The additional open thread: Lost but not forgotten edition

Obama Conspiracy Theories closed to new articles on January 20, 2017, as as the very presidential Barack Obama left office, and was replaced by someone completely different. The open thread is a place to leave comments and continue the discussion. This thread will close, and be replaced by another in 4 weeks.

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Sorry about the missing open thread. I am away.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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75 Responses to The additional open thread: Lost but not forgotten edition

  1. Rickey says:

    We now know who originally hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump.

  2. Crustacean says:

    First rule of Propaganda Club: you do not talk about Propaganda Club.

    Second rule of Propaganda Club: learn the phrase “is reputed to have been.” It’s what new-age grammarians call the “passive-aggressive voice.”

    Dr. Conspiracy: Canada Free Press still at it:

  3. bob says:

    Fitzpatrick and Arpaio(!) were on Volin’s WOBC.

  4. gorefan says:

    Fitzpatrick and Arpaio(!) were on Volin’s WOBC.

    Nothing new but I got the impression that they have done absolutely nothing with their mountain of evidence.

  5. Curious George says:

    It looks like Shurf Arpaio’s attorneys are facing a very huge uphill battle with their recent appeal to the 9th.

  6. Curious George says:

    Fitzpatrick and Arpaio(!) were on Volin’s WOBC.

    And what a joke it was. It was like a bunch of the same pathetic delusional people sitting around a campfire swatting at imaginary mosquitos.

  7. Rickey says:

    Fitzpatrick and Arpaio(!) were on Volin’s WOBC.

    Is Volin paying royalties for the use of the theme to Hawaii 5-0?

  8. It’s meant as a threat to the forger which is me. It just another “Monica Lewinsky” repeat. As I said months or years back, Volin is Nancy Pelosi’s errand boy.

    However, this time it isn’t working and I do believe the truth will come out. I’m sure it’s Pelosi who’s footing the bill.

    Rickey: Is Volin paying royalties for the use of the theme to Hawaii 5-0?

  9. gorefan says:

    Rickey: Is Volin paying royalties for the use of the theme to Hawaii 5-0?

    Don’t know but this might help provide an answer to ownership.

  10. bob says:

    Curious George:

    Interesting, but not a freebie win: Arpaio will still have to convince the 9th that he’s correct.

  11. Notorial Dissent says:

    They’ll look at the record and the law, two things that have never been in the Shurf’s favor.

  12. Curious George says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    They’ll look at the record and the law, two things that have never been in the Shurf’s favor.

    I think Arpaio is literally floating up a legal creek without a paddle. Over the years, in my opinion, he’s had some of the worst possible representation, but it does seem fitting for this Bozo. Trump couldn’t have put old Joe in a worse Catch 22.Too bad Joe! You wanted the pardon and now you’re paying the price.

  13. gorefan says:

    In Hawaii protestors hold up signs reading welcome to Kenya.

  14. That’s a class act.

    In Hawaii protestors hold up signs reading welcome to Kenya.

  15. I was in Japan and got out just in time to avoid Donald Trump.

  16. Pete says:

    I blame Pat Robertson for a spike in the price of anti-senility drugs.

  17. Rickey says:

    The walls on closing in on Roy Moore, but that is no guarantee that he won’t win the election next month. 40% of evangelicals in Alabama say that the sexual misconduct allegations against him make them more likely to support him.

  18. donna says:

    Rickey: The walls on closing in on Roy Moore …..

    Who would have thunked our old “friend” Roy Moore would be in trouble or that evangelicals would still support him?

    God forgives (republicans)!

    This Alabama Man Spent Five Years in Prison for Enticing a 14-Year-Old

  19. Curious George says:

    Rickey: The walls on closing in on Roy Moore …..

    Who would have thunked our old “friend” Roy Moore would be in trouble or that evangelicals would still support him?

    God forgives (republicans)!

    This Alabama Man Spent Five Years in Prison for Enticing a 14-Year-Old

    But, he’s innocent until found guilty or he admits to his guilt. I expect he will win his election.

  20. Rickey says:


    God forgives (republicans)!

    Several of the evangelicals who still support Moore claim that he has been forgiven, completely ignoring that one condition for forgiveness is admitting your transgression. Moore continues to deny that he did anything wrong, of course.

  21. Curious George says:

    The one seemingly glaring hole in this accusatory feed fest is that the alleged victim kept her annual that Moore allegedly signed. If the alleged victim was truly raped by Moore, I would think that her annual would be the first thing to be tossed as she would not want to be reminded of him or the event. The other hole in the story is where has the alleged victim been for the past 40 years? Better get Reed Hayes to do a writing analysis on the annual to determine if Moore actually signed the annual.

  22. Rickey says:

    Curious George: But, he’s innocent until found guilty or he admits to his guilt.I expect he will win his election.

    It’s possible that Alabama voters would prefer to elect a pedophile rather than a Democrat, but if so Moore will never become a Senator. The Senate Republicans have already made it clear that they will not seat him. What happens then is unclear. I don’t know if the governor can then appoint someone or if they have to hold another special election.

  23. gorefan says:

    Rickey: What happens then is unclear. I don’t know if the governor can then appoint someone or if they have to hold another special election.

    Here is what happened when Sessions senate seat was vacated.

    “Currently, former Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange holds Sessions’ vacant seat. But Alabama law calls for a governor to call a special election to replace a senator — a law that former Gov. Robert Bentley ignored when he appointed Strange in February.”

    “The Alabama code says that the governor should “forthwith order an election to be held,” to replace a US senator. But when Bentley appointed Strange, he said he would not call a special election in order to save the state money.”

    So who knows what will happen. But I suspect they will call a special election. Where Moore could run again.

  24. bob says:

    Rickey: It’s possible that Alabama voters would prefer to elect a pedophile rather than a Democrat, but if so Moore will never become a Senator. The Senate Republicans have already made it clear that they will not seat him.

    If Moore wins, the Senate cannot refuse to seat him. It can, however, seat him and then expel him, which would two-thirds of the Senate to that. (So the race to find 19 Republican is on.)

    If Moore is expelled, then the governor would (again) appoint someone to hold the seat until another special election could be held. (For a seat that will stand for election in 2020.)

    Curious George:
    The one seemingly glaring hole in this accusatory feed fest is that the alleged victim kept her annual that Moore allegedly signed.If the alleged victim was truly raped by Moore, I would think that her annual would be the first thing to be tossed as she would not want to be reminded of him or the event. The other hole in the story is where has the alleged victim been for the past 40 years?Better get Reed Hayes to do a writing analysis on the annual to determine if Moore actually signed the annual.

    Those are not holes. The yearbook is extremely probative evidence that she and Moore knew each other; it helps prove that she’s not making that up. Holding on to such a smoking gun, despite being a painful reminder, is very reasonable.

    As is waiting for so long. The cultural climate has only recently begun to be slightly more supportive of victims; even now, her reputation is still being dragged through the muck.

  25. j.d. sue says:

    Curious George: If the alleged victim was truly raped by Moore, I would think that her annual would be the first thing to be tossed as she would not want to be reminded of him or the event. The other hole in the story is where has the alleged victim been for the past 40 years?

    FWIW, as a woman, I see absolutely nothing unusual about her keeping her high school year book, and not going public about a sexual assault. IMO, the only reason she came forward now is because it was unbearable to watch him now publicly lie about his misconduct. That is a breaking point for many victims. For other victims, even 40 years and hearing his lies now, would still not overcome their lifelong fears.

  26. donna says:

    bob: The yearbook is extremely probative evidence that she and Moore knew each other; it helps prove that she’s not making that up. Holding on to such a smoking gun, despite being a painful reminder, is very reasonable.

    Moore said: “I never did what she said I did. I don’t even know the woman. I don’t know anything about her. I don’t even know where the restaurant is or was.”

    Nelson presented a copy of her yearbook in which the then-30-year-old Moore wrote: “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977. Love, Roy Moore, D.A.”

    Below his name, he wrote the date and “Olde Hickory House,” the name of the restaurant he now claims he has no knowledge of.

    Here is a comparison of the handwriting in Young’s yearbook to a signed Roy Moore biography. It matches.

    Perhaps Obama and Nelson have the same forger.

    “I have no reason to doubt these young women,” Jeff Sessions told Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee today, as she held up visual aids during a hearing of the House judiciary committee.

  27. Curious George says:


    “Here is a comparison of the handwriting in Young’s yearbook to a signed Roy Moore biography. It matches.”

    Who are the experts who have determined that there is a match? Are they the same non-expert birthers who insisted that they could determine a forgery just by looking at a PDF copy of a document? I think that a political trial by media is an injustice to all parties. In this case, the voters will make their decision about Roy Moore. Is He a victim or a perpetrator? A very tough call after 40 years.

  28. Curious George says:


    “Those are not holes. The yearbook is extremely probative evidence that she and Moore knew each other; it helps prove that she’s not making that up. Holding on to such a smoking gun, despite being a painful reminder, is very reasonable.

    As is waiting for so long. The cultural climate has only recently begun to be slightly more supportive of victims; even now, her reputation is still being dragged through the muck.”

    She keeps her yearbook for 40 years instead of going to the authorities with it and her story? She comes forward 40 years later, I would assume long after the statute of limitations has expired? It now comes down to a tabloid story of he said she saiid to apparently influence the outcome of an election. It reminds me of the same tactics that were used during the Clinton “bimbo” erruptions.

  29. gorefan says:

    The thing about the yearbook that I find interesting is the circumstances under which he signed it.

    Did she have the yearbook at the restaurant?

    Did she ask him to sign it?

    Most schools hand out yearbooks at the end of the school year, so was this the previous year’s book?

  30. Keith says:

    They want to have an ‘independent’ handwriting expert examine the signature on the yearbook now.

    Don’t “we” know one of the best who is willing – nay eager – to demonstrate their superior skills and is already guaranteed us that they are ‘court certified’?

  31. j.d. sue says:

    Curious George: trial by media is an injustice to all parties


    On this point, I agree with you.

    Nonetheless, I find his accusers credible, and their allegations are fair game in an election. And I don’t fault any woman for waiting this long to say something — millions of women, including myself, have kept our mouths shut just because our survival required us to.

  32. Pete says:

    donna: Perhaps Obama and Nelson have the same forger.

    Where’s Nancy?

  33. Pete says:

    The accusers are credible.

  34. gorefan says:

    They want to have an ‘independent’ handwriting expert examine the signature on the yearbook now.

    Don’t “we” know one of the best who is willing – nay eager – to demonstrate their superior skills and is already guaranteed us that they are ‘court certified’?

    A voice from the past is doing photo analysis of the yearbook image.

  35. Curious George says:

    gorefan: A voice from the past is doing photo analysis of the yearbook image.

    The two signatures are not exactly the same. The yearbook signature shows “Roy Moore.” His signature on the pledge card is “Roy S Moore.” In the limited number of Moore signatures that I’ve seen, his signature included the middle initial “S”. The “R” in Roy looks different. The initials “D.A.” after his name are interesting. In 1977, Moore was a Deputy District Attorney, or D.D.A. Ultimately, the Alabama voters will decide this one.

  36. Right here. If I recall correctly, Roy Moore is kin to Mike “Zullo” Moore and Roy Moore used to live in Clewiston as well.

    Pete: Where’s Nancy?

  37. gorefan says:

    Curious George: The two signatures are not exactly the same.The yearbook signature shows “Roy Moore.” His signature on the pledge cardis “Roy S Moore.”In the limited number of Moore signatures that I’ve seen, his signature included the middle initial “S”.The “R” in Roy looks different. The initials “D.A.” after his name are interesting.In 1977, Moore was a Deputy District Attorney, or D.D.A.Ultimately, the Alabama voters will decide this one.

    My comment was more about famous birther Karl Denninger again doing photo analysis.

    There are a number of examples of Moore’s signature:×259.png

    They all look pretty close to me. I’m surprised how little his signature has changed over the years.

  38. Charo says:

    The signature has so many problems. What struck me most was that Moore is written in a different ink. Moore was the judge who signed off on her divorce and the initials D.A. appear. His attorney said that Moore had an assistant with the initials D.A.; when he used a stamp for the judge’s signature, he put his initials. My two cents on the signature itself. The signatures Gorefan linked show the y extending upward to almost look like an S that does not appear on the yearbook signature. On a Twitter feed, someone questioned whether there was a Roy Moore enrolled at her high school. Another person found a Ray Moore at a high school in Gadsden:

    I don’t want to take a side on this. It is a travesty for the person who is telling the truth about an attempted rape but not believed, whoever that person may be.

  39. gorefan says:

    Charo: The signatures Gorefan linked show the y extending upward to almost look like an S that does not appear on the yearbook signature.

    It is an S. His middle name is Stewart. So at some point he started signing his name Roy S. Moore. Maybe when he became a judge.

    I don’t see the two different ink colors here:

  40. Charo says:

    I am not promoting sites. Could the mall manager be lying or misinformed? Yes. Could he be telling the truth and have accurate information. Yes.

    I did see that his middle initial is S after I posted.

    I don’t know if a different ink could be fabricated. I know that a black and white pic won’t show blue.

  41. gorefan says:

    Another picture where I don’t see two colors. These images are all in color not black and white, judging by the red fingernail polish.×300.jpg?resize=600%2C300&ssl=1

  42. Charo says:

    I don’t know. It looks blue here. The whole yearbook issue is weird. The D.A. part when he was not the D.A., yet the divorce papers had D.A. to indicate initials of Moore’s assistant because his stamp was used. I never carried my yearbook around with me, but that’s me. I would probably not want to accept a ride from a guy I found creepy and my boyfriend was supposed to pick me up, but maybe the BF burned her before, and she didn’t have a way home. If I had marks on me, my parents would have noticed, but maybe her mother was not observant because she had stress in her life.

  43. gorefan says:

    Charo: I don’t know. It looks blue here.

    I’m not a imager expert but the one from CNN is blurry on the left edge.The handwriting is blurry as is the thumb that is holding the book. But the handwriting on the left is sharp. Almost as if there was a different camera angle or the page was folded.

    But in the images I posted the handwriting is uniformly sharp. As if the page was flat and the camera angle was straight on.

    Not sure if that is significant.

  44. Charo says:

    I don’t know either. The whole affair is not going to be decided, if it ever is, on ink alone. I am probably alone on this with conservatives, but the picture of Al Franken with his hands either over or on the chest of the woman was juvenile, but I believe he meant it to be funny, even though it was offensive. The alleged unwanted kiss was not juvenile, though. What the picture did was make him look like a huge hypocrite for coming down on Moore.

  45. Curious George says:

    gorefan: My comment was more about famous birther Karl Denninger again doing photo analysis.

    There are a number of examples of Moore’s signature:×259.png

    They all look pretty close to me. I’m surprised how little his signature has changed over the years.

    Each one of the linked examples of the Moore signature contain the peculiar “S” that is produced from the continuation of the “Y” with the exception of the Moore yearbook signature. The yearbook Moore signature is absent the S.

  46. gorefan says:

    Curious George: Each one of the linked examples of the Moore signature contain the peculiar “S” that is produced from the continuation of the “Y” with the exception of the Moore yearbook signature. The yearbook Moore signature is absent the S.

    Did he start to sign his name Roy S Moore after he became a judge?

  47. gorefan says:

    Charo: I don’t know either.

    Here is a possible explanation for the blurry parts of the image. The whole image was taken by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez and it shows the hand of Nelson in the foreground is out of focus. While the image of the signatures is in focus and the background is out of focus. He must have been using a telephoto lens. IMO, the color of the ink does not appear to be different.

  48. Curious George says:

    Think in terms of the so called findings of Zullo and Arpaio’s forensic experts in Hawaii and Italy and their never revealed written analysis regarding the PDF copy of Obama’s birth certificate:

    “Following Allred’s press conference, Breitbart News contacted four signature and handwriting authentication experts certified by the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners. Each of the four independently arrived at the same conclusion, saying they would need the original yearbook inscription to definitively draw conclusions.

    Handwriting expert Linda L Mitchell told Breitbart News that “an absolute identification is very difficult without the original document because photographs and photocopies do not provide a three-dimensional view of handwriting, which would include pressure and line quality.”

    “Those things are important if a definitive opinion to be reached. Anything less than that would not provide enough support for a definitive opinion unless the handwriting contains highly identifiable peculiarities.”

    The three other experts echoed Mitchell’s sentiments.”

    The Cold Case Posse and Arpaio’s MCSO never had Obama’s original birth certificate document to review.

  49. Rickey says:

    bob: If Moore wins, the Senate cannot refuse to seat him.It can, however, seat him and then expel him, which would two-thirds of the Senate to that. (So the race to find 19 Republican is on.)

    Thanks for that clarification.

  50. Rickey says:

    j.d. sue: —-

    Nonetheless, I find his accusers credible, and their allegations are fair game in an election.And I don’t fault any woman for waiting this long to say something — millions of women, including myself, have kept our mouths shut just because our survival required us to.

    I know someone who has kept quiet about a molestation for 50 years. That person will go to the grave having confided in only a few close friends.

  51. Rickey says:

    I don’t know either. The whole affair is not going to be decided, if it ever is, on ink alone. I am probably alone on this with conservatives, but the picture of Al Franken with his hands either over or on the chest of the woman was juvenile, but I believe he meant it to be funny, even though it was offensive. The alleged unwanted kiss was not juvenile, though. What the picture did was make him look like a huge hypocrite for coming down on Moore.

    Having looked closely at the photo, I’m fairly certain that his hands are not on her. His left hand clearly is not touching her breast. The right hand is less clear, but when you blow it up you can see that there are shadows under his fingers.

    That doesn’t make it any less offensive, of course.

  52. gorefan says:

    gorefan: Most schools hand out yearbooks at the end of the school year, so was this the previous year’s book?

    This has been resolved it was the 1977 yearbook as seen if you scroll through these images taken by Reuter’s photographer Lucas Jackson

  53. Pete says:

    gorefan: A voice from the past is doing photo analysis of the yearbook image.

    Aw jeez. Not this sh*t again.

    Denninger’s as much of an incompetent, or hack, or both, as he always was.

    You take a photo, run it into a jpeg, you get different tones on things.

    What a moron.

  54. Arthur B. says:

    A question I haven’t heard discussed: If Sessions declares himself a write-in candidate, does he have to resign as AG at that point, or can he stay on pending the outcome of the election?

  55. justlw says:

    I have been doing my own extensive and totally expert analysis of the signature.

    After preparing myself with a thorough study of the Amazon page for “Handwriting… Its Socio-Sexual Implications“, I looked at a grainy still of the signature and have determined conclusively that it was made by a future racist birther git who will later be thrown off the state Supreme Court not once but twice, and who in the course of denying wrongdoings may be inclined to outright lie about whether or not a restaurant in question even existed, and is very likely to recycle endorsements from clergy to falsely imply they gave these endorsements after allegations against the signer surface.

    I can’t say for sure whether it’s Roy Moore, though.

  56. roadburner says:

    if they want an independent handwriting analyst to look at the signature (seems moore´s team has one they want to use), there is one obvious choice.

    reed hayes

    as moore is a birther, he couldn´t possibly object, and if hayes was to say that he couldn´t give an opinión from the pictures, we could all have a good laugh.

  57. That explains a lot.

    Nancy Ruth Owens, Obama's Forger: Roy Moore used to live in Clewiston as well.

  58. This article suggests that handwriting analysis is not much of a science, so that even an expert opinion would be inconclusive.

    The Washington Post asked a handwriting expert their opinion, and the reply was “not enough information.”

    Charo: The signature has so many problems.

  59. bob says:

    If Sessions declares himself a write-in candidate, does he have to resign as AG at that point, or can he stay on pending the outcome of the election?

    He can stay on pending the election.

    Sessions, however, hasn’t expressed interest in getting his old job back. (He even could be drafted, win, and then decline.)

  60. Charo says:

    “There are few, if any, well-designed studies that show how well handwriting analysts can identify a forgery under conditions that mimic those that might exist in legal cases,” said Jonathan Koehler, a law professor and forensic science expert at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law.

    He claims to be an expert in forensic science but dig in. He is a behavorial scientist. Check out his CV.

    The author herself has numerous awards for her expose journalism related to science, but the only credentials I could find for science is that she is a self-named “science nerd.”

    I would give more credence the following article:

    In any case, no one on the internet is going to have the answers as to forgery, whole or in part.

  61. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That explains a lot.

    Well, Roy Moore and Mike Moore have the same surname. Coincidence?

    Seriously, there are more than two dozen people named “Moore” in Clewiston. Nancy probably believes that they are all related.

  62. It’s not coincidence. Mike “Zullo” Moore and Roy Moore both come from Clewiston. One day you’ll learn to listen to me because I am always right.

    Rickey: Well, Roy Moore and Mike Moore have the same surname. Coincidence?

    Seriously, there are more than two dozen people named “Moore” in Clewiston. Nancy probably believes that they are all related.

  63. bob says:

    In any case, no one on the internet is going to have the answers as to forgery, whole or in part.

    Except the Cold Case Posse: Its expertise is determining a document’s authenticity solely be examining a digital version of it.

  64. Curious George says:

    bob: Except the Cold Case Posse: Its expertise is determining a document’s authenticity solely be examining a digital version of it.

    Their expertise is found in allowing Birthers to prepare press conference videos that present the Cold Case Posse’s discredited evidence. When are the actual written birth certificate investigation reports from Italy and Hawaii going to be released? Anybody that accepts Zoo-Low’s interpretation of those alleged written reports, as Zoo-Low announced on December 15, 2016, would be a fool. And who would those gullible fools most likely be? Birthers!

  65. Notorial Dissent says:

    They could have used a crystal ball and been as accurate, except using a crystal ball requires some genuine talent, which NONE of the Inept Posse had, except well for fantasizing and lying, which they really didn’t do well at all eitehr.

    bob: Except the Cold Case Posse: Its expertise is determining a document’s authenticity solely be examining a digital version of it.

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