New argument that Obama is not a natural born citizen

In a strange twist of the Taitz v Astrue lawsuit, a third party, Dr. Paul Maas Risenhoover,  representing himself, has petitioned the court for a hearing on “contempt of court,” not for a contempt citation against the well-deserving Orly Taitz, but against the “Jack Ryan” (a fictional character in the Tom Clancy novels). “Jack Ryan” is also the screen name of an individual who provides many court documents from birther cases at the Scribd web site. The petition asks whether Ryan is subject to the Court’s order requiring redaction of social-security numbers in this case’s filing and if the continuing presence of such documents on Scribd constitutes contempt.

However, the thrust of the motion is hard to determine. It says:

Intervenor prays the Court consolidate Taitz v Astrue with Sai v Clinton, since the status of the occupied Hawaiian lands in part informs the nationality status of the President as a natural born citizen to a white American mother, under the pernicious racist jus sanguilis adopted by the US courts and statutes…

What neither Taitz nor Risenhoover grasp is that Taitz v Astrue has nothing to do with Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, or whether his social-security number is valid. The only point at issue is whether Taitz is entitled to a copy of President Obama’s SSN application form under the Freedom of Information Act.

As best I can tell, Risenhoover is just trying to attach his own crank car to Orly’s crank engine to make a crank train.

Despite the crank nature of this petition, it is of importance to those of us who on occasion download and republish filings from Court electronic filing systems. Judge Lamberth denied the petition.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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10 Responses to New argument that Obama is not a natural born citizen

  1. LM says:

    I just wanted to be the first person to comment on this. And my only comment is: I don’t understand what this man is saying. At all.

  2. Majority Will says:

    I just wanted to be the first person to comment on this. And my only comment is: I don’t understand what this man is saying. At all.

    MichaelN is fluent in bigotry as is Apuzzo and many other birthers. Perhaps one of them would be so kind and translate this for the rest of us.

  3. Sef says:

    I think the point is that, supposedly, there is a controversy about the way HI became a state. If they can get a court to rule that HI is not a state, then Obama could not be NBC. Of course, they cannot comprehend that 1) this case will never get off the ground, and 2) if it did it would be at least 2017 before there was a resolution at which point it wouldn’t matter.

  4. Majority Will says:

    I think the point is that, supposedly, there is a controversy about the way HI became a state.If they can get a court to rule that HI is not a state, then Obama could not be NBC.Of course, they cannot comprehend that 1) this case will never get off the ground, and 2) if it did it would be at least 2017 before there was a resolution at which point it wouldn’t matter.

    If these lunatics think a court ruling would retroactively nullify HI statehood, then . . . oh, I really don’t have the words for that level of stupidity.

  5. Northland10 says:

    LM: And my only comment is: I don’t understand what this man is saying. At all.

    In his other “serial pro se” cases, he goes into various other issues, often involving what he refers to as “American Formosa.” I would have read more but I need to be able to play and conduct the music for Pentecost tomorrow. A self-inflicted frontal lobotomy can hinder church organ playing.

    I could read some of his filings during the liturgy. People would just think I was speaking in tongues.

  6. BenjiFranklin says:

    Hawaii doesn’t actually have to be a legal State. Under the de facto state doctrine….


  7. milspec says:

    I just wanted to be the first person to comment on this. And my only comment is: I don’t understand what this man is saying. At all.

    I think I lost some IQ points trying to grasp what he was trying to say.

  8. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Majority Will: MichaelN is fluent in bigotry as is Apuzzo and many other birthers. Perhaps one of them would be so kind and translate this for the rest of us.

    Well, it is obvious that MichaelN just randomly deletes 20% of the text.

    “Motion to intervene and for hearing on contempt of court.
    The SSN 44** previously filed by the court and sealed along with the public, remains online at scribd as posted by one “Jack Unclear”. The order on the docket at Case … Document Filed 6/2/11 Page 1 of 1, also includes an order to scribd to delete their online publication of the President’s SNN.
    Movant prospective Intervenor seeks to move for contempt of the order of June 2, unless that order did not apply to Jack Ryan. If the order does not apply to Jack Ryan, then the alleged judicial relief granted us, appears to have become holy advice, however purportedly sage or cogent. If the previously filed documents, now sealed are subject to further publication formats, then the order is a mockery of itself.”

    You’ll agree that that trick greatly enhances the text’s readability.

  9. Majority Will says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Well, it is obvious that MichaelN just randomly deletes 20% of the text.

    “Motion to intervene and for hearing on contempt ofcourt.
    The SSN 44** previously filed by the court and sealed along with the public, remains online at scribd as posted by one “Jack Unclear”. The order on the docket at Case … Document Filed 6/2/11 Page 1 of 1, also includes an order to scribd to delete their online publication of the President’s SNN.
    Movant prospective Intervenor seeks to move for contempt of the order of June 2, unless that order did not apply to Jack Ryan. If the order does not apply to Jack Ryan, then the alleged judicial relief granted us, appears to have become holy advice, however purportedly sage or cogent. If the previously filed documents, now sealed are subject to further publication formats, then the order is a mockery of itself.”

    You’ll agree that that trick greatly enhances the text’s readability.

    Aha. The key to comprehending birtherese is random filtering. Good to know!

  10. Daniel says:

    Majority Will: Aha. The key to comprehending birtherese is random filtering. Good to know!

    Not random filtering

    Ohhhh I like that… like that… that’s OK…. woah don’t like that (rubrubrubblow)…

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