $150 billion over 10 years, down from $337 billion in the original legislation, the report said. The plan would still result in 24 million more people being uninsured in 2026

    The CBO’s message is, essentially, that if Trump simply sticks with the status quo, the wave of huge premium hikes and insurer dropouts will end.

  66. J.D. Sue says:

    donna: Trump earns Four Pinocchios

    They need a new scale. The guy is psychotic.

  67. Rickey says:

    Pete: That may be true, but I don’t like going there, because 8 years of public discussion and analysis of the matter have shown clearly that – support from lying, grandstanding, sucker-playing Arizona political grifters aside – there simply isn’t the slightest actual credible evidence of any forgery, or Kenyan birth, or any other of the birther claims whatsoever.

    ALL available evidence is completely clear that birtherism is, and always was, a complete and total fantasy/ load of manure/ con job.

    From a factual point of view, birthers might as well have spent the last 8 years arguing that Batboy invented peanut butter.

    Your point is well taken, but I brought it up because for years I have been challenging birthers to identify the law which they believe was broken if the birth certificate could be proven to be a forgery.

    The best any of them could do was mutter some nonsense about treason.

  68. I know. Just ignore the problem for forty years and then, boom, with a few clicks of a keyboard, stealing the Obama forger’s intel, suddenly you’re the most awesome investigator the world has ever known. ZulloMoore did that with the acid-burned fingerprints, you know.

    I was instructed by the convicted felon sheriff Sermon Dyess, Jr. to go give intel to Mike ZulloMoore. The intel I gave was that the Medellin Cartel, of which I am one, were burning off fingerprints via the same acid we used in getting rid of bodies.

    No joke. He takes this intel and submits it to a specialized police magazine and then asks me to marry him. Why? So, that he could pocket all of the money and take all of the credit.

    Wash, rinse, repeat.

    The real problem that he has is that Pablo Escobar built an embassy not more than a few miles off of his station. Not to mention, he really didn’t seem to have a clue as to what was going on in his own back yard. This is why he and others try to hard to keep their true territory such a huge secret.

    Joey: If Zullo hacked your files that makes him a successful investigator of Nancy Owens, “the Obama Forger.”
    That would be the first time that Mike Zullo did anything impressive in birtherdom.

  69. Wayne Allyn Root says it was unfair to call him a birther. Now he calls Democrats birther.

  70. bob says:

    Root whines that he is associated with birthers despite him claiming that Obama had Indonesia citizenship and that Obama posed as foreign born. And Root was a witness at Manning’s trial.

  71. Rickey says:

    Root wrote the following in 2010:

    I do want however to make it clear that all of us have a right, duty and obligation to question our President, as well as all politicians on their past. The moment a politician decides to run for office they have given up a right to “seal records.” They are now a public figure, and the voting public has every right to question and investigate anything and everything that shines light on who will be representing the American people.

    Root in 2017, speaking about Democrats and Trump:

    There is not much that needs to be said.They’re unhinged, they’re off the rails, they’re mentally ill. The Democratic Party has Trump Derangement Syndrome and they are no longer an opposition party or a leading party; they’re not willing to come to the table and work, they’re not willing to vote on Supreme Court nominees, they’re just looking to block and boycott. They’re crazy and so we have just got to run the country and ignore them … I think we have got to erase Obama like he was never there.

    He is a hypocrite.

  72. Notorial Dissent says:

    Root has a VERY skewed view of reality, like that hasn’t long been apparent, but even for him this is pushing it. Has the man done nothing with his life since his inconsequential academic career? It would certainly seem not.

  73. “Barack Obama’s real Kenyan birth certificate has been discovered, President Trump has caught “Russia’s White House spy,” and actor Robert Wagner has been hit by “grand jury murder charges” – if you believe this week’s tabloids.

    “Alas, it’s another basketful of wishful thinking, fact-challenged alternate realities.”

    They were really sloppy in debunking the Malik/Smith Kenyan birth certificate fake, and I left a comment.

  74. Dave B. says:

    Funny how people will so confidently make false claims without even checking first, ain’t it?
    That Kenya Gazette is mighty handy. There’s an issue for the same day Obama’s birth certificate was filed–
    You get people on both sides saying stuff like “Kenya didn’t exist in 1961.” Then again, I had somebody insisting the other day that Mombasa had been part of Kenya for hundreds of years.

    Dr. Conspiracy: They were really sloppy in debunking the Malik/Smith Kenyan birth certificate fake, and I left a comment.

  75. I added a page on my blog with links to the key articles on the Xerox WorkCentre Workflow for the LFBC PDF file. I noticed there was no single place where I had these links collected. I might add some links to other articles at NBC’s blog over time.

    The page is linked from the RC Radio blog home page.

  76. gorefan says:

    Reality Check:
    I added a page on my blog with links to the key articles on the Xerox WorkCentre Workflow for the LFBC PDF file. I noticed there was no single place where I had these links collected. I might add some links to other articles at NBC’s blog over time.

    The page is linked from the RC Radio blog home home page.

    Reed Hayes’website is back up.

  77. Shocking: Alex Jones has apologized for his role in spreading the PizzaGate story.

  78. Dave B. says:

    I used to listen to that guy on the shortwave. I’m looking at my old radio right now, sitting on the shelf over my computer, just a-gathering dust. I haven’t used it since I don’t know when. Didn’t listen to shortwave the whole time Obama was president. I reckon there’s been enough crazy on the internet for me. And on that crazy “news” channel, of course.

    Reality Check:
    I looked at the other claims Rick Wiles has made. he is a certified fruitcake.

  79. New article at Dr. Con’s Leftist Propaganda Blog re Dennis Montgomery and Trump wiretap allegations.

  80. I’ve listened to InfoWars on shortwave too. For a while there I collected cheap portable shortwave radios. I probably have a hundred of them.

    Dave B.:
    I used to listen to that guy on the shortwave.I’m looking at my old radio right now, sitting on the shelf over my computer, just a-gathering dust.I haven’t used it since I don’t know when.Didn’t listen to shortwave the whole time Obama was president.I reckon there’s been enough crazy on the internet for me.And on that crazy “news” channel, of course.

  81. Other than a photo, has anyone ever actually seen Montgomery talking?

    Alex Jones

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    New article at Dr. Con’s Leftist Propaganda Blog re Dennis Montgomery and Trump wiretap allegations.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    New article at Dr. Con’s Leftist Propaganda Blog re Dennis Montgomery and Trump wiretap allegations.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’ve listened to InfoWars on shortwave too. For a while there I collected cheap portable shortwave radios. I probably have a hundred of them.

  82. Dave B. says:

    It was kind of interesting to observe Alex Jones’ progress from a local gadfly to what he is now, and to listen to his poor abused voice go from a whine to a growl.

    Dr. Conspiracy:

  83. Rickey says:

    Cody Robert Judy update: While he waits to have his Motion for Reconsideration to be denied, he has come up with a “brilliant” idea to cut the cost of health insurance. His solution? Instead of being covered 24/7, just be covered three days a week. Or save more by being covered only during office hours. So if you have a heart attack or stroke at night, all you have to do is stay alive until morning and then rush to the hospital. Unless it happens on one of the four days of the week when you aren’t covered, in which case you have to hang on longer.

    He calls his plan “Coasting Code-Care.” I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

  84. Sef says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: For a while there I collected cheap portable shortwave radios

    So no Hallicrafters then?

  85. H. Keith says:

    I drove past the Obama house in Chicago yesterday. Or at least I tried to. My guides, who hae worked in the immediate area for 40 years and been past it many times, couldn’t find it! 😅😅😅😅

    I don’t expect anyone was home anyway or we would have found the security detal at least.

  86. No. Many years ago I had an old military receiver (tubes) and that I think was Hallicrafters.

    The only big radio I have is an old Radio Shack DX-300 (like, a Wadley Loop receiver, but it doesn’t work any more. My best radio now is probably the Tecsun PL-660.

    I have several Eton/Grundig portables.

    Sef: So no Hallicrafters then?

  87. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Cody Robert Judy update: While he waits to have his Motion for Reconsideration to be denied, he has come up with a “brilliant” idea to cut the cost of health insurance. His solution? Instead of being covered 24/7, just be covered three days a week. Or save more by being covered only during office hours. So if you have a heart attack or stroke at night, all you have to do is stay alive until morning and then rush to the hospital. Unless it happens on one of the four days of the week when you aren’t covered, in which case you have to hang on longer.

    He calls his plan “Coasting Code-Care.” I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

    Such a brilliant mind. Next he’ll insure his car for only a few days a week.

  88. bob says:

    Ex-con Judy is peeved that the district court isn’t paying him enough attention, so he threw more paper at it. A notice of some sort. :yawn:

    Rondeau has an article about it, and promises another one.

  89. What an idiot (take your pick Judy and/or Rondeau). Judy filed a “Notice of Decision/Judgment” on his Motion for Reconsideration filed on 2/27. He thinks he can file that because the defendants filed no opposition in the 30 day period allowed by FRCP. However, his Motion for Reconsideration was already denied by Judge Webster. Judy doesn’t understand that a reply was optional. His frivolous dead case is still frivolous and still dead.

    Meanwhile Rondeau who the other day was correcting a typo that Yahoo made called Judy a “Democrat candidate”. It is “Democratic candidate” dip-wad.

    Ex-con Judy is peeved that the district court isn’t paying him enough attention, so he threw more paper at it. A notice of some sort. :yawn:

    Rondeau has an article about it, and promises another one.

  90. gorefan says:

    Gallups on his show about Montgomery.

    From the sound of it, Mike Zullo is getting nowhere with the Congressional investigation.

  91. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    They sound pretty whiny.

  92. bob says:

    From the sound of it, Mike Zullo is getting nowhere with the Congressional investigation.

    Exactly: Gallups at one point even threatened to name names of the members of Congress who blew Zullo off.

    The clip is pretty funny: Gallups and son are soooo smug because they believe that Montgomery was Nunes’ secret source. But this week’s events have proven that to be demonstrably false.

    And begging the president to help Arpaio and punish Snow.

  93. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bob: Exactly: Gallups at one point even threatened to name names of the members of Congress who blew Zullo off.

    The clip is pretty funny: Gallups and son are soooo smug because they believe that Montgomery was Nunes’ secret source.But this week’s events have proven that to be demonstrably false.

    And begging the president to help Arpaio and punish Snow.

    Remember the last time he threatened that and only named one name?

  94. gorefan says:

    bob: Exactly: Gallups at one point even threatened to name names of the members of Congress who blew Zullo off.

    My guess is he will repeat the names he’s previously mentioned – Miller, Stockman (both out of Congress).

    He said that no one has said Montgomery’s data base was not from the NSA. Of course except for Thomas Drake and Kirk Wiebo two NSA ex-employees who called Montgomery a fraud.

    “The sheriff’s office also initially failed to turn over a report from two former National Security Agency computer specialists, Thomas Drake and Kirk Wiebe, who the sheriff’s office asked to evaluate Montgomery’s work to see if it was credible. They concluded Montgomery’s database was fraudulent and did not contain records from the CIA as Montgomery had suggested. “We have found that he is a complete and total FRAUD,” the former NSA employees concluded.”

  95. bob says:

    gorefan: My guess is he will repeat the names he’s previously mentioned – Miller, Stockman (both out of Congress).

    Don’t forget Allen West!

  96. I wasn’t familiar with Paste Magazine, but it got my attention with this well-written article, “The Consequences of Electing a Birther: Trump’s Obsession with Conspiracy Theories” by Roger Sollenberger

  97. Rickey says:

    Ex-con Judy is peeved that the district court isn’t paying him enough attention, so he threw more paper at it. A notice of some sort. :yawn:

    He also sent a letter to Trump last month, asking for help with his dead lawsuit from the Attorney General. He received no response, of course.

  98. bob says:

    Rickey: He also sent a letter to Trump last month, asking for help with his dead lawsuit from the Attorney General. He received no response, of course.

    In the second part of his “interview” at the P&E, ex-con Judy expresses some doubt about the president, and that he may be secretly on Obama’s side.

    And, unsurprisingly, that it’ll be an injustice if the courts again show him the door. Ex-con Judy doesn’t seem to grasp the concept that the real injustice would be hauling an innocent person into court to defend a long-since dead frivolous lawsuit.

  99. H. Keith says:

    I didnt know that Politico was a printed paper., but i just found a copy in Wash. D. C. Huh, learn sumpin new ever day.

  100. Gorefan’s comment reminded me of the time back in 2013 when a Birther named Pixel Patriot from Georgia set up a one hour conference call with Mike Zullo and his representative Rob Woodall. Pixel Patriot videoed the call. Zullo had his big chance. He had a whole hour to present everything and lay his case out on the table, the Hayes report, the secret evidence, everything. But he had nothing. Zullo was awful and Woodall was not impressed.

    As soon as people commented on how badly it went for Zullo Pixel Patriot pulled the video from YouTube and the Birther Report article with the video was scrubbed. It was never seen again.

    gorefan: My guess is he will repeat the names he’s previously mentioned – Miller, Stockman (both out of Congress).

  101. J.D. Sue says:

    H. Keith: just found a copy in Wash. D. C.

    My, you do get around. I bet you got rained out when you were visiting here in Chicago.

  102. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: it got my attention with this well-written article,

    Nice article!

  103. J.D. Sue says:

    bob: And, unsurprisingly, that it’ll be an injustice if the courts again show him the door.

    Sheesh, he sure likes playing “law” and “suffering” the slings and arrows.

    It’s a lot worse when one is not just playing, is living in reality, has a real non-frivolous case, and loses.

    I have no pity or patience for Cody who just cries wolf because he’s otherwise bored and feels like messing with the courts that he doesn’t understand at all. I guess some people just like to waste taxpayer money and overburden the judiciary. What a friggin waste.

  104. H. Keith says:

    J.D. Sue: —
    My, you do get around.I bet you got rained out when you were visiting here in Chicago.

    Nah, Chicago was nice. It poured in DC yesterday morning though. EVERYBODY wanted to go to the Natural History Museum at the same time. You couldn’t turn around.

    And i’ll be in Tucson next week, and S. Dakota and Wyoming the week after.

    Hmm, I didn’t think to try having a drink to put a face to the handles that post here. Mighta been fun. Ah well.

  105. Northland10 says:

    J.D. Sue: —
    My, you do get around.I bet you got rained out when you were visiting here in Chicago.

    Cold and rain, no less. The sun finally came out, but I’m pretty sure it’s an April Fool’s joke.

  106. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check:
    Gorefan’s comment reminded me of the time back in 2013 when a Birther named Pixel Patriot from Georgia set up a one hour conference call with Mike Zullo and his representative Rob Woodall. Pixel Patriot videoed the call. Zullo had his big chance. He had a whole hour to present everything and lay his case out on the table, the Hayes report, the secret evidence, everything. But he had nothing. Zullo was awful and Woodall was not impressed.

    As soon as people commented on how badly it went for Zullo Pixel Patriot pulled the video from YouTube and the Birther Report article with the video was scrubbed. It was never seen again.

    Yup I remember that Kerchner still has a link up which has this disclaimer: “YouTube video for the event is down. Will re-post a link when available.”

    Yeah it will never be available again.

  107. H. Keith says:

    H. Keith: Nah, Chicago was nice

    By ‘nice’ I mean, of course, that it only rained 3 out of 4 days, and only in the morning with fog or low clouds the rest of the time. 1 day was sunny and 70 degrees. That was the day we decided to go up the Sears Tower to the Skydeck ‘tommorrow’.

  108. J.D. Sue says:

    H. Keith: By ‘nice’ I mean, of course, that it only rained 3 out of 4 days, and only in the morning with fog or low clouds the rest of the time. 1 day was sunny and 70 degrees. That was the day we decided to go up the Sears Tower to the Skydeck ‘tommorrow’.

    Yeah, that’s more like it. Never mind, the real Chicago is down on the ground anyways. And, as much as I like Obama, I never drove past his house either.

  109. J.D. Sue says:

    Well, what do you know. Just saw this:

    “Just three weeks from former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s criminal contempt trial, lead defense attorney Mel McDonald has asked to withdraw from the case.”

    “In a brief Monday filing, McDonald only states that the request is made in “good cause” and that his withdrawal was “mandatory” under an ethical rule.”

    . . . .

    “McDonald’s request comes days after numerous defense motions asking the judge to delay the trial and to bar Arpaio’s old campaign statements, as well as victim testimony.”

    “Another motion states that Arpaio was “coerced” into acknowledging civil contempt in the case. According to the motion, Arpaio agreed to the admission because his attorneys led him to believe that it would prevent him from criminal charges.”

    “It is unclear whom the motion seeks to blame for this agreement. . . . ”

    I sure hope Arpaio is enjoying being a criminal defendant.

  110. I’ll bet someone sent Arpaio’s attorney THIS prima facie evidence video!:

    J.D. Sue:
    Well, what do you know.Just saw this:

    “Just three weeks from former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s criminal contempt trial, lead defense attorney Mel McDonald has asked to withdraw from the case.”

    “In a brief Monday filing, McDonald only states that the request is made in “good cause” and that his withdrawal was “mandatory” under an ethical rule.”

    . . . .

    “McDonald’s request comes days after numerous defense motions asking the judge to delay the trial and to bar Arpaio’s old campaign statements, as well as victim testimony.”

    “Another motion states that Arpaio was “coerced” into acknowledging civil contempt in the case. According to the motion, Arpaio agreed to the admission because his attorneys led him to believe that it would prevent him from criminal charges.”

    “It is unclear whom the motion seeks to blame for this agreement. . . . ”

    I sure hope Arpaio is enjoying being a criminal defendant.

  111. Notorial Dissent says:

    He’s just looking for someone new to throw under a convenient bus. Being his lawyer is fraught with peril, and disbarment.

  112. Plaintiff H. Brooke Paige left a comment at my blog about Paige v Condos, et. al.. He is awaiting a decision on his appeal to the Vermont Supreme Court. He is optimistic due to the length of time they have taken to issue a decision since oral arguments were held on November 30, 2016. If you really this was the case that Paige filed in late 2015 against Ted Cruz, Marco, Rubio and two other candidates on the Vermont 2016 primary ballot.

    The comment was left on an article where I listed all of Mario Apuzzo’s losing eligibility cases (there are no winning cases). I added this appeal to the list.

    Birther Attorney Mario Apuzzo Continues to Rack Up the Losses

  113. bob says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Conspiracy theory tries to connect Joe Arpaio, the Obama birth certificate and Trump’s wiretap claims

    That is a great story by the Arizona Republic. Unfortunately, it is a touch too late: Klayman, Corsi, and Zullo’s wild claims never escaped the right-wing echo chamber, and even the birthers have already moved on.

  114. gorefan says:

    bob: That is a great story by the Arizona Republic.Unfortunately, it is a touch too late:Klayman, Corsi, and Zullo’s wild claims never escaped the right-wing echo chamber, and even the birthers have already moved on.

    Are these emails we haven’t seen before? I don’t remember the one about the nursing home.

  115. Re: “Too late” as in planned to fail.

    gorefan: Are these emails we haven’t seen before?I don’t remember the one about the nursing home.

  116. Arthur B. says:


    “Representative Devin Nunes, the embattled California Republican who is chairman of the Intelligence Committee, announced on Thursday he would step aside from leading his committee’s investigation into Russia’s efforts to disrupt last year’s presidential election.

    “His announcement was made on the same morning that the House Committee on Ethics said Mr. Nunes was under investigation because of public reports that he ‘may have made unauthorized disclosures of classified information.’”

  117. bob says:

    gorefan: Are these emails we haven’t seen before?

    I don’t know if “we” have, but they were exhibits in the MCSO/Arpaio proceedings. Tes added the letters to her site in 2015.

  118. Spoof news Twitter account @DPRK_News

  119. Rickey says:

    Steve Stockman is claiming that he has only $17 in the bank and can’t afford an attorney.

  120. I’ve been doing some research. Maybe, they need this guy back in:

    Arthur B.:

    “Representative Devin Nunes, the embattled California Republican who is chairman of the Intelligence Committee, announced on Thursday he would step aside from leading his committee’s investigation into Russia’s efforts to disrupt last year’s presidential election.

    “His announcement was made on the same morning that the House Committee on Ethics said Mr. Nunes was under investigation because of public reports that he ‘may have made unauthorized disclosures of classified information.’”

  121. He stole 1.25 million. Where did all the money go? Expensive hookers?

    Rickey: Steve Stockman is claiming that he has only $17 in the bank and can’t afford an attorney.

  122. I continue to be dumbfounded by people using the site contact form to send messages to Mike Zullo.


    Comments: Dear Lt. Mike Zullo, Please view two articles and a video referenced below the provide PROOF that there never was a Barack Hussein Obama Hawaiian Birth Certificate………….why one he revealed is as you say a FRAUD! BREAKING Former Hawaii Elections Clerk Was Told Obama s Birth Certificate DOESN T EXIST BREAKING NEWS BY TRUTHFEEDNEWS MARCH 15, 2017 Hawaii Officials Make Massive Announcement About Obama’s Birth Certificate!! By Conservative Army – March 23, 2017 OBAMA TREASON Hawaii Officials Make Massive Announcement re Obama’s Birth Certificate!! VIDEO MLordandGod I have read many of your articles in this quest for the TRUTH. I feel this proves it if what Tim Adam’s says it TRUE!

  123. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I continue to be dumbfounded by people ……I feel this proves it if what Tim Adam’s says it TRUE!

    Everything old is new again.

  124. Rickey says:

    Reality Check:
    He stole 1.25 million. Where did all the money go? Expensive hookers?

    And he squandered the rest.

  125. 😆

    Rickey: And he squandered the rest.

  126. Please don’t forward that to Zullo! He will hold another final news conference with Universe Shattering Evidence (TM), Obama will be impeached, and everything he has done will be made void.

    Dr. Conspiracy: I continue to be dumbfounded by people using the site contact form to send messages to Mike Zullo.

  127. A scholarly article has appeared in the Wake Forest Law Review on “On the Meaning of ‘Considered as Natural Born'”.

    There is particular attention to the Naturalization Act of 1790. I think the matter has been moved forward by this article.

    Through a chain of references from the article I arrived at the debates on the 1790 Act (which I have not yet had time to read).

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