Obama conspiracy aggregator

This is cool. I stumbled on an aggregator page, a collection of feeds, that is all about Obama conspiracies and birthers. It not only has birther pages like the Post & Email and Dr. Kate, but also high quality and well-informed commentary from anti-birther sites such as this one as well as a selection of general news sites that have related coverage (Politico, FactCheck, TPMMuckraker) — 61 in all. WOW!

The Doc hits Ctrl-D.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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18 Responses to Obama conspiracy aggregator

  1. Slartibartfast says:

    Cool site, Doc – thanks!

  2. Thanks, Doc. Very handy and the feed headers are pretty funny but I think they misspelled Aputzo?

  3. mimi says:

    Majority Will:
    Thanks, Doc. Very handy and the feed headers are pretty funny but I think they misspelled Aputzo?

    Fixed. 🙂

  4. mimi: Fixed.

    As Mr. Burns says, “Excellent!” 😀

    “Why do you use so many Jewish words when you speak to me?”

    – Mario the putative attorney (December 2, 2010 at 3:35 pm)

    Source: http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2010/11/higher-expectations/#comment-79691

  5. misha says:

    I don’t know how to contact that site’s administrator. If anyone does, please pass this along:

    I have thoroughly debunked the ‘born in Kenya’ scenario:


  6. Eglenn harcsar says:

    This site uses the same language as the bad fiction site. Dispatches from biirferstan puts a hipster doofus spin on its put down analysis of all things birther and bad b movies. It was a regular bookmark for while, but as I told my wife walking out of an old navy store, I don,t think I fit their marketing demographic. Ill thank you to continue to be the aggregator of choice for news and put down analysis of bad b movies. 🙂

    Good civil conversation btw with Tim adams, I had the chance to listen to it complete from the archives. I got caught up in the play of sincere experience and presented evidence as a modulator of the truth value of each position. Any follow up regarding?

  7. Obsolete says:

    Trump is re-doubling the stupid. He claims he has investigators on the ground in Hawaii, and they “can’t believe what they’re finding”. But then he mentions the debunked claim that Obama’s family claims multiple birth hospitals, which makes me believe that Trump is really only paying someone to scour birther web sites.

    I wonder how this ends for Trump? He’s gone almost to far to just back away now

  8. Eglenn harcsar: Any follow up regarding?

    I don’t have anything except that a transcript is in the works (probably done by now). You might check TheFogBow.com for the latest or the Reality Check radio site.

  9. Slartibartfast says:

    Trump is re-doubling the stupid. He claims he has investigators on the ground in Hawaii, and they “can’t believe what they’re finding”. But then he mentions the debunked claim that Obama’s family claims multiple birth hospitals, which makes me believe that Trump is really only paying someone to scour birther web sites.

    I wonder how this ends for Trump? He’s gone almost to far to just back away now

    Assuming Trump’s purpose is to increase ratings for his show, it doesn’t really matter how this ends – just that he gets as much publicity as possible (working on the theory that there is no bad publicity…). As long as he doesn’t mind throwing the birthers under the bus in the end, there’s no reason that he can’t just accept that President Obama is a natural born citizen and go on his merry way – and if he can keep it going until this season of ‘The Apprentice’ is over, then he can just easy out of the race without even doing that.

  10. Obsolete says:

    Lucas Smith should contract Trump ASAP. The timing is right for Lucas to separate a fool from his money.

  11. misha says:

    Obsolete: I wonder how this ends for Trump? He’s gone almost to far to just back away now

    Ross Perot + financial disclosure = Obama victory

    Obsolete: He claims he has investigators on the ground in Hawaii, and they “can’t believe what they’re finding”.

    So let’s see it, schmuck.

  12. mimi says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I don’t have anything except that a transcript is in the works (probably done by now). You might check TheFogBow.com for the latest or the Reality Check radio site.

    The transcript was completed a few days ago and is available at either Reality Check Radio Blog or The Fogbow.

    There is a Report on the Home Page at the Fogbow regarding the radio appearance that discusses some of the inconsistencies in Mr. Adams’ story.

    As for Trump, I believe he is scheduled for an interview with Carol Costello of CNN.

  13. mimi: Fixed.

    P.S. Excellent work and a terrific source. Thanks!

  14. Eglenn harcsar:
    This site uses the same language as the bad fiction site.Dispatches from biirferstan puts a hipster doofus spin on its put downanalysis of all things birther and bad b movies.It was a regular bookmark for while, but as I told my wife walking out of an old navy store,I don,t think I fit their marketing demographic. Ill thank you to continue to be the aggregator of choice for news and put down analysis of bad b movies.

    Good civil conversation btw with Tim adams, I had the chance to listen to it complete from the archives. I got caught up in the play of sincere experience and presented evidence as a modulator of the truth value of each position.Any follow up regarding?

    *Chuckle* I think that’s the first and only time in my life I’ve been called a “hipster”.

    And I’m 45, so I’m not sure what demographic I’m going after other than “sane”.

  15. Patrick McKinnion: *Chuckle*I think that’s the first and only time in my life I’ve been called a “hipster”.

    And I’m 45, so I’m not sure what demographic I’m going after other than “sane”.

    Evidently (daddy-o), you don’t reminisce enough about that swinging cat Lawrence Welk or how much nicer the U.S. was when women and [whisper] “those people” knew their place.

    Isn’t birtherism really just like an overly long bad B movie but not entertaining or mildly amusing like Plan 9 from Outer Space or Santa Claus Conquers the Martians?

  16. misha says:

    Majority Will: mildly amusing like Plan 9 from Outer Space

    Ed Wood – the worst director, evah: “His infamy began two years after his death, when he was awarded a Golden Turkey Award as Worst Director of All Time. The lack of film making ability in his work has earned Wood and his films a considerable cult following.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Wood

  17. misha: Ed Wood – the worst director, evah: “His infamy began two years after his death, when he was awarded a Golden Turkey Award as Worst Director of All Time. The lack of film making ability in his work has earned Wood and his films a considerable cult following.”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Wood

    True, but I still found Plan 9 from Outer Space, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and a few other B movies to be amusing because they were so bad.

    Birthers are mostly pathetic to watch but I don’t feel sorry for them.

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