Yes, another crank image analyst bites the dust thanks to a sharp video from mccainisthroughX. Enjoy.
I didn’t quite follow the argument that Irey is a racist, but I got the part where he is a kook. H/t to RC.
Yes, another crank image analyst bites the dust thanks to a sharp video from mccainisthroughX. Enjoy.
I didn’t quite follow the argument that Irey is a racist, but I got the part where he is a kook. H/t to RC.
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I agree with your comment. The racist label should have been omitted from the video. The analysis speaks for itself.
Interesting video. Clearly, George W. Bush is a secret Kenyan.
One other interesting bit of information about Mr. Irey is that he is a fan of Glen Beck and Alex Jones on his Facebook page. He also links the Freedom Force international site, Freedom Force International was founded by G. Edward Griffin. Griffin is a conspiracy nut of the first order and has been a long time. Just check out the Wikipedia article on Griffin.
Irey should have given up before doing his video. He must have known that someone would have challenged his analysis, by doing the exact same analysis.
I presume that Irey expected that someone else, using an authentic document, would not get results like his. The shame is that he didn’t try experiment himself.
Of course that is exactly what a real forensic document analyst would have done many times. Mr. Irey however is merely a right wing nut, Obama hating follower of the likes of Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, and World Nut Daily who pulled something from a dark place and sent it to Jerome Corsi.
I keep meaning to take one of Trump’s birth certificates and just do my own spook document analysis on it. Looks like all it takes is drawing a bunch of dots and arrows, messing around with some effects, and saying “HEY LOOK AT THIS! IT’S A SIGN OF FORGERY! BECAUSE I SAID SO IS WHY.” I obviously don’t need to be an expert at document analysis, or even halfway proficient with picture editing software.
this is bad scientific work.
First it should be presented in a paper, not in a video.
Second it should not contain these irrelevant words like
racist,cook,…showing Laden-head,…
Third it should not use “r” instead of “t” , Bush military record
instead of Hawaii Birth Certificate.
Preferrably a document typed on the same typewriter.
How many typewriters had the HDOH in 1961 ?
Fouth it should contain measures,numbers for angles and sizes
and statistical evaluation.
Well, Irey didn’t do this either, but that’s no reason to continue
that bad practice.
Points for outright audacity… but points taken away for failing to see the irony in your own statement.
foreigner please explain to us who did the forgery, as the State of Hawaii verified and certified the contents. Is it your position that State of Hawaii forged the document? Are you that silly?
I don’t think it’s claiming to be science.
Can you suggest a scientific journal that would care? The fact that typewriters don’t render every instance of a given letter identically is a well-known fact that the entire world other than Mr. Irey and Mr. Vogt have been aware of since the typewriter was invented Scientific papers are supposed to discover new facts, not re-state already well-known ones. I suppose lt would be nice for my c.v. if I could publish studies showing that water runs downhill and cigarettes cause cancer, but funding agencies actually want you to find things that weren’t already common knowledge (the nerve of them!).
Look at the “t”‘s in the Bush document. They are all different as well. I think he chose “r” because there are more of them in the document. Do you honestly think anyone can say which exact typewriter was used in 1961 for that particular documment? Do you think any of the 1961 typewriters at Hawaiii DOH still exist and are operable?
The letters are obviously diifferent to the naked eye. Again, this is well known fact. If I say water runs downhill rather than uphill, are you saying you would only believe me if I measure slopes and flow rates?
In essence, Irey and Vogt committed the black swan fallacy, but in a much dumber way. In Eurasia, Africa and the Americas all swans are white. So the common wisdom was that there were no black swans. However, Australia has a species of black swans and once Europeans discovered Australlia, they had to admit the existence of black swans. Note that it only took the sighting of a single black swan to disprove the postulate that all swans are white. Those black swans didn’t have to be dissected; their mere existence was sufficient. But, at least the white swan postulate was based on centuries of observation of millions of white swans. Irey and Vogt constructed their “irrefutable” hypothesis on a single white swan. They deserve every ounce of ridicule they get.
There goes the irony meter again. The video was created to challenge a certain perception, which it clearly demonstrated is false. It is strange that it was suggested that it this should be a scientific paper instead, then a suggestion to concentrate on certain features over others. If this was to be “scientific” the rules would apply to all features.