Delaware paper calls Obama t-shirt “mean-spirited”

Delaware Online, a Gannett Company newspaper, has an editorial out criticizing the Obama Campaign for engaging in “mean-spiritedness” and prolonging the birther controversy through it’s sale of t-shirts and coffee mugs depicting the long-form birth certificate.

Some will never believe the truth; but it makes no sense to revive a dead controversy. Indeed, the document may win the Democrats votes among more reasonable doubters.

I think this editorial is bunk. It fails to acknowledge that a full two-thirds of the birthers are still there, spreading their lies, and their misinformation, and their crank views. Did WorldNetDaily and Jerome Corsi cancel release of his conspiracy theory book, Where’s the Birth Certificate? Frankly, a lot of us are sick and tired of the birthers, and the Obama Campaign has given us a way to vent our frustration and proclaim in a very public way that we think the birthers are crazy.

To be fair, Delaware Online was vocal in criticizing the birthers. However, they shouldn’t deny the Obama Campaign a way to raise some easy money. Obama has said he can’t walk around with his birth certificate plastered on his forehead, but his supporters can certainly walk around with one plastered to their backs.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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30 Responses to Delaware paper calls Obama t-shirt “mean-spirited”

  1. richCares says:

    I laughed heartily then bought 2 cups @ $15.00 each, I also enjoyed the trumping of Trump on this issue.

  2. Expelliarmus says:

    Geez. I guess they’d rather see the campaign selling these?

  3. Randy says:

    I just contrubuted to the campaign and got a cup. I’m very happy.
    “born in the USA”.

  4. Expelliarmus says:

    Yeah, I’ve got a cup coming too. I think it’s a rather appropriate souvenir.

  5. Obsolete says:

    I think it would be mean-spirited if the Obama campaign sold t-shirts that said “Shut up Birther or you’re going to a FEMA camp!”.

    But I would buy one.

  6. MTinMO says:

    Who are they kidding?!?! The birthers have been at this for 3 years, calling President Obama illegal, usurper, fraud, liar, and so many more insulting names and descriptions it is about time the Obama campaign gets some benefit from it. People who have a sense of humor will want a cup or t-shirt. I know I do, so the campaign will get some benefit from it. About time.

  7. Dwight Sullivan says:

    Ugh. What an example of a false equivalancy. delaware online refers to what strikes me as an amusing t-shirt and mug as “the same kind of mean-spiritedness of those who refuse to believe Obama is a natural-born citizen.” Is delawareonline unfamiliar with the vitriol that the Birthers have directed not only at President Obama, but also his grandparents, mother, father, sister, etc.? “Made in the USA” isn’t mean-spirited. It’s true. And it’s funny.

  8. Thrifty says:

    It is kind of mean spirited, but the birthers have been much meaner. Turnabout is fair play.

  9. bjphysics says:

    After trying for years to reason with the unreasonable via media, the courts, and blogs; I think this is a good summary of interactions with the birthers (original, neo, and after) moving forward:

    Irrespective of any racial overtones, their movement is anti-constitutional and at its core, is nothing more than a decidedly undemocratic attempt to undue a free and fair election they lost. This shorter version cuts to the chase and expresses my feelings:

  10. Fred says:

    Screw them. The birthers are psycho. May as well raise money off it with a wink and a nod and rub more salt in their never healing “get that black man out of my white house” wound.

  11. Fred says:

    When Rethugs are prepared to declare birthers as mentally handicapped (including some of their own Congress critters) I will be prepared to call it mean-spirited.

  12. Fred says:

    Just google “right wing t-shirts”, “right wing billboards”, “right wing bumper stickers” then get back to me about what is acceptable….mmmok!

  13. AdrianInEngland says:

    Maybe Delaware Online needs to read some Freeper posts discussing The First Lady and her physical appearance, accusing Stanley Ann Dunham of being a bit less than “virtuous” and opining that The President was involved in the activities the crack user Larry Sinclair accused him of, and then decide what is mean spirited. I love right wing false equivalency

  14. Conway193 says:

    I call Obama many things; none of them complimentary.

  15. AnotherBird says:

    I would have stopped reading the editorial at “Now that Barack Obama has issued proof of his American citizenship.” One would have suspect that they would have been satisfied with his COLB.

  16. Conway193: I call Obama many things; none of them complimentary.

    Just a warning to anyone who clicks on Conway’s name – he runs a hate blog.

    Doc, this is an FYI in case Conway decides to become a regular…

  17. Conway193: I call Obama many things; none of them complimentary.

    I call your comment many things, none of them synonyms for “useful” or “informative”.

  18. That Other Mike: Just a warning to anyone who clicks on Conway’s name – he runs a hate blog.

    Typical troll opening. I’ve seen ’em before.

  19. Scientist says:

    It’s interesting (as a certaiin now-banned poster used to say) that Obama is supposedly such a terrible President and ineligible to boot and yet so many potential Republican candidates seem quite uneager to run against him.

  20. The Magic M says:

    > and yet so many potential Republican candidates seem quite uneager to run against him

    Good for birfers as it reinforces their “Bought. Threatened. Coward. Traitor.” meme.

    They must really be devastated after all the hopes they put in Trump (and the Birther Bills). And the fact that a good bit of them was 100% certain Obama could never produce any documentation. How many of them must already have been high on adrenaline for days on end, thinking “now Trump’s got him… and he will never be on most states’ ballots… and they’re gonna investigate him any day now… any day now…”? And now they’re feeling the bad bad hangover you get after being too high off the wrong drugs. At least it serves them right. 🙂

  21. Conway193 says:

    I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of me, that should be glaringly obvious if you read my blog, which I am quite sure you didn’t, as it may make you stop and think for a moment. Struck a nerve there, didn’t I? Sorry to challenge you, I guess you just can’t stand the idea of someone with a, shall I say, differing viewpoint regarding your clay idols.

    Sure got me some traffic though, and that’s what I was after. All people everywhere should be able to peruse the entire spectrum of thought and make their own judgments, not just adhere to those worldviews approved by individuals like you. I invite the curious to see for themselves what I have to say about topics of mutual interest – I’m sure anyone who does will find them interesting. Disagreeable to some, yes indeed, but also interesting.

    You can delete all of my comments now so that none of your readers will have to go though the terrible ordeal of actually thinking for themselves when they read my words, rather than parroting your predictable propaganda.

    Do have a nice day, and please don’t forget to call me names. Remember; always attack the messenger, not the message. That way, no one will listen to what he may have to say.

    Kind regards,


  22. Suranis says:

    And today’s “Person in the most desperate need of getting laid” award goes to…

  23. Majority Will says:

    And today’s “Person in the most desperate need of getting laid” award goes to…


  24. obsolete says:

    Conway193: You can delete all of my comments now so that none of your readers will have to go though the terrible ordeal of actually thinking for themselves when they read my words, rather than parroting your predictable propaganda.

    Do have a nice day, and please don’t forget to call me names. Remember; always attack the messenger, not the message. That way, no one will listen to what he may have to say.

    I’m not sure if that is an irony meter that exploded, or a self-awareness meter. I can’t quite tell through all the thick smoke.

    Speaking of thick smoke, my next-door neighbor’s car caught fire and partially exploded while parked in front of their house yesterday morning. I couldn’t help wondering- what exactly did they do to anger Obama?

  25. Conway193 says:

    obsolete: I’m not sure if that is an irony meter that exploded, or a self-awareness meter. I can’t quite tell through all the thick smoke.

    Speaking of thick smoke, my next-door neighbor’s car caught fire and partially exploded while parked in front of their house yesterday morning. I couldn’t help wondering- what exactly did they do to anger Obama?

    Uh huh.

  26. Conway193 says:

    And today’s “Person in the most desperate need of getting laid” award goes to…

    This only further proves my point.

  27. JoZeppy says:

    Conway193: I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of me, that should be glaringly obvious if you read my blog, which I am quite sure you didn’t, as it may make you stop and think for a moment. Struck a nerve there, didn’t I? Sorry to challenge you, I guess you just can’t stand the idea of someone with a, shall I say, differing viewpoint regarding your clay idols.

    It did make me stop and think for a moment….It made me think, thank God I’m not a foul mouthed ignorant hate monger. And no, you didn’t challenge me in the least. Abuse of profanity is a sign of a simple mind. There is really nothing challeging in dropping the “f” everywhere with the “N” bomb thrown in for the hell of it.

    Conway193: invite the curious to see for themselves what I have to say about topics of mutual interest – I’m sure anyone who does will find them interesting. Disagreeable to some, yes indeed, but also interesting.

    Sorry, I find nothing interesting in a person who cannot express themselves without out vulgarity and racism thrown in every sentance.

    Conway193: Do have a nice day, and please don’t forget to call me names. Remember; always attack the messenger, not the message. That way, no one will listen to what he may have to say.

    And I hope you have a nice day too. However, I really couldn’t tell there even was a message on your blog. Somehow it got lost in all that vulgarity, hate, racism, and every other form of low discourse one could come up with. Rather than just pulling the victom card, perhaps you should look to yourself why the message isn’t getting across?

  28. Suranis says:

    Conway193: This only further proves my point.

    Says the person that earlier said

    I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of me

    Apparently you do care, a lot.

    Its ok, mate. I could feel your loneliness and sense of inferiority from looking over your page earlier. It does get better over time. I used to feel even worse than you, but it gets better day after day. Just have a little faith in yourself and other people. Not a lot, just let yourself have a little.

    Good luck.

  29. obsolete says:

    Conway193: This only further proves my point.

    Which point was this? That we are all poopyheads who call you names?

    Post something of substance, and you’ll get substantial replies back. Blog-whoring is not that interesting to many of us…

  30. Stanislaw says:

    obsolete: Which point was this? That we are all poopyheads who call you names?

    It never ceases to amaze me how people who routinely call the President un-American, criminal, and fraudulent (among many, many other insults) on a daily basis can become so sensitive when those same insults are hurled back at them.

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