The Additional Open Thread: Averting Mass Casualties Edition

Obama Conspiracy Theories closed to new articles on January 20, 2017, as as the very presidential Barack Obama left office, and was replaced by someone completely different. The open thread is a place to leave comments and continue the discussion. This thread will close, and be replaced by another in 4 weeks.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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10 Responses to The Additional Open Thread: Averting Mass Casualties Edition

  1. Nancy, we need to hook you up with a guy named Geir Smith. Unfortunately, I think he lives in France.

    Nancy R Owens:
    Hello, guys.

  2. Nancy R Owens says:

    Ok, I’ll bite. Why?

    Reality Check: Nancy, we need to hook you up with a guy named Geir Smith. Unfortunately, I think he lives in France.

  3. Really? I don’t think the racism and hypocrisy on Trump’s part bothers them in the least.

    gorefan: This also set the birthers off.

  4. Loren has a new website that apparently has been rather popular of late:

  5. Rickey says:

    Reality Check: Nancy, we need to hook you up with a guy named Geir Smith. Unfortunately, I think he lives in France.

    Geir Smith fancies himself a scholar because he supposedly speaks six languages, but he isn’t sufficiently scholarly to do some not-so-difficult fact checking of Linda Joy Adams’ story.

    As a real investigator, the first thing that I do to evaluate a person’s credibility is to look at the essential elements of the person’s story and find out if their are any inconsistencies and/or demonstrably false statements.

    Linda’s story falls apart with her assertion that Obama’s father was Jim T. Parks, the brother-in-law of Rosa Parks. Jim T. Parks supposedly was lynched in Kansas in 1961.

    Rosa Parks was married to Raymond A. Parks, who was born in 1903 and died in 1977. He was a barber in Montgomery, Alabama. He had a sister named Gemica, but there is no record of him having a brother named Jim or James.

    That is strike one.

    In addition, there is no record of man named Jim T. Parks or James T. Parks being lynched in Kansas in 1961. The Tuskegee Institute has compiled an exhaustive list of lynchings in the United States, and the last recorded lynching in Kansas occurred in 1932. In fact, there was only one recorded lynching in the United States in 1961. It occurred in Georgia and the victim was a man named David Jackson.

    Strike two.

    Finally, the Tuskegee Institute database lists only two lynching victims with the surname Parks: George Parks in Georgia in 1882 and John Parks in Missouri in 1880. And John Parks was a white man who was lynched after murdering someone.

    Strike Three.

    It’s a large file

  6. Well done Rickey. File this under the Birther meme of never letting the facts get in the way of a good story that says something bad about Obama.

    Smith’s comment is full of logical fallacies and silly attempts to connect the dots. First he uses the logical fallacy of appeal to his own authority. He claims to be able to translate from Tibetan so that somehow qualifies him to assess the validity of Adams’ claims. He makes a big deal out of the fact Ann Dunham was born in Kansas (a well known fact) so that somehow lends credence to a claim that Obama was born there. He also tries to claim that because Zullo and his sidekick Gallups investigated Adams and dismissed her claims that somehow makes her claims credible. Had Smith bothered to investigate how Zullo operates he dismisses any claim about Obama that isn’t his own or one that he “borrowed” from someone else to make his own.

    He infers that since Pogue Moran showed up in the comments after he left a comment that there is some deep dark conspiracy between me and Moran. Has he every heard of something called a subscription?

    Rickey: Geir Smith fancies himself a scholar because he supposedly speaks six languages, but he isn’t sufficiently scholarly to do some not-so-difficult fact checking of Linda Joy Adams’ story.

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