The additional open thread: Forensic birther analysis edition

Obama Conspiracy Theories closed to new articles on January 20, 2017, as as the very presidential Barack Obama left office, and was replaced by someone completely different. The open thread is a place to leave comments and continue the discussion. This thread will close, and be replaced by another in 4 weeks.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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23 Responses to The additional open thread: Forensic birther analysis edition

  1. Rickey says:

    Corsi is now claiming that he is negotiating a plea deal with Mueller. That could be bad news for Roger Stone as well as for Trump.

  2. Corsi plea negotiations confirmed by NBC White House correspondent Peter Alexander:

  3. Nancy Ruth Owens says:

    Corsi is a disinformation agent and I said it all along.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Corsi plea negotiations confirmed by NBC White House correspondent Peter Alexander:

  4. Corsi says he has rejected plea deal, won’t “sign a lie.” Do I smell a pardon?

  5. You should know Nancy since you are a first rate expert on disinformation, aka lying.

    Nancy Ruth Owens:
    Corsi is a disinformation agent and I said it all along.

  6. bob says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Corsi says he has rejected plea deal, won’t “sign a lie.” Do I smell a pardon?

    The only source that Corsi was in plea negotiations (and then rejected the plea offer) is … Corsi.

    Corsi also just so happens to be publishing a book about his fight against the Dark State.

    It is more likely that there never were any plea negotiations, and Corsi made it all up as free publicity to sell more books.

  7. bob says:

    CNN (and others) are reporting on draft documents regarding the plea offered to Corsi, his many lies, etc.

  8. Yep, Corsi’s attorneys leaked the draft agreement to Trump first and then the press. What a guy.

    CNN (and others) are reporting on draft documents regarding the plea offered to Corsi, his many lies, etc.

  9. donna says:

    Ari Melber Triggers A Total Birther/JFK Conspiracy Meltdown From Jerome Corsi

    Corsi: So you have a copy of the original Hawaii 1961 birth registration for Barack Obama. I haven’t seen it. I went down with law enforcement, sheriff Arpaio, Hawaii wouldn’t show it to law enforcement. I don’t think it exists. If you can show me that I’ll agree I was wrong. So far all that we have is a computer printout from the white house that didn’t exist in 1961 that forensic analysis says is a fraud so I’ll stand by what I originally said as true even though you think it’s a lie.

  10. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    An interesting, multi-part blog on birthright citizenship (still being updated). The writing almost perfectly mirrors my thoughts on the subject, although I do have some minor quibbles.

  11. gorefan says:

    Gallups was on the Bill Martinez show; Same thing from 2013 – VIPs with standings are waiting in the wings for the right timing.

    Let me break some news. Mike Zullo broke this just a few days ago on my show so I can say it now with authority. I know the particulars, I know the names but I’m going to have to speak cryptically as he did. Please forgive me for that but please hear me. I’m not making this up, Mike Zullo is not making it up, I know the players, they are huge. There is a very, very important person with an internationally recognized name, if I said it your whole audience would know. Who had an audience with an extremely important person in Washington D.C. Again internationally recognized, if I said his name everybody would know. These two major players got together, the first one who knows every detail now about the Obama criminal forensic investigation, five year investigation, and the horrendous evidence of five major federal crimes committed with that thing. Sat down with this major Washington D.C. player who has direct access to all the people that need to know and they sat down together for thirty minutes more and exposed everything to this D.C. player and the D.C. player said this will be dealt with, we’re waiting for the specific timing. That’s all I can say right now but that does give hope to people who know what we know and who understand what we understand but see because we have been talking about that in the media, the Deep State knows this too. Which is why they’re just ramping up everything against Corsi and against Donald Trump.

  12. bob says:

    Not to content to just throw paper at the DOJ, Corsi (represented by Klayman, natch) is suing Mueller, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA.

  13. Nancy Owens, The Obama Forger says:

    OMG! I cracked up laughing at this one and had to do a YouTube video.

  14. Pete says:

    gorefan: Gallups was on the Bill Martinez show; Same thing from 2013 – VIPs with standings are waiting in the wings for the right timing.

    And the fraud goes on.

    It will go on until there’s not a single sucker left.

  15. Rickey says:

    bob: 1. Literally no one voted for Cody Judy.

    So Judy couldn’t even get his mother to vote for him. According to his website he had a public relations volunteer who also didn’t vote for him.

  16. So our old friend Joe Arpaio is suing CNN and other news organizations for $300 million for defamation. It appears that someone called him a convicted criminal.


    Some also said he was in prison, but hastily retracted it.

    Arpaio is represented by, wait for it, Larry Klayman.

    Here’s the complaint:

  17. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Melania Trump was a birther.

    Melania on the birth certificate beginning at 1:50. This was just before the release of the LFBC.

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