Case in point: Donald Trump.
In an interview with Bill O’Reilly on Fox News last evening, Donald Trump said that two weeks ago he thought that Barack Obama was probably born in the US. “Today” he downgrades that to “possibly.” What has happened? Trump said on an earlier Fox News interview that he had been looking over the Internet for the past couple of weeks.
Conclusion: the Internet rots your brain.
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only those whose brains are already rotten … that is, if trump is to be taken at his word and is not pulling a donald-sized poe on everyone.
The Donald is going to have to do some major back-pedaling once he figures out that not everything on the Internet can be taken as gospel.
Assuming that the purpose of this presidential run is merely publicity, I doubt that the fact that his political credibility will crater with the birthers matters to him – I’m guessing that he will be long gone before that happens in any case…
Trump has been so escalatingly over the top on the birther issue and with his claims of running for President that it *does* feel like he’s invoking Poe’s Law here on all of us….
Trump’s spectacle seems to be making the “serious” members of the GOP more nervous than anyone else by being stained with a heavier dose of birtherism than they are comfortable with and of course the media is going to continue to lead with the outrageousness, because crazy sensationalism always garnishes more attention than serious stories.
Who knows…
It is just as possible that Poe’s Corrolary & Poe’s Paradox are in effect here too. 😉
Damn you Poe!
Quoth the Slartibartfast… “Nevermore”.