Mark Hatfield’s birther bill failed to get a critical vote Wednesday (March 16, 2011) needed to move it to the Georgia Senate in time for consideration. For all intents and purposes the bill is dead.
This bill, HB 401, would have required candidates for President to submit long-form birth certificates showing their birth parents’ residence addresses and many other items of irrelevant information. It also required candidates to have two US citizen parents, a requirement beyond what is in the US Constitution. The bill was transparently engineered to embarrass Barack Obama by putting conspiracy theories about Obama’s origins into legislation.
In some ways, I wish HB 401 would have become law. I’d like to see a lawsuit on the two-citizen parent requirement so that some court can finally knock the Vattel zombies off their block.
If the birthers were smart, they would get a bill passed that requires ‘proof of natural born citizenship’ (no Constitutional issues whatsoever) and then get a candidate on the ballot (the law should cover the primary, too…) who would then have standing to sue regarding President Obama’s inclusion on the ballot under the law (they’d probably have to run a stealth Democratic candidate, but it could be done in a very red state – South Carolina nominated Alvin Green, after all…). Of course this would result in a birther fail, but I think it would be the best chance to actually get the courts to rule on the definition of natural born citizen since the birthers declined to appeal Ankeny.
I don’t think there’s anything in the Constitution that stops Georgia from instituting “a requirement beyond what is in the US Constitution.” There’s not even anything in the Constitution requiring Georgia to hold an election for President.
Article VI prohibits Georgia from creating requirements different from the US Constitution. “This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.”
Article II allows the states to elect electors however they wish. Imagine a state deciding they won’t have a general election and will no longer allow the people of the state to vote for the electors that represent the candidate they like. There would be protests 30X bigger than WI.
U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, 514 U.S. 779 (1995). The Supreme Court ruled that states cannot impose qualifications for Federal elective offices which are stricter than the qualifications set out in the Constitution.
While Rickey has correctly cited U.S. Term Limits, it was a 5-4 decision. Four of the Justices have been replaced, and it is possible that Justice Thomas’s dissenting view would carry the day if the case were reargued. However, Arkansas’ term linits are not as extreme as deciding that a President must be descended from those on the Mayflower (which I think includes President Obama) or from those who do not have funny names.
As someone who did not vote for President Obama in the last election, and who may not vote for him this time around (my preference being fellow Hoosier Mitch Daniels), I can think of nothing more counter-productive than a state deciding to become the national laughingstock, while energizing every African-American, Hispanic, Jew and other minority to go out and vote Democratic. The Republican Party did this twenty years ago in California, and backed Proposition 187, despite serious doubts as to its Constitutionality. Hispanics in California, who ought to be prime targets for the Republican Party (Catholic, upwardly mobile, family values, etc.) instead remember how Governor Wilson tried to crack down on Grandpa and Grandma. In the last election, California bucked a Republican tide because Hispanic folks figured out that Hispanics were only good as maids to Meg Whitman, and then only if they kept quiet. I can think of no better plan to get President Obama re-elected than to nominate a “Birther” friendly candidate like Donald Trump (a serial adulturer), Newt Gingrich (ditto), Michelle Bachman (who apparently skipped geography, and perhaps other courses), or Mike Huckabee (who thinks the Mau Maus beat back the Dutch in Indonesia, if I have the current story right.)
I’ve served with a fair number of African-Americans and Hispanics, and benefitted from the Black surgeon at Ramstein who saved my sight in my left eye after a mission in Afghanistan, as well as Black and Hispanic corpsmen, nurses, ATCs. wingmen, even a couple of Black C.O.s. Believe me, those folk know when. despite a degree from the Academy and a couple of years and a couple of tours later, or years of service on the front lines, someone is imposing a requirement on them because of the color of their skin. People who are looking for the “trick” to get President Obama out are racists, plain and simple, and ought to be identified as such every time possible. President Obama should be replaced because someone else can do a better job, and not just because they are white.
Rev. King had it right. We should judge people on the content of their character, and not on the color of their skin.
That’s what America is about. And I owe that much, and more, to that doctor at Ramstein.
The 65 Republicans in Georgia who co-sponsored the bill ought to be ashamed of themselves.
It would be perfectly Constitutional for a state to decide to return to a “legislature decides electors” status. However, I would not expect any such legislature to last longer than the next term – it would shock me if even a single legislator or governor that voted for such a thing would get re-elected. And that’s assuming a referendum doesn’t change it before it can even take effect. People like voting for things.
I see that as something akin to the 17th Amendment grumbling – there’s a lot of rumbling I see sometimes on right-leaning sites that the 17th (direct election of Senators) should be repealed because it weakens states. However that ignores the fact that when it was proposed, many states had already switched to a “People vote, legislature MUST appoint to the Senate the person that wins” system anyway, and were the 17th not in place my guess is 100% of states would today use such a system, much like they do for electors, where officially it is still the legislature that appoints them, but they do so in accordance with laws that require them to automatically appoint the electors chosen by the people.
John, perfectly stated. Too bad the birther unfaithful can never understand what you so perfectly articulated. The GOP fails to recognize that the more they attempt to create legislation to pander to their racist wing, which in turn is perceived to disinfranchise a group and attack the President, that will in turn energize more individuals to vote Democratic…
Obama Derangement: WND’s Erik Rush Thinks Hawaii Is A Foreign Country
Topic: WorldNetDaily
For a demonstration of what happens to the brain after prolonged exposure to Obama derangement, look no further than Erik Rush, who writes in his March 17 WorldNetDaily column:
Obama didn’t even spend his formative years in the U.S.; his teenage years (in Hawaii) were whiled away under the tutelage of Davis, who hated America and was a Communist Party operative in both in Chicago and Hawaii. Obama attended Harvard and allegedly Columbia, and ultimately moved to Chicago to learn how to “be black” and pursue Saul Alinsky’s Marxist model of community organizing.
Um, Erik? Don’t know if you’ve heard, but Hawaii is part of the United States.
Rush also plucks out of context a claim in a New York Times article that Obama said ‘it would be so much easier to be the president of China” because “No one is scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words in Tahrir Square,” claiming that the statement shows “this is the sort of power he truly craves.” In fact, the full context of the statement shows that it was in reference to the scrutiny Obama faces while trying to balance the demands of citizens in the Middle East with the United States’ own interests.
Nevertheless, Rush rants that Mao Zedong “slaughtered 70 million people to get the other 700 million to fall in line. How wonderful it would be if Obama could only operate entirely without restraint!”
Rush might want to consult a doctor to get treatment of his Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Perhaps he likes this better?
Wasn’t Justice Kennedy the swing vote? He is still there.
And wasn’t Justice Thomas’ dissenting opinion based on the fact that he believes the people of the state had a right to decide the requirements for a Senator or Representative without interference from the Nation as a whole. The Justices might then recognize a difference between that legislation and a current case. They could argue that fifty different Presidental requirements would be unworkable.
Gov. Daniels versus President Obama would be a very interesting contest.
last time i checked the obama family friend, governor of Hawaii, is still looking for the real birth certificate…..he searched hospitals (came up empty) and found a written “piece of
paper” in the file, but admitted there is no long certificate.
We are still waiting Governor
One has to ask why BO has spent nearly 2 million of our tax dollars not
to show a document millions of Americans have to show every single day to get
a job*, live legally in this nation. Also, in nary a single one of the 60+ lawsuits has he ever defended himself by saying he is a NBC. Not one.
* Obviously BO never had a real job.
He’s a fake and fraud, everyone knows it. He could care less about America. Just
look at his recent non actions on Middle East, Japan, Egypt, Libya. While they
burn he picks bball teams and plans a spring break trip to Rio. He’s worse than
Furthermore, he even admitted he is subject of British in his book Dreams from my Father. If any lib here thinks that the framers meant, when they removed the “citizen” words and replaced them with “natural born citizen”, in the Constitution that it would put a BRIT in as president AFTER beating them in revolutionary war. Then they are surely drinking the kool aid from the dopers in 1960s.
by Sharon Rondeau
Gov. Neil Abercrombie was sworn in to office in early December 2010, a month earlier than most states’ swearing-in ceremonies for new governors
(Mar. 17, 2011) — The following letter has been sent to Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie with all of the signatures of those who signed our Hawaii Petition since March 1, 2010, when we sent our first mailing. The letters were sent certified mail with return receipt requested.
Nutjob, how long did it take you to write a post containing ever[y] discredited birther debunked theory? An hour? Proof that the President spent all that money “hiding” his info? Proof that the governor would look for the “birth certificate”? Come on, you made some outrageous claims. So how about some proof? Or are you going to be like all the other birthers, run away and hide like a coward instead of supporting your wild accusations..
At a forum where folks are not experts on the topic, I might feel the need to object to this unsupported and false claim. But here, everybody knows better (or is incapable of knowing better) so why bother?
You insult all those folks who dip ice cream at Baskin-Robbins.
> Also, in nary a single one of the 60+ lawsuits has he ever defended himself by saying he is a NBC. Not one.
Is that the “are you still beating your wife” accusal?
If someone takes you to court because you allegedly stole your neighbour’s car, wouldn’t you just let your lawyer do the “no standing” paperwork? Would you appear in court to testify you never stole your neighbours car? And would you do that, like, 60 times in a year? And if you just missed out on one, have some wingnuts say “ah, he didn’t deny it this time, so there’s something to it after all”?
Black Lion
There’s plenty of proof, you prove the lies that you posted.
There are plenty of facts that prove my point. Fact one: the Governor of Hawaii said he would disprove the “constitutionalists” (aka insulted as “birthers”). Has the governor
posted BO’s original , long form birth certificate any where? If so, please provide it.
When you do we will move on to your next proof, or is it prove ? I am waiting.
Learn the difference between proof and prove in your poor sentence structure. It obviously proves that you are uneducated and have, perhaps, methinks, some
difficulty with simple communication skills? Forgive me if you are an illegal alien,
or non English speaker. That would explain your ignorance of our laws and Constitution. No?
Magic M
you spin out
Wouldn’t it be a lot easier for Barry to say “I am a Natural Born Citizen per the Constitution”.
Instead he says 1- no standing
2- no jurisdiction
3- the brief is too long to respond too
4- the defendant can’t provide any witnesses
5- the defendant can’t search/ask/display any documentation that says BO is
not a NBC.
Talk about an illegal, marxist, nazi like tactics from this illegal regime. Where’s
the promised transparency? No where from the liar usurper.
When did the Governor ever say that he would release the long form? He never once said that. What else would the long form prove that isn’t already covered in the COLB?
1. Born in the US
2. At least 35 years of age.
So then what’s your excuse after the long form? He was a dual citizen, his father wasn’t naturalized. You birthers just jump from one thing to the other.
Why does he even have to say anything? He’s already President. You claimed he has marxist like tactics. Do explain the tenets of marxism and what tactic is marxist. How can the tactics be both marxist and nazi-like?
Transparency has to do with the administration, not showing you any and everything you ask for about his life that wasn’t required of any previous President. You can’t be a usurper if you are legally and lawfully elected as Obama was. There was no taking of the office by force.
He has already sworn to that under penallty of perjury to get on the primary ballot in 2008.
Glad i could help you out.
Well, you would be wrong there. He never said it couldn’t be found. His office said they have no power to release further information under the law, so it pretty much died there.
What a surprise more lies. You have no evidence that $50 has been spent. Like most things birther, you pulled that number out of the air. Also, I have never shown my birth certificate to get a job. You don’t have to. You merely have to establish you are a citizen, and how you are (passports work nicely). And finally, you show you know nothing about the court system. The President and the DOJ dispatched every lawsuit the fastest and easiest way possible, a motion to dismiss…or do you think the government should go the long way, and spend potentially a million dollars going though discovery, and a motion for summary judgment, rather than killing it at the first chance you get with a motion to dismiss? I don’t know about you, but cheap and easy works for me.
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that America includes the Middle East, Japan, Eggypt and Libya. For some reason I thought those were independant nations. But hey, why not. Let’s get mixed up in another arab nation’s civil war…I mean it worked out so well in Iraq, and like Rumsfeld promised, it paid for itself!
And if a birther ever had two synapses firing, he might realize that the framers might have some issue with the British dictating to us who is going to be a natural born citizen of our nation. But I’m sure in your world, they fought the revolutionary war so the Brits could keep telling us what the laws would be within our own borders, and that a person, born on our sovereign soil, and never having stepped foot in Britian cannot be a citizen of our nation.
You might have a severe learning disability. He says? And who is Barry?
Do you know the difference between the Judicial and Executive branches of the U.S. government?
I don’t think you do.
You should get someone to explain how our judicial system works before posting embarrassing nonsense again (and again).
Are you referring to Groucho or Harpo Marx?
I’m quite sure you don’t understand the concept of Marxism either.
But take some baby steps first into the basic functions of U.S. Government.
Also glad to help.
Is it so hard for it to seep into your thick skull that the governor would have to either change of violate the laws of Hawaii to do so? Additionally, his not doing so (and complying with the laws that he was elected to uphold) is not evidence that the document does not exist, or that he could not find it. It is merely evidence that he is not willing to break the laws of Hawaii to satisfy nutters like you.
Funny, you should say that. You have provided no proof to any your statements, and show a total ignorance of the laws and Constitution of the US….perhaps you are not from around here?
Would you like a thorough English grammar and spelling analysis of your posts?
Do you understand the concept of a logical fallacy? I don’t think you do.
Do you understand the concepts of pedantic posturing and hypocrisy?
obvious troll is obvious
again, you show your total ignorance of the legal system. No, it is not easier to say, “I am a Natural Born Citizen per the Constitution.” To do so, it would mean that he is asking the Court for Summary Judgment. At that point you’re arguing the merits of the case, which implies you’re going to have some discovery. So you’ve answered interrogatories, documents requests, had some hearings. Involved in some serious litigation. Points 4 and 5 further shows you don’t seem to understand who the defendant is. You see, President Obama is the defendant, and has to prove nothing. It is you, the purported plaintiff that carries the burden of proof, and while it is true that you have no evidence to show he is not a NBC, it would be a question of a Motion for Summary Judgment, which implies far too much litigation has already passed. Points 1 and 2 are actually related here, and in fact are the easiest, and fasted way to kill these cases. If a plaintiff does not have standing to sue, the court has no jurisdiction to hear the case. That is the fastest and easiest way to end the case. No document requests, no interrogatories, no conference hearings, no nothing. (I’m ignoring 3, becaue it’s just silly) The case can’t go forward. So no. you are 100% wrong. It is far easier to say, you have no standing, and thus the court has no jurisdiction to hear this case, than to say, “I am a Natural Born Citizen.” Don’t know much about our courts, do you?
Ahhhhh, “WhiningRightWIngNutJob” right on time.
So do tell, exactly how many lawsuits has the President (God that must piss you off) been actually involved in, not the sad and pathetic whining ones about “Barry Soetoro”, the ones the President as B. Obama has been involved in….
I’ll give you a hint, it’s a lot less than you think.
Whilst you desperately try and bluster and fail on that one, when do we get to hear the magical number of dollars the President is supposed to have spent “hiding” his records. Birfoons like you love to make up numbers without a shred of proff but we all like a good laugh at your expense.
So, do tell, how the President, you remember the man who got the greatest number of the popular vote and the greatest number of Electoral College votes and was sworn in, by amongst other Dick Cheney. How is he legally supposed to demand something that no other citizen is entitled to? I mean do you want the President to overide a specific state right….Wouldn’t that be dictatorial or something?
As for that pathetic little screed about sentence construction, seems like you really ought to look at yours, you sadly educated little muppet.
Oops, colon, has to be a comma
It’s comma followed by a space, not space – comma – space
Tut tut, comma not question mark and question mark at the end of the sentence.
Two stupidities here, extraneous use of a comma and incorrect construction in the use of a comma.
Seems you really dump you’re Birfoon version of the Constitution and have a read of the real one.
I also recommend returning to school and revisting the 5th Grade in basic sentence construction and grammar.
I’ll give you a point if you can identify the word I deliberately missed in one sentence as well as the use of an apostrophe.
Nope, not possible. The case was about states setting qualifications for members of Congress; the dissent actually specifically said that states cannot add additional qualifications for the President.
Thomas – “As for the fact that a State has no reserved power to establish qualifications for the office of President, see ante, at 24, it surely need not follow that a State has no reserved power to establish qualifications for the Members of Congress who represent the people of that State.”
Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) March 18, 2011 at 12:56 pm (Quote) #
When did the Governor ever say that he would release the long form?
>>In January Governor said he would disprove “birthers”, he has yet to release anything. We are all still waiting.
So then what’s your excuse after the long form? He was a dual citizen, his father wasn’t naturalized.
>>Let’s see his original, long form birth certificate first, then we can decide what his citizen status is. You OBOTs always spinning out. If Obama Sr. really was his father……..and Dunham, really was his mother. One step at a time. Please.
Transparency has to do with the administration, not showing you any and everything you ask for about his life that wasn’t required of any previous candidate for President.
>>ROFLAMO, now you are changing BO’s own words around. You lose that one, BO is the adm., and again he has withheld repeatedly information requested by Congress, including recent requests on Obamacare. In a long line of rejected transparency. Another lie by the left, McCain showed his BC, Obama showed nothing.. The Senate even passed a resolution saying he was qualified to be president. Patrick Leahy even stated “…nbc requires two parents to be US citizens…” to which Chertoff replied:”…that is my understanding also…”. Your point decimated.
You can’t be a usurper if you are legally and lawfully elected as Obama was. There was no taking of the office by force.
>>>You don’t need force to be a usurper. Furthermore, if you commit fraud , which Obama did, during election campaign then who is to say it is legal? More and more of millions of Americans are realizing they have been duped and defrauded. Whether or not they care enough about it next time around is another question.
He has already sworn to that under penallty of perjury to get on the primary ballot in 2008.
>>>None of the many lawsuits point that out, why is that? Pretty easy to figure out the answer to that question. Once again my point was Barry never ever even stated as much in his defense.
We are still waiting Governor
Well, you would be wrong there. He never said it couldn’t be found. His office said they have no power to release further information under the law, so it pretty much died there.
>>>No, he said he would shame the “birthers”, he only furthered the fraud by not following up. As a person of significant influence , per HI own freedom of information laws, he could release the information. Instead he found , and admitted, that there is no birth certificate. When he found that out he decided to “hide” like a coward.
What a surprise more lies. You have no evidence that $50 has been spent.
>>>Really so all these government paid lawyers are working pro bono for BO? ROFLAMO. Move on.
Like most things birther, you pulled that number out of the air. Also, I have never shown my birth certificate to get a job. You don’t have to.
>>>I wasn’t referring to you specifically, I said millions of Americans every day have to do so. IT is a simple matter to do so. It only costs $12. BO doesn’t have one to show anyone. It appears.
You merely have to establish you are a citizen, and how you are (passports work nicely). And finally, you show you know nothing about the court system. The President and the DOJ dispatched every lawsuit the fastest and easiest way possible, a motion to dismiss…or do you think the government should go the long way, and spend potentially a million dollars going though discovery, and a motion for summary judgment, rather than killing it at the first chance you get with a motion to dismiss? I don’t know about you, but cheap and easy works for me.
>>>>BO has spent nearly $3 million defending over 60 PLUS lawsuits. It has been documented in many places. $3 million plus is not easy works. You know nothing of the history of many of these cases. That much is obvious from your post.
farleftliberalnutjob: He’s a fake and fraud, everyone knows it. He could care less about America. Just
look at his recent non actions on Middle East, Japan, Egypt, Libya. While they
burn he picks bball teams and plans a spring break trip to Rio. He’s worse than
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that America includes the Middle East, Japan, Egypt and Libya.
>>>Your apology accepted. I never said America was. You obvious know little about the demands on the POTUS nor where our tax dollars go (overseas).
For some reason I thought those were independant nations. But hey, why not. Let’s get mixed up in another arab nation’s civil war…I mean it worked out so well in Iraq, and like Rumsfeld promised, it paid for itself!
>>Here here…we won in Iraq didn’t we? Look at Clinton, she has HAD IT with BO’s waffling. It took Bush over 17 Resolutions to get Saddam out. BO gets one ? And btw where are all the liberal loonie toons crying BLOODY MURDER? Where are they? They seemed to have disappeared entirely. Guess what? We still in Iraq, we still in afganistan, we still have GITMO. BO = failure, or the left has double standard it seems (but we all know that , nothing new there).
And if a birther ever had two synapses firing, he might realize that the framers might have some issue with the British dictating to us who is going to be a natural born citizen of our nation. But I’m sure in your world, they fought the revolutionary war so the Brits could keep telling us what the laws would be within our own borders, and that a person, born on our sovereign soil, and never having stepped foot in Britian cannot be a citizen of our nation.
>>>citizen and natural born citizen (as well as “naturalized” citizen) are all different. Point seems to be missing in the flat heads of the liberals. Except of course with McCain runs for president and their ilk, like Patrick Leahy, says….”NBC requires two US parents to be citizens…” Seems to be another double standard here. BO gets yet another free pass ?!
Majority Will March 18, 2011 at 1:42 pm (Quote) #
Do you know the difference between the Judicial and Executive branches of the U.S. government?
>>>Tell it to Barry, he just unilaterally “unconstitutionalized” the marriage defense act.
farleftliberalnutjob: There are plenty of facts that prove my point. Fact one: the Governor of Hawaii said he would disprove the “constitutionalists” (aka insulted as “birthers”). Has the governor
posted BO’s original , long form birth certificate any where? If so, please provide it.
When you do we will move on to your next proof, or is it prove ? I am waiting.
Is it so hard for it to seep into your thick skull that the governor would have to either change of violate the laws of Hawaii to do so?
>>Nope, the laws allow him to do so, they are on the books. You obviously don’t know HI freedom of information laws. A person of interest (and influence), such as the Governor has every right to release information. But he choose not to in order to protect his long time family friend. Odd indeed, even Donald Trump now doubts BO. Donald says “odd no one has come forth from his early grade (1 , 2, and pre school)…not a single person. People remember me from that time frame, but not Barry). Word has it he was in Kenya at the time…..
Funny, you should say that. You have provided no proof to any your statements, and show a total ignorance of the laws and Constitution of the US….perhaps you are not from around here?
>>>Funny you should say that. You have provided no proof to any of your statements, and show a total ignorance of the laws and Const. of the USA. Perhaps you are not from around here or flunked civics class ?
Majority Will March 18, 2011 at 1:49 pm (Quote) #
>>Questions spin out, not wasting time responding to inane questions.
Daniel March 18, 2011 at 1:51 pm (Quote) #
JoZeppy March 18, 2011 at 1:55 pm (Quote) #
farleftliberalnutjob: Wouldn’t it be a lot easier for Barry to say “I am a Natural Born Citizen
again, you show your total ignorance of the legal system. No, it is not easier to say, “I am a Natural Born Citizen per the Constitution.” To do so, it would mean that he is asking the Court for Summary Judgment. At that point you’re arguing the merits of the case, which implies you’re going to have some discovery. So you’ve answered interrogatories, documents requests, had some hearings. Involved in some serious litigation. Points 4 and 5 further shows you don’t seem to understand who the defendant is. You see, President Obama is the defendant, and has to prove nothing. It is you, the purported plaintiff that carries the burden of proof, and while it is true that you have no evidence to show he is not a NBC, it would be a question of a Motion for Summary Judgment, which implies far too much litigation has already passed. Points 1 and 2 are actually related here, and in fact are the easiest, and fasted way to kill these cases. If a plaintiff does not have standing to sue, the court has no jurisdiction to hear the case. That is the fastest and easiest way to end the case. No document requests, no interrogatories, no conference hearings, no nothing. (I’m ignoring 3, becaue it’s just silly) The case can’t go forward. So no. you are 100% wrong. It is far easier to say, you have no standing, and thus the court has no jurisdiction to hear this case, than to say, “I am a Natural Born Citizen.” Don’t know much about our courts, do you?
>>>>BINGO JOEZIPPY !!!! Nice response !! I do know about our courts, and you just
explained why BO is guilty.
Bovril March 18, 2011 at 1:56 pm (Quote) #
Ahhhhh, “WhiningRightWIngNutJob” right on time.
So do tell, exactly how many lawsuits has the President (God that must piss you off) been actually involved in, not the sad and pathetic whining ones about “Barry Soetoro”, the ones the President as B. Obama has been involved in….
>>the constitution matters to some of us, and over 60 plus lawsuits have been filed. IF BO was not a democrat you liberals would be screaming bloody murder, and you know it..
Whilst you desperately try and bluster and fail on that one, when do we get to hear the magical number of dollars the President is supposed to have spent “hiding” his records. Birfoons like you love to make up numbers without a shred of proff but we all like a good laugh at your expense.
>>>$2 million plus of our tax dollars seems to be laughing matters to spend and tax libs.
So, do tell, how the President, you remember the man who got the greatest number of the popular vote and the greatest number of Electoral College votes and was sworn in, by amongst other Dick Cheney
>>Barry and media defrauded the public,and Dick Cheney did not ask for objections as required (and BTW there were objections by the DEMS twice during W’s both wins) when PELOSI stood up and started clapping not allowing him to do so. BTW Pelosi is complicit in this cover up.
How is he legally supposed to demand something that no other citizen is entitled to? I mean do you want the President to overide a specific state right….Wouldn’t that be dictatorial or something?
>>please be specific here, you are blabbering and spinning off. And BO is acting like a dictator. Haven’t you seen his many czars, even those unfunded ? And what about all the unauthorized spending,and throwing the Constitution under the bus.
As for that pathetic little screed about sentence construction, seems like you really ought to look at yours, you sadly educated little muppet.
>>At least I know how to use the words proof and prove correctly in a sentence, do you ?
Seems you really dump you’re Birfoon version of the Constitution and have a read of the real one.
>>>no you do.
does BO still think there are 57 states >?
unqualified clueless
non american baffoon
this is what happens when you put a non american
in the white house
even hillary knows it, she has had enough
“Learn the difference between proof and prove in your poor sentence structure. It obviously proves that you are uneducated and have, perhaps, methinks, some
difficulty with simple communication skills? Forgive me if you are an illegal alien,
or non English speaker. That would explain your ignorance of our laws and Constitution. No?”
– Angry Birther Idiot
Nice goalpost moving, too. [Personal insult removed. Doc.]
Marxism and Nazism are mutually exclusive. I was a kibbutznik, and know what Marxism is.
Like Shrub and Cheney? Like Shrub who stole the 2000 election? Like Cheney who lived in Houston, but claimed Wyoming as his domicile? Something about the prez and VP not from the same state.
“The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa .” That was a fabrication. Hey, where are the WMDs? My favorite is from Rumsfeld: ‘You go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had.’
Here’s another gem from conservatives: Ann Coulter to Bill O’Reilly: Radiation Is Actually Good for You’!5783191/ann-coulter-to-bill-oreilly-radiation-is-actually-good-for-you
If you don’t llike it here, LEAVE!!!
“I’m telling you there’s an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans, again. There just is. That’s the reality of the world. And I wish him all the very best.” — George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” — George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004
Was George W. Bush promoting terrorism?
“Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and
child.” — Vice President Dan Quayle
Is Dan saying that Republicans are S & M fetishists?
In fact, there are 57 primaries. He was tired and said ‘states’ instead. Does Bush still lust for WMDs?
No you made the accusation so you “prove” what you are saying is true. You made the 2 million dollar claim, so how about some evidence to support that? You post, make wildly unsubstantiated accusations and think that there is any educated person on this site that would actually believe you? Really? I know the difference between prove and proof thank you. The question is do you know the difference between innuendo and actual facts? Since you reposted a bunch of nonsense that has already been debunked, it looks like you don’t have a clue regarding what is evidence and what is the fantasy of a bunch of nut jobs,….
The English words are Hillary, White House, American and buffoon. Are you drunk?
Were you passed out when the teacher covered the spelling of simple words and proper nouns?
“It obviously proves that you are uneducated and have, perhaps, methinks, some
difficulty with simple communication skills? Forgive me if you are an illegal alien,
or non English speaker. That would explain your ignorance of our laws and Constitution. No?”
Is that true?
“The destruction, it is just very heart-rendering.” Vice President Dan Quayle – Reported in Newsweek, 10/30/89
So Quayle works in a slaughterhouse.
“What a waste it is to lose one’s mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.” Vice President Dan Quayle speaking to the United Negro College Fund, 5/9/89
Was Danny boy into BDSM?
Come on WhiningRightWingNutJob answer the points made if you possibly can
Fail 1
As I predicted, failed to answer the question, shows no ability to parse a sentence.
p.s It’s 71+ Birfoon lawsuits you and your pathetic crew have failed in of which the President was part of only (3) three.
In addition he was in those three represented pro-bono, so where, oh where is this magical 2 million come from? Out of the same dank and fetid orifice as the rest of your nonsense.
Fail 2
>>Barry and media defrauded the public,and Dick Cheney did not ask for objections as required (and BTW there were objections by the DEMS twice during W’s both wins) when PELOSI stood up and started clapping not allowing him to do so. BTW Pelosi is complicit in this cover up.
Again you really need to read the ACTUAL Constitution not the imaginary one in your squalid little mind.
Objections to the sitting of the President only needs one Rep and One Senator to provide it in WRITING any time before the certification. Bugger all squared to do with some imaginary “OMG THEY CLAPPED !!!!!!!” they stopped it. Stupid and ignorant we see.
Fail 3
>>please be specific here, you are blabbering and spinning off. And BO is acting like a dictator. Haven’t you seen his many czars, even those unfunded ? And what about all the unauthorized spending,and throwing the Constitution under the bus.
I was precisely and exactly specific oh cretinous one, you demanded the President provide a birth certificate that no other Hawai’ian born can provide.
As for “Czars” you mean the same “czars” that Republican presidents going back farther than Reagan put in place….?
And again with the inability to grasp the fundamentals of how this government works and how Senate and Congress provide the funding and not the President
Exactly WHICH country do you come from as it sure as hell isn’t this one.
<strong Fail 4
Wrong person idiot, you’re flailing badly, the one you want is BL
Fail 5
Failed to identify the 2 elements I told you were there, obviously English is NOT your first language.
God my spelling is deteriorating badly, it’s WhiningRightWingNutJob, his mere presence causes IQ points to drop precipitously.
I might add though, we still remain far above the room temp IQ of said Birfoon
You can repeate your lie all you want but the governor never said there was no certificate. His office said they could not release any further information due to Hawaii’s privacy laws.
You said $2mil. I say prove it. It costs very little to file the same motion to dimiss over and over again. Again, just because you can say the same lie over and over again doesn’t make it more true. I’m very sure you would like to move on, but provide any proof that anything but minimal time, effort and money has been spent dismissing birther suits (I believe the one time the government won fees they asked form some $2k).
I’m guessing you’re probably wrong on that too, but it’s irrelevant. He posted on line exactly what every other person from the state of Hawaii would have. Get over it.
I’m calling you out as a liar. If it has been documented in may places provide a link. But you won’t because it just isn’t true. And actually, the number is over 70 (may be up to 80 now). Defending these cases gets progressively cheaper. You keep filing the same Motion to Dismiss, and win every time. What is obvious is that you only get your information for birther websites and know very little of how the real courts work.
I do know where our tax dollars go, and last I checked, not Libya, and Japan only as much as we have bases there….and I really don’t see what that has to do with your claim that he’s watching them burn? These are independant nations. There is only so much we can do. But why should I expect you to understand international law, when you clearly don’t even understand domestic?
I suppose if you consider bankrupting the US a win…but then the leads me to the question of when you say we, would that be you and Osama? And in case you missed it, there was a vote just yesterday on a bill sponsored by a certain democrat yesterday about pulling out of Afghanistan.
You are right. A citizen and a natural born citizen are not the same. A citizen can be either natural born or naturalized. A natural born citizen is a subset of citizen (unless you’re implying that a natural born citizen cannot be a rep or senator).
Context is everything myfriend. You are pulling one sentence out of a discussion on John McCain. Just a couple of lines earlier, Leahy says, “However, some pundits have raised the question of whether he is a “natural born Citizen” because he was born outside of the official borders of the United States.” President Obama gets a “free pass” because he was born inside the offical borders of the US and doesn’t need anything beyond the common law to be an NBC.
And finally, NBC does not require two parent citizen. Again, you don’t have the first clue about the law. Under the common law, it requires simply being born in the borders (and not being a diplomat’s kid). It has been statutorily expanded to people beyond or borders to include children of a citizen.
Interesting concept….The President is guilty because he was able to quickly and efficiently win every case brought against him. I’ll have to let my clients know that in order to win, we have to go through lenghty and costly litigation….somehow I think they’ll disagree (I hope even you realize how stupid that is).
Oh…and learn to use the quote function. It’s really a pain to weed through your responses.
This isn’t the first time that NUTJOB has visited here. I believe Dr. C already confirmed that this poster is NOT from the US.
So they are nothing but a deranged, whiny foreigner who really has no business (and obviously no understanding) of US laws.
The only reason they could be so seeting with whiny, delusional hatred is because NUTJOB is an extremely pathetic bigot and probably quite mentally ill, based on the childish and easily debunked rants.
Faroutnutjob said: >>In January Governor said he would disprove “birthers”, he has yet to release anything. We are all still waiting.
You didn’t answer my question. You made an assumption that the governor would release the long form. I asked where he said he was going to ever release one. I guess we’re both in agreement that he never said he was going to.
Nutjob said: Let’s see his original, long form birth certificate first, then we can decide what his citizen status is. You OBOTs always spinning out. If Obama Sr. really was his father……..and Dunham, really was his mother. One step at a time. Please.
There’s no need for you to see it. You’ve never seen any previous president’s long form birth certificate. So now you’re not sure if Obama Senior was his father or Dunham was his mother. Quite the conspiracy theorist.
Nutjob said: ROFLAMO, now you are changing BO’s own words around. You lose that one, BO is the adm., and again he has withheld repeatedly information requested by Congress, including recent requests on Obamacare. In a long line of rejected transparency. Another lie by the left, McCain showed his BC, Obama showed nothing.. The Senate even passed a resolution saying he was qualified to be president. Patrick Leahy even stated “…nbc requires two parents to be US citizens…” to which Chertoff replied:”…that is my understanding also…”. Your point decimated.
I’m not changing his words. You’re the one trying to say that what he meant was he would do whatever you asked and show you whatever you wanted. Context matters and in this case he was talking about how his administration did things. This is after the Bush administration went about hiding emails, using personal emails to avoid the archiving process and Dick Cheney kept a mansized safe in his office.
You said he has withheld information from congress. Nice generalizing. What information has he hidden that was requested by congress?
What requests on “Obamacare”?
McCain never showed his birth certificate. Congress passed a resolution without debate on McCain. McCain has never showed his birth certificate let alone a long form to the public like you seem to want from Obama.
You just totally changed what was said:
There was nothing in the exchange that said it was a requirement to be born of two american citizens on american soil like what you birthers seem to claim. What chetoff said was: “My assumption and my understanding is that if you are born of American parents, you are naturally a natural-born American citizen,”
This was in context to McCain.
Nutjob said: You don’t need force to be a usurper. Furthermore, if you commit fraud , which Obama did, during election campaign then who is to say it is legal? More and more of millions of Americans are realizing they have been duped and defrauded. Whether or not they care enough about it next time around is another question.
There was no fraud committed. His Presidency is legal because Congress made it legal by certifying it. No courts support your nutjob theories.
Nutjob said: BO has spent nearly $3 million defending over 60 PLUS lawsuits. It has been documented in many places. $3 million plus is not easy works. You know nothing of the history of many of these cases. That much is obvious from your post.
Nearly 3 million? Where has it been documented? Multiple websites claiming $2 million dollars being spent isn’t documentation. There has been no documentation where the money was supposedly spent and on whom.
Mars is essentially in the same orbit… Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe.
Dan Quayle, 8/11/89
Hey NUTJOB, get with the program. This issue and this search ENDED several months back:
Here, let me help you, since you are probably too inept to handle the link:
Dead issue, you doorknob.
By the way, on Libya, Obama played it very smart:
1. He got the Arab League to be the first to call for action. That way it won’t look like a US/Western intervention.
2. He let Britain and France take the lead. One look at a map shows that the Europeans should be leading on this. Not only is Libya near Europe, they buy Libya’s oil and the refugees will go there first.
3. No US ground troops.
Now imagine if Bush had been able to pull that off iin Iraq…
So Mars is at one of Earth’s Lagrangian points?
Bush did not have to: God told me to invade Iraq. He had it from a higher authority.
Re: “deranged, whiny foreigner”
Yes, which is why the angry birther’s words below are setting off multiple irony meters:
“It obviously proves that you are uneducated and have, perhaps, methinks, some
difficulty with simple communication skills? Forgive me if you are an illegal alien,
or non English speaker. That would explain your ignorance of our laws and Constitution. No?”
Comedy gold.
Agreed. Just wish the UN SC could have reached this point a week earlier…but in reality, things don’t move very fast (particularly when there is such powerful opposition to that action from Russia, China, etc), so better now than never. I’m still very impressed with their ability to get the major 5 blockers to simply abstain instead of vote against it. People really don’t understand just how major an accomplishment that is and how important that was.
farleftliberalnutjob has posted here 7 times, all from within the continental United States. You may be confusing farleftliberalnutjob with MichaelN from Australia or DraggingCanoe who posted from a secret submarine off the coast of Madagascar.
” . . . when PELOSI stood up and started clapping not allowing him to do so.”
OMG! That is HYSTERICAL! Whew!
I love the mental image of Cheney cowering and grimacing while Pelosi stands and claps.
Absolutely brilliant birther buffoonery!
My bad. Thanks for the conrrection.
It was probably MichaelN that I got confused with NUTJOB in these regards.
I know DraggingCanoe uses various sock puppets, but I’m not sure if any of them have been posting here recently. You of course would know if a weird birther name here was really DC in yet another beard.
Secret Submarine? Legion of Doom?
Damn if Pelosi’s clapping was that powerful it sure would explain why John Boener cries so much
So, what we still know is that paranoia, hatred and bigotry can come from anywhere. Which immigrants or descendants of immigrants are allowed to be Americans? I can’t seem to find the approved list.
White Anglo Saxon Protestants.
Or that Bob the Enzyte Guy
more facts: an election official in 2008 admitted that it is known throughout the Hawaii DOH upper level supervisors that BO does not have any bona fide credentials documenting his birth on record . Cover up ? Conspiracy? Good name for this site and for the Obots following el duce.
more conspiracy by the left: changing the quotes of Bingham to further their own agenda.
The left is are dirty flat mat rastards to say the least.
*the far far left of obot adm are comprised of dirty flat mat rastards to say the least
the American public are beginning to see the truth
of this evil person and those around him
Hillary finally saw the light
Now imagine if Bush had been able to pull that off iin Iraq…
Bush got a far greater coalition than BO has to date as well as a good number
of more UN resolutions
double standard abounds
furthermore the liberal press keeps calling the middle east revolts as democratic
how soon we forget it was bush who said once we bring democracy to the middle
east via iraq the surrounding nations will fall.
but does the far left press give Bush credit for that?
BTW I don’t believe it’s democracy that is coming despite what the
press thinks
the Arabs have a saying “beware what you wish for because it may come
true and the future will bring you something worse than what you wished for”
PPS I am a natural born citizen
per the constitution and per vattel, bingham, and Patrick Leahy’s definition
deny the truth all you want
BO’s past will one day be revealed and you will all have mush on your faces
in addition, why is it that the two judges on SC are not recusing themselves
for the half a dozen times these cases have entered their domain ?
double standard
the left thinks they are above the law
just like obama thinks he is above the law
o, what we still know is that paranoia, hatred and bigotry can come from anywhere. Which immigrants or descendants of immigrants are allowed to be Americans? I can’t seem to find the approved list.
>>>once again there is a difference between citizenship, naturalized citizenship, anchor baby citizenship and illegal aliens. Quit spinning out and learn the definitions. Insults and ignorance are no way to go through life flounder, or is it Bluto , ignatowski ??
No, that’s Nixon and Agnew.
Ignorantia iuris nocet.
In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
State Attorney General David Louie ….gave the governor an out. He’s a liberal. However, HI law says otherwise. If the governor wanted to , under the law, he can release the information because the governor is a person of interest and influence. The law allows him to do so. The fact of the matter OBAMA sealed all his records 5 seconds AFTER sitting in the WH chair. That was his first executor order. Not unusual , except for the expediency of the matter. If the governor would have granted the release OBama would have filed a lawsuit. The fact remains the governor, or even a relative of OBAMA , as a person of interest has every right to the records under HI DOH law.
farleftliberalnutjob: just like obama thinks he is above the law
No, that’s Nixon and Agnew.
>>>what Nixon did is child’s play compared to this thug Obama and his
too bad Issa is a spineless idiot and
Fitzpatrick refuses to go after Obama like he did Bush adm. for much
lesser transgressions. Releasing of ex CIA information was found to be bogus.
But Obama’s involvement in selling his seat with Blago, via Rezko, has Obama;s
Justice Dept. dropping charges and evidence beyond any reasonable
doubt of his complicity to the issue.
Please quote the executive order that states he was sealing records of the state of Hawaii that existed before he was President. Also, while you are at it, please compare the order to the one the Reagan issued in 1989 (12667, there I gave you a hint).
I look forward to you showing your proof.
PiyushBobby Jindal and Michelle Malkin are anchor babies.Citizenship and anchor baby citizenship are the same, per the 14th. Look into it.
Naturalized citizenship/illegal aliens: some members of my wife’s family came here illegally, got amnesty and are now naturalized citizens.
I’m one of those Jewish New York liberals you read about. Thank you, and my kibbutznik comrades thank you also.
I was a Trotskyite in college, and your inarticulate rants are hilarious.
The Expatriation Act of 1868, known as the sister act to the 14th Amendment, is still in force today as part of Title 8, while some parts of it were transferred under Foreign Affairs. This law is the basis for the renunciation oath that all immigrants must take and is the law which gives Congress the right & authority to rebuke a naturalized citizen’s US citizenship status & have that person deported for “bad behavior”. It is also the law that states that dual allegiance is not now nor ever has been part of our legal system. The Act states: “whereas it is claimed that such American citizens, with their descendents, are subjects of foreign states, owing allegiance to the governments thereof; and whereas it is necessary to the maintenance of public peace that this claim of foreign allegiance should be promptly and finally disavowed” and then goes on to declare ” is hereby declared inconsistent with the fundamental principles of this government”.
>>BO = dual allegiance if his BC shows OBAMA sr.
one can never lose citizenship,ever, unless as stated above US throws you
out in court of law. BO only qualified if his real father is not OBAMA SR.
and in that event there is good case for fraud. Barry will say he didn’t
commit it. But if he saw another name on his so called BC then yes
he did. The general theory is that BO was born in Kenya. It is a known
fact over there. WRIF Radio Detroit had Kenyan Ambassador on and
he said it. There is even a sign there commemorating his birth place *note
there is no such place in hawaii , no doctor or hospital or midwife has come
forth. His mother registered for classes in
Washington in August of 1961. He never lived at the address printed
the newspaper. No childhood friends from his alleged early, pre Indonesia
school days know him. He went to Pakistan on a non US passport, therefore
he is/was not a US citizen. He also went to Kenya. Alan Keyes debated
him for the senate seat and during the debate Obama admitted he
was not qualified to run for president in response to Keyes question
and responded he was running for Senate where the requirement
is not the same per Constitution.
Obama and the DNR know OBAMA is /was not qualified that is
why they changed the wording on many of the certifications, and
many were signed twice. Hawaii is one example. Here there is a smell
something stinks.
Please quote the executive order that states he was sealing records of the state of Hawaii that existed before he was President.
>>i never stated BO sealed his records before he was president, unless you are referring to the illegal double swearing before the fake Chief Justice Roberts?
No. Merely completel nonsense.
The website you quoted is a well known cesspool of birtherism bunk.
No one will take you seriously if you waste your time quoting myths that you only heard from birther sites and tabloid rags.
No P&E, no WND, no Pravda, no Canadian Press, etc.
All you prove is what a gullible moron you are.
*yawn*. Pretty much just a lame variation of the “any day now” and “OMG” mutterings that birthers are so fond of saying…to no avail.
So, tell me, how’s Orly’s “out within 90 days” succeeding? Oh yeah, that’s’s been nearly 2 years since she said that and he’s still president. Oops.
And Sammy Sewell’s constant “OMG” moments… yeah, not much luck there either.
And birther’s constant claims of “the people” and “the American Public”… yeah…good luck with those too.
Any lie you can tell yourselves to pretend that you are not a fringe minority of a fringe minority of a fringe minority that the rest of the public either doesn’t care about at all or mericlessly mocks.
It must really kill you to be reminded that Obama received 9.5 Million more votes than McCain in the last election, doesn’t it? That he received more votes than ANY candidate in American history.
It must really cause you to lie awake at night to realize that despite how messed up our economy and world is, that the GOP potential field of 2012 candidates is so damaged and weak (and so afraid to go up against Obama that they’ve held off “officially” declaring they are in the race yet), that Obama’s chances of being reelected to a 2nd term are increasingly likely at this point.
Yeah, sucks to be you, doesn’t it?
Oh my bad, I must have misunderstood the following?
You mentioned the Governor releasing and President Obama sealing all his records. Yet, you do not mean his records from when before he was President, which happen to be the birth records in question. You related the 2, now provide evidence that Obama sealed the birth records in the Executive Order or, if you cannot find it, explain what the mention of the Executive Order had to do with your President’s birth records.
By the way, illegal double swearing in? What is that? Please cite US Law.
You appear angry to an irrational degree. Carrying this type of anger around must be difficult.
Res ipsa loquitur.
Yeah, you’re not too good with timeframes. We know that already by your total FAIL of realizing the Abercrombie story ended over 2 months ago.
Sorry, but if you think our actions in Iraq have anything to do with the revolutions in the Middle East today, you’re totally delusional. You do realize that we went into Iraq back in 2003 and then got bogged down in a debacle and viewed as occupiers, don’t you?
What is going on in the Middle East today can be attributed more to common people all over the world now having access to internet and cell/wireless technologies and social media such as twitter and being able to spread their messages of frustrations and regime abuses and plans for organizing about it quicker than dictatorial regimes can fully tamp down. It mainly comes down to populations that generally have limited freedoms, high unemployment and extremely high numbers of young people.
It is simply a matter of regional problems and modern technology combining to give voice to their frustrations. The credit goes there and with the people of that region themselves.
Hawaii had a Republican Governor and a Republican Attorney General from before Obama was elected until December 7, 2010. They did not release Obama’s birth records either. The previous Republican administration vouched for the authenticity of Obama’s birth records and even declared him to be “a natural born American citizen.”
If anyone really wants to see Obama’s original, vault copy, long form birth certificate, Hawaii law allows it to be released to “a person whose right to inspect or obtain a certified copy of the record is established by a court order of a court of competent jurisdiction.”
In other words that a birther might understand, get a subpoena, see long form.
I lived in Israel, and I first heard that proverb in Chinese society.
FAIL. Sorry NUTJOB. Only 2 types of citizens in the US – born and naturalized.
Illegal aliens obviously are NOT US citizens at all. They are foreign immigrants or visitors that have either entered this country illegally or who have overstayed beyond the limits of any VISA or other form of papers they had. Hence the term illegal. That would include ANY foreigner who is not a US citizen that meets that definition – whether they came here from Latin America, Canada, or any country in Europe, etc, regardless of race, religion or creed.
…of course, why do I suspect you only have problems with illegal aliens that tend to look different than you or worship different than you? Would you apply the same standard to the white bread WASP illegal immigrant who’s overstayed their VISA?
Finally, “anchor babies” is a term used to refer to children born ON US soil by a parent (or more commonly both parents) who are themselves “illegal immigrants”.
If anything, the whole hot-button topic of “anchor babies”, which has been an issue discussed for decades now, is PROOF that there are ONLY 2 types of citizens and is why you birther nuts and your 2-citizen parents crap you came up with in 2008 doesn’t hold any water.
The whole basic “hot button” frustruation behind the “anchor baby” issue is that such babies, by mere virtue of being BORN ON US SOIL are NBC at birth, regardless of their parent’s illegal stature in this country.
The only way their status of being NBC could be stripped away is if a Constitutional Amendment was passed that excluded their particular birth situation from the existing straightforward conditions set forth in the 14th Amendment.
Obama will be re-elected, and Cory Booker will follow.
“Booker earned a Rhodes Scholarship and studied at The Queen’s College, Oxford, where he was awarded an honours degree in modern history in 1994. While at Oxford he became friends with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and became President of the L’Chaim Society, the local chapter of Chabad, and brought together a diverse community there.
He also received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree in December 2010 from Yeshiva University for ‘his bold vision for Newark and setting a national standard for urban transformation’.”
You keep proving what a clueless tool you are, don’t you?
First of all, I already gave you the article that repeatedly and quite clearly stated WHY Abercrombie cannot do anything with Obama’s records and WHY it was made clear to him that EXISTING LAWS prevent it.
But oh, some crazy anonymous birther fruitcakes like you and your nonsense bunch somehow know more than ALL the actual people in charge of these records and these laws, right? Yah, you would know better because you are who..and with what authority? Oh yeah, that’s right – NOBODY and with NONE.
Delusional, much???
Second, you now try repeating that long debunked canard about Presidential Records. You just come across like a dip$hit who has no idea what they are talking about when you say such laughably WRONG things.
Try reading the Executive Order for once, instead of just the trash you swallow of your brainwashing birther sites. Maybe you’ll learn something for once, but I highly doubt it. You haven’t shown the intelligence that you can actually learn something; merely that you can parrot long debunked fictional rumors without a clue in the world as to how stupid you come across by doing so.
Here, learn to read:
In summary, it made access to official Presidential & Governmental records EASIER to acdess than they were under the GWB administration.
It ONLY applies to official records of the OFFICE, DURING their time IN office.
it does NOT apply to anyone’s PERSONAL or past records; POTUS or otherwise.
You do realize that you are quoting an act that you yourself pointed out specifically applies to NATURALIZED citizens?
Obama was born in HONOLULU, HI. That is US soil. Therefore NBC by birth. Try reading the 14th Amendment.
ALL real evidence points CONSISTENTLY points to that conclusion.
Any “dual citizenship” he would have had rights to claim via his father expired years ago and NONE of them would TRUMP US jurisdiction over him BECAUSE HE WAS BORN ON US SOIL.
Why do you hate America so much that you want other nation’s claims of citizenship to trump AMERICAN laws?
Thankfully, you’re completely WRONG on all of your nonsense views and none of your drivel has any basis in US law.
All of the rest of your talking point rants are NOT even worth addressing further except to sum up with a general statement – FAIL!
Every bit of nonsense you’ve spewed has been long debunked here and other places so many times over that it only proves you are a mental twit that you think you can come here and spew such myths and lies without it being blatently obvious that you have no real clue as to what you are talking about.
Face it, the only thing you succeed at is proving that you are a typical clueless troll. Wow, what a mission in life you have…to convince the world of your stupidity and inherent petty bigotry on a daily basis.
Your arguments and posts here have been so poor and so full of zombie long debunked nonsense that you make it nearly impossible to reply to you without completely demeaning you in the process.
I really don’t want to be as harsh as I am in replying to you…but your own statements are so pathetically and obviously vapid, that a complete thrashing and utter mocking of you is the only fair result you deserve.
Illegal? Sorry. FAIL. You just made that up.
Did Chief Roberts have to swear him in twice? YES. But do you remember why, you clueless fool?
HINT: Roberts F**ked it up the first time. Because ROBERTS errored, he wanted a re-do to get it right.
ALSO: Try reading the Consitution on HOW a President takes office. The whole swearning in ceremony is merely a formality for show. Even if there was no swearing in, the president AUTOMATICALLY assumes office at NOON on Jan 20th.
HINT. Section 1 of the 20th Amendment of the Constitution. Try reading that document some time:
At least (s)he’s successful at something.
Wow…the stupid is strong in this one….I think he’s regurgitated every bither lie out there. How does one become this genuinely clueless?
Probably through inbreeding.
President Obama Revokes Bush Executive Order on Presidential Records
On January 21, in one of his first official acts, President Barack Obama revoked the Bush administration’s Executive Order 13233 that severely limited access by the public to presidential records.
President Obama firmly committed his administration to a new policy of transparency by symbolically issuing the executive order on his first full day in office. The issuance of the Obama presidential records executive order ends a nearly eight year effort by historians, archivists, political scientists and other stakeholders in federal courts and on Capitol Hill to have the Bush EO revoked on legal grounds or by statute.
The language in the Obama executive order is similar to Executive Order 12667 issued by President Reagan in 1989 which was also in effect during the presidencies of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. The Reagan executive order was revoked when President Bush issued EO 13233 in November 2001.
The Obama executive order restores the presumption that the incumbent president, not former presidents, their heirs or designees should be the one asserting claims of executive privilege. The executive order states that only “living” former Presidents can make claims of executive privilege. This removed one of the most egregious sections of the Bush EO that allowed heirs or designees to make claims of executive privilege for an indefinite period after the death of a former President.
In addition, the provisions in the Bush EO allowing former vice presidents to assert executive privilege are gone. In fact, the Obama EO makes it clear that vice presidential records are to be included under the definition of “presidential records.”
Executive Order 13489 also restores the function of the Archivist of the United States’ as an independent arbiter of initial claims of executive privilege. The executive order assumes the Archivist may release records 30 days after notifying the incumbent and former Presidents unless a claim of executive privilege is made.
The press release from the White House says the following:
“The Executive Order on Presidential Records brings those principles to presidential records by giving the American people greater access to these historic documents. This order ends the practice of having others besides the President assert executive privilege for records after an administration ends. Now, only the President will have that power, limiting its potential for abuse. And the order also requires the Attorney General and the White House Counsel to review claims of executive privilege about covered records to make sure those claims are fully warranted by the Constitution.”
No, I think it’s from chewing on window sills as a child.
Here’s a link to the original article posted above from the History Coalition web site
The bottom line is that President Obama threw out Bush administration restrictive policy on presidential records and restored Reagan administration open policy on presidential records.
Yes, exactly. Thank you for your additional links. That was exactly what I was talking about in my post above, to correct that fool NUTJOB.
I suspect NUTJOB and several other birthers are Dunwich descendants. They sure demonstrate all the signs of such:
That’s whats so funny about birthers. They read something on the internet and believe it hook line and sinker without going to the source. I’ve had this myth come up before where a birther said the first thing he did when he got in office was to sign an executive order sealing all his records from birth and that this was in the executive order. When I pointed out I read the executive order and nowhere does it say that they changed the subject.
I was just thinking “Hey, every time a troll comes here, they accomplish pushing the buttons of some very smart people.
There are lawyers and professionals here with thousands of hours spent perfecting their crafts.
But one ‘cwazy wabbit’ comes out of his hole and they all pop up like meerkats.
How smart CAN they all be?”
But then I thought how terrible it is these birthers can focus on one little rumor and make it some big conspiracy.
They take quotes without citations and repeat them endlessly, not even verifying them first.
I’m not even sure where all these rumors come from.
So I considered the words of George Soros who said, “A birther will spend more hours of misery knowing there’s a African president, than we will in debunking them. Besides, they won’t be able to do anything about it, so don’t worry.”
That statement makes me feel a lot better because I can feel involved without having to always shout at them.
Some people will just believe whatever it is they want.
I know that smart people are sometimes just a little reactionary, but they’re still smart. 😉
I’m a Republican and a Conservative.
But let’s not let facts get in the way of a good ad hominem, right?
Fail troll is fail.
Buckley once said he spent a lifetime getting rid of the kooks. Well, the kooks are back, and are here to stay. Did you see Coulter’s latest: Ann Coulter to Bill O’Reilly: Radiation Is Actually Good for You’!5783191/ann-coulter-to-bill-oreilly-radiation-is-actually-good-for-you
Palin is a vulgarian. So there.
I fully understand what you are saying.
It is one thing for them to believe such nonsense. You have to ask yourself why do the same small set of people spend so much time parroting the same nonsense over and over again and posting it on message boards wherever they can. And why, when thouroughly debunked, will they just either move the goal posts or lay low for a few months and then return with the same zombie lie?
I think the answer is really clear – these obvious trolls are more than just either cons or believers. Regardless of which they are they both have the same propoganda driven agenda to spread lies and disinformation as far and wide as they can and to repeat their lies over and over again in hopes of making them stick.
The internet sticks around and is available to all. I feel it is often necessary to counter bad science, bad lies and misinformation out here in cyberspace, because for more and more people sadly, this is about as far as they go in learning about the world.
That’s why he is so sure he is a natural born citizen. He had only four great-great-grandparents to check out.
By the way, I heard Georgia did change one law: when you divorce your wife, she’s still your sister. With or without the long-form divorce certificate.
As some people pointed out, the troll is mixing up defendant and plaintiff here. What is interesting about this is that Orly is always doing the same – even in her pleadings. The troll is an Orlyfan.
> Regardless of which they are they both have the same propoganda driven agenda to spread lies and disinformation as far and wide as they can and to repeat their lies over and over again in hopes of making them stick.
And that explains why they don’t even bother to have every one of their stories (or even one, for that matter) withstand even basic scrutiny. They know that, for a significant part of the population, quantity equals quality.
If one woman says “Tiger Woods had an affair with me”, most people will just think “OK, another attention wh*re looking for 15 minutes of fame off a celebrity”.
If 50 women say “Tiger Woods had an affair with me”, no-one will doubt at least a few of them are telling the truth.
So if there’s a 100 things that are supposedly “fishy” about Obama, people will think there’s something to it and not bother checking if even one of these 100 actually is credible on closer inspection.
That’s propaganda 101 – it doesn’t matter how good the dirt is you throw as long as there’s plenty of it.
I thought that was West Virginia.
I wrote an article on that once:
It should be noted, when I asked our troll for this (I knew where the info was), it attempted to side step the point and then ran away.
Shocked I am!! 😯
Joseph Farah has that quote tattooed in huge ornate letters across his butt cheeks decorated with images of rainbows, roses, champagne and bars of gold.
It’s now on the internet so it must be true.
It’s time to repost this at least 300,000 times over the next two years.
What else is Joseph Farah hiding?
I read on the ‘net that barnyard animals get skittish when Joseph Farah is near. I’m sure it’s just a rumor, but why hasn’t Farah denied it? All I’m asking for is a simple statement like, ‘I have never abused sheep.’ Very strange.
Yeah, I thought that I would just make absolutely sure that NC1 couldn’t lie her way out of acknowledging that her slander of the Obama presidential records Executive Order was 180 degrees away from the actual intent and purpose of the order.
Article II “natural-born citizens” are those citizens who are “born in the country, of parents who are citizens.” This definition has been codified since 1758. 0bama Sr. was a British subject of Kenya and therefore 0bama Jr. would also be a “British subject” at birth regardless of his birthplace, according to the British Nationality Act of 1948.
In an attempt by the State Department to debunk the ‘0bama birth-certificate controversy,’ an expert on conspiracy theories and information in the office of counter-misinformation, Todd Leventhal, provided official confirmation that 0bama was a dual citizen of the U.K. and the U.S. from 1961 to 1963 and a dual citizen of Kenya and the U.S. from 1963 to 1982, because his father was a Kenyan citizen when 0bama was born in 1961. Leventhal stated, “0bama was originally both a U.S. citizen and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies from 1961 to 1963 (because his father was from Kenya, which gained its independence from the British Empire in 1963), then both a U.S. and Kenyan citizen from 1963 to 1982, and solely a U.S. citizen after that.” It is not possible to obtain or regain “natural-born Citizen” status at a later date.
0bama was later adopted in Indonesia, where he went by the name Barry Soetoro.’ Assuming 0bama’s mother abided by their laws at that time, he would have had to give up any U.S. citizenship in order to attend an Indonesian school that uncovered records show he in fact attended, or else benefited from falsified records to maintain a dual-citizenship (combination of American, British-Kenyan, and/or Indonesian), a situation which also makes him ineligible to be serving as President of the United States of America.
Passport records from his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, obtained from the State Department through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request shows her removing Barry Soebarkah’ (another previously unknown and undisclosed surname used by 0bama) from her passport in 1965, indicating that he was likely registered as an Indonesian citizen by that time. Conveniently, 0bama’s mother’s passport records prior to 1965 were mysteriously destroyed by the State Department, despite their claim of keeping records going back to 1925.
0bama lived much of his early life as a foreigner and may even have obtained a scholarship as a foreign exchange student. A 3rd grade classmate of 0bama has a published photo of the two taken in Hawaii when U.S. government records indicate Barry should have been attending 3rd grade in Indonesia.
0bama appears to have used a non-U.S. passport until 2004, when he was 44 years old and (s)elected to the U.S. Senate. 0bama travelled to Pakistan in 1981, and then into India, during a time period in which U.S. citizens were being warned and discouraged from travelling to Pakistan. To date, 0bama refuses to release any of his records, specifically those which would shed light on this growing mystery. Several U.S. citizens have been prosecuted for attempting to access 0bama’s passport records. One man, Quarles Harris Jr., was mysteriously shot in the head while sitting in his car just days after illegally accessing 0bama’s passport records during the 2008 presidential campaign.
0bama first obtained work at a Baskin Robbins in 1975, but he did not obtain a SSN until after 1977. 0bama has also been using a SSN reserved for residents of Connecticut without explanation. There are also many questions surrounding 0bama’s registration for Selective Service (SS) that have yet to be answered. The document ultimately obtained by a FOIA request raised more questions than it answered. It is full of irregularities and suggests the possibility that either 0bama and/or his Chicago associates may have engaged in fraud and committed a federal crime in doing so.
Back on September 7th, 2008, 0bama appeared on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” and stated, “I had to sign up for Selective Service when I graduated from high school… And I actually always thought of the military as an ennobling and, you know, honorable option. But keep in mind that I graduated in 1979. The Vietnam War had come to an end. We weren’t engaged in active military conflict at that point. And so, it’s not an option that I ever decided to pursue.”
The Military Selective Service Act required men born in the calendar year 1961 to register on any of the six days beginning Monday, July 28, 1980. Interestingly, the registration requirement was suspended in April 1975 by President Gerald Ford and wasn’t reinstituted until 1980 by President Jimmy Carter in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. However, 0bama claimed to have registered for the draft in June 1979, before it was required by law.
0bama’s original, long-form hospital-generated birth certificate with the name of a hospital and doctor has never been revealed. A former Honolulu senior elections clerk for the 2008 elections, Tim Adams, signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack 0bama Jr. and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu has any record of 0bama having been born in their medical facilities.
The sworn affidavit reads:
”Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division told me on multiple occasions that no Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate exists for Senator 0bama in the Hawaii Department of Health, and there was no record that any such document had ever been on file in the Hawaii Department of Health or any other branch or department of the Hawaii government.”
Adams was employed at the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division from May 2008 through September 2008. To date, no Hawaiian hospital has officially confirmed that 0bama was born at their facility. Hawaii State government officials had made inquiries about Senator 0bama’s birth records to officials at Queens Medical Center and Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu and that neither hospital had any record of Senator 0bama having been born there, even though Governor Abercrombie and various Hawaii government officials are now asserting that Barack 0bama Jr. was born at Kapi’olani Medical Center on August 4, 1961. More than one hospital has been erroneously published as his birth location prompting news sites to scrub and swap the purported location prior to the 2008 elections.
To complicate matters, 0bama has sealed all records pertaining to his past that would shed any light on the truth. 0bama even substituted a 140-word doctor’s note in place of his actual medical records during the campaign. On his first day as president, 0bama signed executive order 13489 sealing access to his records through other federal agencies, as all presidents have since passage of the Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978.
Information was compiled from the official Federal Elections Commission website for disbursements from the 0bama campaign to the law firm Perkins Coie, which represents 0bama in various eligibility suits. Investigations of the public records show 0bama has spent well over a million dollars to block access to his records, primarily using the law firm Perkins Coie, which has represented 0bama in various eligibility suits primarily through attorney Robert Bauer, who was also recently elevated to 0bama’s White House Legal Counsel. Interestingly, former Solicitor General Elena Kagan was also involved in many of 0bama’s eligibility legal cases prior to her nomination and elevation to the Supreme Court of the United States of America without any previous judicial experience.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) either failed to vet 0bama’s eligibility as a “natural-born” citizen, or else knew about his ineligibility and tried to cover it up. Nancy Pelosi modified the Electoral Registration Certificates of 49 states to not include the statement affirming Constitutional eligibility during the process that placed 0bama on the ballot for each state. Pelosi essentially covered her own tracks for culpability from a legal standpoint, except in the state of Hawaii which has specific rules that demand that the candidate be specified as Constitutionally eligible on the ballot nomination submission form. The Electoral Registration Certificate submitted to Hawaii by Pelosi included the declaration that 0bama was eligible under the Constitution, even though he was not.
farleftliberalnutjob: 4- the defendant can’t provide any witnesses
5- the defendant can’t search/ask/display any documentation that says BO is
not a NBC.
As some people pointed out, the troll is mixing up defendant and plaintiff here
talking about the military case here, I never obama was defendant in all the cases.
The case where obama throws a decorated military officer in jail
because he believes that obama is not qualified. BO assigns
a dem lib judge who repeatedly denies due process of law.
I never obama said was defendant in all the cases- you obots implied that with your usual twist and spin tactics
Fail 1
the constitution matters to some of us, and over 60 plus lawsuits have been filed. IF BO was not a democrat you liberals would be screaming bloody murder, and you know it
As I predicted, failed to answer the question, shows no ability to parse a sentence.
<<>I said 60+,, if you libs can count 71>60. NO? Failed because TWO obot
SC judges refused to recuse themselves.
In addition he was in those three represented pro-bono, so where, oh where is this magical 2 million come from? Out of the same dank and fetid orifice as the rest of your nonsense.
>>>It is a known fact BO has spent over $3 million of our tax dollars defending these cases, including the military case where he threw a distinguished officer under the bus because of his repeated lies and fraud.
Another of your posts decimated.
Fail 2
Objections to the sitting of the President only needs one Rep and One Senator to provide it in WRITING any time before the certification
Another lie, US code allows for them to be submitted when the VP asks for any objections This has happened numerous times in the past, as recent as when W was elected president.
Another Fail to FACT 2, your post decimated. Try again obot.
Fail 3
>>please be specific here, you are blabbering and spinning off. And BO is acting like a dictator. Haven’t you seen his many czars, even those unfunded ? And what about all the unauthorized spending,and throwing the Constitution under the bus.
I was precisely and exactly specific oh cretinous one
<<<yes i agree it's a fail because your original comment was obtuse and inane. Next time be more specific and you will get a specific reply if the comment is worthy.
Decimated your post on FAIL no 3 Talking about OBAMA here , not some other
wet dream that OBOTs keep spinning out of control with your sick and twisted agenda.
Fail 5
Failed to identify the 2 elements I told you were there, obviously English is NOT your first language.
Fail 5 two elements? The twist and spin? I don't respond to lies, fraud, insults
and inane liberal dribble
I never said obama was defendant in all the cases- you obots implied that with your usual twist and spin tactics
It should be noted, when I asked our troll for this (I knew where the info was), it attempted to side step the point and then ran away.
>>didn’t run away, avoided your silly twist and spin, still waiting for
1- GOV to honor his word on releasing BO’s bona fid
2- BO signed his orders faster than any president in history, why is that ?
I’m a Republican and a Conservative.
>>>sounds more like a RINO to me. If you were really a CONSTiTuTIONALIST
then you would be screaming bloody murder about BOTH
McCain and OBAMA and the third party candidate from Central America.
Exposed for the liar that you are.
move on please
or move back to
another odd tidbit
the BO green blob listed BO’s race as African
when at the time, 1961, no other BC used the term
another odd tidbit
the BO green blob listed no cert number below
the highlighted blocked out area
another odd tidbit
over 40 million Americans doubt BO is a natural born citizen,
the question is do the they care enough about the Constitution
next time around ???
What did the order do? It actually reversed the even greater restrictions on the Bush EO. It basically restored the Reagan EO.
Why does it matter if he signed it fast? How does it affect any Hawaii birth records? If it has not affect, why did you mention it? When did other presidents seal their records by a EO? If he is so fast, how fast was Bush 1, Clinton, Carter, etc?
You have never explained what this EO does to his prior records?
Where is the proof?
From the article on Obama’s birth certificate:
Update, August 26: We received responses to some of our questions from the Hawaii Department of Health. They couldn’t tell us anything about their security paper, but they did answer another frequently-raised question: why is Obama’s father’s race listed as “African”? Kurt Tsue at the DOH told us that father’s race and mother’s race are supplied by the parents, and that “we accept what the parents self identify themselves to be.” We consider it reasonable to believe that Barack Obama, Sr., would have thought of and reported himself as “African.” It’s certainly not the slam dunk some readers have made it out to be.
Since Barack Obama got 69.4 million votes, I’m sure that he’s ok with 40 million people who would never vote for him under any circumstances having doubts.
At this point in his term in office, Obama is using the birth certificate issue to force any potential Republican opponents to go on the record as birthers or non-birthers.
Some examples:
“If there was any shred of truth to [Obama eligibility conspiracies], Hillary Clinton and her wonderful investigative opposition research machine would have found it and would have used it. For Republicans to even be bringing it up, I think it’s a waste of energy and time.”–Mike Huckabee
[On Obama’s eligibility] “I don’t think it’s an issue that we need to address at all, it is not an issue that even needs to be on the policy-making table right now whatsoever.”—Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
“The state of Hawaii has said he was born there. That’s good enough for me, The president says he’s a Christian. I accept him at his word.”—Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner
Question asked of Sarah Palin “Do you question his [Obama’s] faith and citizenship?”
Governor Palin’s Response: “I don’t, and those are distractions, what we’re concerned about is the economy. And we’re concerned about the policies coming out of his administration and what he believes in terms of big government or private sector. So, no, the faith, the birth certificate, others can engage in that kind of conversation. It’s distracting. It gets annoying and let’s just stick with what really matters.”—Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
Sounds like you’ve got your work cut out for you as over 60 million actual voters believe otherwise.
YAWN. Repeating lame lies that have been disproven hundreds of times over doesn’t make them any more real NUTJOB.
All you do is show you are a weak troll with weak cut & paste lies and nothing to back up your frothing BS. You’re fairly lame even for a birther…that says a lot.
Sucks to be you that you’re likely to be stuck with Obama until 2017 instead of 2013. Your little bigot tears are going to be falling for a long time.
Prove it. Anyone, even a birther drunkard, can type lies and post them on the internet.
You’re dribbling again, birther stain.
“the BO green blob listed no cert number below
the highlighted blocked out area”
Based on what? Your expert opinion or an anonymous birther blog as mentally challenged as the rest?
I’ll take the word of the former Hawaiian Director of Health and the former Hawaiian Governor who were both Republicans over the anonymous rants of a birther crap stain.
“over 40 million Americans doubt BO is a natural born citizen”
You must have asked each one. Besides , you’ve made it clear you won’t vote for him so why would either the President or you care so much? Need a more productive hobby?
You’ve been busy all over the internet.
You must not have a job.
Are you on a government pension, welfare or Social Security?
Wow. Then you must be making cases up in your head.
Sorry, loser. Obama wasn’t invoved in any military cases.
If you are talking about birther Lakin, he was tried and convicted purely because he MISSED A MOVEMENT. He was tried by the military under standard rules for failing to obey simple orders. His birther nonsense and delusional birther beliefs has NO relevance to his charges at all.
He is in jail as a result of his own stupidity. Simple as that.
Then again, you’ve demonstrated that you are incredibly stupid. I encourage you to try to break some law and then try to pull your nonsense birther arguments in a court and see how well that does for ya.
Go for it, you future Darwin Award recipient.
Wow. Sorry, this is the real world pal. You can play your little 12-year old princess game of “opposite day” all you want, but that doesn’t make you and your birther bretheran’s nonsense any less wrong and merely made up nonsense.
Back in reality, there’s nothing you can do about Obama continuing to be our POTUS and faithfully serving out the rest of his term…and likely being awarded another 4 years after that.
You go, NUTJOB. Keep “winning” like Charlie Sheen.
Again, you have no real arguments, so you need to focus on some trivial and completely unimportant issue to distract from what a lying loser you are.
Just sad, utterly pathetic and completely obvious.
The ONLY valid point here is that birthers have LOST ALL of their stupid and frivolous little cases. That’s a 100% loss record.
Obama himself has NOT had to waste ANY of his time being involved with ANY of these and only a small amount of the cases even required ANY defense to take place at all.
He’s POTUS. OUR tax dollars automatically go to legal council to respond to lawsuits directed at public officials. These law firms are on standard retainer for such things and in those few cases where a response is needed from them, it is the SIMPLEST of tasks to have them submit a MOTION TO DISMISS. Pretty standard procedure, especially for such frivilous NUT cases, such as the birther tripe.
You and your birther bretheren make up numbers that you then keep exaggerating over time. NO evidence of your nonsense $3 milliion…but heck, you think it magically becomes real, just because you like to say it.
Well, joke is on you, you tard.
Back in reality, birthers are the ones wasting all their time and effort on these frivolous cases and filings for a TOTAL LOSS and ZERO ROI.
Any money being spent and lost is primarily by the birthers themselves. Obama will never have to waste a moment of his time on any of this NOR one cent of his own money.
So birthers can continue wasting all their own precious time and money they want because they hate Obama and it won’t affect him one bit.
You’d have better luck flushing your money down the toilet directly. At least you’d achieve faster results to your failures.
To claim that the President of the United States convicts officers (even one who admitted guilt) and assigns military judges to court cases shows a disturbing amount of ignorance. Facts are just inconvenient.
This is either a severely unbalanced troll in need of a mental health professional or it’s a heckuva act to make birthers look really, really bad. I hope we’re just being played.
NUTJOB – Those have BOTH been DIRECTLY ANSWERED to you already. You are a lying coward.
Here you go again:
ANSWER TO #1: Hey NUTJOB, get with the program. This issue and this search ENDED several months back:
Here, let me help you, since you are probably too inept to handle the link:
Dead issue, you doorknob.
ANSWER TO #2: Hey NUTJOB, learn to read:
In summary, it made access to official Presidential & Governmental records EASIER to access than they were under the GWB administration.
It ONLY applies to official records of the OFFICE, DURING their time IN office.
it does NOT apply to anyone’s PERSONAL or past records; POTUS or otherwise.
See also Joey’s posts on March 18, at 11:04 pm and 11:07 pm
The birther nutjob first drooled,
“One has to ask why BO has spent nearly 2 million of our tax dollars . . .”
And then the fact challenged birther dribbled,
BO has spent nearly $3 million defending over 60 PLUS lawsuits. It has been documented in many places. $3 million plus is not easy works.”
And then the birther spewed,
“$2 million plus of our tax dollars seems to be laughing matters . . .”
Math is obviously not a birther’s strong suit.
“[O]bama has spent well over a million dollars to block access to his records”
World Nut Daily is not a credible source by any stretch of the imagination, birther fool.
I would ask for actual, credible proof of this documentation but this is a rocket scientist who has shown the world that a birther doesn’t know the difference between two and three.
Ya know, the great party of the GOP has allowed its name and reputation to become so tarnished by the mouth breathing bigots, zealots and other uneducated crazies that it is painfully clear that the inmates now run the asylum.
Therefore, attacks on intelligent and sensible conservatives who base their lives in reality and who love this country, by calling them “RINOs” no longer seems like an insult at all, considering the source of these childish name calling attacks.
Instead, it should now be viewed as a badge of honor. So I offer a toast of praise and support to any who have been charged with being “RINOs”.
For a long time, I held onto hope that the intelligent and sensible conservatives (and conservative leaning moderates) could take back control of their party from the bottom-dwelling elements of the base that live in a cesspool of hate and intentional ignorance.
I really question whether that is even possible anymore. More importantly, such damage has been done to the GOP brand by the ugly elements, that it may simply be too late, even if they could.
Better for intelligent and sensible conservatives to stop propping up and being the support structure for all the ugly, which just tars them by association.
They should treat the disease infested GOP as the cancer it has become and abandon it to let it go the way of the Whigs in its continuing downward spiral.
Yes, building a new party to replace it will take some time and effort, but if they cut out the cancer now and work to build a true “commonsense conservative” coalition based on growing and strengthening this country, I feel there is enough of them out there to achieve that goal and provide a HEALTHY alterative of ideas as a NEW 2nd party choice within a very short span of time.
If they continue to ignore the cancer within and support out of mere loyalty to past memories of what they once stood for, I fear it will just drag them down with it and the crash and burn will be so damaging that we’ll be left with only one real strong party to chose from for decades to come.
Yes, African is what one would expect an African to report as his race. This is discussed and documented in my article:
While the scanned COLB has the certificate number blacked out, photographs show it.
Even if 40 million deluded people voted against Obama, he would still be elected in a landslide.
Did you invent that yourself, or were you copying from someone else’s paper?
Another tidbit for you:
Over 69 MILLION people voted for Barack Obama in 2008.
It was the MOST votes for a Presidential candidate in ALL of American history!
That is over 9.5 MILLION more votes FOR Obama than his closest competitor, McCain and a 7.2% margin of victory. Quite decisive, unlike the preceding two elections.
On the all important Electoral College results, Obama THRASHED McCain by winning 365 – 173 EVs.
That is an advantage of 192 EV *more* that were won by Obama… in other words, his margin of victory here itself was GREATER than the entire EV total of McCain.
Obama ALSO won the most states. He won 28 states completely, PLUS D.C. and NE-02.
McCain only carried 21 states completely, along with the other 2 districts of NE.
The birthers consist of angry sore losers that didn’t vote for Obama in 2008 anyways, so they are merely numbers in the LOSING side statistics.
No one expects them to vote for him in 2012 and he doesn’t need their votes either.
Another tidbit for you:
Over 69 MILLION people voted for Barack Obama in 2008.
It was the MOST votes for a Presidential candidate in ALL of American history!
That is over 9.5 MILLION more votes FOR Obama than his closest competitor, McCain and a 7.2% margin of victory. Quite decisive, unlike the preceding two elections.
On the all important Electoral College results, Obama THRASHED McCain by winning 365 to 173 EVs.
That is an advantage of 192 EV *more* that were won by Obama…
…in other words, his margin of victory here itself was GREATER than the entire EV total of McCain.
Obama ALSO won the most states. He won 28 states completely, PLUS D.C. and NE2.
McCain only carried 21 states completely, along with the other 2 districts of NE.
The birthers consist of mainly angry bigots that didn’t vote for Obama in 2008 anyways, so they are merely numbers already accounted for in the loss statistics.
No one expects them to vote for him in 2012 and he doesn’t need their votes either. Not by a long shot.
Dr C –
I don’t understand what is triggering moderation in my post of simply providing several statistics. Please look into it, thank you.
I think the best evidence to refute this is the fact that many of believe that Al Gore actually beat George Bush and a recount in Florida (blocked by the Supreme Court in a very controversial decision) would have changed the result. However, Democrats didn’t go around filing lawsuits over it.
I do not consider a frivolous lawsuit a virtue, nor evidence of anything except the frivolous nature of the crazy claims about Barack Obama we discuss here.
It’s not worth trying to untangle the words here. The important point is that there were no objections, and no House member or Senator said that they had any objections either before or afterward.
If any House member or Senator had objections when Cheney did not call for them, they need only have raised a point of order.
It appears that you presence here is more about stirring people up than making an argument. You’re banned.
Any bets on what the next reincarnation of this sock puppet will be named?
The moderation filter triggers on words anywhere in the post, both name, URL (if any) and text. Since I banned farleftliberalnutjob, any use of that word will throw the comment into moderation.
Doc C. while I can’t argue with your decision to ban our little birther friend, there are a few of us that would like to get our feet back that were stuck in that birther’s backside.
A litlle warning would help, I was wearing a nice pair of shoes.
I see that Tracy was here, and left.
That’s funny! 😀
Keds or Wrights?
I thought the rants and lack of any coherent idea looked familar…
Recent birther troll is the type that believes and argues for contradictory claims against Obama. as long as all make him look bad.
Obama’s father is Kenyan so Obama can’t be President? Check.
Obama’s father is really super-communist Frank Marshall Davis? Check.
Obama’s father may have been Malcolm X ( based on nothing more than because they all look alike to birthers)? Check.
They don’t even try to keep track of all the nonsense any more- it’s just use whatever lie works for whatever the current smear is.
Actually Doc the troll is even more wrong. I’ve seen the video multiple times during the 2004 certification. Cheney did not ask for objections then either. Congressman Tubbs rose and he asked for what reason does the congresswoman rise.
Michael Moore keeps a backup copy of the video on his website. You can see it here.
> Obama’s father may have been Malcolm X ( based on nothing more than because they all look alike to birthers)?
Some birthers even claim Obama’s father is King Bumibhol (sp?) of Thailand – obviously now all “foreigners” look alike to the racists…
> It is a known fact BO has spent over $3 million of our tax dollars defending these cases, including the military case where he threw a distinguished officer under the bus
It’s not “a known fact”, it’s an unfounded unproven baseless allegation repeated on birther websites.
Besides, your sentence contains the next big birther lie. “Including the military case”? Why would have Obama have to spend a single cent on that to “defend” the case when he wasn’t the defendant? You do understand what a court-martial is, do you? Obviously not. EPIC FAIL!
That is an important distinction to understand. They really were different people and very different outlooks on life. Brilliant people both.
Groucho looked more like my dad than my dad’s twin brother!
Harpo Speaks is one of the greatest autobiographies in the English language. (IMHO of course).
Yes, brilliant! All of the Marx Brothers.
And I loved You Bet Your Life.
Fiorello: What’ll I say?
Otis B. Driftwood: Tell them you’re not here.
Fiorello: Suppose they don’t believe me?
Otis B. Driftwood: They’ll believe you when you start talking.
The current field of GOP hopefuls resembles a “Stoogist” comedy (without the skillful, comedic timing) more than “Marxism”.
Am I deciphering that correctly?
The English letters ‘yawn’ written in an imitation Hebrew looking script?
Or, if Jan Brewer’s Arizona succeeds in getting the ‘hordes’ of ‘head-hunting’ illegals crossing the Arizona border legally classified as an invading army.
Left out the part of the quote to which I was responding.
The issue of how to properly and fairly address illegal immigration is a very serious one for our country and has been for well over 30 decades. Unfortunately, the unwillingness to address it properly at the federal level has led to states feeling that they have no choice but to take matters into their own hands. Particularly border states. Such pent up frustration can lead to very, very bad reactionary solutions and allows the rise of both legislation and politicians (such as Brewer), who wouldn’t be considered credible under any normal circumstance.
I truly fear that until our federal congress is willing to sit down and take serious steps on addressing these broader issues that we’ll be stuck with more and more crazy, witch-hunt politics in the states and that the mere delay of federal solutions helps to prop up support for bad politicians such as Jan Brewer.
As with most issues these days, I think the real preventer from moving forward on serious solutions is the greedy individuals and businesses that benefit from exploiting illegal work and don’t want to have to pay anyone fair wages or benefits. Just look at how they are trying to phrase some of the laws in Texas being proposed on this issue and see what “loopholes” they’ve carved in for themselves…
All of the bills targetting illegal immigrants have died in the Arizona State Senate. The business community was strongly opposed for fear of loss of revenue from further boycotts of conventions and tourism.
G, while I agree more can be done to enforce laws regarding hiring illegals, enforcement is not simple. After all, we all know how effective the drug laws have been. While the idea of throwing people who hire illegal nannies or gardeners into jail may seem attractive to some, the US already has more people in prison than any other country and it’s damned expensive and not exactly something to be proud of.
I never said that was the solution.
For one thing, since you asked, I think financial penalties make more sense than jail time in many of these situations.
For another, I support better methods of automated standardization of various forms of ID and requring employer verification on hires and contractors. I’m not saying any of these methods are foolproof or will solve all problems. I’m a realist. I look towards mitigation. I think there are very few one size fits all solutions in the world and that you can’t make problems go away fully and prevent abuse; you can only try to reduce those situations in a fair manner.
On the other side of the equation, I think our INS staff have been too understaffed for too long and that we need to have an increased array of both short and long term (including seasonal) immigration strategies, so that we’re getting the people we need for the work that is needed in an above-board fashion that follows both our minimum wage and our safety laws.
The people screaming loudest about illegal immigration are also those screaming loudest about government spending and taxes. There is a fundamental immaturity in the US today-never raise taxes, but the cops better be there in 1 minuute when I call because the kids next door are making noise; no government health care, but don’t you dare touch Medicare. The birthers are a symptom of this. We lost the election, so we’re going to spend the next 4 or 8 years whining. .
Agreed. We live in a world where too many people want instant gratification, but only for themselves and they don’t want to do anything for it nor pay anything for it. And they certainly don’t have any concept of the term shared sacrifice. Somehow they think we shouldn’t pay *any* taxes and that the government should be as small as possible, but by some sort of “magic” we should be out of debt and everything should work fine and smooth… I mean really, these people don’t think through anything, do they?
No, it’s Hebrew which literally means ‘clinically insane.’ Which is the proper response to this:
farleftliberalnutjob: what Nixon did is child’s play compared to this thug Obama and his
If Groucho Marx and John Lennon wrote a musical together, it would be a Marxist-Lennonist production.
Thank you. I’ll be here all week.
An early Tea Party meeting:
Interesting that it works both ways. Must be another Bible Code.
The first time I heard that I laughed so hard I nearly fell off my dinosaur.
Finger-painting is just down the hall to the left.
> Somehow they think we shouldn’t pay *any* taxes and that the government should be as small as possible, but by some sort of “magic” we should be out of debt and everything should work fine and smooth… I mean really, these people don’t think through anything, do they?
In my country, some right-wing parties (and by “right-wing” I don’t mean “GOP right-wing” but rather “close to Neo-Nazi right-wing”) have a political program that boils down to “shut the borders, don’t import anything, be totally independent from the rest of the world”. In a country like Germany where we are strong on industrial hardware but weak on natural resources, that translates to “back to the Stone Age”.
It just goes to show what the results look like if you let wishful thinking and ideology blind you towards reality.