Category Archives: Understanding the birthers

Conspiracy theory theories

Conspiracy theories are a pervasive part of the American experience. Why is that? The literature is replete with attempts to explain conspiracy theories by historians, sociologists, political scientists, psychologists and even neurophysiologists. While the United States may not be the … Continue reading

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Large numbers

What are the chances that… A while back, I had a story mentioning a Cornell law professor named Michael C. Dorf. Part of the discussion revolved around correctly identifying the person from his name. I mean maybe there is more … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Psychology, Lounge, Understanding the birthers | Tagged , , , | 13 Comments

Worshiping the pile

A few miles from my house there is a hill. It’s a rather large hill, distinctively rising above the trees and visible for quite some distance. It’s a special hill in that unlike other hills around it, it just recently … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Crimes, Mike Zullo, Orly Taitz, Understanding the birthers | Tagged , , , , | 79 Comments

Are Birthers a hate group?

As I’m reading a book on hate groups right now, that question naturally comes to mind. I’ve been thinking about an article with this title for a few days now. I thought: “This should be pretty straightforward. Define ‘hate group’ … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Understanding the birthers | Tagged , | 260 Comments

Birther evangelist psychoanalyzes his flock

I came across something novel from the birther side this morning, an attempt by a birther to understand other birthers using psychology. In my July 11 article, Obama conspiracies and the grief cycle, I discussed how normals, when coming to … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Understanding the birthers | Tagged | 34 Comments

The Great Conspirator

I was teasing one of the commenters here by deliberately misinterpreting a comment of his referring to intelligent design and replying that I didn’t consider intelligent design a conspiracy theory. However, I really do. Intelligent design is the proposition that … Continue reading

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