So while commenters here have been talking about Dr. Kate for a while, I really haven’t dug into her blog. My blog was intended to be more about conspiracy theories rather than the conspirators themselves; however, one cannot avoid the personalities because the conspiracy theories don’t exist apart from those who make them up.
So back to Dr. Kate. I added her to my blog list, down at the bottom of the page, in the “BAD” column. I have now promoted her to “UGLY” based on this.
First a comment published on her blog:
This is the kind of rhetoric that led to the US Civil War and 600,000 dead. Of course I cannot blame Dr. Kate for what someone says in a comment on her blog. Someone can say that on my blog too. What promotes Dr. Kate to the “UGLY” column is what she said in reply:
This is exactly where I am going, SusanM. Remember who died for us? Game ON
I might add Dr C that as with sites such as the P+E, DrK(H)ates practices Stalinist levels of moderation and posts that do now hew to the party line get killed off PDQ if they make it past moderation at all.
As such these owners of these sites explicitly accept, approve and condone these types of comment and beliefs.
And openly advocating violence against the President or the government is exempted from the 1st amendment under the “fighting words” doctrine.
So Dr. Kate isn’t dealing with visits from the Secret Service because…?
Having been found guilty in a court, Pastor James Manning has given Obama 90 days to resign. I guess as far Paster Manning is concerned, Obama’s days are running short.
[Pastor Manning’s theater of the absurd production of Obama v the Blood of Jesus was last May. 90 days have long past. And you’re still banned. Doc.]
“ugly” barely scratches the surface. “vomit-inducing” might be more appropriate.
Mike Huckabee, GOP Presidential contender, has announced his conspiracy theory that President Obama grew up in Kenya and was raised by his father and grandfather. In my opinion, this trumps the standard birther conspiracy theories by a wide margin.
Why do idiots like John keep referencing convicted felon James Manning? I mean do they really think that his so called fake trial meant anything? it was a joke last year and it will continue to be a joke. Much like the AGJ “presentments” and the Lucas Smith fake BC….John needs medical help….
It was Dr. Kate’s posts (and the rest of the treasonous bile spewed on Texasdarlin’s site back in the day…) that first revolted/fascinated me with the birthers. Dr. Kate has been spewing high-grade sedition and hate on her blog for almost a year and a half now, and I think that she has been looking to ramp things up in the wake of convicted felon Lakin’s court martial (which she attended) and the loss of her government job (anyone interested in hiring a Constitutional hydrologist with seditious tendencies, deep misunderstandings about the Constitution, and a belief in magic water should contact her for a resume…). The traffic on her blog has increased substantially since this fall – she had about 7 unique IDs posting on her site per day from March through October which steadily increased to nearly 15 IDs/day in January (the number of comments per day went from about 20-30 in the summer and early fall to over 100 in January). Thanks for taking a closer look at her cesspool, Doc.
Hopefully, she’s on their radar…
The article Sponson references in more detail…It is amazing how the GOP candidates will pander to the crazy of the party…
Huckabee: Obama Grew Up “In Kenya”
March 01, 2011 1:26 pm ET by Eric Hananoki
During a radio appearance yesterday, Mike Huckabee repeatedly falsely claimed that President Obama grew up in Kenya. After questioning Obama’s purported secrecy about the birth certificate, radio host Steve Malzberg asked Huckabee if “we deserve to know more about this man.” Huckabee responded, “I would love to know more. What I know is troubling enough.”
Speaking on WOR’s The Steve Malzberg Show, Huckabee — a Fox News host and potential presidential candidate — said that “one thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya, his view of the Brits, for example, very different than the average American … his perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather, their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours because he probably grew up hearing that the British are a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather.”
From the February 28 program:
MALZBERG: Don’t you think it’s fair also to ask him, I know your stance on this. How come we don’t have a health record, we don’t have a college record, we don’t have a birth cer – why Mr. Obama did you spend millions of dollars in courts all over this country to defend against having to present a birth certificate. It’s one thing to say, I’ve — you’ve seen it, goodbye. But why go to court and send lawyers to defend against having to show it? Don’t you think we deserve to know more about this man?
HUCKABEE: I would love to know more. What I know is troubling enough. And one thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya, his view of the Brits, for example, very different than the average American. When he gave the bust back to the Brits —
MALZBERG: Of Winston Churchill.
HUCKABEE: The bust of Winston Churchill, a great insult to the British. But then if you think about it, his perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather, their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours because he probably grew up hearing that the British were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather.
Huckabee was later asked if he would bring up the issue of Obama’s birth certificate during a presidential debate. Huckabee replied: “The only reason I’m not as confident that there’s something about the birth certificate, Steve, is because I know the Clintons [inaudible] and believe me, they have lots of investigators out on him, and I’m convinced if there was anything that they could have found on that, they would have found it, and I promise they would have used it.”
PolitiFact has noted that there “is not one shred of evidence to disprove PolitiFact’s conclusion that the candidate’s name is Barack Hussein Obama, or to support allegations that the birth certificate he released isn’t authentic.”
Contrary to Huckabee’s claims, Obama did not grow up in Kenya. Obama spends significant portions of his book Dreams From My Father describing his first visit to Kenya in the late 1980s. On page 304, Obama writes of his arrival at Kenyatta International Airport (emphasis added):
Kenyatta International Airport was almost empty. Officials sipped at their morning tea as they checked over passports; in the baggage area, a creaky conveyor belt slowly disgorged luggage. Auma was nowhere in sight, so I took a seat on my carry-on bag and lit a cigarette. After a few minutes, a security guard with a wooden club started to walk toward me. I looked around for an ashtray, thinking I must be in a no-smoking area, but instead of scolding me, the guard smiled and asked if I had another cigarette to spare.
“This is your first trip to Kenya, yes?” he asked as I gave him a light.
“That’s right.”
“I see.” He squatted down beside me. “You are from America. You know my brother’s son, perhaps. Samson Otieno. He is studying engineering in Texas.”
I told him that I’d never been to Texas and so hadn’t had the opportunity to meet his nephew. This seemed to disappoint him, and he took several puffs from his cigarette in quick succession.
The BBC noted in a 2008 article that “Barack Obama has never lived in Kenya and he has visited the country just three times.”
Additionally, Obama did not grow up “with a Kenyan father and grandfather.” Indeed, Dreams From My Father is largely about Obama’s struggles with the absence of his father. The AP noted in 2006 that Obama “was mostly raised in Hawaii and did not know his Kenyan father well.”
From the February 28 edition of WOR’s The Steve Malzberg Show:
MALZBERG: Don’t you think it’s fair also to ask him, I know your stance on this. How come we don’t have a health record, we don’t have a college record, we don’t have a birth cer – why Mr. Obama did you spend millions of dollars in courts all over this country to defend against having to present a birth certificate. It’s one thing to say, I’ve — you’ve seen it, goodbye. But why go to court and send lawyers to defend against having to show it? Don’t you think we deserve to know more about this man?
HUCKABEE: I would love to know more. What I know is troubling enough. And one thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya, his view of the Brits, for example, very different than the average American. When he gave the bust back to the Brits —
MALZBERG: Of Winston Churchill.
HUCKABEE: The bust of Winston Churchill, a great insult to the British. But then if you think about it, his perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather, their view of the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya is very different than ours because he probably grew up hearing that the British were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather.
MALZBERG: He despises the west, he despises the Brits, and I think he could take it all out on Israel and that’s why he despises Israel. He’s not too thrilled with our history either. But let me just try to get an answer from you. Would you say to him, or at least ask him in a debate, why did you go to court and spend millions of dollars on lawyers to prevent from having to show your birth certificate. If you have one and it’s there, why not show it?
HUCKABEE: The only reason I’m not as confident that there’s something about the birth certificate, Steve, is because I know the Clintons [inaudible] and believe me, they have lots of investigators out on him, and I’m convinced if there was anything that they could have found on that, they would have found it, and I promise they would have used it.
MALZBERG: Let me just give you one as we end here. The Clintons probably – there was probably a lot on the Clintons that the Obamas could have said, ‘yeah, you do that, we’ll come back with this.’ Don’t think for a minute. You’re from Arkansas; you know that better than me. Now, having said that, when are you going to decide to run or not?
HUCKABEE: Probably sometime late spring, early summer.
Wow – it will be interesting to see how this plays out… I certainly hope he’s forced to walk this back big-time.
The Churchill bust “flap” also is nonsense. The bust belongs to the British government. Tony Blair loaned it to George W. Bush after 9/11. It was returned to the British government as part of the normal redecorating of the Oval Office which occurs when a new President takes over.
The British press briefly raised a ruckus but it died down almost immediately.
Rickey, we know that. It is the same lame arguments that the birthers continually come up with….Right now I am arguing with one of them regarding the President identifying himself as “Black”….The say he is a fraud for doing so….Amazing hypocrisy shown by those clowns….
The AP his picked up on the story.
A Huckabee adviser did not have an immediate explanation for Huckabee’s comments to WOR.
Let the backtracking begin!
I am waiting for him to claim he was misquoted or that his comments were taken out of context….
I’ll bet a dollar to a dollop of dog poo that the crux of the explanation is that Huckabee is actually none too bright in general and is as geographically challenged as the ‘Is France a country?” tv quiz show blond
Indonesia, Kenya…..whhaaateevvvvvvvverrrrr.
He has previously made it clear that he does not believe any of the nonsense about Obama’s birth in Kenya…..he has therefore probably given little attention to the details of Obama’s childhood years abroad (in Indonesia) and has got Indonesia/Kenya thing mixed up in his mind.
Nothing mored dramatic than that…..though once again it scares me to death that the nuclear button might be handed to a nincompoop like this.
I think that this is the likely explanation as well – it makes far more sense than Huckleberry going full birther and breaking new ground to boot…
Or Palin. She advocates Israel’s mistreatment of Arabs. No turmoil, no Armageddon. Those jerks don’t know that she wishes for Israel’s destruction, so their lord will come back.