The additional open thread: Is there no justice anymore?

Obama Conspiracy Theories closed to new articles on January 20, 2017, as as the very presidential Barack Obama left office, and was replaced by someone completely different. The open thread is a place to leave comments and continue the discussion. This thread will close, and be replaced by another in 4 weeks.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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120 Responses to The additional open thread: Is there no justice anymore?

  1. You may have had problems accessing this site over the past 3 days due to a distributed denial of service attack against the DNS server that lists The DNS is at, who also hosts a white nationalist web site and that hosting has led to the attack.

    This site is hosted elsewhere; just the DNS is at Dreamhost although I am considering moving it there.


  2. Curious George says:

    August 26, 2017 at 4:17 pm #

    “Curious George: Arpaio’s conviction remains in place.”

    I keep hearing this, but that doesn’t sound right. IANAL, and I know others here are, but: Isn’t shortening the sentence (in this case to zero) without overturning the conviction, as Obama did with Chelsea Manning, a commutation, not a pardon?

    My impression is that the powers of a presidential pardon allow him to make a federal conviction disappear as if it never existed.

    Curious George:
    From the DOJ website:

    Does a presidential pardon expunge or erase the conviction for which the pardon was granted?

    No. Expungement is a judicial remedy that is rarely granted by the court and cannot be granted within the Department of Justice or by the President. Please also be aware that if you were to be granted a presidential pardon, the pardoned offense would not be removed from your criminal record. Instead, both the federal conviction as well as the pardon would both appear on your record. However, a pardon will facilitate removal of legal disabilities imposed because of the conviction, and should lessen to some extent the stigma arising from the conviction. In addition, a pardon may be helpful in obtaining licenses, bonding, or employment. If you are seeking expungement of a federal offense, please contact the court of conviction. If you are seeking expungement of a state conviction, which the Office of the Pardon Attorney also does not have authority to handle, states have different procedures for “expunging” a conviction or “clearing” the record of a criminal conviction. To pursue relief of a state conviction, you should contact the Governor or state Attorney General in the state in which you were convicted for assistance.

  3. Lupin says:

    People here who are far better acquainted with US Law than I am will correct me, but aren’t the consequences of Arpaio’s pardon:

    — the fact that he can no longer used the Fifth,
    — that he can be compelled to testify,
    — that he could again be prosecuted for perjury (being a new offense), and finally
    — that he is not immune to civil lawsuits?

    Any of this could open interesting avenues for new prosecutions, no? I certainly hope so. Let him spend the rest of his days in Bleak House.

  4. aka "hustle" says:

    Curious George:
    From the DOJ website:

    Does a presidential pardon expunge or erase the conviction for which the pardon was granted?


    OK, thanks!

    This does seem to contradict what Wikipedia says, though; I’m never sure which of the two sites is canon.

  5. Curious George says:

    People here who are far better acquainted with US Law than I am will correct me, but aren’tthe consequences of Arpaio’s pardon:

    — the fact that he can no longer used the Fifth,
    — that he can be compelled to testify,
    — that he could again be prosecuted for perjury (being a new offense), and finally
    — that he is not immune to civil lawsuits?

    Any of this could open interesting avenues for new prosecutions, no? I certainly hope so. Let him spend the rest of his days in Bleak House.

    IANAL, so better leave this to the attorneys.

    But, on another subject, I believe Trump’s Pardon for Arpaio has sewn the seeds for more demands for his Impeachment.

    And, here is the biggest slap in the face of ANYONE who has a brain and can think. The following event is planned for October 6, the day after Arpaio’s scheduled sentencing by Judge Bolton. Oh, and don’t forget to send money.

  6. Rickey says:

    Curious George:

    I keep hearing this, but that doesn’t sound right. IANAL, and I know others here are, but: Isn’t shortening the sentence (in this case to zero) without overturning the conviction, as Obama did with Chelsea Manning, a commutation, not a pardon?

    The DOJ website explains the difference between a commutation and a pardon:

    What is the difference between a commutation of sentence and a pardon?

    In the federal system, commutation of sentence and pardon are different forms of executive clemency, which is a broad term that applies to the President’s constitutional power to exercise leniency toward persons who have committed federal crimes.

    A commutation of sentence reduces a sentence, either totally or partially, that is then being served, but it does not change the fact of conviction, imply innocence, or remove civil disabilities that apply to the convicted person as a result of the criminal conviction. A commutation may include remission (release) of the financial obligations that are imposed as part of a sentence, such as payment of a fine or restitution. A remission applies only to the part of the financial obligation that has not already been paid. A commutation of sentence has no effect on a person’s immigration status and will not prevent removal or deportation from the United States. To be eligible to apply for commutation of sentence, a person must have reported to prison to begin serving his sentence and may not be challenging his conviction in the courts.

    A pardon is an expression of the President’s forgiveness and ordinarily is granted in recognition of the applicant’s acceptance of responsibility for the crime and established good conduct for a significant period of time after conviction or completion of sentence. It does not signify innocence. It does, however, remove civil disabilities – e.g., restrictions on the right to vote, hold state or local office, or sit on a jury – imposed because of the conviction for which pardon is sought, and should lessen the stigma arising from the conviction. It may also be helpful in obtaining licenses, bonding, or employment. Under some – but not all – circumstances, a pardon will eliminate the legal basis for removal or deportation from the United States. Pursuant to the Rules Governing Petitions for Executive Clemency, which are available on this website, a person is not eligible to apply for a presidential pardon until a minimum of five years has elapsed since his release from any form of confinement imposed upon him as part of a sentence for his most recent criminal conviction, whether or not that is the conviction for which he is seeking the pardon.

  7. Rickey says:

    People here who are far better acquainted with US Law than I am will correct me, but aren’tthe consequences of Arpaio’s pardon:

    — the fact that he can no longer used the Fifth,
    — that he can be compelled to testify,
    — that he could again be prosecuted for perjury (being a new offense), and finally
    — that he is not immune to civil lawsuits?

    Any of this could open interesting avenues for new prosecutions, no? I certainly hope so. Let him spend the rest of his days in Bleak House.

    I don’t believe that Arpaio has ever been immune from civil lawsuits. However, whenever he has been sued for actions taken in the course of his employment as the sheriff he has been defended and indemnified by the County and the County’s insurance company.

  8. Lupin says:

    Rickey: I don’t believe that Arpaio has ever been immune from civil lawsuits. However, whenever he has been sued for actions taken in the course of his employment as the sheriff he has been defended and indemnified by the County and the County’s insurance company.

    Maybe this is the time to find ways to sue him personally? I’ll donate money to that, and a good perjury trap.

  9. Lupin says:

    Curious George: But, on another subject, I believe Trump’s Pardon for Arpaio has sewn the seeds for more demands for his Impeachment.

    I don’t believe Trump will be impeached. You’ll be massively lucky if (a) he has a stroke, or (b) he doesn’t get reelected — tho in both cases you’ll still be left with a broken up nation.

  10. Northland10 says:

    Lupin: Maybe this is the time to find ways to sue him personally? I’ll donate money to that, and a good perjury trap.

    Arpaio is a narcissist. The worst punishment he can receive is to become irrelevant and ignored. He is afraid of fading away.

    The conviction was only a misdemeanor, so I seriously doubted he would have gotten jail anyway. The max was six months and his contempt already dished out a punishment that was far worse. He lost the election to a democratic candidate.

  11. Northland10 says:

    Lupin: I don’t believe Trump will be impeached. You’ll be massively lucky if (a) he has a stroke, or (b) he doesn’t get reelected — tho in both cases you’ll still be left with a broken up nation.

    We survived the first few years of independence. We survived the civil war and it’s run up. We survived the Great Depression. We survived the 60s and 70s.

  12. Lupin says:

    We survived the first few years of independence. We survived the civil war and it’s run up. We survived the Great Depression. We survived the 60s and 70s.

    You may be more correct than you think using the word “survival”. Russia survived the Tsars, the Communists and will likely survive Putin. The French survived the Revolution and Napoleon’s First empire. H*ll, the Germans survived WWII. That is not a very high bar to hope for.

  13. j.d. sue says:

    The plot thickens. Yesterday, Arpaio’s attorneys filed a motion to vacate the verdict and other orders.

    I wonder whether the Jeff Sessions DOJ will file a response in opposition.

  14. donna says:

    j.d. sue: I wonder whether the Jeff Sessions DOJ will file a response in opposition.

    A Justice Department spokesperson said they are “reviewing the motion.”

    A presidential pardon does not automatically undo a criminal conviction. A pardoned person’s criminal record continues to note their conviction, as well as the pardon, unless a judge expunges it from their record, according to the Justice Department.

    From Defendant’s Proposed Order:

    IT IS ORDERED vacating the Court’s “Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law” (Dkt.
    210). The Court hereby vacates its finding that Defendant is guilty of criminal contempt, and the
    Defendant’s conviction for the same.

    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED vacating the Sentencing hearing currently set for October
    5, 2017 at 10:00 a.m.

    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all verdicts, orders and rulings in this matter are
    vacated, and that this matter is dismissed with prejudice.

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio is no conservative and no hero, no matter what President Trump says

    Mark Goldman, one of Arpaio’s lawyers, told The Arizona Republic Arpaio will appeal if the judge does not vacate all decisions in the case.

    “We don’t know if the court will,” he said. “And if they don’t, we’ll be appealing, but hopefully this will just put this to rest.”

  15. Rickey says:

    Of course they would not be filing a motion to vacate the conviction if the pardon had expunged it.

  16. j.d. sue says:


    You noted in the previous open thread that “Arpaio’s attorney is taking the position – without citing any precedent – that Arpaio’s pardon is the equivalent of a defendant dying during an ongoing appeal and effectively exonerates him.”

    That is essentially their argument in the new motion. That, because of the pardon (rather than death), Arpaio cannot exercise his right to appeal his conviction so his conviction is not final. In the new motion, they’ve cited persuasive authority pertaining to a pardon. I don’t think the DOJ will oppose this motion.

  17. Rickey says:

    j.d. sue: —-
    You noted in the previous open thread that “Arpaio’s attorney is taking the position – without citing any precedent – that Arpaio’s pardon is the equivalent of a defendant dying during an ongoing appeal and effectively exonerates him.”

    That is essentially their argument in the new motion.That, because of the pardon (rather than death), Arpaio cannot exercise his right to appeal his conviction so his conviction is not final.In the new motion, they’ve cited persuasive authority pertaining to a pardon.I don’t think the DOJ will oppose this motion.

    I don’t know why the pardon prevents Arpaio from appealing his conviction. A dead person can’t do it because a dead person is dead. But then I haven’t read the new motion yet.

  18. Mr.RMKay says:

    I think, people yet, (which is very strange,) still didn’t come to correct and right in its correctness logical conclusion; what the heck stays behind all this sudden changes in the life of our over 200 million people country. I can’t recognize Americans anymore.
    Those people seems are not Americans. They don’t think as Americans, they don’t act as Americans, they don’t even care of the life and prosperity of their own and future generations. All they really focus on- to complete their special operation, impeach current lawfully elected president, and make a huge chaos to put someone not known to public in the oval office.

    I hope that many will agree that the forces involved have such a strong stream could not be freed by single, reach family(es), not even by syndicate of a biggest Fanny-May-stile banks.
    Also, it is obvious that support against President Trump goes from liberal media, Obama’s government, strange, paid actors from the street, some radical movements. Also, all of it have been paid by from the very deep pocket which prides the political achievement over financial reasoning.
    Does it sounds like we may have a foreign invasion on going?
    Do we still have enough of integrity to save our country?

  19. j.d. sue says:

    Judge Snow’s former judicial clerk posted the following thread today on twitter.

  20. donna says:

    j.d. sue: Judge Snow’s former judicial clerk posted the following thread today on twitter.

    WOW, thanks, Sue.

    A reply:

    Hi, I’m an editor at Vox. Are you interested in expanding this into a piece for us? Email me:

  21. What country are you talking about. The US has 323 million people. Have you been in a coma since 1965?

    Mr.RMKay: what the heck stays behind all this sudden changes in the life of our over 200 million people country.

  22. You have some funny ideas in your head. Where did you get them from? Certainly not based on evidence.

    America is in trouble when it has to many conspiracy theorists like you instead of rational people who deal in facts, not innuendo and rumor.

    Mr.RMKay: Obama’s government, strange, paid actors from the street, some radical movements. Also, all of it have been paid by from the very deep pocket which prides the political achievement over financial reasoning.
    Does it sounds like we may have a foreign invasion on going?
    Do we still have enough of integrity to save our country?

  23. William Bradford has been nominated by Trump to head an office under the Department of Energy. Investigative reporting has tied him to hard-core birther comments about Obama. Bradford claims he was the victim of cyber attacks, and I presume this means he denies making the comments on social media.

  24. Mr.RMKay says:

    To Dr. Conspiracy

    Dear friend. There is nothing new under the Moon. Everything has already happened and possibly not once. Our life-time span doesn’t allow us to look at historical facts that are redundant with the time in between longer than the human life. Also, don’t forget that our memory tends to remember some things, but not the other.
    I want to say that at a moment we still have a good chance to survive as the best country for as long as we are willing to look at each other eyes, share the information and educate each other.
    I new about were the all strange things go ( not to details of cause ) in one-two years ahead of time. I am just regular person, like many. But there is something different that I possess; I can read English, Ukraine, and Russian. I am refuge from Ukraine and I do love this beautiful country which is trying to get away from Russian Empire, establish the independence as a country and unite with European free Enterprise.
    Russia of cause, doesn’t like and can’t allow that.
    So, usually, I read news from both Ukraine and Russia. At some point I so that the social network became very rude on the Russian side; a lot of vulgarities, lies, arguments. Nothing constructive, to produce positive results that may lead to solving the problems. The network became a junk which only convey some ideas interesting to Kremlin. For instant: there is no such a thing as Ukraine nationality, or Ukraine language is a language of not educated villagers and so on.
    Does it remind you something in our media saying that my President is not educated man, he doesn’t respect women, people who elected him are not educated, his IQ is as low as… you name it. They trying to heart not only Mr. Trump, but myself, us.

    In US we do not know that Russia has invaded Ukraine in February-March 2014 and the war is still on the go. US media does a “great job” not to bother us here with pertain info, because it may reveal a lot.
    They don’t want to spoil the image of Mr.Putin. But if someone would look how the war started and is going, which way the military operations proceeds, will see a lot of similarity.

    I have to stop writing, I am slow. Here are so much I can’t put it on the paper.

  25. Mr.RMKay says:

    To Dr. Conspiracy, also, appologize for errors. Thank you

  26. Mr.RMKay says:

    Also, if the 3-and-a-half-year-war is not a fact, then what is.
    In the network, if you look for tags: “Obama Mama”, “Obama Mama DNA”, “who is Mr. Shorosh”,”African Birth Certificate”, “KGB and Barak Hussein Obama, University of Patris Lumumba”,”50 years conspiracy operation”. I am sure, you as a young man can find a lot more on net. Keep your eyes open and make your publication accessible by as many.
    Try to find out how many infiltrated KGBs in US. By away, you wonder why I put 200 mil as American population in US. May be the rest of it – them.
    Thank you,

  27. Rickey says:

    It’s curious that Mr.RMKay is upset that Putin invaded Ukraine, yet he seems to support Trump, who has no interested in saying or doing anything which would offend Putin.

  28. Rickey says:

    It’s curious that Mr.RMKay is upset that Putin invaded Ukraine, yet he seems to support Trump, who has no interested in saying or doing anything which would offend Putin.

  29. Mr.RMKay says:

    Yes, here you are, Mr Rickey.
    I am not wondering why your real concern is my personality. And who told you that Mr Trump is in love with Mr.Putin? I think you want to rephrase the message that CNN and all dem. media such as New-York Times, Washington Post, and Russian Life News are trying to put in our heads. Thank you for trying, blank.
    We don’t buy it.
    Mr. Trump is the President Of USA and his concern is all of us including you Mr. Rickey, with one condition; you must be an American.
    I have elected Mr. Trump to be my President. I am given him all my trust and I know he will do his best for the country. I have deepest trust in him, in his patriotic mind, and I am not going to spy on him to knock him out of office, instead will support him against his enemies.

  30. Rickey says:


    I am not wondering why your real concern is my personality.

    Your personality is of no concern to me.

    And who told you that Mr Trump is in love with Mr.Putin?

    Mr. Trump tells me, through his constant praise of Putin and his unwillingness to criticize anything that Putin does. Last August Trump didn’t even know that Russia was already in Ukraine.

    Mr. Trump is the President Of USA and his concern is all of us including you Mr. Rickey, with one condition; you must be an American.

    The president is supposed to be concerned about everyone who lives in the United States, not just American citizens.

  31. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    William Bradford has been nominated by Trump to head an office under the Department of Energy. Investigative reporting has tied him to hard-core birther comments about Obama. Bradford claims he was the victim of cyber attacks, and I presume this means he denies making the comments on social media.

    Dr. Bradford resigned today.

  32. Pete says:

    Mr.RMKay: I have elected Mr. Trump to be my President. I am given him all my trust…

    I think we’ve managed to identify your problem.

  33. Pete says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Bradford claims he was the victim of cyber attacks, and I presume this means he denies making the comments on social media.

    It appears that William Bradford is a liar.

  34. Keith says:

    It’s curious that Mr.RMKay is upset that Putin invaded Ukraine, yet he seems to support Trump, who has no interested in saying or doing anything which would offend Putin.

    Its curious that you were able to find enough coherent grammar in that word salad to draw any conclusions about what the effing heck he/she/it was talking about.

    And even more curious that you did it twice!

  35. I believe that you are correct on all the points.

    Lupin: People here who are far better acquainted with US Law than I am will correct me, but aren’t the consequences of Arpaio’s pardon:

  36. Interesting article containing some documents coming out of the Arpaio investigation:

    Five shocking revelations from Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation into Barack Obama’s birth certificate

  37. How many of you are in that head of yours?

    Mr.RMKay: We don’t buy it.

  38. I believe that is what is described by the phrase “blind faith.” When you say “I know he will do his best for the country” you are describing belief as if if were knowledge. That’s a dangerous thing.

    Question: Was Trump telling the truth when he said that he “ended the birther movement”? Obviously he was not, and he knew it. So why, if someone would lie for convenience, would you give them your trust and unqualified support? Don’t you think some skepticism and close examination would be healthy?

    Mr.RMKay: I have elected Mr. Trump to be my President. I am given him all my trust and I know he will do his best for the country. I have deepest trust in him, in his patriotic mind, and I am not going to spy on him to knock him out of office, instead will support him against his enemies.

  39. Rickey says:

    Keith: Its curious that you were able to find enough coherent grammar in that word salad to draw any conclusions about what the effing heck he/she/it was talking about.

    And even more curious that you did it twice!

    I majored in gibberish interpretation.

  40. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    Question: Was Trump telling the truth when he said that he “ended the birther movement”? Obviously he was not, and he knew it. So why, if someone would lie for convenience, would you give them your trust and unqualified support? Don’t you think some skepticism and close examination would be healthy?

    Trump’s current honesty stats at Politifact (the total is 101% because of rounding):

    True: 5%
    Mostly True: 12%
    Half True: 14%
    Mostly False: 21%
    False: 33%
    Pants on Fire: 16%

    70% of his public pronouncements are false. Why would anyone believe anything that he says?

  41. Northland10 says:

    Rickey: I majored in gibberish interpretation.

    Which comes in handy here though Cody is a stretch for those with a PhD in the subject.

  42. donna says:

    When Marianne Schaefer Trench shot a documentary about Sheriff Joe Arpaio, her crew wanted to quit, and her audience thought they were watching a mockumentary.

    Even spookier than Arpaio himself was his “posse”—thousands of deputies who were nothing but geezers with guns. This posse would become infamous during the Obama administration because they were all “birthers” and worked hard to prove the lie that the president was not a natural-born citizen of the United States.

    When my film, The Toughest Sheriff in America, aired on German TV, so many Germans flooded Arpaio’s website to vent their outrage that the site crashed.

    Germans wanted to have Arpaio tried in The Hague, and they were convinced that his behavior was unconstitutional. Some even suspected that the film was staged, a fictional mockumentary about the U.S.

    In my mind, the real scandal is that I met this man 16 years ago and knew he was evil to the bone. Yet he stayed in office and was able to flout the law, the Constitution, and basic human rights for 24 years. And he doesn’t have to pay for any of it.

  43. donna says:

    Rickey: Why would anyone believe anything that he says?

    8/22 WAPO fact checker: President Trump’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000

    Somewhere around Aug. 4 or Aug. 5, he broke 1,000 claims, and the tally now stands at 1,057.

    At the president’s current pace, he averages nearly five claims a day. Many are repeats of claims that have been previously debunked. We also include statements that are unacknowledged flip-flops from previously held positions, such as touting new highs in a stock market that he previously derided as being a “big, fat bubble.”

    More than 30 of the president’s misleading statements have been repeated three or more times.

    Trump’s most repeated claim, uttered 50 times, was some variation of the statement that the Affordable Care Act is dying and “essentially dead.”

    When I watched a recent focus group held in Pittsburgh by veteran pollster Peter Hart, I found it astonishing that the 5 trump voters did not know who Robert Mueller is.

  44. justlw says:

    Just saw this comment on Twitter:

    You gotta read about what the Crying Nazi’s lawyer wore to court:

    …, and I thought: wait, wasn’t Sibley disbarred?

    It wasn’t actually him, of course. But it’s definitely a fashion moment.

    ‘Crying Nazi’ Christopher Cantwell’s Lawyer Says He’s Just Kidding About Killing Jews

  45. j.d. sue says:

    justlw: You gotta read about what the Crying Nazi’s lawyer wore to court:


    The lawyer’s arguments are worse than the clothes. Sheesh.

  46. Rickey says:

    j.d. sue: —-

    The lawyer’s arguments are worse than the clothes.Sheesh.

    Check out his Facebook photo.

  47. Rickey says:

    Judy’s petition for rehearing en banc was denied yesterday. SCOTUS won’t allow him to proceed in forma pauperis, so this should be the end of it.

    Before BRISCOE, HARTZ, and BACHARACH, Circuit Judges.
    Appellant’s petition for rehearing is denied.
    The petition for rehearing en banc was transmitted to all of the judges of the court
    who are in regular active service. As no member of the panel and no judge in regular
    active service on the court requested that the court be polled, that petition is also denied.

  48. j.d. sue says:

    Rickey: j.d. sue: —-

    The lawyer’s arguments are worse than the clothes.Sheesh.

    Check out his Facebook photo.


    I stand corrected. His arguments are Just as Bad as his clothes.

  49. donna says:

    Quelle Surprise! Obama did not wiretap Trump Tower.

    DOJ Motion for Summary Judgment in Trump Tower Wiretap Lawsuit
    Filed September 1, 2017 – Motion for Summary Judgment filed by the DOJ in American Oversight’s FOIA lawsuit seeking records of wiretaps of Trump Tower.

    “Both FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, 2017 tweets,” the department’s motion reads. NSD refers to the department’s national security division.

    Trump’s 4 tweets of March 4th were referenced on Page 4/39.

  50. Rickey says:

    Judy has been knocked off the front page at P&E by Robert Laity, who Sharon calls “a citizen student of the law.” Laity is appealing his losing lawsuit to the New York Court of Appeals, which is New York’s highest court.

    Sharon hasn’t bothered to inform her rabid readers that Judy’s petition was denied on Thursday.

  51. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Judy has been knocked off the front page at P&E by Robert Laity, who Sharon calls “a citizen student of the law.” Laity is appealing his losing lawsuit to the New York Court of Appeals, which is New York’s highest court.

    Sharon hasn’t bothered to inform her rabid readers that Judy’s petition was denied on Thursday.

    Lol. She’s moved on to a new plaything. Poor Judy. XD

  52. Yeah, Judy is old news since he can’t do anything for free any longer. The Tenth Circuit and SCOTUS have denied IFP status so anything he files will go straight to the garbage can. Let’s see what Judy does now to get his name out there. The fake bomb gig has been done so he needs something new.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Lol. She’s moved on to a new plaything. Poor Judy. XD

  53. Curious George says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Interesting article containing some documents coming out of the Arpaio investigation:

    Five shocking revelations from Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation into Barack Obama’s birth certificate

    One of the files released shows two emails, presumably from Dennis Montgomery expressing his extreme concerns about ZooLow. It looks like an Internal Affairs Case Number was assigned to the complaint. (Dennis Montgomery’s name is redacted from the header, but his name is in one email associated with his complaint. He specifies that Klayman is not representing him.) Interesting read.

  54. Curious George says:

    Zullo’s resignation letter is in the file release.

  55. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Interesting article containing some documents coming out of the Arpaio investigation:

    Five shocking revelations from Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation into Barack Obama’s birth certificate

    This was in an email from MCSO to Davis.

    “Please note that Hawaii Department of Health Records were removed from the records being provided. The requester may want to contact their office to obtain any record(s) pertinent to this request.”

    My guess is copies of other people’s Hawaiian birth certificates including Ah’Nee’s.

  56. Rickey says:

    It’s interesting that the crack investigators at the MCSO didn’t know that the birth name of Bari Shabazz was Barrington Hugh Smith and that he was born in Jamaica, West Indies.

  57. redneck says:

    Quelle Surprise! Obama did not wiretap Trump Tower.

    DOJ Motion for Summary Judgment in Trump Tower Wiretap Lawsuit
    Filed September 1, 2017 – Motion for Summary Judgment filed by the DOJ in American Oversight’s FOIA lawsuit seeking records of wiretaps of Trump Tower.

    “Both FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, 2017 tweets,” the department’s motion reads. NSD refers to the department’s national security division.

    Trump’s 4 tweets of March 4th were referenced on Page 4/39.

    Of course they don’t have any records in their files as there is no way to tap a cell phone from the cell phone.

  58. I think they were on crack.

    It’s interesting that the crack investigators at the MCSO didn’t know that the birth name of Bari Shabazz was Barrington Hugh Smith and that he was born in Jamaica, West Indies.

  59. redneck: Of course they don’t have any records in their files as there is no way to tap a cell phone from the cell phone.

    I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, Jack.

  60. I added my latest to the sidebar Quote of the Day.

  61. redneck says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, Jack.

    it means , with the usage of cell phones, that conversations on cell phones can not be recorded in the trump tower, so that any usage of cell phones at Trump tower can not be taped and recorded at Trump tower,. Now they may be accessible at cell phone towers, but, no statements have been made about wire tapping at the cell phone towers, so the DOJ can honestly say there has been no tapping of phone calls at Trump Tower, so there are no records of tapping at Trump Towers.
    Most people believe that NSA looks at all phone calls, but that information is seldom disclosed.
    but, who can believe anyone now-a-days?

  62. redneck says:

    Of course they would not be filing a motion to vacate the conviction if the pardon had expunged it.

    It is no effective in the court until it is presented to the court for the court’s information.

  63. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    Cody’s latest blog post is also one of his most deranged, and possibly hard cough syrup-fueled.

  64. While you may be correct (not saying), your observation is irrelevant. A careful read of the DOJ and FBI response said that they had no information relevant to Trump’s tweets. They specifically listed the tweets, and THREE of them were not limited to Trump Tower.

    Specifically there were no records relating to “wiretapping the a race for president before the election”; “tapping my [Trump’s] phones in October”; and “tapp my phones during the election process.”

    So, as usual, your objections are worthless. Back in the box.

    redneck: it means , with the usage of cell phones, that conversations on cell phones can not be recorded in the trump tower, so that any usage of cell phones at Trump tower can not be taped and recorded at Trump tower,

  65. Rickey says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG.:
    Cody’s latest blog post is also one of his most deranged, and possibly hard cough syrup-fueled.

    He must have been smoking something, but it wasn’t cigarettes.

    His crusade has ended with a whimper.

  66. Notorial Dissent says:

    Actually, more like a whine, but that is the one thing Cody does consistently, other than lose, that is.

    Rickey: He must have been smoking something, but it wasn’t cigarettes.

    His crusade has ended with a whimper.

  67. bob says:

    I felt ex-con Judy’s latest whine was fortified by the usual amount of cough syrup; in other words, it wasn’t particularly notable.

    Given that the days are becoming shorter and colder, and that ex-con Judy is living in his meat trailer in campgrounds, I’m not surprised he has decided to not waste his time pestering SCOTUS (again).

    Which means Laity will win the Last Birther Standing crown.

  68. Rickey says:

    I felt ex-con Judy’s latest whine was fortified by the usual amount of cough syrup; in other words, it wasn’t particularly notable.

    Given that the days are becoming shorter and colder, and that ex-con Judy is living in his meat trailer in campgrounds, I’m not surprised he has decided to not waste his time pestering SCOTUS (again).

    What he should do is find a real job. He would make more money working as a greeter at Wal-Mart.

    I noticed that he sent in a change of address with his rehearing petition. I assume that is the address of a friend who is letting him sleep on the couch.

    I also blame the enablers who encouraged him to waste the last eight years of his life. But then he has never demonstrated a willingness to take advice from anyone. We repeatedly told him what he was doing wrong but he kept on making the same mistakes.

  69. Andrew Vrba, PmG. says:

    bob: Which means Laity will win the Last Birther Standing crown.

    More like “Last Birther Without Standing” crown!
    Thank you. I’ll be here all week!

    Rickey: I also blame the enablers

    I blame Judy, and only Judy, for the mess he’s in. He CHOSE to waste time and money to pursue all of this frivolous crap, instead of securing a roof over his head. There are people who end up homeless, due to factors beyond their control, but Judy’s mess is 100% his to own. When he found out that he might lose his former residence, that’s when he should have been looking up new digs.

  70. A new August 1961 birth certificate has been found, surprise, on the web site of Joel Gilbert. It fits the numbering scheme (alphabetical within geographic area by month).

    I updated this article with the information provided by an email correspondent.

  71. Pete says:

    bob: Which means Laity will win the Last Birther Standing crown.

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have a weiner.

  72. Dr. Conspiracy:
    A new August 1961 birth certificate has been found, surprise, on the web site of Joel Gilbert. It fits the numbering scheme (alphabetical within geographic area by month).

    Another fake.

    I updated this article with the information provided by an email correspondent.

  73. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG.:
    Cody’s latest blog post is also one of his most deranged, and possibly hard cough syrup-fueled.

    And the spelling! “Komicozi” for “kamikaze,” and “Soul” for “Seoul.” Why, it’s almost as if he has no real understanding of what he’s writing about.

  74. Curious George says:

    HBO’s John Oliver summary of former Sheriff Arpaio’s nasty deeds and President Trump’s pardon for Arpaio. This is on the mark.

  75. donna says:

    Arpaio says he’ll “never” apologize to Latinos and he does not rule out launching a campaign against Flake.

    “An apology for doing my job? That would never happen”

  76. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    It’s the convicting Court’s decision to make though, right?

  77. Curious George says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    It’s the convicting Court’s decision to make though, right?

    Judge Bolton makes the final decision as I understand the process, however IANAL.

  78. Rickey says:

    The story says “A pardon does not wipe away a conviction, and the Justice Department does not have authority to do so. Only the court of conviction can choose to reverse a conviction.”

    However, if Judge Bolton declines to vacate the conviction, expect Arpaio to file an appeal, and it’s clear that Trump’s DOJ won’t fight it. That doesn’t guarantee that Arpaio will win the appeal, though.

  79. gorefan says:

    Rickey: Trump’s DOJ won’t fight it.

    Would the original plaintiffs in the case (ACLU) have standing to fight the appeal? Much like the backers of Prop 8 (anti-gay marriage) in California were allowed by 9th Circuit (after checking with SCOCA) to fight the decision in Hollingsworth v. Perry after CA AG and Governor declined to appeal the case.

  80. gorefan says:

    Over at the Fogbow Testibria posted some links to Montgomery v. Risen. Test commented

    “In November 2013, MCSO spent $2,100 on hard drives for the Seattle Operation. IOW, it is reasonable to assume that they made copies of Montgomery’s drives.”

    In the recent MCSO document dump there are three invoices from Montgomery to the MCSO for 60 storage devices for a total of $31,500. The invoices are dated 12/1/2014, 12/1/2015 and 7/1/2016.

  81. Rickey says:

    gorefan: Would the original plaintiffs in the case (ACLU) have standing to fight the appeal?Much like the backers of Prop 8 (anti-gay marriage) in California were allowed by 9th Circuit (after checking with SCOCA) to fight the decision in Hollingsworth v. Perry after CA AG and Governor declined to appeal the case.

    I’m dubious that the ACLU could show that it has any interest in the outcome of the criminal case against Arpaio, but I don’t know for sure. Of course, Arpaio could lose to an empty chair, or perhaps Judge Bolton could have some say in it. It seems like uncharted territory to me.

  82. Rickey says:

    It seems that Sharon Rondeau is selling email addresses. After I started posting at P&E, using a gmail account that I rarely use, I started receiving emails from Before It’s News. I’ve never had any email contact with Before It’s News, so I can’t think of any other way they got my address.

  83. donna says:

    POOF! Trump removed his involvement in the “birther movement” from his corporate bio.

    The line, which had been included in Trump’s bio since as early as August 2015, read, “In 2011, after failed attempts by both Senator McCain and Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump single handedly forced President Obama to release his birth certificate, which was lauded by large segments of the political community.”

    Can trump disappear also? POOF!

  84. Geir Smith says:


    Seeing things are shaping up now: Arpaio’s been pardoned, the DOJ has erased his conviction from the record and Arpaio says that now he’s going to reveal what he knows about Obama’s birth certificate, but the good news keeps on giving.

    Obama’s third cousin Linda Joy Adams is revealing Obama’s real birthplace in Topeka, Kansas at 200 S Kansas Ave.

    It’s significant, because this website has been searching for the birth certificate while we had the BIRTHPLACE right there before our eyes – a plaque to honour Obama’s birth will be set up there.

    That plaque will lead to Obama’s jailing for hundreds of thousands of years but every cloud has a silver lining.

    We Got It! First Home Of Pres Obama Was 200 S Kansas Ave 66603. First Obama Home In 8.61. Hair-Raising! (Video)

    I’m happy this website has still kept on functioning because it’ll be witness to the revealing of Barack Obama (real name Barry Parks.)

    N.B. On her blog Linda Joy Adams revealed that Obama’s real name is Barry Parks, the son of Jim T. Parks. Jim T Parks was murdered by the KKK, says Adams.

    People have overlooked Linda Joy Adams. She’s uncovered the link to Obama’s grandmother “Toots” and her links to the Westboro Baptist Church and the Church’s hand in covering up Obama’s identity and of piloting him to be the White House president of the USA.

    This website’s concern and effort to debunk the birthers has kept it from doing the essential, important work of investigating the leads.

    Why did this website overlook WITNESS #1? Linda Joy Adams.

    It’s very shoddy work. It’s unprofessional.

    Does this website consider itself professional of anything except Fake News?

    The SPLC is being slated to be designated as a terrorist organisation by Congress.

    It supports Muslim Brotherhood-linked orgs like CAIR.

    It’s responsible for inciting terrorist murders during the last few years.

    Antifa is being outlawed.

    Why is the Left losing it?

    That’s how Hitler turned from being a Left-Wing liberal Democrat to a Fascist.

    Stalin was a Democrat.

    I want to advise people at this website to know when to walk away.

    A crackpot doesn’t know when to walk away while a sane person know when.

    Walk away before the word “Democrat” rhymes with “Fascist” like it did with Hitler and Stalin.

    They woke up one morning and they had turned from Left-Wing Liberals to Hard Right Totalitarians.

    They became aristocrats overnight and only served their landed privileges.

    You can’t steal the power and riches of the Capitalism and hold onto it, as your private property, like Castro’s clan has done for over 60 years.

    Once you take over Capitalism, you have to give it back. Buddha taught us that.

    You can’t clutch onto the riches and power. That’ll destroy you.

    Now is the time to investigate who Obama really is. Arpaio’s going to reveal everything he knows about Obama’s birth certificate.

    Get ready. This is going to be VICIOUS. Nobody’s revenge is like that of a Sicilian. Arpaio’s from Southern Italy in the Sicily area.

    See “The Godfather” to get an idea of how Arpaio functions.

  85. Rickey says:

    Curious George:
    President Trump needs to add this to his bio:

    Ah, the possibility of appointing a private attorney when the DOJ declines to prosecute. I had forgotten about that.

  86. Barry Soetoro, Esq. has been identified

    I am aware that at least one of my detractors calls me “Doxer Conspiracy” (a name that I think is clever if not fully deserved). I won’t drop any hints here beyond saying that I have BSE’s LinkedIn profile, which means name, employment, work and education history. It also appears (not 100% sure) that the photo on his Facebook page is actually him. The name, however, isn’t.

    I wasn’t actively searching for BSE, but I found a hint reading something completely unrelated, and was able to make the connection. I thought the guy was clever at hiding his tracks, but it turns out that I was just not to clever at searching.

    Note to Mark McDaniel: Don’t ask.

  87. justlw says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: A new August 1961 birth certificate has been found, surprise, on the web site of Joel Gilbert. It fits the numbering scheme (alphabetical within geographic area by month).

    Has anyone else noticed that this is the same Bruce Henderson whose Selective Service registration form was used as an example of a “good” one by Susan Daniels?

    And here’s an odd thing: on the birth certificate, his middle name is given as “Lael”. On the SS form, his middle name is given as… “Leal“.

    What are we to conclude from this? Is the very existence of Bruce Henderson now in question? Is there yet another earth-shattering conspiracy waiting to be exposed? What did Susan Daniels know, and when did she know it? I’m pretty excited about this! Release the hounds!

  88. I also have a LinkedIn profiles for

    – selfsovereign at Birther Report
    – Citizen WElls

  89. You’re not off to a good start. A pardon doesn’t erase a conviction, it only remits the punishment. And nothing in Arpaio’s contempt proceeding has ever prevented him from flapping his gums all he wants about Obama. The problem for Arpaio is that he is technically incompetent, and easily fooled by con men. It looks like you’re singing the 99th chorus from “Any Day Now.”

    Geir Smith: Seeing things are shaping up now: Arpaio’s been pardoned, the DOJ has erased his conviction from the record and Arpaio says that now he’s going to reveal what he knows about Obama’s birth certificate, but the good news keeps on giving.

  90. I spent 8 years listening to everything the birthers came up with. It all fell apart under scrutiny. If Arpaio ever comes up with another wacky claim about Obama, be sure and come by and tell us about it. But don’t make promises you can’t keep.

    Geir Smith: Now is the time to investigate who Obama really is. Arpaio’s going to reveal everything he knows about Obama’s birth certificate.

  91. gorefan says:

    Geir Smith: the DOJ has erased his conviction from the record

    Not how it works.

    Judge Bolton will hold a hearing on Arpaio’s motion to vacate his conviction.

    Meanwhile the ACLU has filed an amicus brief in opposition to the motion.

    If Judge Bolton denies his motion, Arpaio can appeal it.

  92. gorefan says:

    justlw: What are we to conclude from this?

    Here something else:

    Bruce Lael/Leal Henderson passed away on December 8th, 2008 and three days later on December 11th, the domain name was registered.

    “Never ignore a coincidence. Unless you’re busy, in which case, always ignore a coincidence.”

  93. Rickey says:

    Geir Smith:

    Seeing things are shaping up now: Arpaio’s been pardoned, the DOJ has erased his conviction from the record and Arpaio says that now he’s going to reveal what he knows about Obama’s birth certificate, but the good news keeps on giving.

    The DOJ doesn’t have the authority to erase a conviction. Only a Federal Court can erase a Federal conviction.

    Arpaio doesn’t know squat about Obama’s birth certificate, so I assume that what you mean is that he is going to keep his mouth shut.

    Why did this website overlook WITNESS #1? Linda Joy Adams.

    Because the only thing that she is a witness to is her own fantasies.

    The SPLC is being slated to be designated as a terrorist organisation by Congress.

    If Congress tried to designate the SPLC as a terrorist organization, it would be filibustered in the Senate. Furthermore, the SPLC doesn’t even remotely meet the legal definition of a terrorist organization. I suggest that you educate yourself by reading Section 802 of the USA Patriot Act.

    A crackpot doesn’t know when to walk away while a sane person know when.

    Do you have a mirror handy? If so, take a good look.

  94. Keith says:

    Trump Loses California 3 Years Early After State Passes Bill Forcing Candidates To Show Taxes

    More than three years ahead of the next presidential election, Donald Trump has likely already lost California and all of its 55 electoral votes as the State Assembly there has passed legislation that requires presidential candidates to release their tax returns.

    If the candidate fails to do so, he or she won’t be allowed to appear on the California ballot.

    “President Trump’s blatant disregard for the tradition of releasing tax returns is dangerous to our democracy,” said California State Sen. Mike McGuire in a statement. “For decades, every President has put their personal beliefs aside and put our country first and released their returns.”

    Yeah, well as much as I’d like this to work, there is a little thing called The Constitution that defines the eligibility criteria and releasing your taxes to public scrutiny ain’t one of ’em.

    Sorry, California.

  95. Northland10 says:

    Geir Smith: See “The Godfather” to get an idea of how Arpaio functions.

    He’s the head of a criminal syndicate that specializes in muder, loan sharking, money laundering and a host of other illegal activities?

  96. Curious George says:

    Geir Smith

    “Now is the time to investigate who Obama really is. Arpaio’s going to reveal everything he knows about Obama’s birth certificate.

    Get ready. This is going to be VICIOUS. Nobody’s revenge is like that of a Sicilian. Arpaio’s from Southern Italy in the Sicily area.

    See “The Godfather” to get an idea of how Arpaio functions.”

    Is that why former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who took an oath to defend the US Constitution, now has a criminal conviction? Arpaio and his discredited volunteers know nothing about Obama’s birth certificate, except what they have been provided by discredited, foaming at the mouth, birthers. Stick a fork in it Geir, it’s done.

  97. Curious George says:

    Geir Smith,

    “Seeing things are shaping up now: Arpaio’s been pardoned, the DOJ has erased his conviction from the record…”

    Open and read the link below. As usual, birther zombies come across like ignorant fools. Do your homework Geir!

  98. Rickey says:

    Curious George:

    Open and read the link below.As usual, birther zombies come across like ignorant fools.Do your homework Geir!

    It sounds as if Judge Bolton is leaning toward denying Arpaio’s motion.

  99. Curious George says:

    Rickey: It sounds as if Judge Bolton is leaning toward denying Arpaio’s motion.

    I get the same impression. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see her appoint an independent prosecutor to fill the shoes of the now timid DOJ to investigate the constitutional questions that may exist with a public servant who has apparently ignored his constitiomal oath to defend the constitutional rights of the people of Maricopa County and received a pardon under these circumstances. It’s time to hold Arpaio up as an example of how not to act when in law enforcement.

  100. donna says:

    Did “Geir Smith” just fall from a turnip truck?

    “Arpaio’s going to reveal everything he knows about Obama’s birth certificate” simultaneously with Trump’s release of all that his investigators found in Hawaii. The disclosures will be made at a black-tie, Mar-A-Lago event at taxpayers expense. I have already purchased a gown for the occasion. (Of course, I jest)

    Re Arpaio: Judge Bolton gave the government until September 21 to file an additional brief to provide a legal basis for why the pardon should result in Arpaio’s conviction being expunged, instead of just eliminating any punishment. Instead of discussing whether she should dismiss the conviction, she focused on whether she could. Bolton wrote than when the government submitted a motion supporting eliminating Arpaio’s conviction, the legal precedent they cited only refers to cases where a judgment was already in place. [A] Ninth Circuit case that Bolton mentioned says that someone who receives a pardon is “not entitled to erasure of the record of his conviction.”

  101. “Trump Organization drops birther crusade from Trump’s corporate biography” CNN

  102. Please don’t speak ill of turnips.

    Birthers are a profoundly stupid lot. Some of them are intelligent, but all of them are stupid.

    donna: Did “Geir Smith” just fall from a turnip truck?

  103. Curious George says:

    Chuck Muth of the Citizens Outreach Foundation hosted an award ceremony in Las Vegas for former Sheriff Joe Arpaio to give him the “Courage Under Fire Award.” Muth says that Arpaio’s crime was only a misdemeanor. Listen to the protestors. They got it right. I think The Fogbow Forum needs a special thread for Chuck Muth and his organization.

  104. bob says:

    Arpaio, to FOX:

    This had nothing to do with racial profiling; the true story is gonna come out and I’m gonna tell you why I’m gonna fight this and get it out because if they can do this to me they can do this to you. I guarantee it.

    Any. Day. Now.

  105. Jesus taught us to pray to the “cosmic Birther”? That and “911” weirdness at:

  106. The Open Thread’s title seems precient in the light of Trump’s pardon of Arpaio.

  107. JPotter says:

    Just dropped by for old time’s sake. Thanks again for all the reportage and analysis, and hosting a community. It was fun to contribute to. All seems so quaint now. Looking forward to brighter days!

  108. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The Open Thread’s title seems precient in the light of Trump’s pardon of Arpaio.

    You mean you didn’t mean it that way from the get-go? It is certainly how I took it.

  109. donna says:

    Preet Bharara’s new podcast to take on justice issues, Trump. Nothing’s ‘off limits’

    His new podcast series is titled “Stay Tuned With Preet” — a winking reference to the catchphrase Bharara frequently employed to parry questions from news reporters about continuing federal investigations.

    [A] controversial episode Bharara suggested he could explore is “unexpected” presidential pardons, like the one Trump issued in late August for former Arizona Sheriff Joseph Arpaio.

    And, Rob Reiner Helps Launch Committee to Investigate Russia via “”

    The committee’s advisory board members include Reiner; James Clapper, the former director of National Intelligence; Charlie Sykes, the conservative political commentator; Max Boot, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations; and Norman Ornstein, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

    Meanwhile, Republican governors get into the ‘news’ business via “The Free Telegraph” (aka the new Pravda)

    The website was registered July 7 through Domains By Proxy, a company that allows the originators of a website to shield their identities. An AP search did not find any corporate, Federal Election Commission or IRS filings establishing The Free Telegraph as an independent entity.'news'-business

    Not to mention, WJAR and Sinclair’s 174 stations are forced to run pro-Trump programs with Russian-born Boris Epshteyn, a former Trump aide.

    So as not to disappear from view, Sarah Palin and Sebastian Gorka are holding a rally for Roy Moore despite the fact that Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have both endorsed rival Luther Strange.

    So much news and “fake news” with “alternative facts” and so little time.

  110. I guess it was. I thought the thread preceded the pardon, but it doesn’t.

    Keith: You mean you didn’t mean it that way from the get-go? It is certainly how I took it.

  111. Now that I have found a published new source linking Barry Soetoro, Esq. with an actual person, geographic location and job title, I spent a little time considering whether I would publish the information. I have made a firm decision not to.

    My decision is motivated by the actions of right-wing groups in Germany who are using threats, including publishing personal and family information, to intimidate their critics.

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