The additional open thread: When is a muffin just a muffin?

Obama Conspiracy Theories closed to new articles on January 20, 2017, as as the very presidential Barack Obama left office, and was replaced by someone completely different. The open thread is a place to leave comments and continue the discussion. This thread will close, and be replaced by another in 4 weeks.

If you have not had an approved comment here before, your comment will first go into moderation for subsequent review and approval.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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13 Responses to The additional open thread: When is a muffin just a muffin?

  1. Technophobe Joe Arpaio has a Twitter account, @RealSheriffJoe. The Phoenix New Times says Joe has blocked them.

  2. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Technophobe Joe Arpaio has a Twitter account, @RealSheriffJoe. The Phoenix New Times says Joe has blocked them.

    Something called TeamArpaio writes most if not all of the tweets

  3. katahdin says:

    Happy birthday to my favorite natural born citizen

  4. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Has there been open threads like this since the last full article? For some reason I can’t see any of the new open threads so I thought everyone just left here.

  5. Keith says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    Has there been open threads like this since the last full article?For some reason I can’t see any of the new open threads so I thought everyone just left here.

    Yes, open threads have been running all along. But, at least for me (and I guess for you) they were difficult to get to until just recently. I don’t know if Doc fixed something or if I just needed to sign in properly again, but hey! presto!.

    For awhile, you could only get here by clicking on the ‘comment feed’ link at ‘Recent Comments’ that goes to feedburner. Then picking one of those comments went back here. Now, it seems to be functioning ‘properly’ again. Of course there has been little to talk about lately.

    Doc has hidden the sign-in link too, I must admit I had to do a bit of digging to find it.

  6. To sign in, just use the blog’s homepage followed by /wp-login.php. That’s pretty much standard for WordPress blogs.

    Speaking of WordPress sites, is now a WordPress site. You can’t get to wp-login.php there because of some sort of security setting. Maybe you have to have an IP address in Moscow or something.

    I hope I have the caching problem fixed where the additional open threads are all visible. If things are working correctly. you should be able to see them all by clicking the Open Thread in the menu bar.

    You shouldn’t have to be logged in, but it might help.

    Keith: Doc has hidden the sign-in link too, I must admit I had to do a bit of digging to find it.

  7. To log in I go to the Visitor’s Guide page and there is a link. I had cleared cookies on this PC so I just had to log in again.

    Trader Jack the 95 year old troll has been commenting on an article over at my blog. He is really dense.

    I had forgotten that WND had published a contemporary Kenyan BC and it looked nothing at all like Lucas Smith’s forgery.

  8. Pete says:

    Nice to have the open threads working right again.

  9. I use the comment feed almost exclusively now. I replaced the main OCT blog page with the comments feed on my bookmarks toolbar. It’s very convenient to quickly see if there are any new comments in the open thread.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    Has there been open threads like this since the last full article?For some reason I can’t see any of the new open threads so I thought everyone just left here.

  10. Arthur B. says:

    Michael Cohen has reached a plea deal. A hearing will be held in NY at 4 PM.

  11. The WND certificate is an actual Kenyan government document, along the lines of the one my detective in Kenya sent me (not published). It is a “short form” birth certificate as best I can tell. A clerk types selected items from the official certificate onto a form and then certifies it. The Smith certificate purports to be one issued by the hospital rather than the government. I don’t see the difference in form between the WND certificate and the Smith certificate as particularly telling. It’s like the difference between Obama’s long form and short form (and the hospital souvenir that we know Obama has, but has never released). The main problem with the Smith certificate is that President Obama was not born in Kenya, and then there are the many technical mistakes. We do not know what an authentic Coast General Hospital birth certificate looks like, nor if such a thing even exists.

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