That’s what the TV news article says:
Gary Kreep says that he and Orly Taitz, a dentist and attorney from Rancho Santa Fe, will appear in federal appellate court in Pasadena on Monday to argue their case questioning the president’s citizenship and the validity of his birth certificate.
Kreep, of Ramona, and Taitz are scheduled to appear in court Monday petition the court to allow forensic experts to examine the president’s birth certificate, which was released this week.
Guess what? On appeal, you can’t raise new issues. So will Kreep and Taitz appear to the birthers as victims as the court refuses to let them make their case about things that they can’t argue on appeal? Stay tuned for more on Barnett v Obama, today, in Pasadena, CA.
Learn more:
- Link to blog on the proceedings.
- Associated Press article on Oral arguments.
- Courthouse News Service article.
- Taitz brief
- Kreep brief
- Government brief
Any challenge to the long-form certificate on appeal is even more vexatious than the challenge to the short-form certificate was in the lower court case.
If Taitz wishes to acknowledge that Hawaii did indeed issue the long-form certificate shown on the White House web site, then she is effectively acknowledging that Obama would have a prima facie case if the burden were ever on him to prove the facts of his birth. In effect, she is referring on appeal to evidence that she would lose if the lower court had to allow discovery. (If she wants to deny that Hawaii issued that certified photocopy, then she will have a tough time explaining the update put on this web page of the Hawaii state government.)
It’s not often that a lawyer does a better job than opposing counsel in demonstrating the frivolity of her own case. I would hope for a wasted costs order in favour of Taitz’s opponent,
fogbow is live blogging from the courtroom, join them, it’s fun!
I found the live blog here:
I saw the picture the second the page loaded and bursted out laughing.
Me too!
Latest update:
12:12PM Kreep went way over his 10 minutes but still no details
Orly is up now…
While from the “Birther Live Blogging”…we curiously haven’t had a single update for over 40 minutes now – before anything got started:
2:47(et): Gary just informed me that oral arguments will begin in about 5 minutes. He said the court room is packed with about 80 people and a few in the overflow room. He stated numerous different media outlets are at the hearing.
Stay tuned for more updates…
May 2, 2011 at 11:53 am
OT DrKate on Terry Lakin Action Fund Radio–now
Join TLAF Radio at 3pm ET for an informative interview with Dr. Kate:
Orly laid out her usual talking points.
The judges asked her no questions.
as for Kreep, he brought a forensic expert, someone explain to me how a forencsic expert can dispute the Official certification and custody record of the BC by the State of Hawaii.
That wasn’t at issue. He brought a forensic expert to explain how the Judiciary could remove the President.
There would have been room for more except Gerry (borrderraven) the Hutt and his duffel bags of Cheetos have to have lots of space to spread out.
Can’t wait to listen to the special edition of Reality Check Radio tonight!!!
See also this link about tonights show:
Here are the latest updates from the Birther coverage:
The coverage and details of the actual Oral arguments made is much better over on the sane side of the live blogging (no surprise):
I tried posting some of their details here earlier, but they got caught in moderation. So, I just recommend that everyone go over there and read it for themselves.
Full chunk of BS from ORYR
Gary from GUL will be giving me periodic phone updates from the hearing in Pasadena, California. This post will be updated as news is forthcoming…
11:55(et): Gary just informed me that the hearing has been put at the end of the docket and will begin in about 1-2 hours after the original scheduling time of 9am California time. It is the the 4th case on the docket. Gary reports that ABC, CBS and CSPAN are in the courtroom. Atty Kreep informed Gary that CSPAN will be broadcasting the oral arguments live on CSPAN TV. I have yet to see it mentioned at CSPAN.
12:03(et): Gary just informed me that attorney Phil Berg is there assisting attorney Kreep at the hearing…
12:35(et): Captain Barnett just emailed me from the hearing; hi in court now. our case is last. Orly Taitz, Gary Kreep, Phil Berg, Wiley Drake, myself and a few supporters are here. Didn’t see Alan Keyes.
1:32(et): Captain Barnett; earlier I heard a self-identified DOJ attorney joking with an AP writer that he couldn’t believe that they had to be here (court) in referring to the obama eligibility case. They were both laughing so I gave them a 1 page memo on Natural Born and it’ importantance and the country’s adhereance to the two citizen parent and born within the jurisdiction of the United States requirement that Obama is the only “president” except Chester Arthur who concealed and destroyed his records that did not meet the two citizen requirement. Peace out for now.
2:47(et): Gary just informed me that oral arguments will begin in about 5 minutes. He said the court room is packed with about 80 people and a few in the overflow room. He stated numerous different media outlets are at the hearing.
3:27(et): Atty Kreep finished his oral argument about 15 minutes ago and now it is atty Taitz’s turn… ( Taitz brought up the basics; Obama’s Selective Service, Social Security, LTC Lakin, etc. more details shortly… )
3:40(et): Obama’s tax funded attys turn… ( argued the plaintiffs have no standing )
3:52(et): Taitz speaking with the press now, going over the details of the new fake birth certificate. Gary just blasted the obots… lmao… Taitz now explaining the Selective Service document and the Social Security number… Now on to the record regarding O’s missing time during college years… Now back to explaining the new birth certificate and all the layers and other discrepancies with the bc… Media just asked Orly what other documentation she has regarding Obama… (note from me: what more do you need, media?) Now asking the media why they are not investigating Obama…
Stay tuned for a complete overview from Gary’s experience at today’s hearing…
I love that the DOJ took all of seven minutes from standing up to the court being adjourned. I’m surprised they didn’t just stand up, say “Lack of standing and thus jurisdiction” and then sit down again.
1 x minute of “May it please the court, I drew the short straw in the office”
6 x minutes of commiserations and laughter
In other conspiracy news, here’s the lead item in the In Brief column in today’s (May 2) edition of the National Law Journal, p. 3:
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2d Circuit ordered an army specialist and her attorney to show cause why they should not be sanctioned for bringing a frivolous suit accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers of orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The panel said that “the courts have no obligation to entertain pure speculation and conjecture.”
Anybody got a cite?
Palin won’t even mention Obama in regards to Osama’s death.
rancho santa fe !!!???!!! orly moved? dear god, she’s in my neighborhood…… we’ll be shopping at the same trader joe’s…… oh the humanity!
i wonder if she bought the old heaven’s gate house.
I will give him credit for his LATEST UPDATE, in which it seems that a dose of reality is actually setting in:
I think that is one prediction from ORYR that we can all agree with.
Wow…what a different world it appears to be from the one just a week ago… we’re actually finding some common ground areas of agreement and acknowledgement of reality! 😉
Keep a watch for an uptick in Nike shoe sales in your area…
I would love to see a picture of the visual aids Orly brought. I wonder how they compare to a child’s diorama.
It’s clear that despite numerous attempts it couldn’t be drummed into her head that the point of the courts of appeal is not to allow you to re-argue your case from scratch but rather to argue that the lower court applied the law incorrectly. The facts of the case do not – are generally not allowed to – change from what they were at the lower court.
Gallop v. Cheney, No. 10-1241-cv (2d Cir. April 27, 2011)
It’s a sign, I tell you. See:
Kreep and Taitz should have just saved the ink and their time. Nothing will stop these two. Nothing will satisfy them.
I would love to see a picture of the visual aids
note that she pasted her proof on a cardboard (put down your coffee)
One of my former students (an Iranian) used to own that house at the time when the suicides occurred.
I live by the San Diego Hilton-Mission Bay and not far from Sea World in Bay Park.
I always find it funny that birthers don’t seem to have ever heard of Article III standing until Obama came along. He’s provided a valuable civics lesson to the great unwashed of the right.
In all fairness, I learned a lot too.
I added a link to this AP story to my article, coverage of oral arguments.
Ditto here. It’s actually quite counter intuitive to the layperson.
Can someone explain why on Earth the California bar hasn’t yet disbarred Taitz????
What does it actually take to be disbarred in California? Canibalism?
> I always find it funny that birthers don’t seem to have ever heard of Article III standing until Obama came along.
Most birfers probably never read the Constitution until Obama came along and others did it for them.
Before 2008, they did not care much about anything. Now they’re all Constitutional experts. Go figure.
I think we’ve all learned a lot over these past few years and while looking into these issues. That is one of the up sides of covering this. Learning new information and broadening our understandings, within a factual and evidence-based context.
We’ve also learned a lot about how irrational beliefs develop, persist and make themselves impervious to reality.
What, Borderraven poked his immense head out from his man-cave? And there wasn’t an earthquake?
Video footage has been added to the article.
A BR-GN quake makes more sense than a HAARP conspiracy.
Wow! Taitz never ceases to amaze me with her shockingly bad advocacy.
Most of her argument failed to address the matter of standing or the political question doctrine.
When she briefly addressed standing, she said that Keyes has standing because he stood not only as a minor party candidate for President in 2008, but also as Republican candidate for US Senate from Illinois in 2004. His status as a Senate candidate in 2004 was irrelevant for numerous reasons, such as the fact that Keyes never chose to challenge Obama’s eligibility in relation to that election, that Obama ceased to be a Senator before the case was ever filed, and that the Senate term in question expired months ago.
When did President Obama cease being a Senator? My two guesses would be when the new congress convened or at his inauguration (still before the suit was filed if Orly filed it between the inauguration and the oath re-do…) – does anyone know what the law says?
Obama resigned his Senate seat on Nov 16, 2008.
I don’t see how Keyes having run for the Senate against Obama in 2004 has any relevance to a challengerelating to the 2008 presidential election.
His letter of resignation was dated November 13, 2008 and stated that the resignation would take effect on November 16, 2008.