The video WorldNetDaily doesn’t want you to see

I went to back to comments I left at WorldNetDaily, and something’s missing. For example, there is this:


The only problem is that the comment by me to which this reply is directed has been deleted.

Another commenter said that the liberals should be pressuring Kapi’olani to address where Barack Obama was born. I replied with a link to this video. It too was deleted. I made the comment again; let’s see if they delete it again.


The video means so much to me personally that I hope folks will share it with others.

Update: I have been informed that a hyperlink to this video (or perhaps to the longer version from which mine is excerpted) appears in the back of Jerome Corsi’s Where’s the Birth Certificate? as endnote #141. I doubt many folks will take that much effort after Corsi, in the main text, downplayed the letter as suspicious. My reposting of the comment is still up after 8 hours, although it now is buried so deeply no one is likely to see it.

Update 2: I am also informed that people to which one replies can deleted comments. So it may be that a WND reader rather than WND itself deleted the comment. Anyhow, SOMEBODY doesn’t want you to see the video.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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37 Responses to The video WorldNetDaily doesn’t want you to see

  1. J.Potter says:

    How dare that evil man take advantage of those sweet Hawaiians! Duping them into his deceptions!

    Great find, Doc!

  2. misha says:

    I’ll try this again: Linda Lingle is Jewish. She felt McCain/Palin would be better for Israel than Obama.

    If she could have found anything, the GOP would have used it with glee.

    Sorry, birthers.

  3. john says:

    “The video WorldNetDaily doesn’t want you to see”

    Once again Dr. Dishonest misleads his viewers. Dr. Corsi in his book cites this video as well as the highly suspicious letter that Governor Abercrombie reads at the event. Dr. Corsi discusses at length the highly suspicious nature of the letter that apparently was written by Obama. Please read Dr. Corsi’s book, Where’s the Birth Certificate for more on this issue.

    [My copy of WTBC? is in the mail. I waited until I could buy a USED copy. Does Corsi give folks a HYPERLINK to the video in his book? It’s one thing to say that the Obama letter was read and an entirely different thing to actually see the video. And again, I ask why WND deleted my comment?

    If I wanted to mislead my readers, I wouldn’t have passed your objection out of moderation. Doc.]

  4. misha says:

    john: Dr. Corsi in his book

    How did someone with such a small mind, and character assassin on top of that, manage to get a doctorate?

    There’s a conspiracy I could live with. Perhaps he got his doctorate by making a substantial donation to the school’s endowment fund. After all, he’s of Corsican descent – the same country that produced Napoleon. Coincidence?

  5. Rickey says:

    I’m waiting for WTBC to be remaindered. Which shouldn’t be long now, considering that it is currently ranked #5,553 at Amazon and #11,045 at Barnes & Noble.

  6. misha says:

    Rickey: I’m waiting for WTBC to be remaindered.

    There’s going to be a sequel: Where’s the Remainder Table?

    Newsweek used to have a feature, “Where are they now?” Corsi will be featured in the near future.

  7. richCares says:

    john, here’s a reference for you
    Henry Sanchez-Leal, M.D., Psychiatrist, specializes in delusional disorders
    E-mail for more info:
    he can help you get your life back and ease your delusions

  8. J.Potter says:

    It was 40 years ago, and it was in political science. An obsessive mind can take one far in academia, helps one stay focused. Especially in the subjective arts! See: “Machiavelli”

    misha: How did someone with such a small mind, and character assassin on top of that, manage to get a doctorate?

    There’s a conspiracy I could live with. Perhaps he got his doctorate by making a substantial donation to the school’s endowment fund. After all, he’s of Corsican descent – the same country that produced Napoleon. Coincidence?

  9. obsolete says:

    john: the highly suspicious letter that Governor Abercrombie reads at the event. Dr. Corsi discusses at length the highly suspicious nature of the letter that apparently was written by Obama.

    The only thing suspicious about the letter is why birthers find it suspicious.

  10. J.Potter says:

    … you know, I ain’t never …
    lied to you, yeah, yeah …..

  11. Sef says:

    Rickey: I’m waiting for WTBC to be remaindered.

    It hasn’t show up at BJs yet. BTW, is it hardcover or paperback. I doubt he had it printed on acid-free paper, so it’s not going to be around for long.

  12. J.Potter says:

    LOL … yes, Doc, Corsi does include a YouTube link–with the loaded title referring to the reading of a “suspicious letter”–it’s his endnote #141. His retelling is on page 101-102. The whole basis for calling this “suspicious” is that Corsi, like his “experts”, is terribly dated. For some reason, he assumes this was an honest-to-God, paper letter, that had been mailed to Hawaii from the White House, after the Inauguration, which was the same day. Since that’s a physical impossibility, it must have be a prearranged stunt, right? He also states that Abercombie “showed” the letter.

    The Gov. clearly said it was the first “message” sent. Almost certainly an emailed statement taken by dictation, or prepared by staff in advance. Even as old as Corsi is, surely he has heard of telegrams? The man is stuck in the 19th century.

    Since the Gov. didn’t show anything, there’s still plenty of room for Corsi to say it was bunk, a stunt, etc. But the inaccuracy of his misrepresentation belies his intent….as always!


    [My copy of WTBC? is in the mail. I waited until I could buy a USED copy. Does Corsi give folks a HYPERLINK to the video in his book? It’s one thing to say that the Obama letter was read and an entirely different thing to actually see the video. And again, I ask why WND deleted my comment?

    If I wanted to mislead my readers, I wouldn’t have passed your objection out of moderation. Doc.]

  13. Eglenn harcsar says:

    Good new pic, dr c. ( or should I say, dr k). Hey, don’t all those obots use multiple screen names :;

    Just finished mango season, and believe me I,m good for the year.

  14. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    john, here’s a reference for you
    Henry Sanchez-Leal, M.D., Psychiatrist, specializes in delusional disorders
    E-mail for more info:
    he can help you get your life back and ease your delusions

    Prodigy? People still use that? Next you’re going to throw a compuserve email address at me.

  15. The Magic M says:

    I’m not sure WND can delete comments (one of the advantages for us Obots of them using the Facebook comments plugin).
    However if you reply to a birther post, that birther can delete your reply. I usually reply to other Obots if I want to make sure stuff isn’t censored (I had about a dozen of my comments deleted on the latest “outing” article, something that had happened only rarely before; or maybe birthers only learned recently they can do that…).

  16. Keith says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Prodigy?People still use that?Next you’re going to throw a compuserve email address at me.

    Shoot I can’t remember my compuserv number anymore. It literally took me 2 years for them to stop doing the autodeduction from my account after I stopped using it. Fuhgedabout a refund.

  17. J. Potter says:

    Sorry, slight correction, Corsi does note the correct date about the video and the message, 1.24.09. The argument remains the same, the “letter” is suspicious because it is dated same day. Even funnier because with 4 days, it wery well could have been mailed, more so because the video and accompanying print publications imply the message was sent through Abercombie.

  18. Northland10 says:

    Shoot I can’t remember my compuserv number anymore.

    I believe I may have forgotten my username for the UIowa BBS..

  19. 70435,1010, password miner-sultan

    Keith: Shoot I can’t remember my compuserv number anymore

  20. Loren says:

    The footnote in question:

    141 “Suspicious Letter Regarding Obama’s Birth,”, posted July 9, 2009, at

    So Corsi does provide a URL for a copy of the video, but he chose one entitled “Suspicious Letter Regarding Obama’s Birth,” where the comments of the person posting the video are skeptical of the letter’s authenticity.

    Interestingly, it’s the only video uploaded by that individual, and the only YouTube channel to which he subscribes is worldaheadpublishing, which describes itself as the exclusive publisher of “WND Books” and has a picture of Corsi as its avatar.

  21. Diagnosis says:

    Dr. Conspiracy et al,

    Can you give me your official position on what the long form actually is? For example, is it a real original document that was scanned? I guess another way of asking is, “How did a registered official acquire the .pdf that was posted on the site?


  22. marshman508 says:

    What is the big deal about the video?

  23. The press release from the Hawaii Department of Health, and other statements by them indicate that the original birth certificate resides in a bound volume of 1961 certificates currently located in an office safe at the Health Department. The State says that they made two certified copies of the certificate and gave them to Obama’s representative Judith Corley on April 25, who flew them back to Washington.

    The process of making a certified copy is to photocopy (either on a photocopy machine or a computer scanner/printer) the plain paper original certificate onto the green basketweave security paper and to apply the state seal, the registrar’s signature stamp and the issuance date stamp.

    I presume that the White House then took the certified copy Corley brought back from Hawaii and scanned it and saved it as a PDF for the White House web site. They also photocopied it and handed out the copies in a press kit at the news conference. NBC News correspondent Savanah Guthrie also made a cell-phone camera photo of the certified copy.

    Diagnosis: Can you give me your official position on what the long form actually is? For example, is it a real original document that was scanned? I guess another way of asking is, “How did a registered official acquire the .pdf that was posted on the site?

  24. Diagnosis says:

    Thank you for your response, Dr. Con.

  25. Scientist says:

    Diagnosis: Dr. Conspiracy et al,Can you give me your official position on what the long form actually is? For example, is it a real original document that was scanned? I guess another way of asking is, “How did a registered official acquire the .pdf that was posted on the site?Thanks.

    No one here is an official so how can our position be official?

    The actual officials of Hawaii have said the following:

    The original, which rests in Honolulu within a bound volume along with all the other originals from the same time period was photocopied onto security paper in the presence of the Director of the Bureau of Vital Records and other senior State officials. The Director affixed a seal and stamp to the documents, certifying it as an official State document. The document (actually 2 copies) was personallyy flown to washington by the President’s personal attorney. The pdf and the jpeg were created by scanning the paper document at the White House. The paper document remains at the White House and has been seen and touched and photographed by reporters.

  26. I updated the reply with a couple of more details and replaced the Hawaii Department of Health FAQ page with a direct link to the latest press release.

    I am really surprised at all of the confusion surrounding the PDF, including Vogt’s ridiculous assertion that the Hawaii Dept. of Health made it. I mean, if you or anybody else put a PDF copy of their birth certificate online, how would they do it? The same way Obama did, order a copy from the state and then scan it.

    Anyhow, always happy to help out.

    Diagnosis: Thank you for your response, Dr. Con.

  27. Keith says:

    J.Potter: The Gov. clearly said it was the first “message” sent. Almost certainly an emailed statement taken by dictation, or prepared by staff in advance. Even as old as Corsi is, surely he has heard of telegrams? The man is stuck in the 19th century.

    Abercrombie was not Governor yet. Lingle was.

    I believe the document Abercrombie read was on White House stationery so not a telegram (which don’t really exist anymore). Most likely it was a Fax, or a (shudder) PDF attachment to an email.

    There may have been an “original” in the mail, or the PDF could have been considered the original. Or I may be wrong, Abercrombie may have read off an email containing the text of the letter that was on its way via snail mail.

    In any case, the assumption that the only way the President of the United States could communicate with people in the State of Hawaii from Washington is via snail mail is ludicrous.

  28. J.Potter says:

    Keith, yep, I got several details wrong, laughing too hard about the ridiculous take Corsi presented. So myopic in so many ways.

    I was joking about telegrams, pointing out that same day communication has been around for a long time. No reason for Corsi’s to call it suspicious based on the date.

    If it’s associated with Obama, it’s suspicious.

  29. Bran Mak Morn says:

    I would also point out that the facebook software seems to act weird when doing posts, and I think there might be key combinations which lead to a post being removed. I’ve often posted and found my post not exist — in threads I created. Some words clearly are banned from use. I don’t know them all, but it’s just a thought. Not, of course, for posts where they were clearly up and someone wrote a reply, but, for other posts there.

  30. WookieGroomer says:

    This isn’t a statement made in any official context. Do you really think it’s reasonable to say there is zero chance Abercrombie might be covering for Obama? WND also mentioned that Kapiolani removed the letter from the WH after the story was posted. It sounds to me like someone at the hospital decided to verify when they heard WND start asking questions…only to discover that the paperwork isn’t there. Either way, a YouTube video of a non-official, and certainly not legally binding, statement is proof of nothing. Private investigators say that there is no record at Kapiolani during the relevant time period for Ann Dunham. If they made a YouTube video of their investigation results would you consider that evidence as well?

  31. aarrgghh says:

    any and all communications, whether written or spoken, presented in any format, by an official carrying out any duty in their official capacity (“under the color of office”) are official statements.

    even if you don’t like it.

    This isn’t a statement made in any official context.

  32. aarrgghh says:

    more official statements:

    “I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact …”

    — gov linda lingle

    “It’s a valid Hawaii state birth certificate.”

    — hawaii doh spokesman janice okubo

    “I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen.”

    (goalpost move countdown minus 3, 2, 1 …)

  33. Scientist says:

    WookieGroomer: Private investigators say that there is no record at Kapiolani during the relevant time period for Ann Dunham. If they made a YouTube video of their investigation results would you consider that evidence as well?

    Hospitals don’t keep records for 50 years. The birth certificate shows the place of birth, which is the definitive record.

    Besides I was there…

  34. obsolete says:

    It’s still posted. You have fallen for more WND lies.

    WookieGroomer: Private investigators say that there is no record at Kapiolani during the relevant time period for Ann Dunham.

    I call BS. Who are these “investigators”? Trumps?
    You do know that:
    A- Hospitals are not where birth certificates are kept.
    B- Hospitals probably don’t keep records 50 years old.
    C- Any records they may have are covered by HIPAA laws.

    Why don’t you try to get your own Mom’s medical records from the hospital you were born at? Report back here when you are denied.

  35. misha says:

    WookieGroomer: Do you really think it’s reasonable to say there is zero chance Abercrombie might be covering for Obama?

    My dear Wookie: Please read my comment; I have conveniently provided the link. Also, Star Wars is sooo Seventies. Also, please read my complete debunking:

    I’ll try this again: Linda Lingle is Jewish. She felt McCain/Palin would be better for Israel than Obama.

    If she could have found anything, the GOP would have used it with glee.

    Sorry, birthers.

  36. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    This isn’t a statement made in any official context. Do you really think it’s reasonable to say there is zero chance Abercrombie might be covering for Obama? WND also mentioned that Kapiolani removed the letter from the WH after the story was posted. It sounds to me like someone at the hospital decided to verify when they heard WND start asking questions…only to discover that the paperwork isn’t there. Either way, a YouTube video of a non-official, and certainly not legally binding, statement is proof of nothing. Private investigators say that there is no record at Kapiolani during the relevant time period for Ann Dunham. If they made a YouTube video of their investigation results would you consider that evidence as well?

    Isn’t it more possible that WND is lying to you and you’re entirely too gullible. Why is it these supposed private investigators have no names? Why is it WND continues to post no proof of anything they claim? They just make a claim and you zombies eat it up

  37. I think that it reasonable to say that chance Abercrombie, Lingle, Fukino and Fuddy are ALL covering for Obama is zero.

    You say that a Private Investigator says there is no record at Kapi’olani. So what is the name of the investigator? Who did he talk to. What did they say? You don’t even ask the basic questions, yet you go around the Internet posting stuff like this.

    When you say that, and that a press release by the Hawaii Department of Health “proves nothing” I think that you’re not evaluating evidence rationally.

    WookieGroomer: Do you really think it’s reasonable to say there is zero chance Abercrombie might be covering for Obama?

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