The additional open thread: picking the nits and knitting the picks

Obama Conspiracy Theories closed to new articles on January 20, 2017, as as the very presidential Barack Obama left office, and was replaced by someone completely different. The open thread is a place to leave comments and continue the discussion. This thread will close, and be replaced by another in 4 weeks.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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53 Responses to The additional open thread: picking the nits and knitting the picks

  1. Rickey says:

    Doc wrote:

    Now that I have found a published new source linking Barry Soetoro, Esq. with an actual person, geographic location and job title, I spent a little time considering whether I would publish the information. I have made a firm decision not to. My decision is motivated by the actions of right-wing groups in Germany who are using threats, including publishing personal and family information, to intimidate their critics.

    He is not a public person and no one here would recognize his name, so I agree with your decision. There would be some satisfaction in outing him, but who wants to descend to his level?

  2. Notorial Dissent says:

    It’s even simpler than that. He is a nasty little inconsequentiality of no real importance other than for his truly vile little mind that I would truly prefer not to get any closer to than absolutely necessary.

  3. Rickey says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    It’s even simpler than that. He is a nasty little inconsequentiality of no real importance other than for his truly vile little mind that I would truly prefer not to get any closer to than absolutely necessary.

    In addition to being a birther, he also claimed that Newtown was a hoax.

  4. Curious George says:

    Best to leave the rabid nutcakes in the dark, especially this one. But then again…

  5. Notorial Dissent says:

    Best that he slime his way back under the rock he crawled out from under.

    Curious George:
    Best to leave the rabid nutcakes in the dark, especially this one.But then again…

  6. Rickey says:

    It looks like Roy Moore will win the Republican primary runoff in Alabama today.

  7. I was just scanning through the OARPA database doing some cleanup, and I found a public person that I hadn’t noticed before. It was Alex Jones commenting at The Fellowship of the Minds under the name Alex. I don’t know what he said.

    Rickey: He is not a public person and no one here would recognize his name, so I agree with your decision.

  8. I also decided not to send him a Gerbil.

    Rickey: There would be some satisfaction in outing him, but who wants to descend to his level?

  9. Crustacean says:

    The second-worst thing you could do to a gerbil is name it “Chippy the Hamster”.

    Dr. Conspiracy: I also decided not to send him a Gerbil.

  10. Pete says:

    Birther wins.

  11. CNN is reminding us that Roy Moore is a birther:

    Moore is also an outspoken anti-Obama birther. He is on record questioning the former president’s provenance at least as far back as 2008, and as recently, per a KFile find, as last year.
    Taking questions at a gathering of the Constitution Party, Moore expressed doubt that Obama qualified, as a natural-born citizen, for the presidency.
    “My personal belief is that he wasn’t,” he said, “but that’s probably over and done in a few days, unless we get something else to come along.”

  12. Curious George says:

    “At some point, legislation must be passed to outlaw racist language and rhetoric from being spewed by individuals who hold public office.”

    As long as the first amendment is now apparently a target, legislation must be passed that outlaws public officials to lie to their constituents when campaigning or when holding office.

    I don’t endorse rascist comments but I do endorse the first amendment. Open discourse allows one to expose who they really are, whether on the left, center or right.

    Arpaio has exposed who he really is in his communications and his actions. Free expression has exposed who he really is.

    And one correction to the rollingout article. Arpaio’s conviction was for intentionally failing to follow a court order. He was not criminally convicted for harassing and arresting Latinos. Splitting hairs? Possibly.

    Arpaio will be appearing tomorrow in Fresno at a GOP function. It would appear that some of the GOP do not want to appear with Arpaio and his Birther traveling show.

  13. Pete says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Arpaio pledges to continue birth certificate investigation:

    Maybe he and OJ can get together and run a joint investigation. I’m pretty sure the real killer is also the guy who forged Obama’s birth certificate.

  14. ROFL! And, you, of course, are right. That punk, OJ, has my glove. On a side note, Arpaio has that, “Oh boy, I may be in real trouble,” look on his face. Love it.


  15. Curious George says:

    PBS reporter Jeff Hess was questioning Arpaio about the birth certificate investigation. Arpaio evaded Hess’ question about what was the probable cause regarding the alleged fake birth certificate. Arpaio also said that experts from Hawaii and Italy had testified in court about the birth certificate being “fake.” Since when did Reed Hayes and For Lab testify in court about the Obama birth certificate? That certainly would have made the news. Arpaio is a very slippery fellow.

  16. Pete says:

    He meant that they talked about it on the tennis court.

  17. Curious George says:

    He meant that they talked about it on the tennis court.

    Arpaio probably wished he was on a tennis court instead of being grilled by a reporter that had Arpaio’s number.

  18. I have it on good authority that someone (not I) wrote Reed Hayes to ask him if he knew that ex-Sheriff Arpaio had claimed that Hayes and Forlab had testified in court as to the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate.

    I suspect Hayes doesn’t care since he already got his fee.

  19. bob says:

    Curious George: Arpaio also said that experts from Hawaii and Italy had testified in court about the birth certificate being “fake.”

    Is there a link for that?

  20. gorefan says:

    bob: Is there a link for that?

    I think he may be referring to them having testified in other court cases. The way the always refer to their experts as court certified.

  21. Curious George says:

    gorefan: I think he may be referring to them having testified in other court cases.The way the always refer to their experts as court certified.

    No, not in context. It was directly related to the birth certificate and testifying that it was fake. He also said he wasn’t guilty. The gems just keep rolling of his silver tongue.

  22. Curious George says:

    Arpaio says he deserves an award after today’s court ruling. Link not available at this time.

  23. Curious George says:

    Curious George:
    Arpaio says he deserves an award after today’s court ruling.Link not available at this time.

    Arpaio is such an arrogant a$$ to think he deserves an award for violating people’s constitutional rights. President Trump should be ashamed that he let Arpaio off the hook.

  24. Pete says:

    Does this mean that Arpaio has been officially declared “not guilty?”

  25. roadburner says:

    Does this mean that Arpaio has been officially declared “not guilty?”

    i fail to see how it can affect his guilty plea in the melendres case

  26. bob says:

    Arpaio didn’t “plea guilty”; he admitted that he had violated the injunction. He argued his violation was not willful, and therefore not criminal.

  27. Keith says:

    FWIW, President Eisenhower’s birth certificate.

    Lessee how many holes I can punch in that.

    Fonts… need I say more?

    At birth, Ike’s name was DAVID DWIGHT EISENHOWER though his family called him by his middle name (just as my family does for me). I do not believe he ever changed it legally, but he certainly switched it around informally because of the confusion of people who think the first name is somehow more legal than the middle name (I refuse to bow to such arrogance – especially when it is hard coded into computer programs and databases).

    Arthur Eisenhower is Dwight’s younger brother. How could he possibly swear to anything about a birth that took place years before he was born?

    There is more, but that is enough. When can we press the magic reset button on the Viet Nam war?

  28. Arthur B. says:

    What a snotty piece.

  29. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Obama plotting to oust Trump from “war room” near capitol.

    That story is more than seven months old, and Snopes reported that “Kevin Lewis, Barack Obama’s post-presidency spokesman, called the story ‘absurd’ and devoid of facts, stating to us that Jarrett was neither moving in with the Obamas nor launching a political movement intended to oust President Trump from office.”

  30. j.d. sue says:

    Anyone out there like a good old fashion Western circa 1958? I just saw this today, and Scopes confirms it is real.

    Short version:

    Full version:

  31. Keith says:

    Just wondering if Bob Corker has set up his exploratory committee for his Presidential campaign yet?

  32. He does seem to be positioning himself doesn’t he?

    Just wondering if Bob Corker has set up his exploratory committee for his Presidential campaign yet?

  33. “Why are there so many outlandish conspiracy theories about Obama?”

    This question is raised in a new book of fictional short stories by Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune.

    It is interesting to me that while Obama was president, many birthers believed he was not really president. Now that he is not president, some believe that he is secretly running still running the government from a war room in DC along with Valerie Jarrett.

  34. BREAKING, READ: Arpaio Immediately Appeals Decision That Lets Court’s Guilty Finding Stand, Despite Presidential Pardon

  35. Curious George says:

    What a great present Judge Bolton has given to the victims of Joe Arpaio’s criminal contempt. The Pardon does not erase Arpaio’s finding of GUILTY and all of the court related records and findings stand. Okay, let’s see how the Birther nutcakes spin this one.

  36. Curious George says:

    Here he is in all of his political glory. Notice the small crowd.

  37. Rickey says:

    The ignorance of some people is astounding.

    Emmanuel Han, a Harbor City attorney who attended the Trump golf course event, said he heard of Navarro only three days ago but supports him because he’s running against Waters, and likes Arpaio’s incarceration methods better than California’s, “where we’re pretty much just letting them go.”

    California has approximately 219,000 inmates, second only to Texas.

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