The additional open thread: Better an open thread than an open threat

Obama Conspiracy Theories closed to new articles on January 20, 2017, as as the very presidential Barack Obama left office, and was replaced by someone completely different. The open thread is a place to leave comments and continue the discussion. This thread will close, and be replaced by another in 4 weeks.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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8 Responses to The additional open thread: Better an open thread than an open threat

  1. Rickey says:

    A film about Pablo Escobar called “Loving Pablo,” starring Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz, is opening today. I checked out the cast and there is no character named “Nancy” or “Pablo’s White Rabbit.” I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

  2. What a bummer!

    A film about Pablo Escobar called “Loving Pablo,” starring Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz, is opening today. I checked out the cast and there is no character named “Nancy” or “Pablo’s White Rabbit.” I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

  3. From the mailbox:

    I recently read your post on Soebarkah & I am here to shed the light on that name. The name has a hidden meaning, but you have to read the name backwards. Instead of reading it Soebarkah, read it like this Hakrab Eos. The reason I separated the name is because it’s two separate words Hakrab means “Scorpion” & Eos in Greek means “goddess of the dawn.” Now, I’m a man of God, Jesus is MY LORD, & I know who & what Barrack Hussein Obama is or will be. In Revelation 9:11 it talks about the Angel of the bottomless pit Apollyon the spirit of the Antichrist. In the pit are a race of demonic locusts & they had a king over them Apollyon. Those Locusts are not a crazy description of war planes or some futuristic machine the the Apostle John didn’t understand. No, they are demonic race of locusts w/ tails like “Scorpions” like the word Hakrab. I learned this through another man of God, so I can’t remember if Hakrab is Greek, Latin, or what, but it does mean Scorpion the man showed me the meaning of Hakrab on his computer. Eos is Greek for goddess of the dawn, which we all know Lucifer is the morning star or god/goddess of the dawn. If you don’t believe me, then look it up. Also, in Revelation it talks about the Antichrist & 666 which is a man & also the number of his name & if you have wisdom you can figure this out. Man is a carbon life form & carbon is made up of 6 neutrons, 6 electrons, & 6 protons. So, we are all 666, because we are in the flesh. So, the bible is simply saying the Antichrist is a man, but it also says whoever has wisdom 666 is also the number of his name. Now, forget gemotria it’s much simpler than that, take 6+6+6=18. Now count the letters in Barrack Hussein Obama it equals 18. Obama married a transgender male Michelle & she is the representation of Baphomet. One of Obama’s daughters name Natasha has a hidden meaning. Satan loves to hide messages upside down or backwards. So, take Natasha & spell it backwards Ah Satan. Now, Ah in Islam is used like we use AD & BC when we use dates. AD means after Christ’s death & BC means before Christ. AH means “In the year of the Hijra”, so Natasha spelled backwards means “In the year of Satan.” Obama’s other daughter’s name has a Islam meaning as well. Obama is the Islam’s Al Mahdi, which is their version of Jesus. If you have ever read the Quran it Parrallels the Holy Bible, but the Christian Messiah is described as the enemy of Allah & his Al Mahdi. The Mahdi’s description in the Quran is identical of the 1st horseman of the book of Revelation, the rider had a crown & bow riding a white horse, well that’s the Antichrist & the Al Mahdi. Islam is Satan’s religion that’s why it parallels the bible except the good & the evil are reversed. Obama had a picture of himself in the oval office sitting on the game of thrones Iron throne with a crown in his lap, a bow laying on a table, & 3 dragon eggs with one painted red, one painted green, & the other painted white, which are the colors of Islam countries flags, mocking us all. Also, he was mocking the Holy trinity w/ the 3 dragon eggs. Obama is a muslim & Satan’s right hand man. I feel Obama will be killed & the pit will open sometime after his death & Apollyon will rise from the pit & enter into Barrack Hussein Obama resurrecting back to life. Brother, I know this in my heart & soul. God has confirmed this to me. This must get out to all. We are at the end, Jesus is coming back to take us back home, but for those that are left behind they must know the Truth. Read Psalms 82:6-7 we are more than just flesh & blood. We once had rule in Heaven as Angels until we got tricked by Satan & rebelled against our Father & fell. We are in our chains of darkness called the flesh. If you don’t believe me look up the word for gods in the hebrew strongs concordance in verse 6 of Psalms 82. It is Elohim, which is plural for Angels of the Supreme God. We have been lied to about our true identity. The Truth will set you free. TheJonathonKleck channel on YouTube is where I learned the Truth. You won’t learn this in any Church, before you discount him because he is on YouTube, God is no dummy. What better way to reach millions of souls in a fast amount of time. The reason God must use this media is because the Church has failed The LORD & isn’t teaching Truth, but lies & doctrine of men. Check it out if you want to wake up from Satan’s spell & have your eyes open, God Bless you, my brother!!!

  4. Whew! Another crazy who never learned to write using paragraphs. There is a lifetime supply of manure there.

  5. The fellow sent me an equally long rebuttal.

    Reality Check: Whew! Another crazy who never learned to write using paragraphs. There is a lifetime supply of manure there.

  6. Flash from the past. The New York Times just today was talking about fake social media accounts. New rules from Facebook and Twitter are quite topical.

    Five years ago I mentioned here that the Fox News Channel had hundreds of fake social media accounts boosting Fox News and countering criticism.

  7. Rebuttal to what? All you did was post his hogwash w/o comment.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The fellow sent me an equally long rebuttal.

  8. I replied to his email pointing out that he had no justification for reading the name backwards in the first place, and that of one allows all sorts of transformations one can come up with anything. So it’s not a valid approach.

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