Category Archives: Selective Service

Obama’s Selective Service registration

Obama Selective Service registration: POSSIBLE!

An interesting objection by retired federal agent Stephen Coffman to Barack Obama’s Selective Service registration was cited by Debbie Schlussel back in 2008: Obama could not have registered for the draft in Hawaii because he was attending classes at Occidental … Continue reading

Posted in FOIA, Selective Service | Tagged , , , | 228 Comments

Zullo ties naturalization oath guidance to Obama Selective Service registration

After the recounting of a great deal of irrelevant birther history, The Post & Email’s Sharon Rondeau gets to the point in a new article this week: “Are Forgeries Concealing a ‘Hidden’ Agenda?” The point comes from an interview with … Continue reading

Posted in Mike Zullo, Selective Service | Tagged | 204 Comments

“Complicity” doesn’t mean what you think it does, and other birther misapplications of the English language

Sometimes I wish the birthers could hear themselves the way others do.1 I’m sure it would be a shock. 😯 Here’s a little bit of transcript from the Mike Volin “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate” Internet radio show yesterday talking about … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Birthers, Congress, Mike Zullo, Selective Service | Tagged , , , | 55 Comments

Selective Service confirms Obama registration

Sometimes I get burned taking things for granted. The other day I realized that the Obama Selective Service form formerly published in 2008 that has been criticized by the Cold Case Posse as a fake has never to my knowledge … Continue reading

Posted in Featured Articles, FOIA, Selective Service | Tagged | 128 Comments

Orly sues the post office

I guess you can’t be a crusading attorney without an active lawsuit. Orly Taitz isn’t generating much buzz with her languishing case in Mississippi, and her not-so-sexy appeals, so here’s a new shiny object to garner attention, Taitz v. Donahoe … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Orly Taitz, Selective Service | Tagged , , , , | 42 Comments

Waiting for Zullo

This is a compilation of things promised by, or information reasonably expected from Mike Zullo and the Cold Case Posse, that we are still waiting for. While Zullo uses phrases like “ongoing investigation,” from the beginning the Cold Case Posse … Continue reading

Posted in Mike Zullo, Selective Service | Tagged , , | 436 Comments