Obama Conspiracy Theories closed to new articles on January 20, 2017, as as the very presidential Barack Obama left office, and was replaced by someone completely different. The open thread is a place to leave comments and continue the discussion. This thread will close, and be replaced by another in 4 weeks.
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This article encapsulates Trump’s toxic personality in one paragraph.
Trump fired internal pollsters for leaking polls he denied existed in the first place.
I’m going to start a polling company to just make up poll numbers and tell Trump what he wants to hear.
“We surveyed 4,000 voters from across America. In a head to head match-up with Joe Biden, Americans prefer:
Trump: 62%
Biden: 31%
No preference: 7%
Trump is headed for a landslide victory from a grateful American public.”
That’s basically the business plan.
I think I have a winner here.
Actually, I could even do some real polling. Like this:
“President Donald Trump has been fulfilling his promises to make America great again! by cutting your taxes and standing up against foreign dictators. In 2020, would you orefer to vote for:
A: President Donald Trump? or
B: That loser Joe Biden, who’s so dumb he thinks Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company?”
Trump would declare that to be a credible poll.