The additional open thread: Core values edition

Obama Conspiracy Theories closed to new articles on January 20, 2017, as as the very presidential Barack Obama left office, and was replaced by someone completely different. The open thread is a place to leave comments and continue the discussion. This thread will close, and be replaced by another in 4 weeks.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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378 Responses to The additional open thread: Core values edition

  1. bob wrote:

    Zullo was (sorta) asked about Drake and Wiebe’s letter (that one that called Montgomery “a complete and total FRAUD”), but Zullo danced away from it. To Zullo’s credit, it was somewhat Volin’s fault because Volin’s game of Birther Telephone really mangled the original question

    Yes, Zullo danced around it by claiming that the150,000 names of citizens of Maricopa County that Montgomery just got from a public list were falsely used on accounts that were used to move money quickly and closed. He claimed an unnamed NSA guy said the records were real. Again he never mentioned a word of this under oath in the Melendres case. I think the key words are :under oath”.

  2. Curious George says:

    It’s easy to testify under oath when claiming the fifth a couple hundred times.

  3. Rickey says:

    Media Matters reports that multiple fake news sites are running with Corsi’s claim that the CIA hacked into Hawaii DOH.

  4. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Media Matters reports that multiple fake news sites are running with Corsi’s claim that the CIA hacked into Hawaii DOH.

    Looks like Mike Volin and our resident crazy person has jumped in on the comments section.

  5. Curious George says:

    It was announced at the March 1, 2012, Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office press conference that probable cause had been developed that Barack Obama’s birth certificate was a computer generated forgery and there was a person of interest. Many Birthers wondered why posse volunteer Mike Zullo and Sheriff Joe Arpaio never took their evidence that they had developed to the FBI. It made sense for the MCSO to hand over their findings to the FBI since they would have jurisdiction over the matter, not the MCSO. In the most recent Post & Email article, Sharon Rondeau interviews Mike Zullo regarding the question of whether federal authorities will ever probe the alleged birth certificate forgery. I believe the following remarks by Mike Zullo pretty well define why he and Arpaio never went to the FBI with their evidence.

    “But I always said this was going to be forwarded as internal law enforcement investigative information to a federal authority. That should have been the FBI. Now here’s the rub: when the FBI goes and talks to you, you can’t lie.”

    In other words, it’s a crime to lie to the FBI. And for this reason, it seems reasonable to believe that the questionable investigation of the president’s birth certificate will never be presented to the FBI by Zullo or Arpaio. If the investigation were truly legitimate, it would have been turned over by the MCSO to the FBI almost 5 years ago. The MCSO simply did not have jurisdiction over this matter.

    But the entire exercise sure made great headlines for Joe Arpaio and also made his base of political supporters content knowing that he was doing something about Obama.

    Sharon Rondeau needs to hold Zullo and Arpaio accountable instead of propping them up along with their supporters with more shamefully slanted articles.

  6. Rickey says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Looks like Mike Volin and our resident crazy person has jumped in on the comments section.

    She’s not the only one. There’s a lot of crazy in those comments.

  7. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Curious George: “But I always said this was going to be forwarded as internal law enforcement investigative information to a federal authority. That should have been the FBI. Now here’s the rub: when the FBI goes and talks to you, you can’t lie.”

    Arpaio and Mikey Zullo both know that they would be lying if they talked to the FBI about it.

  8. Curious George says:

    I recently read the following memo authored by Larry “Clint” Wooten, Special Agent U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management. It was addressed to Andrew D. Goldsmith, Associate Deputy Attorney General, National Criminal Discovery Coordinator.

    The memo claims that Wooten was removed from his position as the Case Agent / Lead Investigator for the Cliven Bundy / Gold Butte Nevada Case on February 18, 2017, and Wooten believes he was removed “to prevent the ethical and proper further disclosures of the severe misconduct, failure to correct and cover ups by BLM OLES supervision.” The memo is 16 pages and if it accurately depicts the actions of law enforcement, it is troubling.

  9. Volin has trouble understanding big words like “analogy”. 😆

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Looks like Mike Volin and our resident crazy person has jumped in on the comments section.

  10. gorefan says:

    James Baker at the FBI has been reassigned. Appears to be a routine change with a new director. How soon will this be incorporated into the Montgomery story? Baker was the one who got the hard drives from Montgomery.

  11. Curious George says:

    James Baker at the FBI has been reassigned. Appears to be a routine change with a new director.How soon will this be incorporated into the Montgomery story?Baker was the one who got the hard drives from Montgomery.

    But how could Baker have the hard drives when Zullo said the MCSO had 60 drives obtained from Montgomery that Zullo in his own email, according to court records, said the drives contained no classified information and nothing of value? Did Montgomery give Baker a duplicate set of nothing?

  12. gorefan says:

    Curious George: Zullo said the MCSO had 60 drives obtained from Montgomery

    That’s hard to answer. The number of drives changes. Sometimes it is 47, other times 50 and then occasionally 60.

  13. Curious George says:

    gorefan: That’s hard to answer. The number of drives changes. Sometimes it is 47, other times 50 and then occasionally 60.

    They can’t even get the number of hard drives consistent. Rondeew continues to promote their moronic lies. She has become almost as good at moving the goal posts as Zoo-Low and Gal-loops.

  14. bob says:

    James Baker at the FBI has been reassigned. Appears to be a routine change with a new director.How soon will this be incorporated into the Montgomery story?Baker was the one who got the hard drives from Montgomery.

    The P&E already has a story on it; the usual idiots are tweeting it, etc.

    Miki Booth went one step further and said Baker was part of the forgery conspiracy.

    Curious George: But how could Baker have the hard drives when Zullo said the MCSO had 60 drives obtained from Montgomery that Zullo in his own email, according to court records,said the drives contained no classified information and nothing of value?Did Montgomery give Baker a duplicate set of nothing?

    Yes; it would appear Montgomery filled up those drives, and then duplicated them. One set went to the MCSO, and another set went to the FBI.

    And they all contain only “junk.”

  15. bob says:

    Zullo again was Freedom Friday yesterday (for 90 minutes).

    It was such a trainwreck: Zullo has this crazy theory that Mike Evans’ being caught telling whoppers about Abercrombie is somehow proof that Evans was coerced into changing his story (to protect Obama).

    The clowns Gallups and Zullo had one task — to play clips from Evans’ years old interviews — and they royally screwed it up. And these bumblers think they are going to save the country (world?) (universe?).

  16. Curious George says:

    James Baker at the FBI has been reassigned. Appears to be a routine change with a new director.How soon will this be incorporated into the Montgomery story?Baker was the one who got the hard drives from Montgomery.

    Maybe MIKI read this?

  17. Curious George says:

    Zullo again was Freedom Friday yesterday (for 90 minutes).

    It was such a trainwreck:Zullo has this crazy theory that Mike Evans’ being caught telling whoppers about Abercrombie is somehow proof that Evans was coerced into changing his story (to protect Obama).

    The clowns Gallups and Zullo had one task — to play clips from Evans’ years old interviews — and they royally screwed it up.And these bumblers think they are going to save the country (world?) (universe?).

    The longer these two go with their circus act, the more they expose themselves and the phony narrative that they push on their gullible followers.

  18. Northland10 says:

    Curious George: The longer these two go with their circus act, the more they expose themselves and the phony narrative that they push on their gullible followers.

    And their followers will continue to believe everything that comes out of G & Z’s mouth. They could claim completely opposite things in the same show and their audience wouldn’t even notice. If somebody points it out, it’s “fake news.”

    Oceania was at war with Eastasia: Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.

    In the Gallups/Zullo world, poor Winston would be out a job. The bean counters at Minitrue would be all excited from reducing their headcount by dumping the historical negationism staff.

  19. Curious George says:

    From the most recent P&E article…

    “In recent interviews, Zullo has pointed out that Corley was acting on behalf of Obama personally when she traveled to Hawaii to retrieve the documents and therefore was not required to turn them over to government archivists for preservation.

    It is unknown whether or not the documentation Corley was given was that which was scanned and uploaded to and purported to represent Obama’s original birth record showing that he was born August 4, 1961 in Honolulu.

    Despite a number of professional analyses which determined that the image was fraudulent within days of its release, the FBI failed to investigate, and Congress shied away from launching its own probe despite communications from possibly tens of thousands of constituents concerned about not only the proffering of a fraudulent government document, but also Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of president.

    Instead, in August 2011, Zullo was delegated to perform an initial examination of the image, along with the other members of then-Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse” with the expectation of “clearing the president.”

    To the contrary, Zullo was forced to inform Arpaio that the image was problematic and required further inquiry.

    An investigation conducted almost entirely by Zullo on a volunteer basis stretching across more than five years concluded on December 15, 2016 when he revealed at a press conference that two forensic analysts located on two different continents approaching the image from two different disciplines agreed with his conclusion that the image cannot possibly be authentic.”


    * The state of Hawaii issued a Verification of Birth for Obama and verified all the birth information contained on the PDF uploaded by the White House on April 27, 2011. The Verification of Birth under Hawaii state law serves as certification of the birth event in lieu of the actual long form birth certificate.

    * The FBI failed to investigate because the MCSO never turned their evidence over to the FBI for their review. Too late now not having the backing of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.

    * What were Zullo’s professional qualifications and credentials to investigate the authenticity of a birth certificate document? It’s clear that he unlikely had any qualifications because he was trying to determine the authenticity of a copy of a document and not the original document.

    * Zullo revealed the two forensic document examiners as Reed Hayes in Hawaii and ForLabs in Italy. Zullo told the public the alleged results of their findings but never provided the actual written forensic reports at the December 15, 2016 press conference. Zullo still has never released the two reports to the public. I imagine that if there are written reports both Reed Hayes and Forlabs most Iikely qualified their reports by writing something like “we would have to see the actual original document to be completely certain.” Zullo, I predict will never reveal the written reports.

    It’s amazing that P&E continues to promote this dribble and Rondeau can’t or is unwilling to see the huge factual holes in her articles.

  20. Curious George says:

    From the same P&E word salad above…

    “According to Obama birth certificate investigator Mike Zullo, Baker “deep-filed” more than 600 million pages of records provided by former Maricopa County, AZ confidential informant and former NSA and CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery reportedly showing evidence of illegal surveillance, bank-account breaches and identity theft on the part of a government entity or entities.”

    Mike Zullo in an April 9, 2015 email sent to Dennis Montgomery…

    “You also recall we have 60 hard drives that you created…To be clear there was nothing of a classified nature contained on them and as a matter of fact there was evidence of fabrication on [numerous] (Zullo wrote numinous) levels. Dennis I don’t have to tell you what this smells of do I? …Sixteen long months of ZERO and just empty promises and lip service. Enough…”

    Arpaio referred to the above hard drives as “junk” in court records. Zullo told us that “junk” means something other than junk in law enforcement circles. According to Mr. Webster, junk means a shoddy product, something of little meaning, worth or significance. Junk could also mean narcotics, especially heroin. I think the former definitions in this case apply to the hard drives, not the latter.

    Rondeew would have people believe there is new information. No it’s just the same old script. There’s nothing new here to see. “Deep filed” in the old days was called the “circular file” or the “round file” which nicely sums up the worth of the drives.

  21. roadburner says:

    corsi has been peddling the same BS about Montgomery on alex jones´s programmes.

    looks like he´s in need of a new base of crazies for his books

  22. Corsi looks a little panicked to me.

    corsi has been peddling the same BS about Montgomery on alex jones´s programmes.

    looks like he´s in need of a new base of crazies for his books

  23. Curious George says:

    corsi has been peddling the same BS about Montgomery on alex jones´s programmes.

    looks like he´s in need of a new base of crazies for his books

    Speaking about books…Is all of this new wave of old information the hype for another Korsi / Z00-Low book release that will have contributions by Rondeew, Violin and Galloops? Any ideas for the title? How ’bout, “Mass Hysteria in Birtherville” or “The Best of Times, Long Gone” or “How Many Birthers Does It Take To Screw In a Light Bulb? What’s a Light Bulb?” or “60 Hard Drives Sitting On the Wall, Take One Down, Pass it Around, 59 Hard Drives Sitting on the Wall” or, “When Will Mikey Give the 60 Hard Drives To The FBI? When Hell Freezes Over!” or….

  24. Curious George says:

    More fake news from Rondeew…

    This article is just as phony as the Arpaio birth certificate findings.

  25. bob says:

    Curious George: It’s amazing that P&E continues to promote this dribble and Rondeau can’t or is unwilling to see the huge factual holes in her articles.

    What’s so amazing about that?: Rondeau’s a dead-end birther, just like Zullo and Gallups. Her hated blinds her to any criticism or self-reflection.

    Curious George: Is all of this new wave of old information the hype for another Korsi / Z00-Low book release that will have contributions by Rondeew, Violin and Galloops?

    No; they’ve made it clear they won’t release the information (which includes writing a book) until their investigation is complete, i.e., never.

  26. Curious George says:

    bob: What’s so amazing about that?:Rondeau’s a dead-end birther, just like Zullo and Gallups.Her hated blinds her to any criticism or self-reflection.

    No; they’ve made it clear they won’t release the information (which includes writing a book) until their investigation is complete, i.e., never.

    As I remember, their first birth certificate book came out the same day as their first press conference back in March of 2012. Apparently they thought the investigation was complete. They said they had probable cause that the bc was a forgery. They had a person of interest. They could have turned their evidence over to the FBI, but nooooooo, they didn’t. They better start writing a second book as this laugh fest has long since been complete. And contrary to their rhetoric, 2018 will not be a good year for their faux bc investigation, just as 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 have been duds.

  27. bob says:

    Curious George: As I remember, their first birth certificate book came out the same day as their first press conference back in March of 2012.

    And IIRC, Zullo said he never made a penny on this “investigation.” And then learned there were around $1500 in profits from that sale. So Zullo claimed he donated the proceeds to charity, but never specified which charity. (And never disclaimed the tax deduction for the donation.)

    And then later we learned about Zullo’s vendor number, which could pay for his trip to Seattle. And the $10,000 check from Wolf.

  28. And, who is this “Wolf?”

    bob: And IIRC, Zullo said he never made a penny on this “investigation.”And then learned there were around $1500 in profits from that sale.So Zullo claimed he donated the proceeds to charity, but never specified which charity.(And never disclaimed the tax deduction for the donation.)

    And then later we learned about Zullo’s vendor number, which could pay for his trip to Seattle.And the $10,000 check from Wolf.

  29. Remember Zullo also received a $10,000 check from the late New Jersey Birther and businessman Bill Wolf. Wolf had supplied information to the Cold Case Posse and was also the plaintiff in the Wolf v Fuddy case in Hawaii.

    Who knows how much money was given to Zullo that we don’t know about? Since there is no accounting at all for the what happened to money donated to the CCP we don’t know where any of that money went and if any went to Zullo.

    I documented this in an article at my blog. Was the CCP Birth Certificate Investigation Pay to Play?

    bob: And IIRC, Zullo said he never made a penny on this “investigation.”And then learned there were around $1500 in profits from that sale.So Zullo claimed he donated the proceeds to charity, but never specified which charity.(And never disclaimed the tax deduction for the donation.)

    And then later we learned about Zullo’s vendor number, which could pay for his trip to Seattle.And the $10,000 check from Wolf.

  30. Correction: We know $10,000 in CCP funds went to Dennis Montgomery thanks to the court records from Arpaio contempt hearings. In return the CCP received nothing. The people who gave money for Zullo’s investigation should be demanding answers. They seem to be too stupid to ask however.

  31. Curious George says:

    Reality Check:
    Remember Zullo also received a $10,000 check from the late New Jersey Birther and businessman Bill Wolf. Wolf had supplied information to the Cold Case Posse and was also the plaintiff in the Wolf v Fuddycase in Hawaii.

    Who knows how much money was given to Zullo that we don’t know about? Since there is no accounting at all for the what happened to money donated to the CCP we don’t know where any of that money went and if any went to Zullo.

    I documented this in an article at my blog. Was the CCP Birth Certificate Investigation Pay to Play?

    The $10,000 from Wolf is what Z00-Low couldn’t seem to remember until a reporter went after him seeking answers. Oooops, Z00-Low suddenly remembered the gift that was so memorable because it was supposedly used for an ill family member. The big question really is how much money was volunteer Z00-Low paid under the table to do Arpaio’s Seattle Operation to investigate a federal judge?

  32. donna says:

    When you have under 40 mins to spare, listen to Prince Harry’s podcast with Obama – it really makes you miss that guy:

  33. donna says:

    When you have under 40 mins to spare, listen to Prince Harry’s podcast with Obama – it really makes you miss that guy:

  34. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bob: And IIRC, Zullo said he never made a penny on this “investigation.”And then learned there were around $1500 in profits from that sale.So Zullo claimed he donated the proceeds to charity, but never specified which charity.(And never disclaimed the tax deduction for the donation.)

    And then later we learned about Zullo’s vendor number, which could pay for his trip to Seattle.And the $10,000 check from Wolf.

    I think he said that he donated the book proceeds to his church. On air gallups slipped one time and said he was Zullos pastor. Think Carl might have laundered the money

  35. Curious George says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I think he said that he donated the book proceeds to his church. On air gallups slipped one time and said he was Zullos pastor. Think Carl might have laundered the money

    As I remember, someone said the money from the Korsi / Z00-low book was donated to Z00-low’s church. So was it donated to Galloops’ church in Florida? Before one donates, one must receive the funds to donate. That means it would have been income, first then donated second. Did he report the $1,500 profits as income or the Wolf provided funds of $10,000 as income? How about all of the donations to his non-profit? Since the Cold Cocked Posse is no longer associated with, or under the umbrella of a governmental entity, maybe someone should see what their filings with the IRS are for 2017?

  36. Senate loser Roy Moore claims voter fraud in Alabama–claims mathematical and statistical rationale. No details provided.

    Election to be certified at 1pm today.

  37. Pete says:

    Jones won by roughly 20,000 votes.

  38. Curious George says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Senate loser Roy Moore claims voter fraud in Alabama–claims mathematical and statistical rationale.No details provided.

    Election to be certified at 1pm today.

    If he’s using Lord M. and or O. Taitz, good luck with that.

  39. Curious George says:

    I would venture a guess that Moore will probably claim that out-of-staters and dead people voted for Jones. One article said that Moore took a polygraph regarding the various sex allegations. We’ll know by 1pm today.

  40. It’s 2:00 p.m. Florida time here. He’ll fail the polygraph if he lies about sexual allegations.

    Curious George:
    I would venture a guess that Moore will probably claim that out-of-statersand dead people voted for Jones.One article said that Moore took a polygraph regarding the various sex allegations.We’ll know by 1pm today.

  41. bob says:

    Moore’s lawsuit was tossed.

  42. Does the Cold Case Posse even exist now? There web site is long gone. The Sheriff officially disbanded it.

    Curious George: As I remember, someone said the money from the Korsi / Z00-low book was donated to Z00-low’schurch. So was it donated to Galloops’ church in Florida? Before one donates, one must receive the funds to donate.That means it would have been income, first then donated second.Did he report the $1,500 profits as income or the Wolf provided funds of $10,000 as income?How about all of the donations to his non-profit? Since the Cold Cocked Posse is no longer associated with, or under the umbrella of a governmental entity, maybe someone should see what their filings with the IRS are for 2017?

  43. Rickey says:

    Moore’s lawsuit was tossed.

    From NBC News:

    J. Christian Adams, a member of the president’s voter integrity commission and an election lawyer, called the complaint “crazy” in a tweet, writing that it was a “humiliating day” for people who care about voter fraud and election integrity.

    Loyola Law School Professor Justin Levitt, a former Department of Justice official who worked on voting rights, noted that voter fraud is not widespread, occurring only in isolated and rare instances.

    “Mr. Moore does not appear to have anything other than wishful thinking,” he told NBC News.

  44. Rickey says:

    Curious George:
    One article said that Moore took a polygraph regarding the various sex allegations.

    Moore claims in his complaint that he passed a polygraph exam, but of course he didn’t provide any documentation that he even took an exam, much less that he passed.

    Not that it matters. It’s totally irrelevant to the legitimacy of the vote.

  45. No way. If he “passed,” somebody was paid off.

    Rickey: Moore claims in his complaint that he passed a polygraph exam, but of course he didn’t provide any documentation that he even took an exam, much less that he passed.

    Not that it matters. It’s totally irrelevant to the legitimacy of the vote.

  46. Nancy Ruth Owens Explains Why She Took The Reagan Assassination Contract

  47. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Does the Cold Case Posse even exist now? There web site is long gone. The Sheriff officially disbanded it.

    Would be a good time to take over the site and create a parody.

  48. Curious George says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Does the Cold Case Posse even exist now? There web site is long gone. The Sheriff officially disbanded it.

    I went to the website for corporations operating in Arizona. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse Corporation is still in good standing as of December 28, 2017. Does the continued use of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s name look a little shady to anyone? As I recall, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse was disbanded when the new sheriff arrived. Is Mikey keeping the old name to make the IRS think the Cold Case Posse is still connected to a governmental unit? Strange.

  49. Rickey says:

    Curious George: I went to the website for corporations operating in Arizona.The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse Corporation is still in good standing as of December 28, 2017.

    I wouldn’t put too much stock in that. Many corporations continue to show up as active corporations several years after they have gone out of business.They don’t become inactive until the owner fails to file required reports or fails to pay assessed fees and the state gets around to taking action. I also see many cases of corporations continuing to be in business after the corporation has been dissolved by a state.

  50. Curious George says:

    Rickey: I wouldn’t put too much stock in that. Many corporations continue to show up as active corporations several years after they have gone out of business.They don’t become inactive until the owner fails to file required reports or fails to pay assessed fees and the state gets around to taking action. I also see many cases of corporations continuing to be in business after the corporation has been dissolved by a state.

    Thanks for the info Rickey.

  51. Check out 😉

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Would be a good time to take over the site and create a parody.

  52. bob says:

    And Zullo will again be on Freedom Friday today.

  53. Zullo must miss the limelight. It has been over a year since the last fake press conference. Then he got fired and the Cold Cuts Posse was dissolved after Penzone took office. It’s been a tough year for Mikey. Now he is back to being a nobody again and he doesn’t like it.

    And Zullo will again be on Freedom Friday today.

  54. bob says:

    Reality Check: Zullo must miss the limelight. It has been over a year since the last fake press conference.

    It was “only” a half-hour segment, and it was only warmed-over Gillar. :yawn:

  55. No. I called Zullo’s Super Secret office a few weeks back only to be told he doesn’t work there anymore. Yeah, yeah, I know. Everything revolves around Nancy, the Forger.


    Spare me the snide comments.

    In the meantime, enjoy my latest videos:

    Nancy Ruth Owens Explains Why She Took The Reagan Assassination Contract

    Nancy Ruth Owens Talks About the Murder of Juan Ochao

    Nancy Ruth Owens Talks About the Murder of Chucho Castro

    Reality Check:
    Zullo must miss the limelight. It has been over a year since the last fake press conference. Then he got fired and the Cold Cuts Posse was dissolved after Penzone took office. It’s been a tough year for Mikey. Now he is back to being a nobody again and he doesn’t like it.

  56. gorefan says:

    bob: It was “only” a half-hour segment, and it was only warmed-over Gillar.:yawn:

    They are trying to compare the closeup image of the certificate that Savannah Guthrie took with the wider image that she took.

    They still don’t understand the concept of resolution and optimizing of images for the internet.

  57. Curious George says:

    And now a short break….

    This is pretty good. I never knew that the Donald was a singer.

  58. gorefan says:

    bob: It was “only” a half-hour segment, and it was only warmed-over Gillar.:yawn:

    Zullo claimed that you cannot find the images Guthrie took on any site associated with her. But the internet is forever and her old pages are still available.

  59. The domain is still registered until next December by the MCSO Cold Case Posse with the same Daisy Mountain post office. It’s still listed by the IRS as a “Public Charity” under tax ID number 01-0877871.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Would be a good time to take over the site and create a parody.

  60. Rickey says:

    Nancy Ruth Owens, Obama's Forger:
    No. I called Zullo’s Super Secret office a few weeks back only to be told he doesn’t work there anymore.

    As I have explained to you before, Mike Moore is now 71 years old and is retired. According to his Facebook page, he most recently worked for the Glades County Sheriff’s office.

    Mike Zullo is 57 years old and has never lived in Florida.

    In the meantime, enjoy my latest videos:

    You have an odd concept of what constitutes enjoyment.

  61. Zullo never worked for the MCSO. He was a volunteer. In January Sheriff Penzone removed Zullo and some others from all posse duties and disbanded the Cold Case Posse. So it should have been obvious that he was not available when you called.

    I have Zullo’s home and cell phone numbers. Even though I think he is a complete fraud I would never give his numbers to a lunatic like you.

    Nancy Ruth Owens, Obama's Forger: No. I called Zullo’s Super Secret office a few weeks back only to be told he doesn’t work there anymore. Yeah, yeah, I know. Everything revolves around Nancy, the Forger.

  62. Rickey says:

    Reality Check:
    Zullo never worked for the MCSO. He was a volunteer. In January Sheriff Penzone removed Zullo and some others from all posse duties and disbanded the Cold Case Posse. So it should have been obvious that he was not available when you called.

    I have Zullo’s home and cell phone numbers. Even though I think he is a complete fraud I would never give his numbers to a lunatic like you.

    Nancy conflates Mike Zullo with Mike Moore, so when she claimed that she called his office I assumed that she was referring to the Clewiston Sheriff’s office. She mentioned in the last open thread that “I called Mike Zullo Moore’s office again.” So it isn’t clear if she called the Clewiston Sheriff’s office or the MCSO. Or may be she just spoke to the voices in her head.

  63. That’s where I’d put my money.

    Rickey: Or may be she just spoke to the voices in her head.

  64. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check: uo

    She probably called the butterball hotline.

  65. Clewiston, Hendry County, Florida which is right next door to Glades County.

  66. Curious George says:

    More fiction from Rondew and Z00-low.

    Do they have any idea how ridiculous they look? Rondew refers to Z00-low as the “Obama birth certificate forgery investigator…” What are his credentials? What are his qualifications? What law enforcement agency or private investigation firm does he now work for? His position with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office is gone. His Cold Case Posse has been disbanded. Sharon offers no evidence for continuing to call him “investigator.”

    The past three weeks would not have been necessary if Z00-low actually believed the results that his forensic “experts” supposedly produced for his last press conference in December of 2016. Birthers are still looking very, very foolish.

  67. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Trying to explain to David Farrar that the Declaration of Independence isn’t actually standing US Law on the media matters article:

    David Farrar
    The organic laws of the United States of America can be found in Volume One of the United States Code which contains the general and permanent laws of the United States. U.S. Code (2007) defines the organic laws of the United States of America to include the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777, the Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787, and the Constitution of September 17, 1787.

    Since the U.S. Constitution was written to protect the “natural rights” of its citizens, and since it is the “natural right” of every person to be born “subject to the jurisdiction” of their father’s jurisdiction; an Art. II, § I, Cl. 5 natural born citizen, is a person born exclusively under U.S. sovereignty, with no other foreign allegiances at birth.

    Pogue Moran
    lol the articles of confederation can be found in that section as well. That doesn’t make it US law. Are you seriously going to claim that the Articles of Confederation are still standing US Law?

    Yes, of course, unless they have been repealed or superseded.

    David seriously thinks that the Articles of Confederation are still standing US Law.

  68. bob says:

    Curious George: Rondew refers to Z00-low as the “Obama birth certificate forgery investigator…” What are his credentials? What are his qualifications?

    You are talking about Rondeau, who considers herself a “journalist” working for a “newspaper.”

  69. justlw says:

    Curious George: I would venture a guess that Moore will probably claim that out-of-staters and dead people voted for Jones.

    From the lawsuit:

    53. In an affidavit sworn to on December 21. 2017, poll worker, Sally Finney, attested that: “In all the times I have been a poll worker [for more than 20 years], I have never seen what I saw at the Vaughn Park Church of Christ polling place on December 21, 2017” regarding the large number of out-of-state drivers’ licenses.

    Reading that, my first thought was, “I wonder if the Vaughn Park Church of Christ polling place happens to be anywhere near a college campus, where a large number of completely legally registered voters might indeed have out-of-state drivers’ licenses?”

    (Spoiler: yup)

  70. There are some schools nearby:,+3800+Vaughn+Road,+Montgomery,+AL/@32.3445837,-86.2575413,13.75z

    It’s interesting that in Alabama an out-of-state drivers license counts as an ID for voting. In South Carolina it would not.

    See also this guide for Students wanting to vote in Alabama:

    It’s also interesting that according to the preceding, no documentation of residency is required when registering to vote in Alabama.

    justlw: (Spoiler: yup)

  71. See also:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: David seriously thinks that the Articles of Confederation are still standing US Law.

  72. I left this comment at the P&E:

    I know Mr. Zullo desperately wants to find something wrong with Obama’s birth certificate, but I would have thought that after so many misfires, he would get the message that he’s wasting his time. Zullo is not an trained investigator, he is not a forensic expert, and he is not competent to do the work he is trying to do. It’s obvious from his consistent failure.

    In this instance, he falls for an optical illusion. If you rotate the close-up Guthrie photo so that the lines are horizontal, then it is obvious that the “frica” are aligned the same. It’s only when viewed at an angle that the eye tries to interpolate the image and makes the “f” appear higher.

    An qualified and unbiased expert wouldn’t have made such an elementary mistake. Also a rational person would realize that Obama releasing several different versions of his birth certificate on the same day (or even making multiples in the first place) defies reason. When something is patently absurd on its face, then it’s not true.

    We’ll see if she publishes it.

    Curious George:
    More fiction from Rondew and Z00-low.

    Do they have any idea how ridiculous they look? Rondew refers to Z00-low as the “Obama birth certificate forgery investigator…”What are his credentials? What are his qualifications?What law enforcement agency or private investigation firm does he now work for?His position with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office is gone.His Cold Case Posse has been disbanded. Sharon offers no evidence for continuing to call him “investigator.”

    The past three weeks would not have been necessary if Z00-low actually believed the results that his forensic “experts” supposedly produced for his last press conference in December of 2016.Birthers are still looking very, very foolish.

  73. It’s one thing to read a book or an article that talks about how Russian actors troll the Internet to influence American political opinion. It another to start reading pro-Trump comments and wonder whether they are legitimate Trump supporters, or some foreign propagandist.

    And then the conspiracy connection clicks: published birther articles. Did the Trump campaign start way back in 2010.

  74. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    See also this guide for Students wanting to vote in Alabama:

    There also have been allegations of out-of-state license plates being seen at polling places in Vermont. But Vermont allows out-of-state students to vote in Vermont, even though Vermont DMV does not consider them to be residents. So of course those students do not have Vermont driver’s licenses or Vermont license plates.

    In the meantime, Trump’s “voter fraud” commission hasn’t had a meeting since September.

  75. That’s a good thing.

    Rickey: In the meantime, Trump’s “voter fraud” commission hasn’t had a meeting since September.

  76. bob says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: We’ll see if she publishes it.

    You caught Rondeau in a generous mood; she did publish it.

    But Rondeau is capricious; sometimes she’ll not publish a comment, notwithstanding it comporting with her site’s commenting policy. (Of course, any comment bashing Obama or from a friend of hers will get published, notwithstanding the same commenting policy.)

  77. roadburner says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It’s one thing to read a book or an article that talks about how Russian actors troll the Internet to influence American political opinion. It another to start reading pro-Trump comments and wonder whether they are legitimate Trump supporters, or some foreign propagandist.

    YouTube is rife with sock puppets on pro trump subjects.

    normally the comments are of one or two lines, mis-spelled and inflamatory, and originate from accounts that are mostly female (allegedly) that lack content of any kind.

    they will also not reply when you respond to their comment.

    at first i thought it was normal trolls, but to be that many and consistantly the same type and M.O. is a Little to much of a coincidence for me.

  78. Doc

    Sharon didn’t like your comment.

    Sharon Rondeau
    Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 9:44 AM
    What you have posted is a bald-faced lie. Zullo’s training and credentials are a matter of public record, and the excuse you make for the “optical illusion” of the “Guthrie photo” is completely unacceptable in the world of real, paper documents. Would any authorities accept that explanation in the presentation of your own paper birth certificate?

    Because the Obama birth certificate image is a forgery, there is no “rational” explanation for its many anomalies. You and several others here appear to have a deep, vested interest in continuing this ridiculous charade.

    This is a final warning to all commenters: Anyone posting knowingly false information will be banned permanently. While intellectually-honest discourse in search of the truth is encouraged, flagrant dishonesty is not.

    I would ask Rondeau for a link to Zullo’s credentials as a forensic document analyst or anything related.

  79. Rickey says:

    Reality Check:

    Sharon Rondeau said: Anyone posting knowingly false information will be banned permanently.

    Does that mean that she is going to ban herself?

  80. Rickey says:

    I submitted the following comment at P&E:

    I researched Mike Zullo’s credentials 3 1/2 years ago. He was a police officer with the Demarest, New Jersey (population approximately 5,000) Police Department for a couple of years, more than 25 years ago. He wasn’t a detective. The Demarest Police Department doesn’t have any detectives. It has a Chief, 3 Sergeants, and 9 Patrolmen.

    Since 2002 Demarest has experienced no murders, 1 rape, no armed robberies, 14 assaults, 17 auto thefts, and 1 case of arson. Most of the crimes in Demarests are burglaries and thefts. There hasn’t been a single case of forgery.

    The Demarest Police Department told me that they have no record of Zullo ever working on a case involving forgery or document forensics. They said that they would not handle a forgery investigation because it would be beyond their expertise.

  81. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    So I asked Sharon if she’ll be self banning but alas I was already banded a week ago.

  82. Arthur B. says:

    “The Demarest Police Department told me that they have no record of Zullo ever working on a case involving forgery or document forensics.”

    Ah, but did you research his experience in Clewiston? That’s the murder/forgery capital of the world, doncha know.

  83. Rondeau and Mike Volin are the reason why nobody found out about the fake Kenneth Starr, “Monica Lewinsky,” scandal which was far worse that what was presented to the public.

    I was approached by both Rondeau and Volin and they had the infamous blue dress in their possession asking me just a few short questions about what I knew. Rondeau has her own reasons for making sure no negative comments or truthful information gets posted on her website.

    To the best of my knowledge, I have never successfully gotten a comment through on her site.

    It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if she was eventually one of the people who are being investigated under a sealed indictment in South Florida.

    Most of you have seen this video of me talking with Mike Volin about Obama’s forged birth certificate.

    But, for those of you who haven’t, I’ll post it again:

    There appears to be only one for Middle Florida and my guess is that it could be Charlie Christ who reportedly lives in the Tampa area.

  84. Curious George says:


    “What you have posted is a bald-faced lie. Zullo’s training and credentials are a matter of public record, and the excuse you make for the “optical illusion” of the “Guthrie photo” is completely unacceptable in the world of real, paper documents. Would any authorities accept that explanation in the presentation of your own paper birth certificate?

    Because the Obama birth certificate image is a forgery, there is no “rational” explanation for its many anomalies. You and several others here appear to have a deep, vested interest in continuing this ridiculous charade.

    This is a final warning to all commenters: Anyone posting knowingly false information will be banned permanently. While intellectually-honest discourse in search of the truth is encouraged, flagrant dishonesty is not. ”

    Based on her comment, she should be closing down her site. What a hypocrite.

  85. I replied to Rondeau:

    I fully agree that Mr. Zullo’s document analysis credentials are a matter of public record. There is no public record, and he has no credentials. Real journalists ask hard questions, not just believe what they want to be true.

    If you think what I said is a bald faced lie, then all you have to is publish those public records. But you cannot do that because those records do not exist. I checked already.

    We’ll see if she lets it out of moderation. I think this one will not see the light of day.

    Curious George: What you have posted is a bald-faced lie. Zullo’s training and credentials are a matter of public record,

  86. Public service announcement:

    A collection of 1.4 BILLION email addresses and passwords was found on the Dark Web by security researchers.

    My email address was found along with my passwords for, (a michigan newspaper website) and (a Kansas website).

    My regular email address was also found for (although it was an old password not currently in use).

    The problem with these password dumps is that they can be used for brute force matching to hashed passwords on other sites if you use a password in more than one place.

    The good news is that my password for this site is not on the list, so I assume we’ve not been hacked.

    To check your email address, visit

    It takes several days for them to respond.

  87. Curious George says:

    Reality Check:

    Sharon didn’t like your comment.

    I would ask Rondeau for a link to Zullo’s credentials as a forensic document analyst or anything related.

    Let’s not forget about Zullo’s used car salesperson credentials. How many years of high school did he complete? How many years of college did he complete? What formal document authentication training does he have? Come on Sharon. Show us the public record.

  88. Zullo’s bud Carl Gallups also claims to have law enforcement experience but has never provided any details as to what it was.

    We know Mike Volin has law enforcement experience. He was a guest of law enforcement in New York for a few years.

  89. bob says:

    Reality Check: Zullo’s bud Carl Gallups also claims to have law enforcement experience but has never provided any details as to what it was.

    Gallups occasionally says that, around 30 years ago, he was a deputy in two different sheriff’s departments. (And Gallups’ LinkedIn profile says something similar.)

    Gallups likes to puff about his actual duties, but he’s rather vague. But most deputies guard either jails or courthouses; few conduct investigations.

  90. Curious George says:

    bob: Gallups occasionally says that, around 30 years ago, he was a deputy in two different sheriff’s departments.(And Gallups’ LinkedIn profile says something similar.)

    Gallups likes to puff about his actual duties, but he’s rather vague.But most deputies guard either jails or courthouses; few conduct investigations.

    Hey Sharon…Let’s see a picture of Zullo’s Lieutenant badge from the MCSO, and let’s see a picture of his Detective badge from the Demarest Police Department. Let’s see pictures of the credentials from each department that certify his rank. And no, we don’t need to see his used car credentials. Sharon, you’re just too gullible for words.

  91. bob says:

    Rondeau’s latest:

    The obvious desperation of those defending an obviously fraudulent government document is now generating comments so absurd and nonsensical that their authors will have to go elsewhere to post their musings. The game is up, Obots, and some of you might be facing the inside of a courtroom soon.

    She seems nice.

  92. Sharon obviously has a burr up her butt. It obviously shows. Too bad we obviously have no other place to comment, except here, and the Fogbow, and RCRadio Blog, and any other of hundreds of comment streams.

  93. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Curious George: Let’s not forget about Zullo’s used car salesperson credentials.How many years of high school did he complete?How many years of college did he complete?What formal document authentication training does he have? Come on Sharon.Show us the public record.

    Gillar admitted he was working as a bouncer when he wasn’t putting in his 60 hours a week on posse work

  94. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bob: Gallups occasionally says that, around 30 years ago, he was a deputy in two different sheriff’s departments.(And Gallups’ LinkedIn profile says something similar.)

    Gallups likes to puff about his actual duties, but he’s rather vague.But most deputies guard either jails or courthouses; few conduct investigations.

    I think gallups said once he worked on corrections as a guard

  95. I think Brian Reilly commented that Zullo’s county owned car had dents in it from Zullo’s bouncer activity.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Gillar admitted he was working as a bouncer when he wasn’t putting in his 60 hours a week on posse work

  96. Rickey says:

    My comment about Zullo’s experience with the Demarest Police Department did not make it through Rondeau’s moderation.

  97. Curious George says:

    My comment about Zullo’s experience with the Demarest Police Department did not make it through Rondeau’s moderation.

    It’s no surprise. She must keep the false narrative untainted by truth.

  98. I like the way Rondeau replies to comments she didn’t allow through moderation. Orly used to do that too.

  99. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check:
    I like the way Rondeau replies to comments she didn’tallow through moderation. Orly used to do that too.

    Oh i think the last one was in response to James Brolin.

  100. I know that but she replied to Doc’s second comment w/o ever publishing it.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Oh i think the last one was in response to James Brolin.

  101. gorefan says:

    Someone overlaid the two Nordyke twins birth certificates. Depending on how you count them, there appear to be at least seven points of forgery.

  102. Curious George says:

    Ms. Rondeew is agenda driven, not driven by a search for the truth. What far right group is financially underwriting her disinformation campaign?

  103. bob says:

    Curious George:
    Ms. Rondeew is agenda driven, not driven by a search for the truth. What far right group is financially underwriting her disinformation campaign?

    Sadly, the government. (She’s a taker.)

  104. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Someone overlaid the two Nordyke twins birth certificates.Depending on how you count them, there appear to be at least seven points of forgery.

    Basically the Paul Irey argument. Invert the color.

  105. bob says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Oh i think the last one was in response to James Brolin.

    Regardless, Rondeau deleted her own comment (but not Brolin’s).

  106. Curious George says:

    Sharon, it’s your responsibility to your readers to publish the public record regarding Mike Zullo’s investigatory credentials regarding his qualifications to review and authenticate government documents. Also, too what is his educational background? You basically questioned Dr. C’s truthfulness after he posted on your site and then you went on your merry way and didn’t offer Zullo’s credentials and qualifications. Also, too, where is the proof that Mike Zullo was a Lieutenant with the MCSO or a Detective with the Demarest Police Department? Don’t you verify anything when it comes to Birther claims? You can do better Sharon.

  107. Maybe she finally fairly enforced her comment policy?

    bob: Regardless, Rondeau deleted her own comment (but not Brolin’s).

  108. bob says:

    Rondeau doesn’t verify birther claims. I once asked what was the proof that FOX canceled Zullo’s appearance, and she said that’s what he was told by Arpaio. I asked if she ever confirmed that with Arpaio or FOX, and she said I should.

    So Rondeau’s “journalism” is “I’ll print it if Zullo says it.”

  109. Curious George says:

    Rondeau doesn’t verify birther claims.I once asked what was the proof that FOX canceled Zullo’s appearance, and she said that’s what he was told by Arpaio. I asked if she ever confirmed that with Arpaio or FOX, and she said I should.

    So Rondeau’s “journalism” is “I’ll print it if Zullo says it.”

    So, Rondeew is simply a shill for birthers and their propaganda? Say it ain’t so, Sharon.

  110. It’s just one damned thing after another. Last month it was a campaign from hundreds of Chinese IP addresses accessing the Contact Us page and sending emails. This month it’s a marketing company that apparently scans web sites for their advertising links, compiling reports for competitors. I don’t have any advertising links, but that didn’t stop them from accessing this site over 50,000 times in the past 3 1/2 days, including 1,300 looks at our privacy policy and 1,300 hits on the About page.

    This web site hosting plan includes 256 GB of bandwidth, but that got blown away. In order to get back online (and get 5 other domains back online), I had to pay for a more expensive hosting plan for this month.

    If you run a website, I suggest using your .htaccess file to block SemrushBot, or in my case use the WordFence plug-in for WordPress to exclude it.

  111. RAJO says:

    why is anyone going on about birth certificates, everyone knows they have been certified as true and accurate and there has never been one shown to be false, get over it and proceed to some other conspiracy, such as the Trump collusion which again must be true because so many people believed it happened , and where there is smoke there must be truth, as the government would never protect the fakers

  112. Curious George says:

    I tried to access your site several times and got a page with a big bold “509” and something about not having enough bandwidth.

  113. You make a reasonable observation, but birthers are not a reasonable lot. And the birthers figure the certification is not true because [insert some far fetched and impossible scenario] and that their own self-proclaimed and self-credentialed experts have shown it a forgery. Birthers live in an alternate universe with alternative methodologies and alternate facts.

    why is anyone going on about birth certificates, everyone knows they have been certified as true and accurate and there has never been one shown to be false, get over it and proceed to some other conspiracy, such as the Trump collusion which again must be true because so many people believed it happened , and where there is smoke there must be truth, as the government would never protect the fakers

  114. See a few comments up.

    There may be further interruption of service as patches are applied for the “Meltdown” and “Spectre” vulnerabilities.

    Curious George:
    I tried to access your site several times and got a page with a big bold“509” and something about not having enough bandwidth.

  115. This bot thing is a royal pain. Some very large percentage of the site traffic, which slows things down on in the most recent instance took the site down, comes from non human activity. One report said that half of the Internet is non-human, but here identifiable bots account for 84%. Here are some of the bots that visited just this month, and these are the ones that identify themselves as bots, not the stealthy ones that scan for vulnerabilities:

    SemrushBot (now blocked)
    Yahoo! slurp
    YandexBot bot

    Those are the ones from a list of 34 that accessed my robots.txt file that identified themselves as bots.

    Additionally there was:

    AhfrefsBot (now blocked)

    Actually the Bot % is probably higher than 84. Bots typically only access content, while real user access the CSS, scripts, images and such as well. Also I only counted a bot that had “bot” in its OS field. A bot doesn’t have to do that.

  116. I would nominate the comparison of the Obama birth certificate nonsense to the investigation into the Russian interference into the 2016 election for the “False Equivalency of the Year” Award if such an award existed.

    why is anyone going on about birth certificates, everyone knows they have been certified as true and accurate and there has never been one shown to be false, get over it and proceed to some other conspiracy, such as the Trump collusion which again must be true because so many people believed it happened , and where there is smoke there must be truth, as the government would never protect the fakers

  117. RAJO says:

    there is as much dispute about the birth certificate as there is a about the Russian collusion, and both sides agree the other side is supporting unverifiable information put out by the other side.
    Very good information on both sides that the other side disagrees with,

    Go on to another conspiracy!

  118. bob says:

    there is as much dispute about the birth certificate

    There is no legal or factual basis to dispute that Hawaii has repeatedly and expressly said Obama was born there, which is sufficent for any purpose in the United States.

  119. My Birther radar detector went off with his first comment.

    bob: There is no legal or factual basis to dispute that Hawaii has repeatedly and expressly said Obama was born there, which is sufficent for any purpose in the United States.

  120. Curious George says:

    Reality Check:
    My Birther radar detector went off with his first comment.

    Yes indeed, a Birther!

  121. Pete says:

    There is absolutely zero factual evidence to support the birther claims. They are as much a fantasy as a belief that unicorns built the pyramids.

    On the other hand, we know for certain that there were improper things going on like meetings between all of Trump’s top campaign people and Russians who they believed had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

    We know that there were numerous ties between Trump campaign people and Russia.

    We now know that Trump fired Comey to stop him from investigating those ties, and tried to stop Sessions from recusing himself so that Sessions would shield him from the investigation.

    Comparing the two is like saying that a 4 year old’s drawing of a truck is exactly the same thing as an actual truck.

  122. RAJO says:

    That is what the poll says, and it does show that there is an large amount of people differ in their opinions

    do you dispute the poll

  123. RAJO says:

    It simply puts out the fact that some people think it is not true, and other people think it is true,
    Just like every other dispute in the world, anything is capable of being believed with out evidence of any kind

    YOU may believe as you wish, and try to convince others to believe it as much as you do

  124. RAJO says:

    There is absolutely zero factual evidence to support the birther claims. They are as much a fantasy as a belief that unicorns built the pyramids.

    On the other hand, we know for certain that there were improper things going on like meetings between all of Trump’s top campaign people and Russians who they believed had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

    We know that there were numerous ties between Trump campaign people and Russia.

    We now know that Trump fired Comey to stop him from investigating those ties, and tried to stop Sessions from recusing himself so that Sessions would shield him from the investigation.

    Comparing the two is like saying that a 4 year old’s drawing of a truck is exactly the same thing as an actual truck.

    we don’t know anything, we have been told by someone that those things happened

    It would be more precise to say it has been alleged by someone that those things happened,
    but being precise in statements is not usual in trolling statements, which I do not say condemns your point.

  125. So a poll shows most conservatives are complete idiots? We all knew that didn’t we?


    That is what the poll says, and it does show that there is an large amount of people differ in their opinions

    do you dispute the poll

  126. A strong trend of birtherism has existed from the time this blog started in 2008 and has continued to this day. I don’t dispute the polls. (For polling articles on this site, see

    But some people dispute the moon landing. Would you say that the moon landing deniers may have a valid contention solely because there are some number of them? I wouldn’t. If 75% of Republicans refused to say they were confident there was a moon landing would you say that maybe they were on to something? I wouldn’t. The idea is just as nutcase stupid no matter how many people believe it.

    I spent 8 years blogging about birthers on this site. There are 4,237 articles written (including these open threads) and another 122 pages. I’ve seen everything the birthers have put forward, have absorbed it, have inspected it and debated it. Birtherism is nutcase stupid. Polls have nothing to do with it. A certified statement from the Hawaii Department of Health to the State of Kansas and newspaper announcements in the 1961 Honolulu newspapers (and dozens of lesser reasons) are what matters, not the number of stupid people in the country.

    RAJO: do you dispute the poll

  127. It’s Trader Jack.


    Reality Check: My Birther radar detector went off with his first comment.

  128. bob says:

    Reality Check:
    So a poll shows most conservatives are complete idiots?We all knew that didn’t we?

    Many conservatives believe Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii, despite the evidence he was (and the lack evidence that he wasn’t).

    Many conservatives also believe there was no collusion with Russia, despite the extensive resources being expended at the highest levels by the many people with superior knowledge who are tasked to investigate and determine such things.

    And, apparently, a random internet commenter (and known troll) is impressed by such false equivalences.

  129. rajo says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It’s Trader Jack.


    not once did I indicate that the statements were true or false, not once did I say what my opinion is, or was, I simply stated that there are two sides to every question and just because I say something does it make it true, and that is true of almost all people

    I keep reading this and saw that you had been banned from pemail and thought I should at least know that other people will cut off posting when they don’t agree with the poster,

    No one likes to be challenged as to the truth of their statements and almost everyone will try to delete posting that expose their own positions might be wrong.

    Have a good year Doc. You never did want to really discuss the problems

  130. bob says:

    rajo: You never did want to really discuss the problems

    Does Russia pay you by the piece for the concern trolling?

  131. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    It’s Trader Jack.


    I suspected that after reading a few of his posts. In Jack’s world there is no such thing as a fact. There are just beliefs, and one person’s beliefs are as good as another’s.

  132. There is no “Barack Hussein Obama” born In Hawaii. Having said that, there is a “Barack H. Obama” who was born on Aug 4th or 5th. I believe it was August the 4th.

    When I examined the rolls back in 1985, that was the closest I could come to my half-brother’s actual birthdate.

    The “Hussein” part was chosen by Griselda Blanco the Second. Griselda Blanco means “Gruesome White” in Spanish. I am Griselda Blanco the First.

    Olivia Sepulchre became Griselda Blanco the Second in 1984 because I had started attending Palm Beach Community College’s Lake Worth Campus studying Journalism before I transferred up to UF’s Gainesville College of Journalism and the Medellin Cartel did not want my street rep to go to waste.

    Studying these rolls was taught to me and the class by our Journalism professor, Dr. Nobel.

    In short, Hawaii lied and Nancy D’Alessandro Pelosi played the main role in getting it to pass because it could be exposed that she did not kill Jimmy Hoffa in 1980.

    Like Griselda Blanco II, Pelosi wanted my street rep for herself and she, like Hillary Clinton, was clueless to what was really going on in the swamps.

    Namely, that the Russians were moving their generals and mini-subs into the region.

    Trump, likewise, had no clue despite his time spent in the Everglades because they were all busy chasing the cocaine gold which allowed them to seize power during this time. Now it is being exposed.

    This is, as I have said many times before, Russia’s game and Russia’s only with our elites being blown about like feathers in the wind.

    There is Russian collusion.

    There is Russian dominance and I don’t see it slowing down anytime real soon.


    Dr. Conspiracy:

    A certified statement from the Hawaii Department of Health to the State of Kansas and newspaper announcements in the 1961 Honolulu newspapers (and dozens of lesser reasons) are what matters, not the number of stupid people in the country.

  133. RAJO says:

    all is easily solved, this is on the OIGs report:

    The Forensics Document Laboratory provides a wide variety of forensic document analysis and law enforcement services for the
    Immigration and Naturalization Services and other Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies. It also develops and presents
    training programs in the detection of fraudulent documents, assists in identifying fraudulent documents, and acts as a liaison in promoting
    common efforts to combat international document fraud.

  134. “If you would like to report illegal aliens, please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423). They will need to know names, locations (either work place or residence) and any other specific information you can provide. For more information, please visit”

    RAJO: The Forensics Document Laboratory provides a wide variety of forensic document analysis and law enforcement services for the
    Immigration and Naturalization Services and other Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies.

  135. The essence of trollery.

    rajo: not once did I indicate that the statements were true or false, not once did I say what my opinion is, or was,

  136. Curious George says:


    ” I simply stated that there are two sides to every question…”

    There is one side that accepts the official Hawaii Department of Health certified Verification of Birth for Barack Hussein Obama II and then there is the other side that accepts the word of a used car salesman’s erroneous conclusions presented at three press conferences.

  137. Since Rondeau banned anyone posting facts at the P&E the number of comments has dried up to a trickle. That was predictable.

  138. bob says:

    Reality Check:
    Since Rondeau banned anyone posting facts at the P&E the number of comments has dried up to a trickle. That was predictable.

    And her birther articles are the only ones that garner any action.

  139. Rickey says:

    The Spanish word for “gruesome” is not “Griselda,” in case anyone bothered to read Nancy’s latest.

  140. RAJO says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    “If you would like to report illegal aliens, please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423). They will need to know names, locations (either work place or residence) and any other specific information you can provide. For more information, please visit”

    I don’t know any illegal aliens, and have no desire to enquire as to anyone’s status, but, if they are caught , out they should go.

    Interesting though, my mail included a statement that if you want to fly after Oct, 20,2020 you will need a governmental official id,

    I have no intention to fly, although my ashes might fly to DC to join my father and mothers burial site at Arlington.

  141. RAJO says:

    Curious George:

    ” I simply stated that there are two sides to every question…”

    There is one side that accepts the official Hawaii Department of Health certified Verification of Birth for Barack Hussein Obama II and then there is the other side that accepts the word of a used car salesman’s erroneous conclusions presented at three press conferences.

    you are correct, but said used car salesman did not come into play untll late in the discussions. unless you are not referring to Zullo as a used car salesman, but he is the only one that had three press conferences.

  142. That’s what I was told at the time. I can’t correct definitions that others made in the past and I’m not going to change my statement no matter what the correct verbiage is.

    The Spanish word for “gruesome” is not “Griselda,” in case anyone bothered to read Nancy’s latest.

  143. Rickey says:


    Interesting though, my mail included a statement that if you want to fly after Oct, 20,2020 you will need a governmental official id,

    You need government-issued ID to fly now, and it has been a requirement for quite some time.

  144. bob says:

    RAJO: but said used car salesman did not come into play untll late in the discussions.

    Zullo’s first press conference was nearly six years ago.

    Regardless, it is a false equivalency to suggest the opinion of a seller of used cars carries the same weight as a state’s official records.

  145. Rickey says:

    RAJO: you are correct, but said used car salesman did not come into play untll late in the discussions. unless you are not referring to Zullo asa used car salesman, but he is the only one that had three press conferences.

    Your leading birthers in 2008 included a now-disbarred attorney in Pennsylvania, a mail-order attorney/dentist in California who has never won a lawsuit, and an attorney-turned-poker player in New Jersey.

    There are good reasons why no competent Constitutional Law attorney ever challenged Obama’s eligibility. Those reasons include the fact that Obama was born in the United States and the fact that he is indisputably a natural born citizen.

  146. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    rajo: Have a good year Doc. You never did want to really discuss the problems

    There were never any problems with the birth certificate no matter how many fake names you come back here to troll with.

  147. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: all is easily solved, this is on the OIGs report:

    Yes we’ve discussed the OIG report which you’ve continued lying about over the years. The OIG report doesn’t support your claims. There’s more proof that you killed your fellow troll Hermitian than there is that Obama faked his birth certificate.

  148. bob says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: There’s more proof that you killed your fellow troll Hermitian than there is that Obama faked his birth certificate.

    I’m not saying that Trader Jack killed Hermitian, but some believe he did.

  149. RE:

    Rickey: now-disbarred attorney in Pennsylvania

    Who might that be? I’ve had several conversations with someone, AKA “McDaniel,” from Pennsylvania concerning the birth certificate and was threatened by this same individual to shut-up ASAP saying that my comments were attracting too much attention. Doc knows who I’m talking about.

  150. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bob: I’m not saying that Trader Jack killed Hermitian, but some believe he did.

    Definitely there are a far amount of people who believe he did and their beliefs are equally as important as Trader Jack’s beliefs.

  151. Phil Berg.

    I don’t return McDaniel’s calls.

    Nancy Owens, The Obama Forger:

    Who might that be? I’ve had several conversations with someone, AKA “McDaniel,”from Pennsylvania concerning the birth certificate and was threatened by this same individual to shut-up ASAP saying that my comments were attracting too much attention. Doc knows who I’m talking about.

  152. Curious George says:

    Rajo to Curious George….

    “you are correct, but said used car salesman did not come into play until late in the discussions. ”

    Yes, I know I’m correct.

    Said used car salesman came into play in 2012, after the first press conference by Zullo.

  153. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    I don’t return McDaniel’s calls.

    Did you every identify McDaniel? I’m not asking for his name, just wondering.

  154. Rickey says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Definitely there are a far amount of people who believe he did and their beliefs are equally as important as Trader Jack’s beliefs.

    As Trader Jack says, there are two sides to every story.

  155. Curious George says:


    “I don’t know any illegal aliens, and have no desire to enquire as to anyone’s status, but, if they are caught , out they should go.”

    If there is no probable cause for law enforcement to make the contact, they won’t go out. That’s why Arpaio is now a convicted criminal. No probable cause for the stops and intentionally ignoring a court order to discontinue the contacts without probable cause. You’re hanging all of your beliefs on a former used car salesman and a former sheriff who has a criminal conviction, instead of a certified document from the state of Hawaii. A pretty sad statement for Birthers don’t you think?

  156. RAJO says:

    No, I hang my opinions, on what I think I know, Just like all of the people on the blogs,
    You really don’t know anything, you have been told things that you believe to be true,

    I know that all certified birth certificates are not without error, or false, amended ,or corrected by looking at the court cases where they are being considered in the trial courts.

    “The Immigration and Naturalization Service says it seizes dozens of fraudulent birth certificates every day, either counterfeit copies or valid ones acquired by impostors.

    ”The birth certificate is really the document of choice” for illegal immigrants, said James R. Hesse, chief intelligence officer at the agency’s Forensic Document Laboratory.

    ”It shows both identity and nationality, and that’s a big deal.”

    Read it an weep, fellows, and ladies,
    then remember that certification does not guarantee anything other than a document has been copied,

    and this would be in the time area of massive bc fraud, not that it guarantees anything is false or true.

  157. RAJO says:


    “During the course of our study, we found that many misconceptions exist surrounding the
    security and integrity of birth certificates. We also found that a lack of education exists
    regarding the importance of securing vital records information. Misconceptions include
    the following:
    C a birth certificate insures the identity and citizenship of the person holding it;
    C birth certificates can be obtained only by the individual listed on the certificate or
    appropriate family members;
    C if a birth certificate contains a crimped seal, it is “real”;
    C birth certificate information is always safeguarded when provided to user agencies
    or entities (e.g., sports managers); and
    C lamination improves the integrity of birth certificates

    OH,well, it is all over now.

  158. Rickey says:

    No, I hang my opinions, on what I think I know, Just like all of the people on the blogs,
    You really don’t know anything, you have been told things that you believe to be true,

    Leave it to you to cite as authoritative a newspaper article that was published 17 1/2 years ago. A lot has changed since then, and it has become much more difficult to obtain someone’s birth certificate.

    That said, none of the examples cited in the article have any relevance to Obama’s birth certificate. The State of Hawaii has repeatedly verified the authenticity of his birth certificate, and no person has come forward claiming to be the real Barack Obama. If the man who was president from 2009 to 2017 isn’t Barack Obama, where is the real Barack Obama? And if Barack Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii, where was he born?

    You and the rest of the birthers have nothing and have never had anything.

  159. RAJO says:

    OH, for heaven’s sake, Hawaii has only certified a copy of the document on the file, and the problem with birth certificates if the can be created at will by the vital statisics section, or under court order for adoptions.
    Ergo, the birth records may , or may not , be true and accurate.

    And only certification of the information on the birth records is by the mother, and the doctor certifies the birth.

    If they were all so true and accurate why would there be so much information and news about birth certificate fraud.

    The only way a health department can authentic the contents of the birth record is if they create it, or it is created by a court order.

    I can not certify the contents of my children’s birth records as the information on the record was not done in my presence

    And the certification by the mothers it “to the best of my knowledge the information is true.)

  160. Exactly. Trader Jack is doing what trolls do. He is posting inaccurate, irrelevant information and ignoring plain facts.

    Rickey: That said, none of the examples cited in the article have any relevance to Obama’s birth certificate.

  161. Curious George says:

    “You really don’t know anything, you have been told things that you believe to be true,”

    I’ve seen three copies of certified Verifications of Birth for Barrack Obama. One for Kansas. One for the court in Mississippi sent to Democratic attorneys and eventually posted by Birther, Attorney, Orly Taitz on her website. And one sent to Arizona. which was used by the Arizona Secretary of State as certification of the information contained on the PDF displayed on the White House website.

    “I can not certify the contents of my children’s birth records as the information on the record was not done in my presence.”

    I can certify the birth information regarding my child’s birth certificate because I was there when he was born. Where were you for the birth of your children?

    “If they were all so true and accurate why would there be so much information and news about birth certificate fraud[?]”

    President Barack Obama’s birth certificate has been probably the most scrutinized birth certificate in American history. Unfortunately, many of the people who thought the Obama Birth certificate was not authentic had a strong distrust for government and had absolutely no expertise in document authentication. President Obama was our president for 8 years. Time to move on rajo.

  162. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    No, I hang my opinions, on what I think I know, Just like all of the people on the blogs,
    You really don’t know anything, you have been told things that you believe to be true,

    I know that all certified birth certificates are not without error, or false, amended ,or corrected by looking at the court cases where they are being consideredin the trial courts.

    “The Immigration and Naturalization Service says it seizes dozens of fraudulent birth certificates every day, either counterfeit copies or valid ones acquired by impostors.

    ”The birth certificate is really the document of choice” for illegal immigrants, said James R. Hesse, chief intelligence officer at the agency’s Forensic Document Laboratory.

    ”It shows both identity and nationality, and that’s a big deal.”

    Read it an weep, fellows, and ladies,
    then remember that certification does not guarantee anything other than a document has been copied,

    and this would be in the time area of massive bc fraud, not that it guarantees anything is false or true.

    And there you go lying about the report. Nowhere did they claim there was fraud in all 50 states going back top 1961. You claim because it sometimes happens in less than 1% that it must mean it happened in this case. Okay because some criminals have been called Jack that means trader Jack must be a criminal and he killed Hermitian. You know nothing Jon snow

  163. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: if the can be created at will by the vital statisics section, or under court order for adoptions.
    Ergo, the birth records may , or may not , be true and accurate.

    Do you have any proof that Obama’s was created for adoption or law enforcement reasons? Is that how yours was created?

  164. Rickey says:


    If they were all so true and accurate why would there be so much information and news about birth certificate fraud.

    If you were to get possession of my birth certificate and use it to pretend to be me that would be fraud, but it would not change the fact that the information on my birth certificate is true and accurate.

    You are conflating the fraudulent use of real birth certificates with the use of forged birth certificates. There is no evidence that President Obama has been fraudulently using another person’s birth certificate, and the State of Hawaii has verified that his birth certificate is authentic. The copies that were passed around to reporters at the press conference were copied from a bound volume of original birth certificates at the Hawaii Department of Health. It it was forged, how did it get into a bound volume?

    One last question – was Donald Trump born in the United States?

  165. There IS evidence and it’s on YouTube. There IS evidence that this info was shared with members of the MCCCP, specifically, Mike Volin.

    There IS evidence that Mike ZulloMoore LIED when he said that he didn’t know Mike Volin personally.

    As for McDaniel, I think I’m going to do a YouTube video to cover that. Why? Because it covers both the Jimmy Hoffa and the Pope murders and I suspect that “McDaniels” might be seeing a prison cell before it’s all over and done with.

    *sigh* Let me share this video with you yet once again:

    Nancy Ruth Owens Confesses Obama Birth Certificate Forgery To Investigator Mike Volin


  166. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Rickey: You are conflating the fraudulent use of real birth certificates with the use of forged birth certificates. There is no evidence that President Obama has been fraudulently using another person’s birth certificate, and the State of Hawaii has verified that his birth certificate is authentic. The copies that were passed around to reporters at the press conference were copied from a bound volume of original birth certificates at the Hawaii Department of Health. It it was forged, how did it get into a bound volume?

    This has been explained to Jack hundreds of times over. He’s been banned repeatedly by doc for his dishonesty and always comes back pretending to be someone else. Jack knows that this has nothing to do with fake birth certificates but rather the fraudulent use of real ones by people who aren’t the person on the birth certificate.

  167. RAJO says:

    Rickey: You need government-issued ID to fly now, and it has been a requirement for quite some time.

    From DHS
    “The State shall require, at a minimum, presentation and
    verification of (1) A photo identity document (except that a non-photo
    identity document is acceptable if it includes both the applicant’s
    full legal name and date of birth); (2) documentation showing the
    applicant’s date of birth; (3) proof of the person’s Social Security
    Number (SSN) or verification that the applicant is not eligible for a
    SSN; and (4) documentation showing the applicant’s name and address of
    principal residence. Sec. 202(c).
    The State shall require valid documentary evidence that
    the applicant is lawfully present in the United States. Such evidence
    shall include documentary evidence that the applicant: (1) Is a citizen
    or national of the United States; (2) is an alien lawfully admitted for
    permanent residence or temporary residence in the United States or
    pending application for same; (3) has conditional permanent resident
    status in the United States or pending application for such status; (4)
    has an approved application for asylum in the United States, a pending
    application for asylum, or has been admitted to the United States in
    refugee status; (5) was lawfully admitted to the United States using a
    valid, unexpired nonimmigrant visa; (6) has a pending or approved
    application for temporary protected status in the United States; or (7)
    has approved deferred action status. Sec. 202(c)(2)(B).”

    And that becomes effective October ,2020

    That will cause problems for people who want to fly of visit governmental offices.

  168. RAJO says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Definitely there are a far amount of people who believe he did and their beliefs are equally as important as Trader Jack’s beliefs.

    I don’t think there are many people who know who Trader Jack is, look it up on Google

  169. RAJO says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: This has been explained to Jack hundreds of times over. He’s been banned repeatedly by doc for his dishonesty and always comes back pretending to be someone else.Jack knows that this has nothing to do with fake birth certificates but rather the fraudulent use of real ones by people who aren’t the person on the birth certificate.

    Did you miss the comments by the government about the fake, forged, photocopied, certificates or governmental documents, and I know you missed it about the bc not used to identify people as the person having the document might not be the person described on the bc,

    the OIG had input for 50 states and 25 states said bc fraud was happening in their offices.

    Whether on not a particular states was on ot the25 is not availablein the records.

  170. RAJO says:

    Rickey: . The copies that were passed around to reporters at the press conference were copied from a bound volume of original birth certificates at the Hawaii Department of Health. It it was forged, how did it get into a bound volume?

    Surely you realize that bound volumes does not indicate that they are not bound loose-leaf volumes which allows them to be removed if it is necessary for it to be corrected or sealed.

  171. RAJO says:

    Curious George:
    “You really don’t know anything, you have been told things that you believe to be true,”

    (I’ve seen three copies of certified Verifications of Birth for Barrack Obama.One for Kansas.One for the court in Mississippi sent to Democratic attorneys and eventually posted by Birther, Attorney, Orly Taitz on her website.And one sent to Arizona. which was used by the Arizona Secretary of State as certification of the information contained on the PDF displayed on the White House website.)

    of course you have, they simply verified that the information they sent the agencies was the same information was previously provided in the form of a birth certificate
    “I can not certify the contents of my children’s birth records as the information on the record was not done in my presence.”

    (I can certify the birth information regarding my child’s birth certificate because I was there when he was born. Where were you for the birth of your children?)

    Did you meet the clerk who filled in the information, or did you certify that the information on the birth record was correct.
    I was not in the birth room because they did not allow that 50 years ago.

    “If they were all so true and accurate why would there be so much information and news about birth certificate fraud[?]”

    (President Barack Obama’s birth certificate has been probably the most scrutinized birth certificate in American history.Unfortunately, many of the people who thought the Obama Birth certificate was not authentic had a strong distrust for government and had absolutely no expertise in document authentication.President Obama was our president for 8 years. Time to move on rajo.)

    you are right, and not many have any education of document verification as they do not work in governmental agencies, and that includes pro and con people.


  172. RAJO says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Do you have any proof that Obama’s was created for adoption or law enforcement reasons?Is that how yours was created?

    Nope, but I am not a NBC, but my birth was recorded in the governmental agencies, and in the USN records as my father was a Navy Officer and I was born in USA possession

  173. RAJO says:

    I don’t really ;think Doc thinks I am dishonest in my statements, but perhaps he does.

    I do state that I lie, as everyone lies, about something. but my father told me to tell the truth when asked by someone who needs to know what the truth is

  174. Keith says:

    RAJO: Nope, but I am not a NBC, but my birth was recorded in the governmental agencies, and in the USN records as my father was a Navy Officer and I was born in USA possession

    From the information in this post, it is most unlikely that you would not be a Natural Born Citizen. Being born in USA is sufficient for NBC status, it is not the ONLY path to NBC.

    John McCain was not born in USA either – and he is absolutely NBC.

  175. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I don’t really ;think Doc thinks I am dishonest in my statements, but perhaps he does.

    I do state that I lie, as everyone lies, about something. but my father told me to tell the truth when asked by someone who needs to know what the truth is

    Oh Doc knows you’re dishonest in your statements which is why you have been banned multiple times.

  176. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: Nope, but I am not a NBC, but my birth was recorded in the governmental agencies, and in the USN records as my father was a Navy Officer and I was born in USA possession

    So then you’re admitting Obama is a natural born citizen then. Yes I know you also admitted previously to illegally using someone else’s social security number which is a crime. Not everyone is as dishonest as you are. It seems you’re trying to push your own criminal activity off on other people.

  177. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: “If they were all so true and accurate why would there be so much information and news about birth certificate fraud[?]”

    Again why do you keep lying? This was about people who used birth certificates that didn’t belong to them. The fraud was in using a real birth certificate you didn’t own. You know this as you’ve been corrected on this hundreds of times over and continue to lie about it.

  178. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: “If they were all so true and accurate why would there be so much information and news about birth certificate fraud[?]”

    Again why do you keep lying? This was about people who used birth certificates that didn’t belong to them. The fraud was in using a real birth certificate you didn’t own. You know this as you’ve been corrected on this hundreds of times over and continue to lie about it.

    RAJO: Did you miss the comments by the government about the fake, forged, photocopied, certificates or governmental documents, and I know you missed it about the bc not used to identify people as the person having the document might not be the person described on the bc,

    the OIG had input for 50 states and 25 states said bc fraud was happening in their offices.

    Whether on not a particular states was on ot the25 is not availablein the records.

    And Jackie Jokers is back to lying again. Did you miss the part where Hawaii wasn’t one of the states named? Did you miss the part where the time period in question wasn’t when Obama’s was issued or a certified copy was issued? Oh wait you knew this but you keep lying about it anyway.

  179. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: Surely you realize that bound volumes does not indicate that theyare not bound loose-leaf volumes which allows them to be removed if it is necessary for it to be corrected or sealed.

    Are you on drugs?

  180. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: I don’t think there are many people who know who Trader Jack is, look it up on Google

    Everyone who comments here knows who you are trolljack.

  181. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: Nope, but I am not a NBC, but my birth was recorded in the governmental agencies, and in the USN records as my father was a Navy Officer and I was born in USA possession

    So you have no proof Obama’s BC was created for adoption of law enforcement purposes. So then you constantly bringing that up has no relevance.

  182. Rickey says:


    And that becomes effective October ,2020

    You really need to focus on learning what you are talking about.

    DHS is talking about the new regulations for government-issued ID cards to be acceptable for airline travel.

    As I said previously, you cannot currently board a commercial airline flight in the United States without showing government-issued picture ID when you check in and when you go through TSA security at the airport.

  183. Rickey says:

    RAJO: Surely you realize that bound volumes does not indicate that theyare not bound loose-leaf volumes which allows them to be removed if it is necessary for it to be corrected or sealed.

    Where are the loose-leaf holes on Obama’s birth certificate?

  184. Curious George says:

    Troll Jack is a waste of time, for sure. He fits real well into the Birther scheme of things.

  185. Rondeau has an article up about Obama sycophants infiltrating her comments. She contacted Zullo about how the Obots claimed he was never a detective. Zullo gave a long rambling response decrying the Obots and accusing them of using Alinsky tactics but never once did he mention that any claim was incorrect. In other words he was never a detective.

    Quoting Zullo:

    Basically, it all boils down to “If you tell a lie long enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it.” They sow seeds of confusion and discord. They hate not only the position you have but also you for having it. They will do and say anything to keep the lie well-hidden. Keep telling the lie, never let up, challenge everything, never concede..

    That from the man who has been lying for 6 years. The irony is thick.

  186. Pete says:

    bob: I’m not saying that Trader Jack killed Hermitian, but some believe he did.

    Jack killed Hermitian as well?

    I knew about Georgette Bauerdorf and Elizabeth Short, but not Hermitian.

  187. Pete says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Birtherism is nutcase stupid.

    ^ This.

  188. Pete says:

    Rickey: Your leading birthers in 2008 included a now-disbarred attorney in Pennsylvania, a mail-order attorney/dentist in California who has never won a lawsuit, and an attorney-turned-poker player in New Jersey.

    You forgot ambulance chaser and professional liar and moron Mario Apuzzo.

    Or did he come along later?

  189. Re: ZulloMoore’s status.

    He DID work for the Hendry County Sheriff’s Office in Clewiston, Florida as did I.

    ZulloMoore DID live with someone (brother? Frank Moore? That rings a bell) who was a detective.

    I wish I could remember if he, too, was a detective. But, I don’t. I do recall ZulloMoore being one of the lead deputies for Harlem, a subdivision of Clewiston.

    I do recall Biden? sending me to ZulloMoore’s office with a pen for the purpose of listening in on his activities. This was during the time that I orchestrated the murder of Gorbechev who was actively recruiting several teenagers, my youngest brother being one of them.

    I most certainly recall giving him intel on how we were burning off our fingerprints using the same acid used to dissolve bodies. Of course, I didn’t tell him my fingerprints had also been burned off. And, fortunately, ZulloMoore never noticed.

    His roommate did which is why I had to kill him.

    Was Mike ZulloMoore at one time, a detective? I think so. But, I can’t swear to it.

    Rondeau knows this info as well.

  190. Rickey says:

    Pete: You forgot ambulance chaser and professional liar and moron Mario Apuzzo.

    Or did he come along later?

    I don’t believe that Mario was birthing in 2008, but I could be mistaken. I could have added Cort Wrotnowski to the list. He was the owner of a health food store in Connecticut.

  191. Curious George says:

    Reality Check:
    Rondeau has an article up about Obama sycophants infiltrating her comments. She contacted Zullo about how the Obots claimed he was never a detective. Zullo gave a long rambling response decrying the Obots and accusing them of using Alinsky tactics but never once did he mention that any claim was incorrect. In other words he was never a detective.

    Quoting Zullo:

    That from the man who has been lying for 6 years. The irony is thick.

    Yes, I read his comments and chuckled. His rambling diatribe was amazing.

  192. gorefan says:

    Wow, a lot of projecting in that rant.

  193. bob says:

    Rickey: I don’t believe that Mario was birthing in 2008, but I could be mistaken.

    Apuzzo was a commenter (in 2008) on Taitz’s first blog. I infer that Apuzzo soon realized that Taitz was crazy stupid, so he opened his own shop (of different crazy, but still stupid).

  194. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check: Basically, it all boils down to “If you tell a lie long enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it.” They sow seeds of confusion and discord. They hate not only the position you have but also you for having it. They will do and say anything to keep the lie well-hidden. Keep telling the lie, never let up, challenge everything, never concede..

    hmmm Zullo exposes himself. He’s told a lie long enough and keeps repeating it and birthers believe it. He was never a detective.

  195. Rickey says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: hmmm Zullo exposes himself.He’s told a lie long enough and keeps repeating it and birthers believe it.He was never a detective.

    Maybe he means that he had a subscription.

  196. Rickey says:

    bob: Apuzzo was a commenter (in 2008) on Taitz’s first blog. I infer that Apuzzo soon realized that Taitz was crazy stupid, so he opened his own shop (of different crazy, but still stupid).

    My original comment was about people who filed birther lawsuits in 2008. I don’t believe that Apuzzo did that year. But like the other birther lawyers he had no experience in Constitutional law..

  197. Where’s the detective certificate?!!

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: hmmm Zullo exposes himself.He’s told a lie long enough and keeps repeating it and birthers believe it.He was never a detective.

  198. Apuzzo filed Kerchner v Obama around 1/20/2009.

    Rickey: My original comment was about people who filed birther lawsuits in 2008. I don’t believe that Apuzzo did that year. But like the other birther lawyers he had no experience in Constitutional law..

  199. Curious George says:

    Reality Check:
    Rondeau has an article up about Obama sycophants infiltrating her comments. She contacted Zullo about how the Obots claimed he was never a detective. Zullo gave a long rambling response decrying the Obots and accusing them of using Alinsky tactics but never once did he mention that any claim was incorrect. In other words he was never a detective.

    Quoting Zullo:

    That from the man who has been lying for 6 years. The irony is thick.

    Rondeau’s article from January 16, 2017,

    goes through an extensive list of Zullo’s training as a police officer for 5 years in Demarest, N.J. from 1980-1985, and it details his 7 years training as a private detective. The article then reports “Zullo has also acquired training from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office over his 12 year affiliation with that office…” The list of training with the MCSO is extensive. However, Rondeau doesn’t mention that Zullo was not a sworn deputy but a volunteer overseeing a non-profit called the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse.

    Assuming all of the glowing remarks about Zullo’s training and his experience is accurate, there remains an apparent glaring deficiency in his training. There is no mention of him ever being trained and certified regarding the detection of forgeries and authentication of government documents. That training, if it occurred, should have been number one on the list.

    According to the article, Zullo was a police officer for 5 years from 1980 to 1985. He received 7 years training as a private detective. The article states that Zullo received 12 years training with the MCSO. So in total, Zullo is reported to have had 24 years of training, but no training in the detection of forgeries is mentioned.

  200. RAJO says:

    Keith: From the information in this post, it is most unlikely that you would not be a Natural Born Citizen. Being born in USA is sufficient for NBC status, it is not the ONLY path to NBC.

    John McCain was not born in USA either – and he is absolutely NBC.

    my mother was not a nbc but was Swedish, had a Swedish passport, ergo, not born to two citizens while overseas, citizen , but not natural born.

  201. RAJO says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: So you have no proof Obama’s BC was created for adoption of law enforcement purposes.So then you constantly bringing that up has no relevance.

    Pay attention,, I have never said that Obama birth certificate was not certified, and I do not know what the birth record says, as not many people have ever seen that. a BIRTH CERTIFICATE, is not same as the Birth Record, as the Birth Record can not be changed unless it was erroneous or created by the government. Even then they can not changed the time and date of birth.
    Until , that is, the politicians get involved.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater
    January 7, 2018 at 8:11 pm Dr. Kenneth Noisewater(Quote)

  202. RAJO says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: So then you’re admitting Obama is a natural born citizen then.Yes I know you also admitted previously to illegally using someone else’s social security number which is a crime.Not everyone is as dishonest as you are.It seems you’re trying to push your own criminal activity off on other people.

    No, I used no other person’s social security number the employer made one up, and that was in1944 with the approval of the government.

    Sailors did not have social security numbers. LOL

  203. RAJO says:

    Curious George: Assuming all of the glowing remarks about Zullo’s training and his experience is accurate, there remains an apparent glaring deficiency in his training. There is no mention of him ever being trained and certified regarding the detection of forgeries and authentication of government documents. That training, if it occurred, should have been number one on the list.

    I don’t know any detectives that have training in forgery and authentication of government documents. Even the US Government does not train people as detectives with that experience
    Are then any posters here with training in that sort of educations=

  204. RAJO says:

    Rickey: Where are the loose-leaf holes on Obama’s birth certificate?

    It is amazing, you really believe that the birth certificate that is newly printed and certified would have hole in the birth certificate, which is not the birth record.
    Or have you forgotten that they are printed from a digital source, LOL

  205. RAJO says:

    Rickey: You really need to focus on learning what you are talking about.

    DHS is talking about the new regulations for government-issued ID cards to be acceptable for airline travel.

    As I said previously, you cannot currently board a commercial airline flight in the United States without showing government-issued picture ID when you check in and when you go through TSA security at the airport.

    If you were that smart you would read the rules and realize that not everuone in the world has a government issued id. They allow you to board with a picture credit card and additional verification
    Oh, you think the bank card is governmental issued?

    how does a minor get onto an airplane to fly home?

  206. I think Doc’s original comment at the P&E referred to the fact that Zullo was making claims of forgery based on his own examination of various photos of the LFBC. Also Zullo has pronounced Obama’s birth certificate a forgery many times. Upon what authority can he make that pronouncement? It may come from FORLAB in Italy but we don’t know. Reed Hayes does not make such a conclusion in his public statements.

    RAJO: I don’t know any detectives that have training in forgery and authentication of government documents.Even the US Government does not train peopleas detectives with that experience
    Are then any posters here with training in that sort of educations=

  207. Rickey says:

    RAJO: If you were that smart you would read the rules and realize that not everuone in the world has a government issued id.They allow you to board with a picture credit card and additional verification
    Oh, you think the bank card is governmental issued?

    A credit card? Are you serious? Try doing a little research.

    Adult passengers 18 and over must show valid identification at the airport checkpoint in order to travel.

    Driver’s licenses or other state photo identity cards issued by Department of Motor Vehicles (or equivalent)
    U.S. passport
    U.S. passport card
    DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
    U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents
    Permanent resident card
    Border crossing card
    DHS-designated enhanced driver’s license
    Federally recognized, tribal-issued photo ID
    HSPD-12 PIV card
    Foreign government-issued passport
    Canadian provincial driver’s license or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada card
    Transportation worker identification credential
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
    U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential

    how does a minor get onto an airplane to fly home?

    TSA does not require children under 18 to provide identification when traveling with a companion within the United States. However, the companion must have the required identification.

    Unaccompanied minors are not required to have picture ID, but an adult who has to fill out an unaccompanied minor form for the passenger has to show ID.

    I realize that you probably haven’t flown since the days of propeller passenger planes, but Google can be your friend.

  208. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: Pay attention,, I have never said that Obama birth certificate was not certified, and I do not know what the birth record says, as not many people have ever seen that. a BIRTH CERTIFICATE, is not same as the Birth Record, as the Birth Record can not be changed unless it was erroneous or created by the government. Even then they can not changed the time and date of birth.
    Until , that is, the politicians get involved.

    How do you even know what your senile self has said over the years since you’ve trolled so hard about definitions of words and things over the years. You have no proof that the Obama BC is fake yet you keep rambling about it. You have no proof his was ever changed for any reason.

  209. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: No, I used no other person’s social security number the employer made one up, and that was in1944 with the approval of the government.

    Sailors did not have social security numbers. LOL

    This is different from what you said years ago on amazon. You admit you committed fraud and broke the law.

  210. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: If you were that smart you would read the rules

    If you were smart you still wouldn’t be a trolling birther after all these years.

  211. You may notice that I ran out bandwidth again. While the SemRushBot was trashing the site, there was something else even bigger going on that I didn’t see because my analysis tools look at page accesses, not file accesses. It had masked out references to .JPG file, for example, because every page has the Dr. Conspiracy photo and the basket weave background. It turns out that another attack was underway. I ran out of bandwidth on my site because of what I understand to be a DDOS attack.

    The attack presents itself as an HTTP access to a 2 MB image that’s under my site’s uploads, the high-res image of Obama’s original birth certificate. I have found in the last 2 weeks 316,243 accesses to this image, and all of them had the same referring page:

    There were 4,229 different IP addresses accessing the page. The largest number of access from one IP address was over 17,000, but some of them were in the 30’s.

    Apparently a great number of computers, I presume compromised systems, access the web page above, which is just a bunch of hotlinks to images. So all of those compromised browsers fetch my image, or perhaps some specialized malware downloads the image. In any case, 316,243 x 2 MB is a lot of bandwidth.

    I have upgraded the site AGAIN to an EVEN HIGHER plan and now have a TERABYTE of bandwidth. I renamed the file so future accesses will fail. I’ve asked some questions on help forums for advice. It has been my intention to move the site to a new host and their lack of helpfulness reinforces that decision.

  212. RAJO says:

    Yeah,my daughter’s site had a big attack also, but did not get into the money area. She spent about nine hours with server trying to clear out the infection.
    Not to mention the cost charged by the experts. LOL

    By the way she even dropped her personal FB page because of personal attacks on her. She is not a Trump supporter!

    Personal attacks on her and not on the opinions by the few who feel comfortable attacking personality

  213. Rickey says:

    Curious George:
    According to the article, Zullo was a police officer for 5 years from 1980 to 1985.He received 7 years training as a private detective.The article states that Zullo received 12 years training with the MCSO. So in total, Zullo is reported to have had 24 years of training, but no training in the detection of forgeries is mentioned.

    New Jersey is a rare state (perhaps the only state) that calls private investigators “private detectives.” Most people think of the word “detective” as a police rank.

    New Jersey requires no training to become a licensed private detective. Zullo’s five years with the Demarest Police Department were sufficient for him to get a license, and there are no continuing education requirements.

    Zullo may have gotten several years of experience as a private detective, or he may have gotten one year of experience seven times. In other words, we have no idea about what kind of cases he was working on. There is a lot more work for private investigators in civil cases than in criminal cases, and I can’t imagine why anyone would hire a private investigator to work on a forgery case.

  214. gorefan says:

    Arpaio was on WABC radio and again brings up birth certificate investigation. Mostly a rehash what came before. But claims he has some new information.

  215. Heck, my current South Carolina drivers license won’t get me on an airplane soon. I’ll have to use a passport.

    Rickey: Adult passengers 18 and over must show valid identification at the airport checkpoint in order to travel.

  216. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Heck, my current South Carolina drivers license won’t get me on an airplane soon. I’ll have to use a passport.

    New York was in the same situation, but I believe that’s because New York has only been issuing the enhanced drivers licenses on renewal, and renewal is required only every eight years. That means that there are millions of New Yorkers who still hold the old license.

    I renewed my drivers license last year but I always travel with my passport, even domestically. You never know when you might need it.

    Update: it now appears that both New York and South Carolina have been granted extension of time in which to comply.

  217. SC is saying that one can get a new license issued that is compliant, but it’s not worth the trouble for me, as I’m leaving the state in a few months for an undisclosed location that isn’t compliant either. Grrrr.

    Rickey: Update: it now appears that both New York and South Carolina have been granted extension of time in which to comply.

  218. justlw says:

    Arpaio was on WABC radio and again brings up birth certificate investigation.Mostly a rehash what came before.But claims he has some new information.

    Oh, goody. I was wondering if I was doing him a disservice by referring to him as a birther in good standing. I’ll wonder no more.

  219. I think I have disabled hot linking on the site. So if any of you are embedding images from here, you’ll have to download them and store them somewhere else, or ask me to add an exception.

  220. RAJO says:

    Well, I have never had a passport, never needed, and am not sure if I can meet the standards for a new one, as I could not get a birth certificate from the USA,

    But , being 95 and more or less homebound, I don’t think I will be flying anywhere, except on the wings of an angel, or demon,, bound for somewhere else in the non-physical world
    Let me explain to you younger folk, it is no harder to face death at my age then it is to face death at younger ages.

    So all this blither and blather about things in just entertainment as I read the posting and respond to what I believe, perhaps wrongly, to be errors.

    You may call me what you wish, as you can not know what I have done, or not done, in the physical world, so why waste your breath trying to get an old man mad.

    can’t be done by words.

  221. RAJO says:

    Stunning problems in Santa Barbara county, where I once ivied, where the steep terrain,heavy rain, and no ground cover is killing people

    Not really the fault of the building department, as some will claim, it is just good old weather problems ganging up on California.

  222. Here’s a chart of the site’s bandwidth by day in January. The places where is drops to zero are where I ran out of bandwidth and the site was shut down. What’s not obvious is that today the bandwidth dropped again after I disabled hotlinking.

  223. Rickey says:


    So all this blither and blather about things in just entertainment as I read the posting and respond to what I believe, perhaps wrongly, to be errors.

    It’s never too late to learn how to differentiate between fact or fiction.

    At least you now know that a credit card does not suffice as identification to board a commercial airplane.

  224. Rickey says:

    RAJO: It is amazing, you really believe that the birth certificate that is newly printed and certified would have hole in the birth certificate, which is not the birth record.
    Or have you forgotten that they are printed from a digital source,LOL

    Obama’s LFBC was printed from a digital source? Where did you get that idea?

  225. It could be that this site was not the target of the DDOS attack. I looked at the web page hotlinking to us and it had a dozen or so different images, one from InfoWars. It could be that the page was the victim and this site was collateral damage.

  226. donna says:

    Joe Arpaio: Obama’s birth certificate is a ‘phony document‘

    “We have the evidence, nobody will talk about it, nobody will look at it, and anytime you want to come down or anybody we’ll be glad to show you the evidence,” Arpaio said.

    Evidence? Will someone please get right on that?

  227. I’m still working on it. Arpaio ( a Bill Clinton duplicate), Volin, and ZulloMoore won’t be getting my evidence, that’s for sure.

    Joe Arpaio: Obama’s birth certificate is a ‘phony document‘

    “We have the evidence, nobody will talk about it, nobody will look at it, and anytime you want to come down or anybody we’ll be glad to show you the evidence,” Arpaio said.

    Evidence? Will someone please get right on that?

  228. Curious George says:

    Joe Arpaio: Obama’s birth certificate is a ‘phony document‘

    “We have the evidence, nobody will talk about it, nobody will look at it, and anytime you want to come down or anybody we’ll be glad to show you the evidence,” Arpaio said.

    Evidence? Will someone please get right on that?

    Arpaio’s campaign for U.S. Senator with an emphasis on his 6 year birth certificate investigation is a campaign destined for an epic failure. The media will rip Arpaio to shreds over the Obama birth certificate fiasco. Zullo must be fuming over Arpaio’s reception by the mainstream media. When Arpaio looks like a fool, many people will think of his intrepid lead investigator and his birther buds. Get out the popcorn, Arpaio is in for the ride of his life.

  229. bob says:

    Zullo lurves to play word games and say the digital image was forged.

    Ole Joe went one further (and off-script) by saying the document itself was forged.

    And note that no one has ever seen Arpaio’s birth certificate.

  230. gorefan says:

    Zullo lurves to play word games and say the digital image was forged.

    Ole Joe went one further (and off-script) by saying the document itself was forged.

    And note that no one has ever seen Arpaio’s birth certificate.

    He invited reporters to come down and look at the evidence. It would be great if someone took him up on it and demanded to see the expert reports and their 7655 test results.

  231. justlw says:

    Silly me, I figured that Arpaio’s birtherism would just be an enjoyable romp for those of us who follow such things. I mean, there’s a such a deep bench of so many other horrible things he’s done.

    But, at least according to this Slate article, it’s why he’s running:

  232. Pete says:

    RAJO: my mother was not a nbc but was Swedish, had a Swedish passport, ergo, not born to two citizens while overseas, citizen , but not natural born.

    If you were born a citizen, then you’re a “natural born citizen.”

  233. Pete says:

    RAJO: But , being 95 and more or less homebound, I don’t think I will be flying anywhere, except on the wings of an angel, or demon,, bound for somewhere else in the non-physical world

    Well, I think I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again.

    Of course your belief in birtherism is simply wrong. It’s been examined to death, over many years and in excruciating detail, and the folks here would not and have not steered you wrong. It’s complete nonsense.

    Having said all of that, I take your claim to be a 95-year-old veteran at face value.

    In that light, thank you for your service to our country.

  234. Rickey says:

    Silly me, I figured that Arpaio’s birtherism would just be an enjoyable romp for those of us who follow such things.I mean, there’s a such a deep bench of so many other horrible things he’s done.

    But, at least according to this Slate article, it’s why he’s running:

    Who knows, he might actually win the Republican primary. But Arpaio has never run a statewide race, and Pima County (where Tucson is located) is more liberal than Maricopa County. Arpaio got only about 45% of the vote in Maricopa County in 2016.

    I’m sure that whoever runs against him will remind voters that his actions cost Maricopa County residents more than $100 million in legal fees and settlements.

  235. Keith says:

    RAJO: mymother was not a nbcbut was Swedish, had a Swedish passport, ergo, not born to two citizens while overseas,citizen , but not natural born.

    So you still have your naturalization papers then, I assume?

  236. Northland10 says:

    I would tend to disagree with Slate. Birtherism is how he’s running. Why he is running is to fulfill his narcissism. Birtherism, the immigration roundups, the animal programs, many posse’s, tent city, and a whole bunch more were methods to get press and score campaign contributions.

    Arpaio’s only political issue is Arpaio.

    Silly me, I figured that Arpaio’s birtherism would just be an enjoyable romp for those of us who follow such things.I mean, there’s a such a deep bench of so many other horrible things he’s done.

    But, at least according to this Slate article, it’s why he’s running:

  237. I agree with you completely. I wasn’t sure about those born abroad to a US citizen until the 2016 election cycle and I read arguments on both sides by many legal scholars. It is the simplest interpretation of the term and the easiest to apply.

    Pete: If you were born a citizen, then you’re a “natural born citizen.”

  238. bob says:

    gorefan: He invited reporters to come down and look at the evidence.

    To where are we all invited? Zullo’s car lot?

    And Slate is wrong: Arpaio’s running for the birfer bucks, nothing more.

  239. RAJO says:

    Keith: So you still have your naturalization papers then, I assume?

    No, but my parents had enough to convince the FBI and the USN that I was an American citizen, just not natural born.

    remember that a citizen born overseas was required to have two American citizen parents to be a NBC

    Why do you all forget those important things.

    But ,perhaps, you did not have to undergo investigations, even to have my son enter the USN in the submarine service, and get the PHD in nuke stuff.

    Not every one can be so thoroughly investigated.

  240. gorefan says:

    bob: o where are we all invited?

    He seems to have an office somewhere in Arizona.

  241. RAJO says:

    Reality Check:
    I agree with you completely. I wasn’t sure about those born abroad to a US citizen until the 2016 election cycle and I read arguments on both sides by many legal scholars. It is the simplest interpretation of the term and the easiest to apply.

    Birth Abroad in Wedlock to Two U.S. Citizen Parents

    A person born abroad in wedlock to a U.S. citizen mother and a U.S. citizen father acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under section 301(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), if one of the parents has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions prior to the person’s birth.

  242. Dave B. says:

    RAJO: remember that a citizen born overseas was required to have two American citizen parents to be a NBC

    Constitutionally speaking, a person who acquires US citizenship by birth abroad to one US citizen parent is no different from a person who acquires US citizenship by birth abroad to two US citizen parents. This distinction you refer to is just crap somebody made up, repeated by poorly-informed people on the internet.

  243. There is someone that I met many years ago who was connected with the Catholic Church. McDaniel, I’ll call him McDaniel/Today for clarification, in the video he sent making threats, was wearing a Catholic gown.

    Now, why is this important?

    Because, it was in the early 80’s that someone who was supposed to be the Pope was shot and killed in the Clewiston Catholic Church. I provided McDaniel/Today with this photo and his threats came shorty thereafter.

    Why is this important?

    Because, there was an investigation by the Catholic Church concerning this shooting in which I informed them, or tried to at least, that it was Hendry County’s Sermon Dyess, Jr. behind a lot of these murders in Clewiston.

    Unfortunately, for me, I had a BS attorney by the name of McDaniels/80s who had threatened my during an investigation into a home robbery I was involved with with La Quicka of the Medellin Cartel and info on the Hoffa murder had already been given to him by an unknown source. I took that unknown source to be Dyess.

    As I said, McDaniel/80 already knew that I was involved with the murder and wanted to own the rights to the story. I was under duress because of his presumed connections with Dyess, given that Dyess had his connections to the Mafia and the cartel as well with much greater power than I had at the time.

    When I talked with the “McDaniel/Today” on this website, I specifically asked if he had ever acted as my attorney in the early 80s’

    He said, “No.”

    Because of his threats, and that fact that the video disappeared within minutes of my watching it indicating possible CIA/FBI connections, I ceased all communication with him and kept quiet for a while.

    Now, I’m sure there’s some simple trick to let you know when somebody specific has viewed your video and/or your email. I am not that computer savvy so, I just don’t know. It was eerie, to say the least,

    At some point in all of this, my non-biological aunt was excommunicated from the Catholic Church. The man in the video, McDaniel/Today, looks very much like her brother, a long-time priest in the Catholic church, whom I have met only a few times.

    However, I can’t swear to it since it has been a long time.

    Suffice it to say, I am one of a very few who when, where, how, and why Hoffa was murdered.

    Daytona Beach, Fl., late 1980, car bomb, potential unionization of US Sugar employees.

    It was not Pablo Escobar although, obviously, the finger has been pointed in Escobar’s direction.

    Having said that, Escobar did rise in power within a year of these events.

    So, for clarification, I have no attorney and have never had a legitimate attorney so don’t let anybody tell you otherwise during this investigation into Russia’s actions for all of our elections going back to 1984 when we murdered off Mondale to guarantee that Reagan, the cowardly lion, would continue as a weak president making it so much easier for Mother Russia to continue her invasion into our homelands.

    For anyone wanting further intel, you can contact me via my YouTube page:

    Rickey: Did you every identify McDaniel? I’m not asking for his name, just wondering.

  244. Pete says:

    Keith: So you still have your naturalization papers then, I assume?

    What Keith said. If you’re not a natural born citizen, then you will have papers by which you were naturalized.

  245. Let me add, Debbie Wazzerman Shultz, looks like the sister of…..*is having an ‘ah ha’ moment*….my non-biological aunt and this Catholic priest/brother of the 80’s.

    So, is it Shultz along with Hillary and Bill who are trying to stifle this investigation? I wouldn’t be surprised, mind you.

    I can tell you how this sister came into contact with Hillary in the early 80s. I’ll skip most of the details and suffice it to say that she, this 80s sister, was a lesbo and that’s what Hillary was requesting.

  246. Pete says:

    RAJO: remember that a citizen born overseas was required to have two American citizen parents to be a NBC

    Why do you all forget those important things.

    Nobody’s forgetting anything. There has never been a requirement that any person born a citizen of the United States of America have two American citizen parents to be a “natural born citizen.”

    Folks here have read the entire legal history of court cases and opinions regarding natural born citizenship. Such a requirement isn’t in there, anywhere.

  247. Dr. Kenneth noisewater says:

    Pete: Well, I think I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again.

    Of course your belief in birtherism is simply wrong. It’s been examined to death, over many years and in excruciating detail, and the folks here would not and have not steered you wrong. It’s complete nonsense.

    Having said all of that, I take your claim to be a 95-year-old veteran at face value.

    In that light, thank you for your service to our country.

    He’s been saying he’s 95 for the last 5 years. Nothing this birther troll says is reliable.

  248. Dave B. says:

    This looks pretty good–

    I was going to grouse about already blowing my books budget on the Wolff book, but I saw this one was on sale for two bucks today at Amazon. Went ahead and bought it.

  249. Keith says:

    RAJO: No, but my parents had enough to convince the FBI and the USN that I was an American citizen, just not natural born.

    This has been ‘litigated’ in this blog (and elsewhere) for 9 years and your impression of your status is simply NOT correct.

    The Constitution clearly defines a binary state of Citizenship: ‘born citizen’ and ‘naturalized citizen’ (see the 14th Amendment).

    The idea of someone being a ‘born citizen’ refers to someone who is a citizen due to the circumstances of their birth – born a citizen, that is a ‘natural born citizen’. If you were born 95 years ago, as you claim, it is quite possible that you do not have, and never have had a birth certificate to document that claim – no matter where the physical location of your birth occured.

    On the other hand, if you were not a born citizen, i.e. a natural born citizen, but you are never the less a citizen, then you MUST have gained that citizenship sometime AFTER your birth. This means you must have undergone some sort of naturalization process, and there should be documentation for that process.

    There is no in-between. If you are a citizen, you were either a citizen at birth or you were naturalized after birth. Period.

    It doesn’t matter what your family mythology is, the facts on the ground are plain and simple. Either/Or. No third possibility.

    My own family mythology does not always coincide with the facts either. My Dad’s first wife was not really the Governor’s daughter, and the Governor did not really send the State Police out to drag the eloping couple back home to get the marriage annulled – in spite of the claims my Dad made his entire life, including in the last conversation we ever had.

  250. I seem to have gotten a handle on the bandwidth sucking issue:

  251. Keith says:

    RAJO: But ,perhaps, you did not have to undergo investigations, even to have my son enter the USN in the submarine service, and get the PHD in nuke stuff.

    Yes, actually, I did have to undergo investigations just to work in the vicinity of a sensitive U.S. site. And so did my niece and her husband when they were serving in the Navy and working on ‘nuke stuff’ (and working on PhD’s in ‘nuke stuff’).

    You think you are somehow unique because your son needed security clearance to work on a sub?

  252. Good job!

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I seem to have gotten a handle on the bandwidth sucking issue:

  253. Rickey says:

    RAJO: No, but my parents had enough to convince the FBI and the USN that I was an American citizen, just not natural born.

    Why would the Navy have cared if you were natural born? Or even a citizen, for that matter? You don’t have to be a U.S. citizen to enlist in the military.

    But ,perhaps, you did not have to undergo investigations, even to have my son enter the USN in the submarine service, and get the PHD in nuke stuff.

    Who enters the Navy IN the submarine service? The procedure when I enlisted was to volunteer for submarine service while in boot camp. No promises of submarine service were made ahead of time. If your son’s experience was different, I’d like to hear the details.

  254. Rickey says:

    Nancy Owens, The Obama Forger:

    When I talked with the “McDaniel/Today” on this website, I specifically asked if he had ever acted as my attorney in the early 80s’

    He said, “No.”

    I now know who Mark McDaniel is, and he is not and never has been an attorney. He also has never lived in Florida. In the early 80s he was attending graduate school in Pennsylvania.

  255. Rickey says:

    Keith: Yes, actually, I did have to undergo investigations just to work in the vicinity of a sensitive U.S. site. And so did my niece and her husband when they were serving in the Navy and working on ‘nuke stuff’ (and working on PhD’s in ‘nuke stuff’).

    You think you are somehow unique because your son needed security clearance to work on a sub?

    I had a Top Secret clearance when I was in the Navy. I first worked in the Communication Center at Subic Bay in the Philippines and then I was on an aircraft carrier for nearly two years. It was no big deal – everybody I worked with had a Top Secret clearance.

  256. bob says:

    Mike. Zullo will, again, be on Freedom Friday.

  257. Can’t wait to hear what NEW theory he’s cooked up. They change weekly. 😆

    Mike. Zullo will, again, be on Freedom Friday.

  258. Curious George says:

    Reality Check:
    Can’t wait to hear what NEW theory he’s cooked up. They change weekly.

    Maybe Z00-low will show all of his super sekrit Dick Tracy credentials to the radio audience on Fact Free Friday today. “See, I told you so! I cut off the box top and just mailed it into General Mills and they sent me my Dick Tracy Detective Diploma and it’s valid in all 50 states.”

  259. bob says:

    It would be great if Gallups could ask Zullo to explain why Arpaio said Obama’s birth certificate itself was forged when Zullo for the past near-six years has been saying that the digital image of it was forged.

    But I don’t expect even that kind of softball from Gallups.

  260. Pete says:

    Dr. Kenneth noisewater: He’s been saying he’s 95 for the last 5 years. Nothing this birther troll says is reliable.

    Do you have some documentation on that? Example?

  261. RAJO says:

    Pete: Do you have some documentation on that? Example?

    Probably will be able to get that from the HDOH.

    That is a JOKE, for the insider.

    And, that is the trouble with lying, when you are asked to prove it, you have the chance of being called a liar

    Of course he will not be able to prove that, and will not admit that it is a gross lie.
    but I forgive him, for people like to make statements like that to influence others

  262. bob says:

    Zullo on Freedom Friday, today: “We never provided federal law enforcement with the results of our investigation.”

    Arpaio on WABC, today: “We gave the results of our investigation to the FBI two years ago.”


  263. Curious George says:

    It would be great if Gallups could ask Zullo to explain why Arpaio said Obama’s birth certificate itself was forged when Zullo for the past near-six years has been saying that the digital image of it was forged.

    But I don’t expect even that kind of softball from Gallups.

    They need to coordinate their stories better.

  264. Curious George says:

    Zullo on Freedom Friday, today: “We never provided federal law enforcement with the results of our investigation.”

    Arpaio on WABC, today: “We gave the results of our investigation to the FBI two years ago.”


    But, but why would Arpaio do that two years ago when Obama was president? Why not wait until Trump got into office? As usual, their stories smell like week old dead fish.

  265. Curious George says:

    Is Arpaio a “$heetwhole” candidate for the U.S. Senate or what? He can’t even answer a direct question, with a corresponding answer.

  266. Keith says:

    Rickey: I had a Top Secret clearance when I was in the Navy. I first worked in the Communication Center at Subic Bay in the Philippines and then I was on an aircraft carrier for nearly two years. It was no big deal – everybody I worked with had a Top Secret clearance.

    Ha. Maybe you can answer me this question (without breaking security). After my niece graduated from Anapolis, one of her first jobs was ‘a driver’ on an aircraft carrier.

    What exactly does an ‘aircraft carrier driver’ do?

    (She was later CO of a detachment of Marines in the Mediterranean during GW1(Kuwait/Iraq).

  267. Rickey says:

    Keith: Ha. Maybe you can answer me this question (without breaking security). After my niece graduated from Anapolis, one of her first jobs was ‘a driver’ on an aircraft carrier.

    What exactly does an ‘aircraft carrier driver’ do?

    (She was later CO of a detachment of Marines in the Mediterranean during GW1(Kuwait/Iraq).

    Since she is/was an officer, she probably was the conning officer, the officer on the bridge who is responsible for maneuvering the aircraft carrier. She also may have actually taking the helm (the ship’s “steering wheel”) for a time, although that job is usually done by an enlisted sailor.

    I didn’t work on the bridge. I worked in Main Comm (Main Communications), which on my ship was located beween the flight deck and the hangar deck. We sent and received all of the ship’s external communications. I would estimate that about 80% of the messages we handled were classified.

  268. RAJO says:

    Curious George: They need to coordinate their stories better.

    Unless you know which type of document is being referred to you cannot know what they are describing, original, copy, certified copy, photo of certified copy, or produced certified copy

  269. RAJO says:

    Rickey: Since she is/was an officer, she probably was the conning officer, the officer on the bridge who is responsible for maneuvering the aircraft carrier. She also may have actually taking the helm (the ship’s “steering wheel”) for a time, although that job is usually done by an enlisted sailor.

    I didn’t work on the bridge. I worked in Main Comm (Main Communications), which on my ship was located beween the flight deck and the hangar deck. We sent and received all of the ship’s external communications. I would estimate that about 80% of the messages we handled were classified.

    you are one of the few that know a dit from a dah, unless you were of the new breed.

    My father enlisted as a 3rd class em(radiio) in 1904 and made chief in 4years and warrant in 8

  270. bob says:

    RAJO: Unless you know which type of document is being referred to you cannot know what they are describing, original, copy, certified copy, photo of certified copy, or produced certified copy

    Of course it is the audience’s fault not understanding the clowns’ cacophony. 🙄

  271. RAJO says:

    Editor’s comment in Blackstone,

    “Persons naturalized according to these acts, are entitled to all the rights of natural born citizens, except, first, that they cannot be elected as representatives in congress until seven years, thereafter. Secondly, nor can they be elected senators of the United States, until nine years thereafter. Thirdly, they are forever incapable of being chosen to the office of president of the United States. Persons naturalized before the adoption of the constitution, it is presumed, have all the capacities of natural born citizens. See C. U. S. Art. 1, 2.”

    Not that it makes any difference to anyone

  272. RAJO says:

    bob: Of course it is the audience’s fault not understanding the clowns’ cacophony.

    yes, if you are of the type that does not care about accuracy in your statements and beliefs. If you don’t understand the adjectives and their effect on nouns then you may not understand the sentences.

  273. RAJO says:


    eliminate the T to get the URL.

    Not that you will know anymore about anything you don’t believe

  274. A comment like that have the effect of an instant banning at the Post & Email.

    RAJO: yes, if you are of the type that does not care about accuracy in your statements and beliefs.If you don’t understand the adjectives and their effect on nouns then you may not understand thesentences.

  275. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Just waiting for jack to confuse DPI and PPI again.

  276. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: And, that is the trouble with lying, when you are asked to prove it, you have the chance of being called a liar

    Talking about yourself again Jack?

    Doc is there a reliable way to search this site for comments made by specific handles?

    The amazon discussion boards where Jack used to comment were taken down. The guy has been pushing the same age for years in his trolling.

  277. donna says:

    Trump in 2013 asked James O’Keefe if he could “get inside” Columbia University and obtain President Obama’s sealed college records according to a passage in O’Keefe’s forthcoming book. Trump “suspected Obama had presented himself as a foreign student on application materials to ease his way into New York’s Columbia University, maybe even Harvard too, and perhaps picked up a few scholarships along the way.”

    11/28/2017 NYT: In recent months, Trump has used closed-door conversations to question the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate. The president, one senator said, has had a hard time letting go of his claim that Mr. Obama was not born in the United States.

    What is it with this guy who can’t let anything go? It must put a burr in his tightly whites that Obama remains most admired (Gallup) and that Obama is more responsible for the state of the economy (Quinnipiac).

  278. As I’ve said before, maybe not on this site, Trump is really good at reading the tea leaves. Or, maybe it’s his advisors. Not sure.

    Trump in 2013 asked James O’Keefe if he could “get inside” Columbia University and obtain President Obama’s sealed college records according to a passage in O’Keefe’s forthcoming book. Trump “suspected Obama had presented himself as a foreign student on application materials to ease his way into New York’s Columbia University, maybe even Harvard too, and perhaps picked up a few scholarships along the way.”

    11/28/2017 NYT: In recent months, Trump has used closed-door conversations to question the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate. The president, one senator said, has had a hard time letting go of his claim that Mr. Obama was not born in the United States.

    What is it with this guy who can’t let anything go? It must put a burr in his tightly whites that Obama remains most admired (Gallup) and that Obama is more responsible for the state of the economy (Quinnipiac).

  279. Curios George says:

    RAJO: Zullo on Freedom Friday, today: “We never provided federal law enforcement with the results of our investigation.”
    Arpaio on WABC, today: “We gave the results of our investigation to the FBI two years ago.”

    What’s not to understand RAJO? They either did or didn’t turn the results of their investigation over to federal law enforcement. They can’t even stay on the same page of get their phony script.

  280. It’s is good to go back and read Frank Arduini’s “The Annotated Zullo” to see what Zullo actually put in writing in 2012. You can see how much his story has changed since then.

  281. Rickey says:

    RAJO: you are one of the few that know a dit from a dah, unless you were of the new breed.

    I was in the Navy from the beginning of 1967 until the end of 1970, and Morse Code was used only when radio frequencies were unavailable. Radiomen still had to learn Code, but it was rarely used. Even the work that I did is mostly obsolete now. We sent and received messages via teletype over radio frequencies. Messages are transmitted via satellite now.

    Signalmen who transmit messages from ship to ship via flashing light presumably still use Morse Code (although the Signalman rating no longer exists, having been absorbed into the Quartermaster rating in 2003).

  282. bob says:

    RAJO: yes, if you are of the type that does not care about accuracy in your statements and beliefs.If you don’t understand the adjectives and their effect on nouns then you may not understand thesentences.

    Which describes Arpaio and Zullo perfectly.

  283. RAJO says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: records/index.html

    Hey, you are the one that said I had been calling myself 95 for five years, Now admit that you are wrong.

    Fake news by Keith Noisewater!

  284. bob says:

    RAJO: Hey, you are the one that said I had been calling myself 95 for five years

    In 2012, traderjack claimed he had been retired for 30 years.

  285. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: Hey, you are the one that said I had been calling myself 95 for five years,Now admit that you are wrong.

    Fake news by Keith Noisewater!

    And you have. You also admitted that you lie frequently and have committed fraud with your social. So no one should take anything you say at face value

  286. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check:
    It’s is good to go back and read Frank Arduini’s “The Annotated Zullo” to see what Zullo actually put in writing in 2012. You can see how much his story has changed since then.

    Zullo cant even stay consistent interview to interview

  287. Curious George says:

    Hey RAJOE,
    Think about this…The Obama PDF image of the Obama long form birth certificate has never been determined by a court of law to be a false or fraudulent image and containing false information. But, Joe Arpaio was found guilty in a federal court of law and has a criminal conviction to show his gullible, knee jerk, fanatics. If Arpaio thinks of his broadside against the U.S. Constitution by arresting and detaining people without reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed is the equivalent of a barking dog citation, why all of his concern and money spent to unsuccessfully erase the record of his criminal conviction? And to associate arresting and detaining people of color without reasonable suspicion with barking dogs gives you a clue that the man truly is a racist.

  288. RAJO says:

    Now, for a touch of humor, Hawaii got a nuke attack warning this morning, and it says that the social media went ape.

    Let me ask you, If you get a nuke attack warning, what in hell could you do about it?

    If you are close, you are dead, if you are far away, you will suffer from fall out, and if you are really far away you will have a once in a life time,(hopefully) exoerience

    You are kinda iike a destroyer in the ocean where some one has fired an electric torpedo at you, and you don’t know which way the damn thing is headed.

    you will die or live.

    What would you do during the warning period

  289. RAJO says:

    Curious George:
    Hey RAJOE,
    Think about this…The Obama PDF image of the Obama long form birth certificatehas never been determined by a court of law to be a false or fraudulent image and containing false information.But, Joe Arpaio was found guilty in a federal court of law and has a criminal conviction to show his gullible, knee jerk, fanatics.If Arpaio thinks of his broadside against the U.S. Constitution by arresting and detaining people without reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed is the equivalent of a barking dog citation, why all of his concern and money spent to unsuccessfully erase the record of his criminal conviction?And to associate arresting and detaining people of color without reasonable suspicion with barking dogs gives you a clue that the man truly is a racist.

    Any pdf image of a birth certificate is non-evidentiary , only paper copy with seal and signature is admitted, but even that could be proven erroneous be sufficient valid evidence in a trial court. ( Bustamante xlll)

    example, Luca Smith’s Obama certificate, in court could be successfully challenged because , even if it is true, the Government can never issue an authentication of the truth of contents of the document

  290. RAJO says:

    Curious George: And to associate arresting and detaining people of color without reasonable suspicion with barking dogs gives you a clue that the man truly is a racist.

    Nope, you are in error. Reasonable is the adjective used.

    Why, you ask?

    Because the sheriff arrests no-one, his officers arrest people.

    But the sheriff does not say to arrest all people of color, he ways to arrest people of color when certain conditions are met.
    He also says to arrest all people of all colors if certain conditions are met.

    If he had the officers arrest all people selling drugs and there were more people of color selling drugs it would look racist, but as longs as he does not let non-colored not be arrested under the same conditions it is not racist!

  291. bob says:

    RAJO: Any pdf image of a birth certificate is non-evidentiary

    And no one has ever claimed a PDF is a birth certificate; it is, however, evidence that a paper birth certificate exists.

    only paper copy with seal and signature is admitted, but even that could be proven erroneous be sufficient valid evidence in a trial court. ( Bustamante xlll)

    With respect to Obama’s, no such evidence has ever been presented.

    Luca Smith’s Obama certificate, in court could be successfully challenged because , even if it is true,

    Smith’s document lacks the certification necessary for ir be admitted in a U.S. court.

    the Government can never issue an authentication of the truth of contents of the document

    By definition, a birth certificate certifies the accuracy of the records; duh.


    Because the sheriff arrests no-one, his officers arrest people.

    The plaintiffs proved that Arpaio, as sheriff, created and directed a policy that his department should detain Hispanics who had broken no state law. That is textbook racial profiling; it is also unconstitutional because it violates the Fourth Amendment.

    That case was affirmed on appeal. Despite losing, Arpaio continued to allow this policy to be executed by his deputies, even after the court ordered him to discontinue this policy. And Apraio admitted that he disobeyed the court’s order.

  292. Because ZulloMoore knows Obama personally, saw him on the internet/television, and said, “Hey! I’m going to play hero even though I don’t have a clue as to how Obama rose to power. And, by the way, to hell with the girl who forged it because I can’t let anybody know that she was the one who provided intel which, I, Zullo, in turn, pretended that I had investigated and subsequently submitted a paper to a professional cop magazine for money, i.e. a fake.”

    Also, they can’t find out that I fake married her so that she couldn’t claim any of the money, either. Oh, and, good gosh almighty, she’s the real “Monica Lewinsky” and we fabricated THAT actress so that nobody would ever find out the real truth.”

    “Not to mention, that fake car that I sold her for 50 cents to get her to sign a (non-enforceable) non-disclosure agreement and, two days later, confiscated it back and returned it to the sheriff’s department.”

    “Oops!! There’s only one problem here, Nancy Ruth Owens, CAUGHT us in our BS when she videotaped Mike Volin and submitted it to YouTube and Liveleak!”

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Zullo cant even stay consistent interview to interview

  293. Rickey says:

    RAJO: Any pdf image of a birth certificate is non-evidentiary , only paper copy with seal and signature is admitted, but even that could be proven erroneous be sufficient valid evidence in a trial court. ( Bustamante xlll)

    The Hawaii birth certificate is “prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding.”

    All you have to do to rebut it is to provide evidence that Obama was born somewhere else. How is that coming along?

    What would you accept as proof of when and where someone was born? Please be specific.

  294. RAJO says:

    bob: In 2012, traderjack claimed he had been retired for 30 years.

    Bob, subtract 30 from 2012 and then subtract 1922 from that and see how old I would have been at that time,and

    Keith is a liar, par apparently he wants to continue the lies.

    Go ahead ,Keith, show your true colors.

    so should you believe the arithmetic or Keith

    Lying , and denying when caught, makes all of his statements questionable

  295. RAJO says:

    Rickey: The Hawaii birth certificate is “prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding.”

    All you have to do to rebut it is to provide evidence that Obama was born somewhere else. How is that coming along?

    What would you accept as proof of when and where someone was born? Please be specific.

    Sure, a letter from the ob/gn, the admission ward of the hospital, a statement from the ambulance company showing the transport to the hospital, a copy of the paid hospital billing section, a letter from the health insurance company for the payment of the birth costs. A dated picture showing the happy mother in the hospital bed , smiling with her baby. A picture of the mother showing her just before entry into the hospital

  296. RAJO says:

    Rickey: The Hawaii birth certificate is “prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding.”

    All you have to do to rebut it is to provide evidence that Obama was born somewhere else. How is that coming along?

    What would you accept as proof of when and where someone was born? Please be specific.

    No, all you have to do is provide information that the birth certificate may be erroneous, and that makes the trier of fact consider the evidence.

    Bustamante had bc, passport, and letters, and state provided evidence that they were fraudulent.

  297. RAJO says:



    certify only that a document has been signed by, and bears the seal and stamp of, a duly commissioned Notary Public of the State of Hawaii OR was certified by the appropriate custodian of records (e.g. Court Clerk). An Apostille does not validate the substance, contents, and/or legal effect of the document, nor that the document has been approved and/or endorsed by the Lieutenant Governor, the State of Hawaii, or any court of competent jurisdiction.

    If they specifically state those facts, what makes you so sure about the birth certificates.

  298. Keith says:

    RAJO: Bob, subtract 30 from 2012 and then subtract 1922 from that and see how old I would have been at that time,and

    Keith is a liar, par apparently he wants to continue the lies.

    Go ahead ,Keith, show your true colors.

    so should you believe the arithmetic or Keith

    Lying , and denying when caught, makes all of his statements questionable

    You really should back that up, Jack.

    Please quote the lie that you claim I have made and I will apologize it you are correct.

    Or apologize yourself for lying about me.

    Thank you in advance.

  299. Keith says:

    RAJO: If they specifically state those facts, what makes you so sure about the birth certificates.

    What does an Apostille have to do with anything under discussion?

    Please look up exactly what an Apostille is for and does for a document, and explain to us exactly why you think it is relevant to the discussion at hand.

  300. roadburner says:

    RAJO: Sure, a letter from the ob/gn, the admission ward of the hospital, a statement from the ambulance company showing the transport to the hospital, a copy of the paid hospital billing section,a letter from the health insurance company for the payment of the birth costs. A dated picture showing the happy mother in the hospital bed , smiling with her baby. A picture of the mother showing her just before entry into the hospital

    just out of curiosity, have you asked for the same from trump yet?

    if not, why not?

  301. Keith says:

    Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed- in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) “On Stupidity” – Letters and Papers from Prison.

  302. Dave B. says:

    I couldn’t produce ANY of those.

    RAJO: Sure, a letter from the ob/gn, the admission ward of the hospital, a statement from the ambulance company showing the transport to the hospital, a copy of the paid hospital billing section, a letter from the health insurance company for the payment of the birth costs. A dated picture showing the happy mother in the hospital bed , smiling with her baby. A picture of the mother showing her just before entry into the hospital

  303. Rickey says:

    RAJO: No, all you have to do is provide information that the birth certificate may be erroneous, and that makes the trier of fact consider the evidence.

    No, you don’t just provide “information.” You would have to provide admissible evidence, not only that that the birth certificate is erroneous, but that the subject of the birth certificate was born somewhere else.

    As you have been told many times before, Obama’s birth certificate is not analogous with Bustamante’s birth certificate. Bustamante obtained a delayed registration of birth based upon a fraudulent baptismal certificate. Obama’s birth certificate is not a delayed certificate, it was signed by the attending physician, and was issued four days after his birth.

  304. Rickey says:

    RAJO: Sure, a letter from the ob/gn, the admission ward of the hospital, a statement from the ambulance company showing the transport to the hospital, a copy of the paid hospital billing section,a letter from the health insurance company for the payment of the birth costs. A dated picture showing the happy mother in the hospital bed , smiling with her baby. A picture of the mother showing her just before entry into the hospital

    Can you provide any of those for yourself?

    Why would a letter from the ob/gyn be any more probative than his signature on the birth certificate?

  305. bob says:

    RAJO: If they specifically state those facts, what makes you so sure about the birth certificates.

    Because apostilles and birth certificates are two different things; duh.

    It is funny how traderjack would accept an ambulance bill over a birth certificate.

  306. At least five court acceptable, prima facie documents are in the public record attesting to the fact the Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, HI on August 4, 1961:

    2007 Hawaii Issued birth certificate
    2011 Hawaii Issued birth certificate
    Hawaii Verification letter to the Secretary of State of Arizona
    Hawaii Verification letter to the Secretary of State of Kansas
    Hawaii Verification letter to the attorneys representing the Democratic Party in Mississippi

    Any suggestion that there is something wrong or the documentation is lacking is completely ludicrous and the mark of an idiot.

  307. I do actually have a copy of the bill from the hospital for my birth in 1950 (imagine that) but there is no way to authenticate it. The hospital is long gone.

    That’s why we have birth certificates, to get around that problem of authenticating old documents when their signers are long dead.

    RAJO: Sure, a letter from the ob/gn, the admission ward of the hospital, a statement from the ambulance company showing the transport to the hospital, a copy of the paid hospital billing section, a letter from the health insurance company for the payment of the birth costs. A dated picture showing the happy mother in the hospital bed , smiling with her baby. A picture of the mother showing her just before entry into the hospital

  308. Rickey says:

    It is funny how traderjack would accept an ambulance bill over a birth certificate.

    I’m looking forward to his explanation for why he would accept a letter signed by Dr. Sinclair but not a birth certificate signed by Dr. Sinclair.

    My hunch is that he will just ignore my question.

  309. RAJO says:

    Rickey: I’m looking forward to his explanation for why he would accept a letter signed by Dr. Sinclair but not a birth certificate signed by Dr. Sinclair.

    My hunch is that he will just ignore my question.

    personal data, preparing the certificate or report, securing the required signatures,
    and filing the certificate or report with the local or State registrar, although State laws
    vary in specific requirements. In some States the hospital administrator is authorized
    under certain circumstances to certify to the facts of birth. The physician is generally
    responsible for completing the medical and health information and certifying to the
    date, time, and place of birth.

    You will therefore note that limitation of who does what!

    When a child, born in the car, or taxi, or ambulance brings the child to the hospital, the delivering doctor might have no personal knowledge of the parents, where-as an ob’gyn would.


  310. RAJO says:

    Reality Check:
    At least five court acceptable, prima facie documents are in the public record attesting to the fact the Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, HI on August 4, 1961:

    2007 Hawaii Issued birth certificate
    2011 Hawaii Issued birth certificate
    Hawaii Verification letter to the Secretary of State of Arizona
    Hawaii Verification letter to the Secretary of State of Kansas
    Hawaii Verification letter to the attorneys representing the Democratic Party in Mississippi

    Any suggestion that there is something wrong or the documentation is lacking is completely ludicrous and the mark of an idiot.

    well, you must know idiots because you look into a mirror once in a whie

    Anyone who has utter faith in the truth of recorded documents qualifies to that status

    Did you ever wonder why there are title companies and lawyers to specialize in real estate.

  311. RAJO says:

    bob: Because apostilles and bi, rth certificates are two different things; duh.

    It is funny how traderjack would accept an ambulance bill over a birth certificate.

    No, bob, one is a document and the other states the the named document has been signed by the proper individuals, but that, other than that, it makes no warrantee of the truths of the facts in the document

  312. RAJO says:

    Rickey: Can you provide any of those for yourself?

    Why would a letter from the ob/gyn be any more probative than his signature on the birth certificate?

    On what basis do you assume signing doctor is the patients ob/gyn?

  313. RAJO says:

    Rickey: No, you don’t just provide “information.” You would have to provide admissible evidence, not only that that the birth certificate is erroneous, but that the subject of the birth certificate was born somewhere else.

    As you have been told many times before, Obama’s birth certificate is not analogous with Bustamante’s birth certificate. Bustamante obtained a delayed registration of birth based upon a fraudulent baptismal certificate. Obama’s birth certificate is not a delayed certificate, it was signed by the attending physician, and was issued four days after his birth.

    Are you that smart? You actually think that a delayed registration of birth means the certified copy of the birth certificate is not true? Of course it is a true and accurate copy of the filed document. The document filed was fraudulent.

    So the certified copy of a recorded document was true and accurate for most uses until the document was shown to be fraudulently filed.

    You would have accepted it because it is prima facially true and acceptable as evidence for court uses.

    Ergo, that proves my point!

  314. Dear ignorant troll,

    Of course there is even more evidence.

    RAJO: well, you must know idiots because you look into a mirror once in a whie

    Anyone who has utter faith in the truth of recorded documents qualifies to that status

    Did you ever wonder why there are title companies and lawyers to specialize in real estate.

  315. Rickey says:


    When a child, born in the car, or taxi, or ambulance brings the child to the hospital, the delivering doctor might have no personal knowledge of the parents, where-as an ob’gyn would.

    it is irrelevant whether the delivering doctor knows the parents. The delivering doctor is attesting to the place and time of birth, nothing more.

    And you still haven’t explained why you would accept Dr. Sinclair’s signature on a letter as proof of birth but you won’t accept his signature on the birth certificate. Do you believe that he might have signed a blank birth certificate and the information about the child was filled in later? Are you that delusional?

  316. Rickey says:

    RAJO: On what basis do you assume signing doctor is the patients ob/gyn?

    Why would you accept a letter from the patient’s ob/gyn if the ob/gyn did not deliver the baby? In that case the patient’s ob/gyn would have no personal knowledge about when and where the baby was born.

  317. bob says:

    RAJO: No, bob, one is a document and the other states the the named document has been signed by the proper individuals, but that, other than that, it makes no warrantee of the truths of the facts in the document

    Thanks for agreeing that birth certificates and apostilles are different documents that serve different functions!

    Anyone who has utter faith in the truth of recorded documents qualifies to that status

    Good thing no one here has expressed utter faith in documents. But doubt without evidence is speculation, gossip, and a smear.

    And, of course, your beliefs are not how the real world operates.

  318. RAJO says:

    roadburner: just out of curiosity, have you asked for the same from trump yet?

    if not, why not?

    Good question, no one has every questioned the validity of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE
    of his brith certificate, no one raised big stink about errors on the document.

    And no one has jumped on the bandwagon to defend or decry the document.

    There you go.

  319. RAJO says:

    Reality Check:
    Dear ignorant troll,

    Of course there is even more evidence.

    Dear brilliant man, woman, or transgender, one who believes in newspapers, or blogs, should rest is peace knowing that everything a president , past, future, or present , will always be telling the truth to the people.

    Doubt would save many people from financial, or personal, damages.

    Do your bit coins make you money?

  320. RAJO says:

    bob: Good thing no one here has expressed utter faith in documents. But doubt without evidence is speculation, gossip, and a smear.

    Good heavens, faith will always be true, so there must be no doubters to confuse the timid people of the world.

    You would have believe the incoming missile without noticing the armed forces were not excited about it

  321. RAJO says:

    Rickey: Why would you accept a letter from the patient’s ob/gyn if the ob/gyn did not deliver the baby? In that case the patient’s ob/gyn would have no personal knowledge about when and where the baby was born.

    the ob/gyn would at least some evidence showing the female was pregnant. In a particular case, there is no evidence that a particular female was pregnant, except for Lois Anderson supposed meeting with a particular female at a particular place and time. LOL

  322. RAJO says:

    Keith: You really should back that up, Jack.

    Please quote the lie that you claim I have made and I will apologize it you are correct.

    Or apologize yourself for lying about me.

    Thank you in advance.

    Why I will of course apolog9ze if you are not the Keith that said that I had been claiming to by 95 for 5years.
    Take it as it is offered in good faith

    and I do apologize as I see it was Kenneth Noisewater that made that statement.

    You both have the same arguments, I guess.

    Remember I am an old man, LOL

  323. RAJO says:

    bob: Smith’s document lacks the certification necessary for ir be admitted in a U.S. court

    And Obama’s bc; lacks the certification required to be used in a Kenyan court

    six of one, half a dozen of another.

    You are willing to take a certification from HDOH, but not a certification from Kenyan DOH, based upon what someone said, implied, or averred about the holder on the documents.

    The Original COLB came from a democratic party site, so it must be true, as politicians never tell untruths.

  324. Rickey says:

    RAJO: the ob/gyn would at least some evidence showing the female was pregnant.In a particular case, there is no evidence that a particular female was pregnant, except for Lois Anderson supposed meeting with a particular female at a particular place and time.LOL

    When have you ever seen a letter from an ob-gyn attesting that a particular female was pregnant? Why would such a letter be better proof than a birth certificate signed by the attending physician? The last time I looked, a birth cannot take place without a pregnancy. Maybe you were hatched from an egg.

  325. Rickey says:


    You are willing to take a certification from HDOH, but not a certification from Kenyan DOH, based upon what someone said, implied, or averred about the holder on the documents.

    Kenya has never certified a birth certificate for Barack Obama.

    If you are really 95 years old, why are you wasting your remaining time on earth by being a birther?

  326. I don’t believe for a minute he is 95.

    Rickey: Kenya has never certified a birth certificate for Barack Obama.

    If you are really 95 years old, why are you wasting your remaining time on earth by being a birther?

  327. Ignorant troll told several lies in just a few sentences.

    RAJO: And Obama’s bc; lacks the certification required to be used in a Kenyan court

    six of one, half a dozen of another. But we are not talking about the president of Kenya. We are talking about the US.

    You are willing to take a certificationfrom HDOH, but not a certificationfrom Kenyan DOH, based upon what someone said, implied, or averred about the holder on the documents.It’s verifiable that Smith is a convicted forger and made several gross mistakes on his forgery.

    The Original COLB came from a democratic party site, so it must be true, as politicians never tell untruths. The original COLB came from Hawaii.

  328. RAJO says:

    Rickey: Kenya has never certified a birth certificate for Barack Obama.

    If you are really 95 years old, why are you wasting your remaining time on earth by being a birther?

    Of course you are right, The State of Kenya never certifies anything , because it is a figment of politics , but the Pertinent Kenyan Department of Health issued a certified copy of the document.
    Now before you claim fraud, remember you have to prove the fraud , as it is prima facie evidence of validity according to Kenyan law, exactly like the HDOH’ s Obama birth certificate.
    You claim birthers have to prove it fake, but you are who you are and don’t need to prove anything.

  329. RAJO says:

    Reality Check:
    Ignorant troll told several lies in just a few sentences.

    Reality Check: The Original COLB came from a democratic party site, so it must be true, as politicians

    Reality Check:
    I don’t believe for a minute he is 95.

    Good for you , never believe what you can not prove. Keep it up

    never tell untruths. The original COLB came from Hawaii.

    Heck, you can not prove that in any way as it was claimed to have been produced on a democratic party site, and it had a deleted number, didn’t it?

  330. RAJO says:

    Reality Check:
    Ignorant troll told several lies in just a few sentences.

    No, we are not talking, or posting about the president, as Trump is not part of the discussion
    What we are discussing is simply birth certificates and the validity of birth certificates in some case.

  331. RAJO says:

    Reality Check:
    Ignorant troll told several lies in just a few sentences.

    Lucas Smith may indeed be a convicted felon, forger, bad guy, or otherwise not acceptable to some people, but you can not prove he did the Kenyan bc, can you?

    Fake news is fake news

    If you can prove it, turn him in to the FBI for his forgeries

  332. RAJO says:

    my experience in life;
    HOTEL porter
    USN for 6 years,
    Auto mechanic , hot rods shop while in college, rebuild engines.
    college for 3,5 years , graduated from Ca Berkeley
    Aircraft mechanic for 3years
    Electric Autolite field representative 2 years
    Auto Parts sales man for years 1 year
    state employee for 30 jr appraiser, appraiser, senior appraiser for 30 years
    During this time I was a FHA appraiser, and real estate broker
    Retired about 1982
    Stopped work as taxes on self employed was excessive, if I made 100 dollars I got 20 in my pocket
    Not worth working, as no debt, no dependents, no need for money, and have been a radio amateur for about 70 tears

    At one time I had 7 cars in my possession.

    Not that it makes any difference

  333. dunstvangeet says:

    RAJO: Now before you claim fraud, remember you have to prove the fraud

    We already have proved the fraud. There is no chain of evidence on that document (it’s being held by a convicted forger). His story is that he bribed people, and got it issued by the Hospital illegally (hospitals don’t issue birth certificates in Kenya, the department of health does, and even if they did, the fact that it was illegally issued would prevent it from being prima facie evidence in the first place).

    But I’ll go down your rabbit hole, and show you other proof of forgery.

    1. The “Chief Administrator” spells his own name wrong. On the birth certificate, the person certifying the birth certificate spells his name “Helton Maganga”. On his Linked-In page, he spells it Heltan Maganga. This is evident not only in the stamp, but also in the signature. You can see it for yourself here:

    Please tell me why someone would misspell their own name in not only the stamp, but also the signature?

    2. The “Chief Administrator” did not actually hold the job of Chief Administrator until months after Mr. Smith was alledgely there and got it illegally issued. The Chief Administrator at the time that Mr. Smith says that he was there was actually Dr. Jennifer Othigo. So, if the Chief Administrator did sign the birth certificate, then it should have been Jennifer Othigo, rather than Heltan Maganga. You can view a link showing that Jennifer Othigo was the Chief Administrator on February 20, 2009 here:

    3. Don’t you think it’s odd that Stanley Dunham has a full date of birth listed, but Barack Obama Senior only has a year listed? That seems quite odd to me. The most reasonable explaination of that is that the forger (Mr. Smith) didn’t actually know Mr. Obama’s birthdate, and therefore left it off, rather than get it wrong.

    4. Kenya generally uses the English system of shortening dates of DD/MM/YY. The birth certifciate uses the American system of shortening dates of MM/DD/YY. This is another indication of forgery.

    5. You’ve already indicated that the appropriate department of Health would have issued the birth certificate. However, the birth certificate wasn’t issued by the Department of Health. According to Smith himself, he went to the Hospital, and bribed Hospital officials to get the birth certificate. It is signed by not a department of Health registrar, but by the Chief Administrator of the Hospital. It is not a state document, and therefore does not carry prima facie evidence with it.

    Now, there are probably 5 other things that are completely wrong about this birth certificate, but these are sufficient to give you a preponderance of the evidence that this is not a true document.

    The fact that this document was tried to be sold by a convicted forger who hasn’t even proven that he ever visited Kenya in the first place should have given you pause.

  334. Couldn’t hold a steady job?

    If you paid 80% of your income in taxes you needed to find a new accountant. I am self employed and pay under 30% combined state and federal income tax. Ever heard of a self 401k?

    You are probably one of those old codgers who think they know it all bloviating on 75 meters that have about made me give up the hobby I’ve been in for 40 years. 70 years and couldn’t make it past general? tsk tsk.

    RAJO: my experience in life;

  335. Keith says:

    RAJO: Why I will of course apolog9ze if you are not the Keith that said that I had been claiming to by 95 for 5years.

    I never made any such claim. Not even close.

    The only thing I said that had to do with your age was I did comment that if you are 95, as you claim, it is well within the range of possibilities that you never had a birth certificate, no matter where you were born.

  336. Keith says:

    RAJO: Of course you are right, The State of Kenya never certifies anything , because it is a figment of politics ,but the Pertinent Kenyan Department of Health issued a certified copy of the document.
    Now before you claim fraud, remember you have to prove the fraud , as it is prima facie evidence of validity according to Kenyan law, exactly like the HDOH’ s Obama birth certificate.
    You claim birthers have to prove it fake, but you are who you are and don’t need to prove anything.

    See, there is where the Apostile comes in. A Kenyan BC would need an Apostile to make it usable in the USA. Does the POSFKBC have an Apostile saying that it is signed by the appropriate officials? NO. And Kenya would never such a certification because it isn’t and it is totally fraudulent.

    The Hawaiian certificate does not need such an Apostile because the Constitution says so. Never-the-less, Hawaii has gone one step further than an Apostile and said that not only is the Certificate signed by the correct officials, the data on the certificates has been verified as accurately copied from the historical archive copy.

  337. Rickey says:

    RAJO: the Pertinent Kenyan Department of Health issued a certified copy of the document.

    No, it didn’t. And no member of the Kenyan government has ever vouched for its authenticity.

    Heck, you can not prove that in any way as it was claimed to have been produced on a democratic party site, and it had a deleted number, didn’t it?

    The certificate number wasn’t deleted. It was masked because someone in the Obama campaign though that there might be something sensitive about the number. When the people from reviewed and photographed it the certificate number was visible. You can see it here:

    Lucas Smith may indeed be a convicted felon, forger, bad guy, or otherwise not acceptable to some people, but you can not prove he did the Kenyan bc, can you?

    Fake news is fake news

    If you can prove it, turn him in to the FBI for his forgeries.

    Since Smith never bilked anyone out of money with his forgery, the FBI wouldn’t be interested. If I were to make a counterfeit dollar bill and posted it on the Internet, the Feds wouldn’t be interested unless I tried to pass it as real.

  338. Or an Internet troll.

    Rickey: If you are really 95 years old, why are you wasting your remaining time on earth by being a birther?

  339. bob says:

    RAJO: And Obama’s bc; lacks the certification required to be used in a Kenyan court

    Perhaps not presently, but it would little effort to obtain the additional certification needed for it be accepted in a foreign court, if such a need arose.

    No one of which is relevant, as Obama’s birth certificate has been presented and accepted in U.S. courts as proof of his Hawaiian birth.

    You are willing to take a certificationfrom HDOH, but not a certificationfrom Kenyan DOH, based upon what someone said, implied, or averred about the holder on the documents.

    It would depend on the certification this Kenyan document had, but Lucas Smith’s document doesn’t have the necessary certification.

    The Original COLB came from a democratic party site, so it must be true, as politicians never tell untruths.

    All of Obama’s birth certificates originated from the State of Hawaii, the authority on who was born there.

    In all these years, he still can’t specify a particular reason or point to any specific evidence to support any doubt Obama’s birth certificate; just pointless generalizations.

  340. RAJO says:

    dunstvangeet: We already have proved the fraud.There is no chain of evidence on that document (it’s being held by a convicted forger).His story is that he bribed people, and got it issued by the Hospital illegally (hospitals don’t issue birth certificates in Kenya, the department of health does, and even if they did, the fact that it was illegally issued would prevent it from being prima facie evidence in the first place).

    But I’ll go down your rabbit hole, and show you other proof of forgery.

    1. The “Chief Administrator” spells his own name wrong.On the birth certificate, the person certifying the birth certificate spells his name “Helton Maganga”.On his Linked-In page, he spells it Heltan Maganga.This is evident not only in the stamp, but also in the signature.You can see it for yourself here:

    Please tell me why someone would misspell their own name in not only the stamp, but also the signature?

    Why sure, the signature was signed by clerk who made sure that the signature matched the rubber stamp. Do you think a registrar would use such a precise signature to sign a usual task?

    2. The “Chief Administrator” did not actually hold the job of Chief Administrator until months after Mr. Smith was alledgely there and got it illegally issued.The Chief Administrator at the time that Mr. Smith says that he was there was actually Dr. Jennifer Othigo.So, if the Chief Administrator did sign the birth certificate, then it should have been Jennifer Othigo, rather than Heltan Maganga.You can view a link showing that Jennifer Othigo was the Chief Administrator on February 20, 2009 here:

    Sure, Dr. Othigo was on vacation and the clerk took over

    3. Don’t you think it’s odd that Stanley Dunham has a full date of birth listed, but Barack Obama Senior only has a year listed?That seems quite odd to me.The most reasonable explaination of that is that the forger (Mr. Smith) didn’t actually know Mr. Obama’s birthdate, and therefore left it off, rather than get it wrong.

    the clerk who filled out the birth record did not know the middle initial of Obama!

    4. Kenya generally uses the English system of shortening dates of DD/MM/YY.The birth certifciate uses the American system of shortening dates of MM/DD/YY.This is another indication of forgery

    No , it is an indication that there was no uniformity of date usage as it depends on what the clerk thinks the right way is. I have seen that here one the web in the USA.

    5. You’ve already indicated that the appropriate department of Health would have issued the birth certificate.However, the birth certificate wasn’t issued by the Department of Health.According to Smith himself, he went to the Hospital, and bribed Hospital officials to get the birth certificate.It is signed by not a department of Health registrar, but by the Chief Administrator of the Hospital.It is not a state document, and therefore does not carry prima facie evidence with it.

    There is another such bc shown on the web that is the same form so it indicates nothing

    Now, there are probably 5 other things that are completely wrong about this birth certificate, but these are t

    t to give you a preponderance of the evidence that this is not a true document.

    Of course you can, and someone else has provided the same type of conclusions about the Obama birth certificates, but you only one to believe on of them

    The fact that this document was tried to be sold by a convicted forger who hasn’t even proven that he ever visited Kenya in the first place should have given you pause.

    The fact that the man tried to sell something does not make the document wrong, does it? It is only wrong because some people want to be wrong.

    I think we should use the same standards for both.

    Just look at what the politicians are doing with the Trump dossier. all of them seem to be lying to help their side.

  341. RAJO says:

    bob: Perhaps not presently, but it would little effort to obtain the additional certification needed for it be accepted in a foreign court, if such a need arose.

    No one of which is relevant, as Obama’s birth certificate has been presented and accepted in U.S. courts as proof of his Hawaiian birth.

    It would depend on the certification this Kenyan document had, but Lucas Smith’s document doesn’t have the necessary certification.

    All of Obama’s birth certificates originated from the State of Hawaii, the authority on who was born there.

    In all these years, he still can’t specify a particular reason or point to any specific evidence to support any doubt Obama’s birth certificate; just pointless generalizations.

    Bob, that is why I showed the apostille from the Hawiian government. The wil not verify that the information iscorrect.

    Besides you do know that they allow fake birth certificates to be issued and that birth certificates for adopted children to have the wrong parental names shown as birth parents,don’t you

  342. RAJO says:

    Rickey: No, it didn’t. And no member of the Kenyan goverrnment has ever vouched for its authenticity.

    You are right,, but the Hawaiian government can only verify that the information that they have on record is the information that they have on record, and will not let anyone see that information.

  343. RAJO says:

    Keith: The Hawaiian certificate does not need such an Apostile because the Constitution says so. Never-the-less, Hawaii has gone one step further than an Apostile and said that not only is the Certificate signed by the correct officials, the data on the certificates has been verified as accurately copied from the historical archive copy.

    there is no mention in the constitution about birth certificates as they are issued by the state and local governments
    Post ,if you can clause in the constitution that says the birth certificate does not need authentication

  344. RAJO says:

    Keith: I never made any such claim. Not even close.

    The only thing I said that had to do with your age was I did comment that if you are 95, as you claim, it is well within the range of possibilities that you never had a birth certificate, no matter where you were born.

    you are right , it is within the range of possibities, but I do have a copy of a birth certificate from my place of birth in Cavite, PI, although it sustained damage from the war with Japan

  345. Rickey says:

    RAJO: You are right,, but the Hawaiian government can only verify that the information that they have on record is the information that they have on record, and will not let anyone see that information.

    What other information do you believe they have that is not included on the long form birth certificate?

  346. Rickey says:

    RAJO: you areright , it is within the range of possibities, but I do have a copy of a birth certificate from my place of birth in Cavite, PI, although it sustained damage from the war with Japan

    Since you say that you can’t rely on the information contained in any birth certificate, why are you so confident that you are 95 years old? And how do you know that you were born in Cavite?

  347. Rickey says:

    Post ,if you can clause in the constitution that says the birth certificate does not need authentication.

    It only needs certification. Article IV, Section 1. “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State.”

    That’s why you can get a driver’s license and register to vote without providing a letter from your mother’s ob/gyn.

  348. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: Post ,if you can clause in the constitution that says the birth certificate does not need authentication

    Can you post the clause in the constitution where it says a birth certificate needs triple super duper verification to appease birthers?

  349. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RAJO: The fact that the man tried to sell something does not make the document wrong, does it? It is only wrong because some people want to be wrong.

    No it’s just the fact that it was created by a convicted forger and conman and that the kenyan government doesn’t back it up that makes it wrong.

    You can’t apply the same standards. There is a clear chain of custody with the Hawaii BC. There isn’t for Lucas’ forgery. The Hawaii BC was certified and verified by the issuing authority in Hawaii. Lucas’ forgery was not. The Hawaiian Government stands behind the Hawaii BC. Kenya doesn’t for lucas’ forgery. There is historical corroboration for the Hawaii BC. There isn’t with Lucas’ forgery. They are not on equal footing. You’ve been told this hundreds of times over every time you dishonestly try to compare the two trolljack.

  350. RAJO says:

    Rickey: The Hawaii birth certificate is “prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding.”

    Only in a court of competent jurisdiction, such as a Hawaiian court, take a look at the COLB

  351. RAJO says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: No it’s just the fact that it was created by a convicted forger and conman and that the kenyan government doesn’t back it up that makes it wrong.

    You can’t apply the same standards.There is a clear chain of custody with the Hawaii BC.There isn’t for Lucas’ forgery.The Hawaii BC was certified and verified by the issuing authority in Hawaii.Lucas’ forgery was not.The Hawaiian Government stands behind the Hawaii BC.Kenya doesn’t for lucas’ forgery.There is historical corroboration for the Hawaii BC.There isn’t with Lucas’ forgery.They are not on equal footing.You’ve been told this hundreds of times over every time you dishonestly try to compare the two trolljack

    Oh, for heaven’s sake, where, oh where, is there any EVIDENCE that Lucas Smith created the document.
    You can think it, you can believe it, but you sure as hell can not prove it!
    assumptions are not facts.
    Just as though Birthers believe the LFBC is fake, so you believe that the Kenyan BC is fake, you are just the same as the birthers in your belief of your belief.

  352. RAJO says:

    Because the Navy records for my father show that I was born at Cavite Naval Hospital, I, of course, do not know where I was born because I was too young, coincidentally my oldest sister was born there in 1915

  353. RAJO says:

    Rickey: What other information do you believe they have that is not included on the long form birth certificate?

    the birth record consists of 4 pages and the birth certificate does not show the heath information.

  354. RAJO says:

    bob: All of Obama’s birth certificates originated from the State of Hawaii, the authority on who was born there.

    That authority must depend upon information from others, including hearsay information,

  355. RAJO says:

    Keith: See, there is where the Apostile comes in. A Kenyan BC would need an Apostile to make it usable in the USA. Does the POSFKBC have an Apostile saying that it is signed by the appropriate officials? NO. And Kenya would never such a certification because it isn’t and it is totally fraudulent.

    The Hawaiian certificate does not need such an Apostile because the Constitution says so. Never-the-less, Hawaii has gone one step further than an Apostile and said that not only is the Certificate signed by the correct officials, the data on the certificates has been verified as accurately copied from the historical archive copy.

    A Kenyan bc is effective in the USA to show the birth in Kenya , but not for governmental purposes. If Kenyan’s come into this country with a Kenyan birth certificate, and a USA visa, then the USA is using the Kenyan bc to verify his Kenyan citizenship
    when are you going to admit that there is a possibility that a birth record in any DOH might actually be fake.
    Remember that the disavowed all Puerto Rico bc’s before 2014 I believe

  356. RAJO says:

    Rickey: The certificate number wasn’t deleted. It was masked because someone in the Obama campaign though that there might be something sensitive about the number. When the people from reviewed and photographed it the certificate number was visible. You can see it here

    That is an interesting point, you claim that it was masked, but the document was photographed without the mask, So someone in someplace had the birth certificate, put it in a scanner with a mask, then issued copies of that with the embossed seal?
    And , if the factcheck had the original to photograph where did they get it?

    So, a number of them were just floating around for people to amend as necessary?

  357. RAJO says:

    Rickey: Since Smith never bilked anyone out of money with his forgery, the FBI wouldn’t be interested

    So, you think that the FBI would not be interested in a felon trying to hurt the valid president of the USA by faking a document that would invalidate the honest election

  358. bob says:

    RAJO: Bob, that is why I showed the apostille from the Hawiian government.The wil not verify that the information iscorrect.

    Because apostilles and birth certificates are two different documents that serve different functions; duh. Apostilles have nothing to do with Obama’s birth certificate, as it was actually used in the United States.

    Besides you do know that they allow fake birth certificates to be issued and that birth certificates for adopted children to have the wrong parental names shown as birth parents,don’t you

    I don’t know that because it isn’t true. You are, of course, free to continue to not supply any evidence for your fact-free beliefs.

    RAJO: That authority must depend upon information from others, including hearsay information,

    In case it hadn’t dawned on you, not all hearsay is created equal. And this is why birth certificates were invented: to provide a mechanism to control what hearsay is allowed, and to create a process for verification. If you personally can’t understand this basic concept, the rest of the world does.

    RAJO: Only in a court of competent jurisdiction, such as a Hawaiian court, takea look at the COLB

    Because the courts are the adjudicators of disputes; duh. Disputes aren’t decided, for example, by the biases of internet trolls.

    RAJO: A Kenyan bc is effective in the USA to show the birth in Kenya , but not for governmental purposes.

    Why does anyone care if a Kenyan is in the United States trying to establish their place of birth for non-governmental purposes? If Denny’s wants to accept Kenyan birth certificates for proof of eligibility for its discounts, woot.

    If Kenyan’s come into this country with a Kenyan birth certificate, and a USA visa, then the USA is using the Kenyan bc to verify his Kenyan citizenship

    The U.S. government would rely on the passport issued by Kenya; duh.

    when are you going to admit that there is a possibility that a birth record in any DOH might actually be fake.

    An infinite amount things are possible, but possibility is not probability.

    When will you admit that you have no evidence that Obama’s birth certificate was faked?

  359. Rickey says:

    RAJO: So, you think that the FBI would not be interested in a felon trying to hurt the valid president of the USA by faking a document that would invalidate the honest election

    No, they would not be interested. The Lucas Smith Kenyan BC is so obviously fake that no one other than Orly Taitz (and you, apparently) took it seriously. No harm, no foul. It’s not even clear that forging a birth certificate from a foreign country would be a Federal crime.

    And while I believe that it is highly probable that Smith was the forger, I don’t know if it would be possible to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

  360. Rickey says:

    RAJO: That is an interesting point,you claim that it was masked, but the document was photographed without the mask, So someone in someplace had the birth certificate, put it in a scanner with a mask, then issued copies of that with the embossed seal?
    And , if the factcheck had the original to photograph where did they get it?

    Sigh. I don’t know if you are deliberately dense or if it comes naturally.

    The certificate number on the COLB was masked DIGITALLY before it was put on the Internet by the Obama campaign. The actual document was not altered in any way. Factcheck sent reporters to Obama’s campaign headquarters in Chicago to look at it an photograph it.

    The Obama campaign did not “issue” copies of the COLB. They posted one image of it on the campaign website. They may well have ordered more than one certified copy from Hawaii DOH, although what difference that would make is a mystery to me.

  361. Rickey says:

    RAJO: Only in a court of competent jurisdiction, such as a Hawaiian court, takea look at the COLB

    It says “any court proceeding,” not “any court proceeding in Hawaii.” The full faith and credit clause of the Constitution requires any court in the United States to consider it to be prima facie evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.

  362. Rickey says:

    Because the Navy records for my father show that I was born at Cavite Naval Hospital,I, of course, do not know where I was born because I was too young, coincidentally my oldest sister was born there in 1915

    So you believe the Navy’s records, but you don’t believe Hawaii’s records?

  363. Rickey says:

    RAJO: the birth record consists of 4 pages and the birth certificate does not show the heath information.

    Four pages? Where did you get that information?

    And everyone’s health information is private pursuant to HIPAA.

  364. Dave B. says:

    That’s basically Jon Roland’s hobby site. Roland seems to be a nice enough guy, but he has no credentials as an authority on the Constitution.


    eliminate the T to get the URL.

    Not that you will know anymore about anything you don’t believe

  365. dunstvangeet says:

    RAJO: Oh, for heaven’s sake, where, oh where, is there any EVIDENCE that Lucas Smith created the document.You can think it, you can believe it, but you sure as hell can not prove it!
    assumptions are not facts.

    I don’t need to prove that Lucas Smith created the document. I have previously proven that the birth certificate is false due to the interior evidence of the document, not to mention that you even agree that it lacks the issuance procedures that you’d expect. You stated that it was issued by the Department of Health. It actually wasn’t. It’s not signed by a Department of Health official. It doesn’t even claim to come from any department of health. It alledgely came from a hospital. However, Hospitals don’t issue birth certificates, the government does at the Department of Health. So, let me ask you this question. Would you accept a document that allegely came from the Kaplioani Hospital? I sure wouldn’t, because it wouldn’t be any sort of official birth certificate. The Government issues the birth certificates, not the hospital.

    Now, let me ask you a few questions: Is it more likely than not (the standard of proof) that it’s a forgery if it is signed by someone who claims to have a job that can be proven that he didn’t have at the time that he signed it?

    Is it more likely than not that it’s a forgery if it misspells the person’s name who is signing it?

    Is it more likely than not that it’s a forgery if it has weird things such as only having a birth year for Barack Obama Sr., but a full birthdate for Stanley Ann Dunham?

    Is it more likely than not that it’s a forgery if it uses the American shortened date system, rather than the British system, which is used in nearly every other English country? Remember that Kenya was an English Colony, and still tends to use the British system of shortening dates.

    Is it more likely than not that it’s a forgery if it was in the custody of a convicted forger with no actual evidence of the chain of evidence?

    Is it more likely than not that it’s a forgery when it comes from a place that doesn’t actually issue birth certificates? Birth Certificates, you said, would be issued from the Department of Health. But according to Mr. Smith’s story of obtaining this birth certificate, he obtained it from the Hospital itself.

    Is it more likely than not that it’s a forgery when it doesn’t even look like other Kenyan Birth Certificates? You can take a look at a picture of a sample Kenyan Birth Certificate here:

    When you take these facts together, does it make it more likely than not that it’s a forgery? Until you answer those questions (you did not respond to any of these things from my previous post), then you will not actually argue that the Smith Kenyan Argument

    Justas though Birthers believe the LFBC is fake,so you believe that the Kenyan BC is fake,you are just the same as the birthers in your belief of your belief.

    The difference between the two is we actually have tons of evidence that the birth certificate from Kenya is fake just coming from the birth certificate. I don’t even have to go into technical minituae to even prove it.

    Until you answer each one of those questions above, then I will not respond to you.

  366. Rickey says:

    Remember that the disavowed all Puerto Rico bc’s before 2014 I believe

    More false equivalence.

    The issue in Puerto Rico was that thousands of REAL birth certificates were stolen from schools. There was no question about the authenticity of those birth certificates. The concern was that people were using them to impersonate the people whose names were on them. But then you knew that, didn’t you?

    Nothing similar to that has happened in Hawaii.

  367. RAJO says:

    OH, heck, you think that he was capable of forging in government document, because he may have forged a check, or similar document.
    You believe that the hospital can not issue a birth certificate in Kenya, he does have a separate one from the same hospital, but I guess you will aver that he created that!
    you claim he didn’t have a job at the time he was supposed to have a job, and somehow, in this world , you have access to the employment of individuals that post on ebay
    do you ignore the fact that HDOH can issue bc with fake information on them and certify it is a true and accurate copy, when, of course it is true and accurate copy of what is in the department, which might be fake.

    His brother showed the Kenyan one and you don’t believe his brother either/

    Sure it is minutiae that you are using, you say the signature is wrong, birther say the Onaka signature is wrong, they also say the certification was changed to say it was not a true copy but was a true copy or abstract so people can not tell If it was an abstract or a true copy.
    so what is it, a true copy or an abstract of a larger document

  368. RAJO says:

    Rickey: More false equivalence.

    The issue in Puerto Rico was that thousands of REAL birth certificates were stolen from schools. There was no question about the authenticity of those birth certificates. The concern was that people were using them to impersonate the people whose names were on them. But then you knew that, didn’t you?

    Nothing similar to that has happened in Hawaii.

    You, Rickey, are a believer, I am realist.
    You have 200,000 Purerto Ricans in this country, and you may have Puerto Rican gangs,
    the gangs approach their compadres and say let me borrow you birth certificate for a month and I will give you150 smackeroos, and give you your bc back, Lo and behold a lot of bc’s float around
    Or you go to the people with children in school and give them 10o bucks for their birth certificates and tell them to simply get a couple replacements, or dozen, and sell them to the gang.
    I To say they were stolen from schools is partly right as the said they were stolen from schools and institutions meaning they could have been stolen from the government files just as easlity
    Take it to the copier, make a copy, and put it back in the file , owner is out of the country and will never find out

    Just covering their butt, perhaps.

  369. RAJO says:

    Obtaining a Social Security card for a U.S.-born child is very similar to the process for an adult citizen born in the country.

    The same documents can be used to prove citizenship and age.

    The primary difference comes from the proof of identity. The Social Security Administration will not accept a birth certificate as a form of identification in this circumstance.

    Allowable documents include:
    •U.S. passport.
    •State-issued ID card.
    •Adoption decree.
    •Doctor, clinic, or hospital record.
    •Religious record of the child’s birth.
    •School or daycare center record.
    •School ID card.
    •Anything showing the child’s: •Name.
    •Identifying information (age, date of birth,or parents’ names).

    The child’s parent applying on their behalf must also show proof of identity. Acceptable documents are the same as an adult U.S. citizen applying for a new Social Security card (see above).

  370. Rickey says:

    RAJO: You, Rickey, are a believer, I amrealist.
    You have 200,000Purerto Ricans in this country, and youmay have Puerto Rican gangs,
    the gangs approach their compadres and say let me borrow you birth certificate for a month and I will give you150 smackeroos, and give youyour bc back,Lo and behold a lot of bc’s float around
    Or you go to the people with children in school and give them 10o bucks for their birth certificates and tell them to simply get a couple replacements, or dozen, and sell them to the gang.
    I To say they were stolen from schoolsis partly right as the said they were stolen from schools and institutions meaning they could have been stolen from the government files just as easlity
    Take it to the copier, make a copy, and put it back in the file , owner is out of the country and will never find out

    Just covering their butt, perhaps.

    So your theory is that President Obama stole the real Barack Obama’s birth certificate? And how would you go about proving that?

    Oh, I almost forgot that you aren’t interested in providing proof. You just want to continue spreading your fantasies.

    And as I pointed out, there is no evidence that there has been any theft of birth certificates in Hawaii.

  371. Rickey says:


    so what is it, a true copy or an abstract of a larger document

    The COLB is an abstract.

    The long-form birth certificate is a true copy.

    You do understand the difference between the two, I hope.

  372. dunstvangeet says:

    You haven’t answered my questions. So, without a direct answer for you, I will repost them:

    The burden of proof in this is a preponderance of the evidence, which means “is it more likely than not”.

    Now, let me ask you a few questions: Is it more likely than not (the standard of proof) that it’s a forgery if it is signed by someone who claims to have a job that can be proven that he didn’t have at the time that he signed it? The birth certificate was signed by a “Dr. Helton Maganga”. It has a date stamp of February 19, 2009. The Chief Administrator at the time was Dr. Jennifer Othigo. You can see an article here labeling Dr. Jennifer Othigo as chief Administrator on February 26th. There was another article that we found that had a date of February 1st, but that is a dead link. So, please tell me, is it more likely than not that the document alledgely signed by someone who claimed a job title of “Chief Administrator” but wasn’t actually the Chief Administrator is a forgery? I’m not talking about Lucas Smith signing the document, but “Helton Maganga”.

    “Dr. Helton Maganga” signed the document with that spelling. That spelling is evident on both his signature, and the stamp. However, his Linked-in page here spells his name “Heltan Maganga”. So, given that there is a misspelling in the name (unless you think that someone purposely set up a Linked-in profile with a misspelled name), is it more likely than not that it’s a forgery if it misspells the person’s name who is signing it? Again, I’m not talking about Lucas Smith, I’m talking about “Dr. Helton Maganga”.

    Now, there is a full birthdate for Stanley Ann Dunham, but there is only a birth year for Barack Obama Sr. Now, Barack Obama Sr. knew his birthdate (June 18, 1936), and it is recorded in documents for the State department. However, the only thing on Wikipedia during the time that this document was made was 1936. So, given the fact that Stanley Ann Dunham has a full birthdate, but Barack Obama Sr. only has a birthyear, despite the fact that he knew his own birthdate, do you think that makes it more likely than not that it is a forgery?

    Kenya generally uses the British dating system of DD/MM/YYYY. All dates on this document are shortened to the American dating system of MM/DD/YYYY. Do you think that this makes it more likely than not that it is a forgery?

    Given that the only word that we have on the authenticity of this document is from the person obtaining it (Lucas Smith), who’s a convicted forger, who states that he literally went to the hospital and bribed people to come out with this document. Do you think that it is more likely than not that it is a forgery?

    Is it more likely than not that it’s a forgery when it comes from a place that doesn’t actually issue birth certificates? Birth Certificates, you said, would be issued from the Department of Health. But according to Mr. Smith’s story of obtaining this birth certificate, he obtained it from the Hospital itself. Furthermore, even if the hospital actually did issue this document, than the fact that it was not issued by the Department of Health would actually take away it’s prima facie value in the court of law, and therefore disregard the evidencial value of it.

    Is it more likely than not that it’s a forgery when it doesn’t even look like other Kenyan Birth Certificates? You can take a look at a picture of a sample Kenyan Birth Certificate here:

    When you take these facts together, does it make it more likely than not that it’s a forgery?

    Answer these questions, yes or no. Do you think that it is more likely than not a forgery, given everything that I stated above. This doesn’t even go into the idiotic psuedo-scientific process that birthers have to go through to try to cast doubt on the birth certificate (Oh, this document breaks down into 7 layers. Read PDFs don’t do this, and therefore it’s a forgery) which have all been proven wrong. Just answer these simple questions. Do you believe that it is more likely than not a forgery? Yes, or no.

    Until you answer that question, I will be reposting this comment (Dr. Conspiracy, if you want me to stop, please say so. I don’t want to spam your site if you are expressly against it).

    Everybody else, I suggest that you disengage from Trader Jack until he answers these questions.

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